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12.04% Marvel: Impregnation System / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: A bystander

Capítulo 7: Chapter 7: A bystander

A couple days later,





The sound of gunshots lit up the night, blood spilling in the street as young immigrant men who couldn't make a good living died while living a dirty one. 

Ricky tossed and turned, placing a pillow on both sides of his head to drown out the popping sounds of the guns.

"ARGH!" Ricky sat up with bloodshot eyes while looking over to the left.

As if not bothered in the least, Bucky and Steve were playing cards on their only table in the room with their singular lamp pointing at the duel.

"Any three's?" Bucky asked with a raised eyebrow as Steve immediately looked to have swallowed something disgusting as a ugly expression formed on his face.

"Hehehehehehe~" Bucky laughed madly as his grummy fingers took the three out from Steve's hands.

"Oh, hey Ricky." Steve noticed Ricky pulling up a chair while rubbing his eyes.

"Deal me in." Ricky said in a tired voice as Bucky handed him a couple cards with a smile.

"We told you not to go to sleep so early, the gunfire doesn't stop until at least dawn." Bucky lectured while maneuvering the cards around in his hand.

Ricky grumbled to himself since for the past couple days, he hasn't been able to get a good night sleep but rather a sun basked one.

"Don't worry Ricky, the boys in blue will put a stop to all of this so don't you worry." Steve patriotically spoke before Ricky scoffed at the childlike nativity in front of him.

"Whatever wonder boy." Ricky grumbled as Bucky suddenly snorted before covering his mouth in laughter.

"That's totally your new nickname!" Bucky pointed at Steve who scrunched his eyebrows.

"No it's not-"

"Do you have any seven's wonder boy?" Ricky nonchalantly asked as Steve frowned though handed him the card.

The Luciano gang had officially gone to war with the Five Points Gang, and it was nothing short of a bloodbath. 

Every night, someone from both sides was shot dead and found in some random alley, with the cops turning from law enforcement into morticians.

Albert had tried to use this opportunity to go after the Luciano gang. However, he soon realized how difficult it was to do the right thing. 

Whenever he looked around at his fellow officers, he was the only one trying to make a difference. 

So, instead of taking care of the Luciano gang, Albert first had to root out anyone in the pockets of the gangsters before making his move.

This was the main reason all of Albert's authority was channeled into the department rather than the streets, and the one to suffer was Brooklyn itself.

"I'm getting sick of this stupid turf war." Ricky scoffed while handing a jack to Bucky.

Ricky honestly didn't care about the turf war. However, the fact that it interrupted his sleep bothered him most of all.

"Yeah, yeah, justice will prevail." Ricky held up his hand as Steve was about to speak before yawning.

The gunfire rang out for another two hours before the three of them were able to sleep smoothly. However, when they woke up, another problem was waiting for them.

The next morning,

"You lot need to learn discipline!" Gertrude lectured in her high pitched voice, making Ricky roll his eyes.

"What was that mister!" Gertrude pointed at Ricky as Bucky and Steve face palmed knowing he was about to say something.

"I just don't understand why you have such a hate boner for us." Ricky stretched while saying words that made Gerturde flinch in surprise.

Ricky literally woke up just two minutes ago and wasn't in the mood to deal with this sadistic old bag of a woman.

"THAT'S IT, NO SUPPER FOR YOU!" Gertrude screeched but Ricky simply scoffed and crossed his arms.

"F*cking hag." Ricky clicked his tongue though didn't complain too much since that trash they served could barely be considered food.

"Y-YOU'RE GROUNDED FOR A WEEK!" Gertrude stomped in front of the unruly child before her.

"How about you make it two weeks?" Ricky lazily looked up at Gertrude furious eyes as her whole body started convulsing in anger.


"Why not a year-"


Ricky's head suddenly jerked to the side as Gertrude's arm was outstretched before her as the realization hit him that she slapped him once again. 

Three lines appeared in his cheek as her long nails had caused scratch marks to appear in the wake of her wraith.

"You dare talk to me like that-" Gertrude showed a vicious smirk as Ricky slowly turned his shocked face back to her while holding his cheek.



In disbelieving eyes, Bucky and Steve not only witnessed Ricky being slapped but also Ricky punching Gertrude right in her nether regions as it caused her to fall to her knees.

"You, you-" Gertrude became a broken record as she no longer gazed at Ricky above him but eye to eye.

"Punched you in the cunt? Damn straight." Ricky scoffed as Gertrude grabbed her worn out pussy in pain.

"I don't hit woman, but I sure as hell beat the f*ck out of b*tches." Ricky cracked his knuckles while looking at the mortified Gertrude.

