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50% The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction / Chapter 26: Tested by the White Fang

Capítulo 26: Tested by the White Fang

Kaizen and Kakashi wasted no time. They immediately rushed towards Sakumo, engaging in taijutsu.


As Sakumo observed Kaizen and Kakashi during the initial clashes, he couldn't help but be struck by the stark contrast in their approaches. Kakashi, his son, led with swift and precise taijutsu strikes, each movement fluid and well-practiced. Yet, there was a softness to Kakashi's technique, a lack of true killing intent that, while understandable for someone his age, would be a hindrance in a real battle.


'He's technically proficient, but his strikes lack the necessary edge,' Sakumo thought, observing Kakashi's attacks. 'He doesn't yet grasp the reality of battle, the need to commit fully, to strike with the intent to end a fight decisively.'


On the other hand, Kaizen moved with a cold, calculated efficiency that belied his young age. Every movement was deliberate, aimed not just to hit, but to severely wound or kill. It was clear to Sakumo that Kaizen already possessed the mindset and mentality of a seasoned shinobi, an understanding that the ultimate goal in combat was to neutralize the opponent by any means necessary.


'Kaizen's movements are different,' Sakumo reflected. 'He has the mentality of a true shinobi, even at this age. Each step, each strike, is made with the clear intention of taking me down. His understanding of combat is far beyond his years.'


Sakumo felt a pang of concern for Kakashi. 'Kakashi is the same age as Kaizen, but their minds are on completely different levels. My son still sees sparring as practice, while Kaizen approaches it with the seriousness of a real fight. If Kakashi doesn't adapt, doesn't harden his resolve, he might be left behind.'


As he continued to parry and counter their attacks, Sakumo's mind raced with thoughts of how to guide both boys. He knew Kakashi needed to develop a tougher mindset, one that matched his technical skills. Kaizen, meanwhile, needed to balance his lethal efficiency with the understanding that not every situation required such an extreme approach.


'I need to teach Kakashi the importance of intent in his actions,' Sakumo decided. 'And I must ensure that Kaizen learns when to temper his aggression. Both paths are crucial, and both boys have the potential to become exceptional shinobi.'


Sakumo continued to defend against their combined assault for a couple more minutes, carefully observing their techniques. Kakashi's strikes were quick and fluid, but there was a hesitation in his movements, a reluctance to fully commit.


Kaizen's attacks were relentless, exploiting every opening and working to create new ones. He saw Kakashi as a distraction and used him to set up his own more decisive blows.


Once Sakumo decided he had enough information, his eyes narrowed as he shifted to the offensive. With a sudden burst of speed, he intercepted Kakashi's punch with a precise deflection, his arm moving like a blur. Using Kakashi's momentum against him, Sakumo twisted his wrist slightly, redirecting the force and causing Kakashi to stumble forward.


In one fluid motion, Sakumo dropped low, his leg sweeping out in a powerful arc. The sweep connected with Kakashi's ankles causing his legs to be swept out from under him. Kakashi hit the ground hard, the air rushing out of his lungs with a gasp.


Sakumo didn't waste a moment. He pressed his knee against Kakashi's back, pinning him firmly to the ground. With one arm twisted behind his back and the other immobilized, Kakashi was effectively incapacitated.


"Kakashi, you're out," Sakumo declared, his voice calm but firm. He eased off slightly, allowing Kakashi to breathe but maintaining enough pressure to keep him subdued.


Just as Sakumo finished speaking, Kaizen seized the opportunity. With rapid movements, he launched a barrage of shuriken at Sakumo, targeting not only him but also his potential escape routes. The shuriken flew through the air, their sharp edges glinting in the sunlight, creating a deadly net around Sakumo.


Sakumo's keen senses picked up the incoming threat immediately. He released Kakashi and sprang into action. Sakumo's sharp eyes tracked the shuriken as they flew through the air, each one aimed with deadly accuracy.


