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9.09% Fate/Hazbin: Charlemagne of Hazbin Hotel / Chapter 6: Rubber duck

Capítulo 6: Rubber duck

As they left the room, as so did Charlomaine, as he arrived to his dad room, as he did he saw his dad on work, you would think Lucifer the king of hell doing and planning to take done hell, will he was planing something

Charlomaine couldn't help but chuckle as he entered his father's room, finding Lucifer, the formidable King of Hell, engrossed in one of his whimsical projects. Despite his terrifying reputation and immense power, Lucifer had a peculiar fondness for eccentric inventions.

"Yes, yes, yes," Lucifer murmured to himself, his eyes gleaming with enthusiasm as he tinkered with a small rubber duck. "Presenting the backflipping rubber duck—oh, my son!"

Lucifer's attention shifted to Charlomaine, a broad grin spreading across his face. "Charlomaine, my boy! What brings you here?"

Charlomaine shook his head, a bemused smile on his lips. "I needed to talk to you about something important, Father. But first, what's this new project of yours?"

Lucifer held up the rubber duck proudly. "It's a backflipping rubber duck! A marvel of infernal engineering, don't you think?"

Charlomaine laughed. "You never cease to amaze me, Father. But I need your advice on a more serious matter."

Lucifer set the rubber duck aside, his expression becoming more serious. "Of course, my son. What troubles you?"

Charlomaine took a deep breath. "I've been making plans to shift the balance of power in Hell. With Cerberus and Zestial's help, I believe we can make significant changes. But I need your guidance to navigate the complexities and potential pitfalls."

Lucifer leaned back in his chair, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "Ambitious, as always. What exactly do you have in mind?"

Charlomaine outlined his strategy, detailing the alliances he hoped to form, the enemies he needed to neutralize, and the ultimate goal of strengthening their hold on Hell.

Lucifer listened intently, nodding occasionally. "You have a solid plan, Charlomaine. But remember, in Hell, nothing is ever as straightforward as it seems. Deception and betrayal are commonplace. You'll need to stay vigilant and adapt to the ever-changing landscape."

Charlomaine nodded. "I understand. That's why I'm here—to learn from you and avoid making costly mistakes."

Lucifer's expression softened. "You're already showing great wisdom, my son. Trust in your instincts, and don't hesitate to seek advice from those you trust."

Charlomaine felt a surge of gratitude. "Thank you, Father. Your support means everything to me."

Lucifer smiled warmly. "You have my full support, Charlomaine. Now, go forth and shape the future of Hell. And remember, no matter what happens, you are my son and a prince of Hell. You were born for greatness."

Feeling more confident and determined, Charlomaine left his father's room, ready to put his plans into motion. With Lucifer's guidance and the support of Cerberus and Zestial, he knew he was prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Also dad. Charlomaine said looking at him almost lapping. I was reading grand father book imagine the people in earth seeing this

Charlomaine said looking a his dad, who was not only short, I mens his mom and him were taller then him, his dad was whole as sweet heart and a male wife

Lucifer chuckled, shaking his head with a wry smile. "Oh, Charlomaine, your grandfather had quite the sense of humor. If the humans ever got a glimpse of our little inventions, they'd probably think they were losing their minds."

Charlomaine laughed, imagining the chaos such a sight would cause on Earth. "A backflipping rubber duck designed by the King of Hell—it's almost too good to be true."

Lucifer's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Well, son, even the rulers of Hell need a bit of fun now and then. Besides, it's important to remember that power isn't just about fear and control. It's also about creativity and surprise."

Charlomaine nodded thoughtfully. "That's true, Father. And speaking of surprises, it's always amusing how different you are from what people expect. I mean, look at you—Mom and I are both taller than you, and you're practically a sweetheart."

Lucifer laughed heartily. "Well, appearances can be deceiving, can't they? I may be the King of Hell, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the little things in life. And as for being a 'male wife,' as you put it, it's all about balance. Your mother and I complement each other perfectly."

Charlomaine smiled warmly at his father's words. "I guess that's why you two make such a great team. You balance each other out."

Lucifer nodded. "Exactly. And that's something you should keep in mind as you move forward with your plans. Find allies who complement your strengths and compensate for your weaknesses. Together, you'll be unstoppable."

