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66.66% DxD: The Son Of Poseidon / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Capítulo 2: Chapter 2

So this is the place, huh? Isn't it a bit…big for just three people?" I asked as Zeus and I stood outside a door, staring at a massive one-story Traditional Japanese-styled house that were about one/ one-and-a-half football field. I did like the mahogany wood with the crimson and burnt orange mural designs and the front yard was big enough for a koi pond.

"Amaterasu sent her favourite priestess, so she wanted her to live in luxury." Zeus responded and I nodded as we walked towards the door before he rang the doorbell.

"Welcome, Zeus-sama. Amaterasu-sama is waiting at the meeting room. Please follow me." A blonde haired woman greeted us with a bow after a minute of waiting as she opened the door and Zeus nodded, though I could see his eyes flitting downwards and I didn't blame him. She was dressed in a low-cut kimono that was open at her shoulders, revealing her very large breasts and her nine blonde tails swayed slightly behind her as the ears on top of her ears twitched.

"Boy, did your mother not teach you manners? Introduce yourself." I just rolled my eyes as the woman and I grinned amusedly at each other.

"I'm Theodore Richards, Richards being my surname. Demigod son of Poseidon, representative of the Greco-Roman Pantheon and unfortunately, the nephew of Lord Zeus."

"What do you mean 'unfortunately', boy?!" Zeus growled and I just grinned as she giggled.

"It's nice to meet you, Richards-san. I'm Yamamoto Yasaka, Former Leader of the West Youkai Faction and representative of the Shinto Pantheon." I smiled and nodded as we walked for a few minutes before arriving at a pair of mahogany double doors.

"Amaterasu-sama, Zeus-sama and his representative have arrived."

"Please, come in." A gentle, soft voice answered and Yasaka opened the doors, walking to stand slightly behind a woman with bright orange hair and eyes. Her beauty was radiant, comparable to that of a summer's sun shining down on a field of blooming flowers.

"Ya finally made it, ya brat!" A male voice exclaimed and Zeus sighed as I turned to see two others sitting directly opposite Amaterasu. One was an elderly male dressed in formal robes, an eye-patch over his right eye as two ravens sat on his shoulders. The second was a beautiful silver haired woman standing behind him dressed in a simple business suit, though she blushed slightly as I smiled at her.

"And of course, you're as loud as ever, Old Man Odin. Have you not mature over the past 1000 years?"

"Thor did, but not me." Odin said with a cheeky grin before he noticed my amused smile. He scanned me from head to toe and I could see a dimly glowing circle under the eyepatch before he grinned.

"I see you've went all out, Zeus. The Arctic Huntsman Theseus, commander of the Elite Division of the Huntsmen Organization and slayer of Ladon, the Insomniac Dragon, and Grendel, the Crime Force Dragon. It's a pleasure to meet a man of your calibur." Yasaka and the silver haired woman looked shocked at hearing who I was and I just smiled.

"Uncle Zeus-!" "Lord Zeus, boy!" Like I said, Uncle Zeus asked me to come monitor the place for him and since I was given off from work for the year, I might as well do something productive." Zeus just growled as I grinned at him before he sat down on the couch in between the two other groups, leaving me to stand behind him.

"Woah~" I heard a child's voice mutter softly and looked slightly to my right to see a little girl, about 12 to 13 years of age, peeking through a door at me in awe and wonder as her blonde tails wagged excitedly behind her. I just smiled and waved at her, causing her to squeak with a flushed face as she quickly closed the door, the busty blonde looking amused at our interaction as she giggled softly behind her hand before Amaterasu spoke.

"Why don't the three of you get acquainted with each other while us three Gods discuss the terms and regulations? Yasaka, please show Richards-san and Rossweisse-san to their rooms?"

"As you wish, Amaterasu-sama. Kunou, come."

"Hai, Kaa-san." The little girl's, Kunou's, voice said softly as she quickly rushed to her mother's side, completely hiding away from me as Yasaka just rolled her eyes with an amused smile.

"Richards-san, Rossweisse-san, please follow me." She said and the silver haired woman, Rossweisse, and I followed her out, bowing to the three Gods.

"Remember what I said about fighting, boy!"

"If I have to fight, fight to win. I heard you the first dozen times you said it." I said back and Zeus just nodded as I sighed and closed the doors.

