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50% Scott Pilgrim: Changing Things Up / Chapter 2: CHAPTER 2: A Lot Was Done

Capítulo 2: CHAPTER 2: A Lot Was Done


Toronto, Canada


[Cabbagetown, Carlton Street]


As the sun seems to go down, though still light out, the streets of Toronto were bustling with people, whether they were working, going to school, or just hanging out. Though the townhouses seem to have gone quiet, even if they were a few people in sight, taking a jog or walking their pets, the place seem peaceful compared to the main city.


As the sun beat down on the cobblestone streets, we see a gray-haired man making his way through the tranquil town, he was wearing a cap and carrying a satchel heavy with letters slung over his shoulder. With each step he took his shoes splashes on the melted snow left over below him.






He seems to be checking an envelope he was holding, checking the name and address on it as he walks while whistling a tune.


Cifer Powers: "Where does this one go?"


He reads the printed name at the front marked as receiver as he makes his way through the damped sidewalk.


Cifer Powers: "Ramona… Flowers. Huh, pretty name. Flowers…"


He looks to the houses at his side and stops in his tracks right in front of a two-story house, it was quite big from the outside alone, it even had a balcony from his perspective. Double checking the address on the envelope and the number on the house he made sure he got the right place.


Cifer Powers: "This is it, I guess… I was told to make sure they get it…"


Cifer ponders a bit on what to do, he was deciding on just leaving it in their mail like he does with everyone else or just see if someone's home so he can give it to them directly. Ultimately, he decides on the latter choice.


Cifer Powers: "It wouldn't hurt I guess"


He mumbles to himself as he walks up towards the porch, as he got closer to the building, he realizes again that this place was huge. He assumes a full family is living here based on this.


He walked up on the porch and pressed on the doorbell.


Ding Dong!


Cifer waited on the porch while whistling a tune thinking pressing it once was enough. The silence was broken by the subtle sounds of movement inside—the creak of floorboards, the click of a latch. Just as he double-checked the address, the door burst open, catching him off guard.


???: "Yeah? Oh!"


As the door swung open, a woman emerged, her hair still damp, wrapped in a towel like a cocoon. The sunlight danced on her pink locks, imbuing them with a radiant glow. Clad in a serene blue shirt and snug black shorts. Though it didn't take him a moment to familiarize himself to who it was.


Cifer Powers: "Oh it's you"


He immediately noticed who was in front of him after seeing her face.






Ramona Flowers: "You? What's up?"


Ramona, not expecting to see Cifer so soon since the party and in front of her front door, concealed her surprise behind a facade of nonchalance, leaning casually against the door frame with her arms crossed. Yet, beneath her composed exterior, a blush betrayed her embarrassment; she had just stepped out of the shower, after all.


Cifer Powers: "So that's your name, Ramona huh"


His words echoed in her mind, a reminder that she never actually officially introduced herself last night.


Ramona Flowers: "Oh shit right, I never gave you my name… Well, there you have it I guess Hahaha…"


She replied with a sheepish grin, she tries to laugh it off, a nervous attempt to brush off her embarrassment.


Cifer Powers: "Well, I can't really stick around. Just came to deliver these."


Though Cifer, focusing on professionalism, didn't linger. As he extends a pair of sealed envelopes towards her.


Ramona Flowers: "Oh, thanks"


Ramona accepted them with a nod of gratitude, her fingers brushing lightly against the smooth surface of the paper and placing them on a small table beside her door.


Though Cifer only actually came to do his job, it seems he wants to stay and chat. But he still needed to work so he prepares to leave. But Ramona stops him as she spoke with curiosity.


Ramona Flowers: "So, this is what you do?"


she asked, her tone inviting conversation.


Ramona Flowers: "Funny enough, I'm actually in a similar line of work, though I've decided to take a break for today."


Cifer Powers: "No kidding? Can't be mail, right? Didn't really hear of any newcomers."


Ramona chuckles, shaking her head.


Ramona Flowers: "Not mail, nope. I'm on the Amazon delivery grind, just started last week."


Cifer Powers: "Oh, so we'll be crossing paths frequently then? I figure mail and package deliveries stick to similar schedules."


Cifer remarks, showing his grasp of the routine of such jobs. While speaking, he checks the watch on his wrist and see the time and sees it was already 4:30 in the afternoon, 30 minutes till he gets off. Realizing he still has a few mails to deliver he tries to leave.


Cifer Powers: "Well, I guess I'll be off then. Still have a few houses to swing by."


As he tries to leave, Ramona swiftly intercepts him before he can fully turn away.


Ramona Flowers: "Hold on, I'll tag along with you at least until the store. Need to grab a few things."


She flashes a smile, her easygoing nature evident.


Without even bothering to wait for his response, Ramona strolls back indoors, letting the door swing shut behind her, leaving Cifer standing there, somewhat on his own. Nevertheless, Cifer remains patient, assuming she won't take long. With a resigned sigh, he leans casually against the porch railing, phone in hand. He goes through his texts and emails absentmindedly, a subtle weariness evident in his expression, reminiscent of the night before.




[10 minutes later]


It didn't take her long at all before she finally emerges from her house, almost sliding out, she turns around a bit to lock her front door.


Spotting her, Cifer quickly tucks his phone into his pocket and straightens up from the railing, adjusting the strap of his satchel on his shoulder. As he takes a closer look at Ramona, he notices a stark change in her attire from just moments ago. She's now sporting a blue hooded jacket layered over a regular brownish one. Her outfit includes a short skirt paired with purplish stockings, and goggles perched on her head, she also had a circle shoulder bag he assumes with a star in the middle and on her hand was what seems to be rollerblades.


Ramona Flowers: "Hey dude, glad you're admiring the view, but my eyes are up here."


She teases, a playful glint in her eyes as she notices Cifer's gaze fixed on her.


Cifer snaps out of it, clearing his throat in embarrassment and attempt to brush it off.


Cifer Powers: "Ahem... My bad. Got a little lost there. Anyway, you good to go?"


Ramona chuckles at his reaction as Cifer turns away, his cheeks tinted with a blush, and takes the lead down the porch. She appreciates his embarrassment before replying.


Ramona Flowers: "Yeah, sure"


She follows behind him, but stops abruptly at the last step, taking a seat.


Ramona Flowers: "Hold on a sec."


Cifer halts and turns to watch as Ramona swiftly swaps her jet-black heeled boots for the rollerblades she had been carrying. He observes with curiosity as she places her boots inside her shoulder bag. He notices the bag emits a faint glow when she opens it, prompting a surprised reaction.


Cifer Powers: "Seems like a nifty bag."


He comments, intrigued by her magical bag.


Ramona Flowers: "Yeah, it's pretty handy for carrying stuff around."


She responds casually as she closes the bag and rises from the stairs. Tapping the tips of her shoes on the ground to check for any looseness, she smoothly glides around Cifer, showcasing her proficiency on the rollerblades. Coming to a halt in front of him, she flashes a confident smile.


