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5.55% Naruto Game of Shadows / Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Capítulo 8: Chapter 8

Two days after my chat with Iruka-sensei, I added Senbon to my Shurikenjutsu practice. It didn't go too well, but it wasn't horrible, probably due to the level of the skill. That didn't make throwing them any less uncomfortable. They were completely different to kunai and shuriken, which were the things I was used to. So, the first couple of classes the skill didn't really go up at all. Once I got the gist of it though, it skyrocketed to this:


Shuriken Throwing – Lvl 12

Increases accuracy against a stationary target with a shuriken by 100%.

Increases accuracy against a moving target with a shuriken by 20%.

Kunai Throwing – Lvl 12

Increases accuracy against a stationary target with a kunai by 100%.

Increases accuracy against a moving target with a kunai by 20%.

Senbon Throwing – Lvl 7

Increases accuracy against a stationary target with a senbon by 70%.]

It leveled a lot faster than its counterparts had, which surprised me quite a bit at first. It didn't take me long to formulate a decent theory about the reason though. My best guess was that its fast development was due to a combination of my improved Dexterity stat and me already having a decent accuracy with other Shurikenjutsu weapons.

Sadly, as showed, the other skills didn't go up much or at all. I guessed they would stay the same until we started practicing with moving targets, which Iruka had confirmed would happen after the first half of the academic year. That meant those skills would stay the same for a month and a half. It didn't bother me too much, I had enough skills to deal with as it was.

An interesting development was that there were a couple of people that followed me into taking Senbon too. Those were, Sasuke, Ino and much to the surprise of everybody, Shikamaru. Everybody but me, that is. After our little chat while playing Shogi, my Nara friend had started training more. He wasn't a hard worker by any means, we wouldn't get rid of his lazy nature anytime soon, it seemed. But he did start joining our spars more often. He had also started working a lot on his Shurikenjutsu, a lot for someone like him at least. I was just happy he was taking his training more seriously.

His newfound motivation didn't go unnoticed by our other friends for long. The reactions had been varied but ultimately, all of them had ended confused. Confused by his explanation that is. 'I'll train for the sake of my unremarkable life' he had said. Nobody besides me got his meaning but they stopped asking after a while.

However, it did have one more consequence, and that was that it motivated everyone to train harder. Naruto and Chouji started to spar almost all the time while we stayed in any of the two clan compounds. Shino even started hanging out with us more and he joined Shikamaru and me in our extra Shurikenjutsu training.

One more change to my everyday routine was the addition Free Running. Once I took a look at it, it had instantly replaced Running as favorite skill.

[Free Running (Active) – Lvl 1

When used increases the speed of the user while running by 5%

When used increases the strength of the user while jumping by 5%

When used increases the strength of the user while maneuvering by 5%

Consumption – 20 Energy Points per second]

It was a beautiful sight. As I found out with time, it escalated a little slower than Running as it was only 5% every level, but I guessed it would ultimately be the same if it didn't stop at level 10 like its predecessor had. It was also more expensive, but its cost dropped by one Point every two levels apparently, which meant that the cost would ultimately be 10 if it stopped at level 20. Those were good numbers in my opinion. It was more expensive, but it offered much more than Running did. It was worth it for me.

Also, free running was so much more fun than simple running. It quickly became my favorite hobby as of that moment. I couldn't wait for the buffs to be maxed and start jumping from building to building like those parkour videos I had seeing in my previous life. That would be just plain awesome. For now though, I just trained the skill without activating it to save Energy while on my way to the Academy and actively while on my free time after classes.

On a completely unrelated note, I had finally gotten Shikamaru to use his thinking posture while playing. At the moment, I didn't know if I should feel proud or dejected. That match hadn't lasted long after that, after all. Ultimately, I just decided to be proud. Shikamaru had been in an unusually good mood after that, so I took it as a 'win'.

This were all the changes that my routine suffered during my fifth month in the Naruto World. Which isn't to say that those were the only things of notice. Oh, no. A lot more happened, and when I say a lot, I mean a lot.


"Satou." The sound of the voice alone was enough to silence the whole classroom right when everyone was preparing themselves to leave for the day. After all, it wasn't very often that we heard the last Uchiha talking, much less calling out to someone. My red eyes moved through the room until they fell on the dark-haired boy.

"Uchiha?" I asked in the same tone he had talked. I got it, he suffered and suffers a lot. But his broodiness was just a bit too much. It bothered me, even if I understood.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" He asked, almost politely.

