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37.14% Harry Potter : Rise of the Wizards / Chapter 13: Back to School

Capítulo 13: Back to School

Ron and Hermione spent the last few days agonising over what Malfoy was up to. They were careful to ensure that Harry did not hear a word of that discussion along with other members in the Burrow. As a result of which, they would often disappear alone together, something that Harry and Ginny had noticed but paid scant attention to. Harry for one had better things to do with his time and every moment they were busy with each other was time he could do whatever he wanted to do without their notice. Of course there still was Ginny, but as she had spent most of the summer writing to Dean or visiting Luna Lovegood, it meant that Harry had all the time to do whatever he chose to do. All he had to do was ensure that he had a plausible alibi. Something he took great pains in ensuring.

He also hung around with Bill a lot. It had started out with Bill tutoring him in Runes and Arithmancy, as Bill knew a lot of the subjects due to his profession. It then grew from there to include lessons in unarmed combat since Bill thought that Harry should know how to throw a punch effectively. Eventually he and Harry had built a rapport between them till Harry almost looked to Bill as a sort of older brother. The resulting roughhousing and wrestling that the two did as a result of the sparring matches furthered this relationship.

When Bill wasn't around, Fleur certainly could be found in the Burrow. While she did not stay at the house (preferring to stay at her intended's flat) she would always be around during the day to help around the house, much to Mrs. Weasley's immense displeasure. Since Mrs. Weasley didn't have much work (or wasn't willing to let Fleur do anything in the house) that left Fleur with a lot of free time. Something she used to spend with her fellow Triwizard champion, giving him lessons in French and supplementing Bill's lessons in Runes and Arithmancy. While Fleur wasn't as knowledgeable as Bill, she was no slouch. And Harry certainly wasn't complaining. He knew she was taken, but it did not hurt to look...

All in all by the time the first of September came around, Harry had a better understanding of Runes and Arithmancy than the books could give him, along with a passing understanding of French. While Harry wasn't exactly a savant du Française, (in fact, he was complete pants at it) he still knew enough to say a few sentences ... or fake complete knowledge of the language, depending on the person (girl) he was talking to. Though the one thing he had picked up with complete proficiency was how to swear in French, much to Fleur's bemusement.

On the morning of the first, Harry was the first person out with his trunk packed and owl cage placed neatly on top with said owl in the cage. He was shortly joined by Mrs. Weasley along with the rest of his friends.

'Good to see that you had packed well in advance Harry dear,' said Mrs. Weasley. 'At least you did not leave it till the last minute.' She cast a subtle glance at Ron who completely missed the barb.

Harry just smiled in response. He had his trunk packed rather neatly by one of his elves, but did not see the wisdom in telling Mrs. Weasley that.

Bill and Fleur came out just as the Ministry cars glided to a stop in front of the Burrow.

'Au revoir 'Arry,' said Fleur throatily as she kissed Harry on both his cheeks. Because he was in her presence for so long, that only brought about a hint of colour on Harry's face. 'I look forward to meeting you again. Perhaps I will be able to teach you how to properly speak Française without sounding like an imbécile, no?'

'I doubt that, but I look forward to it regardless,' said Harry with a broad grin.

'Take care, Harry,' said Bill slapping his back. He took out a book from the pocket of his robes and surreptitiously gave it to Harry. 'A copy of a list of all the spells that I have found in my travels abroad,' he explained. 'You will also find some good wards in there as well. I hope you find it useful!'

'Wow, thanks Bill,' said Harry awed at the gift he was being given.

'It was no problem Harry. I have a feeling that you will put it to good use. Just ... take care of yourself, all right?' replied Bill gruffly.

Their moment was interrupted by a loud thud followed by a pained and indignant 'Oi!' Looking down, Harry saw that Ron was sprawled on the ground.

'Alright there mate?' he asked him as he helped his friend on his feet.

Ron just mumbled something unintelligible as he hurriedly got into the car, the tips of his ears red and his clothes dirty. Harry noticed a triumphant smirk on Ginny's face giving him an idea of what had happened. Rolling his eyes, Harry said a final goodbye to Bill and Fleur before getting inside.

'Hurry up Arthur,' called out Mrs. Weasley.

'Coming,' said Mr. Weasley as he closed the front door. He got into the car at the front along with his wife and Ginny.

And they were off in what was one of the best and smoothest departures to the station in Mrs. Weasley's opinion. Something she hadn't had the pleasure of experiencing since ... well, since before the twins' first year at school.

As they reached the station, they were met by a pair of grim faced Aurors dressed in business suits that were waiting for them with the luggage trolleys. Moving with efficiency, the Auror guard quickly escorted them toward the barrier between platforms nine and ten.