Ramona Flowers: "Alright I'm good to go"


As she skates ahead of Cifer towards the other side of her fence, Ramona calls out over her shoulder.


Ramona Flowers: "Come on, slowpoke!"


Cifer watches her, mesmerized by the way her hair flows back from the wind, before eventually starting to walk himself, following behind her.


As Cifer walks, he retrieves a few envelopes from his satchel, scanning each one for their marked addresses. One by one he makes sure of their receiver addresses and names, so he doesn't deliver mail to the wrong person.


He focuses on what he's doing while squinting his eyes and furrowing his eyebrows as he reads each envelope, Ramona skates back and glides smoothly next to him, adjusting her pace to match his.


Ramona Flowers: "Hey, you look like you just got some annoying news"


She says as she looks up at him as she views him from the side, noticing him furrowing his eyebrows.


Cifer Powers: "Hm? Oh"


Cifer quickly realizes what she was talking about and explains it.


Cifer Powers: "It's cause my eyesight's crap"


He says bluntly as he points at his eyes.


Cifer Powers: "It isn't that bad anyway; I just can't read tiny letters without trying too hard."


Ramona Flowers: "I'm surprised you can even work like that. Never tried glasses?"


She asked as she follows beside Cifer making his way through a different house's front yard.


Cifer Powers: "I mean I do have glasses"


He says as he walks up the porch of the house.


Cifer Powers: "But I usually just leave them at my place. Or just forget them completely Haha."


He lets out a soft chuckle as he slips a few envelopes though the door's mail slot.


Ramona Flowers: "Well, it's a good thing you don't forget the mail as often as your glasses huh?"


Ramona Flowers smirked, teasing him gently.


Cifer turned and walked down the porch towards Ramona, his expression light.


Cifer Powers: "Guess I have my priorities straight then."


He grins and follows up on what Ramona said as he walks past her and out the yard. Ramona skated up to his side, her movements fluid despite the icy ground beneath her wheels. The sound of her skates echoed softly against the quiet backdrop of the warm afternoon.


Ramona Flowers: "Sure, if your life priorities are mail and envelopes."


She says with a bit of sarcasm and playfulness.


Cifer's tired grin widened into a weary smile, his exhaustion evident in the way he slouched slightly as he responded to Ramona's teasing.


Cifer Powers: "Eh, gotta keep those envelopes in line, right?"


He quipped; his voice tinged with fatigue.


Cifer Powers: "Can't let the postal service down."


Ramona chuckled, skating casually beside him, her eyes sparkling with amusement.


Ramona Flowers: "Yeah, because the fate of the world TOTALLY depends on your mail delivery"


she joked, her tone playful.


Cifer Powers: "Hey, you never know"


Cifer nodded, a tired laugh escaping him. he replied with a shrug.


Cifer Powers: "Maybe one day I'll stumble upon a world-changing letter heading to someone's mailbox."


Ramona Flowers: "Well, if anyone uncovers any world-altering secrets in a stack of bills and junk mail, I'll assume that it's definitely you"


Ramona grinned mischievously, giving Cifer a playful nudge as she teased.


Cifer Powers: "Watch, I'll make sure to rub in it your face when I get a letter like that"


Their conversations filled the crisp spring air as they strolled through the tranquil landscape, each step accompanied by the rhythmic sound of Cifer's boots slapping the moistened sidewalk, still wet from melted snow, and Ramona's skates gliding smoothly beside him, with the occasional sound of cars passing by. Despite the chill in the air, their conversation kept them warm, their laughter mingling with the whispers of the cold evening wind.




[Cabbagetown, Sherbourne Street]


For the next twenty minutes, as Cifer made his rounds from building to building, delivering mail with practiced efficiency, Ramona remained by his side, matching his pace with effortless grace. Sometimes, she would skate ahead, exploring the neighborhood with curiosity, only to circle back to him with a knowing smile as he finished delivering each bundle of letters.


He enjoyed his chats with Ramona, though he usually spends his work in serene quiet with only the sound of the breeze hitting the trees and the sound of paper on his hands as he checks the mail, he was now companied by the sound of wheels skating on the cold ground and a fresh smokey voice beside him.


As Cifer rummaged through his satchel, his fingers brushed against a single letter tucked inside. Confusion furrowed his brow as he double-checked the empty contents of his bag, realizing this must have been the last piece of mail for the day. Pulling out the envelope, he glanced at his watch, the arrows glaring back at him: 4:55. A frustrated sigh escaped his lips as he rubbed his fingers between his eyebrows.


Cifer Powers: "Fuck…"


He grumbles.


Ramona who was ahead eating some snack bar, looked behind hearing Cifer mumble to himself.


Ramona Flowers: "Got a problem dude?"


She asked, her voice tinged with concern as she skated up beside him. Cifer hesitated for a moment, debating whether to confide in her, before finally admitting


Cifer Powers: "It's nothing... just need to make a delivery across town in five minutes."


Ramona Flowers: "That's quite a tight deadline. You sure you can make it?"


She questioned, her worry palpable.


Cifer Powers: "I should be able to if I try. I should go ahead if I want to get there in time."


He says as he waves a farewell to Ramona and starts to run. But before he could even take a step, Ramona who didn't seem convinced grabbed his hand and anchors him in place.


Ramona Flowers: "I got this, just owe me one."


She declared while her eyes scan the surroundings.


Ramona Flowers: "There's one, come on"


It didn't even take long for Ramona to look like she spotted something and pulled him along, her skates gliding effortlessly over the icy pavement. He followed her lead, trusting her instincts even as uncertainty gnawed at him.


They arrived at a peculiar door with a star mark protruding from the side of a building, its design unfamiliar to Cifer.


Cifer Powers: "I don't know about this..."


he worries, but Ramona just gives him a reassuring smile.


Ramona Flowers: "Trust me, dude. This way is faster."


she insisted, swinging the door open and disappearing into the darkness beyond. With a mixture of apprehension and curiosity, Cifer also went through the doorway as she drags him by his hand.




[Regal Heights, Tyrrel Avenue]


Before he could even begin to make sense of their rapid journey, they emerged through another door, the rush of cool air signaling their arrival in a new location. Blinking in surprise, Cifer glanced around, his eyes widening as he realized they were now on the other side of town. What should have been a lengthy bus ride had been condensed into a matter of seconds.


His gaze darted back to where the mysterious door had been, but it was nowhere to be found, leaving him completely clueless at what just happened.


Ramona Flowers: "You alright?"


She arched a questioning eyebrow, her lips curling into a smirk. the smokey voice of Ramona made him turn to face her to reply.


Cifer Powers: "Uh… Yeah I guess? I mean, wha-what the fuck was that!?"


Cifer Powers stuttered as he asks in confusion, caught off guard by the surreal experience, while turning back to look at the wall where the door used to be a while ago.


Ramona just shrugged casually at his question, her eyes dancing with amusement.


