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15.51% Wrong Turn: No Turn Back / Chapter 8: Chapter 5:Another Death (18+)

Capítulo 8: Chapter 5:Another Death (18+)


As Adam's friends walked through the maze-like halls of the creepy building, staying alert for danger. Jonathan led the way, looking around carefully and feeling determined.



"We need to find Adam and get out of here," Jonathan declared, his voice firm as he led the way through the dimly lit corridors.



Jacob, his athletic prowess evident in his confident strides, followed closely behind Jonathan, his muscles tensed and ready for action.



"We'll find him, Jon," Jacob reassured his friend, his voice steady despite the gravity of their situation.



Diane, her resolve unwavering, kept pace with Jonathan and Jacob, her eyes sharp and alert for any sign of danger.



As they ventured again deeper into the abandoned building, the air grew thick with tension, their senses on high alert for any sign of danger. Suddenly, they heard the distant sound of footsteps echoing through the corridors, sending a chill down their spines.



"Shh, did you hear that?" Jonathan whispered, his voice barely audible as he motioned for his friends to stay quiet.



Jacob nodded in agreement, his senses heightened as he strained to listen for any further sounds.



"Yeah, sounds like someone's coming," Jacob whispered, his voice tense with anticipation.



Diane, her heart pounding in her chest, took a deep breath to steady her nerves as she prepared for whatever lay ahead.



"We need to be ready for anything," Diane cautioned, her voice tinged with urgency.

The trio hid and waited anxiously for the approaching figure. When they finally saw him, they recognized him immediately—it was Adam.


"Adam!!!" Jonathan exclaimed with tears in his eyes.


"Jonathan, Jacob, Diane?" Adam responded, his voice filled with relief.



"We've been searching for you, man," Jonathan said, his emotions evident.



"I'm sorry for making you all worry," Adam apologized sincerely.



"Darn right," Diane chimed in, her tone firm.



Jacob simply smiled, relieved to see his friend safe.



Adam then inquired about Rebecca and David, concerned for their safety.



"They stayed behind while we searched for you," Jacob explained.



Adam's expression turned grave. "Those motherfuckers are dangerous. We have to find them," he declared, his urgency palpable.



[Adam pov]


The trio looked at me, their expressions a mix of confusion and curiosity, but they nodded in understanding as we hurried towards where David and Rebecca were.



"Since when did you start shouting and cursing?" Jonathan asked me as we ran.



I glanced at Jonathan, my expression serious. "Since I came here. Those bastards killed my Uncle. If you were in my shoes, you'd probably change too," I replied, my tone filled with bitterness.



Jonathan nodded slowly. "That... Well, I can't argue with that," he admitted, understanding the gravity of the situation.



Diane chimed in, expressing her admiration. "I'm impressed you survived despite being alone," she said, her voice reflecting genuine respect.



I looked at Diane and shrugged modestly. "Well, I've always been good at hide and seek since I was a kid, so I hid pretty quickly when they came," I lied, deciding it wasn't the right time to reveal the truth about my abilities.



Jacob noticed the machete at my side and raised an eyebrow. "How did you get that?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.



"Oh, this? I got it from those bastards," I replied casually, hoping my explanation would make sense to them.



"Did you... kill them?" Jonathan asked, his voice tinged with surprise.



"I said, 'Yep, I killed one of them and took this machete,'" I explained, realizing the lie I had come up with. "It's not like I can tell them the truth—that I have this because of the power I possess. It seems pretty stupid, right?"



Diane looked at me incredulously. "You killed one of them? How?" she inquired, her curiosity evident.



"What do you mean how?" I responded, trying to maintain my facade.



Diane persisted, asking for more details. "I mean, how did you kill them? And did you really kill them without feeling any guilt? People who kill usually have a conscience," she pointed out, her voice tinged with skepticism.



As I locked eyes with Diane, my green gaze reflecting a mixture of determination and pain, I responded firmly, "Do you think those fuckers deserve any conscience when they killed my uncle? No... they don't!"



Diane's expression softened, her apology sincere. "I'm sorry," she said softly.



"It's okay," I reassured her, understanding her concern for me. "I know you're just worried about me."



Well I understand what Diane meant. Do I still have humanity left in me after killing those motherfucker who murdered my uncle? Hmm, I'm not like my friends who are teenagers. I'm not 16 years old . Sure, I might be 16 physically, but mentally, I was this mix of a 25-years-old and my current self this 16 years old body It cause us to fused with each other. And this fusion of minds was like a cocktail of emotions, memories and everything all swirling together.



By the way this original owner of this body isn't as simple as it seems; it harbors dark thoughts of revenge against those motherfuckers.



