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37.5% Scott Pilgrim: Changing Things Up / Chapter 1: CHAPTER 1: Conflicting Colors

Capítulo 1: CHAPTER 1: Conflicting Colors


Toronto, Canada.


It was a serene evening, but amidst the tranquility of the neighborhood, one house stood out with its vibrant noise. A lively house party was in full swing, echoing laughter and music down the street.


At the front door, a girl with a ponytail and round glasses welcomed arriving guests, engaging in friendly banter with some as they entered.


Inside the bustling house, another host attended to the guests in the living room. Carrying a clipboard with a meticulous list of names and a pen, a gray-haired man with weary eyes conversed with each guest individually, ensuring their comfort and enjoyment. Upon closer inspection, he bore a striking resemblance to the girl outside, albeit with an air of fatigue that contrasted the lively atmosphere of the party.






Cifer Powers, older brother to the girl hosting the party, seamlessly shared the hosting responsibilities with his sister. While she greeted guests at the entrance, Cifer ensured the atmosphere inside remained lively and welcoming.


Amidst the bustling ambiance of chatter and laughter, his gaze was ensnared by a captivating figure weaving through the crowd—a girl adorned in a chic purplish collared top that hugged her form. Yet, it was not her attire that commanded his attention; it was her hair, a mesmerizing spectacle of vibrant pink, tinged with delicate hints of purple. Each strand seemed to shimmer and sway, reminiscent of the flickering hues cast by the party's eclectic lighting, casting an enchanting aura around her as she moved.


Intrigued, Cifer excused himself from his conversation with a couple of guests and made his way through the crowd, his curiosity piqued by the newcomer. Eventually, he found her standing alone by the wall, quietly observing the festivities while sipping on her cup.






With a friendly smile, Cifer approached her, his demeanor curious. He struck up a conversation, genuinely interested in getting to know the girl who seemed content to watch the party unfold from her spot by the wall.


Cifer Powers: "You the new girl?"


he says politely as he stands beside her.


She gives him a curious glance for a moment before going back to observing the party, not exactly paying much mind to him. Though she didn't want to be rude to someone being polite, so she glanced back to him to speak.


???: "Yeah. I guess I am. What's it to you?"


Cifer Powers: "Rare to see someone I don't know in a party, I guess. Got curious" 


Cifer, observing personal space, steps to the side to stand a foot farther away from her. The girl just glances and raises an eyebrow at him before looking back at the party. She then finishes the last sip of her soda and crushes the cup.


???: "Eh. It is what it is. Don't really plan on staying here too long either way."


She sounds very disinterested.


???: "I'm already bored just standing around."


Cifer Powers: "You know anyone here then?"


He asks politely as if being careful.


???: "Are you really that curious?"


She's getting a bit annoyed.


The girl gives a sigh. Since he hasn't really done anything bad to her, she decides to respond to him properly albeit her disinterest remains. 


???: "If you must know, pretty much no one. Well… maybe like, one person. She's the host… yeah."


Cifer Powers: "Julie? So, my sister invited you?"


???: "...Yeah. You're Julie's brother then? Cifer if I'm right?"


She takes a curious guess.


Cifer Powers: "Spot on actually, didn't think Julie told anyone about me"


He taps his pen on the clipboard he was holding as he talks.


The girl just looks at Cifer blankly. She obviously isn't interested in talking with him for that long, and it shows.


???: "Well. Nice to meet you then."


she says this with sarcasm.


She didn't want to come out as rude towards someone nice but at the same time she just wants to leave. As she looks at the party filled with strangers, she felt out of place.


???: "Hope you're having a good time at this party because I'm not. Might head out soon."


Cifer getting a feel that her mood soured a bit, he turns to leave hoping he doesn't make her uncomfortable.


Cifer Powers: "Then I hope you take care of yourself I guess"


He says at least as a sign of goodwill. She doesn't reply and just lets Cifer leave as her expression remains apathetic, already wanting to get out of this party.


The girl takes another scan of the party and sighs 'it's a waste of time' she thought as she starts walking away from where she was standing.


Though she stopped when she spots a familiar girl wearing glasses and a brown tank top walking towards her. Her one friend in this city.






Julie Powers: "Hey, Ramona. Nice to see you made it."


She waves as she walks closer to Ramona.


Ramona Flowers: "Yeah. Guess you had to drag me here. Wasn't really in the mood on even doing anything tonight to be honest."


Julie Powers: "What exactly is that supposed to mean? You okay?"


She asks very curiously.


Ramona Flowers: "Yeah, of course I'm fine. Just... just had a bad break-up not that long ago honestly. Didn't really have the mood to come to one of these either way."


She crosses her arms, avoiding eye contact with Julie.


Julie Powers: "Bad breakup? What happened if you don't mind me asking?"


Julie seems more intrigued now, wanting to know what exactly happened with her new friend's last relationship. She seemed more into the gossip itself though.


Ramona Flowers: "Well. They were a bit..."


Ramona thinks about if she should really tell someone about it. But when she took a glance on Julie, she decides to spill the beans.


Ramona Flowers: "They were a bit overprotective on things. I mean I get it I guess… they really liked me and didn't want to lose me."


Ramona's voice breaks a bit, and she takes a deep breath before continuing.


Feeling a twinge of discomfort discussing such a personal topic, she hesitated momentarily. But as she reflected on her recent interaction with Cifer, recognizing her own rudeness, she realized that keeping her emotions bottled up was only detrimental to her well-being.