Ramona Flowers: "Some kind of Subspace highway I borrow from time to time"


Her nonchalant demeanor contrasted with Cifer's bewilderment, leaving him even more perplexed.


Ramona Flowers: "Look dude, I'd be glad to give you a run down, but you'll be late if I do"


She continued; her tone unchanged as she finds his reaction amusing.


Cifer Powers: "Oh shit right!"


Listening to her, Cifer remembered what slipped his mind a while ago since he got distracted by what just happened. But just as he was about to leave, something stopped him in his tracks. He turned his head over his shoulder to look at Ramona.


Cifer Powers: "You mind... letting go of me now?"


Ramona Flowers: "Hm?"


Bewildered by his words, she stares back with a blank expression, utterly lost in the conversation. But as her gaze drifts downwards, she becomes acutely aware of her hand clasping his, a realization that jolts her into releasing it instantly.


Ramona Flowers: "Sorry about that, slipped my mind"


Her voice faltering as she hastily withdraws her hand, hoping to mask her embarrassment with nonchalance. Though Cifer just shrugs it off as he still has work to do.


Cifer Powers: "It happens, anyway I should get going now. Thanks for the… uh… ride, I guess? Haha"


He says as he turns his back forward and runs off without even waiting for Ramona to speak. Understanding his urgency, Ramona smiles and raises her hand in a farewell gesture, watching him disappear into the distance before turning around and continuing skating off to the opposite direction.




[Davenport, Davenport Road]


A few minutes after parting ways with Cifer, she skates through the vibrant streets of Toronto, her gaze drifting over the diverse array of buildings that line the bustling thoroughfares. From cozy residential houses to sleek high-rise apartments, and from quirky shops to inviting restaurants, the cityscape unfolds before her in a captivating panorama.


Her gaze sweeps over the bustling sidewalks, where a tapestry of humanity unfolds before her eyes. Couples strolling hand in hand, families laughing as they explore the city, friends sharing secrets over steaming cups of coffee – each moment a snapshot of life in motion.


As she navigates through the crowds of pedestrians, her attention is momentarily drawn to her open palm.




With a soft sound of disapproval, she clicks her tongue and reflexively closes her hand, seamlessly integrating the gesture into the fluid motion of her skating.


'Guess I'm not used to this "just being friendly" thing with a guy yet' she thought to herself as she deftly maneuvers to avoid colliding with a passerby.


She drifts to a stop and sighs from her thoughts, clearly disheartened by them. She takes a deep breath then exhales before skating off again to tour more of the town so she could familiarize herself with everything.




[Saint Clair Avenue West, near a Catholic Secondary School]


Meanwhile, after successfully delivering the mail on time, he decided to take a slow stroll back to the post office so he could change out his uniform.


With a puff of smoke escaping his mouth he lets out a relaxed sigh, for this moment his stress was alleviated for a bit as he stared at the setting sun out in the horizon. He takes a puff on his cigarette, temporarily lighting up the tip as he inhales, and lets out the smoke with his breath.


As he repeats the puffing of smoke while he walks, he enjoys the music that was being played through his headphones, nodding his head as he hums in tune.


Finishing his cigarette, he flicks it on the ground and steps on it as he kept his pace, each step of his occasionally splashing small puddles beneath his boots not bothering to avoid them. While continuing his stroll he pulls out a carton of cigarettes and taps it on his palm to get one of the sticks out. But before he can, he spots a blurry figure at a distance in front of him approaching slowly. He narrows his eyes, trying to discern details through the haze, and realizes it's a girl.


The figure seems to spot him too, her face brightening as she waves and quickens her pace. He hesitates for a moment, then tucks the carton away in his pocket as he straightens up to greet her, pausing his Walkman and taking off his headphones.


As he observes the approaching figure, he discerns the unmistakable features of a petite Asian girl, her slender frame adorned with a school uniform peeking from beneath a black jacket. Dark hair, tied back into a familiar ponytail, sways gently with each eager step she takes, it bore a striking resemblance to someone else he knew.






Knives Chau: "Cifer~~~!"


As she dashes toward Cifer, her joyful exclamation of his name fills the air, her hand waving energetically in greeting.


Cifer returns her greeting with a wave back as he stops walking and smiles as Knives runs towards him.


A cheery girl that looked like she had no weight to carry on her shoulders, a big contrast to him who was consistently exhausted from his responsibilities. Though they both look like people who are supposed to have no actual reason to interact, or even meet in the first place, they are good friends. To Knives, Cifer is one of her oldest friends, while to Cifer, she was his friend's cherished younger sibling.


With a joyful leap, Knives throws herself into Cifer's arms, the embrace a familiar comfort for the both of them.


Sniff. Sniff


Knives Chau: "Cigarettes. You were smoking again, weren't you?"


Sniffing his clothes as she buries her face on his chest, Knives wrinkles her nose in playful accusation as she looks up from Cifer leaning her chin on his chest.


Cifer Powers: "Hahaha…"


Cifer avoids her gaze in guilt. He could only laugh as he couldn't really deny it.


Cifer Powers: "Anyway, didn't your class end an hour ago? Were you hanging out with friends?"


He makes a poor attempt at changing the subject but was also slightly curious since it was nearing evening. Though Knives just happily answers him.


Knives Chau: "Oh right! Right! Listen to this!"


She lets go of her embrace and started hopping in place excitedly.


Knives Chau: "Listen! Listen! I'm actually going to Scott's right now! It's going to be our second date! 2nd! Doesn't that make us basically madly in love???"


She squeals to herself as she twirls happily. Cifer already looks exhausted just looking at her, though he's happy that she's happy the reason makes him a bit worried.


With a soft sigh, Cifer reaches out to gently touch Knives' arm, drawing her attention back to him before she drifts too far into her dreamland.


Cifer Powers: "Hey there, Earth to Knives"


He says, his voice laced with gentle concern.


Cifer Powers: "As much as I love seeing you this happy, I can't help but worry about you dating someone… like… older"


Knives Chau: "Not you too! Ugh! My brother already nags to me at home about it."


Knives stomps on the ground in frustration as she recalls the time she got caught by her brother hanging out with Scott and scolded her for it.


Cifer Powers: "We're just worried for you Knives"


Knives's pout deepened, her arms crossing defiantly as she turned away, a small huff escaping her lips.


Knives Chau: "It's not fair"


she muttered, her frustration evident.


Knives Chau: "Why does everyone have to make such a big deal out of it?"


Cifer couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for relenting, knowing deep down that it might not be the wisest choice. But seeing her happiness in that moment, he decided to set aside his concerns, at least for the meantime.


Cifer Powers: "Alright, I'll let it be… For now."


He knew he was treading on thin ice, but pushing further would only lead to more resistance. Instead, he chose to ignore the lingering doubts for the time being.


Cifer Powers: "But if things go sideways, you're on your own. No arguments. Understood?"


Knives, sensing his compromise, released a relieved exhale.


Knives Chau: "Ugh… Fine… Just make sure to tell my brother, so he quits pestering me."