'All right,' said Mrs. Weasley nervously, slightly off balance in the face of such cold efficiency. 'Ron, you and Harry go on first with one of the Aurors. After that Hermione goes in with Ginny. We'll follow shortly after that with the remaining Auror. Is that OK?' She addressed the last part to the pair of Aurors.

The first Auror, a bearded fellow slightly shorter than Harry nodded silently and grabbed Harry's arm above the elbow. Harry immediately extricated his arm from his grasp 'I don't think that is necessary, I am quite capable of defending myself and holding my arm is going to hamper both our movements if something does happen. However, if something does happen I promise to stick with you,' he told the Auror politely but firmly.

At this the Auror gave another nod with a look of approval on his face and set off towards the barrier with Harry following close behind.

Once everybody had crossed through, they set off towards the train. Quickly finding an empty compartment, they hefted their trunks and cages onto the luggage rack and hopped back out, where, after enduring another round of Mrs. Weasley's stifling hugs, they said their final goodbyes.

The train started moving in a few minutes while they were still out in the passageway. 'Well, Ron and I have to go to the front, since, you know, we're prefects.' Hermione said awkwardly after a few moments of silence. She then proceeded to drag a reluctant looking Ron to the front with a 'we'll see you later Harry,' thrown over her shoulder.

Ginny then took her leave, meeting up with her friends from her year. Harry just stared at her slightly surprised while standing alone in the passageway. It had completely slipped his mind that Ginny was a year below him and had friends of her own. Shaking his head he made his way to the compartment he had found earlier, making sure that nobody saw how irritated he was becoming at the staring.

And indeed people were staring at him. Although it was different this time since most people did not recognise him at first glance. Though it did not take them long to recognise him. Harry quickly made his way into the compartment all the while trying to ignore the dreamy stares the girls were sending his way, bumping into Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood on the way.

'Neville, Luna! How's tricks?' said Harry, a broad grin on his face greeting them as he led them into his compartment.

'Hey Harry,' said Neville shaking hands with him. 'You've grown,' he said as he noted the sudden height difference between the two.

'Yeah, about time if you ask me,' replied Harry. Sitting down he asked them how their summers had been. To this Neville eagerly showed him the new wand his grandmother had bought him to replace the old one that belonged to his father and had recently broken in the ministry just a few scant months back. Harry couldn't believe that it had been such a short time back. It certainly felt like a lifetime away.

'Hi Luna, how are you?'

'I'm fine, thank you very much,' said Luna

'Hey, what happened to your glasses Harry?' Neville asked his friend. This question was followed by a harrowing tale that left the shy pureblood questioning his friend's sanity.

As Neville tried to digest that and not throw up, he heard giggling coming from Luna. Turning around and watching her, he hoped that she had found something funny in the issue of the Quibbler that she was reading. The alternative was too scary to think about.

'The Quibbler going strong then?' said Harry as he noticed the paper the girl was holding. He had developed a fondness for the magazine ever since it had supported him the previous year.

'Oh yes, circulation's gone up,' said Luna happily behind a pair of psychedelic glasses that she had just put on that judging by the cover of the magazine were a pair of spectraspecs and had come with that issue of the Quibbler.

Just then Neville was distracted as Trevor made his customary bid for freedom. 'Oi, come back here Trevor!' he said as he dived under the seats in order to retrieve his toad.

As Neville was busy retrieving his toad, Luna inquired about the DA. Harry did not see it continuing this year as they no longer had Umbridge. Upon mentioning Umbridge, Neville popped back up wondering about what had really happened to the woman. He had seen her a few weeks back, mumbling to herself when he had gone to visit his parents. Harry fought to keep a silly grin from appearing on his face.

'It's too bad that you aren't continuing the DA this year Harry,' said Neville looking disappointed and getting back to the topic. 'I learnt loads thanks to you!'

Harry blushed slightly at this. 'I didn't do much Neville. You had the talent. All you needed was some help to bring it out,' he said earnestly.

'That may be true, but I think you sell yourself short mate. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have got an O in my O.W.L.s. Now if you don't mind, I need to get Trevor back.' With that Neville disappeared back under the seat.

'I liked the DA, it was like having friends,' said Luna serenely.

This was one of those uncomfortable things Luna said that had Harry feeling a mixture of embarrassment and pity. Before he could respond however, there was a disturbance outside the door that turned out to be a bunch of fourth-year girls giggling loudly and whispering to each other.

Eventually they had reached a decision as a bold-looking girl with large dark eyes and a prominent chin declared loudly, 'I'll do it,' and entered the compartment.