"A daily occurrence, I assume?" Yasaka asked with a smile and I chuckled and nodded.

"More like an hourly occurrence." Rossweisse and Yasaka giggled as Kunou just took glances at me from behind her mother.

"Kunou, now that is no way for a lady to behave. Introduce yourself to the nice man."

"H-Hai. P-Pleasure to m-meet you, Richards-san. I am Yamamoto K-Kunou, daughter of the Kyuubi no Kitsune Yasaka." She said with a curtsy and I chuckled as I gave her a bow.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Kunou-san…wait, I'm unfamiliar to you, so I should have used your surname instead of your given name. Ah, I apologize for that. I'm still learning how to use the honorifics."

"I-It's okay. I-I don't mind you using my name." She muttered softly, surprising me slightly as even Yasaka looked a bit surprised. That, however, did not last long as a glint of mischief appeared in her eyes.

"If you're certain…" I trailed off and she gave a shy smile and nodded.

"Well, then. Be free to just call me Theo instead of Theseus or Theodore. All my friends do."

"Friend?" She muttered in surprise and I smiled and nodded.

"Yay! Thank you!" She squealed as she wrapped her arms around my waist and I laughed as I hugged her back, right before she remembered her mother still being there and she flushed bright red as she quickly got out of the hug and ran back to hide behind her mother.

"Ara ara~ It seems I cannot keep my eye off of you for long. We're here for just a week and you've already gotten yourself a husband." Yasaka teased, Kunou squeaking as she hid even further and I chuckled.

"A-Ahem!" Oh right, I almost forgot about her.

"Ah, forgive my manners, milady. If I may, would you be so kind as to honour me with your name?" I asked with a flourish and a bow, Rossweisse flushing bright red as Yasaka looked amused.

"I-It's of no issue. My name is Rossweisse, former bodyguard of Lord Odin and now representative of the Norse Pantheon. Pleased to meet you."

" 'White Rose'. A fitting name for a silver-haired beauty." Her face went even redder as Yasaka and Kunou giggled.

"Let me show you your room. I fear Rossweisse-san might collapse from a heatstroke if I let you keep complimenting her."

"A bit jealous, are we?" I asked with a teasing smile and Yasaka just smiled.

"What woman wouldn't be when a man compliments every female in the vicinity except for her?"

"…Point taken." I said after a long pause and she giggled as the four of us walked up the stairs and down a hallway where we saw four doors.

"The ones on the left are Kunou's room and my room. Rossweisse-san, yours is the first on the right. Richards-san, yours is the one right next to it."

"Like I said to Kunou, please just call me Theo." I said with a smile and she nodded.

"A-And I'm just Rossweisse. No need for the san part."

"Well then, please call me Yasaka. Now, I'll leave you two to unpack and I'll come fetch in fifteen minutes?" Both Rossweisse and I nodded and she smiled before nodding.

"Good! Well, come now, Kunou, let's leave them to their unpacking."

"Hai! See you later, Rossweisse, Theo!" She greeted with a wave.

"See you in fifteen minutes, Kunou." "See you later." Rossweisse and I waved back and she rushed off after her mother, giving a final wave before they disappeared around a corner.

"Well, I'll see you in fifteen minutes, beautiful rose." I said with a smile and Rossweisse blushed bright red as she gave a shy smile and nod before rushing into her room. I chuckled as I walked past her room towards mine, whistling in appreciation as I opened the door.

Sea-green walls and roof with blue krakens and tridents painted on them. A king-sized bed with a dark oak bed frame and light blue linen sheets and comforter. A 75-inch Flat Screen hanging from the wall just opposite the bed with what seemed to be a UGS-5(Ultimate Gaming System Ver. 5) on a shelf underneath it. A polished dark oak desk was to the right of the TV, a blue computer, two monitor screens and a blue laptop resting right on top of the desk. To the left of the TV was an empty bookcase, a small cabinet meant for wine and other alcoholic drinks to its left. The windows stretched from floor-to-ceiling, opening to a balcony with royal blue railings.

There were two doors on either side of the bed and opening them revealed a walk-in closet on the left and a luxurious, five-star bathroom on the right.

"This room is way too small for all of this to just fit, so they're using Runic Magic to drastically increase the room size…I approve." I grinned as I began unpacking, filling the bookshelves with a few books I brought from home and. It took me about five minutes to unpack all of my clothes and the only reason it took me that little time is that Hestia packed my luggage for me in the neatest way possible. Ah~ Where would I be without her?