Cifer Powers: "Sure thing. I'll let him know when I see him."


He nodded in resignation.


Knives Chau: "Yay! You're a lifesaver!"


She jumped to wrap Cifer in another hug, a wide grin spreading across her face as she held him tight. Feeling her warmth against him, Cifer couldn't help but return the embrace, a small smile playing on his lips.


Cifer Powers: "Well, I still have work to do, so you better get going."


He gently patted Knives' head as she nestled against his chest.

She nods as a reply, her head rustling against the fabric of his clothes.


Umpf! Umpf!


After letting go of Cifer, she skipped past him, turning back briefly to bid farewell.


Knives Chau: "Catch you later then!"


Cifer Powers: "Don't be out too late."


Knives Chau: "I won't! Hehe"


With a wave of her hand, she darted off into the distance. Cifer watched until she completely disappeared from his view before walking off towards the other direction.




[10:00 pm. Peter Street, Bar Hop Brew Co]


Late into the night, the air was filled with a lively buzz of conversation and an aroma of spirits, emanating from a cozy bar nestled just right across from the renowned Entertainment One Building. Within, the atmosphere was bathed in dim yet vibrant hues of light, casting quite an enchanting glow over the scene. Patrons were settling into their seats with smiles, glasses clinking in cheerful toasts, while others were enjoying the appetizing food on their plates, punctuated by the soft melodies of relaxing music drifting through the air. It was relaxing, a place people gathered to unwind and settle down for a drink or two while sharing laughter and stories.


Right at the bar, two men engage in a very heartfelt conversation. One of them, a very smiley, shaggy haired young man that looks like a slacker, wearing a yellow ringer t-shirt and sporting a light bluish denim pants. He had his head laid on the bar counter as he was speaking happily while his eyes seemed like he was daydreaming.






Scott Pilgrim: "I'm telling you guys, she was REAL!"


He sounds as if he's insisting.


The other person was listening to his friend's fantasizing while drinking what seemed to be a tequila served on a Copita, he looked to be a young man that has short, slightly messy dark hair and narrow eyes, in contrast to his friend he wore a more formal attire, a buttoned-up shirt layered under a sweater.






Wallace Wells: "Yes yes my over fantasizing friend… You've said that about thirty times on the way here already."


He says, a wry smile dancing on his lips, his tone tinged with playful sarcasm while he takes a sip of his drink.


Scott Pilgrim: "When I saw her, I saw sparkles around her. It was like when Sonic dies and drops his rings. It was amazing."


As Scott was recalling his memories, a bit filtered. Wallace finished his drink and pushes his glace over the other side of the bar counter.


Wallace Wells: "Uhuh… And you spoke with this mysterious woman, yes?"


Wallace leans his elbows on the counter, his chin resting in his palms as he fixes his gaze towards his friend, tapping his finger lightly on the wooden bar top as he waits for a new drink.


Scott Pilgrim: "Kind of… I guess…"


He sounded unsure.


Wallace Wells: "Look Scott, I don't mind your fascination with a random woman. But you can at least get to know someone first, isn't that right my humble bartender?"


As Wallace spoke with Scott, he suddenly turns his head towards over the bar counter as a bartender pushes a new drink towards him.






Cifer Powers: "Even if I agree with Wallace, you have bigger problems."


He spoke as he gently cleans a glass with a dry rag.


Cifer Powers: "You have a girlfriend, don't you? Granted, you're quite a piece of shit for dating a highschooler at your age, but still a girlfriend."


Scott Pilgrim: "Why do you feel the need to bring that up?"


He says as he sits up to look at Cifer over the counter.


Cifer Powers: "Let's set aside how it's a social problem. If ever you find yourself about to start a relationship with this mystery girl, you should break up with Knives."


Wallace Wells: "Good advice, that's why I like you."


Wallace says as he winks at Cifer before downing his drink.


Wallace Wells: "But Cifer's right Scott"


He says as he sets his empty glass down.


Wallace Wells: "You aren't getting anywhere with your dream girl if you stay with Knives. That poor angel."


Scott Pilgrim: "But breaking up is hard~~~"


He laments as he bangs his head down the bar top.


Cifer Powers: "You of all people should at least know better than to cheat Scott."


Scott Pilgrim: "Should I just call her and get it over with?"


Cifer Powers: "NO!"


Wallace Wells: "No!"


As both Wallace and Cifer strongly decline Scott's suggestion, Scott shot up in surprise when they both suddenly raise their voice.


Both Wallace and Cifer sigh in sync before speaking again.


Cifer Powers: "Can you at least be proper about this?"


Scott takes a moment to think while looking up at Cifer, though his chin is still leaning on the bar top.


Scott Pilgrim: "Uh… Should I… Just meet her tomorrow and get it over with?"


Cifer just stares at Scott with a look that says 'Really?', while Wallace just calls a different bartender for a new drink. But before he could even call out to someone Cifer grabs his arm and turns him around.


Cifer Powers: "Ok, help me out here."


Wallace Wells: "I don't know what to tell you"


Wallace shrugs, clearly not knowing what to do. Though it seems Wallace still thinks he should say something.


Wallace Wells: "Look Scott. You just have to take this either slowly or just get it over with."


Cifer Powers: "Let's focus on slowly here at least."


Scott Pilgrim: "Can we just stick to the girl I saw for now?"


Though his friends seem to be giving advice, Scott has a different focus as of now. Both Wallace and Cifer looked at each other and nodded, both seeming to just let their friend be for now, Cifer takes the empty glass from in front of Wallace while he seems to be looking at someone that passed by.


Scott Pilgrim: "First I saw her in my dreams, then I saw her at the library, then at the party. Isn't this basically fate trying to get us together?"


Cifer Powers: "As much as I enjoy your extreme imagination. Don't be too heartless with the breakup if you ever plan to."


Cifer says as he opens a bottle of tequila.


Cifer Powers: "Be delicate at least. But then again, you don't even know this dream girl's name, don't you?"


Scott Pilgrim: "Your sister's the only one who knew. Argh! I should've asked for her name when I spoke to her."


While Scott was grumbling, Cifer had already finished serving Wallace his new drink.


Wallace Wells: "Maybe it's someone you know Cifer"


Picking up the glass he served, Wallace takes a sip before speaking again.


Wallace Wells: "After all, you know a lot of people."


Cifer Powers: "Sure, I'll bite. What's she look like?"


Cifer puts the rag over his shoulder and places his hands on the bar top leaning his body forward to listen closely.


Scott Pilgrim: "Well, she was pretty… Quite pretty…"


Cifer Powers: "And…?"


Scott Pilgrim: "She was sparkling a lot… She was gorgeous."


Wallace Wells: "Oh yeah… He doesn't even know. He's been repeating those words the entire time since the party."


Cifer Powers: "Not really helpful info."


Cifer, a bit disappointed, just carried on with his work, wiping and cleaning the glasses that started stacking beside him. Wallace takes another sip of his drink as his face turns red.


