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84.61% Jaehaerys Targaryen: The Dragon Mage / Chapter 20: Chapter 19

Capítulo 20: Chapter 19

As the four dragons landed on the Targaryen-occupied coast of Bloodstone, the ground trembled beneath their powerful weight. The dragons' wings folded majestically as their riders began to disembark, their expressions resolute and filled with purpose.

Jaehaerys was the first to slide down from Gaelithox's back, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a keen, strategic focus. His dark hair whipped in the wind as he turned to greet the gathered commanders.

Rhaenys, with her regal bearing, gracefully descended from Meleys, the Red Queen. Her presence commanded respect, her piercing gaze assessing the situation with a warrior's intuition.

Rhaenyra, her golden hair glinting in the sunlight, dismounted from Syrax. Her face showed a blend of determination and concern, aware of the significance of their mission. She was accompanied by Lyra Mormont, who stood by her side, her muscular frame exuding strength and readiness.

Laena, with her usual poise, disembarked from Vhagar. Her expression was fierce and unwavering, mirroring the determination of her dragon. Sarya Stone, with her steely resolve and sharp eyes, followed closely, her demeanor signaling that she was prepared for whatever lay ahead.

Daemon and Corlys stepped forward to greet them, their relief palpable. The presence of the dragons and their riders was a significant boost to their morale.

"Jaehaerys," Daemon called out, his voice filled with both relief and anticipation. "Your timing is impeccable."

Jaehaerys nodded, his gaze shifting to the assembled forces. "We came as soon as we could. What's the situation?"

Corlys stepped forward, his face etched with the strain of recent battles. "The Triarchy forces are hiding in the caves beneath Bloodstone. We've tried flushing them out, but they've proven elusive."

Jaehaerys frowned thoughtfully. "Caves, you say? We'll need to coordinate a strategy to drive them out. The dragons will be crucial in blocking their escape routes and creating chaos."

Rhaenys spoke up, her voice steady. "We'll need to combine our efforts, both in the air and on the ground. We can use the dragons to seal off the entrances and force them into the open."

Rhaenyra and Laena exchanged determined glances. "We're ready," Rhaenyra said firmly. "Whatever it takes to bring them down."

Lyra Mormont and Sarya Stone stood ready, their weapons at their sides, prepared to assist their lieges in any capacity.

Daemon's eyes gleamed with a newfound sense of purpose. "Then let's move quickly. Every moment we delay gives them a chance to regroup."

The commanders swiftly began to coordinate their attack, the dragons and their riders playing a pivotal role in the upcoming assault. As the preparations were made, the combined forces of the Targaryen fleet and their dragon allies stood ready to face the hidden enemy, their resolve unshakable and their spirits high. The battle for Bloodstone was about to reach its critical climax, with the fate of the realm hanging in the balance.

Daemon and Corlys hurried to inform Jaehaerys of the situation in detail, laying out the intelligence they had gathered about the Triarchy forces hiding in the caves beneath Bloodstone. As they spoke, Jaehaerys listened intently, his mind already working on a plan.

When they finished, Jaehaerys's eyes gleamed with a mixture of determination and something darker. He rose from his seat, pacing the room for a moment before turning to face Daemon and Corlys.

"I have a plan," Jaehaerys said, his voice steady. "But it is one that requires utmost secrecy. I cannot reveal it to anyone, not even to you, my closest allies."

Daemon frowned, clearly puzzled. "Why the secrecy, brother? We need to work together if we're to succeed."

Jaehaerys shook his head. "Trust me, Daemon. This is a method that must remain hidden for now. I promise you, it will be effective."

Corlys, sensing the gravity of Jaehaerys's words, nodded reluctantly. "Very well, Prince Jaehaerys. We trust your judgment. What do you need from us?"

"Prepare our forces," Jaehaerys instructed. "Ensure that we have the perimeter of the caves secured. No one gets in or out without our say-so. Leave the rest to me."

With that, Jaehaerys left the room, his expression resolute. He knew the risks involved in his plan, but the potential reward was too great to ignore. As he walked towards his chambers, he recalled the ancient, forbidden magic he had once studied in secret. Fiendfyre – a magical fire of immense power and destruction, capable of consuming everything in its path.

Later that night, under the cover of darkness, Jaehaerys made his way to the entrance of the caves, accompanied by a small, trusted detachment of guards. He stood at the mouth of the cave, the cold night air biting at his skin.

Taking a deep breath, he spoke a single word, his voice low and filled with power.


