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57.5% Spider-Man WEB OF Multivesal Heroes:Persona Nexus / Chapter 21: Chapter 21: The Sinister Showdown**

Capítulo 21: Chapter 21: The Sinister Showdown**

At Night, New York.

The night sky was a canvas of chaos as the Spiders and their allies fought valiantly against the Sinister Six. However, they were outmatched and losing ground rapidly. Each hero was locked in combat with a formidable opponent.

Miles Morales, the Black Spider, faced off against Kraven the Hunter and Chameleon. He dodged Kraven's spear thrusts, only to be blindsided by Chameleon's deceptive tactics.

Gwen Stacy, the Ghost Spider, was engaged in a desperate struggle against Rhino and Dr. Octopus. She narrowly avoided Rhino's charges while trying to evade the mechanical arms of Dr. Octopus.

Cindy Moon, also known as Silk, fought Electro and Shocker, their combined electrical attacks making it nearly impossible for her to get close.

Jessica Drew, the Spider-Woman, battled Hobgoblin and Tombstone, her agility just barely keeping her out of their lethal grasp.

Ben Reilly, the Scarlet Spider, was locked in a vicious brawl with Lizard and Hammerhead, both using brute force to overpower him.

Hope Summers, the White Phoenix, fought Scorpion, her telekinetic abilities struggling to fend off his relentless attacks.

Ms. Marvel was holding her own against Vulture, using her stretching abilities to keep his aerial assaults at bay.

Laura Kinney, X-23, aided wherever she could, her claws slashing through any foe who got too close.

The battle was intense, and the heroes were clearly overwhelmed. Gwen, in particular, was struggling. As she dodged Dr. Octopus' mechanical limbs, she heard Jessica's voice over the comms.

Jessica: "How the hell does Spidey fight all of them alone on a daily basis?"

Gwen: "I still can't figure it out."

Her momentary distraction was all it took. Rhino charged her with incredible speed, hitting her hard and sending her flying. She slammed into a wall and crumpled to the ground, barely able to get up. As she looked up, she saw Rhino charging again, with Boomerang's projectiles flying towards her.

Jessica: "No!"

Miles: "Ghost Spider!!!"

Gwen closed her eyes, ready to accept her fate.

Gwen (Thinking): "Peter, looks like I won't be able to say sorry to you. Goodbye. Please forgive me, Peter."

She braced herself for the impact, but instead of pain, she heard a melodious tune. Opening her eyes, she saw Rhino and the projectiles rebounding off a force field that had formed in front of her. Rhino was sent flying, crashing into Lizard and Hammerhead. They all slammed into an energy force shield adorned with various symbols.

The Spiders, Ms. Marvel, and X-23 rushed to Gwen's side, astonished by what they had witnessed.

Laura (X-23): "Gwen, how did you do that?"

Ms. Marvel: "Yeah, that was awesome!"

Gwen: "I didn't do anything, you idiots. Didn't you hear that tune?"

The Sinister Twelve turned vigilant as Rhino, Lizard, and Hammerhead got back up.

Hammerhead: "You overgrown bastard, you hit us so hard."

Lizard growled angrily.

Rhino: "It's not my fault! That Ghost Spider suddenly had some kind of shield in front of her."

Dr. Octopus: "Silence, all of you. We may have a new party joining the fight."

The tune started playing again, and a man clad in a black suit and mask with a dagger that also worked as a flute appeared. It was Peter with his Dragon Dagger.

Peter heard a voice in his head.

Natsu : "Man, you really like this dagger, don't you?"

Togi: "Well, it's cool, alright."

Natsu: "Of course, it's cool. Who does it belong to?"

Issei: "Nexus gave Peter that weapon, not you, little dragon."

Natsu: "Heh, little dragon? I am more than that. I can take you on whenever you want, you sick pervert."

Issei: "That was ages ago, you dense fool."

Jason & Ben: "Stop it, both of you."

Goku: "Hey, if you're all up for a fight, count me in."

Garou: "Shut up, you clueless idiot. It's not the time. There are 12 enemies and some useless allies in front of us."

Ddraig: "Kids, you don't want to get Petey angry again, do you?"

All of them calmed down: "Yeah."

Peter: "Thanks, Dad."