"Want us to wait for you, Eiji?" Shino asked. We had been preparing ourselves for our daily Stealth practice after all.

"Go ahead, guys. I'll meet you at Chouji's house." They gave several replies and goodbyes before leaving the room. The rest of the class stayed there, probably to gossip about whatever Sasuke wanted to talk about. I groaned. "Better a change of scenery, don't you think?" I asked him and he nodded with an annoyed scowl. For once, I didn't reproach his expression internally.

After that, he left the room and I followed while rolling my eyes. He just left expecting me to go behind him. I couldn't wait to beat him for real in a spar. Maybe that would shake him out of his avenger thoughts. Some classmates even had the audacity to follow us and he groaned again as he guided me to the Uchiha compound. It was pretty far actually, must have been a pain for him to do the trip every day.

Looking around, it gave a new perspective to the survivor's constant mood. I would be like that if I lived alone in such a big place. He probably was reminded of a lot of memories just by being there too. If we ever got close, the first thing I would do would be to get him out of the place. It was a constant source of pain for the last Uchiha, that was for sure.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked as we entered his house and sat in a table. He didn't offer anything, but at this point I was beyond expecting any kindness or politeness from him.

"How did you get so strong?" He asked bluntly and I resisted the urge to sigh. I was prepared for this chat. I truly was. But I just hoped he would be better than that.

"Training." I replied simply and he scowled at me.

"I train too. Every free hour I have is spent training. That can't be the only thing." He countered and I contemplated the idea of evading his question and just getting out. However, he would probably continue asking if I didn't answer.

"Well, that can be one reason. Training all the time will end up hindering your growth instead of the opposite. You need rest too. Your diet can be another factor." I explained and his scowl slowly disappeared giving place to a thoughtful expression.

"Anything else?" He asked, his tone much more inviting than before. I looked at him for a moment considering my next words. This could change his life or it could push him even more down his hate filled hole.

"Besides what I said. Is there any difference you see between the two of us?" I asked unsure and he stared at me in confusion before speaking.

"We have different pasts. We both are orphans but… there are big differences still." He said, his whole body-language screamed guarded. I suppressed a sigh. Of course, he would say something like that. It's why Naruto's attempt to relate hadn't worked in canon. That's why I wasn't going for that argument.

"I meant in a more recent manner." I clarified and he took another moment to think.

"You mean… the others?" Bingo, I thought to myself while suppressing a smile.

"Yeah. I won't tell you that friendship gave me power or something like that." I explained quickly as I saw him scowl again. "But they help a lot in my training. We train together in Shurikenjutsu, usually pointing the other's mistakes and helping correcting them. We also spar together to practice Taijutsu, doing the kata exercises is all well and good but actual spars help a lot too. We also do stealth practice after school almost every day." I told him, trying and possibly failing to contain my excitement. If I got Sasuke to be part of the group we could save him from leaving, giving him a much deeper connection than what he had with Naruto in canon.

"Hn." Oh, there was the grunt. I was wondering if the fanfics had been exaggerating. "I see." He added as if to translate his previous grunt and then stood up. I guessed that was all. After this, I could only hope my words would be enough. I had done what I could. Maybe an actual beating would help?

"Well, if that was all." I said standing up myself and following him back to the entrance. "See you tomorrow."

"See you." He said curtly before he seemed to hesitate for a second. "Thank you." And then he closed the door. I smiled to myself. That wasn't fantastic, but I thought it went pretty well, if I do say so myself.


"Honestly, I don't know why you bothered answering his questions. He just wants to beat you, believe it." Said an annoyed Naruto while I just rolled my eyes.

"So? I don't care. And even if I did, it'll just mean that I have one more person to challenge me." I said dismissively getting a groan out of Shikamaru.

"Why do you have to make things so troublesome for yourself. It doesn't even involve me and it still bothers me." He said while lying on the ground.

"Can you stop looking for excuses to stop doing your exercises?" I asked amused and he groaned again.

"Why do you have to always ruin it?" He complained while starting with his sit-ups again.

"All for your unremarkable life, isn't it?" I shot back and he groaned but stayed silent this time.

"Someday you'll have to tell us what the hell is that all about." Naruto said getting a firm nod from Chouji.

"You'll understand when you are older." I replied and instantly ignored their 'Oi!' cry and Shikamaru's snort. It became even easier as something called for my attention.

[Constitution has gone up a level.]

[New Perk Acquired: Autodidact.]