Lying down on the bed, I closed my eyes as I let out a deep sigh

"I see you're getting comfortable, Theseus." A voice said from the door and I opened my eyes and turned my head to see an auburn haired woman with silver eyes, leaning against the door-frame and I grinned. She was dressed in primitive, silver hunting clothes and she had a silver bow on her back and a silver quiver full of arrows at her side.

"Arty! What brings you to my new humble abode?." I greeted with a smile and Artemis just rolled her eyes.

"Also, Uncle Zeus doesn't like you being near me, so I assume he doesn't know you're here."

"I'm the greatest hunter in Olympus. If I wanted to hide from my father, it would be child's play to do so." Artemis replied with a raised eyebrow and I shrugged as I stood up.

"I'm just here to see if your training is holding up…and to see if you have not seduced and defiled any innocent maidens with your filthy hands."

"You catch me in bed with a girl one time and all of a sudden, I'm a vile man?" I grumbled as I rolled my eyes.

"She was one of my Huntresses!" She exclaimed and I just grinned sheepishly.

"To be fair, she was the one who came onto me, so technically, I didn't seduce her so much as she seduced me. Besides, you turned me into a rabbit and made your dire wolves hunt me right after. I could've died."

"Nothing would give me greater pleasure."

"…You're a kinky one, aren't you?" I smirked and she glared at me.

"I can't stand being another second in the same room with you." She growled out as she turned to leave and I grinned.

"Nice seeing you again, Arty. Hope to see you again soon. Don't forget to visit." All I got was a middle finger over the shoulder before she disappeared in a silver flash, leaving me alone in the room.

"As cranky as always. She really needs to get laid or something." I muttered as I closed the door and went to lay back down on my bed, setting an alarm for ten minutes on my phone. A quick power nap should be fine.

Ten Minutes Later:

"Uh…T-Theo…" I was woken up by someone softly calling my name as they lightly pushed me.

"Uahh~ Hey, Kunou." I muttered with a yawn as I stretched, sitting upright as Kunou just stood there with her hands folded.

"Is he up, Kunou?" I heard Yasaka ask from the hallway before her face peeked in from the door.

"Oh! Good to see you're up. Lady Amaterasu asked me to come and fetch you and Rossweisse to finalize the details." I smiled and nodded before jumping up from the bed, ruffling Kunou's hair with a smile as she giggled.

"What are we waiting for?" I asked with a grin and Yasaka just rolled her eyes with a smile as Kunou and I walked out, closing my door behind me as I saw Rossweisse waiting for us.

"Hello, beautiful rose. Getting comfortable in your new room?"

"Y-Yes. It's much bigger than my home in Asgard." She stuttered with a slight blush and I chuckled.

"I have to agree with you on that, Rose." I replied with a smile and her blush grew even brighter as Yasaka just smirked at me.

"Let's move before Mr. Casanova tries to get you into his bed."

"Eep!" Rossweisse squeaked with a bright blush as I just raised an eyebrow.

"No need to be that jealous, Foxy Lady."

" 'Foxy Lady'? Is that the best you can do?" She asked with a teasing smirk and I returned it.

"I have a lot more, but unfortunately, we have a child with us." I answered and Kunou punched my leg as I chuckled.

"I'm just kidding, Kunou." I said with a grin and she huffed and nodded.

"Good! Nii-san has to approve before you can marry Kaa-san." She said with a nod and I stared at her before looking at the smirking Yasaka.

"You have a son?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yep! The Champion of Lord Susano'o and the first ten-tailed Kitsune since the first Kitsune Daiyokai. He's my pride and Kunou is my joy. The only reason I could come to Kuoh is because he took over as Leader of the West Youkai Faction and I retired." She answered as Kunou just blushed with a smile and looked down at the ground.

"From the rumours I've heard, the older Youkai don't like changes. I assume there were a few not…happy with the leadership change?" She just chuckled as she shook her head, Rossweisse listening just as intentively as we walked down the final hallway.