Scott Pilgrim: "I'm telling you guys. I think she's the one."


Scott stares in front of him as he starts his fantasies again. Meanwhile Wallace and Cifer just stared at Scott with judging but worried gazes.


Cifer Powers: "Did I accidentally give him alcohol or something?"


Wallace Wells: "I would've much preferred if this was a drunken mood of his"


Wallace finishes his drink before continuing.


Wallace Wells: "But sadly it's not."


Placing his glass on the bar top, Wallace stands up and grabs his black coat on the stool beside him.


Wallace Wells: "Well, Seeing as I'm getting a bit… Intoxicated. It is time for us to leave."


Scott Pilgrim: "Are you finally done?"


Scott says as he also stands up and wears his blue parka.


Wallace Wells: "Thank you for the five-star service as usual our good friend."


As he bid his farewell, Wallace pushes Scott's back as if they were in a hurry. But before they could even move away from the bar counter Cifer stops them by faking a cough,


Ahem! Ahem!


Cifer Powers: "Pay up. You aren't getting away again Wallace, you still owe us a few hundred bucks."


Wallace Wells: "I swear I'll get you next time, let it slide for now please."


Wallace says as he pushes Scott with more force.


Wallace Wells: "Well I'll see you next time, Adieu!"


Scott Pilgrim: "See you next time Cifer!"


As they both bid their farewells, Wallace dragged Scott out the bar before Cifer could grab them.


Cifer Powers: "Son of a bitch…"


He mutters as he grabs the empty glass in front of him and wipes the bar top with the rag on his shoulder.


As he sees his friends depart, he seamlessly transitioned back into his professionalism as a bartender, expertly juggling orders, and crafting drinks for the bustling crowd of customers showing his experience with the trade. With movements that flaunt hours of practice he effortlessly does the demands of his job, blending flavors and pouring concoctions with a flair that was well received by his customers.


Hours slip away unnoticed as he tends to his duties, not just a bartender, but a cleaner as well as he cleans the floor and tables around the bar. Even as the last call echoes through the room, he remained undisturbed. With determination to see things through even as exhaustion sinks in, he continues tackling the arduous task of cleaning and closing.




[2:00 am: Ontario, 125 Beaconsfield Avenue]




The door opens with a creaking sound, inside was a dark room due to the lights being turned off. Beneath the doorframe was the figure of a man carrying a jacket over his arm.




Cifer sighs as he straightens himself out and taking a step inside, flicking the switch beside the door, and turning the lights on revealing a large living room with a gray couch and glass coffee table, both set on a light gray carpet, and on both sides of the couch were glass tables with lamps placed on top of them.


He slouched over and took a seat on the small settee in front of the door and takes off his shoes. Though he seemed exhausted he still properly took off his shoes and sets them on the rack beside the door.


He relaxed, leaning his back on the wall behind him while loosening his tie and running his hand through his hair, his fingers catching on a few knots. He stayed in place for a few minutes, seemingly catching his breath and just staring at the ceiling.


As he dozed off and almost fell asleep, he felt something rub up against his leg.




An orange cat, a bit on the plump side, with a fluffy tail lazily swinging from side to side. When he saw the feline, he reached down to it to pet it. The cat upon seeing this tilted its head, as if inviting the affection, he ran his hand along it's back feeling it's soft fur.


Cifer Powers: "I should wash up before I fall asleep here…"


He mumbled as he stood up, prompting his cat to stir. As if sensing his movement, the cat ascended its owner, traversing from his leg up to his torso with precision until it perched comfortably on his shoulder, where it snuggled itself against Cifer's neck.


With his feline companion in tow, Cifer trudges towards the washroom, exhaustion heavy on his shoulders. The bright light of the living room casts shadows beneath his feet as he walks past it, stepping on the soft gray carpet.


He takes off his loosened tie and unbuttons his top as he made his way to the bathroom, the cat just enjoying the ride it is getting as Cifer reaches for the washroom door just on the side of the living room, a large clock ticking on the other side of it.


Entering the washroom, a harsh click punctuates the silence as he turns the faucet on, the running water echoing in the small space. Hearing this, the cat on his shoulder shot up and ran down his body and out the room. Cifer ignores this and just looks at his own reflection in the mirror with a hollow gaze, his exhaustion clear on his face. With a heavy sight he washes his hands on the icy stream before washing his face, the cold water seemingly waking him up for a moment.


After a bit, he turns the faucet off, silencing the room. He turns his face to the dry towel just beside the mirror in front of him. He grasps the towel and draws it to his wet face, feeling the soft cloth on his skin.


???: "I thought you'd be later."


Suddenly, he hears a sharp but slightly husky voice at his right. Though the voice seemed a bit croaky and hoarse than what he was used to.


He stops what he's doing putting the now damp towel on the sink as he turns his head towards the door. There he sees a short, chubby girl with short, slightly messy, yellow hair framing her face, and cradled in her arms, nestling against her chest, is the feline who ran away a while ago.


She wore a simple white hoodie and shorts, her light-skinned complexion more noticeable in the slightly dimmed background. Her eyes also have bags under them much like Cifer's, but her gaze looks much sharper than his.






Cifer Powers: "…"


Cifer locks eyes with her, squinting his eyes a bit before smiling and replying.


Cifer Powers: "Did I wake you?"


???: "No, this cat did."


Though she sounded cranky, she was still caressing the cat.


???: "Also, can you stop getting home at like…"


She pauses mid-sentence and checks the giant clock to the side before continuing.


???: "Two in the morning? It's exhausting having to wake up just to see if an intruder came in or not."


Cifer Powers: "You shouldn't bother with those thoughts. Not like many people would think of robbing this place."


As he spoke, he tossed the damp towel onto the hamper beside the sink and made his way out the washroom, passing by the girl as he headed upstairs. she slowly followed him up.


Cifer Powers: "Also, I thought you'd have left by now."


???: "Not like I have any other place to stay. Plus, this place is very comfy."


She says as she looks around the dimly lit halls after they made their way to the second floor. The walls were white and narrow, but there were multiple doors leading to different rooms of different sizes.


???: "Also, you probably looked so damn miserable living in such a great place alone. You should be thanking me for giving you company."


Cifer Powers: "Yes yes, I am forever grateful to be living with such a character."


He said so in a sarcastic manner. The girl wasn't oblivious to it though.


???: "Fuck that tone… What a piece of shit."


Though she could only grumble after seeing Cifer walk through the hallways drowsily.


Cifer Powers: "Well, you're welcome to stay as long as you like."


???: "You don't need to tell me. I'm staying as long as I damn please."


As the two exchange words through the night, Cifer finally made his way to his room. It was a large room; it had a king-sized bed on one side of the room with a nightstand on the right side of it and a small lamp placed neatly on top. Across from it was a large T.V with a video game console below it. There was also a large window beside the bed with its curtains closed, and at the left side was a door to the bathroom.


Cifer, as tired as he was, just threw himself back first onto the bed, sinking into the soft mattress. He wanted to fall asleep, he felt like he could, but at the same time he couldn't cause of one factor.