With a deep breath, she made the conscious decision to open up, acknowledging that releasing some of the pressure would provide much-needed relief.


Ramona Flowers: "But they went way too far at some point, to the point where they just kept wanting to control everything on me. Like they didn't really let me make choices for myself anymore."


Julie Powers: "What kind of choices were you making for yourself that triggered them to act like that?"


Julie seems more and more invested into the conversation, trying to piece everything together.


Ramona Flowers: "Honestly. I don't think I even should tell you about it. It's... a lot."


Ramona says with a slight frown.


She takes a moment to summon the courage to broach the subject close to her heart, with heavy anticipation she was ready to share her inner most thoughts. However, as the moment hung in the air, the opportunity immediately slipped away as Cifer intervened, leaving her quite deflated.


Cifer Powers: "Julie! there you are. Have you seen my car keys?"


He says as he stops just between them.


Ramona looks at Julie's brother with annoyance and thought 'Damn it'.


She was about to talk about something personal and finally gained the courage to talk about it only for it to go to waste. She lost her mood to speak about it. Cifer's subtle glance caught her eyes, but he tactfully chose to let it pass, understanding her silent withdrawal. Similarly, his sister, Julie, mirrored his restraint, sensing her friend's sudden shift in mood and deciding not to press the issue.


Julie Powers: "Can't say I have..."


Julie pats her pockets to check.


Julie Powers: "Yeah, they're not here. What do you need your keys for?"


Cifer Powers: "Kim called me to pick 'em up"


Ramona Flowers: "Alright it's not here so you can go now, we're kind of in the middle of something."


Ramona's tone then shifted more to what Cifer would call 'bossy', as she put her hands on her hips.


Cifer could pick up that she probably doesn't like him that much for one reason or another.


Cifer Powers: "Oh right my bad" 


Being as polite as he could


Cifer Powers: "I'll catch you later then Sis"


With that Cifer leaves the two alone, just at the corner of her eye Ramona could see him heading upstairs in a rush. As soon as he's out of sight she gives a sigh of relief, Julie noticing Ramona's cold tone towards her older brother decides to question it.


Julie Powers: "Fuck's your problem with my brother?"


She asks bluntly crossing her arms.


Ramona just lets out a sigh before replying.


Ramona Flowers: "I'm sorry… I… I don't know what got into me…"


She seems apologetic.


Ramona Flowers: "He just caught me in a bad mood that's all"


Julie Powers: "Well it's none of my business"


she shrugs it off to her being in a sour mood due to a relationship problem and decides to change the topic.


Julie Powers: "Anyway we'll be here for a while if he's gone. Can't really end the party without him."


Ramona Flowers: "What? Why?"


Ramona sounds visibly confused.


Julie Powers: "Oh right you don't know it yet. My brother usually takes note of guests both entering and leaving… something like keeping check of people we know."


Julie explains slowly and carefully so her friend can understand.


Julie Powers: "Well it helps when we notice something goes missing in our house so everyone just kind of went with it… Now everyone doesn't leave unless Cifer ends the party himself."


Ramona Flowers: "Goddammit... so we're gonna have to wait for him now, aren't we?"


She groans in annoyance. She really wanted to just leave now.


Julie Powers: "Uh... yep. Seems like it."


Ramona Flowers: "Ugh... this is annoying. Why does he have to play good host?"


She asks sarcastically as if not even expecting an answer.


Julie Powers: "I don't know. He's just always been the responsible one."


Ramona Flowers: "I just wanted to leave as quickly as I could, but here I am... stuck at this party for even longer just so your brother could pick up some random people"


Ramona groans yet again, wanting this party to be over already. She just came here tonight for Julie in the first place, thinking that it would be quick and easy.




While Ramona was grumbling downstairs while talking to Julie, Cifer was upstairs the entire time looking for his car keys. He searched through his sister's room and his own for a few minutes going through drawers and closets until he finally found it in one of his coats.


Cifer Powers: "Finally found my damn keys..."


he mutters under his breath as he walks out his room.


As he rushes down from the stairs he is noticed by Ramona. Irritated for reasons he doesn't know she walks over to him; she lets out a sigh as if to calm herself down and stops at her tracks just in front of Cifer and stares at him for a moment before speaking.


Cifer Powers: "You need anything?"


He asks politely as he just returns her stare.


Embarrassed, Ramona turns to the side and ponders for a bit. Before answering his question, she looks back up at him. It was her first clear view on what his facial features look like since she's been avoiding eye contact much less looking at his face the entire time.


Among his features she took notice of his eyes… Oh his eyes…


'His eyes…' She thought as she takes a good look at his tired eyes.


Behind the weariness etched into them, she saw something remarkable – they held a glimmer akin to silver moonlight, in contrast to the party's bustling multi-colored lights, his eyes were like polished steel reflecting the kaleidoscope of lights around them, she found them alluring.


Then she snaps out of the weird trance she was in for a moment and avoids his gaze by turning her face to her side and regains her composure. She swallowed hard in nervousness and took a deep breath, letting out a silent exhale she turns to face Cifer again.


Ramona Flowers: "Nothing. Just want to ask the party's main host if I could leave now. I'd rather die than stay here any longer waiting for you."


She crosses her arms as she speaks with a rude tone.


Cifer Powers: "Oh. You can though


He sounds surprised that she's asking instead of just leaving immediately.