'Hi Harry,' she said loudly. 'I'm Romilda, Romilda Vane. Why don't you join us in our compartment? You don't have to sit with them,' she said the last in a stage whisper, indicating Neville's bottom that was sticking out from under the seat and at Luna who was looking like a rather demented owl wearing her spectraspecs.

Harry gave a lazy look at Romilda and her giggling band of girls who blushed at his gaze and made a show of regarding Neville who had emerged out from the seat and Luna who was looking at the whole thing serenely before speaking.

'Why don't I have to sit with them?' he asked Romilda. 'Here,' he gestured at Neville with a wide sweeping motion of his hand, 'is the bloke who looked at Bellatrix Lestrange, Voldemort's most feared Death Eater in the eye, and spat in her face! And that was after she cast the Cruciatus Curse on him! Hell, he didn't even make a sound when she cast the Unforgiveable on him! And that,' he gestured at Luna with the same sweeping motions looking very much like an actor in a courtroom drama, 'is a girl who fought Jugson, Dolohov, the three Lestranges, Nott, Crabbe, Rookwood, Mulciber, Avery, Macnair and Lucius Malfoy, and came out of the whole thing without even a scratch! Why wouldn't I want to hang out with them? Hell, the question you should be asking is, "why are they sitting with me?"' Harry finished with a flourish, deliberately not looking at Neville's face as it got redder and redder.

'Oh I don't know Harry,' said Neville wryly regaining his composure. 'It may have something with you being the guy who not only faced all of those people, but also the person whom they follow as well.'

'I guess you have a point there,' said Harry pretending to think about it.

'Um, I think we should be going now,' said a slightly dazed Romilda Vane. She and the other girls made a hasty retreat, not before the other girls gave both the boys an awed look.

As soon as the door closed behind the last giggling girl, Harry burst out laughing. 'That was brilliant mate!' he said to Neville.

Neville on the other hand was looking rather shocked with himself. 'I-I can't believe I said all that,' he said in wonder, obviously surprised at his sudden bout of confidence.

'Well, I do believe you said it. I was there, I heard it,' said Harry. 'You just have to believe in yourself Neville. You have the potential. You did face down a dozen Death Eaters after all.' Neville turned pink at the praise, clearly not used to it.

'Yes, but I don't remember looking Bellatrix in the eye and spitting in her face.' He said slowly.

'Yeah, that was bound to happen; you always did have a dodgy memory.' Harry quipped, smiling to take the sting out of his words. 'It must have been the Cruciatus curse she cast on you that made you forget.'

Neville smiled weakly at the joke, 'I also distinctly remember screaming my head off when she put that curse on me. It hurt that curse.' His body winced in remembered pain, 'I don't want to feel that again!'

'Details, details,' said Harry dismissively. 'I know that you screamed you know that you screamed, and so do Bellatrix and the other Death Eaters, but they don't. Well, Luna knows too now, but she's too nice to say otherwise, aren't you Luna?'

'Of course Harry!' said Luna sounding slightly excited at being included in things.

'There you go! Seeing as I'm the only credible witness and Bellatrix and the Death Eaters aren't going to be talking, people will have to believe me! After all, they know that I have been telling the truth for a whole year.'

Harry's words had Neville shaking his head and chuckling, 'You've changed a lot Harry, in a good way I think. It definitely beats the moody, specky git of last year.'

'I aim to please,' said Harry with a smirk. He considered saying a bit more, but decided against it. He didn't know Neville that long to get all deep and emotional. He didn't even do that with Ron. Then again, Ron did have the emotional range of a teaspoon. Instead, Harry changed the topic to the O.W.L.s which carried the conversation along.

Neville was wondering about his chances of making it into N.E.W.T. Transfiguration with his current scores when Ron and Hermione entered the compartment looking rather tired.

From what he could glean from them, it seemed that the prefects were going to be getting more responsibility due to the threat now represented by Lord Voldemort. Listening to the added responsibilities that the prefects had, Harry did not envy Ron and Hermione. He was glad that he wasn't a prefect, since it seemed that they now had their work cut out for them.

Looking out of the window Harry idly observed the weather outside. It was rather spotty today, being mainly cloudy with a hint of rain while the sun making a brief appearance now and then. He would be having a rather busy year this time. He would need to explore the Chamber of Secrets and hopefully find out what Salazar Slytherin had left his descendants. If the basilisk was in a decent enough condition, he also would need to see to rendering it into potions ingredients, to sell or perhaps use for himself. Also on his list of things to do was to find a way to get that sword from Dumbledore's office. He doubted the headmaster would just give it to him and didn't want to ask in case it made the man put up more security around the artefact. Asking would also lead to questions that Harry did not want to answer at this point.