Improves the rate at which the user's stats and skills improve when training without a teacher by 10%]

'Cool. Wait… why the hell did I get this Perk while in class? … It has something to do with the Constitution point but… Status.'

[Eiji Satou

Title: Academy Student

Energy Points: 400/400

Chakra Points: 180/180

Strength: 18

Dexterity: 18

Constitution: 20

Chakra: 18

Chakra control: E]

'Something to do with getting to 20 points in Constitution? No, the specific stat wouldn't make sense. Just the number 20? But then… Why 20? And why during class?' I couldn't quite make sense of it no matter how much I tried until in the end, I decided to just give up. 'Doesn't matter. I won't complain because of a free Perk.' I thought while internally shrugging. It was a great Perk too, so, I counted that as a win either way. Especially now that my progress had slowed down a lot both in stats and skills.

I just had to look at Strength and Dexterity. Despite Physical Conditioning's incredible buff, the latter still had caught up to the former. Still, I was sure Strength would go up any moment but it was still concerning. After the 20s it would be a pain to level my stats, I just knew it.

'Maybe I'll have to look up the price for some weights.' I grimaced at the very thought. I didn't exactly have much money saved. I wouldn't blame having to feed Naruto for that though, he paid for his own food after all. No, the problem was that all my training had me eating like a shounen main character. Not to mention that I had to save money to equip myself once I graduated from the Academy. And considering that Bukijutsu was one of the classes I was considering taking, whatever weapon I chose to train with would have to be bought too. I sighed. 'I might need to get a job.'

And with that thought, I spent the rest of the classes thinking about what to do. I could probably get a job at Ichiraku's with my Cooking maxed, but I probably wouldn't win much there. Poor Naruto wasn't doing the place any favors by promoting it, not that anyone could blame that on him. However, there were other places where I could apply that skill for work.

Or there was the fanfic normal route of applying at Higurashi's. Although, I wasn't sure I would gain much considering that I didn't have skills to apply there. And I didn't think they would employ me for much if I didn't know anything related to the job. An apprenticeship would be cool, yes, but it also would be time consuming. The job by itself would set me back by a lot, if I also had to train for it outside of there… No, it was better to do something I was already prepared for. A restaurant would do just fine.

"Eiji, can you stay for a moment after classes?" Iruka called out as everyone was readying to leave.

"Can you guys wait for me? I really don't want to lose another day and sensei shouldn't take too much time with whatever this is about." I asked my group of friends. They nodded without a thought and left the room. I meant my words thought, I really didn't feel like missing another day of training with them. After my little chat with Sasuke the day before, I had to go directly to my apartment. His compound was almost on the other side of the village, so between the walk there, the time spent with our conversation and the way back, half my free time had been wasted. "You wanted to talk to me sensei?"

"Yes." He nodded looking over his papers before looking at me from across the desk. "This is about what you talked with me the other day." My eyes widened. 'My chakra training?' "I've been given permission to start training you in chakra control exercises, IF…!" He added quickly as I was about to do a most definitely lame victory dance. I looked back at him instantly. "if you maintain your current level in all the exercises and only after the mid-year exams. If you pass them in the first place, I'll start your chakra training but only in chakra control."

I stared at him with one of my biggest grins yet. What did it matter if it was only chakra control? It would be a huge help to me if I decided to take a chakra-based elective the next year. Just getting one or two levels over the others would reduce the hit my standing in the class would suffer once we started using chakra. It was enough for me.

"One more thing." My full attention was once again turned to the scarred teacher. "You will only train chakra control, as I said. I don't want to be even partly responsible for your death because you tried to do something stupid like strengthening your muscles and ended up blowing them up." I resisted the urge to gulp. That had been an idea, I thought sheepishly. Iruka seemed to see right through me though, and gave me a disappointed shake of his head before continuing. "Keep yourself only on chakra control exercises and if you get far enough and maintain your place at the top of the class…" He made a dramatic pause with a smirk as I hung on the edge of my seat. "and you will be allowed a third elective."

Now, most of my class would think that was a punishment. I mean, more classes? Who wanted more classes? Well… me, as a matter of fact. My friends were already calling me a training maniac, and I would gladly receive that title if it got me closer to dealing with all the shit that would come with a few less deaths and a little less suffering. This wasn't about me surviving anymore, it was about all of us surviving.