Cifer Powers: "It's not like I'm forcing people to stay"


Ramona Flowers: "Really? Julie said something about you needing to keep guests in check and not leaving."


Her voice started getting softer. Though she still had her guard up, she definitely got more comfortable.


Cifer Powers: "Ah… Don't misunderstand"


He seemed embarrassed by that fact.


Cifer Powers: "I just do it to organize people we know and to see if there's people, we didn't invite… Julie likes her parties curated."


Ramona Flowers: "Well if that's the case then I'm just gonna go"


Cifer Powers: "Oh sure, you take care of yourself then"


Ramona Flowers: "Yeah sure… Good luck with whatever you're doing"


With a gesture of farewell, Cifer made his way towards the front door. As he approached the coat hanger by the entrance, he smoothly retrieved his jacket, slipping it on with practiced ease. With a habitual pat to his pockets, he ensured he hadn't forgotten anything essential – his wallet, keys, perhaps even his lucky charm.


Satisfied that he had everything he needed, Cifer reached for the doorknob. But just as his hand closed around it, he felt a gentle tug on his jacket from behind. Curious, he turned around to see the source of the interruption, his surprise evident as he locked eyes with the pink-haired girl.


Cifer Powers: "You have anything else to say?"


He asks curiously.


Ramona looks a bit nervous for some reason and avoids looking at his face. After a few moments she takes a deep breath and glances upward to him.


Ramona Flowers: "Look, dude, I just want to say I'm sorry for being such a bitch a while ago… You just caught me at a bad time."


Cifer was taken aback by the sudden apology, caught off guard for a moment.


Cifer Powers: "Oh… It's no worries. It probably felt uncomfortable suddenly getting approached by a stranger."


She just gives a very awkward and embarrassed laugh.


Ramona Flowers: "Hahaha… Yeah… I thought you were hitting at me there not gonna lie."


Cifer Powers: "Oh no. definitely not"


He denies it immediately to prevent a misunderstanding.


Cifer Powers: "Damn so that's what it looked like… I probably seemed like a weirdo to you then."


Cifer got embarrassed now as well.


Cifer Powers: "Well guess I should apologize for making you uncomfortable then."


Ramona Flowers: "Oh no no no… It's alright. We just got off the wrong foot there."


She chuckles a bit feeling relieved.


Cifer Powers: "Well I do hope you stay for a bit while the party's still going"


He insists but doesn't force it, making sound more like a suggestion than a request.


Cifer Powers: "Make new friends while you're hear, get close to people. Start with my sister for one."


Ramona just puts her fingers on her chin and thinks about it with a 'hm…'. She then takes a quick glance at Cifer and finally decides. Though she got distracted a bit when looking at his eyes she quickly snaps out of it.


Ramonna Flowers: "Ha… Fine…"


she sighs and just goes with it. But not without a compromise.


Ramona Flowers: "But if you take too long, I'm leaving"


Cifer Powers: "Looks like I should hurry on then"


He says as he reaches for the front door and opens it


Cifer Powers: "I'll see you in a bit"


She gives him a wave as he steps out.


Ramona Flowers: "See you"


As Cifer stepped out, the door closed softly behind him. After a few moments, the low hum of an engine starting permeated the air, followed by the distant sound of a vehicle driving off into the night.


As Ramona made her way back to the party, she couldn't help but let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding, a sense of relief washing over her like a gentle tide. It was as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders, leaving her feeling lighter and more at ease.


Ramona Flowers: "Glad that's over."


While walking through the crowds of people she looks around the place, everyone around was essentially a new face to her. She wanted to give it a chance to make a new friend at least but anxiety takes over, so she walks over to the one person she knows at least.


She heads to where Julie is, talking to some people she doesn't know. Patiently she waits for them to finish. It didn't take a few minutes for the strangers to leave, and Ramona takes a chance to pat Julie's shoulder.


Julie, a bit startled, turns around to see Ramona.


Ramona Flowers: "Hey Jules? Can I talk to you privately?"


Julie Powers: "Uhm. Yeah sure. Any problem?"


Julie nods at Ramona


Ramona Flowers: "Not really a problem…"


She pauses and thinks about whether saying it or not. Though she was cut off a while ago she is still having second thoughts about whether to talk to her about her problem or not.


After a bit of thinking, she decides she should and continue speaking.


Ramona Flowers: "Just want to continue where we left off a while ago before your brother cut us off"


After that brief talk with Cifer said about talking to people and making friends she decides it was best to start with Julie and let out her pent-up emotions to her, though she's still anxious at how this would affect a possible friendship in the future with her she figured she should at least give it a try.


Julie Powers: "Sure, I'm fine with it. Just hope it's nothing too personal."


Ramona Flowers: "It just feels like something I need to let out for a bit"


Ramona takes a deep breath to prepare herself before talking. She felt a bit relieved to finally let a bit of what she feels out to someone, even if she doesn't know if they care or not.




A full hour had slipped by unnoticed as Ramona and Julie continued their conversations, Ramona lost track of time amidst the pulsating energy of the party. Whatever topics they delved into, it was evident that they were thoroughly enjoying each other's company, their laughter mingling with the music and chatter around them.


Gone was the tension that had gripped Ramona earlier, replaced by a newfound ease. It was as if a bit of weight had been lifted from her shoulders, allowing her to immerse herself in the moment without reservation. With each passing minute, she found herself softening, her guard gradually melting away in Julie's presence.