"Hardly. We Youkai prioritize power above all else and my son is powerful enough to defeat me with relative ease, so no one had any foothold to delay him becoming the leader." I whistled with an impressed look on my face as we walked towards the doors to the meeting room. Yasaka was, arguably, the most powerful Youkai in Japan, able to take on Dragon Kings. For her to say that means her son must be very powerful indeed, at the very least on the same level as a Division Commander in the Organization.

"Any spouse of sorts?" I asked with a grin and she shook her head with a sad smile.

"No. He died protecting me during my pregnancy with Kunou from assassins." …Well, shit.

"I apologize from bringing up bad memories." She just giggled.

"It's of no worry. I've had 12 years to mourn for him. Now, I'm satisfied with knowing I have two beautiful gifts to remember him by." Kunou giggled as she gave Yasaka's leg a hug and Rossweisse and I smiled.

"What of you two? Anyone special?"

"No. Working under Lord Odin does not give one a chance to pursue a significant other."

"The same here. In my line of work, it was better for me to not have any people they can blackmail and threaten me with, though knowing my mother, she'll probably meet you two and try to get you to marry me." Yasaka giggled as Rossweisse flushed bright red.

"Who knows? We might accept her offer." Yasaka said with a playful smile and I rolled my eyes with an amused grin as Rossweisse stammered with a bright red blush. Kunou was just giggling happily as we walked through the hallways before we arrived at the meeting hall.

"Amaterasu-sama, we have arrived."

"Please, come in." We heard Amaterasu answer from behind the door and Yasaka opened the door to show only Amaterasu sitting on a cushion, four other cushions arranged in a line in front of her. As the last to enter, I closed the door behind me before sitting in the only seat available, right in front of her.

"Zeus and Lord Odin had urgent matters to attend to, so unfortunately, they were unable to say goodbye to you two." Amaterasu said with a slight head and I just smiled as Rossweisse shook her head.

"I-It's of no worries, Lady Amaterasu. I…I am used to Lord Odin disappearing on me whenever he wants." Rossweisse said with a smile and

"Uncle Zeus is as quick and scatterbrained as the lightning he wields, so him disappearing on me at random times is not a strange thing I worry about." I answered with a shrug and Amaterasu smiled before nodding.

"Good! Now then, you need to know your roles for you to fulfill your missions to the best of our expectations. The three of you are to monitor and report back the behaviour of the Devils Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri along with their peerages. A meeting has been arranged for you three to meet the two along with their peerages tomorrow afternoon after school, which brings me to my next point. In order for you three to be able to monitor them at all times, you will be assigned teaching positions that will have them in your classes." Amaterasu turned to Yasaka before she continued speaking.

"Yasaka, you will be the homeroom teacher for Class 2-A, the class in which the two Devils are placed in along with their respective Queen pieces. Your job is to monitor their every move as much as you can without it being obvious."

"As you wish, Amaterasu-sama." Yasaka bowed her head and Amaterasu nodded before turning to me.

"Theodore, you will be the P.E teacher for Years 1 through 3. That should allow you to figure out their strengths and weaknesses and also what type of pieces they are as well as look after little Kunou and make sure no assassins try to get take her out to spite Yasaka. You are also the most powerful of the three representatives, so if anyone tries to attack at any time, you can take care of the threat with none being wiser."

"Will do." I replied with a nod and she smiled before turning to Rossweisse.

"Rossweisse, you will be placed in Class 1-A as their homeroom teacher. Our intel indicate that all the members of both peerages are placed in that class, so this should give you the best place to monitor and survey the strength of their pieces and figure out the best course of action in case you have to do battle against them."

"I-I shall strive to perform to the best of my abilities."

"I expect nothing less from you from all of you, but please do not strain and overwork yourselves. Your missions are just re-con missions. If you do have to battle, please finish the battle as quickly and quietly as you possibly can."

"Understood." All three of us said in unison and she smiled before turning to the nervous Kunou.

"I did manage to find a spot open for you as a 1st year middle school student, so if it's okay with your mother, you can attend the school and since Isaiah will be free most of the time apart from when he's teaching, he can watch over you and make sure nothing happens to you." Kunou smiled brightly before bowing deeply to the smiling Amaterasu.

"T-Thank you, Amaterasu-sama." She stuttered out and Amaterasu just giggled before nodding.

"It is my pleasure, dear Kunou. Now then, I need to return back to Takamagahara, but if you four need anything at all, do not hesitate to contact me at any time."

