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10.34% Wench of Nirn / Chapter 3: Abandoned

Capítulo 3: Abandoned

Vanher's thick shaft plunged between Alexa's lips one final time as he erupted, filling her mouth with his salty seed. She gagged and retched as he flooded her throat, desperately gulping for air while his spend spilled from the corners of her mouth. When his heavy balls were finally drained, Vanher pulled back, resting the tip of his softening cock on her tongue.

"Clean it," he said, knowing Alexa had no choice but to comply with his demands. She reluctantly set about licking his shaft clean, swallowing down the last of his foul essence. Only then did Vanher withdraw, tucking himself away with a shudder as Alexa collapsed in a gasping, coughing heap. Tears streamed down her face, mingling with the sticky ropes of his white sperm that coated her skin as she gulped for air, her throat feeling utterly abused. She trembled, clutching her tattered top across her heaving chest as she shot him a look of pure venom.

Vanher paid no mind to Alexa's seething glare, whistling a jaunty tune as he moved about the campsite. With practiced ease, he broke down his belongings and packed them into his rucksack, seemingly unbothered by her presence. Alexa watched him through matted strands of blonde hair, too disgusted to speak.

Once his pack was ready, Vanher slung it over his shoulder and turned to appraise her. "Best get yourself cleaned up," he said sternly, nodding towards the streaks of drying seed clinging to her skin. "Got a bit of a trek ahead to Riverwood, and I don't need you stinkin' up the whole forest."

Alexa's jaw clenched as she resisted the urge to spit his foul release back in his face. Instead, she held his gaze with a stony glare, not trusting herself to speak without lashing out.

Unfazed by her hostility, Vanher shrugged casually. "Stream's just through those trees if you need to freshen up," he said, jerking a thumb over his shoulder. "I'll be waitin' on the path when you're ready."

Without a backward glance, Vanher turned and walked away, whistling that same irritatingly cheerful tune. Alexa watched him go through narrowed eyes before finally pushing herself up on shaky legs.

Every part of her body ached - her jaw, her throat, even her knees from the brutal way he had used her mouth. A shudder of revulsion ran through her as she swallowed hard, trying to get rid of the lingering taste of his sticky sperm coating her tongue.

Steeling herself, Alexa made her way towards the nearby stream, moving slowly and stiffly through the underbrush. Soon the burbling flow came into view - a narrow channel strewn with rocks, winding through the forest. She knelt at the water's edge, cupping handfuls of the frigid liquid to splash across her face and chest.

A sharp hiss escaped through gritted teeth as the icy water bit into her skin. Alexa scrubbed vigorously, desperate to rid herself of any lingering trace of Vanher's foul essence. But even after her skin was raw and tingling, she could still feel the ghost of his touch, the memory of his cock plundering her mouth seared into her mind.

With a frustrated growl, she gave up, wringing out her sopping wet hair. It would have to do for now. Alexa rose stiffly and started heading back towards the road.

Alexa found Vanher waiting on the path, casually leaning against a tree trunk with his arms folded across his broad chest. As she approached, he straightened up, his dark eyes shamelessly roving over her soaked and unkempt appearance.

"Well, don't you look refreshed," he remarked with a crooked grin, letting his gaze linger on her drenched, threadbare top that clung tightly to her enormous breasts. "Although, I wouldn't have minded if you kept a little... souvenir." He gave her a suggestive wink.

Fury flashed in Alexa's eyes, but she bit her tongue, knowing any outburst would only amuse and provoke him further. Without a word, she brushed past him, arms folded tightly across her chest as she continued down the path.

A low chuckle escaped Vanher as he fell into step behind her. "Aw, don't be like that, sweetmeat," he called out in a mock-hurt tone. "Just a harmless tease, no need to get your smallclothes in a twist."

Alexa refused to dignify his comments with a response, keeping her gaze fixed straight ahead as she marched onwards. The crunch of Vanher's boots followed close behind, but mercifully, he made no further attempt at conversation.

They trudged along in tense silence, the only sounds being the crunch of their footsteps, the occasional bird call, or the rustle of leaves. Alexa did her best to ignore how her drenched clothes clung to her skin, the chilly mountain air raising goosebumps along her exposed flesh. She shivered, teeth chattering, but refused to let any discomfort show.