Meanwhile, just outside the house, a bright pink car pulled up to the sidewalk, drawing curious glances from passersby. Though the windows were tinted, the vehicle appeared to be occupied, its occupants concealed from view.


As the engine purred to a halt, the driver's side door swung open, revealing a familiar figure stepping out. With a fluid motion, he closed the car door behind him and stretched his arms overhead.


Cifer Powers: "Finally fucking back"


He sounds tired as he grumbles as the door from the passenger's side swung open.


Cifer Powers: "Can you just take the bus next time Kim?"


As Cifer groans and stretches someone else steps out of the car from the front passenger's side. A fair skinned young girl with freckles on each of her cheeks, and bob-cut red hair just right above her shoulders, she's sporting a green-striped tracksuit and a black skirt.






Kimberly Pine: "I don't think I ever will"


She closes the car door stretching her arms up in the air as well.


Kimberly Pine: "I mean, why would I spend money when I get a free ride whenever I call"


Cifer Powers: "Ugh… Just tone it down please, gas isn't exactly getting cheaper."


Kimberly Pine: "It's your fault for being the only one with a car"


She scoffs as she knows Cifer will always come when she calls whether he wanted to or not.


Cifer Powers: "You..."


As the two continue their friendly bickering as they walk towards the house, the atmosphere between the two was very comfortable behind the fake tension. The playful exchange the two have was interrupted when three more individuals stepped out from the backseat of the car.




Meanwhile back inside the house amidst the lively chatter of the party, Ramona was navigating through the crowd with a fresh drink in hand. While heading back to the corner she was at she lost sight of Julie and thought she went to some other friends.


Shrugging if off, Ramona decided to wait a bit, scanning the room with different faces. she shrugs it off and waited for her one friend a bit while looking around the party.


Despite her resolve to open up to Julie, initiating conversations with complete strangers felt like a daunting task for Ramona. However, a determination flickered within her as she spots surveyed the vibrant gathering. At the corner of her view, she spots a familiar figure making their way towards the kitchen while wearing a jacket, a smile tugged at her lips, emboldening her to follow.


As she entered the bustling kitchen, Ramona caught sight of the person she recognized hunched over an open fridge. With a warm smile, she approached and gently patted the person's back to greet them.


Ramona Flowers: "Good to see you're back"


The person turns around caught off guard a bit.


Cifer Powers: "Oh it's you"


He says as he straights his position.


Cifer Powers: "Enjoying yourself?"


Ramona Flowers: "Doing well at least, though… aside from Julie, I don't really feel comfy initiating conversations with complete strangers haha…"


she gives a soft laugh out of embarrassment.


Cifer Powers: "Hm? You're talking to me just fine though aren't you."


Ramona Flowers: "Now that I think about it… yeah I guess I am"


She gives him a warm smile.


Ramona Flowers: "Must be cause you're Julie's brother or something"


Cifer Powers: "Well there's no need to rush, the party's not done yet"


He closes the fridge as he pauses.


Cifer Powers: "And I need to make a quick errand out again"


Ramona Flowers: "Why? You just got back."


she sounds down.


Cifer Powers: "Need to restock on drinks, and quite frankly food as well I think"


As he speaks, he pulls out his wallet and checks inside.


Her disappointment clear, it seems she wants him to stay and chat with her a little longer, partly because she has no one else to talk to here. Though she can't outright say it due to pride.


Ramona Flowers: "Can't stay for a moment to take a break?"


Trying to hide the fact she won't have anyone else to talk to


Cifer Powers: "Feeling lonely cause my sister left you alone?"


Caught on quick and decided to tease her about it.


Ramona Flowers: "Shut up…"


Felt embarrassed.


Ramona Flowers: "Just stay for a bit, c'mon~"


She swallows her pride just asks for it.


Cifer Powers: "Fine, what do you even want to talk about anyway?"


He leans back on the kitchen counter with his arms crossed.


Ramona was surprised at Cifer being compliant, she hasn't really thought of what to talk about. Putting her hand on her chin she quickly tries to think of something to talk about. Then she thought of something.


Ramona Flowers: "Oh right. I heard from your sister."


Curiosity arose her.


Ramona Flowers: "She told me you're quite the heartbreaker, care to enlighten me what she meant?"


Cifer Powers: "Definitely a misunderstanding"


He denies his sister's claim.


Cifer Powers: "Haven't even hooked up with anyone before"


Ramona Flowers: "Really?"


She seems Intrigued now.


Ramona Flowers: "Never dated?"


Cifer Powers: "Never even tried to"


Ramona Flowers: "I say you're missing out a lot if that's the case"


Cifer Powers: "Probably…"


Putting his hand on his chin he thinks about it with a 'Hmm…' But ultimately puts it off.


Cifer Powers: "Yeah probably not. But it's not like it didn't cross my mind before…"


Ramona stares at him for a bit before giving a reply to what he said.


Ramona Flowers: "Well, starting from your looks I'd say you'd have an easy time getting a date"


Cifer doesn't really believe her and just laughs at what she said.


Cifer Powers: "Hahahahaha~ Nah~~" 


He denies it. Thinking she's just joking.


Cifer Powers: "Firstly I look very tired. Second, I think I'm pretty dull to be around with."


Ramona Flowers: "I don't know about anyone else, but I don't think you're dull… granted we got off on the wrong foot, but it wasn't boring at the very least"


She tries hard to sound comforting at the very least.


