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50% Spider-Man WEB OF Multivesal Heroes:Persona Nexus / Chapter 18: Chapter 18:Fear In the Lair of Doom

Capítulo 18: Chapter 18:Fear In the Lair of Doom

Latveria, the nation of Doom,

Peter Parker stood at the border of Latveria, his black suit and mask blending into the dark night. He was a shadow, an unseen predator waiting to strike. His senses were heightened, and the voices of his personalities echoed in his mind, offering their counsel.

"Are you sure about this, Pete?" Ben Tennyson's voice asked.

"Of course he is," Jason Todd interjected. "He's taken down bigger fish."

"Just remember to keep your cool," Natsu added. "This is Dr. Doom we're talking about."

Peter nodded to himself, steeling his resolve. "I've got this."

With a swift leap, Peter crossed into Latverian territory. His movements were fluid and silent as he navigated through the heavily guarded perimeter. Doom Bots patrolled the area, their red eyes scanning for intruders.

Peter moved swiftly, using his talons to disable the Doom Bots one by one. He struck with precision, severing their power supplies and dismantling their weapons with ease.

A squad of Doom's soldiers spotted him. "Intruder!" one of them shouted.

Peter smirked beneath his mask. "Time to dance."

He charged forward, his movements a blur. He used Garou's martial arts and cursed energy from Togi striking with lethal efficiency. His talons flashed, cutting through armor and weapons. Soldiers fell around him, their bones broken and their bodies rendered unconscious.

"He's too fast!" one soldier cried, moments before Peter's fist connected with his jaw, sending him sprawling.

Peter continued his assault, moving like a phantom through the ranks. He dodged bullets and energy blasts with ease, countering with strikes that left his foes incapacitated. He felt the rush of battle, the thrill of combat surging through his veins.

"Nice work, Peter," Jason's voice said approvingly.

"Keep going," Ben urged. "You're almost there."

Peter pushed forward, his path littered with fallen soldiers and destroyed Doom Bots. He finally reached the entrance to Doom's throne room. With a powerful kick, he burst through the doors, striding into the grand hall.

Victor Von Doom sat on his throne, clad in his iconic armor, his eyes glowing with cold intelligence. He regarded Peter with a mix of curiosity and disdain.

"Why are you here?" Doom asked, his voice resonating with authority. "I don't remember making an enemy out of someone like you."

Peter's eyes narrowed. "Oh, you and I go way back. And your actions in the previous months just made me more furious."

Without further warning, Peter launched himself at Doom. The clash was immediate and ferocious. Doom countered with his own brand of magic, throwing Peter into a wall. Dust and debris filled the air.

Doom smirked. "You underestimate me."

Peter recovered, dusting himself off. "We'll see about that."

A sudden, melodious note rang through the air.

Peter's Dragon Dagger appeared, and he activated the Dragon Drakken Morpher. Magic surged through him, enhancing his powers. He charged at Doom again, their battle escalating.

Doom unleashed an energy blast, but Peter played a note on the Dragon Dagger, forming a rebound shield. The blast ricocheted, striking Doom and sending him to the ground.

Peter wasn't finished. He grabbed Doom by the collar and punched him hard. "Do you know why this is happening to you?"

Doom, choking, managed to gasp, "Valeria and Franklin Richards."

Peter punched him again, harder. "Yeah, Valeria and Franklin Richards. You had the nerve to kidnap those kids while I was away, when the Fantastic Four were busy. You dare to take advantage of such a situation."

Another punch to the chest left Doom reeling. "You dared to do such a thing!"

Peter's talons tore apart Doom's armor, which was already weakened by the blows. He delivered a powerful punch to Doom's gut, making the villain cough up blood.

Doom, struggling to breathe, asked, "What are they to you? Are you Susan's relative?"

Peter's eyes blazed with anger. "No, although Johnny considers me a brother. Me and Susan are different."

Doom, tattered and bleeding, laughed. "So, you are like me, one of her admirers. You too, love her, right?"

Peter punched Doom again, disgust evident in his voice. "No, that was long ago. Now she's with Reed and has her children. I don't approach her with such intentions as you."

Doom, trying to catch his breath, spat, "That idiot Richards does not deserve her. She should be mine, and mine alone. I will also take in her children."

Peter's punches grew more ferocious. "Susan is yours?" He struck Doom again, this time with even more force. "Susan isn't something you can possess. She belongs to who she chooses, and you are not that person, Victor. Never will be."

Doom somehow pushed Peter back, his voice filled with anger and desperation. "What do you know? When the person you desire chooses another man, but that man doesn't treat her right, and then she starts loving another man, which is not her husband or you but a third person."

