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55% Starborn and Winterforged / Chapter 9: Chapter 8

Capítulo 9: Chapter 8

Cregan's POV

The Northern Army's journey to White Harbor was marked by a sense of resolve and unity. The vast expanses of the North, with its rugged terrain and frigid winds, were a testament to the resilience of its people. As we marched, the sight of banners fluttering in the breeze, each bearing the sigil of a Northern house, filled me with pride and firm resolve. The Starks, Manderlys, Karstarks, Umbers, and others all stood together, ready to face the Ironborn threat.

Upon reaching White Harbor, the strategic importance of the city became immediately clear. As the North's principal port, it was bustling with activity, the docks alive with the sounds of shipbuilders and the sight of Northern warriors preparing for war. White Harbor was not only a city but a bastion of the North's maritime power, a power that had been carefully built under my orders over the past few years.

We were greeted by Lord Wyman Manderly, a man of impressive stature and unyielding loyalty to House Stark. His booming voice carried over the din of the harbor as he welcomed us. "Lord Cregan, it is an honor to host you and the Northern army in White Harbor. Our fleet is at your disposal."

I nodded, appreciating the Manderlys' unwavering support. "Thank you, Lord Wyman. We have much to discuss and little time. The Ironborn will not wait for us to be ready."

Lord Wyman led us through the bustling city to the docks where the Northern fleet was moored. The sight of the ships, rows upon rows of them, filled me with a sense of accomplishment. Over the years, we had transformed White Harbor into a naval stronghold, building a fleet that could rival any in Westeros.

The flagship of our fleet, the *Winter's Wrath*, was a sight to behold. Its hull was reinforced with ironwood, and the sails bore the direwolf of House Stark. This ship, along with many others, had been designed for both speed and strength, capable of withstanding the harshest of storms and the fiercest of battles. The design of our fleet drew heavily on the Byzantine war galleys I had read about in my previous life, a unique advantage that few in this world could comprehend.

In my past life, as Harry Potter, I had stumbled upon a book about naval warfare in Hermione's library. The Byzantine dromon, with its sleek design and formidable capabilities, had captured my imagination. Now, in this new life, I had used that knowledge to create a fleet unlike any other in Westeros. The dromon was known for its speed and maneuverability, and our Northern fleet had been built to mirror those qualities, with reinforced hulls and powerful rams designed to break through enemy lines.

As I inspected the fleet, I was joined by my most trusted advisors, including my uncles, Ned, Benjen, and Arthur, along with Aunt Dacey. Their presence reassured me, reminding me that I was not alone in this endeavor.

"We've come a long way, haven't we?" Uncle Benjen remarked, his eyes scanning the horizon.

"Indeed we have," I replied. "But our journey is far from over. The Ironborn will soon learn that the North is not to be trifled with."

Our preparations were thorough. Men were assigned to their ships, supplies were loaded, and final strategies were discussed. The air was thick with anticipation and the scent of the sea. The fleet was ready to sail at a moment's notice, poised to confront the Ironborn wherever they might strike.

In the midst of the preparations, I found a moment to address the gathered men. Standing atop a wooden crate, I looked out at the sea of faces, all hardened by the harsh Northern winters but filled with firm resolve.

"Men of the North," I began, my voice carrying over the harbor. "We face a grave threat. The Ironborn seek to plunder our lands, to terrorize our people. But we will not allow that to happen. We are the North. We are strong, we are united, and we will defend our home with every ounce of strength we possess."

A chorus of cheers erupted from the crowd, a unified roar that echoed across the harbor. The men were ready, their spirits unyielding. They knew the stakes, and they were prepared to fight for their homes and their families.

As night fell, the city of White Harbor remained a hive of activity. Torches flickered along the docks, casting a warm glow over the ships and the men preparing for battle. I took a moment to gaze out at the fleet, the ships' silhouettes stark against the dark waters. This was the culmination of years of effort, a testament to the North's resilience and strength.

Uncle Ned joined me, his presence a comforting reminder of the strength of our family. "You've done well, Cregan," he said quietly. "Your father would be proud."

I nodded, feeling the weight of his words. "We will show the Ironborn that the North is not to be trifled with," I replied. "Winter is coming for them."

As dawn approached, the fleet was ready to set sail. The men boarded their ships, their expressions a mix of resolve and anticipation. The sails were unfurled, catching the morning breeze, and the ships began to glide out of the harbor, one by one.

