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12.5% A Mutant Collector Quest / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Black Cat -1

Capítulo 7: Chapter 7: Black Cat -1

It took almost an hour and a half to complete the preliminary tests, leaving you with little time to spare before rushing off to Felicia's house in the jet.

The tests for Susan were incredible to say the least. Just like her future self, the Invisible Woman, she was able to become invisible and use psionic shield constructs.

She demonstrated remarkable control, shaping her psionic shields into any forms you asked, even swords and spears.

The most shocking thing, was when you asked her to lift herself up by enveloping herself in a psionic bubble. She did it effortlessly that too on her first try.

She was definitely powerful now, although she herself was just feeling excited with all this new cool stuff she could do.

Then you asked Johnny to do his tests, but first you asked him to wear one of the unstable molecule suits that Susan was talking about.

Johnny was slow to do so, but he too was able to activate his power and get his body on fire.Though surprised by his newfound abilities, Johnny was clearly excited, joking with Dr. Amara about his 'hotness.'

Finally, it was your turn. While you were able to replicate some of Susan's abilities, such as creating a shield, your control and proficiency were notably less advanced.

Maintaining full invisibility required intense concentration, and you struggled to shape your constructs with the same precision as Susan.

The doctors and Johnny were puzzled by your powers, as they couldn't attribute them to the cosmic ray exposure that Susan and Johnny experienced. Also there were a lot of questions going around about why you have the same powers as Susan.

Explaining to them, that you yourself didn't know much, and only by more tests will you find out, you went on to try your other powers.

You soon realised that your ability wasn't metal manipulation but rather steel manipulation. However, it wasn't as versatile as Magneto's powers; you couldn't levitate steel or control it in the same way.

Instead, you could only create constructs out of steel, visualising each component in your mind before bringing it to life.

Despite its limitations, you managed to craft a steel cycle from a batch of steel, enjoying the process even if it was somewhat limited.

Your final power, the dark energy surrounding your hand and body, proved to be ultimately useless. Though it looked impressive, resembling a holographic projection, it lacked substance and tangible effects.

Even your machines failed to detect any energy signatures from it, leaving you frustrated and setting it aside for further examination later.

As the doctors continued their analysis of your, Susan's, and Johnny's blood samples, you and Susan reviewed the footage from her room in private to confirm your suspicions.

Susan blushed furiously as you both watched, particularly at the sight of her 'sex face'. She quickly made you promise to delete the video, to which you agreed—though you secretly made backups first.

In the video after sex, both of your bodies exhibited energy readings, and your brain waves fluctuated significantly. Susan's energy levels stabilised soon, but yours took some time.

You couldn't help but raise an eyebrow when you saw Susan absentmindedly fingering herself in her sleep. She avoided your gaze and turned bright red, even in her ears.

After watching the footage, Susan stormed off to find Johnny, leaving you with some lingering thoughts. However, you had to set those aside for now and focus on reaching Felicia's house.

And that brings you here in the present, sitting in the cockpit with Bobbi as your personal driver.

"So are you using the quinjet to go meet your pet?" Bobbi's voice breaks through your thoughts.

"It's not a quinjet, it's called 'ghostwing'," you reply smugly, proud of the name you've chosen.

"Let's ask the S.H.I.E.L.D. guys if this is called a quinjet or not," Bobbi retorts teasingly.

"This jet is completely different from the S.H.I.E.L.D. ones. I just used their designs and parameters as a reference. First of all, this one is completely black, is bigger and even has a full camouflage mode with retro-refractive panel technology, which theirs don't," you explain in detail, defending the uniqueness of your Ghostwing.

And it should be different because you've incorporated concepts that SHIELD would only utilize in the distant future.

"Sure," Bobbi replies with a disinterested expression.

"And she is not my pet, she is … a friend" You speak up hesitatingly about her earlier comment.

"Sure, a friend," Bobbi repeats, exaggerating the word.

"You don't have any questions for me? … Like where did I get these powers?" You try to change the topic, seeking to divert the conversation.