Cifer Powers: "Um… You mind?"


Sitting on the window nook at the side of the bed staring straight at him, was the small girl with the cat placed on her lap staring straight at him.


???: "Don't mind me."


Cifer Powers: "That's kind of hard…"


???: "What a whiner. Get your ass to sleep or I'll whack you to sleep."




She says while the cat purrs on her lap as she caresses it's back.


Cifer Powers: "At least don't kill me in my sleep alright?"


???: "Heh~~ Like I care for your worthless life."


Silence came to the two for a few minutes, not one spoke, nor one cared to. One had no idea if the other had fallen asleep, on the other hand he had no idea if she had left the room.


Then suddenly the silence is broken by a question, asked with pure curiosity.


Cifer Powers: "You found the person you were looking for yet?"


Though she took her time, she replied.


???: "No, but when I do, I'm giving her a piece of my mind."


He stayed silent; he knew of his friend's reason for being here. But he bore no judgement, no reason to stop her, no right to. But he was still curious.


Cifer Powers: "Hey, I kind of left you alone as well back then, didn't I? Gonna give me a piece of your mind as well."


???: "You aren't worth shit and you know it."


She says without much thought. Then she inaudibly added something at the end.


???: "But still… Thanks for staying when you could…"


Cifer Powers: "Hm? Got something else to say?"


Though obviously, Cifer couldn't hear it.


???: "Rrrr… Argh! Goddamn it! I'm saying graduating wasn't your fault damn it! You piece of shi~~~t!"


From a sudden eruption of frustration, she unleashed a yell that sent the cat peacefully napping on her lap to shot up and run away in alarm. But as the echoes of her outburst surround the room, a flush of embarrassment crept up her cheeks, a stark contrast to against her fair complexion, which she was trying to hide behind her outburst.


After a few moments she finally calmed down, her echoing frustration slowly fading out from the room. She lets out a heavy sigh and stood up and walks towards the door, stopping just under the doorframe. She turns her head to look at Cifer who was barely keeping his eyes open as he laid on his bed.


???: "Anyway, I'll be leaving when I'm done with my business. So, until then I'll be crashing here. Hope you aren't expecting any payment."


She says as she was about to close the door. But Cifer seem to want to have the final word out.


Cifer Powers: "Heh… Don't worry I already got my payment."


With that Cifer turns to his side, his back facing towards her. The girl who didn't know what he meant took a few moments to process it, and only a few moments was what she needed to get it.


???: "Sh-Shut up! You shit! It didn't count!"




With rosy cheeks, she shouted her words out into the room before forcefully slamming the door shut behind her when she left. Outside, her footsteps echoed the halls with heavy thumps, fading into the distance, only to be drowned out by another muffled slam of another door echoing faintly from the other side of the house.


After a while, silence surrounded the house. It wasn't long that Cifer, ever so exhausted, fell asleep quietly, not even a snore nor a murmur escaped his lips as he laid on his side facing the moonlight through the window.


Meanwhile, the girl who was using the other room, it was a bit bigger than the one Cifer was sleeping in, though it was a bit emptier. It had a queen-sized bed, a nightstand one the right side of it with a lamp on top, a desk with a chair, and a wall closet. Its only decoration being the window where the view of Toronto, though only houses could be seen.


She could only look at the silent streets while sitting on an armchair by the window.


'I'll find her…' She thought as she clenched her fist.




[A couple weeks ago, Bar Hop Brew Co.]


It was the middle of the night, the rain wasn't heavy, but it was enough to keep some people inside the bar even though they had enough to drink. Cifer was cleaning up the bar in the middle of the few people left in the establishment. It was the same peaceful night; it was an hour before closing and the only people left were a few groups of friends or office workers drinking their problems away. It was nothing new to him as he cleaned the bar top.


In the middle of cleaning one of his coworkers tapped him on his shoulder.


Coworker: "Hey, ca-can you take that customer for now? The-They're scary man."


He says tremblingly as he points to a hooded customer sitting on the corner of the bar alone, seemingly looking out window.


Cifer Powers: "Really? I'm busy as it is already."


He says as he stocks the shelf behind the bar top with new bottles.


Coworker: "Come on man… They're really scary. Hooded, wearing a demon mask, they just scream bad news."


Cifer stops what he's doing and just sighs.


Cifer Powers: "Alright fine, here."


He gives the bottle he was holding to his coworker and walks past him, making his way towards the sketchy customer. His coworker just salutes him.


While walking towards them he noticed why his coworker was quite afraid to approach the figure. They were very suspicious for one, wearing a loose-sleeved hoodie with the hood drawn around their face, obscuring most their features, as well as a crimson fanged mask. They also have a sword rested on their back though Cifer could not tell if it was real or not.




When he was finally just a few feet away from the figure he coughs to get their attention. Though unlike his coworker who was staring from the bar top, Cifer wasn't really afraid, he was more so curious at what kind of person would they be. Though his curiosity would immediately turn into alert.




A sound of metal, as if cutting through air could be heard, but was suddenly stopped. Cifer managed to grab their hand as they swung, stopping their momentum at a close call. It was too quick that the figure couldn't react to it until they felt his hand gripping theirs, they could barely even see it, as if it was a blur.


Cifer Powers: "We'd be troubled if you suddenly swing something like this around"


Cifer says calmly, even as the blade of the figure's sword was rattling on his neck. But the person's grip seems to be trembling with struggle, they were clearly trying to break free of his hold.


???: "You…"


The figure stood up from their seat to look up at Cifer.


'They're quite small' Cifer thought as he looked down on the hooded figure, not releasing his grip from the sword.


When the figure looked up Cifer felt their grip loosen, just as he was about to let go the figure suddenly let out a yell.


???: "Ah! Senior?!"


A husky voice, a voice Cifer would recognize without fail. But he wanted to make sure first, he didn't want to assume based on voice alone.


Cifer Powers: "Rox???"


Just as he asked cluelessly, as if not even meaning to. The hooded figure took off their mask with their free hand along with their hood revealing a cherubic girl with blonde hair, clearly dyed, tied in two buns. Her eyes have black marking underneath them and her gaze was sharp.






Roxanne Richter: "Di'n't think I'd shee you here"


She slurred her words as she spoke.


Cifer Powers: "Same with you, haven't really seen you… since… I graduated… haha…"


He got embarrassed as he went on slowly realizing that he never actually kept in touch with her since then. He released her hand which made her sheathe her sword on her back.


Roxanne Richter: "I don' min', com'sheet here"


She says as she sits down and pats the bar stool next to her.


Cifer Powers: "I don't know… I'm still working."


Roxanne Richter: "Boo~~~ wha' a dow'ner~~~"


She playfully jeered as she leans back on the table.


Roxanne Richter: "Can' even shay a bi' to catch up with an ol' friend~~~?"