Up ahead, the trees began thinning out. Alexa squinted at a crudely painted sign nailed to the outer gatehouse wall. As she made out the garish lettering, her pace slowed:


Beneath it, a buxom, naked woman knelt submissively, rendered in crude strokes. Alexa's stomach knotted uneasily as she stared at the sign. Would that be her fate someday? Sold off like cattle to satisfy some depraved lech's urges?

"Well, here we are," Vanher's deep voice broke into her dark thoughts. "Riverwood's nothing special, but it's got an inn where you can get a hot meal and proper clothes. Course, you'd need to find a way to pay, since the owner don't take kindly to wenches." He moved to stand beside her, hands on hips, looking at the sleepy village beyond the gatehouse. "But maybe if you're lucky, one of the menfolks'll take a shine to you and keep you on as their personal bed-warmer."

Alexa shot Vanher a withering glare, finally finding her voice. "You're a vile pig," she spat, unable to hide the disgust in her tone. "I won't be treated like some whore to be bought and sold!"

Vanher simply shrugged, completely unconcerned by her outrage. "Suit yourself, girl. But you'll need to make a living somehow, unless you plan on trying your hand at honest work." His lips curled into a mocking grin as he gave her body an obvious once-over. "Though I can't really see anyone hiring a wench with a body like yours for any kind of real labor."

Before Alexa could muster a retort, he reached out and ruffled her golden hair. "But that's for you to figure out now, Alexa," he said with a wink. "I've gotten you to Riverwood safe and sound, just like I promised. This is where we part ways."

Alexa blinked, taken aback by his abrupt dismissal. Part of her was relieved to be rid of the crude, boorish hunter and his vulgar advances. But another part felt uneasy at being cast aside from the safety he had provided.

"I...what am I supposed to do?" she asked, unable to keep a slight tremor of vulnerability from her voice. "I have no money, no food...nothing."

Vanher simply shrugged again, seemingly unbothered. "Same as any other wench, I reckon," he replied with maddening nonchalance. "Use what the Divines gave you to make your way." His dark eyes lingered pointedly on her ample curves once more before he turned and sauntered off down the road, whistling that same jaunty tune.

Alexa watched him go with her fists clenched in impotent rage. For a moment, she entertained the notion of hurling a rock after his retreating back. But what would be the point? He had already made his stance perfectly clear - she was little more than a sex object in his eyes, a 'wench' to be used and discarded at his leisure.

She turned away from the path with gritted teeth and instead looked at the sleepy village of Riverwood. Alexa frowned slightly as she took in the sights - the quaint wooden cottages, the central mill's slowly turning waterwheel, and the handful of figures milling about the dusty streets.

But as she looked around, one thing became glaringly obvious - the men were all ruggedly handsome, with chiseled features and muscular builds that spoke of hard labor. And the women...Alexa's breath caught in her throat. Each and every one was a stunning beauty, with flawless skin, delicate features, and lithe, feminine frames. Yet not a single one seemed to possess the same exaggerated, blatantly sexual curves that she now sported.

Of course not, she realized with a sinking feeling. These women were normal, upstanding citizens and wives - not the shameless 'wenches' that Vanher had so crassly labeled her.

Grimacing, Alexa's gaze drifted downward to her own generous assets. Her breasts strained obscenely against her tattered shirt, the soaked and clingy fabric leaving her stiff nipples poking through like twin beacons. The skimpy skirt clung just as tightly to her hips, leaving little to the imagination as it outlined every lush curve and dimple of her backside.

Alexa felt like a piece of meat on display, a common whore for the entire village to gawk at and use. No wonder that pig Vanher had been so quick to fuck her mouth and toss her aside - to him, she was just a set of tits and an ass to stick his dick into whenever he got horny.

Shaking her head in disgust, she tried to focus her thoughts inward. Now that she'd finally gotten some sleep, maybe she could access some of the other menus and interfaces, get some insight into this fucked up world she'd found herself in.

Squeezing her eyes shut, she visualized the semi-transparent panes hovering in her mind's eye. The skills constellation materialized first, a bunch of different constellations representing different abilities and traits.

Alexa frowned as she flicked through them. Every single skill was at Level 0 - Illusion, Alteration, Destruction...she had no damn experience or training in any of them. Except...

