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70.27% "Jujutsu Kaisen: The Cursed Lightning" / Chapter 26: The Titans of Shibuya

Capítulo 26: The Titans of Shibuya

Sukuna lunged at Mahoraga, his fist connecting with the shikigami's chest in a devastating blow that sent it hurtling towards a nearby building. As the creature crashed through the concrete and steel, Hiro's mind raced with questions. Why was Sukuna so interested in Megumi? He had even gone so far as to heal the young sorcerer's wounds. Could it be that he wanted to dominate Mahoraga? But for what purpose?

Hiro, his body crackling with electricity, muttered to himself, "Regardless, I have to stop him." With a powerful leap, he landed on the rooftop where Sukuna and Mahoraga were engaged in their fierce battle.

Sukuna, his eyes glinting with malice, unleashed a barrage of cursed cuts, their deadly edges slicing through the air with a sickening hiss. Mahoraga absorbed the attacks, its body adapting and evolving with each strike, while Hiro's magnetic shield repelled the cuts with a crackle of energy.

Sukuna, his lips curving into a wicked grin, said, "Interesting."

Hiro, seizing the opportunity, launched himself at Sukuna, his fist aimed at the cursed spirit's face. But Sukuna, his reflexes honed by centuries of battle, effortlessly dodged the blow. Undeterred, Hiro followed up with a spinning kick, his leg cutting through the air with blinding speed.

Sukuna ducked beneath the attack, his own cursed technique flashing out in retaliation. But once again, Hiro's shield proved its worth, deflecting the cut with a hiss of energy.

Mahoraga, not to be forgotten, lashed out at Sukuna, its blade seeking to cleave the cursed spirit in two. Sukuna, his movements a blur, managed to evade the worst of the attack, but the shikigami's blade still found its mark, leaving a shallow cut along Sukuna's torso.

Sukuna's gaze snapped to Hiro, his eyes widening as he noticed the crackling purple lightning that danced in the blond sorcerer's hand. Hiro, his voice ringing out with a fierce determination, cried, "Purple Lightning!"

As the attack surged towards him, Sukuna leaped behind Mahoraga, using the shikigami's body as a shield. The Purple Lightning struck Mahoraga with a deafening roar, the top of the building exploding in a shower of rubble and debris.

Sukuna, falling through the air, his laughter filled with malicious glee, called out, "Nice attack, kid!"

Hiro, his body moving with preternatural grace, leaped from one falling piece of rubble to another, his eyes locked on Sukuna's descending form. The two beings clashed in mid-air, their fists and feet colliding with earth-shattering force.

Sukuna, his fist slamming into Hiro's gut, drove the air from the blond sorcerer's lungs. But Hiro, gritting his teeth through the pain, retaliated with a vicious uppercut that connected squarely with Sukuna's jaw.

Pressing his advantage, Hiro brought his hands together, his voice ringing out with a fierce determination. "Red Lightning!" he cried, the crackling energy surging from his fingertips.

Sukuna, his eyes widening in surprise, raised his arms to block the attack. But the Red Lightning proved too powerful, the cursed spirit's arms disintegrating under the onslaught as he was sent hurtling through the air.

Hiro landed on the ground with a graceful flourish, his eyes scanning the battlefield for any sign of his opponents. Suddenly, Mahoraga appeared before him, its blade flashing out with a speed that defied belief.

The shikigami's attack pierced through Hiro's magnetic shield, the blade leaving a shallow cut along the blond sorcerer's torso. Hiro, his mind racing, thought to himself, "The wheel has spun three times already? When did that happen?"

Mahoraga, pressing its advantage, launched a devastating blow at Hiro, its fist crackling with malevolent energy. But Hiro, his body moving with a speed that bordered on the divine, dodged the attack, his own fists lashing out in retaliation.

Four lightning-fast punches slammed into Mahoraga's stomach, the shikigami's body convulsing under the onslaught. Hiro followed up with a Blue Lightning attack, the crackling energy sending Mahoraga flying backwards, its body smashing through the walls of a nearby building.