Another long term goal was getting to know Daphne better. Harry grimaced at this; the girl was amusing, but pretty frosty. Though he had faced Voldemort, a Hungarian Horntail, a thousand year old basilisk and more importantly survived a relationship with Cho Chang. Daphne couldn't be any worse.

He was brought out of his thoughts by a timid knock on the door. Ron opened the door to reveal a nervous looking third year girl. Harry mentally sighed oh great, another fan girl wanting the "Chosen One" to sit with her, he thought.

'Yes, how may we help you?' Hermione asked the intimidated girl kindly.

'I have a note for Neville Longbottom and Harry P-Potter from Professor Slughorn,' said the girl nervously stuttering out Harry's name as she looked at him.

Harry took his note from her and thanked the girl, using her name which he found out via Legilimency, causing her to blush deeply before scurrying away at top speed. Shaking his head in silent amusement, he gave Neville his note and opened his to read.

'What does it say?' came Ron's voice suddenly, as he leaned forward in an attempt to read the letter in Harry's hands.

Harry immediately jerked away from Ron and fixed the redhead with a glare, irritated with his interference.

Before the situation could become tense, Neville interjected in a nervous and slightly perplexed voice, 'Who is Professor Slughorn, and what does he want me for?' Engrossed in the letter he completely missed the glare Harry had sent Ron for poking his nose in.

'New teacher,' said Harry shrugging. 'I guess we have to go since he did call us.'

With that, Harry and Neville rose and saying their goodbyes left for compartment C.

Entering it, Harry saw that he and Neville weren't the only guests, though if Slughorn's greeting was anything to go by, Harry was the most anticipated. There were two seventh years one of whom Harry was sure was in his house, a brief mental scan told Harry their names, though one of them, Cormac McLaggen had decent defences. Harry barely escaped notice from them; fortunately Cormac wasn't good at pinpointing passive Legilimency. Along with that were Susan Bones and a tall black boy in Harry's year with long slanting eyes. Harry also spied Ginny Weasley who had an expression on her face that gave the impression that she was still trying to figure out how she had ended up in the compartment to begin with.

'Harry! How are you?' said Susan.

'Susan,' Harry smiled warmly. 'I hope you're well?'

Harry sat down in the closest available space next to Susan while Neville sat down opposite him next to the tall dark skinned Slytherin boy who Harry remembered was called Blaise Zabini.

As he had the delicious food that Slughorn had procured for this little soiree, Harry watched his peers interact with Slughorn with fascination; as he had suspected, the people seated around him all were related in some form or another to someone influential whom Slughorn invariably knew. Harry quickly came to the realisation that most of the time it was what was unsaid that had more significance than what was said as he noted how Slughorn subtly let it be known that Marcus Belby wasn't that important to him after finding out that he wasn't that close to his uncle. Harry privately thought that it was a bit stupid of Belby to have said outright that he had no contact with his uncle. Harry found himself thinking that were he in Belby's place, he would have probably been vague enough to insinuate a relationship instead of being so ... blunt. Though perhaps Belby's honesty would have prevented a complication in the future? Harry really wasn't sure...

McLaggen was mildly interesting since he seemed to be rather close to the head of the Aurors and what sounded like two other important sounding wizards. That explained his rudimentary proficiency with Occlumency. Zabini on the other hand really made Harry nervous. From what Harry had heard, his mother was either really unfortunate, really lucky, or as he suspected, quite well versed in arranging accidental deaths. He had no idea what she had taught her son, and hoped he wouldn't have to find out the hard way.

Harry was careful to keep his expression blank as Slughorn commented about the failed attack on Amelia Bones when he was talking to Susan while fishing for information about the mysterious informant that had tipped off the Minister. Although his sources were clearly good since he somehow knew that Susan was the one who had obtained that information in the first place. Susan however, remained tight-lipped about the whole thing.

After what could be arguably counted as the most uncomfortable ten minutes of Neville's life, it was finally Harry's turn. Slughorn took a minute to eye Harry as if he were a particularly succulent piece of pheasant before beginning a three minute monologue on Harry's life gaining the attention of all the other occupants in the room with the exception of Ginny and Neville. Harry listened to that without comment; he was more than content to let his achievements do the talking for him. Besides, there really wasn't much to say.

When Ginny had opened her mouth to make a really scathing comment towards Zabini, Harry found out that not all of those gathered were selected for their relations. Apparently Slughorn had caught Ginny pasting another student with a Bat Bogey Hex by the sound of it, and had been suitably impressed. It gave Harry some hope; Slughorn certainly could recognise talent and power when he saw it. Of course, the new professor was more impressed with Ginny and Neville after he had found out that they were also involved in that fiasco in the Ministry.