Ddraig(Anytime, son. Let's show these guys what we are made of.)

Dr. Octopus: "It's a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Noir. We were expecting you."

Peter: "Whoa, I didn't know the great Sinister Six—nah, twelve—were expecting me."

Dr. Octopus: "Well, you made things difficult for our client, causing quite a ruckus actually."

Peter: "Client?"

Hobgoblin: "Kingpin."

Peter: "So, the others talked to, huh? So who am I talking to? Who's the boss? You know what, don't answer that. So it's just you all?"

Dr. Octopus: "Just us all, hahaha. Let me tell you, Mr. Noir, half of the people here with a bunch of thugs took care of the Avengers, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Defenders," He looked at the Spiders "these fools," then looked at Peter again with a dangerous look"and also the Spider-Man."

Peter: "Heh, you amuse me, Dr. Octopus. So you're telling me all the others are just as useless as your arms and legs are in front of your mechanical arms?"

The Sinister Twelve were furious.

Dr. Octopus: "He is just as sharp-tongued as that Spider."

Peter: "From what I know, you all defeated Spider-Man with quite an ambush. Tell me, was it really just six of you present, or were all of you present? No, there were more of you, right?"

The Spiders and heroes were shocked to hear this.

Dr. Octopus: "Who are you?"

Peter: "It's not who I am underneath; it's what I do that defines me. So think about what I'm going to do to all of you."

Dr. Octopus: "Attack him!! Attack right now!"

**Peter (in his mind)**: "Cover the whole area with a force shield. I don't want any of these bastards to escape."

Kraven and Chameleon moved forward to attack. Peter looked at them and used the Wolf Morpher.

Peter: "Calling on to the Spirit of the Courageous Wolf."

Peter launched himself at Kraven and Chameleon, using Garou's flowing water, breaking rocks martial arts, launching numerous punches and kicks at both of them. He slammed them both towards the force shield.

Lizard and Hammerhead stepped forward to launch their assaults. Seeing this, Peter called out the Boosted Gear.

Ddraig(It's finally time.) *Boost! **Boost! **Boost!**Boost! **Boost! **Boost!

**Peter**: "White Welsh Dragon, Balance Breaker."

Peter's armor transformed into a red dragon armor adorned with white stripes, and energized wings on his back.

Miles: "Whoa, it looks so cool."

Jessica: "No, it's very beautiful."

Hope: "Yeah, can't agree more."

Lizard looked at Peter with an instinctual fear that ran across his body.

Hammerhead: "Hey, you stupid reptile, it's not time to phase out. We have to defeat him."

Lizard managed his instincts and attacked Peter alongside Hammerhead.

Peter used the holy sword Ascalon and slashed Lizard with it.

He then used Divine Divide on Hammerhead, flicking his forehead to launch him toward the shield with Kraven and Chameleon.

Lizard somehow recovered from the strike, turned crazy, and ran toward Peter.

Peter: "Well, I don't want to kill him or end everything easily, so, Calling on to the Spirit of the Mighty Lion, Balance Breaker."

Peter used Togi's fighting style, employing various weapons to fight Lizard. He then concentrated all the cursed energy on his fist, using 'Black Flash,' slamming Lizard into the force shield along with his buddies.

Shocker and Tombstone tried to ambush Peter.

Peter: "Monkey King Dragon Armor!! Come Nyoibo."

In an instant, a thick stone bo staff appeared in his hand, and he slammed Shocker and Tombstone with it. Peter's appearance changed, wearing a black robe with a kanji of 'king' on his back, tiger cloth tied by a red belt on blue jeans, a black golden mask, and a golden band on his head that adorned him as a crown.

**Laura (X-23)**: "Awesome! Looks so wild."

**Ben (Scarlet Spider)**: "Why the hell does this guy have so many suits, and why are they all so cool?"

Tombstone: "Just stick to one damn suit, damn it."

Shocker: "Fucking sick bastard, are you a show-off or something? Or perhaps are you too shy and want to wear too many damn suits?"

Peter: "Just think of it as my style. They complement different scenarios and fighting styles, also making things interesting. If I used only one of them, you all would have been defeated too easily. As for being a show-off, let me show you."

Peter then turned himself into Super Saiyan 3, his hair growing in length till his waist and turning golden in color. Everyone was shocked at how majestic he looked.