Cifer Powers: "I don't know…"


As Cifer spoke his head tilted to the side, uncertain on what to do. His eyes darted towards his coworker, who was meticulously cleaning the bar top. He catches his eye and waits for a bit, until his coworker responded with a reassuring thumbs up, silently signaling that it was ok. He sighs and looks back down at his friend as she was downing a mug, he didn't even know she had it.


Cifer Powers: "Alright I'll stay for a bit"


He says as he sat down beside her.


Roxanne Richter: "Yaaaaay~~~"


Roxanne lays her head down the table as she finished her drink, banging the mug on the table.


Roxanne Richter: "H'wv you bin an'way? Haven't h'ard from you s'n uh… College"


Cifer Powers: "Been the same, you? You were basically a mess when I graduated."


As they talk a coworker of Cifer's came by and left two glasses on their table along with a pitcher full of water. But he also offered Cifer a bottle of vodka, to which he accepted, feeling like it'll be a long talk.


Roxanne Richter: "Ohhh~ y'know… Bee'n here, the're… I'm act'lly lookin' for someo' right now…"


While she was speaking, slurring her words. Cifer was pouring water on the two glasses, pushing one towards her.


Cifer Powers: "Still haven't moved on from your ex?"


Roxanne Richter: "Shu' the fu-fuck up… When I find her, I'll… I'll…"


With seemingly nothing to say, Roxanne picks up the glass and chugs the water down with big gulps. Cifer just enjoys his drink slowly in comparison to her.




With a loud thud she slammed her now empty glass on the table before continuing.


Roxanne Richter: "Ah~~~ Anyway, 'nough 'bout her! S'not like she's the only thin' in my mind."


Cifer Powers: "You've been searching for that girl for a while, don't you think it's time to just… set back a bit?"


Roxanne Richter: "Pshh~ Lik' you'unnerstand how I feel. When it cam' to hear'breaks, you look q'ite the ama…teur."


She says in a joking tone, though she's making fun of him she's doing it in a moderate way. Cifer in turn just shrugs it off.


Cifer Powers: "Meh. Can't really deny that."


Roxanne Richter: "Still, for someone sho well-liked you're qu'shit at romance."


Cifer Powers: "Hearing that from someone still hung up on a girl? Not convincing."


Roxanne Richter: "Hehe… Your tongue got sh'rper though, I'll give ya that."


Their banter continued, friendly looking for outsiders, for them, nostalgic. Though they seem to be just doing some drunken bickering, it was their way of catching up and reconnecting after their lack of connection for a few years, it was reminiscent of how they first met. Though they weren't college students anymore but fully-fledged adults with responsibilities, they talked into the night without a care in the world.


Their talk lasted for hours. Cifer's coworkers already left along with the remaining guests, leaving Cifer to close-up shop, though he happily accepts it.




[3:00 am, Beaconsfield Avenue] (Still a flashback)


After locking up the bar, Cifer and his friend Roxanne continued their conversation as they strolled along the empty streets. Both seemingly intoxicated, their laughter echoed through the night, sometimes growing silent when delving into more serious conversations. Sometimes they even pause their conversations and stop walking, not because they were starting to feel awkward, but because Cifer gets too dizzy to continue walking, so he occasionally leans on a wall or fence while Roxanne pats his back.


Though both of them don't seem to think it was boring or annoying, rather they seem to be enjoying each other's company after years of being separated.


As the conversation winds down and the night grows late, a lull came into their conversation, silence settled between them, though they didn't find it awkward, it was comfortable for them. As they walk Roxanne was leaning on Cifer's arm, her own draped around it, while Cifer was walking straight and slow since he gets dizzy if he moves around too much.


Roxanne Richter: "Oohh right, 'fore I forg't. I'm act'ly lookin' into locashuns to build up my own art gallery."


Cifer Powers: "That's… that's actually pretty impressive."


Roxanne Richter: "Y'hafta vis't… when it's open~~~"


Cifer Powers: "Sure, sure. Just let me know."


Their talks started toning down because they were both getting dizzier, Cifer for one felt like he might throw up should he even make a sudden turn, while Roxanne was keeping her steps steady by anchoring herself on Cifer.


After a while of walking Cifer finally stops walking. Roxanne, who was still clinging to him stopped as well, though she was more clueless as to why.


Cifer without even speaking turned around to face a big house, it wasn't that colorful being full on white. But it was big, even from outside Roxanne could tell the house was at least 3 stories tall.


Cifer Powers: "Well… Haha… This is my stop."


He says as he turns to look at Roxanne for a bit before checking his pockets for what she can only assume was his keys.


Roxanne Richter: "Wow~~~ you live here?"


Roxanne just looks at the house in awe.


Cifer Powers: "Well yeah… it's not bad. Been here for a while now."


Roxanne Richter: "Well I guess I shoul' ge'going now then"


Cifer Powers: "Yeah sure, take care of yourself."


As Cifer waves Roxanne a farewell, she turns around to leave walking herself out his yard.




But before she could even take a step out his fence, she heard something fall behind her. Startled, her heart racing so fast she sobered up, she quickly turns around to see Cifer sprawled face down on the ground just beneath the entrance of his own house.


Roxanne Richter: "Cifer!?"


A sleight panic surged through her veins, she didn't even think twice and just dashed towards him like a lightning bolt.


When she kneeled beside him, she shook him gently before turning him face up. Looking at his relaxed expression and stable breathing she felt relieved a bit, though she kind of expected it, to see someone suddenly drop on the ground was still something not pleasant to see.


Cifer Powers: "Hm…? Shit… my head…"


It wasn't long but Cifer woke up holding his head. Slowly sitting up feeling groggy he leaned his back on the door frame, seemingly out of breath.


Cifer Powers: "Was I out long?"


Though his head was feeling a hard aching pain, he still managed to think up a question.


Roxanne Richter: "Not even a minute passed."


With a sigh, Roxanne stood up grabbing Cifer by his arm to help him stand up.


Cifer does slowly managed to stand up, but he still had his arm over Roxanne's shoulders as support, with her wrapping her arm around Cifer's waist. The fall really messed with Cifer's head while the shock was bad for Roxanne's heart.


With Cifer closing the door behind them, ignoring the light switch beside it, they made their way inside the dimly lit living room, Roxanne sets Cifer down the couch, sitting beside him exhausted as well.


Roxanne Richter: "You're fucking… Ha… heavier than I remember. Haha… Ha…"


Cifer Powers: "Have I…? Fuck… Didn't you as well"


Roxanne punches his arm, though weakly, at his comment. Cifer didn't even react to it.


Roxanne Richter: "Fuck off…"


She still managed to comment despite being out of breath.


Cifer Powers: "Wait a bit… Ha… Let me rest my head…"


They both rest on the couch, out of breath, either from walking to get here or from initial shock to both the head and heart. Roxanne was leaning her back against the couch with her head up while Cifer was leaning forward, his elbows on his knees as he rubs his temples with one of his hands.