Her brow furrowed as she got to the end of the list. Instead of looping back around to Illusion, some new freaky constellation appeared - one she definitely didn't recognize from playing Skyrim back in the real world.

This new one was shaped like a big-titted, naked woman posing in the most lewd, provocative way possible. Alexa grimaced, that sinking feeling in her gut telling her this world was even more depraved than she thought. Of course there'd be some sick shit like that here...

Reluctantly, she focused her will on the nasty constellation, causing the individual perks within to materialize. There was only one visible at the moment, the rest probably locked until she leveled up more - Fertility Control.

Alexa rolled her eyes hard. Even the damn perk names seemed designed to reinforce her role as a glorified cock-sleeve. Not having any choice, she ignored it for now, lacking any way to actually take the gross thing. Instead, she let the interface fade and turned her attention elsewhere.

The inventory menu was easy to open, which was a relief. Alexa spotted a small pebble on the ground nearby. Focusing, she willed it into her inventory - and just like that, it disappeared. Maybe she could actually provide for herself in this world without resorting to the depravity Vanher had suggested. Some dragon's tongue grew wild by the side of the road - those could fetch a decent price from an alchemist if she remembered correctly.

Alexa quickly went over and knelt by the bright orange flowers, gathering them in her arms. But before she could add them to her inventory, a firm hand clamped down on her arm in a vice-like grip. She let out a startled cry as she turned to find herself face-to-face with a stern-looking guard decked out in chainmail and faded yellow garments.

"Just what do you think you're doing, wench?" the guard growled, glaring at her over the top of his sword hilt. His dark eyes raked over her bedraggled form with open appraisal, lingering on her heaving cleavage as his lip curled in a sneer. "You wenches are all the same - think you can take whatever you please with those tits."

Alexa swallowed thickly, her heart pounding. "I...I thought these were just wildflowers. I wasn't trying to steal anything, I swear!"

The guard snorted derisively, giving her arm a harsh shake. "Likely story. We've got ways of dealing with thieving sluts like you 'round here..."

The guard twisted Alexa's arm brutally, spinning her around and wrenching her hands behind her back. She cried out as cold iron manacles snapped tight around her wrists, binding them together.

"Move it, bitch!" he snarled, shoving her forward with an armored fist between her shoulder blades. She stumbled towards a low building. "Or you're gonna spend a few nights learning respect in the barracks!"

Panic flooded Alexa's veins. Was she about to be degraded even further, subjected to God knows what by an entire garrison? She dug her heels in, feebly struggling against the guard's overwhelming strength as he herded her towards the barracks door.

"No, please!" she begged, craning her neck to look at him imploringly. Her tattered top suddenly burst open, putting her perky tits on shameless display. "It was just a misunderstanding! I'll do anything, just don't—"

"Shut your whore mouth!" The backhand cracked across her face, snapping her head to the side. Alexa yelped, tasting copper as her split lip oozed blood down her chin.

Dazed, she offered no more resistance as the guard shoved her through the open doorway and into the barracks interior. She blinked rapidly, trying to make sense of her blurred surroundings as he dragged her across the room.

There was a clank of metal and rustling of fabric as he retrieved something from a nearby table. Then he was behind her again, roughly forcing her arms into some kind of rigid restraint device.

Alexa gasped sharply as the cold steel bit into the soft undersides of her biceps, trapping her elbows together at an agonizing angle. The guard cinched the restraints cruelly tight, immobilizing her hands behind her back in a brutally strict armbinder.

"There we go, nice and snug," he grunted, giving her a shove towards the door. "You just stay like that 'til tonight, wench. Spend a few hours stuck in that armbinder, see if it teaches you to keep those thieving hands to yourself!"

With that parting jeer, he turned and walked away, leaving Alexa alone in the center of the barracks. She stared after him with panicked eyes, struggling futilely against the harsh steel encircling her limbs.

But the armbinder was unforgiving, refusing to budge even an inch. The cruel restraints locked her elbows in a strict reverse-prayer position behind her back. Her shoulders screamed in agony from the strain, forcing her chest to thrust outward in an obscene parody of a lewd pose.