Doom laughed bitterly. "That spider made Susan fall for him. He took care of her kids, leaving no place for me to step in. But... he couldn't get Susan as she can't leave Richards, as he's the father of her children. She didn't even reveal her feelings to him. Even Johnny stopped him. Finally, he and Richards were good for something, as their existence—"

Peter's rage boiled over. He punched and slammed Doom into his throne, activating his Spider Morpher. "You were saying?"

Doom stuttered, realization dawning. "You... You... Now it all makes sense. Only you would be that angry for the disappearance of those kids. You bastard—"

Before Doom could finish, Peter stabbed him with his talons. "If you in any way try to approach those kids or Susan, I promise you I will rip your heart out of your body. This is your final warning. Do you get it?"

Peter released all his and his personalities' auras together. Doom started sweating as he saw abstract images of a huge menacing spider, two dragons, a big lion, a dangerous wolf, a red entity, an amalgamation of aliens, and an ape ready to destroy everything in his path.

Doom nodded heavily, fear etched on his face. Peter removed his talons, and Doom spat more blood, still in disbelief of what he saw.

Peter smiled lightly. "See, it wasn't that hard, was it? Come on now, send one of your Doom Droids to the Baxter Building and, instead of that charade of yours about 'Doom will conquer all' and whatnot, you will apologize to the kids and Susan, saying that you will not approach or trouble them anymore. While you're at it, apologize to Johnny and Ben too, because you troubled them as well. If you find Reed in there, tell him he is a stupid son of a bitch, a fucking bastard, a fucker who should have been born an eunuch. Also, do not mention me even in the slightest. If they just say they know me, I will come to meet them soon, okay?"

Doom nodded, and Peter said, "I will take my leave now. Don't act like a bad boy, or Daddy will come to punish you again."

Doom shivered and said, "Victor wouldn't cause trouble... 'Dad.'"

Peter grinned widely. "Good boy, Vic. Since you are such a good boy, take this." He threw Doom a card that read "Peter Parker, Chairman/Owner of Parker Foundation & Parker Industries," along with his number. "This guy will help with that mask and armor problem of yours and make my little Vic from not-so-looking boy to so-so-looking boy."

Doom was shocked, and before he could say anything, Peter said, "Adios," and teleported away.


Some time later,

At the Baxter Building,

The Fantastic Four were going about their day when a Doom Droid arrived. They were shocked and ready to defend themselves, but the droid projected a hologram of Doom, who looked tattered and beaten.

Doom started apologizing to Susan for constantly pursuing her and kidnapping her children, Valeria and Franklin, for kidnapping them and always troubling them, and Johnny and Ben for every single thing he had done to harm and trouble them.

Susan asked, "Why are you doing this?"

Johnny demanded, "Who made you do this?"

Ben added, "Yes, you look pretty bad. Who made you do this?"

But Doom wasn't answering their questions. Suddenly, Reed came out of his lab and, seeing Doom, panicked. Doom, with a smirk, relayed every single word that Peter had said, even adding some of his own.

"Richards you stupid son of a bitch, a fucking bastard, a fucker who should have been born an eunuch, even duck is stupidly smarter than you,The world's smartest man my ass, you exaggerated motherf**ker, You mama so.. "

Johnny and Ben tried to control themselves but started laughing. Susan tried to cover the kids' ears, but they heard all the stuff and chuckled, joining their uncles in laughter. Even Susan, with an embarrassed and red expression, started laughing. Reed was shocked and said, "You!!" in anger, seeing that everyone was laughing at him, even his children and wife. He was humiliated and seeing that they still didn't stop at his retort, he tried to act rashly with Susan and the kids.

But suddenly, Doom, with a strong tone, said, "Richards, take your next step carefully, or the one who did this to me will do much worse to you. Although I would like to see that happen, not at the cost of harm leading to the kids and Susan."

Reed was shocked, hesitated, and pulled his arms back. The Doom Droid left.

But Johnny looked at Reed and said, "What were you trying to do to my sister and kids?" He turned flame on, his body enveloped in fire.

Ben stood protectively in front of the kids and said, "Reed, you crossed the line."

Susan intervened, "Kids, go to your room."

"But Mom..." Valeria protested.

"Room. Now!" Susan's voice was firm, leaving no room for argument. Valeria and Franklin reluctantly obeyed, casting wary glances back at their father as they left.

Reed tried to explain, "Susan, I was just—"

Susan cut him off, "Go back to your lab. This isn't over, Reed. We will discuss this later. Now, leave."

