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30.76% Harry Potter: Drakor / Chapter 6: Chapter 5

Capítulo 6: Chapter 5

Harry sat at a desk in the Bones family estate, a stack of letters in front of him. Each envelope bore different handwriting, and he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness as he picked up the first one. He carefully opened it and began to read.

Dear Harry,

My name is Daphne Greengrass, and I wanted to take this opportunity to reach out and introduce myself. I've been following your story with great interest, and like many others, I've been deeply moved by what you've endured and overcome.

I come from a family that places a high value on tradition and honor. The Greengrasses have always respected the Potters for their bravery and principles, and I want you to know that you have allies in us.

In fact, our families share a deeper connection than you might realize. Your grandmother, Euphemia Potter, was a Greengrass before her marriage. She was my father's aunt, making us distant relatives. This familial bond makes your story even more significant to us, and we feel a strong sense of duty and affection towards you.

I'll be starting at Hogwarts next year, and I'm truly looking forward to meeting you. I know that the school can be overwhelming with its grand halls and numerous students, but I hope you'll find it to be a place where you can feel at home.

One thing about Hogwarts is that it brings together people from all walks of life, and friendships can blossom in the most unexpected places. I hope we can become friends and support each other through our time at school.

If you ever need someone to talk to or if you're feeling overwhelmed, please don't hesitate to reach out. My family and I are here for you. Remember, you're not alone in this journey.

Looking forward to meeting you,

Daphne Greengrass

As Harry read Daphne's letter, he felt a mix of surprise and appreciation. He hadn't expected to receive a letter from someone like Daphne, who came from a respected and traditional family. Her words carried a sense of warmth and solidarity that he found comforting.

Daphne's mention of the Greengrass family's respect for the Potters touched him deeply. It was a reminder that his parents' legacy continued to inspire and that he had allies in unexpected places. Learning about the familial connection through his grandmother, Euphemia Potter added another layer of connection that he hadn't anticipated. The revelation that he and Daphne were distant relatives gave him a sense of belonging that he hadn't felt before.

The prospect of meeting Daphne at Hogwarts and possibly forging a friendship with her was something Harry found both exciting and reassuring. Her offer of support and companionship was a bright spot in the midst of all the changes and uncertainties he was facing. For the first time, he felt like he was beginning to build his own network of friends and allies, just as his parents had.

Dear Harry,

My name is Padma Patil, and my sister Parvati and I are very excited to finally write to you. We're both really looking forward to meeting you when we start at Hogwarts next year.

I wanted to tell you that you're not alone. Even though we haven't met yet, we consider you our friend already. The stories about your bravery are truly inspiring, and I can't wait to learn more about you.

I've heard that Hogwarts is an amazing place, full of secrets and magical adventures. I'm especially excited about the library – I love reading and learning new spells. Maybe we can study together? I'm sure we'll be in the same year, so we'll have lots of classes together.

If you ever need someone to talk to or just hang out with, you can always count on us. We'll be there for you, no matter what.

Looking forward to meeting you,

Padma Patil

Hi Harry,

I'm Parvati Patil, and I wanted to write to you because my sister Padma and I have been following your story. It's amazing what you've been through, and we think you're really brave. 

I'm so excited about starting at Hogwarts next year! There's so much I want to see and do – like making new friends, exploring the castle, and maybe even finding some hidden passages! It would be great if we could all discover these things together.

I also wanted to tell you that you don't have to feel alone. We're going to be your friends, and we'll stand by you. Padma and I can't wait to meet you and start this magical journey together.

Hogwarts is going to be so much fun, and I'm sure you'll love it. Until then, if you ever need to chat, just write to us. We're here for you.

See you soon,

Parvati Patil

As Harry finished reading the letters from Padma and Parvati Patil, he felt a surge of warmth and anticipation. The genuine kindness and enthusiasm in their words made him feel welcome and less anxious about the future. He appreciated their reassurances and their offers of friendship.

The thought of having friends who shared his excitement about Hogwarts, and who were willing to stand by him no matter what, filled Harry with hope. He was particularly touched by Padma's offer to study together and Parvati's excitement about exploring Hogwarts and discovering its secrets.

Harry couldn't help but smile at the thought of all the adventures that awaited him. The idea of having friends who were so supportive and kind made him feel more confident and eager to start this new chapter in his life. He carefully placed the letters from Padma and Parvati alongside the others, cherishing each word and looking forward to meeting them all in person.


Harry had received several letters from the Weasley family, and he read each one with growing astonishment and warmth.

Dear Harry,

Hi! My name is Ginny Weasley, and I'm nine years old. I know we haven't met yet, but I just wanted to say how excited I am that you're going to be part of our world. My brother Ron has been talking about you nonstop, and it feels like we already know you!