Alexa's massive tits were completely visible through her torn rags. She could already feel the coarse fabric chafing her tender skin, rubbing her raw with every squirm and futile struggle against her bonds.

She stumbled back towards the barracks doorway, fresh jolts of agony lancing through her shoulders and arms with each movement. The cruel armbinder held her limbs locked in that brutally strict reverse-prayer, rendering her utterly helpless.

Emerging into the bright afternoon sunlight, Alexa paused to let her eyes adjust. The dirt path stretched before her, flanked by modest cottages and shops. A few villagers milled about, unhurriedly going about their daily business.

Alexa's throat felt dry as a bone as she tried figuring out her next move. She couldn't just stay put with her massive tits hanging out for the whole world to see through her torn-up rags. But where the hell was she supposed to go? How could she even start getting help in this fucked up new reality?

Before she could ponder that any further, a gruff voice cut through her thoughts. "Well, well...look what we got here."

She spun towards the sound, eyes going wide when she saw some burly villager leering at her from a nearby cottage doorway. Dude looked like he just got done with a hard day's work - dirt-stained shirt clinging to his muscular frame, collar ties hanging loose to expose a thatch of sweaty chest hair.

His beady little eyes raked over her body in a shameless leer, lingering hungrily on her heaving cleavage and the curves of her hips straining against that skimpy skirt before drifting lower. A cruel smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth when he took in her bound form.

"A wench all trussed up an' ready for the takin'," he slurred out, giving his crotch a lewd adjustment as he staggered closer. Alexa recoiled at the reek of sour booze on his breath - guy was clearly shitfaced out of his mind. "That's one mighty temptin' sight for a real man like me..."

Alexa felt her cheeks flush hot, but she forced herself to hold her ground as he closed the distance between them. "Listen here, you drunken ass," she spat, unable to keep the tremor of anger from her voice. "I'm not some wench for you to gawk at, so back the fuck off!"

The drunk asshole barked out a harsh laugh, not fazed at all by her defiance. "Oh yeah, you got a fiery spirit, don't you?" he sneered, looming over her. "But we'll see how long that lasts after I've had my way with that sweet little pussy."

Before Alexa could react, his grimy hands were all over her, groping and pawing at her body in drunken fumbles. She recoiled in disgust as his calloused fingers dug into the soft flesh of her tits, roughly mauling and squeezing the tender mounds.

"Get your fucking hands off me, you pig!" she snarled, twisting and struggling against his iron grip. But the damn armbinder made her arms completely useless, leaving her no way to pry herself free.

The drunk brute just grinned at her feeble efforts, leaning in until his foul boozy breath washed over her face. "That's it, bitch...fight all you want," he rumbled, his voice a grating growl of lust. "Just makes me want to tame that fiery spirit even more..."

With that, he seized a fistful of her hair and wrenched her head back, exposing her slender throat. Alexa cried out in pain and outrage as his other hand tore away what was left of her tattered shirt, her huge perky tits spilling free.

"No! Get off me, you bastard!" she snarled, desperately trying to wrench her head free.

But the asshole ignored her, burying his face between her breasts. His rough tongue rasped over her skin, leaving a trail of hot slobber as he laved and suckled at her tits with drunken enthusiasm.

Alexa thrashed and kicked, managing to land a solid blow on his shin that made him grunt in pain. But it did jack shit to deter him. If anything, it only spurred the sick fuck on more. With a growl of arousal, he clamped his mouth around one pert nipple and started sucking hard, his yellowed teeth grazing the sensitive bud.

"Get the fuck off me, you sick bastard!" Alexa twisted and thrashed, trying desperately to dislodge the drunk asshole from her breast. But the damn armbinder kept her arms trapped behind her back, leaving her no choice but to buck and squirm helplessly. "I swear to God, if you don't let me go right fucking now, I'll—"

Her threat was cut off in a strangled gasp as the brute suddenly released his grip on her hair. She slumped forward, only for him to seize her thighs in a bruising grip and hoist her clean off the ground.

Alexa's eyes went wide as saucers, a startled cry ripping from her throat as her back slammed against the rough bark of a nearby tree trunk. The shitfaced prick leered at her, his cock already jutting obscenely from his breeches as he spread her legs in a harsh straddle.

