Who Wins? Series - episode 7
The Start:
You already know the intro but let's change it up a bit (turns on deep voice changer) we have a new battle and contestant Black Ñãçīøpà(Alastor)! I'm your host Tank short for yaboinethertank and today we are on episode 7 of the Who Wins? series! Let's get into it
Black Ñãçīøpà(Alastor):
The Black Ñãçīøpà(Alastor) is very much a Carnivore he is a strong and powerful Demon named Alastor no not that Alastor let's get into chapter 1
Chapter 1: the introduction
Some kid is looking at a tear in space and reality the kid is very interested in this tear so he walks to it but when he did he gets sucked in he then sees a monster eating multiverses and killing God's that can make Reality bend at there will
Kid: where am I?
Voice: I see a new- what you're a kid
Kid: my name is Marin not Kid!
Voice: well Marin you'll be transported to a world called... VRONO
Marin: what was that monster I saw while getting here?
Voice: that was a Black Ñãçīøpà or who we gods call `Alastor`
This is a pretty bad match up for Spider-Man
Abilities and design:
Black Ñãçīøpà(Alastor)
- yellow sharp teeth
- red eyes and sciera
- longue sharp tongue(like venom)
- omnivore
- demon
- black scales
- sharp toenails
- wings
- can talk(deep voice)
- only speaks through radio
- thermal vision
I am talking about Tom Holland spiderman as that is the most known and most abilities version of Spiderman I know so let's get into it!
The fight:
Alastor flies through a portal roaring and shooting Black spikes everywhere these spikes kill multiple people Souder-man is surprised and webs Alastor but Alastor breaks it and roars and Alastor nose-dives at Spiderman and Spiderman dodges as Alastor gets close to the earths core from that nose-Dive
Tom: bad news gotta get Tony
Alastor slaps Tom with his tail sending Tom flying into a wall
Tom: that hurts...
Alastor: human bow down now!
Tom: what?
Alastor roars
Alastor: BOW DOWN NOW!
The radio exploded breaking Tom's mask a little Tom webs away to get to Tony but Alastor grazed Tom's back making Tom bleed and Alastor flies out finally escaping the hole
Tom(mind): ouch! That hurts!
Tom webs off Alastor snaps at Tom with his teeth but Tom kicks Alastor in the nose and jumped off of him he then skinned around and stomped on his eye but Alastor roars more angrier than ever he shoots the spikes piercing Toms armor
Tom: AGH!
Alastor slaps Tom with his tail and he stomps on Tom and Tom pushed Alastor off but alastor grabbed Tom by the neck with his tongue then stabbed him in the stomach with his nail he then flies in the air and shoots spikes everywhere in the city killing everyone
The end:
Yeah you should of expected tommy boy to lose this Alastor is just too strong