"Of course, Lady Amaterasu. It was a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise. Until we meet again." Amaterasu greeted with a smile and a bow before she was obscured in a bright orange light and flashed away.

"So, what do we do now?" I asked as the four of us sat on the cushions before as Kunou's stomach grumbled, with her flushing pink as the three of us chuckled.

"I'll get started on dinner." Yasaka said with a smile and I grinned and shrugged as I got comfortable on the cushions.

"I'll help." "Me too!" Rossweisse and Kunou said respectively and I rolled my eyes as I stood up.

"I'll feel like a free-loader if I don't help as well."

"Sit down and relax with a cup of sake. It's the job of the woman to cook for the house." Yasaka must have sensed my hesitance as she pushed me back to sit down, walking to the drink cabinet before pulling out a saucer cup and a bottle of Sake, though it seemed to be an expensive brand considering the wording was imprinted in gold on the bottle. She just smiled as she placed it in front of me

"If you all are sure about it." I said and they nodded as they walked out and closed the door, with me sitting there staring at the sake before shrugging as I poured a cup.

"Well, might as well." I muttered as I picked up the cup before downing the drink in one gulp, coughing as I felt the strong burn in the back of my throat.

"Sip it! Don't chug it down!" I heard Yasaka exclaim from down the hallway and I could hear the amusement in her voice.

"I've never had sake, so I didn't know!"

"You know now!" I just rolled my eyes as I poured another cup, making sure to sip this time and I smiled as I felt the slight burn in my throat. Thankfully, it was not as harsh as the first one.

Two women cooking food for me and I'm allowed to just sit down and drink alcohol? Ah~ This is the life.

The Next Day:

"Looks like someone's doesn't like the attention." Yasaka whispered to me and I rolled my eyes as she, Kunou, Rossweisse and I drove to the school in a dark blue Rolls-Royce that Zeus decided to give me for the mission.

Yasaka, Kunou and Rossweisse were amused as the groups of girls stared at the car or more specifically, at me since I had the window down.

I guess having a light caramel skin tone along with slicked-back dark brown hair and golden brown eyes does make you stand out. Not to mention the fact that I'm about 6'1"(A/N: My actual height is 5'11", but nothing's wrong with adding two inches) and had a lean and muscular build, the form-fitting blue shirt I had on stretched over my torso. I finished the P.E teacher look with a white and light blue jacket that I kept open, dark blue shorts and dark blue sneakers.

I think Yasaka got a form fitting shirt out of pure amusement…and because she knew this would happen.

Kunou was dressed in the girl's uniform and I have to say she does look cute in it. She even had her blonde hair tied into twin pigtails that hung to her mid back.

Both Yasaka and Rossweisse were dressed professionally in black pencil skirts and black dress jackets, but that's where the professional ends. Rossweisse had her silver hair up in a high ponytail, showcasing her beautiful, porcelain skin and aqua coloured eyes.

Yasaka took the concept 'sexy' to the extreme as her hair was also up in a bun, pinned together with two, extravagant black wood hairpins with intricate gold insignias on them. The top two buttons of her white dress shirt was undone and the third was straining and fighting a hard battle as it struggled to keep her large breasts from being set free.

"You're one to speak." I said as I glanced at her chest and she giggled, her chest shaking slightly before I felt a punch against my left shoulder and looked in the rear-view mirror to see Kunou pouting and glaring cutely at me.

"Don't worry, I know. No touching until your brother likes me." Her glare turned into a smile as she nodded and I rolled my eyes as the others giggled.

"How are you dealing with everything happening so far?" I asked Rossweisse as the giggling died down and she smiled, no longer flushing in my presence.

"I'm adaptable to my environment, so it doesn't matter much to me. Plus, this work is much more doable than working as Lord Odin's bodyguard, so I'm actually enjoying my work for once." I smiled and nodded before we arrived at the middle school gate. Driving into the school parking lot, I parked it facing the gate before turning off the engine, climbing out before opening the door for all three with a smile. Opening the trunk, I took out Kunou's bag and handing it to her, which she took with a happy grin, before I took out three briefcases, one of which Rossweisse took with a thankful smile.