"W-What the fuck are you—?!" The words died on Alexa's lips as the flared head of his dick prodded insistently at her bare pussy. She could feel the hot, slick bead of pre-cum smearing along her folds, the thick shaft parting her delicate lips with each rough thrust.

"Just shut that pretty mouth and take it like a good little slut," the asshole growled, dragging the underside of his cock along her entrance in a lewd tease. "You know you want this dick inside that tight little cunt..."

Alexa let out a furious snarl, kicking out wildly with both legs in a desperate attempt to dislodge the bastard. But he just pinned her ankles against the tree trunk, trapping her long, toned limbs in a wide, helpless split that left her utterly exposed and vulnerable.

"You pig-fucking piece of shit!" she spat through gritted teeth, struggling futilely against the cruel position he'd forced her into. "If you don't let me go right fucking now, I'll—"

"You'll what, wench?" The drunk sneered at her empty threat, giving a harsh thrust that ground the swollen head of his cock against her puckered asshole. "Gonna try kicking me away with those dainty little feet?"

Alexa hissed through clenched teeth as the drunk asshole's cock mashed against her dry asshole. She thrashed and kicked like a wild animal, desperately trying to dislodge that thick dick rubbing so nastily against her most intimate place.

But the brutish prick wasn't letting up, snarling as he trapped her ankles in one meaty paw and pinned her legs wide open. With his other hand, he guided that bloated cockhead back to her slit, letting the underside smear lewdly through her folds.

"Yeah, that's it...squirm for me, you little slut," he growled, giving her inner thigh a harsh slap that made Alexa cry out. "Just makes a real man wanna split you open and stuff you full of cock even more..."

Alexa could only whimper helplessly as he hoisted her up higher, lining that flared cockhead up with the tight bud of her entrance. She squeezed her eyes shut, bracing herself for the brutal violation to come...

"Ulfgar! By the Divines, what in Oblivion do you think you're doing?!"

The shrill voice cut through the air like a whip crack. Alexa's head whipped around to see the drunk asshole Ulfgar freezing up, his face draining of color. A stern-looking older woman was storming towards them, fury etched across her features.

"Gerdur!" Ulfgar stammered out, his cock bobbing just inches from Alexa's exposed slit. The drunken bravado he'd been putting on seemed to evaporate under the older woman's withering glare. "I...I was just...the wench, she wanted it!"

"Giving herself away in the middle of the street like a common whore?" Gerdur cut him off with a disgusted sneer, shaking her head. She turned that scathing look on Alexa next. "And you, girl! Where are your damn wits at, huh? Flaunting yourself around like some back-alley slut, tempting the men into rutting you like an animal?"

Alexa opened her mouth, desperate to protest her innocence, to beg for help. But one look at the contempt on Gerdur's face said it all - the older woman would never listen. As far as she was concerned, Alexa was just a wanton 'wench', deserving of nothing but scorn and shaming.

Instead, she could only grit her teeth, barely restraining her fury as she felt Ulfgar's thick cock still prodding against her entrance. The flared head left a sticky trail of pre-cum along her bare slit with each shallow breath.

Gerdur made a disgusted tutting sound, shaking her head as she turned back to Ulfgar. "If you're going to rut with a wench, you drunken sot, at least have the decency to take her somewhere private," she spat, glaring at him. "We've got enough troubles 'round these parts without you causing discord over your base urges!"

Ulfgar hung his head like a scolded child, not meeting Gerdur's eyes as he nodded sullenly. "Yes'm...won't happen again."

The motion caused his cock to shift against Alexa's slick folds, making her squirm away in revulsion. But Gerdur didn't seem to notice or care.

"You're damn right it won't," she said, her tone brooking no argument. She fixed Alexa with one final contemptuous look, openly appraising her messy, half-naked form. "As for you,'d best sober up and find somewhere else to peddle that body of yours. The village streets are no place for tempting the men-folk with a shameless display like that."

Alexa couldn't stay silent any longer, not with the very real threat of being left to Ulfgar's brutal 'rutting'. "Please!" she cried out desperately as Gerdur turned to leave. "You have to help me, I'm not...I didn't want this! That drunken bastard attacked me!"

But Gerdur didn't even spare her a glance over her shoulder as she stalked off. "Should've thought of that before dressing like a common streetwalker, girl," she called back dismissively. "Now face the consequences like a woman instead of whining about it."