A spark of flame appeared in his hand, growing rapidly into a roaring inferno. The Fiendfyre writhed and twisted like a living beast, its flames hungry and insatiable. With a final, powerful flourish of his hand, Jaehaerys unleashed the Fiendfyre into the depths of the cave.

The magical fire surged forward, filling the cavernous tunnels with its destructive force. The Triarchy forces within had no time to react; the Fiendfyre consumed everything in its path, leaving nothing but ashes and charred remains.

From the safety of their perimeter, Daemon and Corlys watched as the entrance of the cave glowed with an eerie, otherworldly light. The ground trembled, and the air was filled with the sound of crackling flames and distant screams.

When the Fiendfyre finally subsided, the cave system was silent, the threat of the Triarchy forces within effectively neutralized. Jaehaerys, his face pale and drawn from the exertion, returned to his allies.

"It is done," he said simply, his voice tinged with exhaustion. "The caves are no longer a threat."

Daemon and Corlys exchanged a glance, a mixture of awe and concern in their eyes. They knew better than to press Jaehaerys for details, understanding that some secrets were best left untold.

As the dawn broke over Bloodstone, the Targaryen forces prepared to move forward, their path to victory now clear thanks to Jaehaerys's bold and secretive plan.

An exhausted Jaehaerys staggered back to his tent, his body weary from the immense exertion of casting the Fiendfyre. As he collapsed onto his cot, his mind buzzed with the aftermath of the powerful magic he had unleashed. Outside, the Targaryen forces remained vigilant, keeping watch for any Triarchy survivors attempting to escape the inferno within the caves. The heat emanating from the cave entrance was still too intense for anyone to venture inside.

Meanwhile, in a nearby command tent, Daemon, Corlys, Garth, and Vaelar gathered around a table laden with wine. The atmosphere was tense yet filled with an undercurrent of awe. They poured themselves goblets of the rich red liquid, their minds still reeling from the spectacle they had witnessed.

Daemon was the first to speak, his voice carrying a mixture of pride and concern. "I've seen Jaehaerys perform magic before, but nothing like this. Fiendfyre... it's beyond dangerous. It's incredible and terrifying."

Garth, who had also witnessed Jaehaerys's earlier feats, nodded in agreement. "Aye, he always had a talent, but this... this is something else entirely. The sheer power it took to control that fire..."

Corlys took a sip of his wine, his gaze thoughtful. "It was necessary. The Triarchy had to be dealt with swiftly and decisively. Jaehaerys knew what was at stake. But I can't help but worry about the toll it takes on him."

Vaelar, who had fought alongside Jaehaerys in Essos, leaned back in his chair, a wry smile playing on his lips. "You think this is the first time I've seen him do something like this? Fighting slavers in Essos, we encountered situations where only such extreme measures could turn the tide. Jaehaerys's magic is a weapon, one he wields with precision and a heavy heart."

Daemon frowned, swirling the wine in his goblet. "He takes on too much, feels the weight of every life lost and every decision made. I fear it will consume him one day."

Corlys placed a reassuring hand on Daemon's shoulder. "We must support him, ensure he knows he doesn't bear this burden alone. Our strength lies in our unity, in standing by each other through the darkest times."

Garth raised his goblet. "To Jaehaerys, and to the victory his courage and power have brought us. May we always stand strong together."

The others echoed the toast, their goblets clinking in a solemn yet determined chorus. They drank deeply, each man lost in his own thoughts about the future and the role they would play in supporting their prince.

Vaelar set down his goblet, his expression serious. "Remember, the fire he unleashed in those caves is just a glimpse of what he's capable of. As his allies and friends, we must be ready to help him bear the burden of such power. It is not an easy path he walks, but together, we can ensure it leads to the peace and prosperity we all seek."

The others nodded in agreement, their resolve strengthened. As the night wore on, they continued their discussions, strategizing for the battles to come and solidifying the bonds of trust and loyalty that would see them through the trials ahead. Outside, the cave still smoldered, a testament to the devastating force Jaehaerys had unleashed to protect his people and secure their victory.

Meanwhile, in another tent, Rhaenyra and Laena gathered with the other women to discuss the recent events. The tent was filled with a mixture of tension and curiosity, each woman bringing her unique perspective to the conversation.

Rhaenyra sat beside Laena, her brow furrowed in thought. "I can't believe Jaehaerys didn't share his plan with us," she began, her voice tinged with frustration. "What could be so secretive that even we couldn't be trusted with it?"

Laena nodded in agreement. "It's unsettling, but I trust him. He wouldn't keep us in the dark unless it was absolutely necessary."