I stood at the helm of the *Winter's Wrath*, my eyes fixed on the horizon. The North was united, its people ready to defend their home. The Ironborn had made a grave mistake in underestimating us. We would meet them with the fury of the North, and we would prevail.

As the fleet prepared to sail into the open sea, I felt a sense of purpose and resolve. The Ironborn would soon learn the true strength of the North. We were coming for them, and we would not rest until our home was safe once more.

As night fell over White Harbor, a warm glow from the hearth illuminated the chamber where we had gathered to strategize. I sat with my uncles, Ned, Benjen, and Arthur, and my aunt Dacey, the gravity of our mission clear on each of their faces. The flickering fire cast long shadows, a stark contrast to the determined expressions of those present.

Uncle Ned, ever the practical strategist, leaned forward, his hands resting on the map spread out before us. "Our best move is to link up with the Mallisters at Seagard," he suggested, tracing a path along the coastline. "They have experience dealing with the Ironborn and can provide valuable reinforcements."

Benjen nodded in agreement, his brows knitted in concentration. "Seagard is well-fortified and strategically positioned. It's a strong point to gather our forces."

Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning, who had sworn his allegiance to our cause, looked thoughtful. "The Mallisters have fought the Ironborn for generations. Their knowledge and support would be invaluable."

Dacey, Benjen's new wife, sat beside him, her gaze steady and insightful. "Seagard is a logical step, but we must remain flexible. The Ironborn are unpredictable."

I listened carefully, weighing their counsel. The plan to link up with the Mallisters made sense, but something gnawed at me. As I considered our position, a sudden thought struck me. I turned to face them, my eyes narrowing with curiosity.

"Which of the islands that are part of the Iron Islands is closest to our current location?" I asked, breaking the rhythm of the discussion.

Uncle Ned looked at me, a hint of surprise in his eyes, but then his expression turned thoughtful. "Good question, Cregan. Let's see." He scanned the map spread across the table, tracing the coastline from White Harbor westward with his finger. "We are here," he said, pointing to our current position. "The nearest island to us would be Harlaw, one of the larger Iron Islands."

Arthur leaned in, studying the map intently. "Harlaw is known for its strongholds and fleet. If we could strike there first, it might disrupt their operations and give us an advantage."

Dacey, ever insightful, added, "If we attack Harlaw, we must be prepared for swift retaliation. The Ironborn are fierce warriors, and their response will be immediate."

I nodded, considering their words. "Our position gives us a strategic advantage, thanks to the canal we built connecting the Fever and the Bite rivers. It allows us quicker passage and maneuverability for our fleet. This canal has given us an unprecedented tactical edge. We can strike fast and retreat just as quickly if needed."

Arthur agreed, his expression serious. "Yes, that canal was a masterstroke. It will enable us to move our ships into position rapidly and catch the Ironborn off guard."

Dacey looked at me with a blend of admiration and concern. "If we go down this path, there's no turning back. The Ironborn will come at us with everything they have. But if anyone can lead us through this, it's you, Cregan."

I met her gaze and then turned to the others, my expression firm. "We won't simply strike Harlaw," I declared. "We will raze it to the ground."

A shocked silence filled the room. My uncles and aunt stared at me, their expressions a mix of surprise and concern. It was Arthur who spoke first, his voice measured. "Cregan, that's a bold declaration. Are you sure that's the best course of action?"

I nodded firmly. "The Ironborn thrive on fear and chaos. They need to see that the North will not tolerate their raids and pillaging. By razing Harlaw, we send a clear message that their actions have dire consequences."

Ned's gaze was intense, his mind clearly weighing my words. "Destroying Harlaw would cripple their morale, but it will also incite their fury. We need to be prepared for the aftermath."

"Uncle Ned," I said, my tone unwavering, "the Ironborn have terrorized our coasts for too long. They need to understand that the North is not their playground. We will stand firm, and we will show them the strength of our resolve."

Benjen's expression softened slightly, a mix of pride and worry. "Cregan, you're wise beyond your years. If we're to take such drastic measures, we must ensure that our forces are ready for the retaliation that will surely follow."

Arthur nodded in agreement. "We'll need to plan our assault carefully. A swift and decisive strike to raze Harlaw, followed by a rapid consolidation of our defenses at Seagard."

Dacey looked at me with a blend of admiration and concern. "If we go down this path, there's no turning back. The Ironborn will come at us with everything they have. But if anyone can lead us through this, it's you, Cregan."