Charlomaine felt a renewed sense of determination. "Thank you, Father. I won't let you down."

Lucifer placed a reassuring hand on his son's shoulder. "I know you won't, Charlomaine. Now go out there and show Hell what you're made of."

With a final nod, Charlomaine left his father's study, ready to continue his journey. As he walked through the corridors of their palace, he felt the weight of his responsibilities, but also the strength of his resolve. He knew that with his family's support and the guidance of those he trusted, he could face any challenge that lay ahead.

Also. Lucifer said not know how to say this to his son. You getting another fiancé.

Charlomaine took a few second to let that sink in as he just asked the system did he hear it correct

Charlomaine took a deep breath, trying to process the information. "Another fiancé?" he repeated, his voice calm but laced with a hint of frustration. He turned to the system for confirmation.

[ Yes, Yes you did. ]

Lucifer cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. "I think you need an explanation," he said, meeting his son's intense gaze. "So please, let your mother explain."

Charlomaine sighed and nodded, deciding it was best to hear the full story before reacting further. He followed his father to the grand dining hall, where Lilith was already seated, her expression serene but slightly apprehensive.

"Mother," Charlomaine greeted, his tone respectful but firm. "Father says there's something you need to explain to me."

Lilith smiled gently, gesturing for him to sit beside her. "Yes, Charlomaine, there is. Please, sit down."

Once they were all seated, Lilith took a deep breath and began. "As you know, political alliances are a crucial part of maintaining balance and power in Hell. The engagements with Cerberus have strengthened our ties with the Hound family, but there's another powerful family that we need to ally with."

Charlomaine nodded, understanding the political implications but still feeling uneasy. "And who is this new fiancée?"

Lilith exchanged a glance with Lucifer before answering. "Her name is Justic, and she is the daughter of Chain, one of the oldest and most influential overlords in Hell. This alliance will solidify our position and ensure greater stability for our reign."

Charlomaine rubbed his temples, feeling the weight of the situation. "I understand the necessity of alliances, but another fiancée? This is a lot to take in."

Lilith placed a comforting hand on his. "I know it's overwhelming, but remember, this is for the greater good of our realm. Justic is a kind and intelligent girl, and I'm confident you will get along well with her."

Charlomaine sighed, knowing there was little he could do to change the situation. "Very well, Mother. I'll trust your judgment."

Lucifer smiled, relieved that his son was taking the news well. "Thank you, Charlomaine. We knew this would be a difficult conversation, but we appreciate your understanding."

Charlomaine nodded, still processing the information. "I suppose I'll meet her soon, then?"

Lilith smiled. "Yes, we'll arrange for you to meet her in the coming days. In the meantime, try to keep an open mind."

Charlomaine stood, feeling the need for some fresh air. "I will, Mother. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need some time to think."

As Charlomaine walked out of the dining hall and into the palace gardens, he couldn't help but wonder about this new turn of events. The system's confirmation still echoed in his mind, and he knew that this was just another step in his complex journey as the prince of Hell.

Charlomaine paused, his mind still grappling with the news about Justic. As he stepped into the garden, the sight of Zestial with a knowing smirk on his face brought a mixture of relief and irritation. Zestial's presence often meant a challenge or some cryptic remark, and Charlomaine wasn't in the mood for either.

"Congratulations," Zestial said, his smirk widening as he approached. "Congratulations, young lord."

Charlomaine sighed, rubbing his temples. "For what, exactly? My ever-expanding list of fiancées, or just surviving another day in Hell's political labyrinth?"

Zestial chuckled, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "A bit of both, perhaps. But primarily for securing an alliance with the Chain family. Justic is quite the catch, you know."

Charlomaine rolled his eyes. "Yes, I've been told. It's just... a lot to process."

Zestial's smirk softened into something more genuine. "I understand, my lord. It's not easy bearing the weight of so many responsibilities. But you've handled everything remarkably well so far."

Charlomaine couldn't help but smile slightly at the compliment. "Thanks, Zestial. I suppose I should be grateful for the support system I have, even if it does come with a fair share of surprises."

Zestial nodded, his expression turning serious. "Indeed. And speaking of surprises, there are whispers of unrest among some of the lesser demons. They're not pleased with the growing alliances and fear losing their already tenuous power."