But it wasn't just blind fury that driving me all the time; I still had shreds of morality left. So, while I hunted down those who killed my uncle, I grappled with this mix of darkness and the flicker of right and wrong inside me.



Anyway now, with my friends here, I couldn't afford to die. Revealing my true power was out of the question; it would risk everything. But why did I let slip about my abilities to those twisted beings? The answer was simple: they were different. They didn't say shit; they just spouted nonsense. So, in that moment, it felt safer to let them in on the secret as they cant fucking talk about my ability. So It was a calculated risk, one I hoped wouldn't come back to haunt me



As we approached the location where David and Rebecca were supposed to be, a sense of urgency pulsed through our veins. Jonathan's announcement that we had arrived was met with grim nods of determination.



But our anticipation turned to dread as we stumbled upon a scene that shook us to our core.



Our hearts sank as we stumbled upon an unexpected trio. In the dim light, we saw a man with striking violet-red hair and eyes like burning embers. He stood out, not just for his unusual appearance, but also because of the two twisted, disfigured figures by his side.



"Shit," I hissed under my breath, the sight sending a chill down my spine. This man, with his handsome features, exuded a sinister aura that made my skin crawl. And beside him stood were two grotesque figures, twisted and deformed, like something out of a nightmare.



His taunting words sliced through the air like a knife. "Well, well, it seems your friends have arrived, muscle man," he jeered, his voice dripping with malice.



Diane's sudden scream shattered the tense silence, drawing our attention to a sight that chilled us to the bone. There, lying lifeless on the ground, was Rebecca, her once vibrant spirit extinguished by a fatal arrow in the head.



David was on his knees next to Rebecca, his hands visibly wounded, blood staining his right arms where his hand had been cut. He looked exhausted and beaten, but he was still holding on, breathing heavily. Even though he was clearly in pain, he refused to give up, showing his strength by enduring the horrors they faced.

[This motherfucker are sick as fuck]




Before the chaos unfolded, within the confines of the room, fear gripped Rebecca's heart like a vice, her panicked words echoing off the walls in a relentless mantra of despair.



"We're going to die, we're going to die, we're going to die," she repeated, her voice trembling with fear.



David, always the strong and comforting presence, gently held her face in his hands, his touch a source of comfort in the midst of darkness. "We're not going to die, babe. I promise," he reassured her, his voice steady and sure. His words were like a healing ointment to her frazzled nerves, offering solace in the face of uncertainty. 



In that moment, Rebecca felt her heart pounding in her chest as David's words calmed her nerves. Wrapped in his embrace, she felt secure, loved, and wanted. She leaned in without hesitation, pressing her lips to his in a passionate kiss. 



After the initial French kiss, David undresses Rebecca and she does the same. They then proceed to kiss each other passionately, with David grabbing Rebecca's breasts and vice versa. David then sticks his tongue down Rebecca's throat while simultaneously grabbing her ass and inserting his penis into her vagina. Rebecca moans in pleasure as they continue to kiss and fondle each other.



Rebecca's moans filled the air, mingling with the sound of their ragged breaths as David's touch ignited a fire within her. "Babe, fuck me," she pleaded, her voice laced with desperation and longing.



But David, being the sensible one, quieted her by placing a finger gently on his lips. "Shh, what if they hear us?" he whispered softly, his eyes gleaming with both playfulness and desire.



Rebecca's response was a breathless laugh, her inhibitions stripped away by the intensity of their passion. "I couldn't help it, it's so fucking good," between gasps, her words interrupted by sharp intakes of breath as David's touch electrified her body with pleasure



As the kissing and touching continues, David suggests they be quiet so they wont be caught by those people. However, Rebecca cannot contain her excitement and keeps moaning silently, which only fuels the fire between them. Eventually, they move onto more aggressive positions, with David sitting on top of Rebecca and grinding against her while she wraps her legs around him. This leads to even louder moans from both parties.



Finally, after a few minutes of this intense lovemaking, David pulls out his dick and sticks it back inside Rebecca's pussy, causing her to scream silently in ecstasy.



Then After their intimate moment, they quickly dressed, their hearts still pounding from the intensity of their connection. As they embraced each other tightly, Rebecca sought reassurance in David's arms.



"You'll protect me, right, babe?" she whispered, her voice tinged with vulnerability.



"I'll always protect you," David affirmed, holding her close, his embrace a shield against the dangers that lurked outside.



"Thank you, babe. I feel safe with you," Rebecca expressed her gratitude, her eyes locked with his in a moment of profound connection. But then, a flicker of worry clouded her gaze. "Do you think they survived?"



David paused, his mind racing with possibilities. "I'm not sure. They were risking everything to save that geek. If it were me, I'd lay low here and come up with a plan."