Rhaenys, Laena's mother and a seasoned warrior herself, leaned forward. "Jaehaerys is wise beyond his years. He must have had a good reason. We need to trust in his judgment, even if it feels difficult."

Rhea, Daemon's wife and the Lady of Runestone, added her perspective. "Whatever it was, it worked. The threat has been neutralized, and our path is clearer. But I share your concern, Rhaenyra. Secrecy can be dangerous, even among allies."

Myrcella, known for her keen intellect and skill with a bow, spoke up next. "Perhaps it was a matter of necessity. If the Triarchy had gotten wind of our plans, it could have been disastrous. Sometimes, secrecy is the best weapon we have."

Lyra Mormont, the Lady Commander of the Scarlet Shadows and Rhaenyra's personal Sworn Shield, nodded in agreement. "Prince Jaehaerys is a formidable leader. We need to support his decisions and remain vigilant. Our duty is to protect you, Rhaenyra, and ensure the safety of the realm."

Sarya Stone, the second in command of the Scarlet Shadows and Laena's future Sworn Shield, added, "We must also be prepared for any eventuality. The war is far from over, and we need to stay united."

Rhaenyra sighed, feeling a bit of the tension ease as she listened to the wisdom of the women around her. "You're right. We must trust in Jaehaerys and remain focused on our duties. Together, we are strong."

Laena reached out and squeezed Rhaenyra's hand. "We'll get through this, Rhaenyra. We're all in this together."

The women exchanged determined looks, their resolve strengthened by their shared commitment to the Targaryen cause. As they continued their discussion, they knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them united, with unwavering loyalty and strength.

In the aftermath of the Fiendfyre attack, Jaehaerys retreated to his tent, feeling the weight of magical exhaustion pressing heavily upon him. Hours had passed since he had unleashed the destructive spell, and the toll on his body and mind was profound.

Inside the tent, he sank into a chair, his breathing labored. His skin was pallid, and beads of sweat dotted his forehead. He closed his eyes, trying to regain some semblance of strength. The energy drain was immense, and he knew it would take time to recover fully.

The tent flap rustled, and Rhaenyra entered quietly, accompanied by Laena. They had been informed of his condition and came to check on him. Seeing him so weakened, their hearts ached with concern.

"Jaehaerys," Rhaenyra said softly, approaching his side. "You look exhausted. Are you alright?"

He opened his eyes and gave her a tired smile. "I'll be fine, Rhaenyra. Just need some rest. The spell took more out of me than I anticipated."

Laena stepped forward, her expression mirroring Rhaenyra's worry. "You shouldn't push yourself so hard. We need you at your best, especially now."

"I know," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "But it was necessary. The Triarchy would have posed a greater threat if we hadn't dealt with them decisively."

Rhaenyra knelt beside him, her eyes filled with worry. "Just promise me you'll take it easy for a while. We can't afford to lose you."

"I promise," Jaehaerys said, his grip on her hand firm despite his exhaustion. "I won't take any unnecessary risks."

Laena placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Rest now, Jaehaerys. We'll handle things until you're back on your feet."

As they sat together, a sense of calm washed over him. The presence of Rhaenyra and Laena, with their unwavering support and love, was a balm to his weary soul. He leaned back, closing his eyes again, allowing himself to rest.

Outside the tent, the camp buzzed with activity. The Targaryen forces were preparing for the next phase of their campaign, emboldened by their recent success. Daemon and Corlys, ever the vigilant commanders, ensured that every detail was attended to, their focus unwavering.

But within the tent, for a brief moment, Jaehaerys allowed himself the luxury of peace.

Meanwhile, Daemon and Corlys, accompanied by Vaelar, Garth, and Laenor, sifted through the charred remains of the Triarchy soldiers being pulled out of the cave. The air was thick with the acrid smell of burnt flesh, and the ground was littered with the blackened bodies of those who had perished in the inferno unleashed by Jaehaerys.

Daemon's eyes were sharp and focused as he inspected each corpse, looking for any sign that Cragas Drahar, the Myrish prince-admiral, was among the dead. "We need to confirm his death," Daemon said, his voice grim. "If Drahar is gone, it will signify the end of this war."

Corlys nodded in agreement, his expression equally stern. "The Triarchy won't stand without him. This is our best chance to bring lasting peace to the Stepstones."

Vaelar, his face a mask of determination, methodically examined each body. "We must be thorough. Drahar is cunning. If he's still alive, he could regroup and strike back."

Garth and Laenor worked alongside them, their expressions reflecting the gravity of the task. Laenor, still young and eager to prove himself, was particularly diligent, carefully turning over each body and checking for any distinguishing features.