Ned, ever the honorable man, interjected, his brow furrowed. "What will happen to the innocent? The women and children of Harlaw?"

I met his gaze steadily, understanding his concern. "The women and children will be spared," I assured him. "They will not suffer for the actions of their men. However, the men—those who have terrorized our coasts and spilled Northern blood—they will be made an example of. One that will make the Ironborn think a hundred times before contemplating ever attacking the North again."

Ned nodded slowly, his expression thoughtful. "It's a harsh measure, but necessary. We cannot allow the Ironborn to continue their raids unchecked."

Arthur leaned forward, his eyes sharp. "We'll need to ensure that our forces can differentiate between combatants and non-combatants quickly. The chaos of battle can blur those lines."

"We'll be prepared," I replied. "Our strategy will include clear directives to our men. The objective is to dismantle their ability to wage war, not to inflict unnecessary suffering."

Benjen, who had been silent for a while, spoke up. "If we strike decisively and show restraint with the innocent, we might even gain some respect from those Ironborn who value honor. Not all of them are savages."

Dacey added, "The key will be to act swiftly and leave no room for misunderstanding. A swift, decisive victory with clear intentions."

With our plan taking shape, we turned our attention to the details. Arthur outlined the logistics, emphasizing the importance of speed and precision in our assault. Benjen and Dacey discussed the defensive measures to be implemented at Seagard, ensuring that we could hold our ground against any counterattack.

As the night wore on, the fire in the hearth crackled softly, casting flickering shadows on the walls. The atmosphere in the room was tense but purposeful. We all understood the gravity of our decision and the stakes involved. Yet, there was a shared sense of resolve that bound us together.

Hours later, as the meeting drew to a close, I felt a mixture of anticipation and resolve. The Ironborn had sown chaos and fear for too long. Now, it was time for the North to show its strength and protect its people.

Before we disbanded, I addressed my uncles and aunt one last time. "We will act swiftly and decisively. The Ironborn will learn that the North is not to be trifled with. We will defend our home, and we will ensure that they understand the consequences of their actions."

Nods of agreement met my words. The resolve in their eyes mirrored my own. Together, we would face the challenges ahead, united in our purpose and unwavering in our determination.

As we prepared to take the next steps, I felt a sense of clarity and purpose. The Ironborn would soon learn the price of their aggression. We would strike hard, protect the innocent, and remind our enemies why the North was a force to be reckoned with.

The Northern Fleet sailed silently through the night, the dark waters glistening under the moonlight as Harlaw Island loomed ever closer. The air was thick with anticipation, every man aboard aware of the grim task ahead. The sea, usually a place of solace, now felt like a harbinger of destruction, the stillness before the storm.

As dawn approached, the fleet anchored off the coast of Harlaw. Torches flickered on the shore, the island still blissfully unaware of the impending doom. Our men disembarked swiftly and silently, their movements precise and rehearsed. The attack had to be quick and decisive, leaving no room for retaliation.

Roose Bolton, his eyes cold and calculating, stood at the forefront. His reputation for cruelty was well-known, and tonight, it would serve our purpose. He had been given a task—to send a message so brutal that the Ironborn would think twice before ever challenging the North again.

The first wave of our attack hit the coastal defenses like a hammer. The Ironborn, caught off guard, scrambled to defend themselves, but our superior numbers and strategic advantage quickly overwhelmed them. Flames erupted across the shoreline as we set their ships and armories ablaze, ensuring they would have no means to strike back.

Moving through the chaos, I directed our forces, making sure every objective was met. The Ironborn fought with the desperation of cornered animals, but their efforts were futile. We pressed forward, pushing deeper into the heart of Harlaw.

Amidst the battle, Roose Bolton's men captured Lord Rodrik Harlaw. Bloodied but defiant, he was brought before me. Despite his situation, there was a flicker of defiance in his eyes.

"You have terrorized our coasts for too long," I said coldly. "Now, you will serve as a lesson to your kin."

Roose Bolton stepped forward, his face a mask of cruel satisfaction. "It will be done, my lord."

Lord Rodrik Harlaw was taken to the highest point of the island, where his execution would be most visible. Roose Bolton, true to his reputation, began the gruesome task of flaying him alive. The screams of Lord Harlaw echoed through the night, a chilling testament to the North's resolve.