I love playing Quidditch, and I'm pretty good at flying. Maybe we can play together someday? My brothers are always hogging the brooms, but I bet they'd make an exception for you. I can't wait to meet you and maybe even show you some of the secret spots around our house, the Burrow.

See you soon, I hope!


Hey Harry,

I'm Ron Weasley, and I can't wait to meet you. My brothers Fred and George are always talking about all the pranks they want to show you. They've been at Hogwarts for a year already and they say it's amazing. I can't wait to see it myself!

I read about everything in the Daily Prophet. It sounds like you've had a rough time, but things are going to get better now, I promise. Hogwarts is supposed to be brilliant, and there are loads of people who want to be your friend. Maybe we can share a dormitory at Hogwarts? That would be really cool. 

My family is really excited to meet you. Mum's already planning to cook you a proper meal, and Dad's always got interesting stories about Muggle stuff. We live in a house called the Burrow, and it's a bit chaotic, but it's home.

Can't wait to meet you in person!

Your friend,


Dear Harry,

My name is Percy Weasley, and I'm the third oldest Weasley sibling. I'm currently in my fourth year at Hogwarts. Although I'm not a prefect yet, I still like to think of myself as someone who can help others, especially new students.

I understand that transitioning to the wizarding world might be overwhelming, but rest assured, you'll find a supportive community here. My family extends a warm welcome to you, and we're all looking forward to meeting you. If you need any assistance with your studies or navigating the school, please don't hesitate to ask.

Best regards,

Percy Weasley

Dear Harry,

We hope this letter finds you well and settling into the magical world. We're Fred and George Weasley, a couple of troublemakers in training over here at Hogwarts. You might have heard of us, but if not, don't worry – we're sure to make an impression soon enough.

First things first, welcome to the wizarding world! It's a wild ride, full of magic and mischief, and we're thrilled to have you along for it. We're in our second year at Hogwarts, and let us tell you, things only get more exciting from here.

We're not sure if you've heard yet, but we've got big plans for the future. We're working on starting our own joke shop, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, and we've got some seriously epic pranks in the works. It's going to be legendary, and we'd love for you to be a part of it.

But enough about us – we want to hear all about you! We read about your situation in the Daily Prophet, and we just wanted to reach out and offer our support. Being the Boy Who Lived comes with its own set of challenges, but we want you to know that you're not alone. Hogwarts is full of great people who've got your back, including us!

We'd love to meet you in person and show you around Hogwarts. There's so much to see and do here, from exploring secret passages to cheering on our Quidditch team. Plus, we're always up for a good prank (or five), so you'll fit right in with us.

Anyway, we'll wrap this up before it turns into an essay. Just know that if you ever need a laugh, a friend, or just someone to talk to, we're here for you. Hogwarts is going to be a blast with you around, Harry!

Looking forward to meeting you,

Fred and George Weasley

As he read through Ginny's sweet, enthusiastic message, Ron's friendly note, Percy's formal yet supportive words, and Fred and George's mischievous yet heartfelt letter, Harry felt a warmth spreading through his chest. For the first time, he truly felt like he was being welcomed into a family.

Ginny's innocent excitement and eagerness to play Quidditch together made Harry smile. Ron's genuine offer of friendship and the possibility of sharing a dormitory at Hogwarts filled him with hope. Percy's promise of guidance and support reassured him, and Fred and George's hilarious letter made him laugh out loud. Their plan to start a joke shop and their promise of fun-filled adventures at Hogwarts gave Harry something to look forward to.

Harry marveled at the thought of having friends who were genuinely excited to meet him, who wanted to include him in their lives and adventures. For the first time in his life, Harry Potter felt truly hopeful about the future. He couldn't wait to meet the Weasleys and start his new life in the magical world, surrounded by friends and the promise of a better, brighter tomorrow.

Harry picked up Luna Lovegood's letter next, intrigued by the colorful drawings of fantastical creatures that adorned the edges of the parchment. He began to read, smiling at the whimsical handwriting that reflected the writer's unique personality.

Dear Harry,

Hello! My name is Luna Lovegood, and I wanted to welcome you to the magical world. My father, Xenophilius, and I live near Ottery St Catchpole. We publish "The Quibbler", a magazine about magical creatures and other interesting things that most people don't know about.

I know that you might find some of our beliefs unusual, but that's okay. I believe that everyone should keep an open mind and explore the wonders of the world around them. My father always says that there's magic in every corner if you only know where to look.