He drew a kunai and deflected them with remarkable skill, his movements a blur as he maneuvered through the onslaught. Each deflection was met with the familiar clang of metal on metal, a testament to his years of experience and combat mastery.


But Kaizen's strategy was more than just a straightforward attack. As Sakumo focused on the shuriken, Kaizen prepared his next move. Channeling chakra into his muscles, he felt the familiar surge of energy amplify his strength and speed. With a calculated breath, he launched a kunai at an extreme speed, aiming for Sakumo's blind spot.


The kunai cut through the air with a whistle, its speed and trajectory designed to catch even the most vigilant shinobi off guard. Sakumo, in the midst of deflecting another shuriken, sensed the kunai's approach a fraction of a second too late. His eyes widened in surprise as he twisted his body, narrowly avoiding a direct hit. The kunai grazed his shoulder, tearing through fabric and leaving a shallow cut.


Sakumo landed gracefully, his hand instinctively moving to the wound. He glanced at Kaizen, a mixture of admiration and caution in his eyes.


"Impressive, Kaizen," he said, his voice steady despite the sting of the cut. "Your accuracy and strategy are exceptional. You're thinking several steps ahead, which is exactly what makes a true shinobi."


Kaizen remained focused as if he didn't hear a word. His eyes were sharp, and his stance was unyielding. Sakumo couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at the sight. Despite the intense pressure, Kaizen maintained his composure and demonstrated a level of skill and determination that was incredibly rare for someone so young.


Sakumo adjusted his stance while putting the kunai away, ready for the next move. "Show me what else you've got," he said, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.


Kaizen, without a word, pressed his attack on Sakumo, his strikes becoming even more aggressive.


Sakumo parried a series of rapid punches from Kaizen, noting the ferocity behind each one.


'This boy fights like a seasoned warrior,' he thought, impressed.


Kaizen's movements were fluid yet unpredictable, a mix of traditional techniques and unorthodox tactics. When a handful of dirt suddenly flew into his face, Sakumo had to quickly sidestep, blinking away the debris.


"You fight without honor," Sakumo commented, his tone approving rather than reprimanding. "Good."


Kaizen didn't respond verbally, but his eyes glinted with fierce determination. He continued his relentless assault, forcing Sakumo to utilize his superior reaction time to dodge and block.


As they circled each other, the air was tense with anticipation. Kaizen launched himself at Sakumo with a flurry of attacks. Each strike was aimed to break through Sakumo's defenses.


Sakumo deflected and dodged, his movements smooth and calculated. After each strike defended, he countered with swift jabs, hooks, and a variety of kicks, each one meticulously testing Kaizen's defenses.


Through his strikes and observations, Kaizen finally noticed an opening and went for it, aiming a punch at Sakumo's midsection. Sakumo sidestepped and brought his elbow down on Kaizen's arm, redirecting the force. Kaizen spun with the motion, using the momentum to launch a spinning kick. Sakumo blocked the kick with his forearm and countered with a punch aimed at Kaizen's head.


Kaizen ducked just in time, feeling the rush of air as Sakumo's fist passed inches from his face. He followed up with an uppercut, but Sakumo leaned back, avoiding the strike by a hair's breadth. Kaizen pressed on, not giving Sakumo a moment to recover. He threw a series of strikes, forcing Sakumo to retreat a few steps.


Sakumo's eyes glinted with approval as he deflected Kaizen's strikes. "Your technique is impressive, Kaizen. But let's see how you handle this."


With a sudden burst of speed, Sakumo closed the distance and delivered a powerful kick to Kaizen's side. Kaizen barely managed to block it, the impact sending him sliding back.


Sakumo followed up with a barrage of punches, each one precisely placed and powerful. Kaizen blocked and dodged, but the force of Sakumo's attacks was becoming difficult to handle.


Kaizen felt the strain on his muscles, but he refused to back down. He met Sakumo's attacks and countered with equal ferocity, their movements becoming difficult to follow.


