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43.02% I am reborn in Akame ga KILL / Chapter 74: The Library

Capítulo 74: The Library

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Before we started looking for the library, we flew into the nearest town and Toph went to the Beifong branch to deliver a letter to her parents. The girl had her identity documents, so there was no problem with the letter, and the sender's credibility could be confirmed by the staff. In the city, we also picked up food and water, and flew to the Shi Wong Desert.

In one day we could not find anything, we flew over the desert till night, but except for sand dunes we could not find anything. It was hot in the desert, and even though the girls flew on the ice phoenix, they were tired of being in the sun all the time.

When we made a small camp at night to have dinner, I suggested:

- Let's split up tomorrow, or we'll be looking for this library for a week like this. And to reconvene, just shoot a fireball into the sky at night and I'll find you that way.

- Yeah, if we split up, we'll find the place twice as fast. - Korra said, eating ice cream... we bought ice cream in almost the whole city, so the girls ate it almost all day long to cool down.

- Well, that's settled, now the second question. Who's gonna sleep where? I can build a house out of melted sand, or we can all sleep in my room between worlds, but there's only one bed, we can all fit on it, but it'll be crowded. - I looked at Korra... even though it was nighttime and quite dark, it was easy for Fire Mages to create a light source.

- I'll sleep with you, I wouldn't want to be bitten by a desert snake in the night. - Katara replied.

- Then I will too. - replied Toph.

- I'll sleep fine on the sand. - replied Korra.

- Korra, really? Stop taking offence at me, well, I got married again, you will not be the second wife, you will be the third. - I said.

- I'm going to bed. Bing, will you watch me? - Korra looked at the ice phoenix.

- You're laughing, I'll sleep, I already served you as a transport all day in the heat, I'm not hired to be a guard at night. Go to Hela and sleep, I'm planning to take a nap at his place too, because I've heard that there are desert spirits in these parts, and not all spirits are kind, some of them don't mind eating other spirits, and the Avatar is a delicacy. - Bing replied, sitting on my shoulder.

- Well? - I looked at Korra.

- I won't sleep with you. - Korra insisted.

- What a petulant and hurtful person you are. - I moved Korra to the domain anyway, let her sleep on the edge of the bed...and so she did. Toph immediately laid down with me and hugged me, while Katara lay between me and Korra.

I didn't speed up the time in the domain, so we slept as long as we did in the real world. The next day we also spent on fruitless searches for the library, the girls flying to Bing signalled at night, and after our group united, we slept the night in my domain again... oh, I hadn't had sex for two days, and it seemed possible to tolerate it, but it was hard when there were three girls lying on the same bed with you... well, I pawed at Katara discreetly, and even managed to bring her to orgasm with my fingers.

On the third day, after a couple of hours of searching, I noticed a fox or a dog running downstairs, and the most interesting thing was that it was holding a scroll in its teeth. I decided to follow this creature, and after an hour, this fox-dog came running towards a small tower almost completely covered in sand, running up the wall, this creature jumped through the tower window. I looked into the tower, and it turned out to be the entrance to some huge structure buried under the sand... and since we were looking for Wang Shi Tong's library, this was most likely it.

The girls and Bing hadn't flown very far, so I followed them and led them to my find.

- It doesn't look like a library to me. - Korra looked at the tower sceptically.

- That's because it's under the sand. - I replied. Toph went to the tower and closed her eyes and touched it.

- Yes, Hela is right, there is a huge building under the sand... and it's unharmed, so, it's safe. - She opened her eyes and looked at us, -Let's go check it out.

The girls got back on Bing and flew to the windows at the top of the tower, I flew next to her, and we had to descend about twenty metres before we got to the first tier of the library. The building was tiered, and in the middle of the library there was a hole through all the floors, Wan Shi Tong was the spirit of an owl, and apparently this hole was necessary for quick access to any floor. There were bridges across the gap, and it was obvious that the library had at least twenty floors.

- It's beautiful. - Toph remarked, looking at the numerous murals on the walls, mostly depicting owls. The library was quite bright because of the numerous lamps, which used special luminous crystals that turned spiritual energy into light energy.

- Who broke into my library?! - A huge black owl flew over to us, and when it landed next to us, it towered over us by almost a metre and a half.

- Wang Shi Tong, how are you doing? - Bing asked.