Sukuna, seizing the opportunity, chased after the shikigami, his cursed technique flashing out again and again, each cut seeking to slice through Mahoraga's tough hide. But the shikigami, its body adapting and evolving with each blow, seemed to shrug off the attacks with ease.

Hiro, his eyes narrowing in concentration, launched another Purple Lightning attack at Mahoraga, the crackling energy engulfing the shikigami's body in a blinding flash of light. The building behind Mahoraga exploded, the shockwave from the blast sending rubble and debris flying in all directions.

But Mahoraga, its body regenerating at an astonishing rate, emerged from the destruction unscathed. Hiro, clicking his tongue in frustration, thought to himself, "Sukuna isn't even bothering to fight me. He's solely focused on Mahoraga."

Sukuna, his hands coming together in a familiar gesture, began to chant the incantation for his Domain Expansion. Hiro, recognizing the danger, mirrored the cursed spirit's actions, his own voice ringing out in challenge.

"Domain Expansion!" they cried in unison, their voices echoing through the ruined streets of Shibuya.

Sukuna, his lips curving into a wicked grin, declared, "Malevolent Shrine."

Hiro, his eyes blazing with a fierce determination, countered, "Divine Gate."

A towering temple, its walls wreathed in flames, appeared behind Sukuna, the cursed spirit's Domain taking shape around him. At the same time, a shimmering gate materialized behind Hiro, the ground beneath his feet crackling with electricity as his own Domain sprang into existence.

The two Domains clashed, their energies warring for supremacy, the very fabric of reality warping and twisting under the strain of their combined might. For a moment, it seemed as though the battle could go either way, the outcome balanced on a razor's edge.

But Sukuna, the King of Curses, would not be denied. With a final, triumphant roar, his Domain overwhelmed Hiro's, the electricity fading away as the Divine Gate shattered into nothingness.

Hiro, his body suddenly wracked with pain, felt the cursed cuts from Sukuna's Domain slicing through his flesh like a thousand razors. Gritting his teeth, he quickly activated his Simple Domain, the protective barrier shielding him from the worst of the damage.

As Hiro watched, Mahoraga advanced through Sukuna's Domain, its body adapting and evolving with each passing second, the cursed cuts washing over it like water off a duck's back. The shikigami moved with a relentless determination, an unstoppable force of nature that refused to be denied.

Sukuna, his eyes glinting with malicious glee, raised his hands, a flaming arrow materializing between his fingertips. With a final, triumphant roar, he launched the projectile at Mahoraga, the arrow streaking through the air like a comet of pure destruction.

Hiro, his eyes widening in horror, realized the true extent of the arrow's power. Moving with a speed that defied comprehension, he activated his Divine Speed, his body flickering out of existence as he sought to escape the blast radius.

In the blink of an eye, Hiro reappeared atop a distant building, the windows shattering from the shockwave of his passage. From his vantage point, he watched in awe as Sukuna's flaming arrow carved a path of destruction through the heart of Shibuya, the cursed spirit's attack razing half the city to the ground in a matter of seconds.

Hiro, his chest heaving with exertion, could only stare in amazement at the sheer power of the King of Curses. The scale of the destruction was beyond anything he had ever witnessed, a testament to the otherworldly might that Sukuna possessed.

Hiro, his body battered and his mind reeling from the intense battle, sought refuge on a nearby rooftop. The exertion of unleashing three Purple Lightning attacks and two Domain Expansions in a single night had taken a heavy toll on his body and mind. As he sat there, his chest heaving with each labored breath, a trickle of blood began to flow from his nose, a stark reminder of the strain he had placed on his brain.

After a few minutes of rest, Hiro forced himself to his feet, his legs trembling with exhaustion. With a burst of determination, he ran to the edge of the rooftop and leaped into the void, his body propelled by a surge of electricity as he bounded from building to building. Each jump carried him further across the ravaged cityscape, the destruction wrought by Sukuna's attack a grim testament to the King of Curses' immense power.