Reed's face twisted with anger and humiliation, but he obeyed, retreating to his lab. Susan then turned to Johnny and Ben, her expression softening. "Thank you for protecting the kids."

Johnny extinguished his flames. "Sis, those are my niece and nephew, and you're my sister. It's my duty to protect you all."

Ben nodded. "Why are you thanking us, Susan? We've been friends for as long as I can remember. Your father was my teacher and guide. I've always thought of you and Johnny as my little siblings. I will always be there for you and the kids."

Susan smiled, though it was tinged with sadness. "If only he were here, we would have been so happy. Peter, where are you?"

Ben said thoughtfully, "Maybe it was Peter who did this to Doom for kidnapping the kids. That's why Doom kept talking about it."

Johnny nodded excitedly. "Yes, sis. Only Peter would be that angry if something happened to the kids. Even though he's a peaceful guy, he will beat anyone who hurts the kids. He thinks of them as his own."

Susan blushed slightly at Johnny's words. "I really wish it was him. I really do, Johnny."

Ben and Johnny smiled, knowing that Susan's wish aligned with their own hopes. They believed in Peter, knowing he would always come through for them.


Inside the kids' room,

Valeria was crying. "I knew Dad was no good. He even tried to hit us. If Uncle Ben and Uncle Johnny weren't there, then..."

Franklin hugged his sister. "Don't worry, Val. I would have beaten that sorry excuse of a father if he touched you, me, or Mom."

Valeria looked up at him. "Brother, who do you think beat up Doom?"

Franklin grinned. "Who else? Uncle Pete did."

Valeria's eyes widened. "Really? Did Uncle hear the voice of our hearts?"

Franklin chuckled. "That's a weird way to put it, but yeah. Only Uncle Pete would go to such lengths for us. He loves us dearly. Sometimes, I think he's our true father."

Valeria giggled. "Brother, you're funny. We already know that Mr. Reed is our true father because of our abilities, right?"

Franklin sighed. "Yeah, but calling that man 'father' isn't right after what he did. Let's just call him 'Mr. Reed' from now on."

Valeria tilted her head. "Then should we call Uncle Pete 'father'?"

Franklin shook his head. "Nah, 'father' makes him sound so old and formal. Let's call him 'dad.'"

Valeria smiled. "Okay, but we should call him 'dad' after Mom leaves Mr. Reed and proposes to Uncle Pete."

Franklin nodded. "Let's do that then."


Back in Latveria,

Doom sat alone in his throne room, nursing his wounds. He stared at the card Peter had given him, the name "Peter Parker" standing out boldly.

Doom muttered to himself, "This Spider... He's more than I anticipated."

He looked around his throne room, still reeling from the sheer power Peter had displayed. The images of the enormous spider and the amalgamation of entities still haunted him. For the first time in a long while, Victor Von Doom felt true fear.

Doom clenched his fist around the card, his mind racing. "I will find a way to overcome this. No one threatens Doom and lives without consequence."

Yet, as he said those words, he couldn't shake the memory of Peter's final warning. The amalgamation of those powerful personalities still loomed in his mind, a reminder of the force he had faced.

Doom sighed heavily, realizing that, for now, he would have to heed Peter's warning. He would apologize to the Fantastic Four, as humiliating as it was, and he would keep his distance. For now.


At the Baxter Building, the atmosphere was tense. The Fantastic Four were still processing Doom's unexpected apology and the bizarre events that followed.

Susan sat quietly, her mind drifting to Peter. She missed him dearly and wished he were there with them. She knew in her heart that he was the one who had intervened, protecting her and her children.

Johnny and Ben were in high spirits, discussing the possibility of Peter's return. They both knew that if anyone could bring their family back together, it was Peter Parker.

Meanwhile, Reed Richards sat alone in his lab, his mind clouded with thoughts of his recent actions. Doom's words had struck a chord, and Reed realized he had much to make amends for. He needed to rebuild the trust of his family, especially Susan and the kids.But he didn't knew it was too late.

As the night wore on, the Baxter Building slowly returned to a semblance of normalcy. Yet, in the hearts of the Fantastic Four, a spark of hope remained. They knew that somewhere out there, Peter Parker was watching over them, ready to step in whenever they needed him.

And so, the night ended with a renewed sense of purpose and a quiet promise. The Parker Foundation and Parker Industries card in Doom's possession was more than just a gesture. It was a symbol of the unwavering bond that connected Peter to the Fantastic Four, a bond that would continue to protect and guide them, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

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