Cifer got a bit embarrassed at her sudden compliment, he didn't know how to react at such simple praise, but he certainly liked it. For a moment he remained silent to regain his composure and decided to shrug it off not knowing how else to receive a compliment.


Cifer Powers: "I don't know really. Guess it depends on the person."


Ramona Flowers: "You should really learn to take a compliment"


Acting frustrated as a joke.


Meanwhile Cifer was blushing as he was getting embarrassed. He decided to ask Ramona the same thing out of curiosity and to keep the conversation going since he was enjoying it.


Cifer Powers: "Dating huh… How about you then? Have you dated anyone?"


Though Cifer only asked out of curiosity, Ramona fell silent for a bit and looked down at the ground. It didn't last for a moment then she glances back up again to look at Cifer.


Ramona Flowers: "I have actually… But I'd rather not talk about it…"


Cifer Powers: "Oh… um… I'm sorry…"


He apologizes and feels bad. Though he asked out of curiosity he didn't really expect an answer but learning that it was a sensitive topic made him guilty for bringing it up.


The air around them started getting depressive as both of them went silent for a moment. But the first to break the ice was Ramona.


Ramona Flowers: "You don't have to worry about it dude… It isn't really a big deal, honest."


She smiles at Cifer, happy that he isn't digging deep.


Despite Ramona's reassurance, his awareness of dampening the mood left him still feeling a bit remorseful; nevertheless, he decided to simply get it behind him since the person in question said it was fine.


Cifer Powers: "Well I think I should go now huh…"


Still, he thought to prevent the mood from getting worst he should take this chance to leave. He pushes his back off the counter and straightens his posture and readies to leave.


Ramona, taken aback by his abrupt decision to leave, initially wishes he would stay. However, she hesitates, realizing that pushing him to stay might only worsen the situation.


Ramona Flowers: "Oh sure… Take care then."


Cifer Powers: "Yeah, I'll catch you around"


As he says his last words, he walks out kitchen, but stops just right under the doorway and turns his head around.


Cifer Powers: "Also, thanks for the compliment earlier'"


He murmurs, a faint blush coloring his cheeks before he shifts his head forward again and leaving completely. Accepting Ramona's praise from a while ago as a way to leave on a positive note.


Ramona nods in response to that. As he walks away, she takes a moment to herself to reflect.


Ramona Flowers: "He's really simple huh?"


Suddenly, a hint of fascination with Cifer stirs within her. Yet, she quickly dismisses the feeling, instead wanting to enjoy the party alongside her friend, whom she still needs to find again.




A couple of hours later, the party shows no signs of slowing down as laughter and chatter continue to resonate late into the night. The sound spills outside, creating an ambient buzz rather than overwhelming noise. Some guests have even migrated to the front yard of the house, either to enjoy a smoke or simply to escape the crowded interior and linger under the night sky.


Amidst the lively atmosphere, Cifer navigates through the bustling crowd towards the house from his car, burdened with bags and boxes. Beside him walks a sturdy Asian man, his hair neatly tied back in a ponytail, effortlessly carrying additional cases. While the Asian man appears unfazed by the load, Cifer seems to struggle slightly, whether from physical weakness or sheer exhaustion.






Cifer Powers: "Thanks for the help, Bitch"


Cifer thanks the muscular man as he walks up the porch carefully making sure he doesn't trip.


Butcher Chau: "Hahahahaha! I just saw you were barely holding on carrying these, so I figured you need a hand."


With a hearty laugh Butcher gives Cifer a wide smile as he walks up the porch behind Cifer.


Butcher Chau: "It's still not enough to repay you for helping me man the shop a few times though"


Butcher pauses a bit, looking at Cifer's back as he looks like he's trying to open the door while grumbling. After a bit of pondering, he decides to speak up again.


Butcher Chau: "You-you're still overworking yourself a lot huh?"


A shift in tone, he was clearly asking out of worry. Though he also paused mid-sentence, he probably knows it's a sensitive thing to ask, but he still did.


Upon posing the question, Cifer's grumbling ceased abruptly, from Butcher's perspective, it appeared as though he's shifting his body, attempting to open the door while his hands are full.


Then without looking back or shifting his focus on the door, he speaks in a nonchalant tone as if to ease Butcher's worry.


Cifer Powers: "I'm doing fine, I just think that as long as there's something I can do I should do it."


He assures Butcher as he finally manages to open the door. But before he goes in, he turns to Butcher and gives him a smile.


Cifer Powers: "Plus, I get to make shit ton of money"


Butcher that looks up at him and just accepts his answer.


Butcher Chau: "I bet you're a rich bastard now then. Hahaha!"


With a hearty laugh he walks up the porch and enters the house with Cifer.


As they enter the house and make their way to the kitchen, Cifer decided to ask something he was curious about.


Cifer Powers: "Speaking of, how's things been with your sister? I heard she's been seeing Scott."


Butcher Chau: "I'm still mad about it, not at Knives, but at that Scott person"


He says as he walks side by side Cifer as they navigate through the dense crowd of people.


Butcher Chau: "I mean even if it wasn't my sister, who in their right mind would date a highschooler at his age"


He grumbles, clearly irritated.


Butcher Chau: "Speaking of dating, what about you? Got anyone you're seeing?"


He asks curiously since they were on the topic. But he knows the answer to it already.