Finally, Hiro landed in the area where he expected to find Sukuna, his eyes scanning the rubble for any sign of the cursed spirit. But instead of the malevolent being, he found Itadori, the young sorcerer kneeling on the ground, his body wracked with sobs as he vomited, the weight of his actions crushing his soul.

Hiro approached cautiously, his voice filled with concern. "Itadori?"

Itadori, his eyes haunted and his voice broken, choked out, "Senpai, I... I killed so many people."

The guilt that consumed Itadori was palpable, his very being consumed by the knowledge that Sukuna, using his body as a vessel, had slaughtered thousands of innocent civilians. The weight of their deaths pressed down upon him, a burden that threatened to shatter his already fragile psyche.

Hiro, his heart aching for the young sorcerer, placed a comforting hand on Itadori's head, his fingers gently ruffling the boy's hair. "That's not true," he said, his voice filled with a quiet conviction. "It was Sukuna, not you. You had no control over his actions."

But Itadori, his guilt infecting every cell of his body like a virulent poison, couldn't tear his eyes away from the devastation that surrounded them. The once-vibrant city of Shibuya lay in ruins, a twisted mockery of its former glory, a graveyard of shattered dreams and broken lives.

Hiro, his own heart heavy with the weight of his actions, said softly, "I understand how you feel. I... I killed people today, too. Directly, by my own hand."

Itadori's gaze snapped to Hiro's, their eyes locking in a moment of shared understanding and empathy. In that instant, they saw each other not as mere sorcerers, but as fellow human beings, each struggling to fulfill their duty in a world gone mad.

Hiro, his voice filled with a newfound sense of urgency, said, "We need to get to the lower levels of the subway station. Kenjaku is there."

Itadori, his brow furrowed in confusion, asked, "Kenjaku?"

Hiro, shaking his head, replied, "It's a long story. We just need to hurry. If we find him, we'll find Gojo-sensei."

Itadori nodded, his resolve hardening as he pushed himself to his feet. "What about Nanami?" he asked, his voice filled with concern for his mentor.

Hiro, his mind racing with possibilities, said, "I'm not sure. I think he was going to meet up with the Zenin team."

Itadori's eyes widened, a flicker of hope sparking to life within their depths.

"Kokichi was heading that way, too. They must be alright. Let's focus on rescuing Gojo-sensei."

Itadori nodded, a grim smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Yeah, let's do this."

As Hiro and Itadori raced towards the subway station, their footsteps echoing through the ruined streets, Kokichi's own desperate search continued. The young sorcerer's steps pounded against the polished floors of the station, his breath coming in short, desperate gasps as he scoured every nook and cranny for any sign of Maki or the Zenin team.

"Damn it," Kokichi muttered, his voice filled with a mix of frustration and fear. "I can't find her anywhere. Is Hiro doing okay? I heard explosions earlier..."

He continued to run, his heart pounding in his chest, his mind consumed with worry for his friends and allies. As he rounded a corner, his eyes fell upon a sight that made his blood run cold.

Two bodies lay sprawled on the ground, their forms still and unmoving. Kokichi quickened his pace, his feet carrying him towards the fallen figures with a sense of growing dread. As he drew closer, he recognized the familiar faces of Maki and Naobito, their bodies battered and bruised.

"Maki?" Kokichi called out, his voice filled with a desperate hope. "Maki, wake up!"

But the young woman remained unresponsive, her eyes closed and her chest barely rising with each shallow breath. Kokichi, his fingers trembling, reached out to check her pulse, a wave of relief washing over him as he felt the steady throb beneath his fingertips.

Naobito, however, was in far worse shape, his pulse weak and thready, his injuries far more severe than Maki's. Kokichi, his mind racing with possibilities, muttered, "Maybe Maki's Heavenly Restriction is helping her survive."