Sakumo feinted a punch and aimed a kick at Kaizen's legs. Kaizen saw through the feint and jumped, using the momentum to deliver a spinning kick to Sakumo's shoulder. The kick connected, but Sakumo rolled with the impact, coming back with a low sweep aimed at Kaizen's legs. Kaizen leapt over the sweep and countered with a downward punch.


Sakumo caught Kaizen's fist. With a twist, he threw Kaizen to the ground, but Kaizen rolled with the momentum and sprang back to his feet.


Upon noticing that Sakumo was starting to become comfortable with his speed and strength, Kaizen decided to change tactics.


Drawing from his MMA techniques in his previous life, he launched a series of quick, deceptive jabs to test Sakumo's defense. When Sakumo anticipated another high kick and prepared to sidestep, Kaizen shifted his strategy, aiming to eliminate Sakumo.


He feinted a high kick, causing Sakumo to raise his guard. In that split second, Kaizen channeled chakra into his legs, enhancing his speed and agility. He instantly dropped low and delivered a swift low kick to Sakumo's knee, aiming to cripple him.


As Sakumo instinctively shifted his weight to alleviate the impact on his knee, Kaizen immediately executed a swift spinning wheel kick. He again enhanced his leg with chakra, boosting the speed and power of his rotation.


The spinning wheel kick targeted Sakumo's right temple, a critical point. The strike landed with a resounding impact, propelled by the chakra-infused acceleration. Sakumo was forced to step back, genuinely taken aback by the intensity and skill of the final move.


Sakumo quickly regained his composure, rubbing his temple lightly where the kick had made contact. He looked at Kaizen with a new level of recognition and respect.


His thoughts raced as he assessed Kaizen's performance so far. He was incredibly impressed by Kaizen's strategic mind and advanced chakra control. Enhancing one's physique with chakra was a skill typically learned by shinobi only after they had become chunin. By that time, most ninjas would have honed their chakra control to a level where they could circulate chakra throughout their muscles without risking injury.


'Kaizen's strategic approach is remarkable,' Sakumo thought, replaying the encounter in his mind. 'His ability to feint and switch tactics mid-battle, combined with the precision of his chakra enhancements, is beyond his years.'


He recalled how Kaizen had launched a series of quick jabs setting up for the final, devastating strikes. When Kaizen feinted the high kick and quickly dropped to deliver a low kick to his knee, it had been a masterful display of tactical deception. The spinning wheel kick, enhanced with chakra to increase its speed and power, had been executed perfectly, targeting his temple with lethal precision.


'The way he integrated chakra into his taijutsu was flawless,' Sakumo continued to reflect. 'Most shinobi his age would struggle to control their chakra at all, yet Kaizen performed a more advanced application effortlessly. He has not only demonstrated exceptional physical abilities but also a deep understanding of combat strategy.'


Sakumo rubbed his temple once again where Kaizen's kick had landed, feeling the residual ache. 'This boy is not just talented; he has the mindset and mentality of a seasoned shinobi. He's already thinking several steps ahead, and his chakra control is on par with much older, more experienced ninja. Kakashi, for all his skill, still has a lot to learn about the true nature of combat and the level of control required to be a top-tier shinobi.'


Sakumo's respect for Kaizen grew with each passing moment. 'This boy has the potential to become one of the greatest shinobi of his generation.'


"Very clever, Kaizen," Sakumo acknowledged, a slight grin breaking through his serious demeanor. "Your ability to integrate chakra into your taijutsu is incredible for your age. I clearly underestimated you."


Undeterred by the compliment, Kaizen pondered how to press his advantage. He was fully aware that Sakumo was holding back the vast majority of his strength and speed. Despite this handicap, Kaizen knew that even one mistake could end the fight for him.


As they resumed their combat, both fighters began using chakra to enhance their muscles, increasing their speed and strength to new heights. The air became filled with the sharp crack of their blows.


Although Kaizen practiced against opponents utilizing chakra enhancement during his lucid dreams, he began struggling to keep track of Sakumo's movements the longer the fight progressed.


