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29.41% american movieverse / Chapter 5: 5

Capítulo 5: 5

The next morning, John wakes up early and decides to make breakfast for Kate. He moves quietly around the kitchen, preparing a simple but hearty meal. As he brings the tray to the bedroom, Kate wakes up, feeling a sense of warmth and care.

Kate: (smiling, teasing) Good person with future prospects, great in bed, and you even make food. Should I propose to you to make it even?

John: (smiling, giving her a kiss) No need to feel indebted. I got to have sex with one of the most beautiful girls in the world.

They laugh and enjoy a light-hearted breakfast together. Afterward, they take a shower together, sharing a tender and intimate moment. Once they're both dressed and ready, John prepares to leave.

John: (serious) I have to finish what I started, Kate.

Kate: (sighing) I know you won't stop even if I ask you to, so make sure you do what you need to and come back.

John: (smiling, giving her a good kiss) Alright, Macer. I'll be back.

John leaves Kate's apartment and heads to his grandfather's office. He sits down in front of Macffree, who looks up from his desk with a mix of curiosity and annoyance.

Macffree: (curious) So, what do you want now, John?

John: (determined) Vengeance.

Macffree: (annoyed) You already had it.

John: (shaking his head) No, Cerberus was the one who placed the hit. Who are they?

Macffree: (firmly) Classified.

John: (frustrated) Really? You won't tell me?

Macffree: (defiant) No.

John: (leaning forward) What would it take for you to tell me?

Macffree: (considering) Join the CIA.

John: (without hesitation) Okay.

Macffree: Fine. But all I know is that Cerberus consists of three people at the head of the organization. Their operations and field teams keep moving.

John: (feeling scammed) Really? That's all?

Macffree: (nodding) That's all. But let me introduce you to someone who can help you further.

Macffree calls in CIA Deputy Director Irene Kennedy. She enters the room, a commanding presence in her demeanor.

Macffree: (gesturing to her) John, this is Irene Kennedy. She's in charge of a black operations unit code-named Orion, led by Stan Hurley, a former Navy SEAL and Cold War veteran.

Irene Kennedy: (extending her hand) Nice to meet you, John. I've heard a lot about you.

John: (shaking her hand) Likewise. I need to find Cerberus and end this.

Irene Kennedy: (nodding) We have resources and intelligence that can help. Joining the CIA will give you access to what you need.

John: (determined) I'm in.

Irene Kennedy: (smiling) Welcome to the team. We have a lot of work ahead of us.

The scene ends with John feeling a renewed sense of purpose. He knows the road ahead will be tough, but with the support of his newfound allies, he is more determined than ever to see his mission through.

The headlights of Irene Kennedy's unmarked sedan sliced through the dense forest, spitting droplets of rain onto the windshield. Beside her, John , a man sculpted from secrets, stared out at the endless black wall of trees with the stoicism of a lion surveying its domain.

The car finally lurched to a halt in a clearing, a lone cabin dwarfed by the towering pines. A burly figure emerged from the shadows - Stan Hurley, a face etched with the harsh lines of a Cold War veteran. He was built like a redwood, radiating the quiet intensity of a predator.

"Welcome to Orion," Stan's voice rumbled like a distant avalanche. He led John inside, the air thick with the scent of wood smoke and something more potent - the cloying musk of fear. A single cot awaited John in the spartan room.

"Be ready for tomorrow," Stan grunted, his gaze lingering on John for a beat too long. Leaving John in the dim silence, Stan rejoined Irene by the car.

"Where do you dig these kids up, Kennedy?" he growled, his voice laced with suspicion.

Irene, ever the enigma, simply shrugged. "Orders."

Stan's brow furrowed. "Any special treatment?"

"Negative," she replied curtly.

"He doesn't look like your average recruit."

"Already completed an extraction," Irene countered, her voice a steely whisper. "One cross-border elimination. Beat Delta in training simulations."

"Then why send him here?"

A sardonic smile played on Irene's lips. "Boss's gift to Orion." Slipping back into the car, she started the engine. "See you around, Hurley."