Charlomaine frowned, his mind switching gears. "Do you think it's something we need to address immediately?"

Zestial shrugged. "Not immediately, but it's something to keep an eye on. Consolidating power often leads to dissent. You'll need to be strategic in how you handle these alliances and the subsequent backlash."

Charlomaine nodded thoughtfully. "I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the heads-up, Zestial."

The demon bowed slightly, his smirk returning. "Always at your service, my lord. Now, I believe you have an important meeting to prepare for."

Charlomaine groaned inwardly. "Right, the introduction to Justic. Let's hope it goes smoothly."

As Charlomaine headed back into the palace, he couldn't shake the feeling that this new chapter in his life was going to be even more challenging than the last. But with allies like Zestial and the support of his family, he felt ready to face whatever came next.

You know. charlomaine said singing. Sometimes I wish I had sibling maybe a little sister.

Zestial raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Charlomaine's sudden musing. "A sister, my lord? Why the sudden wish for a sibling?"

Charlomaine sighed, leaning against a marble pillar. "I don't know, Zestial. Maybe it's the weight of all these responsibilities. Sometimes, I think it would be nice to have someone to share it with—someone who understands what it's like, but isn't just another political ally or advisor."

Zestial nodded thoughtfully. "I can see the appeal. Family bonds, especially among those of your stature, can provide a unique support system."

Charlomaine smiled wistfully. "Exactly. Someone who isn't caught up in the politics of Hell, someone I can just be myself around."

Just then, Lucifer and Lilith entered the room, having overheard part of the conversation.

"A sister, huh?" Lucifer said with a grin, crossing his arms. "Funny you should mention that."

Charlomaine looked at his parents, puzzled. "Why's that?"

Lilith stepped forward, her eyes twinkling with a secret. "Well, we've been thinking... Given the expansion of your responsibilities and alliances, perhaps it is time we considered expanding our family."

Charlomaine blinked in surprise. "You mean...?"

Lucifer nodded, his smile widening. "We've been considering adopting. There are many young souls in Hell who could use a guiding hand, and it would be beneficial for you to have someone by your side who shares your bloodline and understands our ways."

Charlomaine's heart skipped a beat. "Really? You're serious about this?"

Lilith smiled warmly. "Yes, dear. We believe it would be good for you and for Hell. A sibling could provide you with the personal connection and support you crave."

Charlomaine felt a surge of excitement and hope. "That sounds... incredible. I'd love to have a sister."

Lucifer clapped his hands together. "Then it's settled. We'll start looking for a suitable candidate. But for now, you have a meeting with Justic to prepare for."

Charlomaine nodded, a renewed sense of purpose and anticipation in his heart. "Right. Thanks, Mom, Dad. This means a lot to me."

As Charlomaine made his way to the meeting room, he couldn't help but feel a bit lighter. The prospect of having a sister to share his burdens with filled him with hope. And as he approached the room where Justic awaited, he knew that with his family's support, he could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

But. Zestial said looking at them. I think Charlomaine may want a real sibling one if blood.

I mean your not wrong. Charlomaine siad looking at zestial. But I am sure see how long it took me to be born that wonr be happing anytime soon

Zestial nodded in understanding, his expression thoughtful. "Indeed, the process of childbirth in our realm is not a swift one. However, there may be other avenues we can explore to fulfill Charlomaine's desire for a blood sibling."

Charlomaine raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Zestial's suggestion. "What do you mean, Zestial? Are you suggesting there's a way to hasten the arrival of a blood sibling?"

Zestial's smirk widened as he leaned against the wall. "Oh, there are always ways, my lord. It's simply a matter of finding the right path to pursue. Perhaps there are souls in Hell who share your bloodline already, waiting to be discovered."

Charlomaine's eyes lit up with excitement. "You think so? But how would we even begin to search for them?"

Zestial shrugged nonchalantly. "Leave that to me, young lord. I have my ways of uncovering secrets and hidden connections in Hell. Consider it a personal quest of mine."

Charlomaine grinned, feeling a surge of gratitude toward his enigmatic advisor. "Thank you, Zestial. That means a lot to me. Let's see what we can uncover together."

With renewed determination, Charlomaine and Zestial set out to explore the depths of Hell in search of potential blood siblings, their hearts filled with hope and anticipation for the future.

To be continued

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