I heard that you've been through a lot living with Muggles, and I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for everything you've had to endure. You are much stronger than you realize, Harry. My mother, Pandora, always told me that strength isn't just about facing the darkness but also about finding the light in the most unexpected places. She conducts all sorts of experiments to create new spells and discover hidden truths.

If you ever feel lonely or need a friend, remember that there are people who care about you, like my best friend Ginny Weasley and me. I can't wait to meet you at Hogwarts and show you all the magical creatures and hidden nooks of the castle. Maybe we can even search for Crumple-Horned Snorkacks together!

Take care, Harry, and keep believing in the extraordinary.

With warm wishes,

Luna Lovegood

Harry felt a deep sense of comfort and connection as he read Luna's letter. Her kind words and open-hearted nature made him feel less alone in this new world. He carefully folded Luna's letter, placing it alongside the others, grateful for the newfound friendships and the promise of a brighter future filled with magic and wonder.

Harry unfolded the next letter and saw the name "Nymphadora Tonks" at the bottom, written in a playful, loopy script. He read eagerly, curious to know more about this person.

Hey Harry,

First off, welcome to the wizarding world! My name is Nymphadora Tonks, but please, just call me Tonks. I'm in my sixth year at Hogwarts, and I'm a Hufflepuff. 

I was really excited to hear about you coming into our world, and I wanted to reach out. I know you've had a rough time with the Dursleys, and I want you to know that things are going to get so much better. Hogwarts is an amazing place, full of magic and great people. Plus, we have Quidditch, which is just brilliant!

A bit about me—I'm a Metamorphmagus, which means I can change my appearance at will. It's a lot of fun, and it comes in handy for pranks and blending in. I love it. I also have a bit of a rebellious streak (okay, maybe more than a bit), so Hogwarts is always an adventure.

Something else you might find interesting—my mum, Andromeda, is actually Sirius Black's cousin. So, in a roundabout way, we're family! Mum and Sirius were really close before everything went wrong. We all hope that one day, the truth will come out, and Sirius will be free. He's not the monster everyone thinks he is, Harry. He's a good man who's been through a lot.

If you need anything or have any questions about Hogwarts or the magical world in general, just owl me. I'm always up for a chat, and I'd be happy to help you settle in. Plus, if you ever need tips on how to survive Hogwarts, I've got loads of them.

I can't wait to see you around and get to know you better. You've got a lot of people here who care about you, even if you've only just met us.

Stay strong and keep your chin up!


Tonks (Nymphadora, if you must)

Harry grinned at Tonks' lively and encouraging letter. The thought of having family he didn't know about, and the idea of meeting someone as fun and supportive as Tonks, filled him with warmth and excitement. He carefully placed her letter with the others, feeling his heart lift with the knowledge that he had allies and friends waiting for him in this new, magical world.

Harry picked up the letter from Neville Longbottom, curious about what his fellow future Hogwarts student had to say. As he unfolded the parchment, he noticed the neat handwriting and began to read.


Dear Harry,

My name is Neville Longbottom. I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to introduce myself and share something very special with you. My parents, Frank and Alice Longbottom, were Aurors during the war against Voldemort. They were brave and kind, much like your own parents.

There's something else that connects us, though. Your mother, Lily Potter, was my godmother. My grandmother told me stories about her, how she was an incredibly talented witch and a loving friend. She said she was always there for me when I was a baby, and I like to think she watched over me even after she was gone.

I live with my gran now, and she always speaks highly of your parents. I wish we could have grown up knowing each other better, but I'm glad that we'll be going to Hogwarts together next year. Maybe we can get to know each other and share stories about our families.

I hope you're settling in well with your new guardians. If you ever need anything or just want to talk, I'm here.

Looking forward to meeting you in person.

Your friend,

Neville Longbottom

Harry felt a surge of warmth and connection as he read Neville's letter. Knowing that his mother had been Neville's godmother and had watched over him as a baby filled him with a sense of pride and a deeper bond with the magical world he was now a part of. He carefully folded Neville's letter and placed it alongside the others, feeling more connected to his peers and his past than ever before.

Harry picked up a letter written by a girl named Hannah Abbott, intrigued by the address written on the envelope. As he read it, a warm sense of familiarity and curiosity grew inside him.

Dear Harry,

I'm Hannah Abbott. I'm so happy to hear that you're with my best friend Susan and her aunt. I can't wait to meet you in person! Did you know that I live in Godric's Hollow? It's where your parents lived, and where you would have grown up. We would have been neighbors! I often think about how different things could have been. I hope we can talk about it more when we meet.

