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70.27% My history in fairy tail / Chapter 26: Fairy Law

Capítulo 26: Fairy Law

As the dust settled and the cathedral returned to its former silence, the gravity of our victory sank in. Erza, my light clones, and the other members of Fairy Tail had managed to destroy the Thunder Palace Lacrimas, ensuring Magnolia's safety. This reassured me, especially after I felt my clones vanish after their task was complete. My appearance reverted to normal, and my katana disappeared.

"I have to admit, I'm impressed you managed to beat Laxus," said Gajeel as we both looked at Laxus lying unconscious on the ground.

"Yeah, it wasn't easy. He was a formidable opponent, but I managed to pull through," I replied with a smile.

Our conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Natsu and Erza, who rushed into the cathedral. "We did it! We destroyed the Thunder Palace," Erza announced with a weary smile. She looked rather injured, but as they approached, their expressions turned to shock.

"You actually managed to defeat Laxus?" Erza said in disbelief.

"No, Erza. You've got it wrong. Jade did it all by herself. I didn't do anything," Gajeel clarified, scratching his head.

This revelation stunned Erza even more. "Jade, fight me!" Natsu said excitedly, looking at me with eager eyes.

Before I could respond, Laxus began to stir, surprising us all. We turned, ready for another attack. "You may have thwarted my plans, but I still have one last trick up my sleeve. I have just enough magic left to use it," Laxus said, laughing maniacally as he began to gather his remaining magic.

Laxus prepared to cast Fairy Law. But before he could finish, Levy burst into the cathedral, panting heavily. "Wait! Makarov is on his deathbed," she cried.

This news struck Laxus, but instead of despair, a twisted smile formed on his face. "With Makarov gone, it will be easier for me to become the Guild Master of Fairy Tail. I'll rebuild the guild from scratch," he declared, invoking Fairy Law.

A brilliant light enveloped Laxus as he cast the spell. Everyone held their breath, expecting the worst. But even after the spell was cast, Natsu, Gajeel, Levy, Erza, and I, along with other members of Fairy Tail outside, felt no effect.

Fried entered the cathedral, explaining, "Fairy Law only harms those the caster truly perceives as enemies. Deep down, Laxus, you don't see any of us as enemies, which is why the spell failed."

Laxus stood in denial, shouting, "I am Laxus Dreyar! Not just the Master's grandson. I don't care about anyone in this guild!"

Natsu stepped forward, his voice firm. "In this guild, we're all family. We care about each other, and deep down, you do too."

Frustrated and fed up, I decided to act. Summoning a sword of pure light, I used Celestial Slash. Laxus couldn't dodge the attack, and it struck him directly, knocking him to the ground, this time completely unconscious.

"Jade, you really didn't hold back, did you?" Gajeel said with a chuckle.

Before I could respond, everything went black. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in the guild's infirmary, bandages covering much of my body. It seemed I had pushed myself a bit too far with my magic.

The room was quiet, the only sound being the distant chatter of my guildmates. I shifted slightly, wincing at the pain but feeling a sense of satisfaction. The battle had been intense, but we had emerged victorious. The thought brought a smile to my face.

As I lay there, reflecting on the fight, I heard footsteps approaching. It was Juvia and Gajeel. They came closer and sat on chairs beside the bed.

"Well done, Jade. I expected nothing less from you," said Juvia, giving me a hug, which made me smile.

"Oh, it was nothing, really," I said, laughing.

"Jade, it was not nothing. You defeated Laxus, one of the strongest mages in Fairy Tail. Even Erza can't match him," Gajeel said, looking at me seriously.

"By the way, how long have I been unconscious?" I asked curiously.

"Don't worry, you were unconscious for two days. Besides, you missed the part where Makarov excommunicated Laxus," Gajeel said, while Juvia added, "Don't worry, tonight is the Fantasia Parade, so you won't miss it," with a smile.

I admitted to myself that I wouldn't have liked missing that moment. At the same time, the door to the infirmary opened, revealing Makarov, Erza, and Mirajane. All three of them had smiles on their faces.

"Thank you, Jade, for defeating that idiot Laxus and knocking some sense into him," Makarov said sincerely.

"Oh, it's nothing," I said with a smile.

"Really, you were amazing out there, Jade," Erza said, her tone filled with genuine admiration. "I knew you had potential, but you exceeded all our expectations."

"Yeah, you really showed what you're made of," Mirajane added, her eyes twinkling with pride. "We're lucky to have you in Fairy Tail."

I felt a warm sensation in my chest. For so long, I had been known as the Angel of Phantom Lord, a title that brought fear and respect. But here, in Fairy Tail, I was starting to feel something different—belonging.

As the group continued to chat, discussing the details of the fight and the upcoming parade, I found myself stealing glances at Mirajane. Her presence was comforting, and her smile seemed to light up the room. Eventually, the conversation began to wind down, and one by one, everyone started to leave, giving me space to rest.

"Get well soon, Jade. We need you in top shape for the parade tonight," Makarov said with a fatherly pat on my shoulder before exiting the room.

Erza gave me a firm nod, "Rest up, we'll see you later," and followed Makarov out.

Juvia and Gajeel left together, with Juvia waving cheerfully and Gajeel giving me a rare, approving nod. Finally, it was just me and Mirajane left in the infirmary.

"Do you need anything, Jade?" Mirajane asked, her voice soft and caring as she adjusted the blanket over me.

"Actually, just your company is enough," I replied, feeling a bit shy.

Mirajane pulled up a chair and sat beside me, her expression turning more serious. "Jade, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, anything," I said, intrigued.

"What made you decide to join Fairy Tail after Phantom Lord disbanded?" she asked, her eyes searching mine.

I took a deep breath, "After Phantom Lord was dissolved, I felt lost. I didn't know where I belonged anymore. But then I remembered how Fairy Tail fought for each other, how you all stood together like a family. I wanted to be a part of that. I wanted to find a place where I could belong, not just as a mage, but as a person."

Mirajane's eyes softened, and she reached out to hold my hand. "I'm glad you chose us, Jade. You are family now, and we will always stand by you."

A comfortable silence settled between us, broken only by the distant sounds of the guild bustling outside. I couldn't help but feel a connection forming between us, something deep and unspoken.

"Mirajane, can I ask you something too?" I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Of course," she replied, leaning in a little closer.

"Why have you been so kind to me? I mean, we barely know each other," I asked, my cheeks flushing slightly.

Mirajane chuckled softly, "Because I see a lot of myself in you. When I first joined Fairy Tail, I was also looking for a place to belong. I know how hard it can be to find that. Besides, I think you're an amazing person, Jade."

I felt my heart skip a beat. "Thank you, Mirajane. "

We sat there for a few more moments, just enjoying each other's company. Suddenly, Mirajane's stomach growled, and she laughed, breaking the serene moment.

"Looks like someone is hungry," I teased, grinning.

"Maybe a little," she admitted, blushing slightly. "How about we go grab something to eat? I think some fresh air would do you good."

"That sounds perfect," I said, smiling brightly.

As we left the infirmary together, I felt a newfound warmth in my heart. The chapter of my life in Phantom Lord had closed, and a new, promising one in Fairy Tail had just begun.

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