As they continued their grim search, the silence was punctuated only by the crackling of cooling embers and the occasional murmur of soldiers assisting in the task. The weight of the moment hung heavily over them, each man understanding the significance of finding Drahar's body.

Hours passed, and the pile of bodies they had examined grew larger. Frustration began to creep into their minds, but they pushed it aside, knowing that they could not afford to be careless. The fate of the realm depended on their thoroughness.

Finally, as the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows over the battlefield, Vaelar stopped abruptly. He motioned for the others to gather around. "This one," he said, pointing to a particularly charred corpse with distinctive armor that had managed to partially survive the flames. "The armor matches the descriptions of Drahar's personal guard."

Daemon crouched down, examining the remains closely. He nodded slowly, recognizing the symbols and craftsmanship that marked the armor as belonging to the Triarchy's prince-admiral. "It appears we've found him," Daemon said, standing up and looking at the others.

Corlys let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "This is it, then. We've won."

Laenor, eyes wide with a mix of relief and triumph, glanced at Daemon. "What now, Cousin?"

Daemon's gaze was steely. "Now, we ensure the realm knows of our victory. We bring this news back to the king and prepare for the peace we've fought so hard to achieve."

As they prepared to leave the scene, the weight of their victory settled upon them. The war that had raged across the Stepstones was drawing to a close, and the future of the realm looked brighter for their efforts.

Word of the Targaryen victory at the Stepstones spread swiftly, carried by raven and ship to King's Landing. The city buzzed with excitement and relief as the news reached its inhabitants, bringing a long-awaited sense of peace and triumph to the capital.

In the Red Keep, King Viserys sat in the small council room with his advisors when a messenger burst into the chamber, breathless and exhilarated. "Your Grace," the messenger announced, bowing deeply. "We have received word from the Stepstones. The Triarchy has been defeated. Cragas Drahar is dead, and our forces are victorious."

A murmur of astonished delight rippled through the room. Viserys stood, his face lighting up with a mixture of relief and pride. "This is excellent news," he declared, his voice resonating with joy. "Summon the court. We must celebrate this victory and honor those who have fought so valiantly."

The court assembled quickly, nobles and courtiers eager to hear the details of the triumph. Viserys addressed them, his eyes shining with pride. "Our brave warriors, led by Prince Jaehaerys Prince Daemon, Lord Corlys Velaryon, have secured a decisive victory in the Stepstones. The Triarchy is no more, and the realm is safe once more."

Applause and cheers erupted in the hall, echoing off the walls of the Great Hall. The people of King's Landing had endured years of uncertainty and war, and this victory heralded a new era of peace and stability.

Lady Alicent, the soon-to-be Queen stood nearby, her expression carefully composed, though a flicker of unease crossed her face. The Targaryen victory meant that the balance of power within the realm was shifting, and she knew that her father, Otto Hightower, would be considering the implications.

As the court celebrated, plans were quickly made to honor the returning heroes. Preparations for feasts and tournaments began in earnest, and the streets of King's Landing buzzed with the excitement of impending festivities.

In the days that followed, banners were hung, and the city was adorned in the Targaryen colors. The populace eagerly awaited the return of their victorious warriors, ready to celebrate the hard-won peace that had been secured through their bravery and sacrifice.


Otto Hightower had received the news of the victory in the Stepstones with a mixed sense of relief and concern. He knew that the end of the war would bring stability to the realm, something he had long advocated for. However, the increased power and influence of the Targaryens, particularly Jaehaerys, posed a new challenge to his carefully laid plans.

Otto paced his chambers, his mind racing. He knew he needed to adjust his strategies to account for the newfound strength of the Targaryen dynasty. The Targaryens' victory would likely bolster their popularity among the lords and smallfolk, making it even harder to challenge their authority.

His daughter's impending marriage to King Viserys was a key part of his strategy, but Otto understood that it was not enough on its own. He needed to find a way to ensure that his influence remained strong and that the Targaryens did not grow too powerful. As he pondered his next move, a knock at the door interrupted his thoughts.

"Come in," Otto called, straightening his posture.

A trusted advisor entered, bowing respectfully. "Lord Hand, the news of the victory has spread throughout the city. The people are celebrating, and the court is abuzz with talk of the Targaryens' success."

Otto nodded, his mind already working on how to spin the situation to his advantage. "Thank you. Ensure that the celebrations do not get out of hand. We must maintain order."