Warm regards,


Harry's eyes widened as he read the part about Godric's Hollow. The idea of having grown up in such a place, with Hannah as a neighbor, painted vivid pictures in his mind. He imagined playing in the streets, sharing secrets, and celebrating birthdays together. The thought filled him with a bittersweet longing for what could have been.

With a mixture of excitement and nostalgia, Harry carefully folded Hannah's letter and placed it with the others. He couldn't wait to ask her more about Godric's Hollow and learn about the place where his parents had once lived. For now, he was grateful for the connections he was making and the friends who were eager to welcome him into their world.


The last letter was from someone with a more elegant handwriting. It was written by a French witch named Fleur Delacour.

Harry unfolded the letter, curious to learn about the girl who had taken the time to write to him. As he read, he was surprised by the personal connection she revealed.


Dear Harry,

My name is Fleur Delacour, and I attend Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. I wanted to reach out and introduce myself. My father, Jacques Delacour, is currently the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement for the French Ministry of Magic. He knew your father very well, as they were Aurors serving their respective countries during the war. My father often spoke highly of James Potter and considered him a brave and honorable man.

I also have a little sister named Gabrielle, who is your age. She has a massive crush on you and dreams of being Mrs. Gabrielle Potter someday. She talks about you all the time and is very excited that you are part of our world again.

I hope we can meet in person someday. Until then, take care and know that you have friends here in France who support you.

Best wishes,

Fleur Delacour

Harry smiled as he read about Gabrielle's crush, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and amusement. He couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to meet Fleur and her family, especially knowing that her father had been friends with his own. The idea of such connections spanning across countries and generations made him feel a deeper sense of belonging to the magical world.

With a thoughtful expression, Harry carefully folded Fleur's letter and added it to his growing collection. He felt grateful for these newfound connections and looked forward to the day he could meet these new friends in person.

Harry leaned back in his chair, a smile spreading across his face. Each letter brought him closer to the magical world he was becoming a part of, and he felt a sense of excitement and hope for the future. He was not alone anymore, and he had friends waiting to meet him.

In a holding cell at the Ministry of Magic, Sirius Black sat on the edge of a narrow cot, his mind a whirl of memories and emotions. The past eight and a half years in Azkaban had been a relentless torment, but now, for the first time in what felt like forever, there was a glimmer of hope. An Auror had handed him a copy of the Daily Prophet, and as he read the headline, his heart pounded in his chest.


Sirius's eyes widened as he scanned the article. The news of Harry being taken away from the Dursleys and placed under the guardianship of Amelia Bones filled him with a mixture of relief and gratitude. Amelia. Just the thought of her name brought back a flood of memories—memories of a time before everything went wrong, before he was falsely accused and imprisoned.

Amelia Bones, the no-nonsense head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, had been more than just a colleague; she had been someone special. They had dated, sharing moments of laughter and warmth that seemed like a distant dream now. Sirius could still remember her sharp wit, her unwavering sense of justice, and the kindness she had shown him. Despite the darkness of his current situation, knowing that Harry was with her brought a sense of comfort.

As he read further, Sirius felt a surge of determination. He needed to reach out to Amelia, to tell her the truth about what had happened all those years ago. He had been framed by Peter Pettigrew, and his time in Azkaban had been a cruel punishment for a crime he didn't commit. If anyone could help him, it was Amelia. She would listen, she would believe him, and she would help him clear his name.

Sirius looked up from the newspaper, his mind racing with thoughts of how to get in touch with her. He knew that with her on his side, they could bring down the web of lies that had ensnared him. He longed to be free, to protect Harry, and to rekindle the relationship that had been so abruptly torn apart.

Just then, the door to his cell opened, and an Auror stepped inside. Sirius's heart leaped with hope. "Black, you've got a visitor," the Auror said gruffly.

Sirius stood up, his legs trembling slightly from anticipation. "Who is it?" he asked, his voice hoarse from disuse.

"Amelia Bones," the Auror replied, a note of respect in his tone. "She's here to speak with you."

Sirius felt a wave of emotions crash over him—hope, relief, and a renewed sense of purpose. He took a deep breath, steadying himself. This was his chance to tell her everything, to finally have someone believe in his innocence. As he followed the Auror out of the cell and down the dimly lit corridor, his thoughts turned to Harry. He vowed to do everything in his power to protect his godson and to reunite with him.

The door to the meeting room loomed ahead, and with each step, Sirius's resolve grew stronger. He would fight for his freedom, for Harry's safety, and for a chance to reclaim the life that had been stolen from him. And with Amelia by his side, he knew they could overcome any obstacle.

As he entered the room, the sight of Amelia Bones waiting for him filled him with a sense of hope he hadn't felt in years. This was the beginning of a new chapter, one that he was determined to see through to the end.


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