While Barry rushed to where Joe was, Team Flash provided him support from S.T.A.R. Labs. "Barry, I pulled up the specs on Iron Heights Prison. It's maximum security, but I think I can talk you through breaking in there," said Cisco, while inspecting the prison map and layout to make breaking in easier for Barry.
However, Barry didn't need Cisco's information. With his father wrongfully convicted for his mother's murder and imprisoned in Iron Heights, Barry had been thinking of breaking him out for years. "Don't bother, Cisco. I've been figuring out how to break into that place since I was 11."
When Barry reached Iron Heights, he found Joe lying on the floor. He immediately reached for the syringe of antidote Caitlin had given him and injected Joe with it.
Thanks to the antidote, Joe was able to breathe again. When his breathing stabilized, he looked at Barry and told him to capture Nimbus.
Following Joe's order, Barry rushed outside the prison and quickly located Nimbus.
When Barry stood in front of Nimbus, Nimbus mocked him, "So you come to finish what the gas chamber couldn't?"
Barry, unable to stand him any longer, stated, "You're going somewhere you can't hurt anyone ever again."
Nimbus, believing himself unbeatable since he could turn into poisonous gas, with a mocking look and a psychotic smile, said, "Wrong." He immediately turned into his gaseous poisonous form.
Caitlin, who was now much better and could walk and stand by herself without support, still enduring some pain from her intercourse with Swayam, heard Barry talking with Nimbus, The Mist. She looked at her lover, Sam, with a worried expression and asked, "Will Barry be okay? He doesn't even have the antidote anymore since he used it on Joe."
With a confident and reassuring look, Swayam took hold of Caitlin's hands, gently squeezed them, looked into her eyes, and said, "Don't worry, Cait. He'll be alright. I believe in Barry; I know he can do it."
If Swayam hadn't entered Caitlin's life and become a pillar of support for her, her character and personality would have been completely different. Now, her personality was that of a lovestruck girl whose lover was her truth and her life. Since Swayam said Barry would be alright, she believed it as fact.
Although Swayam told Caitlin that Barry would be alright, he couldn't let Barry do something reckless, which he was known for. So, he contacted Barry and said, "Barry, listen to me. You need to stay away from him. Don't accidentally breathe him in. I would even suggest not inhaling any air during your battle."
Hearing Swayam's warning, Barry stayed away from the poisonous gas but, not seeing any viable option to stop and capture Nimbus, he questioned, "I'm not sure how that helps with this situation, Sam."
Caitlin, being Barry's doctor and remembering his fainting episode, thought of an idea and immediately suggested it to him. "You can't fight him, Barry. Just keep him coming at you; that should zap his strength."
Harrison Wells also agreed with Caitlin's idea and added, "Gas is the least stable form of matter. This metahuman won't be able to stay in his mist form for long; his particles will need to reform."
Realizing that making Nimbus tired was the only viable option to capture him without getting poisoned, Barry executed their plan. Thanks to Caitlin and Dr. Wells' idea, Barry succeeded in knocking Nimbus out when he reverted back to his human form from exhaustion. He informed the team of his success. "We won."
Barry then carried Nimbus to the modified accelerator chamber, which Cisco had designed to imprison metahuman criminals.
Seeing the holding cell, Caitlin, standing near Swayam, curiously asked Cisco, "Will it be able to hold him in?"
Cisco, a tech nerd, had been waiting for someone to ask this question. He eagerly explained, "The barrier's powered by an 8.3 tesla superconducting electromagnet, about 100,000 times the strength of Earth's magnetic field."
Harrison Wells, who also helped modify the prison cell, added simply, "In other words, yes."
He then looked at the metahuman prisoner and spoke, "He's mad." Clicking a remote button, he said, "Well, good night."
When the door shut, Caitlin asked another question, "So, we're just supposed to get used to working above a makeshift prison housing evil people with superpowers?"
Though Caitlin's concern was valid, they had no alternative, so Harrison Wells replied, "You'd be surprised what you can get used to, Caitlin." After saying this, he rolled out in his wheelchair, and everyone else followed.