The afternoon wore on with Slughorn giving anecdote after anecdote about the different people he had influenced, taught or knew well. The professor only stopped when he noticed that it had become rather late. Bidding everyone a goodbye, he sent them off with invitations to come around sometime whenever they felt like it. Belby, predictably, didn't get one.

As they exited, Zabini gave Harry a filthy look that Harry returned in earnest unconsciously making his eyes flash an intense green, unnerving the Slytherin. Turning his head away in an obvious dismissal and not noticing how he had startled the Slytherin, Harry asked Ginny, 'So, how did you end up there?'

'He saw me hex Zacharias Smith, you know that idiot from Hufflepuff in the DA last year? He was annoying me and kept on and on asking about what happened at the Ministry till he annoyed me so much I hexed him,' explained Ginny. 'That's when Slughorn came in. I thought I was going to be put in detention but got invited to lunch instead.'

Ginny parted ways leaving Harry, Susan and Neville to make their way to their respective compartments which they spent in idle chitchat.

Half an hour later, the students hopped off the train as it reached Hogsmeade station. Spotting Hagrid, who by then had all the nervous first-years gathered around him like a swarm of flies around an elephant, Harry made his way towards the first person who had revealed to him the world where he truly belonged.

'Hey Hagrid, how are you?' he called out. Noticing that the half giant seemed distracted, Harry got closer to him and asked, 'what's wrong?'

'Harry! Glad yer came! Listen, I have a favour to ask of yeh,' while saying this, Hagrid looked anxiously towards the forest.

Noticing where he was looking, Harry became nervous, 'Um I don't think I can help you here Hagrid right now ... what with the feast and all ... besides the forest is forbidden and after last year, I doubt that the centaurs like me anymore ... perhaps in the morning?' going in the forest was bad enough. Going at night by himself and completely alone was downright stupid to the point of being suicidal. Memories of Aragog and his merry family of giant spiders came vividly to Harry's mind.

'Oh I don't want yer to go in teh forest Harry!' Hagrid chuckled nonchalantly, 'Nah, I want teh ask somethin' else.'

Harry didn't know whether to feel relieved or worried at this. Hagrid may not want him to go to the forest, but that didn't mean that it would be completely safe. So it was with a lot of trepidation that Harry asked, 'What is it?'

'Well,' said Hagrid, as he scratched his beard nervously. 'I have summat to do in teh forest. Only I have ter get this lot 'ere across teh lake and ter Pr'fessor McGonagall.' he indicated the first-years that were too busy looking around and being nervous to focus on what the big frightening hairy man was saying. 'So I was wondering if yeh didn't mind doing that.'

It took some time for that to sink into Harry's mind, 'What? You mean take the Firsties across the lake and to McGonagall?' he asked incredulously. Suddenly, the Forest didn't seem so bad after all.

'Eh, yeah, so yeh'll do it?' asked Hagrid hopefully, completely missing the incredulity in Harry's tone.

'Why not ask a prefect? After all, aren't they supposed to be doing that?'

'Well, yeah, bu' yer a captain now Harry! Tha' should be good enough. 'Sides, we're teh on'y ones left 'ere' said Hagrid, indicating the now empty platform to a rather surprised Harry.

Harry saw the last carriage trundle off in resignation and a bit of irritation, couldn't his friends at least have waited. Unless he wanted to walk to the castle, or volunteer to go to the forest, he really didn't have much of a choice now. 'Fine Hagrid,' he said as he eyed the first-years warily. The stories he had been told about them from Ron last year hadn't really appealed them to him. Then again, he had faced down Basilisks, Dragons, Dementors, Death Eaters and Voldemort himself. A bunch of tetchy snot nosed little moppets should be easy.

'Good man Harry!' said Hagrid as he patted Harry on the back making the teen stumble a few steps forward. The half-giant then quickly headed towards the trees that marked the beginning of the Forbidden Forest, leaving Harry alone with a bunch of nervous and slightly curious eleven year olds.

Harry sized up the first-years in front of him. There was no way he was that small at eleven! The little buggers were positively tiny! He was sure that a few of them were actually nine and had faked their age to get in earlier.

'Alright you lot, settle down,' said Harry taking charge quieting the first-years. Seeing that he had their attention, he cleared his throat and continued, 'Right, so since Hagrid won't be able to take you to the school, he has asked me to do so instead. My name is Harry Potter by the way.' Hearing the gasps and whispers among some of the students, he rolled his eyes in exasperation and irritably said, 'Yes, yes, I'm the Harry Potter, I have the scar, and I defeated Voldemort when I was a baby. I also am here to take you to the castle, so if you'd stop gawking, we could move on.'