With a sense of growing urgency, Kokichi summoned one of his Mechamaru robots, the mechanical being crashing through a nearby window in a shower of glass and sparks. "Mechamaru," Kokichi commanded, his voice filled with a fierce determination, "take Maki to Shoko, quickly!"

The robot nodded, its metallic form scooping up Maki's unconscious body with a gentleness that belied its mechanical nature. In a flash, it was gone, rocketing through the air towards the medical bay where Shoko awaited.

Kokichi, his heart heavy with guilt, turned to Naobito, his voice filled with a quiet apology. "I'm sorry, but I have priorities."

With a final, regretful glance at the fallen sorcerer, Kokichi turned and sprinted down the hallway, his mind consumed with a single, desperate question. "Where's Nanami?" he wondered, his footsteps echoing through the empty corridors as he raced against time itself.

Back at the subway entrance, Hiro and Itadori skidded to a halt, their chests heaving with exertion. Hiro, his voice filled with a grim determination, said, "We need to find Kenjaku. He must have Gojo-sensei."

Itadori, his own resolve hardening, asked, "What about the others?"

Hiro, his expression somber, replied, "I'm sorry, but our priority is Gojo-sensei. Without him, the balance will be shattered, and everything will descend into chaos."

Itadori, his jaw clenching with a mix of frustration and understanding, nodded. "Alright."

But as they prepared to descend the stairs, Hiro suddenly collapsed to his knees, his body wracked with exhaustion. Itadori, his eyes widening in alarm, cried out, "Senpai, are you okay?"

Hiro, his voice strained, replied, "Yeah, just a little dizzy. Two Domain Expansions in one day is too much. You wouldn't happen to have any candy on you, would you? I need some sugar."

Itadori, his expression apologetic, patted his pockets, his fingers coming up empty. "Sorry, I don't have any."

Hiro, a sigh escaping his lips, pushed himself to his feet, his body swaying dangerously as he struggled to maintain his balance. "I'll go grab some sugar," he said, his voice filled with a quiet determination. "I'll catch up with you soon."

Itadori, his own resolve hardening, nodded in understanding. With a final, encouraging smile, he turned and descended the stairs, his footsteps echoing through the cavernous depths of the subway station.

Hiro, his body screaming with exhaustion, his mind clouded with fatigue, watched his junior disappear into the darkness, a flicker of pride sparking to life within his chest. Even in the face of overwhelming odds, even with the weight of the world pressing down upon their shoulders, Itadori refused to give up, refused to surrender to the darkness that threatened to consume them all.

Nanami, his body battered and his spirit weary, trudged through the depths of the Shibuya subway, his feet dragging with each labored step. The once pristine corridors were now a battleground, the air thick with the stench of death and decay. Curses lurked in every shadow, their malevolent presence a constant reminder of the danger that surrounded him.

With his trusty weapon in hand, Nanami fought on, his movements precise and calculated, his strikes fueled by a grim determination. One by one, he eliminated the curses that crossed his path, his face and half his body charred by the searing flames of Jogo's attack. But despite the agony that wracked his body, despite the exhaustion that threatened to consume him, Nanami refused to yield.

As he fought, his mind drifted to thoughts of Malaysia, to the dream that had sustained him through countless battles and endless nights of pain. He longed to feel the warm sand beneath his feet, to hear the gentle crash of waves against the shore, to bask in the brilliant sun that seemed to chase away all the darkness in the world.

It was his plan, his escape from the life of a sorcerer, a life he had never truly wanted. He would save enough money, retire to that tropical paradise, and spend his days lost in the pages of a good book, free from the burdens that had weighed him down for so long.

But even as he clung to that dream, even as he fought with every ounce of strength he possessed, Nanami knew that his sense of duty would never allow him to rest. He was a sorcerer, a protector of the innocent, a guardian against the forces of evil that threatened to plunge the world into darkness.