The advisor bowed again and left, leaving Otto alone with his thoughts. He knew he needed to act swiftly and decisively. The Targaryen victory was a double-edged sword, one that could either strengthen his position or cut it down entirely. He resolved to strengthen his alliances and find new ways to exert his influence over the court and the king.

As he looked out the window at the bustling city below, Otto Hightower knew that the coming days would be critical. The Targaryens' victory had changed the game, but he was determined to ensure that he would remain a key player in the ever-shifting power dynamics of the realm.


Back at Bloodstone, Jaehaerys and Corlys gathered in the command tent, a large map of the Stepstones spread out before them. The sense of victory was palpable, but there was still much to discuss and plan for the future stability of the region.

Jaehaerys, still pale from his exertion, traced his fingers over the map. "With the Triarchy defeated, we need to ensure our control over the Stepstones. This region has been a thorn in the side of the realm for too long."

Corlys nodded, his eyes scanning the map thoughtfully. "I agree. We need a strong presence here, something more permanent to enforce our rule and protect our interests."

Jaehaerys looked up at Corlys, a determined gleam in his eyes. "We should build a keep here at Bloodstone. Use the spoils of this campaign to fund its construction. This keep will be the seat of my firstborn son with Laena. He will be the Lord Paramount of the Narrow Sea, ruling over the islands of the Stepstones, as well as Lys, Myr, and Tyrosh."

Corlys's face lit up with pride. "A wise decision. The Narrow Sea is a vital region, and having a strong, loyal lord to govern it will ensure its stability. Your son will have the support of House Velaryon and the might of the Targaryen dragons."

Jaehaerys smiled, appreciating the support. "Together, we can make this region prosper. The keep will not only be a fortress but a symbol of our enduring power and the unity between our houses."

Corlys leaned over the map, pointing to potential locations for the keep. "We should build it on the highest point of the island, with a clear view of the surrounding waters. It will serve as a deterrent to any who might think to challenge our rule."

Jaehaerys nodded in agreement. "Agreed. We'll start the construction immediately. We'll also need to establish a garrison and fortify the surrounding islands to protect against future threats."

Corlys added, "I'll see to it that the Velaryon fleet patrols these waters regularly. No enemy will dare to cross us again."

The two men continued to discuss the details, their plans forming a comprehensive strategy for the future. The construction of the keep and the establishment of a new lordship would ensure the Targaryen and Velaryon dominance over the Narrow Sea, bringing peace and prosperity to the region.

"First, we need to secure the highest point on Bloodstone for the keep," Jaehaerys stated, pointing to a prominent hill on the map. "Its position will allow us to monitor all naval movements and provide an imposing presence to any potential threats."

Corlys nodded, studying the map intently. "It will need to be well-fortified. Thick walls, strong gates, and ample provisions to withstand a siege. We'll also need to ensure there's enough space for a significant garrison."

Jaehaerys considered this. "We'll enlist the finest stonemasons and builders from the conquered cities and across Westeros. The keep must not only be defensible but also a symbol of our power and unity."

"We should include a grand hall," Corlys suggested. "A place where your son can hold court, hear petitions, and host allies. It will be a center of governance as well as a fortress."

Jaehaerys agreed. "Yes, and we'll need to incorporate a harbor at the base of the hill, with docks capable of hosting the largest of ships. This will ensure swift movement of troops and supplies."

Corlys leaned in closer to the map, his finger tracing routes across the islands. "We'll establish smaller fortifications on the other islands. Each will serve as an outpost, ensuring no corner of the Stepstones is left unguarded."

Jaehaerys added, "And we'll station loyal troops in each outpost, with dragons patrolling the skies regularly. The presence of our dragons alone will deter most threats."

"I'll see to it that the Velaryon fleet maintains constant vigilance," Corlys said. "With our ships and your dragons, we will have unmatched control over these waters."

As they continued to flesh out their plans, they also discussed the integration of the newly conquered cities into their fold. "I have already appointed trusted generals from the Dragon Legion as governors in Lys, Myr, and Tyrosh," Jaehaerys said. "Their leadership will ensure a smooth transition and maintain order."

Corlys agreed. "These cities will become vital parts of our realm, contributing to its wealth and strength. We'll establish trade routes and promote economic growth, binding them to our cause."

Jaehaerys's eyes gleamed with determination. "We'll create a realm where peace and prosperity are the norm, not the exception. A realm where our legacy will endure for generations."

As they wrapped up their meeting, the sense of a new beginning was palpable. The war had tested their mettle, but it had also forged a stronger, more unified front. With their combined efforts, the Targaryens and Velaryons were poised to usher in an era of unprecedented stability and growth in the Stepstones and beyond.


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