Peter: "This is a show-off."

Tombstone and Shocker launched themselves at him again. Peter used Goku's martial arts techniques and Nyoibo to beat the shit out of them, showing a series of rapid punches, kicks, and staff strikes. Peter twirled the staff and landed a powerful strike on Tombstone, sending him crashing into Shocker. He then spun around and used a powerful kick to send both villains flying towards the force shield, where they slumped to the ground, dazed and defeated.

Peter: "Have fun."

Kicking them both toward the force shield, Peter prepared for the next wave.

Electro attacked Peter alone.

Peter: "Geundoowun, fall."

Suddenly, dark clouds gathered over the area, and a huge lightning strike fell on Electro. Instead of taking damage, Electro was enhanced by the lightning.

Electro: "You made me more strong, fool. Electricity makes me stronger."

Peter: "Oh yeah, I forgot about it. Well, with how much of a joker you look like, it's kind of hard to believe, let alone remember."

Electro: "You will pay for this."

Peter: "Really, Dragon Drakken Morpher, activate."

**Electro**: "No suit of yours can save you from this."

Electro launched a powerful lightning attack at Peter. The lightning fell on Peter, causing devastating damage to his surroundings but having no effect on him as he absorbed it. No, he ate the lightning.

Electro: "Who are you? Why are you still fine? You should have taken serious damage if not died."

Peter: "Well, you are not the only one that can absorb lightning and become stronger, but there is a significant difference between us."

Electro: "What is it?"

Peter: "I can turn lightning into other stuff while you can't."

**Peter**: "Fire Dragon King's Fist."

A huge fire erupted from Peter's fist, attacking Electro and sending him flying towards the force shield.

Scorpion tried to attack him from behind with his stinger. Peter caught it with his hand and summoned the White Tiger Sword Saba in his other hand, slashing Scorpion. He then called the Dragon Dagger and, using both weapons, proceeded with his assault. He slashed left and right using the sword and dagger, sometimes unleashing lightning and fire, and finally sent Scorpion towards his allies with a powerful attack.

Hobgoblin on his glider and Vulture attacked him from above, taking advantage of their high altitude. They threw bombs, projectiles, and lasers at him.

Peter: "Do you think I can't do anything to you because I can't fly, motherfuckers?"

Peter had the ability to fly in his Dragon Drakken suit using dragon powers from Natsu, but he decided to have some fun.

A red ring on his left hand started glowing.

Vulture: "Don't tell me, no, no, no, God, please no."

Peter: "In darkest age, in brightest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Through wrath and hope, fear and love, with will and life, I rise above. To cast away the deepest dread, by my Red Lantern's might, let vengeance spread."

Peter turned into a Red Lantern with a red hood suit and the Red Lantern emblem on his chest.

Hobgoblin: "Another fucking suit? Just how many suits does he have? That spider was much better."

Peter started flying and used energy projectiles to target both of them.

As they struggled against him, they began to split and go separate ways.

Peter decided to go after Vulture.

Seeing this, Hobgoblin threw his bombs at Peter, but Peter avoided them and made some energy baseball bats, striking them towards Vulture.

Vulture was bombarded with the bombs and started falling. As he reached a certain height, he saw Peter holding a big baseball bat.

Vulture: "Fuck!!!"

Peter struck him towards the force shield.

Peter: "Home run!"

Hobgoblin, seeing this, had only one thought: "Run."

Hobgoblin: "Fucking shit, I didn't sign up for this!!"

Hobgoblin used his glider to escape but was surrounded by many types of rifles, machine guns, SMGs, pistols, etc.

He heard a voice and looked in the direction, seeing Peter with a red glow in his eyes.

Peter: "Hey, Goby~~, going somewhere?"

Hobgoblin: "Please, sir, let me leave. I promise to never cross your path again."

Peter: "Hmm. Nah. Load... Aim... FIRE!!"

Hundreds of energy guns fired together, riddling Hobgoblin's armor and glider with holes. Peter made sure Hobgoblin didn't die. As Hobgoblin's glider started to fall, Peter used a rocket launcher.

**Peter**: "Lock-ON, FIRE!"

The rocket fired towards Hobgoblin and blasted him towards his buddy Vulture.