- Bing Xi Feng, since when have you been messing around with humans? - The huge owl looked at the equally huge ice phoenix.

- Well, I decided to help the Avatar, this girl is the new Avatar, and we need information about Air Magic, all the Airbenders have been exterminated for a hundred years, and the Avatar has no one to learn this magic from. - replied Bing.

- I am proficient in all known types of magic, including Air Magic. - Wang Shi Tong said with obvious pride in his voice, 'But I will not teach the Avatar, she is first and foremost a human being, and humans only use the knowledge from my library to surpass other humans. A few years ago a Fire Nation man named Jao came to my library, I let him use my books and he ended up looking for information on how to defeat the Water Mages, he found information on the Moon and Ocean Spirits and decided to kill the Moon Spirit to weaken the Water Mages all over the world. I learnt of his impure intentions and chased him away, but before leaving, this Jao burned the entire department dedicated to the Fire Nation so that no one could find information on how to defeat the Fire Mages. Humans only destroy, even the Avatar needs the knowledge of Air Magic to defeat someone, don't you think so, Avatar? - Wang Shi Tong leaned over to Korra.

- But I have to bring Harmony to the world, without Air Magic I can't fulfil my duty as an Avatar. - replied Korra.

- Even though the Avatar is a bridge between spirits and humans, the Avatars have been dealing with the problems of the human world for a long time, you need my help to bring Harmony to the human world... and you know what? You can't do it. I've been living in the human world for thousands of years, the Avatar's have never been able to bring Harmony to the human world, as soon as they solved one problem, a new one would appear... and then they would die, revive and start the futile attempts to bring Harmony again... humans are too fond of war and chaos... however, not all humans are bad, some of them prefer destruction to creation, such people are allowed to enter my library. If you give me new knowledge that can only be used for good purposes, I will not only give you access to the books in my library, but I will even teach the Avatar of Air Magic. If you don't have such knowledge, then get out of my library, or else I will get angry. - Wang Shi Tong spoke, and his neck began to lengthen, and he began to grow larger.

- Okay, we are leaving, but we will be back soon. - I said, and nodded to the girls to leave, Korra had no choice but to leave, even if we defeat Wang Shi Tong, we will only get the knowledge of Air Magic, but if we agree with him, then in addition to knowledge, we will get a teacher.

- Great, we found the library and they won't let us in. - Korra said frustrated.

- Yeah, that big owl is pretty nasty. - added Toph, -Let's just break into the library and steal the books we need? - suggested Toph.

- Yes, we could even kill Wang Shi Tong, but that would only confirm his theory that humans only bring destruction. Give me a couple of days and I'll write him some books on healing, medicine, mechanics and engineering. - I said.

- How do you know about healing and medicine, but how do you know mechanics and engineering? - Korra asked.

- Well, I'm from the Fire Nation, and if you haven't noticed, we have the most advanced mechanics and technology in the world... but we use it for war. All these tanks, warships, they can all be converted for peaceful purposes. - I answered, and decided to set up a camp near the tower first, and then to write books. Toph sat next to me and read everything I wrote, it was reading practice for her, and she watched the correct spelling of letters and words.

Katara and Korra had decided to practice Water Magic in the desert for now, the kind of extreme training where moisture is as limited as possible. Bing sat nearby and rested, she had to fly in the heat for a couple of days and she deserved a rest.

I drew illustrations in the book and when it came to the machinery, Toph was interested in some of the drawings.

- This thing, the electric motor, it makes the wheels in this car spin, and it goes ten times faster than a cart... and you can create the same thing in the real world? - the girl looked at me.

- Well, I can, but the point is that I do not need this car, I can fly faster than any bird.

- But I can not fly, and I want this thing that you just drew. - pointed to Toph's diagram of the car.

- Well, when I have time, I'll make it and give it to you. - I continued my work.

In books, I mostly described things necessary for comfortable life, the same cars, household appliances, radio, television. There I described the principle of work of these things and sketched their working schemes, where as a power source served as a special crystal batteries... the scheme of which, I left in secret, and without knowledge about this power source, all other records are simply devalued. However, I described everything in detail, so Toph understood a lot, and Wang Shi Tong will not have to think that the information from these books is some kind of nonsense.

- So it turns out that if we start producing all this, we will be the richest people in the world? - said the girl, rereading the book while I was busy writing the next one.

- 'We?' - I looked at Toph.