The fires continued to burn, casting an eerie glow over the island. By morning, Harlaw lay in ruins. Its defenses were shattered, its fleet destroyed. Survivors were rounded up, their fate to be decided later. True to our word, the women and children were spared and given safe passage away from the devastation.

As we regrouped on the shores, the enormity of our actions settled over us. Harlaw had been razed, its formidable presence reduced to ashes and terror. The Northern Fleet had struck a blow that would resonate across the Iron Islands and beyond.

"We have sent our message," I said to my uncles and aunt, who stood with me on the beach, their expressions a mix of grim satisfaction and reflection. "The Ironborn will think twice before they dare to attack the North again."

Ned nodded, his face somber. "This was necessary, but we must be prepared for the consequences. The Ironborn will seek revenge."

"We will be ready," I assured him, my voice resolute. "Winterfell stands strong, and the North stands united."

As the weight of responsibility settled upon my shoulders, I reached out and lifted Nightfall, the ancestral Valyrian Steel Sword of House Harlaw. The blade gleamed in the dim light, its ancient power palpable even in my grasp.

With a sense of reverence, I contemplated the sword, feeling the weight of its history and the destiny it represented. Nightfall had once been a symbol of Harlaw's might, but now it belonged to me, a Stark of Winterfell.

In my mind's eye, I envisioned the journey ahead—a pilgrimage to Qohor, where the finest smiths in the world practiced the ancient art of reforging Valyrian steel. There, I would have Nightfall reforged to my liking, transforming it into a weapon worthy of a Stark of Winterfell.

But for now, Nightfall remained a reminder of the challenges that lay ahead—a silent guardian at my side as I prepared to face the trials that awaited me. With a determined nod, I sheathed the sword at my side, its presence a comforting reassurance of the strength and resilience of the North.

As the fleet prepared to depart, leaving the smoldering remnants of Harlaw behind, I looked out over the water, my thoughts a mix of resolve and contemplation. This was only the beginning. The North had shown its strength, but the path ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty. Yet, I knew we would face whatever came our way with the same unwavering spirit that had brought us this far.

The Ironborn had learned their lesson, and the North had made its stand. The echoes of our actions would reverberate through the realm, a reminder that the Starks of Winterfell would protect their home at any cost.

In the dimly lit cabin of the flagship, the air was heavy with tension as Ned Stark confronted Cregan about the actions of Roose Bolton. Benjen, Arthur, and Dacey stood nearby, their expressions a mix of concern and apprehension.

"Cregan, we need to talk about what happened on Harlaw," Ned began, his voice measured but firm.

I met his gaze evenly, the weight of his words settling heavily upon me. "I understand your concern, Uncle Ned," I replied, my tone steady. "But Roose Bolton's actions were necessary to send a clear message to the Ironborn."

Benjen interjected, his voice tinged with unease. "Flaying Lord Harlaw alive... that's not the Stark way."

I turned to face him, meeting his gaze with a firm resolve. "But it is the Stark way," I countered, my tone unwavering. "Remember Theon Stark and what he did to the Marsh Kings. Our history is filled with examples of the harsh measures we've taken to maintain order and security in the North."

Arthur and Dacey exchanged a wary glance, but it was Ned who spoke next, his expression troubled. "Yes, Theon Stark's actions were... extreme," he admitted, "but they were born of a different time, a different era. We cannot allow ourselves to become what we once fought against."

I understood Ned's concerns, but I couldn't let sentimentality cloud my judgment. "The world hasn't changed, Uncle Ned," I insisted. "The Ironborn understand only strength, and it's our duty to show them that the North will not be trifled with."

Benjen's expression softened, his gaze shifting to the floor as he considered my words. "Perhaps you're right," he conceded, "but we must be careful not to lose ourselves in the process."

Ned, with a furrowed brow, turned to me, his eyes searching for answers. "Cregan, why did you have Roose Bolton take charge at Harlaw?" he questioned, his voice tinged with concern. "You know the history between our two families."

I met Ned's gaze, understanding the weight of his inquiry. "I had to send a message," I replied, my tone firm but measured. "The Ironborn needed to understand the consequences of defying the North."

Ned nodded slowly, his expression troubled. "But Roose Bolton..." he trailed off, the unsaid words hanging heavy in the air.

"I know the risks, Uncle Ned," I said, cutting through the silence. "But Bolton understands the severity of the situation."

Arthur and Dacey exchanged a wary glance, but it was Benjen who spoke next, his voice filled with apprehension. "Roose Bolton is not known for his mercy," he remarked, his concern palpable.