Rebecca's curiosity was piqued. "Do you have a plan?"



David's grin was confident as he reached into his pocket and produced a gleaming knife. "Yep, I do," he said, his eyes flashing with determination.



Rebecca's surprise was evident. "You have a knife?"



David nodded, his gaze unwavering. "Yep, I grabbed it while we were running. Luckily, those idiots didn't even notice." He examined the weapon with a sense of purpose. "With this, I think I can take those bastards down without breaking a sweat. You know me, babe."


Rebecca couldn't help but chuckle affectionately. "Yep, you're the popular man, the hottest and strongest man I've ever known," she teased, her words laced with admiration and love.



As tension filled the air, a voice suddenly broke through, sharp and cutting. "Did you finish fucking?"



The sudden intrusion startled David, his muscles tensing as he instinctively moved to shield Rebecca. "Stay behind me," he urged, his voice firm with determination.



Rebecca, trembling with fear, nodded silently, finding solace in David's protective stance. Her eyes darted between David and the imposing figure with crimson hair and eyes, a menacing aura surrounding him.



"Who are you?" David demanded, a mix of defiance and fear in his voice.



The figure, known as Alpha, smirked darkly. "Me? Oh pardon me I am Alpha," he declared, his tone dripping with arrogance. "And these," he gestured towards the twisted figures beside him, "are my people."



Two grotesque figures emerged from the shadows, their disfigured faces twisted into grotesque masks of horror. one wielding a machete, the other a bow, their intentions were clear.


Rebecca's screams echoed through the room as she beheld the nightmarish sight before her.


"Quiet," Alpha commanded, his gaze piercing into Rebecca's soul. "Don't worry. If you can defeat me, I'll let you two go."



David's skepticism was evident. "Really?"



"Yes, I guarantee it," Alpha assured confidently. He then directed a glance at the two disfigured figures and commanded, "Leave him alone. I'll handle this."


The disfigured figures responded with incomprehensible gibberish, understood only by Alpha.


"Don't get involved, got it?" Alpha reiterated, receiving nods of compliance from the twisted figures.


"Excellent," Alpha acknowledged, turning his attention back to David. "Now, let's settle this."


"Don't underestimate me, you bastard!" David yelled, launching himself at Alpha. With fierce determination, David stabbed at Alpha's chest repeatedly.



"Die, damn you, die!" David cried out in a frenzy of anger and vengeance.



Alpha fell to his knees, weakened by the onslaught.



"That's what happens when you underestimate me!" David triumphantly declared, his voice dripping with contempt.



The two disfigured figures laughed mockingly, further infuriating David.



"What the hell are you saying? I can't understand your gibberish!" David exclaimed, frustrated by their taunts.



Alpha rose to his feet, his expression shifting ominously. "Surprise!" he declared cryptically, his tone sending shivers down David's spine.


David exclaimed, "What? I just stabbed you! How is this possible?"


Alpha then revealed his unscathed chest, shocking David and Rebecca to the core. "Oh, you mean this?"



Confused and frightened, David stammered, "Who... Who are you?"



Alpha turned to the disfigured figure holding the machete, who handed it to him. With a menacing grin, Alpha declared, "I am Alpha!" He swiftly used the machete to sever David's hands.



David collapsed to his knees in agony, his screams piercing the air like those of a frightened child. "My hands! My hands!" he cried out in terror, his voice echoing with desperation.



Rebecca's horrified screams echoed through the room as she witnessed David's brutal mutilation.



Alpha's laughter filled the air as he reveled in their fear and suffering. "Yes, fear me more... Tremble before me!" he felt ecstasy with sadistic pleasure.




In a cruel twist of fate, Rebecca was struck in the head by an arrow fired by one of the disfigured men, ending her life in an instant.



David let out a high-pitched scream, his voice filled with panic. "Kyah!!! Rebecca! No, Shit, no!" Rebecca!"



Then Alpha directed his gaze toward the disfigured man wielding the bow, frustration etched across his features. "I told you to stay put!" he shout, his fist colliding with the disfigured man's face. The disfigured man uttered incomprehensible sounds, as if pleading for forgiveness.



With a resigned sigh, Alpha relented. "Fine, but there won't be a next time!"


[ Suddenly he heard some sounds]

Then as the sound reached his ears, Alpha turned to see a boy, 16 years old, with wavy brown hair and piercing green eyes. Alpha smirked, his expression filled with malice. "Well, well, it seems your friends have arrived, muscle man," he taunted.


This encounter marked the beginning of a long-standing feud between Adam and Alpha, driven by Adam's deep-seated hatred, which would lead him to hunt Alpha relentlessly for years to come.



To be continued


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