"You will tell me when you are ready" Bobbi says assuredly, "You know I will always be here waiting" She speaks softly her gaze fixed ahead.

You glance at her beautiful profile and feel a surge of emotions in your heart.

"I just feel a little left behind, especially seeing your girlfriend and her brothers' powers. I feel like the future battles won't be this simple," Bobbi confesses, frustration evident in her voice.

"Don't worry. You know about the Project 'Superpower.' You'll never be left behind," you reassure her, placing your hand over hers and speaking softly.

"Hmm," she acknowledges, nodding slightly, and you don't remove your hand.

But soon, you've reached your destination.

"Well, we've reached your 'friend's' house," Bobbi announces, and you look out the window, seeing an area full of mansions in the outskirts of New York.

You both get up from your seats and go into the back.

"Take care, Bobbi," you say as you open the door of your silver Tesla, which was inside the Ghostwing.

Before you can sit down, Bobbi grabs your shoulder firmly. "If you ignore me again, I'll come find you in your own penthouse at the Watson Tower," she warns, her expression serious.

You find her adorable in this moment, and on impulse, you take a step closer, leaning in to claim her rosy lips in a short, sweet kiss.

The kiss catches her off guard, and before she can react angrily, you quickly sit inside the Tesla and drive away without looking back.

Inside the Ghostwing, Bobbi stands stunned, her fingers gently caressing her lips. She shakes her head in annoyance and lifts the jet up, deciding not to test the jet's camouflage in such an urban area.

Your silver Tesla zooms by the mansions, and soon you reach the Hardy Mansion.

As you lower your window and give a wave to the camera, the mansion gate opens, and you're allowed to drive your car in. Parking in the garage, you make your way to the front gate, where you're greeted by a beautiful middle-aged woman.

Anastasia Hardy, a charming 36-year-old woman, is the mother of Felicia Hardy and the founder and CEO of the Hardy Foundation. She's also a fellow member with you on the Oscorp Industries board of directors.

"Lucas, my child, thank you for visiting. You must have a talk with Felicia; she hasn't come out of her room since last night," Anastasia says, giving you a tight hug as her boobs gets squeezed against your chest.

You can certainly tell where Felicia gets her assets from.

"Don't worry, Miss Hardy. She's probably just feeling a bit down. I'll cheer her right up," you reassure her.

"It's Ana for you, darling," she says with a charming smile, her hand lingering on your chest.

"Yes, Ana," you reply with a smile, looking in her blue eyes.

She coughs and takes a step back. "You can go ahead. As I said, she's still in her room."

You nod at her and ascend the stairs to the first floor of the house, feeling Anastasia's gaze on you until you're out of her sight.

You've known Anastasia for a while now, so you know she's nothing but a harmless flirt.

You go to Felicia's room and knock on the closed door. "It's me," you speak up.

"Oh, Luke, thank God," you hear her voice. "I'll open the door, but before that, you have to close your eyes and keep them closed until I tell you."

Knowing her secret already, you comply easily. "Sure, I've closed my eyes," you say, shutting them tightly.

You hear the door open, and then you feel Felicia's hand grabbing yours. "Come inside, but don't open your eyes, all right?" Her voice is a whisper.

"Okay, okay," you agree, allowing her to guide you into the room.

"Sit on my bed," she instructs, leading you to her bed, and you comply.

"Can I open my eyes now?" you ask, amused.

"No," she replies in a panic. "Just give me a moment to catch my breath." She takes a deep breath. "After I left your penthouse yesterday, I felt uncomfortable the whole day, especially last night and this morning. I … My body has changed somewhat," she confesses, fear evident in her voice.

"So when you open your eyes, don't freak out … please," Felicia pleads softly.

"Okay," you reply, and slowly, you open your eyes.

In front of you stood Felicia, and the changes which she was talking about.

You knew about her black tail and black ears on her head already, but still you raised your eyebrows in surprise, because in person she looked way more attractive.