Cifer Powers: "No time, I still got a lot of debts to pay. Speaking of, you still owe me 50 bucks."


Butcher Chau: "Oh yeah, I'll get you at my next pay. Kind of blanked my wallet this week not gonna lie."


As they continue their talk, they both got into the kitchen Cifer was putting what he was carrying on the counter, while Butcher placed the cases on the ground next to the fridge.


Cifer Powers: "Shit I forgot to order Pizza…"


He mumbles to himself as he checks the boxes and bags he was carrying, inside were some chips, soda, candies, pastry, and sauces.


Butcher Chau: "Just hit up Sophie, I'm sure she can get here quick if you call her now"


He suggests calling an acquaintance they know.


Cifer Powers: "Damn it, guess I should… How many should I buy?"


Though he's grumbling he still flipped his phone open and dialing the number, thinking he has no choice.


Butcher Chau: "With a party THIS big? I'd say hit 20 boxes just to be safe."


Cifer Powers: "You act like I'm rich."


Butcher Chau: "And yet you still seem willing to pay every time."


His retort carries a hint of amusement, a clear understanding of his friend's tendencies.


As Cifer raises his phone to his ear, he hears someone on the other end pick up, but the booming music drowns out their words, leaving him straining to catch their response.


Cifer Powers: "I'll have to get this outside, mind getting these out while I go?"


He asks pointing the unpacked bags of items.


Butcher Chau: "Don't mention it, tell Sophie I said hi"


Cifer Powers: "Sure, I'll be back in a few"


He rushes out of the kitchen, phone in hand, weaving through the dense crowd of people within the house. As he hurries through the crowd, someone catches sight of him, their gaze lingering briefly before he disappears through the front door, unaware of their observation.




On the opposite side of the bustling house, Ramona catches a glimpse of Cifer as he rushes out, but she hesitates to call out, sensing his urgency and not wanting to intrude. With a resigned sigh, she sees as Cifer rushes out the house and lets go of the idea of getting another chat with him for now.


She wanders around, scanning the room in search of someone intriguing to converse with. After a few minutes, she feels the weight of someone's gaze behind her, prompting her to glance over her shoulder. However, faced with the sea of faces, she dismisses the idea of pinpointing the observer and decides it's not worth the effort.


Resigned to the impossibility of finding a specific person in the crowded room, she retreats to a quieter spot, seeking solace from the overwhelming atmosphere. She manages to find an open spot and made her way there. Leaning against the wall, she releases a weary sigh, feeling drained despite her minimal engagement with the party.


Despite her fatigue, a sense of obligation prompts her to locate Julie and Cifer before departing. However, she couldn't find Julie and she just saw Cifer preoccupied with something. Nonetheless, she at least remains hopeful for one last meaningful conversation with Cifer before leaving.


She senses a presence beside her and turns to find a fair-skinned young man with tawny-colored hair and thick black eyebrows standing a few feet away from her. He holds a crushed, empty plastic cup, with a faint smile as he gazes out towards the bustling crowd.






Feeling a twinge of awkwardness, she hesitates, unsure is she should speak with him. However, she quickly brushes it aside, assuming he's simply seeking solace from the crowded room like herself. With a casual glance downward, she chooses to ignore his presence, focusing instead on her own thoughts.


Then she felt the man take a step closer, a bit too close. She ignores it but then he spoke.


???: "Hey"


With a greeting, the man initiates the conversation, his friendliness apparent, though his awareness of personal space seems lacking.


Ramona Flowers: "Hey…"


Feeling a bit awkward when he suddenly took a step too close, but Ramona offers a greeting in return. It's a refreshing change to have someone initiate a conversation with her aside from the Powers siblings.


As she looks at him, she waits for a moment, hoping the conversation might lead somewhere interesting. However, her anticipation is cut short as the man unexpectedly speaks up, though the topic isn't quite what she had anticipated.


???: "Do you know Super Mario?"


Ramona felt lost at the start of the conversation, she didn't know what to say or what to do exactly. However, she quickly realizes that she doesn't need to do much at all as the man takes the lead, launching into a monologue without even waiting for her response.


???: "Did you know his last name is also Mario? Which is crazy cause that makes his full name Mario Mario, two of the same name as different parts of his name, can you believe that?"


Ramona is caught off guard by the man's rapid-fire dialogue, leaving her feeling a bit overwhelmed and unsure of how to interject. Despite his friendly demeanor, she struggles to find her footing in the conversation.


???: "What's even crazier is that mean his brother's last name is also Mario which makes him Luigi Mario, can you imagine that? Getting… called… Mario's brother… Luigi Mario…? Haha…"


When he finally glances at Ramona, he notices her silent stare and realizes that she hasn't had much chance to speak, realizing this he slows down talking, but kept going, nonetheless.


???: "Or maybe you're… Not… Into games… Haha…"


Then he completely stops talking. Noticing this Ramona finally got a chance to talk, she thought since the topic was a game character she should list off a few of her favorite games at least.


Though she's not really expecting he knows them since they were quite old, she thought she should share it anyway.


Ramona Flowers: "I am. But I'm mostly into older games, you know, Pac-land, Miner, Space Panic, that kind of stuff."


???: "Cool, got it…"


Doesn't seem like he knows them much to her disappointment. Thinking the conversation died the guy suddenly asked a weird question out of the blue.


???: "Are you real?"