Dawn painted the forest in hues of rose and gold as Stan barked orders, marshalling a gaggle of nervous recruits. The first exercise - a brutal knife fight. Stan himself squared off against a young man named Rapp, whose simmering anger was a powder keg waiting to ignite. With a flurry of blows, Stan disarmed Rapp and sent him sprawling, leaving the raw recruit red-faced and panting.

"Next!" Stan roared.

John, unflappable, stepped forward and caught Stan's eye. A single, silent nod passed between them. John tossed a knife to Rapp, the metal catching the first rays of sunlight. This time, the fight was different. John moved with a fluid grace that belied his size, his movements precise and deadly. Before Rapp could react, John had disarmed him, the knife held an inch from his throat.

Stan, a born observer, watched the rest of the training with growing unease. John aced every exercise, barehanded or with weapons. He moved with an instinctive premonition, dodging thrown objects Stan lobbed at him to disrupt his focus. By nightfall, all the recruits were dismissed, exhausted but with a newfound respect for their unassuming comrade.

As darkness settled, Stan staged a surprise raid, a routine test to gauge his trainees' responses. All were asleep - except John. He stood by the exit, a sentinel in the shadows. Stan mentally cursed. This exercise had quickly become obsolete.

The following days fell into a relentless rhythm: training, exhaustion, repeat. John continued to excel, a silent enigma absorbing every skill thrown at him. Stan, ever the stoic, finally reached a breaking point. He pulled out his phone, dialing a familiar number.

"Irene," he growled, the frustration palpable in his voice, "you didn't send me a recruit. You sent a monster in human form. You better be prepared for what you've unleashed."

A long, pregnant silence hung on the line, then Irene's voice, cool and collected, came through. "will be."

Intelligence reveals that weapons-grade nuclear material has disappeared from a decommissioned Russian nuclear facility. Satellite images and intercepted communications indicate that the material is heading towards Iranian hardliners, who are upset with the Iranian government's nuclear deal with the U.S.

In Poland, operatives are verifying the sale of the nuclear material. During the verification, the plutonium is intercepted by a third party. This third party eliminates the sellers with ruthless efficiency before vanishing into the crowd, leaving behind a scene of chaos and confusion.

Scene shifts to Virginia, where Stan Hurley is watching news reports in his office. He sees the footage of the incident in Poland and tentatively identifies the perpetrator.

Hurley: (muttering to himself) It can't be… Ghost.

Hurley picks up his phone and calls Irene Kennedy.

Hurley: (urgent) Irene, we have a situation. I think it's Ghost.

Irene: (surprised) Ghost? But he was believed to be killed in action.

Hurley: (grimly) Apparently not. He's operating under the radar, and he's now involved in this nuclear material theft.

Irene: (decisive) We need to intercept the buyer Ghost is working for. I'm sending your team to Turkey.

Scene shifts to the Orion training facility. Hurley gathers his team, including John,rapp and briefs them on the mission.

Hurley: (serious) Listen up. We have intel that weapons-grade nuclear material has gone missing and is heading to Iranian hardliners. The sale was intercepted by a third party in Poland—identified as Ghost, a former Orion operative.

Hurley: (nodding) So did we. But he's back, and we need to stop him. We're heading to Turkey to intercept the buyer Ghost is working for. This mission is high-stakes. Failure is not an option.

The team gears up and boards a plane to Turkey. They arrive under the cover of night and set up surveillance near the suspected meeting point. The area is tense, filled with shadowy figures and tight security.

The bustling streets of Istanbul. The team arrives and meets Agent Annika, who has arranged for a van to transport them to their base of operations. They get inside and move forward through the crowded city.

Stan: (turning to John) You know what you're gonna do here?

John: (shaking his head) No, sir.

Stan: (nodding) Correct. You don't.

Stan then turns to Rapp, who looks eager but inexperienced.

Stan: (sternly) So keep your eyes open and your mouth shut. And wait for my orders.

Stan: (holding up a file) Hamdi Sharif, a real-estate mogul and arms dealer. He's like Santa Claus for terrorists.