"Kinky," You remark with a smirk.

"Huh?" Felicia looks surprised by your reaction. "These aren't extensions or some kind of toys... It's a real tail and ears," she explains, caressing her moving tail and ears. "Don't you find me repulsive?" She asks, sounding pitiful.

"No," you stand up and take her hand, bringing it to your crotch where your little brother is already awake and ready, "I find it incredibly hot," you admit, pulling her into a hug while feeling her soft ears on her head with one hand and her black tail with the other. "I always wanted to fuck a Catgirl for real" you confess huskily.


Felicia now started feeling nervous for a whole another reason.

You gently tug Felicia's hand and guide her to the bed. Taking a seat, you signal for her to kneel in front of you.

As she complies, you pat her head and stroke her soft ears, noticing how they twitch erratically. Her face flushes red, but she bravely unzips your pants and reveals your rock-hard cock.

Felicia gazes at the towering monster before her, feeling like she's in a dream. Just three months ago, if someone had told her she'd be kneeling and sucking a guy's enormous member, she would have slapped that person.

As that person doesn't know Felicia Hardy, the girl who doesn't believe in coming second, the girl who felt no guy was worth her time.

Felicia had firmly believed that to be true, if not for the life-changing incident that occurred three months ago.


Three months ago, Felicia had just started her arts major at ESU. She was always the center of attention wherever she went, so although there were many more "celebrities" in her new university, she still did not have any shortage of people hovering around her.

There were some who came for her money, some for her beauty, and some just following the crowd.

Felicia had never bothered with them. Even in school, she was always aloof, feeling the guys to be childish and not mature at all.

It was not that there were no older men lusting after her, she could tell some teachers in school and even some so called seniors in her university ogled at her breasts and ass all the time.

So there was no shortage of people asking her out, or making excuses to have a chat with her. She never explicitly told them off, first it would make everything a hassle if she started rejecting everyone, and second she did like the attention.

She had planned to slowly vet people from this crowd and see if there was someone worthy of becoming her first boyfriend.

It was all because of her father's motto of never settling for second best. Her father, John, whom she loved dearly, had left her at an early age, so every memory of him she treasured dearly.

She would have lived this way if not for her talk with her mother, Anastasia. Felicia had a lot of respect for her mother; raising a child as a single mom and founding and running the Hardy Foundation was no easy feat.

But one night, her mother came home drunk and had a heart-to-heart chat with her. She told Felicia that their real surname was Hardesky, not Hardy, and her father, John, was an infamous international thief known as Black Cat.

Anastasia revealed that Felicia's father had to turn himself in, but before that, he handed over all his secret funds and treasures to her. For Felicia's future, her mother fled to the United States to start anew with a new family name, Hardy.

Her mother warned her that although they had been fine for many years, the money they had founded the foundation on was illegal, stolen. So her mother advised her to find a wealthy husband with connections to politicians, so that even if something happened in the future, she would be protected.

That talk affected Felicia a lot. The major thing she found out was that her dad was probably still alive somewhere. The other thing was that she had started interacting with people a lot more.

So that was why, even when it was a bit late at night at the Freshers party, when a senior in the college, Thomas, invited her out to karaoke with his friends, she said yes.

The first thing was that she was not the only girl there; there were two more girls present and they also had only two more guys excluding Thomas, so she thought it would be fine. Another thing was that Thomas was the son of an MP, so he was on her list of possible future boyfriends, so she accepted the invitation.

"Did you guys know about that Frost girl?"

"Are you talking about Adrienne Frost?"

"No, her younger sister, Emma Frost. I think she is the middle child of the Frost sisters."

"Yeah, so what about her?"

"I heard she didn't even attend the fresher party. She must be thinking she is 'too rich' to be with us."

"Yeah, these high-class girls are all the same. Even when you are in the same college, they will look down on you."

As Felicia drank a glass of alcohol, the discussion of the two girls beside her started to get more and more radical. She turned her head and wanted to say something, but her mouth didn't open.