"Yes." I all but shouted as I looked intently at his eyes. "I'll do it. I won't disappoint you, Iruka-sensei. I'll be Rookie of the Year, just you wait." I said with confidence. I was already pretty confident before, but with this? It was almost a fact. Not that I would let that slow my training. No, the thought of Madara and Kaguya was enough to instantly vanish any overconfidence I could have had.

"I'll be waiting." He replied with a warm smile.

"See you, sensei. I have to start preparing."



"Do we have to have dinner with them? We just met at the Akimichi compound last week." I complained making an effort not to sound whiny. I really didn't need to deal with my father telling me that I was adorable while doing so. It was so embarrassing mum had started using that as a threat, an effective one at that.

"Yes, we have to. They are family friends and clan allies." Mum shut down any little hope I could have had instantly and I had to resist the urge to groan.

I understood, I really did. But meeting the Akimichi head family and the Nara head family was something that we did every single week. Furthermore, while Shikamaru and Chouji weren't the worst people to hang around, there was only so much laziness and gluttony that I could put up with. What was worse, now they regularly hung out with Naruto and Shino. The former being almost as bad as Chouji when regarding food, not to mention his obnoxious personality and his hideous outfit. And then there was the Aburame, who was just plain creepy.

The only remotely normal person on the group was Eiji. Be I had my own problem in regards to the Satou. He had been in my mind more than I would like to admit out loud, or at all. But ever since he had beaten Kiba on the lap runs, his presence had been intriguing to say the least. It had been a good change to be honest, having someone break the semblance of normalcy that had formed the previous year.

There hadn't been surprises at all back then. The clan heirs had been at the top, Sasuke had been the top of the top. Shikamaru was lazy. Chouji liked to eat. You could barely know Shino was there. Sakura blinded you with the shine of her massive forehead. Hinata was so shy you barely remembered her normal voice. Kiba and Naruto were a complete headache. And there was me, being just plain awesome.

But then the new year started. A kid came out of nowhere and challenged the established system and one couldn't help but wonder, what would he do next to break our perception of normalcy? Because he seemed to take it as a life mission to destroy anything you thought was a fact.

He caught up with the fastest of the class and eventually surpassed them. He took the first place of the Taijutsu spars. He was the very first to get an absolutely perfect round in Shurikenjutsu practice and take up Senbon training. What the hell would he do now that he didn't have any more of things to take over in class?

And it wasn't even that he only surprised during class. Oh, no, there was much more. Like being the first to befriend Naruto. It took a special kind of patience to put up with the boy after all. Then he went and befriended Shikamaru and Chouji. And he got Chouji to fight. It blew my mind. How had he managed to make that gentle soul throw punches?

But that wasn't all, no. The thing that had made me give up logic wasn't even the fact that he beat Sasuke (however underhanded) in a spar. No, it was that he made Shikamaru get up from his stupid Shogi board and freaking train. It was like he was taking the rules of the world and throwing them out the window!

At some point it had gone from interesting to annoying. It gave me the feeling that the world around me was being torn apart.

"We are here, Ino-chan." My father broke me from my thoughts and I my shoulders sagged in defeat. I would have to put up with the weirdo group once again it would seem. It had become somewhat normal to do so. Sometimes Naruto wouldn't be there, or maybe Eiji. But there was almost always at least one of them. Nowadays, Shino would be there too from time to time.

"Aaargh! That posture has to be a cheat of some kind. It just has to be!" I heard a voice complain and I rolled my eyes. Even I knew this argument was old.

"Just give up, Eiji. Us, lesser ones, must just accept the stupidly overpowered mind of the Naras." Said the Akimichi Clan Head in a joking voice.

"I refuse. I'll beat you. It'll happen, mark my words." The red-eyed boy replied with confidence and I snorted. Nobody could beat a Nara in Shogi. It just didn't happen. And then I froze. 'I just jinxed it, didn't I?'

"Ino-chan!" Greeted animatedly my only fellow blonde in class, Naruto. I forced a polite smile and greeted back, I didn't feel like putting up with my parents after the meeting, again.

"Hello, Naruto. How have you been?" Never mind that we had left the same classroom not more than a few hours ago. I just had to ask for politeness sake or I would get a scolding from mum.

"We've been great. Chouji and I just decided to take a break from our spars. And Eiji and Shikamaru… well, you know how it goes." And I couldn't help but nod in agreement. It was rare to see those two together without them playing against each other. Although, now that Shikamaru trained from time to time, they could also be found doing that. The mere thought still felt strange.

"I wonder when he'll give up." I mused, mostly to myself.