And so, he fought on, his body screaming in agony, his mind consumed with thoughts of the paradise that awaited him. With each curse he slew, with each step he took, he could almost feel the gentle caress of the Malaysian breeze against his skin, could almost hear the soothing sound of the waves lapping at the shore.

It was his salvation, his reason for being, the dream that sustained him through the endless nightmare of his existence. And as he lost himself in that vision, as he allowed himself to believe, if only for a moment, that everything would be alright, that he would find his way to that distant shore, he felt a flicker of hope spark to life within his chest.

He imagined Itadori visiting him in his beachside bungalow, the young sorcerer's face split in a wide grin as they shared tales of their adventures. He pictured Hiro whisking him away to New York, the two of them exploring the city's vibrant streets and towering skyscrapers, free from the chains of their duty.

And Gojo... Gojo would be a distant memory, a figure from a past he had long since left behind. In this perfect world, in this dream that felt so real he could almost touch it, Nanami was free, unfettered by the burdens that had defined his life for so long.

But as he lost himself in that beautiful fantasy, as he allowed himself to believe that he had finally found his way to paradise, a cold hand on his shoulder shattered the illusion, bringing him crashing back to the harsh reality of his existence.

Nanami turned, his eyes widening in recognition as he beheld the figure that stood before him. It was Mahito, the cursed spirit's face twisted in a cruel mockery of a smile, his voice filled with a malevolent glee.

"Let's have a little chat," Mahito said, his tone dripping with false sincerity. "Your sentence has been passed. Death."

Nanami, his voice weary and resigned, replied, "You were here all along?"

Mahito, his smile widening, said, "I was always here."

As the two figures faced off, their gazes locked in a silent battle of wills, the sound of footsteps echoed through the corridor. Itadori, his eyes brimming with tears, his heart filled with a growing sense of dread, rounded the corner, his gaze falling upon the battered form of his mentor.

"Nanami?" he called out, his voice cracking with emotion, his steps faltering as he beheld the scene before him.

Nanami, his eyes softening with a mixture of pride and regret, turned to face his young apprentice. With a smile that was equal parts sad and resolute, he spoke, his words a final, heartfelt farewell.

"Itadori... I leave the rest to you."

And with those words, with that final, selfless act of courage and sacrifice, Nanami's body imploded, his flesh and bone disintegrating in a shower of crimson mist. All that remained were his legs, standing tall and proud for a single, heartbreaking moment before crumpling to the ground like a puppet whose strings had been cut.

Itadori, his mind reeling with shock and disbelief, staggered forward, his eyes wide with horror, his heart shattering with each stumbling step. And as the reality of what had happened washed over him, as the full weight of his mentor's sacrifice crashed down upon his soul, the young sorcerer's grief transformed into a blazing fury, a white-hot rage that consumed him from the inside out.

"MAHITO, WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?" he screamed, his voice raw with anguish and despair. "YOU FUCKING BASTARD!"

Mahito, his smile never wavering, turned to face Itadori, his voice filled with a mocking amusement. "THERE'S NO NEED TO SHOUT," he said, his words dripping with sadistic glee. "I CAN HEAR YOU PERFECTLY WELL, ITADORI YUJI."

Itadori, his body moving with a speed and ferocity that defied belief, charged towards Mahito, his fists clenched and his heart burning with the desire for vengeance. But the cursed spirit, his movements fluid and graceful, summoned one of his transfigured humans, the twisted figure morphing into a wall of flesh and bone that blocked Itadori's path.

"Save me," the wall pleaded, its voice a distorted echo of the human it had once been, its face contorted in a rictus of agony and despair.

Itadori, his resolve faltering for a single, heartbreaking moment, hesitated, his fist hovering inches from the grotesque barrier. But in that instant of doubt, in that fleeting moment of weakness, the wall erupted in a forest of jagged spikes, their razor-sharp edges seeking to impale the young sorcerer where he stood.