Rapp: (scoffing) Scumbag.

Stan: (irritated) Spare me your junior-year-abroad moral opinion, would you, Rapp?

Rapp: (defiantly) Not really an opinion, sir. Sharif's a piece of shit.

Stan: (firmly) It's not a crusade. This mission is practical. Don't make it...

Rapp: (finishing the sentence) Personal?

Stan: (satisfied) Exactly. Files, schedules, everything.

Stan hands out files to the team.

Stan: (pointing) John, you're with me. Rapp, you and Annika are eyes on.

Annika: (nodding) Sharif has a routine. Let's see if anything breaks his pattern.

Stan: (addressing the team) Got it?

John: (nodding) Yes, sir.

Stan: (final instructions) All right, we got 48 hours. Quick, clean. No footprint. This town's ready to blow as it is.

The scene shifts to Rapp and Annika taking their positions near Sharif's building. They see Sharif arrive and enter the building. Rapp stands up and intentionally bumps into Sharif's assistant, deftly stealing his phone.

Rapp and Annika return to the van, handing the phone to John, who starts to crack it. John quickly finds Sharif's schedule, noting a meeting at 11:00 a.m. the next day, likely the exchange point.

John: (looking up) He has a meeting scheduled for 11:00 a.m. tomorrow. Most likely the exchange point.

Stan: (nodding) Good work. Everyone, get ready. We move at dawn.

The team prepares their gear and plans the operation, ensuring they are ready for the critical moment. The next morning, they set up surveillance and position themselves strategically around the meeting location.


The next day at 11 a.m., the meeting place is a bustling restaurant filled with civilians. Annika and Rapp are on lookout, keeping an eye on the surroundings. John is the lead, and Stan Hurley is nearby, ready to give orders.

Rapp: (over the radio) Lead, your friend's arriving now.

John: (copying) Copy.

Rapp: (noticing) And he brought a shitload of military protection.

Hurley: (calmly) I'll take care of the MPs.

Hurley makes a fake phone call, moving towards one of the soldiers stationed nearby, alone.

Hurley: (on the phone) Oh, come on now, honey. Don't be mad. No, no, no. I had a few. Yeah, I did. I'll make it up to you when I get home. You know that.

Hurley then grabs the soldier, taking him inside an alley, and points a knife at the soldier's throat.

Hurley: (coldly) Call in a car bombing near Beylerbeyi Palace. Call it in, or I'll cut your fucking throat.

The soldier, trembling, calls it in.

Soldier: (into the radio) Car bombing near Beylerbeyi Palace.

Hurley: (into his radio) Lead, you're a go. Support is in place.

John acknowledges and moves into the restaurant, which is filled with civilians. He speaks into the radio.

John: (quietly) Buyer and seller identified. Buyer seems to be Ghost. Moving in for support. I'll take the buyer/Ghost, you take the package and seller/Sharif. Package seems like a car key. Škoda. Stan, check the perimeter for a Škoda. The package will be in one of the cars.

The clatter of a falling chair shattered the evening's tranquility. menacing figure of the Ghost. A pistol in his spectral hand, aimed at John.

Chaos erupted. Screams tore through the air as patrons dove for cover. John, fueled by pure instinct, launched himself sideways. The gunshot echoed, a deafening crack in the confined space. A yelp cut through the screams – a civilian, hit in the shoulder.

Fury surged through John. Ignoring the throbbing pain in his own side, he lunged at the Ghost. They collided, a tangle of limbs and desperation. John used his momentum to slam the Ghost against a wall. The gun clattered to the floor, skidding across the greasy tiles.

The fight devolved into a brutal ballet of blades. The Ghost, a whirlwind of fury, slashed with a steak knife snatched from a nearby table. John, relying on honed combat training, parried, the glint of his own knife a counterpoint to the chaos.

A deep gash appeared on the Ghost's arm, oozing blood. John pressed his advantage, a flurry of precise strikes leaving shallow cuts across the Ghost's body. John himself took a glancing blow on his arm, but ignored it.