"He won't." The knucklehead answered instantly.

"He will, nobody beats a Nara in Shogi." I countered instantly.

"I bet you would have said the same thing about Sasuke-teme in a Taijutsu spar." He shot back and I had to bit my tongue in order not to lash out. Everybody knew that Naruto and Sasuke didn't get along. Everybody also knew that the blonde took great pleasure in bragging about his friend's victory over the last Uchiha. Although, I had never seeing the actual miracle-maker do any bragging, it was strange.

"It was a cheap trick." I said trying to make the statement sound as strong as I could. It was in vain though. I knew that wasn't a good excuse. Ninja didn't fight fair, no matter how much Forehead wanted to believe they did. Honestly, she was too smart to believe shit like that. Apparently though, I was wrong.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that." I felt my eyebrow twitching.

"You could at least brag about something you did instead of what others do." I said this time and it was his turn to twitch. 'Ha, take that you fashion disaster.'

"Naruto, we are guests here. And it's the meeting of the three Clan head families. We shouldn't even be here. Play nice." Eiji chided from where he sat, facing away, just as Naruto was about to reply something. Huh, they really knew each other well. The blonde slumped as he turned towards his friends.

"Ok ok, I won that argument though." I felt myself getting annoyed once more before taking a deep breath to keep myself from lashing out. My mum was sure to be staring a hole through the back of my head right that moment.

"And honestly, do you want to get into an argument with her?" Eiji asked with an amused expression and I went still. "Have you seen her 'chats' with Sakura? We would be here all night." He finished while chuckling and getting a snort from all the others as Naruto mock shivered.

"Thanks for that, Eiji. You saved me."

"Anytime, Godaime." He said mock beaming at his friend. This time it took several deep breaths to calm myself down as I sat at the table with the rest of the adults. Most of them watching intently at the Shogi match going on between the two boys as the rest of the little group talked between themselves around the board. Soon enough, the Satou was defeated once again and groaned. "Someday." He grumbled to himself.

"Never happening." I couldn't help but say.

"Ino." My mother called out with a chiding tone and I stopped myself from shrugging.

"Doesn't matter, I'll just prove her wrong, as I did when I beat Sasuke at everything." I hated the raven-haired boy's good-naturedly tone as he spoke, shooting a reassuring smile at my mother. I hated the way the clanless orphan had come to speak so freely with clan heads. And they loved it. How many logic rules would he break?

All the chatting stopped though, when we heard a knock on the door. Yoshino stood up excusing herself and walked towards the entrance to see who it was. As the door opened the temperature of the room seemed to drop dramatically as an ANBU was spotted just out the doorstep.

"Did something happen?" It was shocking contrast, to see Shikaku Nara go from a lazy old version of Shikamaru to someone that made your back straighten with just three words. I didn't even notice that the Nara Clan Head had moved until I saw him standing right beside his wife.

"I'm here for Uzumaki-san." All eyes turned to Naruto as his face showed both nervousness and fear.

"W-What happened?" He asked in a shaky voice.

"There was an attack to your apartment." The ANBU replied. "If you would follow me. I have orders from the Hokage to take you there in order for you to look for things that may have survived the attack and then take you to him."

"Can I go too?" This time the attention turned to a red-eyed raven-haired boy. I felt my breath caught up in my throat. I had seen Eiji annoyed, he was pretty much every time Kiba opened his mouth. I had seen him determined every time he participated in any activity at the Academy. I had even seen him angry, whenever Kiba said something about Naruto or any of his friends.

This Eiji though, I had never seen. His words were polite and unassuming. His tone though… My eyes couldn't help but travel towards Shikaku, who was eyeing the boy with an unreadable expression.

However, his voice was one of the least important things to notice. Not even his impassive and cold expression that clashed spectacularly with his normally easy-going attitude. No, the most shocking thing that I saw in him at that moment were his eyes. I had never noticed how much his eyes resembled the color of blood.

"I was tasked with taking just Uzumaki-san with me." The ANBU replied as if not noticing the boy's demeanor or not caring about it.

"Can… can he come with me?" Naruto asked his voice lazed with something that I couldn't place as his expression turned to one, I had never seen in him, dejection.

"Take the boy too." Shikaku told the ANBU who instantly nodded.

"Yes, Nara-sama. If you would." And then the ninja extended both arms towards the boys who took them without hesitation and then they vanished. Not before I could take another look at Eiji's eyes and felt a chill run down my spine.

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