Immediately a hand was raised, 'Please sir, how will we be going to Hogwarts?' asked a little girl who Harry was sure was actually nine.

'First and foremost, it's just Harry. Not "Sir" or "Mr. Potter",' said an amused Harry the little buggers can be rather cute, he thought. 'And secondly,' his eyes narrowed as he looked at the snobbish looking boy next to the girl, 'nobody is expected to swim the lake, and if you don't watch your mouth, you will be the one swimming it!' He had heard what the brat had told her and was not amused by it.

The kid immediately shut up, though he was looking rather mutinous. Hearing the muttered 'I'll tell,' Harry replied, 'Go ahead. I'd love to tell Professor McGonagall what you told her.'

'Father says that Professor McGonagall is all bark and no bite.' The kid shot back with a tone that reminded Harry of Draco Malfoy.

'Is that so?' Harry crouched down to the first-year's level. 'Well then I have a funny story to tell you.' he said conversationally, 'you see, in my fourth year, I saw Professor McGonagall turn a ferret back into a student. Now the funny thing is that same student was being bounced up and down the hallways before being turned back. I'm sure Professor McGonagall would love to hear about your opinion of her. I believe that she is rather partial to cats. Maybe, just maybe, if she is in a good mood, she might turn you into a white fluffy little kitten and give you to the girls to play with. Who knows, they might even tie a bow on your head and put you in a cute little dress! You'd love that won't you?'

Harry smirked as he saw the snot's face turn white. Satisfied he had cowed him, he addressed the whole group, 'Now come on, follow me.' Turning around, he saw that it was rather dark. A quick glance at the first-years revealed that they were beginning to get scared with the darkness surrounding them. Either that or they were still scared witless of Professor McGonagall.

Deciding to break the tension, Harry told them all to take their wands out and taught them the Lumos spell. He smiled at the look of delight on their faces as they all managed their first piece of magic. Turning around Harry pointed his wand at his hand and not thinking of any happy memories, silently cast 'Expecto Patronum.' Harry had read about the Patronus charm in the summer and the book had also explained the other uses of a Patronus. It could be used to send private messages almost instantly, and in addition to that, when cast on the palm without any happy memories to fuel it, the Patronus engulfed the hand in the form of ethereal, heatless, silvery flames which could be used as a light. Harry remembered seeing Remus use it before in the Hogwarts Express in third year and wished that his father's friend had thought to teach him that as well. It looked pretty brill. The first-years definitely seemed to agree as they gave little gasps of awe.

Smirking Harry led them down the path and to the lake. Even though he had gone to Hogwarts for five years now and was starting his penultimate year here, the sight of the old majestic castle perched upon the cliff still moved him the same way it had when he had first seen it in his first year. Harry fully appreciated the reason why the first-years were taken through the lake. The view was pretty stunning.

By the time he had all the little snots in their boats with their wands extinguished, Harry was violently cursing Hagrid under his breath and wondering how on earth he ended up in these situations. First, the man made him a smuggler, what with that illegal dragon that he had to get rid of. Then, if that wasn't enough, he was then pressed into service as the man's assistant as he hunted for a creature smart enough, fast enough and evil enough to kill unicorns in the dead of the night in the Forbidden Forest who turned out to be the most evil Dark Lord of modern magical history. All because he was caught after having smuggled said dragon. You'd think Hagrid would have been a bit more appreciative of that and let them off easy? Though, knowing him, the man probably thought the whole thing was a treat.

Then in second year, he had to be the man's investigative journalist and socialise with his "friends" who happened to be a colony of giant hairy man eating spiders. It was a good thing he didn't have to actually babysit and teach Hagrid's "little" brother English under Umbridge's nose (he had already done the "mercenary teacher" bit with the DA). Now he had a bunch of little hellions to manage. By the time they had reached the boats, some of the little snots had managed to regain their courage and were chattering away, asking Harry all sorts of questions about himself, driving him spare with their high pitched voices. Eventually Harry had to threaten to feed the nosiest one to the giant squid to get the tetchy little buggers to shut up.

It took a few minutes for Harry to work the boats, since Hagrid had forgotten to tell him how to work them. Harry really was thankful that he had a boat to himself. Otherwise, the school would have four less students, since he would be on his way to Azkaban for having murdered three first-years. Some of them especially were rather mouthy. One in particular just wouldn't shut up, reminding Harry of Colin Creevey and his brother Dennis. He was silently thankful of the boy next to that talkative one for having kept him in conversation throughout the whole boat trip.