Just as the Ghost lunged, aiming for John's throat, John retaliated. take his arm fold it and knock on ground , unconscious.

The entire fight had taken less than three minutes. In the stunned silence that followed, John spotted Rapp across the room. He saw Rapp deliver a decisive blow, rendering Sharif unconscious.

John wasted no time. He grabbed the Ghost's fallen gun, shoving it into his waistband. With a curt nod to Rapp, they hoisted the unconscious Sharif , ghost and hurried towards the exit. Confused patrons stared after them, some whimpering, others frozen in shock. 

They reach the sedan identified by Stan. John and Rapp quickly get inside, with Ghost and Sharif in tow, and drive to the warehouse. Annika joins them later, ensuring no one followed.

Annika: (arriving) Is everyone okay?

John: (nodding) We got them. Ghost and Sharif are secured.

Hurley: (satisfied) Good work, team. Let's get them prepped for extraction.

The team secures the area, preparing for the next steps. The operation in Istanbul has been a success, but the mission is far from over.

Scene fades as the team readies themselves for interrogation, determined to uncover the secrets and threats posed by Ghost and his connections.

The tension mounts as the team prepares to extract valuable information from their captives ,

At the warehouse, the team secures Ghost and Sharif in a dimly lit interrogation room. John, Stan, and Rapp prepare to extract information from Ghost, who is still groggy from the fight. They set up the room with various tools and restraints.

Stan: (to John and Rapp) We need to break him. He knows where the nuclear material is stored.

John and Rapp nod in agreement. Stan steps forward, his demeanor cold and determined.

Stan: (leaning close to Ghost) You're going to tell us where the nuclear material is. Now.

Ghost remains silent, his eyes defiant. Stan signals to John, who steps forward and starts applying pressure points, while Rapp prepares a syringe with a truth serum.

John: (calmly) This can end quickly if you cooperate.

Ghost grits his teeth, trying to resist, but John's methods and Rapp's administration of the serum begin to take effect. Ghost starts to break, sweat dripping down his face.

Ghost: (strained) Alright, alright. The base… it's in an old warehouse on the outskirts of Istanbul. Near the docks. The nuclear material is stored there.

Stan nods to John and Rapp, who secure Ghost back in his restraints. The team gears up for the raid, moving swiftly and efficiently.

Scene shifts to the outskirts of Istanbul. The team approaches the warehouse near the docks. It's heavily guarded, but they've planned their entry meticulously. John, Rapp, and Stan lead the charge.

Stan: (whispering) John, you take the left flank. Rapp, cover the right. I'll take point.

John moves silently, taking out guards with lethal precision. Rapp mirrors his movements, eliminating threats with stealth and speed. They converge at the main entrance, where Stan is ready to breach.

Stan: (quietly) On my mark. Three… two… one… go!

They burst into the warehouse, quickly engaging and neutralizing Ghost's associates. The firefight is intense, but the team's training and coordination give them the upper hand. John moves through the chaos like a shadow, taking out enemies with swift, efficient strikes. Rapp follows closely, his movements calculated and deadly.

They reach the storage area where the nuclear material is held. John secures the package while Rapp covers him. Stan directs the team, ensuring every corner is checked and cleared.

John: (into the radio) Package secured.

Stan: (nodding) Good. Let's get out of here.

The team exits the warehouse, making their way back to their extraction point. As they prepare to head back to America, Stan approaches John and Rapp, a rare smile on his face.

Stan: (to John) Great work there. You took down my best student with only one single cut. Utmost efficiency, and no one was able to tell what even happened.

John: (smiling) Thank you, sir.

Stan: (turning to Rapp) And you, Rapp, you were like an assassin. Always lurking and striking at the right time.

Rapp: (grinning) Thanks, Stan.

Stan: (seriously) As a ceremony, I will give you your code names now. Rapp, you are Snake. And you, John… you're Ghost.

John and Rapp exchange glances, a sense of pride and acknowledgment passing between them. The team boards their transport, ready to return to America with the nuclear material secured

white_poison white_poison

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