First of all, Ricky had never been a good person and punching a woman wasn't even the worst thing he's ever done.

Although Ricky wasn't big on fighting, if someone ended up punching or fighting him then he wouldn't hesitate to retaliate and of course, play dirty.


Then Ricky paid Gertrude a slap back in full as his open palm slid across her wrinkled cheek before her head fully jerked to the right.

"RICKY!" Steve yelled out in horror after finally registering Ricky's actions but he completely ignored him.

"Not so fun being on the other foot, right?" Ricky pointed at the baffled Gertrude before walking past her.

"Hey Ricky, it's dangerous out there." Bucky grabbed Rickty while not caring in the least what happened to their supposed guardian since she didn't deserve his consideration.

"I'm gonna get us food since once that old bag comes too, she'll definitely try to punish you two to get to me." Ricky shook his head while opening the door though didn't take these two since it was too dangerous.


"Nope." Ricky didn't even let Gertrude finish her tirade as he hopped out the door then closed it behind him.

Leaping down the steps, it wasn't long until the door swung open though once Gertrude finally managed to make it out the door, Ricky had already ran onto the sidewalk.

"DO YOU THINK THAT YOU CAN RUN AWAY!" Gertrude screeched as Ricky looked back at her with a smile.

"Yep." Ricky replied before bolting away. 

Gertrude was surprised by his nonchalant response before stomping the ground viciously. 

Ricky didn't dwell too much on the repercussions of his actions as he started running down the street, looking for literally any food place. 

However, as he made his way through the streets of Brooklyn, he noticed that barely anyone was outside, and few shops were open.

'Damn.' Ricky stopped after making his way to the shopping district that should be buzzing with people, instead looked like a ghost town.

Turning around, Ricky made up his mind and started walking in a particular direction before making his way into little Italy.

'I guess I'll settle for some pizza.'


The bell on top of the door at Italiano's rang as Ricky walked without a care in the world through the door.

An old man peeked his head out of the side of the restaurant however his expression became weird after seeing a kid instead of the usual gangster.

"Three pizzas please." Ricky set down a five dollar bill at the counter before the old man could question what he was here for or how he could help him.

"Are you looking for your daddy bambino?" The man, known throughout little Italy as Alfio, asked while putting a towel over his shoulder.

"If my daddy is three cheese pizzas with one pie with half sausage pepperoni then I guess I've come calling." Ricky flashed Alfio a cheeky smile as the old Sicilian immigrant stared dumbfounded at Ricky before cracking a smile.

Taking the five off the counter, he hummed a tune of laughter while going to get Ricky's pizza ready.

"Well look who it is." Frank walked through the door with Tony straggling behind him.

"Ugh, not this kid again." Tony scoffed while following Frank's into Italiano's.

"Frank and if isn't my number one schmuck." Ricky fired back while leaning on the counter as Frank let out a holler while Tony scrunched his eyebrows.

"Why I outta-"

"Easy there Tony, wouldn't want to lose a tooth." Frank subtly threatened before reaching for something in his coat before taking out a card.

"Here." Frank handed Ricky a bank book that acted as a ledger for his new account.

Bank books, often referred to as passbooks or account books, were physical ledgers used by customers to keep track of their bank accounts.

"Bank Of America?" Ricky muttered out, which made Frank nod with a smile.

"It's a bank founded by Italians, for Italians, if you know what I mean." Frank winked as Ricky raised an eyebrow but pocketed the book.

 "Noted." Ricky nodded as Frank smiled widely at how discreet this kid was at such a young age.

"You really covered for me back there, you know that right?" Frank nudged Ricky however the latter only rolled his eyes.

"Well, I didn't want the cops on my back so it only made sense to take that route at the time." Ricky said as he looked back to see Alfio stretching the dough.

"Looks like old man Alfio will take his time like usual, why don't you hang out with us for a while." Frank gestured to the side as Ricky raised an eyebrow but shrugged since it was better than twiddling his thumbs.

In all honesty, the main thing that annoyed Ricky about living in the '20s wasn't the culture but the fact that it was harder to kill time. 

No technology, no smartphones, and no online poker were killing Ricky, as he was experiencing withdrawals from the world wide web.

'Man, I miss the internet.' Ricky thought as he followed Frank to the side, catching Tony's scowl out of the corner of his eyes. 

Walking up the stairs, Ricky was led to a nice door before Frank opened it to reveal Lucky wearing reading glasses.

"What." Lucky said without a single hint of emotions as he rifled through documents before finally looking up and letting out a small laugh.

"How have you been, Slick?" Lucky had a smile on his face before gesturing to Ricky to sit in front of him.