Leading them to the front doors, Harry knocked as hard as he could on the oak front doors, figuring that it was a part of tradition as well.

'You are rather late Hagrid, I was ...' Professor McGonagall trailed off as she saw not Hagrid standing in front of her as expected when she opened the door, but Harry Potter. 'Mr. Potter?' she asked, slightly surprised at seeing him there.

'The first-years, Professor McGonagall,' Harry said drily, indicating said first-years that were clustered behind him thoroughly enjoying the look of stunned disbelief on her face. Minerva wasn't sure, but she thought she had heard a few gasps from the first-years when her name was mentioned.

'Where's Hagrid, Mr. Potter?' she asked.

'Well Professor, Hagrid had a matter to attend to in the forest, so he decided to have me take them,' said Harry brightly. Minerva just sighed in response, That man, she thought. Quickly regaining her posture, she said briskly, 'thank you Mr. Potter. Ten points to Gryffindor for helping out around the school. Now hurry along. I'll take it from here.' She did not notice the worried looks that the first-years were giving her or the slightly pleading ones that were sent to Harry almost begging him to stay with them.

Leading them into the antechamber, she gave them her standard lecture about the houses and the point system. Absently noting that this seemed to be the most polite and quiet batch of new first-years, she left to get the sorting hat.

Before Harry walked into the packed Great Hall, he activated his necklace which gave him enough time to walk to the Gryffindor table and sit with his friends before he was noticed. He was halfway there when Ron, who was the first one to notice him missing and was anxiously searching for Harry, was the first to break through the charm and see Harry walking towards them.

In his relief, he blurted out rather loudly, 'Bloody hell Harry! Where were you?' That immediately got the attention of everyone else in the vicinity, fully deactivating the charm on the necklace for the moment.

Not breaking stride, Harry just smiled and said, 'I took the scenic route Ron.' Sitting down next to Ron, he softly told his two friends why he had taken so long.

Ron just winced in sympathy and said, 'Better you than me mate. I have enough of taking care of those midgets to want to bring them across the lake.'

'Well, I think that it was rather responsible of you Harry,' said Hermione giving Ron a glare. Before the red head could retort, Professor McGonagall entered with the first-years saving Harry along with the rest of the nearby Gryffindors from a rousing round of yet another of their arguments.

Harry barely listened to the Sorting Hat's song. Just like last year, it called out for unity between all four houses and warned of dark times approaching and Harry found his attention wandering towards other things. He soon realised that many at his table and at the other house tables were either blatantly or discreetly staring at him. Most of them were girls who were giving him rather dreamy looks. Harry just looked back with a casual smile on his face, occasionally winking at the more blatant ones. Seeing them blush and turn away, he snorted to himself. This was definitely more effective than his usual tactic of trying to ignore them. Who knows, he might get in some of their knickers if he played his cards right.

'Evans, Mark,' McGonagall's voice drifted in bringing Harry out of his musing. Harry looked on as the kid who seemed to be rather close to the one Harry had dubbed Colin II on the boat come up and put the hat on his head. That name sounded rather familiar...

'GRYFFINDOR!' shouted the hat. Harry clapped with the others as Mark Evans made his way over and sat ... right next to Colin II. Harry silently cursed. Just what I need, he thought.

As the sorting drew to a close, Harry waited impatiently for Dumbledore to start the feast. Judging by the sounds coming from Ron's stomach, he wasn't the only one. 'There is a time for words, and this is not it,' said Dumbledore, and as he sat down, the food appeared on the table.

'We seemed to have a rather large batch of new Gryffindors this year,' Nearly Headless Nick commented from across the table and next to Neville. 'In fact I think that Gryffindor has taken a majority of the first-years.'

Harry swallowed his food and looked over to where the first-years were sitting. Sure enough there were quite a few of the moppets sitting there. Shrugging, Harry returned back to his food. A few minutes later he noticed Hagrid slip into the Great Hall and sit beside Professor McGonagall. Harry grinned at him as Hagrid waved while McGonagall gave the half giant a disapproving look. Hagrid really was in for it the minute he was alone with McGonagall. Of that Harry was sure.

As soon as the feast was over, Dumbledore stood up and spread his arms wide as he greeted the students, almost immediately drawing attention of all present to his blackened hand.

'What happened to his hand?' said Hermione slightly nauseated as Dumbledore calmly covered the appendage with his sleeve and airily brush the injury aside as whispers broke out throughout the hall.

'It was like that when I saw him last,' Harry whispered back as Dumbledore let it be known that Filch definitely did keep up with times as far as joke items were concerned. 'I thought he'd have had it cured by now.'