Cifer Powers: "Excuse me for a bit…"


He asks before turning the lamp on the table beside the couch, giving the white living room a warm glow. The light casting Cifer's shadow over Roxanne, covering her in his own shard of shade. Though Roxanne was covered in Cifer's shadow, he, with the light behind him, was making him shine a bit, the light reflecting through the sweat on his face and neck.


Feeling hot, Cifer used his free hand and tried to loosen the tie around his neck, his fingers moved and fumbled on the knot until it finally came loose, untangling from his neck and just hanging off to the side.


As he leaned back to the cushions, his shirt clung to his skin as if it was another layer, the fabric almost transparent in places where it was stuck on his sweat drenched body. With a grimace expression on his face as he looked up, panting out of breath, he unbuttoned the top of his shirt, parting the cloth a bit to reveal the glistening sheen of his skin.


Roxanne took notice of something on his upper right arm however, some blackish lines seeping through the fabric. Though her attention immediately went over to a scar she noticed on his chest peeking out the opening on his clothes, it looked like an old scar that has not finished healing. However, going through her memories with him from the past, it wasn't something that popped out before, so she assumes it was from after they separated.


Cifer Powers: "Something on my face?"


His voice suddenly brought her back to reality as she finally noticed she was looking closely at his body while breathing heavily.




She shot back immediately, letting out a dry cough in an attempt to act composed.


Roxanne Richter: "Uh… A-are you… Uh… Ok?"


Though she failed as she couldn't even look him in the eyes.


But Cifer was too tired to notice and just nodded, he didn't even bother unbuttoning his shirt all the way and just leaned on the couch lazily.


Cifer Powers: "Yeah… Haha… Just not used to being so dead drunk…"


He managed a reply out his breath before leaning forward again, placing his head on his palm.


Roxanne Richter: "Heh~ How weak~ I forgot what a terrible drinker you are~"


She comments, remembering the times they would drink together back then. Though it seems her memories were of her being the one who was terrible at drinking, not Cifer.


Cifer Powers: "Oh shut up… for a bit… Ha… Fuck…"


Roxanne just silently watched him for a moment before reaching out to help. Pulling Cifer closer a bit so she can see the buttons clearly, Cifer didn't have the energy to respond so he just lets her do what she wants.


Roxanne Richter: "Hold on a bit…"


She says as she undoes the buttons on his shirt all the way down until it hung open. Underneath his shirt, she couldn't help but notice his toned physique, even if she was aware that Cifer was the type to work out his body when she knew him back in college, his body's features didn't really stand out due to how he dresses, hiding his muscular frame.


However, her eyes immediately darted towards both the tattoo of wings on his upper arm and the scar on his right chest that went down to his abdomen. Curious, she ran her hand on his scar without much thought.


Cifer Powers: "Uh… This is quite embarrassing…"


Feeling the sensitive part of his skin being touched, Cifer couldn't help but speak out. Roxanne, hearing him, looked up to meet his eyes.


Roxanne Richter: "When… did this happen…?"


She asks, though she didn't really expect a clear answer.


Cifer Powers: "Oh… This happened a few years after I graduated…"


He replies as he looks down at his scar, grabbing Roxanne's hand so she stops running her hand against it.


Roxanne couldn't help but think, she didn't know what Cifer has been through since they last saw each other. In turn Cifer could only think about how she has been since then.


Cifer Powers: "You know… I still feel bad… For leaving you alone back then…"


Cifer looks at her, feeling guilty about something. She looks up, locking eyes with him.


Roxanne Richter: "I told you… you shouldn't worry about that shit…"


Cifer Powers: "Just… a bit guilty for finally being reminded of it… Haha…"


He laughs in embarrassment. Though he indeed felt like he wronged her in the past.


Both of them, still panting from having to walk home after having a drink earlier, their chests rising and falling heavily in sync. They both felt hot from the alcohol, Roxanne looks deep at his steel-colored eyes. Cifer, returning her gaze, also looks at her chocolate-tinted eyes.


The two were in their own small world, the dimly lit space and the silence that befell them when they both stopped speaking and just stared at each other.


Roxanne Richter: "Hold… Hold on a bit…"


Breaking the silence, Roxanne uses her other hand to reach out to his cheek slowly, making him flinch at the unexpected touch. Her thumb gently brushed against his skin; her eyes locked onto his. She could feel his breath, ragged and warm, mingling with hers. Cifer in return, instinctively moved his left hand to her waist making her flinch a bit at his touch. He paused, giving her a moment to adjust, and when she relaxed, he let his hand rest there for a moment before moving to the curve of her lower back, a subtle gesture, pulling her a bit closer.


In the heat of the moment, she leaned in slightly, pausing to gauge his reaction. His eyes softened, and he didn't pull away. Instead, he gently pulled her closer, making Roxanne scoff a little at how cliché it seemed.


Roxanne Richter: "Heh… Just a bit…"


She whispered, as if a declaration at the act she initiated and was about to do. She had a fleeting hesitation, a last-minute attempt to hold on to the sanity she still had.


And then, as if given a push by some unseen force, she closed the remaining distance, her lips meeting his in a heated, searching kiss. She felt a whirlwind of emotions within her, as if some pent-up emotion was being released. She closed her eyes, losing herself in the heat of the moment, her senses overwhelmed by the taste of him.


Cifer, who was initially surprised by his friend's initiative, surrendered to the moment, gradually taking the lead. As if responding instinctively, his touch becoming more assured as he pulls Roxanne closer to him, sticking their bodied close.


As if yearning for closeness, Roxanne sticked her body close to Cifer's, gripping his open shirt. Their breaths synced and mingled in a rhythm of desperation, punctuated by the occasional soft gasps and pants as they try to catch their breaths between fervent kisses. Each touch, each brush of their lips against each other sending a jolt of electricity through their bodies.


The sound of a large ticking clock, the dripping water outside from the aftereffects of the rain. The two doesn't seem to be stopping any time soon. As a feline passes by the two, they remained unmoved, their focus solely on each other as they indulged in the fleeting ecstasy of the moment.




[1:30 pm. The Next Day] (Still a flashback)


The next day, Cifer woke up groggy on his bed, his head pounding with a dull ache. Blinking away his drowsiness, he slowly took note of his surroundings, his eyes widening in surprise, instead of a spotless room there were clothes strewn all over the space.


Tss! Ah…


Running a hand through his messy hair, he winced. Then as he looked at his torso, he noticed scratches and subtle marks scattered across his body. With that his memories from the previous night slowly begun to resurface.


Cifer Powers: "Fuck…"


He muttered as he sighed, his voice hoarse.


Roxanne Richter: "Fuck…"


At the same time, he heard a voice beside him repeating what he said in sync, just as raspy as his.


When he turned to look, he sees Roxanne awake as well looking at him, sitting up as she hastily covers her torso with the sheets. His eyes traveled all over her, noticing her body was covered in marks just like him.




They both let out a sigh before saying in sync again.


Cifer Powers: "Fuck…"


Roxanne Richter: "Fuck…"




AGE: 27 & 24


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