"I'll go drop Kunou off at her class. Please wait here." Yasaka said as we arrived at the middle school building. Rossweisse and I nodded and Yasaka smiled before she took Kunou's hand and they walked into the building, the few single and married fathers that were dropping off their kids looking at Yasaka in awe as she strutted past them. I…I don't know why, but it's…kind of nice to have conversations with her and Rossweisse, unlike most conversations I have with other women I just met.

"So…how is life in Asgard?" I started a conversation as we stared at the parents dropping off their children.

"Dull, mostly. Most of the time, it was just meetings after meetings with no end. How is life in Olympus?"

"Chaotic, mostly. I was mostly busy either doing quests for the Organization or fighting the Minotaur whenever he escaped from his prison." She looked surprised at me saying that.

"Didn't the first Theseus slay the Minotaur?"

"Yep. So now, every Theseus are the ones who are asked to seal him back in his prison if he escapes or kill him if sealing is not an option. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on who you ask, he keeps reincarnating in his prison after he dies, so I just kill him every time." I said with a shrug before I noticed Yasaka walking back towards us.

"That was quick."

"Her class is the first door around the right corner." She answered as she wrapped her arms around my right arm before pulling me along with her, both Rossweisse and I looking surprised as we just followed her.

"Damn, she's married."

"Shit, and look at him. The guy's built like a tank. Could probably knock the shit out of you."

"I could take him."

"No way, he looks like he'd knock the crap out of you before you can blink." I heard the defeated whispers of the men around us before it clicked.

"Looks like someone doesn't like the attention." I repeated her words with a teasing smirk and she just rolled her eyes as Rossweisse giggled.

"As if. I just don't feel like dealing with a bunch of idiots on the first day. Besides, this way, you're keeping the men away from me and I'm keeping the women away from you. Equal exchange, is it not?"

"Hey, I'm fine with the attention, but I won't say no to this. It's nice." I answered with a shrug and she just pouted, me and Rossweisse giggling and chuckling as we walked past the students into the main office building and up to the third floor where the meeting room was. I did, however, catch a glimmer of longing or sadness in Rossweisse's eyes as she took a quick glance at us.

…Wonder what that's about?

The Student Council's Office, Main Building:

3rd Person POV:

"So those are the representatives who have to monitor us, huh?" A beautiful girl asked, her buxom figure not exactly hidden by her school uniform as her crimson hair hung to her lower back.

"Yes, which reminds me. Rias. What, in your brother's name, possessed you to shoot a Power of Destruction blast at a bat Stray Devil while they were flying? Was it not better to let Akeno get it out of the sky before you destroyed it?" Another beautiful girl asked, her figure a bit more slender than the first girl and her hair cut into a bob-styled cut as she was also dressed in the Kuoh Academy girl's uniform. The crimson haired girl just giggled sheepishly before a third voice spoke.

"Their power is quite impressive, especially that of the male. I have to admit he is hadsome…for a human" A third girl said. Her heterochromic eyes, a light brown right eye and a violet left eye, were glinting behind her purple semi-rimme glasses as she stood slightly behind the girl with the slender figure, dressed in the same girl's uniform. Her long black hair hung loosely to her upper thighs like a curtain of darkness and her uniform showcased the curvy figure she had.

"Ara-Ara~ Looks like someone has a little bit of a crush on the new teacher, eh Tsubaki? Well, I can't blame you. Just look at those muscles~" A fourth girl said as she stood slightly behind the crimson-haired girl, the other three just staring at her with a deapan as she stared with glazed over eyes and a lewd smile at the male while rubbing her thighs together slightly. Her raven-black hair was tied into a high ponytail and hung to the back of her knees, the shirt of the uniform straining as it was barely able to contain her very large chest, which seemed to be on par or dare say, bigger than that of Yasaka.

"Where did Grayfia go wrong with you, Akeno?" Rias, the crimson-haired girl, lamented and Akeno just giggled as the other two shook their heads.

"The meeting will be held in the Occult Research Club's clubroom later today, so be prepared." The girl with the bob cut said and Rias nodded.

"Don't worry, Sona. Brother told me that I needed to be punctual, respectful and that Okita and Surtr would be there to make sure our meeting didn't erupt into a fight." Sona just sighed before nodding.

"Let's go. We still need to be there for orientation and if we're there first, we can get closer to the stage and try to get a better look at their power." Sona said and Rias nodded before they walked out, Tsubaki and Akeno following their respective masters and they walked along with their fellow classmates to the meeting hall.


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