Startled, Ramona clearly doesn't know what to make of the question, but she has a feeling she knows what he meant. So, she turns her head to the guy and asks to make sure.


Ramona Flowers: "Did you just ask me if I was real?"


Suddenly nervous the guy shakes his head and denies it.


???: "Ah! Nope! I was talking to someone else. Bye!"


With a somewhat awkward departure, the young man drifts away, leaving Ramona to her thoughts. She watches him go, taking a sip from her cup as she thinks about the brief encounter yet weird encounter.


Left alone once more, Ramona's gaze drifts aimlessly across the crowd, her expression tinged with boredom. However, upon closer inspection, it's evident that her eyes aren't merely scanning the faces at random; instead, they search intently, as if seeking out a specific individual amidst the throng of partygoers.




Outside the bustling party, Cifer sought refuge in a secluded corner, away from the cacophony of the celebration. He found a peaceful spot where he could focus on his phone call with a close friend.


I hope you realize how frustrating it is for us when you place a large order just 10 minutes before closing


At the other side of the call came the voice of a cheery young girl, though tinged with playful annoyance.


Cifer Powers: "I know, I genuinely feel bad. I'll make sure to compensate you extra for the inconvenience."


Cifer couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt.


Ah, it's not a big deal. I'll swing by after my shift ends. I need to join the party too!


she replied, her tone understanding.


Cifer Powers: "Great, I'll be waiting"


Give me about 20 minutes or so, and I'll text you when I'm there


Cifer Powers: "Sure thing. Oh, by the way, Butch says Hi."


He added casually.


Her voice suddenly escalated after hearing what Cifer said.


Tell him to kiss my ass! I'm still furious about him ditching me at the beach last month!


Cifer winced, moving the phone away from his ear as she exclaimed. Though he seemed more entertained than worried.


Cifer Powers: "I'll relay the message"


he said with a chuckle.


Cifer Powers: "I'll see you in a bit then"


Sure, I won't be long


After their exchange, Cifer hung up the phone and closes it. Takes a moment to survey his surroundings, he noticed the serene quietness enveloping him, a stark contrast to the lively chaos just a stone's throw away.


Appreciating the solitude, he relished the cool caress of the night breeze against his skin. With a sense of peace washing over him, he tucked the device into his pocket and drew in a deep breath, savoring the tranquility that embraced him in the stillness of the night.


Cifer leaned against the sturdy fence, its rough texture grounding him in the moment. With a flick of his wrist, he extracted a small, weathered carton from his pocket. The dim streetlight overhead cast a soft glow on the package as he tapped it gently against his palm, a ritual he had performed countless times before.


As the cigarette emerged, he brought it to his lips with a fluid motion and placed the carton back in his pocket. From his other hand, he brought out a lighter, flicking it until its flame was casted with a soft hiss, casting fleeting shadows in the darkness as he touched it to the tip of his cigarette igniting it. A plume of smoke spiraled upwards, gracefully intertwining with the cool night air.


As he took a drag, the ember at the tip glowed. He lets out a deep exhale letting the smoke flow out with his breath and disappear into the night's darkness; he repeats this process slowly to take his time outside, inhaling and exhaling the smoke and the cold air of the night.


As he enjoys his time alone, he hears steps from his side slowly getting louder, he turns his head to wear the sound is coming from and there he spots her: a figure with vibrant pink hair, a bold contrast against the darkened sky. She moves closer, seemingly oblivious to his presence, lost in her own world as she wanders the quiet streets.




A while ago, after that strange man left Ramona alone, she finally decided to finally leave the place. Though she at the very least wants to let her friend know first that she's leaving.


She walks around a bit looking for Julie both upstairs and downstairs of the house, though as she walks around, she feels someone staring behind. But decides to just ignore it thinking it's just someone checking her out as she passes by.


After a prolonged search amidst the bustling crowd of people, Ramona finally spots Julie, who seems to effortlessly stand out despite the sea of people. Despite Ramona's own fatigue from navigating through the guests, Julie appears remarkably composed and energized, seamlessly mingling with one guest after another throughout the entire night.


As she finally made her way to Julie, she gave her a pat to her shoulder to get her attention, Julie immediately turns to face Ramona practically beaming.


Ramona Flowers: "Hey, I-I'm gonna get going now."


She says, clearly tired.


Julie Powers: "Oh? Really? Ok, Take care of yourself then."


She says seeing Ramona was clearly exhausted. Though she figured to ask her something before she leaves.


Julie Powers: "Won't wait for Cifer?"


Ramona Flowers: "I would, but I saw he was busy a while ago, so I figured I'd just leave"


Her disappointment clear as she lets out a sigh. But she asks Julie a favor at least before she leaves.


Ramona Flowers: "Can you let him know at least that I left already?"


Julie Powers: "Sure I'll let him know when I see him."


She accepts her friend's requests, and Ramona thanks her.


Ramona Flowers: "Thanks, I'll get going now."


Julie Powers: "Take care of yourself"


As they exchange farewells, Julie seamlessly transitions back into conversation with a few lingering guests, while Ramona begins her departure from the lively gathering. As she navigates through the dense crowd towards the exit, a lingering sensation of being watched prickles at the back of her neck, the feeling completely disappearing as she opens and leaves through the door.