I met Benjen's gaze with a solemn nod. "Exactly," I replied, my tone resolute. "That's precisely why Bolton was chosen. He now knows the consequences of betraying the Starks, and so do the Ironborn. It's a message they won't soon forget."

Benjen's brows furrowed deeper, his unease evident. "But can we trust Bolton?" he pressed, his voice tinged with doubt.

I paused, considering my response carefully. "Trust is a luxury we can't afford at this juncture," I admitted, my tone heavy with the weight of our reality. "Bolton will serve our purpose, but I won't for a moment forget what he's capable of. And neither should he forget what I'm capable of."

Arthur and Dacey exchanged a knowing look, understanding the gravity of the situation. They knew, as well as I did, that Bolton's loyalty was to power, not to any one house.

Ned's expression was grave as he weighed our words, his concern etched in the lines of his face. "We must proceed with caution," he cautioned, his voice low but firm. "We cannot allow our pursuit of justice to blind us to the potential consequences."

I nodded in agreement, acknowledging the wisdom in Ned's words. "I understand, Uncle Ned," I said, my tone tinged with determination. "But we must also remember what's at stake. The safety of our people, our home, and our legacy."

As the weight of our conversation settled over us, I couldn't help but feel the burden of responsibility resting heavily on my shoulders. The path ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but as the Lord of Winterfell, it was my duty to navigate it with courage, wisdom, and an unwavering commitment to the survival of the North and its people.


General POV 

In the grand halls of King's Landing, as the small council convened to discuss the news of the North's bold actions, King Robert Baratheon's expression was one of grim satisfaction rather than concern.

"This is what I like to hear!" he boomed, a rare smile playing across his features. "Let those Ironborn scum feel the bite of the wolf's fangs!"

Stannis Baratheon, the Master of Ships, spoke with a hint of admiration in his voice. "The Ironborn have long needed to be put in their place. Perhaps this will teach them the consequences of their actions."

Renly Baratheon, the Master of Laws, looked somewhat uneasy at the news. "But what of the innocent people caught in the crossfire?" he asked. "We cannot ignore the collateral damage caused by such aggressive tactics."

Petyr Baelish, the Master of Coin, merely shrugged. "War is war, my lords," he remarked casually. "The North is merely playing the game by its own rules."

Varys, the enigmatic spymaster, listened intently, his expression inscrutable. "The North's actions have certainly sent a message," he observed. "But whether that message will be received as intended remains to be seen."

In the presence of their king's approval, the members of the small council discussed the implications of the North's decisive strike at Harlaw with a sense of cautious optimism, recognizing it as a bold move that would undoubtedly shape the future of the realm.


On the deck of the Lannister flagship, "Lady Joanna," Tywin Lannister stood with a grim expression, his eyes fixed on the horizon as the sun began its slow descent, casting an orange hue over the churning sea. The news of the North's actions at Harlaw had reached him, and though he maintained his stoic demeanor, inwardly, a storm brewed.

As he pondered the ramifications of Cregan Stark's bold maneuver, a bitter curse formed on Tywin's lips, a silent rebuke to the ghosts of the past. His mind drifted back to the day when Ned Stark had entered the Throne Room of the Red Keep, with a one name day old Cregan Stark, proclaiming him to be the Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North.

"If only Ned Stark had seized the opportunity when he had the chance," Tywin thought bitterly. "The North would never have dared to raze Harlaw in such a manner under him."

In his mind's eye, he envisioned a different North—a realm weakened by indecision and sentimentality, ripe for subjugation. But under Cregan Stark's leadership, the North had become a different beast altogether—a realm unafraid to wield power with a firm hand, a Stark of old reborn.

Though Tywin begrudgingly admired Cregan's strength and cunning, he couldn't help but rue the missed opportunity to bring the North to heel under a more pliable ruler. In his mind, Ned Stark's unwavering sense of honor had been a fatal flaw, a weakness that had allowed the North to flourish under Cregan's iron-fisted rule.

As he contemplated the shifting dynamics of power in the North, Tywin's thoughts turned to his own campaign against the Ironborn. He knew that with Cregan Stark at the helm, the North would prove to be a formidable competitor—one that would require all of his cunning and ruthlessness to overcome.

With a steely glint in his eyes, Tywin resolved to meet the challenge head-on, determined to prove that the lion of the West was still a force to be reckoned with, even in the face of the resurgent power of the North.


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