Tears of helpless rage stung Alexa's eyes as the older woman disappeared around a bend in the path. She was utterly alone once more, still trapped against the rough tree trunk with the drunken Ulfgar leering at her helpless, half-naked form.

Alexa tried squirming away, desperate to get that thick cock away from her bare pussy. But the drunk asshole's meaty paws clamped down on her thighs like a vise, keeping her legs splayed wide open.

"Heard the lady," he slurred, giving her a lecherous once-over with those bleary eyes. "Time to take this party somewhere more private..."

Before she could protest, he was hoisting her up higher, her aching shoulders taking her full weight against that rough tree bark. Alexa cried out as the crown of his dick sank deeper, spreading her delicate folds.

"N-No, stop!" She gasped, panic and revulsion making her voice go shrill. "Get that thing away from me, you sick fuck!"

But Ulfgar just grunted, completely deaf to her pleas. With a harsh roll of his hips, he ground that swollen cockhead against her clenching entrance, smearing her tender lips with ropes of hot, gooey pre-cum.

Alexa let out a strangled whimper, tears of humiliation stinging her eyes as she thrashed and kicked wildly. But stuck in this position, she had zero leverage. The damn armbinder kept her arms trapped behind her back, useless, while Ulfgar's bulk pinned her legs in that wide, unforgiving split.

Just as the flared tip of his cock started breaching her tight opening, spreading her tender folds in a searing burn, Alexa managed to wedge her foot against his hip. Planting her heel, she shoved with every ounce of strength she had left.

Ulfgar grunted in surprise as she finally dislodged him, his cockhead popping free of her wet slit with a lewd squelch. His thick shaft slapped against her inner thigh, leaving a sticky streak of pre-cum.

Alexa didn't wait for the drunk prick to recover. Twisting and bucking like a wildcat, she finally wriggled out of his grasp. The second her feet hit the ground, she whipped around and took off running, sprinting away from that clearing as fast as her legs could carry her.

"Oi, get back here you bitch!" Ulfgar's enraged bellow echoed through the trees behind her, only spurring Alexa to run faster. She fled blindly, ignoring the branches whipping her face and tearing at her tattered rags.

Her massive tits bounced and jiggled painfully with every frantic stride, but she didn't dare slow down. Every ragged gasp felt like fire in her lungs, her heart thundering in her ears as she plunged deeper into the forest.

Finally, when it felt like her legs were about to give out completely, Alexa spotted a thick copse of bushes and ferns nestled between some towering pines. She crashed towards it without hesitation, fighting through the dense underbrush until she tumbled into a small, secluded clearing.

Alexa finally collapsed against the rough bark of a massive pine tree, chest heaving as she gulped down air. That drunk piece of shit Ulfgar was nowhere to be seen or heard, thank fuck. She'd managed to lose the bastard in the woods, at least for now.

She glanced down at herself with a grimace. Her clothes were in total tatters, shredded to rags from fleeing through all those branches and bushes. Scratches and cuts crisscrossed her exposed skin, little beads of blood welling up everywhere those lashing twigs had raked her.

Between her legs felt like an absolute mess. Alexa could still vividly picture that drunk asshole's thick cock, how it had forced apart her pussy lips and almost penetrated her. Just the thought made her shudder in disgust, feeling that sticky trail of his pre-cum oozing out of her slit and trickling down her ass crack, staining her already tattered skirt.

What the fuck was she supposed to do now? Trapped in this depraved shithole of a world, with no money, no supplies, nothing. Just this wench body that every sleazebag seemed to view as public property, something to stick their dicks into whenever they got horny.

The memory of that stuck-up bitch Gerdur dismissing her so coldly made Alexa's eyes narrow in anger. She had straight-up begged the self-righteous cunt for help, pleading with her to just open her fucking eyes and see reason for once. But the older woman hadn't even spared her a goddamn glance, just turned up that prunish nose like Alexa's desperate cries were beneath her.

Gritting her teeth, Alexa decided her best option for now was to lay low and hide behind this tree until night fell and she could get that damn armbinder removed. She leaned back against the rough bark, trying to ignore the throbbing aches from her abused body as she settled in to wait.

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