Emerging from the vibrant chaos of the party, Ramona finds solace in the tranquility of the night air. With her hands nestled in the warmth of her jacket pockets, she descends the porch steps, greeted by the crisp embrace of the nocturnal breeze. Ignoring the chatter and laughter of those still gathered in the front yard, she strides purposefully onto the sidewalk, the rhythmic tap of her footsteps echoing in the quietude of the night.


Beneath the soft glow of the moonlight, she casts her gaze downward, lost in her own thoughts as she walks. The fatigue from the evening's festivities weighs heavily upon her, each step a testament to the weariness that lingers in her bones. 'I should probably get to bed as soon as I get home' she thought with a resigned sigh as her exhaustion started to set in due to the quiet of the night.


Lost in her contemplations, she walks for several minutes until a flicker of movement catches her attention. Raising her gaze, she spots a figure not far ahead, bathed in the amber glow of a nearby streetlight. Leaning against a weathered fence, a cigarette held delicately between his fingers, the man exudes an aura of quiet contemplation amidst the serenity of the night. As she looks at the familiar figure, they were also staring at her, with a smile she walks closer to the man.


Ramona Flowers: "I waited for you inside for a long time and I see you here lazing around."


She says as she stops by the man, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow up. She does not look mad, more so glad she finally found him.


Cifer Powers: "Sorry about that, I need a break haha…"


He says embarrassed, as if he was a student caught cutting class.


Cifer Powers: "Heading home?"


Though it was obvious, he felt the need to ask as he doesn't want to just assume.


Ramona Flowers: "Yeah, I kind of stayed long enough already"


Cifer Powers: "Was the party fun? You made any new friends?"


Curiously, he takes a drag off his cigarette after speaking.


Ramona Flowers: "It was a nice change of pace at least, though aside from you, Julie and one awkward guy I didn't really talk to anyone else"


Cifer Powers: "I see…"


He says as he places the cigarette between his lips once more, drawing a deep breath. Ramona, observing this habitual gesture, interjected to sustain their conversation.


Ramona Flowers: "You smoke? Didn't peg you for the type, honestly."


Before responding, Cifer exhales a plume of smoke from both his mouth and nostrils, then casually flicks the cigarette to the ground, extinguishing it under his heel with a definitive crunch.


Cifer Powers: "Yeah, but only sometimes when I feel like it"


Ramona Flowers: "Very often then I assume"


She says in a humorous way.


Cifer Powers: "Haha… Yeah. Don't tell Julie by the way."


As Cifer props himself off the fence he pats the dust off his butt.


Cifer Powers: "Anyway I should really be heading back now. Party's still going."


Ramona Flowers: "Huh? Oh yeah, sure"


Ramona's disappointment lingered as she reluctantly acknowledged the need to head home herself. With a sigh, she waits as Cifer walks towards her and past her.


Ramona Flowers: "I should probably get going myself then."


She murmured; her voice tinged with a hint of regret. As Cifer past her she turned to look at his back as he walks and couldn't resist seeking a glimmer of reassurance from Cifer.


Ramona Flowers: "I'll see you around?"


Cifer stops as Ramona spoke and turned to meet her gaze with a warm smile, his eyes reflecting a promise.


Cifer Powers: "Sure, you'll see me around"


A rush of relief washed over Ramona as he replied. With a final nod, they both turned away from each other and walking away, one heading home and one heading back to the party.


As Cifer continued his way back to the house party, a gentle breeze whispered through the trees, carrying with it the scent of winter that was about to end. He felt a sense of contentment wash over him, glad to have made a connection despite their rocky start. He heads back to the party seeming satisfied with what happened, walking closer to the sounds of music and conversations.


Ramona on the other hand felt a tinge of joy inside her, that despite her retreat to the city due to a bad experience with a relationship, she can still find herself properly make friends. Though she seemed tired by everything she also seems like she was satisfied that it happened, she walks home dead into the night as the bustling sounds of music and laughter disappeared as she gets farther away.




An encounter with a bitter start but ending on a good note, the two of them continued with their respective nights; Cifer dealing with the party and its aftermath, and Ramona dealing with her need to doze off. Though their meeting was short they both seem to have found it enjoyable to say the least, they might have gotten an assurance that they'll meet again, they both have no idea when such an event would happen.


As Ramona finally settled in at home, preparing herself for bed, she found her thoughts consumed by that fleeting moment. It had been brief, almost imperceptible, yet it lingered in her mind like a vivid memory she couldn't shake. She lays on her mattress, staring up at the ceiling, she couldn't help but think about them.


'His eyes' she thought. She didn't expect behind those fatigued driven eyes was captivating, orbs that seemed to reflect molten silver that was a stark contrast to the vibrant colors of the lights of the party.


Meanwhile as Cifer was cleaning up the aftermath of the party his mind wandered a bit while taking down some party lights.


'She was quite pretty' he thought, his gaze drifting to the lights he held in his hands. In that moment, memories of her vibrant hair flooded his mind, a vivid reflection of the very lights he was now taking down. In the first place what he took notice first when he saw her through the crowd was the cascade of vibrant hues that adorned her hair, mirroring the playful dance of lights from the party around them.


As Ramona settles into her bed, shifting to find the perfect position for sleep, Cifer completes his cleanup duties and bids farewell to his sister before driving home. The colors they saw from each other, the striking contrast between his silver eyes and her hair, tinted with shades of pink and purple, left an indelible impression on both of them, their minds still consumed by the fascination of the contrasting colors as the night unfolds.


At the very least they knew that they would unmistakably recognize one another when they meet each other again.

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