Despite his best efforts, he began to feel the sting of Sakumo's strikes more frequently. Small injuries started to pile up—bruises on his arms, a cut on his cheek, a sharp pain in his ribs. But none was enough to eliminate him from the fight as he continued with a neutral expression that belied his pain.


Sakumo, while impressed by Kaizen's resilience and skill, was not about to let up. He could see the boy's resolve and knew that this spar would require something special to end it. Sakumo moved with grace, his attacks both fast and powerful, breaking Kaizen's defenses and forcing him to react on instinct.


It didn't take long before Kaizen felt himself nearing his limit, he knew he needed a strategy to turn the tide. He had been carefully observing Sakumo's attack patterns as much as he was able to see, searching for a momentary lapse or an opening he could exploit.


As the battle appeared to be coming to an inevitable close, Kaizen's mind raced through possible strategies. He quickly discarded several options, aware that Sakumo's skill and experience would easily counter them. Instead, he devised a plan that relied on exploiting Sakumo's expectations.


Kaizen began by deliberately showing signs of fatigue, allowing his breathing to become labored and his stance to weaken slightly. This subtle deception was designed to lure Sakumo into thinking he had the upper hand. Kaizen knew that Sakumo would not miss an opportunity to end the fight decisively if he believed his opponent was vulnerable.


As anticipated, Sakumo surged forward, aiming to deliver the final blow. Kaizen's eyes sharpened with focus, his mind clear and resolute. He funneled his remaining chakra into his legs.


At the critical moment, Kaizen executed a flawlessly timed sidestep, pivoting smoothly on his heel dodging Sakumo's attack. In the same fluid motion, he channeled chakra into his arm as he drew a hidden kunai with frightening speed. Utilizing his enhanced agility, he slashed upward in a controlled arc, aiming for Sakumo's neck.


However, Sakumo's instincts and experience kicked in immediately. As Kaizen sidestepped his attack, Sakumo twisted his body, redirecting his momentum. With a rapid adjustment, Sakumo's fist came from a different angle, aiming to counter Kaizen's movement.


The two attacks connected almost simultaneously—Kaizen's kunai leaving a shallow cut on Sakumo's neck just as Sakumo's fist struck Kaizen's midsection.


The force of the blow sent Kaizen flying backward, crashing to the ground. Despite the searing pain in his abdomen, Kaizen managed to steady his breath. His eyes focused on Sakumo, who stood with a shallow cut on his neck—a testament to Kaizen's tactical brilliance.


The cut was not deep enough to cause significant harm, but it was a clear indication of Kaizen's calculated strike. He had not only lasted against a vastly more experienced and powerful opponent but had also managed to land strikes of his own, demonstrating his exceptional combat skills.


Sakumo straightened, touching the wound on his neck with a look of genuine surprise. He looked down at Kaizen, who was struggling to get back on his feet, and nodded with approval. "Well done, Kaizen. You've proven your skill and your resolve today."


Kaizen, breathing heavily, managed a weak smile.


"Thank you Sakumo," Kaizen managed to say between gasps for breath.


"But it doesn't matter as I would have died in a real battle." Kaizen concluded with that same smile.


Sakumo began to chuckle at Kaizen's words, which then developed into a deep genuine laugh that echoed throughout the training ground.


"You're right, Kaizen. But remember, the true mark of a shinobi is not just surviving—it's learning from each battle and growing stronger. And you've shown today that you have the potential to become a very formidable ninja."


He then turned to Kakashi, who had been watching the exchange with wide eyes. "Kakashi, go get one of the clan's medics to come and assess Kaizen's injuries," Sakumo instructed.


Kakashi nodded, his usual stoic demeanor replaced by a mixture of awe and concern as he dashed off.


As Kakashi disappeared from view, Sakumo walked closer to Kaizen, who was now sitting on the ground, trying to regulate his breathing. Sakumo knelt down, his expression serious yet filled with respect.


"Kaizen, I have something I'd like to ask you."

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