Peter then came down but saw Rhino raging towards him. Peter again flew up, looked at Rhino, and came down again.

Rhino: "I am going to crush you just as I crushed that spider."

Peter snapped when that night was mentioned.

Peter: "Chrono Spanner suit, activate."

Rhino: "No suit of yours is going to help you. I will crush and rampage over you."

Rhino rushed towards Peter, but he didn't move. Seeing Peter doing nothing, Gwen, Jessica, Laura, Cindy, and Hope shouted.

Gwen: "Watch out!"

Jessica: "Do something!"

Laura: "Don't stand there!"

Cindy: "Move out!"

Hope: "Get out of there!"

Just as Rhino was closing in, Peter transformed.

Peter: "Fourmungasaur."

Peter turned into a combination of Humungousaur DNA and Four Arms DNA.

He then caught Rhino with three of his hands and punched him with the fourth. Rhino crashed towards the road, and Peter then turned into Ratulk, a combination of Rath DNA and Red Hulk DNA. He slammed on Rhino, continued punching him ruthlessly, stomped him multiple times, grabbed him by his horn, and threw him towards the shield.

After that, Peter transformed back into the Chrono Spanner suit.

Dr. Octopus looked at him.

**Dr. Octopus**: "Who are you? What do you want?"

**Peter**: "You know me quite well, Otto. All of you know me very well, actually."

Peter then said to Nexus in his mind, "Do it."

Nexus sent a signal to Captain Stacy.

On the terrace of the police headquarters,

Captain George Stacy looked at a big metal box.

George Stacy: "What do you think it is?"

Yuri shrugged her shoulders: "I don't know. Maybe just a big-ass box."

Tigra contemplated: "No, Peter does everything with a purpose."

George Stacy's band, given to him by Peter, started buzzing, and the metal box opened. Inside, they saw a big flashlight.

Yuri : "A flashlight? A fucking big flashlight? Is this guy pranking us?"

Tigra : "Look, there's something on it, but I can't see it."

George : "The band is telling me to turn it on, so let's turn it on."


Tigra, Yuri, and George were all shocked at what they saw.

**Yuri**: "Jesus Christ!"

**Tigra**: "Oh sweet Moses!"

**George**: "Holy Mother Mary!"


At the battlefield, Peter spoke.

Peter: "I was the one that helped everyone. I am the light, I am the night, I am VENGEANCE."

Dr. Octopus, the Spiders, Hope, Laura, and Ms. Marvel all looked at the sky as they saw a spider symbol and were shocked.

Peter: "Spider Morpher, power up."

Peter turned into his Spider-Man suit, which had more navy blue and black with red mixed in.

Peter: "I am home, Octavius. Did you miss me?"

Dr. Octopus was shocked but then became angry.

Dr. Octopus: "Spider! You fucking bug—"

Peter interrupted him, launching himself towards Dr. Otto, punching him continuously and tying his mechanical arms with his webs. He then used an energy blast, launching Dr. Octopus towards his gang.

Dr. Octopus and the other members of the Sinister Twelve started to get up and looked at Peter.

Hobgoblin: "So it was you all along, spider."

Kraven: "We have hunted you once; we will hunt you again, spider."

Electro: "You bastard, who told you to come back."

Rhino: "You have come back to be crushed again, spider."

Chameleon: "This is going to be the last time dealing with you."

Tombstone: "Should have died out there, spider."

Lizard: "You will die, spider."

Peter: "Hey, wait... wait... You all remember I just kicked all your asses, right?"

Dr. Octopus: "We came with backup, spider."

Just as he said that, sand started to gather in one place, water splashed, lightning crashed, a girl in a beetle suit appeared, and a speedy wind blew from Peter's side. Peter saw a crazy lineup:

1. Dr. Octopus

2. Hobgoblin

3. Rhino

4. Kraven the Hunter

5. Chameleon

6. Scorpion

7. Tombstone

8. Vulture

9. Lizard

10. Hammerhead

11. Shocker

12. Electro

13. Electro (Francine Frye)

14. Sandman

15. Hydro-Man

16. Speed Demon

17. Beetle

**Dr. Octopus**: "Meet the Sinister Seventeen, Spider. Run if you can."

To be continued.

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