'It looks as if it's died ... and there are some injuries that you can't cure ... old curses, poisons without antidotes...' Hermione trailed off as Dumbledore mentioned the Quidditch teams as well as the need for a new captain.

'... We are pleased to welcome a new member of staff, Horace Slughorn' said Dumbledore as Slughorn stood up. 'He has graciously agreed to resume his old post of Potions Master.'

This caused quite a stir as all the students started whispering among themselves. Ron and Hermione turned to Harry, 'but I thought-'

'Professor Snape meanwhile,' said Dumbledore, raising his voice to be able to be heard above the muttering, 'will be taking over the position of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher.'

Harry couldn't believe his ears. It took a lot of self control for him not to shout out loud at this announcement.

'But you said that Slughorn was going to be the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher,' said Hermione.

'Well I assumed as much. How am I supposed to know what he was the Potions Master before leaving the last time?' said Harry realising that Dumbledore hadn't said anything about the subject Slughorn was going to teach. Really, the man could have mentioned it to Harry since he did use him to get Slughorn to teach in the first place.

'At least there is one good thing about Snape being the Defence teacher,' said Harry as he glared with a burning hatred at the look of triumph on Snape's face as he lazily acknowledged the applause at the Slytherin table with a wave of his hand, not bothering to stand up.

'What's that?' asked Ron.

'The position is jinxed, so Snape's going to be out by the end of the year,' said Harry with a smirk. 'Personally I am hoping for a nice long drawn out death.' He added viciously, gaining a look of reproach from Hermione. Were a member of the Black family present at that time, they would have commented that Harry looked a lot like Orion Black when he was about to do something really nasty, which in the case of the late and unlamented Orion Black was almost all the time. As it is, Hermione got a vague reminder of a portrait of someone she had seen once in Grimmauld Place.

Harry barely paid any attention to the rest of Dumbledore's speech as he was still daydreaming about the different ways Snape would be ousted from the job. Perhaps it would be something embarrassing? Harry felt fate owed him enough to grant him a nice laugh at the greasy haired git's expense.

Shaking his head to clear it of the macabre yet satisfying thoughts of Snape dying, Harry rose from his seat along with the other students as Dumbledore dismissed everyone.

Almost immediately the new Gryffindor students were in front of him looking at him expectantly. Harry regarded them in amusement, 'How may I help you?' he asked them. It felt good to tower over people for a change.

'Um, we were wondering where the Gryffindor dorm is,' said the same nervous girl who had first asked him a question.

'Ah, well, why don't you go talk to Hermione and Ron over there? See that bushy headed girl and the slightly clueless ginger?' he pointed to his friends, 'they will be more than happy to help.'

'Why can't you take us there?' asked the boy who was forever going to be known as Colin II in Harry's mind in a rather plaintive tone.

'Well, you see Colin, they along with the two fifth-years over there are the Gryffindor House prefects so it is their happy duty to escort you there,' said Harry realising at the last minute that he had inadvertently slipped out the name he had given the boy.

'It's "Callan"' said the boy in a slightly resigned tone.

'Right,' said Harry. Yeah definitely going to be Colin, he thought. 'Anyway, it's the prefects' job to lead you to the dorms. And here they come.' He said with relief as the two fifth year prefects came up to them. He looked around for Ron and Hermione, but they had suddenly disappeared.

'But we want you to!' whined another girl

Harry was completely nonplussed at this. He distinctly remembered threatening to feed one of them to the giant squid. He thought that would've been enough to keep them far away from him.

'Yes well, I don't know the password luv,' Harry told the little girl. 'You would get there faster if you went with these two.' He indicated the two fifth year prefects.

'The password's "Lion's Pride",' said one of the prefects helpfully before they sloped off quickly.

'You're a load of help Eastchurch,' said Harry sarcastically to the girl's back. Looking at the expectant faces of the first-years, he sighed, 'Fine, follow me.'

Immediately the first-years got in line eagerly chattering away. Harry led them up to the Gryffindor dormitory muttering under his breath. He might as well be made a prefect, what with the duties he was being made to do. So far all the Gryffindor prefects seemed rather negligent in their duties. Harry had seen the seventh year prefects leave the Great Hall almost immediately after dinner, Ron and Hermione also had disappeared. Something he really found odd, considering that Hermione was pretty uptight about rules and her prefect duties.

Harry decided to be helpful and pointed out the different landmarks and obstacles along the way. Thankfully Peeves wasn't around this time and their journey went by uninterrupted.

Directing the girls to their dorms, Harry followed the boys up their section and getting to his dorm room, undressed and went to sleep, silently vowing that it would be the last time he would be doing work for the prefects. The next time they wanted any help, they would have to pay him.

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