Wide-eyed, she tried as much as she could, but now even her neck was moving with extreme difficulty.

"Oh, I think the drug is taking effect," Felicia heard Thomas's voice and saw all five people looking at her.

The girls had mocking and smug smiles on their faces, while the boys were staring at her hungrily.

"Well, girls, fantastic job as always. You will get the money transferred to your account by tomorrow as usual," Thomas spoke, and the girls left the room with happy smiles.

Felicia started to realize that she was in big trouble right now. Even her hands were not moving. If she could just touch her phone, she could call for help.

"You two, go out and keep a lookout," Thomas spoke, looking at the other two guys.

"But Thomas," spoke a guy, lecherously eyeing Felicia's body.

"The first round is mine alone. After that, I will call you both back inside, and then we can all enjoy her," Thomas spoke with an excited smile.

Both guys agreed, and soon the room was just Felicia and Thomas.

"You know, from the moment I saw those boobs, I had wanted to fuck them," Thomas spoke with hunger, eyeing Felicia's body.

Felicia had tears in her eyes. She tried her best to make her body move, but she couldn't.

"Don't bother. This drug is a powerful muscle relaxant. You won't be moving your body for quite some hours, so we will have a long time to ourselves. Let's enjoy the night together," Thomas spoke lasciviously as he unzipped his pants while hovering over her seated body.

Felicia was screaming in her mind, feeling helpless in such a situation. She begged someone to save her from this hell. She didn't want this pervert to touch her.

Just as all hope seemed lost for Felicia, the door to their private booth was kicked open.

Felicia had the image imprinted in her memories for life.

A red-haired boy entered the room, his face seeming quite angry. Before Thomas could speak, the red-haired boy ran up to him and punched him in the face. Felicia watched Thomas spiral to the floor with that punch, some teeth and blood knocked out of him.

Then, the boy's gaze turned towards her. After taking off his jacket, he draped it over her, and Felicia saw his handsome face up close, with eyes identical to hers.

"Don't worry. I am here. Nothing will happen to you now," the boy spoke to Felicia, his voice making her feel safe.

At that moment, Felicia's heart was beating faster than it ever had. His face, his voice—everything about him seemed to loop in Felicia's mind constantly.

"Uncle George, yeah, I am Lucas. There is an incident at my university that I need your help with … Yes, I understand. So, what happened was …"

At that moment, Felicia connected the dots. This was Lucas Watson, the biggest celebrity not just in the college but in the world. She was really saved by such a big shot.

The next hours went by in a blur for Felicia. The police were called, lawyers were summoned, her mother arrived as fast as she could, and her mother seemed to know Lucas very well.

Felicia herself was taken to the hospital for medical attention. That day was unforgettable her, not just because she was almost raped, but because she was saved, and by the person who she might have just given her heart to.

Over the next weeks, Felicia tried her best to get closer to Lucas, now even calling him Luke. She was not at all deterred when she heard that he already had a girlfriend, as her father said, "Never settle for second best," and Lucas was the best.

Truthfully, she loved the idea of stealing him from his girlfriend. It was thrilling. She started to get a taste of why her father was a big thief; maybe it was in her blood.

And after three months of perseverance, she slowly but surely managed to tackle his defenses and ended up giving him her chastity on her 18th birthday.


So she was not at all averse to getting down on her knees and pleasuring Luke, as she felt he deserved it, especially right now. Accepting her, a cat-like freak, without any hesitation showed why Felicia loved him so dearly.

So Felicia took his dick in her hand and started to jerk it slowly as she leaned ahead to take his dick in her mouth. She was shocked to death as she heard the door to her room open.

"Do you guys need so—"

You look up and see Anastasia, Felicia's mother, standing there at the door, looking at you, while her daughter is on her knees with your cock in her hand.

Avi2112 Avi2112

Black Cat is like the Hottest Marvel Girl ever!


And yes Felicia is a mutant in this story, AU Marvel verse


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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