"Slick?" Ricky asked since he was surprised that this nickname would pop up again as Lucky nodded.

"I think it goes nicely with your appearance and personality." Lucky voiced his reasoning as Ricky took a seat across from him, feeling his hair that he greased back with some hair wax.

Finding it a little weird that in this life he was also called 'Slick' but honestly mind it or care after being so used to it.

"Alright, why not." Ricky showed his willingness to be called so, though it wouldn't have mattered since once a nickname is decided on, there's no changing it.

"So Slick, why have you come here?" Lucky stood up while walking over to the side before grabbing one trimmed glass and a bottle containing a brown liquor.

"Why aren't you sharing." Ricky scrunched his brows as his inner acholic was longing for that bitter taste of bourbon contained within that expressive glass.

"PUAHAHAHAHAH!" Lucky let out a loud laugh before doubling back to grab another glass and setting in front of Ricky to humor him.

"You're a funny guy, Slick." Lucky continued to humor the child in front of him with the full expectation of Ricky spitting out the bourbon.

"Well I hope to be a drunk Slick soon." Ricky said as he hurriedly grabbed the glass once he finished and started drinking, relishing in the burning sensation of alcohol once more.

Lucky waited for Ricky to do a spit take and then stick out his tongue in disgust though that action never came but instead a relieved expression.

"Ah~" Ricky let out a refreshing sigh as he downed the glass of bourbon while leaning back in the chair.

"You got good taste Lucky." Ricky pointed the glass at Lucky who raised an eyebrow along with a surprised expression.

"I've only met you a couple times yet you always exceed my thoughts." Lucky shook his head as he irresponsibility filled up Ricky's glass again while pouring himself one.

"So, what are you doing here anyways." Lucky asked since he wouldn't have expected Ricky to pop up in the middle of a war zone.

"This shop is the only one open that sells food with all the chaos outside and reason is that b*tch Gertrude keeps grounding me." Ricky confessed as a buzz immediately washed over him as his child's body couldn't take liquor his adult one could.

Lucky let out another small laugh at Ricky haphazardly downing the glass before reaching over to the bottle.

"Whoa there killer." Lucky stopped Ricky though the kid suddenly lunged at the bottle only for Lucky to hold it up in the air and out of his reach.

"This guy~" Lucky shook his head before walking over and placing the bourbon on a high shelf.

"What are you cutting me off? I just got here!" Ricky suddenly started slurring his words as he experienced being a lightweight in years.

"Calm down, Slick." Lucky lectured as Ricky hopped back onto the chair.

"Maybe I'd mellow out with a refill." Ricky waved the glass at Lucky but he shook his head.

"I made the mistake but if I'd known you were an alcoholic from the jump then I wouldn't have let you near the stuff." Lucky joked, admitting his own mistake while apologizing in his own way but not directly.

"Buzzkill." Ricky leaned back in the comfy chair as Lucky took a sip of his glass while shaking his head.

"You're a weird kid y'know that?" Lucky commented but Ricky only sighed since it came naturally with being reincarnated.

"And you're a dipstick." Ricky retorted with a childlike remark while flying the glass in the air like an airplane.

"Dipstick?" Lucky tilted his head as he had never heard that term before though eventually shrugged.

"Well it's still good to see you." Lucky leaned back in his chair as well as Ricky shrugged.

"I also heard how you covered for Frank, that was good of you to do that." Lucky took another sip of his glass while giving Ricky an amused smile.

"Yeah well it was better than getting questioned by that pig." Ricky scoffed in a drunken tone as Lucky nodded in agreement.

"That copper really is a pain in my ass but there's not much that can be done." Lucky finished his glass before relishing the bitter taste as he neatly set it onto his oakwood table.

"What's good with power if you can't use it." Ricky asked truthfully since he always wanted to ask this to someone with a lot of power.

"Power is a process, like a game of chess, it's not that you can't make moves but if you act rashly then all your pieces will fall." Lucky answered though doubted Ricky would answer in a rash manner since all in all.

He was right.

"That's f*cking stupid." Ricky hissed in his drunken state and Lucky chuckled with a nod.


Alfio hit the bell as he stacked three pizza's on top of each other as their scent sought to captivate the nostrils of all those around.

"It is indeed." Lucky then stood up with a smile as Ricky understood this was his time to leave.

"Slick, if you ever want your belly to be filled then you can come down here and grab a slice, on me of course." Lucky ruffled Ricky's hair though in reality he was helping him not stumble to the ground.

"Quick question Slick, you're Italian right?" Lucky suddenly realized something and asked only to receive a dumb look from Ricky.