- Well... you know, missing out on such a clever hubby is obviously not worth it, so, yes, 'we'. I'll be one of your wives, you don't mind, do you? - Toph looked at me expectantly.

- I will be very glad, but you are the heiress of one of the richest families in the world, and I can get precious metals from volcanoes in tonnes, we will not be poor in any case.

- And since we've decided we're going to be together... can you tell me about your secret origins? You said that everyone who finds out about your lineage immediately thinks the worst of you and doesn't trust you. Do you have parents who are villains or criminals? - Toph asked.

- You could say that. Name three people you think are the most evil in the world, and I'm sure my father will be among them. - I said, finishing the last book.

- Well... the most evil in the world... the first one is, of course, the Fire Lord Ozai... the second one... umm... somehow I don't know much about the world's villains... - Toph scratched the back of her head.

- And you've already guessed it. - I said casually.

- What? Fire Lord Ozai is your father? Are you the prince of the Fire Nation? - Toph pointed at me.

- So, you still want to be my wife?

- Huh, you're the Fire Nation prince who's helping the Avatar stop a war started by the Fire Nation! You're so cool, Lava Boy! - Toph slapped me on the shoulder, causing my pen to make a streak on the paper, 'Oh, sorry. It turns out you didn't just run away from home, you ran away from the royal palace!

- You know, I like your reaction to the truth, at least you didn't start suspecting me of things like Katara and Korra.

- Wait, that evil lightning girl, she's the Fire Nation princess, she's your sister, right? Is that why you didn't kill her then? - Toph asked.

- Yes, Azula is my favourite sister.

- She doesn't like you very much. - said Toph.

- That's true.

- Well, tell me more about everything, how you escaped, how you lived in the palace, what kind of a father is the Fire Master? - Toph looked at me with interest.

- Ozai's father is shitty, he's also a shitty husband because my mother ran away from him, he's also a shitty son because he killed his father to take the throne, he's a shitty brother because he killed his older brother so he wouldn't have a rival for the throne, and as you can see, he's a shitty Fire Master too... in general, he's not a man but a big pile of stinking shit.

- Yeah, compared to him, my dad's perfect. - commented Toph.

Then, while I was finishing the book, I told Toph about my life, and it's quite nice that this girl doesn't judge me in any way... she'll make a wonderful wife.

The next day the books were finished and we all visited the Wan Shi Tong library again.

- You're back. - a huge owl flew in to see us.

- Of course, and as I promised, not empty-handed. Here, a work on Healing Magic, medicine, architecture, mechanics, science and technology, and a bit of natural history. - I showed Wang Shi Tong several books at once, a couple of them I wrote in the domain.

- You wrote them? Oh, and even with illustrations. - Wang Shi Tong took the books and looked through them, even though he had wings instead of hands, but somehow he managed to hold and flip through the books with them... after all, he was a spirit first and foremost, not an ordinary OWLs.

- Yeah, me.

- Then the way to the library is open for you... and so be it, your friends too. Avatar, before I start teaching you Air Magic, read at least ten books from the Air Nomad knowledge section. And thank your friend for my help. - Wang Shi Tong flew off into the depths of his library.

- Well, I expect a thank you. - I looked at Korra.

- Thank you, Hela. - said Korra.

- And you can kiss me too. - I added.

- ...No, let Suyuki and Yui kiss you. - Korra went off to find the Air Magic knowledge section.

- I'll kiss you. - Katara sneaked a glance at her sister and kissed me.

- I can too, just get down. - said Toph.

- Why not? - I bent down, and Toph kissed me on the lips... childishly, but Toph herself had a thick blush on her face from such a kiss, - Thank you, girls, you are more grateful than the Avatar... well, we got to a place where almost all the knowledge of the world is collected, let's not miss the opportunity, and learn what we did not know before. - I said, and the three of us went deep into the library.

Katara was primarily interested in Water Magic, so the girl went to the section where the knowledge of water mages was stored, Toph was interested in Earth Magic, and I went with her there, I myself was interested in all the knowledge in the library. I think I'll be coming here periodically to read books... Wan Shi Tong was a good friend to talk to and even befriend. His library was just east of the centre of the Shi Wong Desert, after Admiral Jao had burned down the Fire Nation's knowledge section, Wang Shi Tong had covered his library with sand so that no humans could find it again, and the fact that I found it was a good stroke of luck.


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