"What, do I look Chinese or something?" Ricky asked as Lucky burst out in laughter while patting the young boy's shoulder.

Ricky was Italian in his last life as his grandparents were immigrants from Sicily and Ricky simply attributed this heritage to this life.

"Aye Frank get a couple of our runners to help Ricky here get home safely." Lucky asked Frank who raised an eyebrow before he started to crack up in laughter upon seeing Ricky's appearance.

"PUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Frank fell to his knees while grabbing his stomach after also realizing that the only reason he was walking was due to Lucky's help.

"What's the ruckus here-"


Even Meyer, one of the most professional ones amongst them, couldn't help himself as he covered his mouth upon seeing Ricky seemingly swaying in place.

"I swear it's never not lively when Ricky's here." Frank wiped away his cheek while going back to his feet.

"It's Slick now." Lucky patted Ricky's shoulder as Meyer showed a surprised gaze but eventually showed an understanding gaze.

'Italian?' Meyer mouthed before smiling further upon seeing Lucky wink at him.

"Suits ya, Slick." Frank also let out a wide smile before walking towards the door to go get some of their runners.

In a quick explanation, runners were the mafia's entrance job. 

You didn't join the mafia easily; unless you had an in, you mostly ran errands as a kid to develop a better relationship with the family before finally receiving the trust needed to enter.

"God damn-"


"We don't use the lord's name in vain boy." Alfio whipped Ricky with his towel as the drunk kid covered his head.

"Cut the kid some slack Alfio." Lucky waved him off as Alfio scoffed while throwing the towel over his shoulder.

"That's exactly what Jesus did and look where they put him, THEY NAILED OUR SAVIOR TO A CROSS." Alfio put his hands together and made countless gestures but Lucky shook his head with a wry smile.

"Dio vi benedica." Alfio whispered while making the cross gesture on his chest before going back to the kitchen.

"I wouldn't use the Lord or Jesus's name in vain here as Alfio is really touchy when it comes to religion." Lucky looked down though Ricky had disappeared before his gaze and saw him eating a piece of pizza without a care in the world.

"Huh?" Ricky asked as the cheese dripped from the pizza though before it could hit the table, Ricky caught the cheese and took another bite of the pizza.


"He's a character." Meyer walked next to Ricky who was smiling from ear to ear.

"Sure is."


Immediately after Lucky agreed, three runners rushed into the establishment before paying their respect to him.

"Finally, take Slick back to the Roosevelt orphanage and help him carry the pizza's while you're at it." Lucky gestured as the three thought they heard wrong before looking at Ricky with dumbfounded expressions.

"YOU HEARD THE BOSS!" Frank appeared moments later and yelled which made all three of the young teenagers jump into action.

"YES BOSS!" The three ran as one took the pizza boxes while the other two helped Ricky off the chair.

"See ya next time Slick." Lucky waved at Ricky as he was basically carried out of Italiano's.

"Are you gonna recruit the kid?" Meyer inquired as Lucky messaged his chin with a pondering look.

"I think he'd fit in perfectly, he already knows the guys and is on a first name basis with all of them." Frank immediately chimed in as Ricky was fun to be around and one could never have too many laughs.

"I don't know Boss, he's really young." Meyer became the voice of reason causing Lucky to continue to rub his chin.

"Let's wait a little while and see how this whole fiasco with those backstabbers turns out." Lucky suddenly said while turning to walk back up the stairs as the smile slowly faded away from his face.

Meanwhile with Ricky, he was completely out of it as the bourbon had completely jarred his brain which left his world spinning.

"Slick right? Name's Jakepoldo, but my boys call me Jake." Jake wanted to make conversation as he was the teenager assisting him to the house.

"Names Rocco." Rocco nodded to the drunken Ricky who simply nodded his head before he lazily looked at the chubby kid holding his pizza.

"Oh yeah, I'm Edward." Edward wiped away the drool and introduced himself as Ricky nodded.

"Slick, Ricky, I don't really care which one you call me." Ricky slurred his explanation as Jake chuckled.

"Well Slick, how did you end up meeting the boss?" Jake's curiosity had been gnawing at him ever since he learned about Ricky's new nickname. 

In the mafia, nicknames were a sort of ritual; one had to earn them they weren't simply given. 

Some people went their whole lives in the mafia without receiving a nickname, and while it might seem nonsensical, it really separated the higher members from the lower ones.

"Guess I was lucky." Ricky joked as he started cackling at his own humor with Edward joining in.

"Hahahahahahaha!" Edward belly jiggled as even Rocco joined in on the laughs.

"I guess so." Jake understood that it wasn't his business and finally helped Ricky to the orphanage to the doorsteps.

"Oh for f*ck sakes-" Ricky cursed under his breath but the three runners immediately heard him which caused them to look at the old woman waiting on the steps.

"RICKY, GET YOUR ASS INTO THIS ORPHANAGE THIS INSTANT-ARE YOU DRUNK!" Gertrude roared before being applauded when seeing Ricky's disheveled appearance.

"Look at Sherlock here, coming just in time to point out the crime." Ricky joked as all three of them giggled at his joke.


"Woah." Edward held out an arm right as Gertrude was about to snatch the pizza's from his hand.

"Listen lady, I'm a gentleman and all but I'll slap the beauty into you if you try to snatch these from my hands." Edward threatened while looking back at the three behind him as if saying 'Who is this b*tch'.

"He'll do it too, I've seen him slap the wrinkles from a broad before and yes, it did wonders for her skin." Jake joined in on the joke as it was Ricky's turn to start giggling.

"Y'know what lady, I think you should test your luck since Edward's slaps would do you wonders." Rocco winked at Gertrude as Ricky started laughing uncontrollably at these jokes.


"No wonder you're a drunk Slick, I'm barely sober and I can't stand this harlot." Jake raised an eyebrow as Rocco understood this que and let him carry Ricky.



"What, what are you gonna do?" Rocco pulled out a switchblade before pointing it at Gertrude who froze stiff.

"Do you gotta deal with this everyday?" Jake asked Ricky who let out a tired sigh.

"You have no idea." Ricky sighed, unhooking himself from Jake before stumbling towards the pizza's.

"Ricky?" Steve asked after peering out the double doors and widened his eyes upon seeing a familiar knife.

"Is that-"

"Shut up wonder boy and help me carry these." Ricky interrupted Steve and pushed the boxes into his embrace before pushing him in as well.

"Thanks boys." Ricky waved to the three while showing his appreciation for carrying him home as they all laughed.

"No problem, Slick." Jake waved as Ricky shut the door behind him as now there were only four.

"Didn't your mothers ever teach you to respect your elders?" Gertrude tried to keep up her authoritarian front though back up slowly while doing so.

"It's a good thing you're not one of our elders." Jake smirked while crossing his arms as Rocco showed a sour expression.

"I'd keep my mother out of your mouth if you value your tongue." Rocco pointed the switchblade at Gertrudes mouth as she flinched.

"Now you've done it." Edward shook his head with Jake joining in with a sigh as he had tried to avoid this.

"She works three jobs and still finds time to raise her kids and go to church, she's a saint!" Rocco insisted with gritted teeth though before he could take another step forward Edward stopped him.

"She ain't worth it Rocco."

"Yeah Rocco she ain't."

Both Jake and Edward saved Gertrudes tongue as they pulled Rocco back into his senses as he clicked his tongue.

"I'd advise you to watch your words next time around." Jake patted Rocco's shoulder while guiding him away.

"Also just be warned that Slick or Ricky could always call us back." Edward left lasting words onto Gertrude who gulped as he went down the steps to catch up with his two friends.

"Ricky, those guys-"

"Ugh, you're ruining my buzz~" Ricky messaged his forehead as he ate a slice since Steve hadn't shut his trap since he entered the orphanage.

"I don't know Ricky, Steve seems justified in his worry this time." Bucky agreed as he grabbed a slice of pizza and took a bite.

"When did I get two mothers, what are you a lesbo couple now?" Ricky drunkenly threw the pizza down onto the box before heading to bed.



Ricky was honestly too tired and too drunk to have a real conversation. Instead of sorting out the problem, he put it on the back burner for his future self to deal with.

Meanwhile in the depths of Brooklyn,

"So you're saying that some orphanage is connected to Lucky, the same guy who won't even take a world class dame as his wife, and you're capping it off by telling me he might have a bastard?" A guy with a fedora asked with a baffled tone.

"That's what I'm saying." A man solidified his earlier statement, walking out of the shadows to reveal himself to be Tony.

"Lucky doesn't show interest in things unless it's related to him, there must be a connection to him and that brat." Tony explained, the veins on his neck pulsating in rage at that stupid smirk that Ricky always wore.

"Hmmmmmm." The man hummed to himself, initially not taking it seriously but had to reconsider if it was coming from Tony, knowing it deserved some merit.

To a passing onlooker, this sort of betrayal might not seem drastic but Tony had been one of Lucky's earliest followers when they decided to form their own gang. 

However, years of being sidelined had worn him down, gradually transforming his loyalty into betrayal.

"Fine, get the kid and bring him here."

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