With a roar of defiance, Itadori shattered the spikes with his bare hands, his body moving with a preternatural grace as he closed the distance between himself and Mahito. But the cursed spirit, his smile widening with each passing second, summoned forth a horde of transfigured humans, their bodies twisting and writhing as they merged into a massive, orange worm, its surface covered in a nightmarish tapestry of screaming faces.

Mahito, his body safely ensconced within the worm's pulsating flesh, lashed out with a clawed hand, his fingers tearing a jagged gash across Itadori's face. The young sorcerer, his blood dripping from the wound, his eyes blazing with an incandescent fury, spat out a mouthful of crimson and snarled, "I'm going to kill you, you bastard."

But Mahito, his laughter filled with a cruel amusement, merely shook his head, his voice dripping with condescension. "You can't," he said, his words filled with a malevolent certainty. "Because you're just a simple, worthless sorcerer. Itadori... you and I are the same, and until you understand that, you'll never be able to defeat me."

Outside the station, in the ruined shell of a convenience store, Hiro sat slumped against the cool metal of a refrigerator door, his chest heaving with exhaustion, his nose dripping with blood. With a shaking hand, he pinched his nostrils shut, his voice a hoarse whisper as he muttered, "Damn it, I'm at my limit. I can't consume any more electrical energy like I did before. It'll only hurt me more."

With a trembling hand, he reached for a nearby soda can, the cold metal soothing against his fevered skin. He took a long, desperate swig, the sugary liquid a momentary balm to his battered body and weary soul.

"Two Domain Expansions, three Purple Lightnings, three uses of Divine Eyes, three activations of Divine Speed... my most powerful techniques, all of which require an immense amount of energy, have completely drained me," he said, his voice filled with a grim resignation. "I fought against Jogo, Hanami, Hanzo, Kenjaku, Sukuna, and Mahoraga. I'm at my absolute limit."

With a final, desperate gulp, Hiro drained the can, crushing it in his fist and tossing it aside with a clatter. He struggled to his feet, his body screaming in protest, his mind consumed with a single, unyielding thought.

"But I can't stop now," he said, his voice filled with a fierce determination, his eyes blazing with an otherworldly light. "Just a little more, and we'll be close to victory... or at least, that's what I'd like to believe."

With a final, steadying breath, Hiro staggered out of the ruined store, his feet carrying him towards the subway entrance, his heart filled with a grim resolve. The battle was far from over, the odds stacked against him in a way that defied comprehension.


Nobara and Mahito's double were locked in a fierce exchange of blows. Mahito transformed his left hand into a sharp claw, tearing open Nobara's shoulder, while she smashed her hammer into his face. The curse instantly regenerated, mocking the young sorceress's efforts.

"Everything you do is futile," Mahito taunted, his twisted smile cruel and mocking.

Nobara, panting from exertion, responded with determination, "I know, but I've gotta try anyway."

Unamused by her answer, Mahito enthusiastically dodged two nails that Nobara sent his way. Taking advantage of a moment of distraction, Nobara climbed up the side of a building, positioning herself above her adversary.

She dropped several nails at Mahito's feet and activated her Hairpin technique, seemingly to no effect. Immediately after, she jumped back down to the ground, confusing Mahito with her erratic movements.

While in the air, Nobara activated Hairpin once more. Spikes of expanded cursed energy skewered Mahito's legs, immobilizing him. The first activation had merely been to rattle the nails upright, so that the second could land and leave him vulnerable.

Nobara landed on her opponent, mounting him from above, but the special grade still didn't feel threatened.

"You really think this will stop me?" Mahito scoffed, his voice dripping with disdain.

Nobara, with a cursed energy-charged nail levitating above Mahito's forehead, revealed her true intentions. "I've been thinking about how my cursed technique might be effective against your soul," she said, a cunning smile on her lips.

Mahito realized too late that he had been deceived. Nobara hammered the nail directly into his forehead, activating Resonance. By using Mahito's body as the effigy, she attacked his soul directly. The effect not only damaged the double but also transmitted to Mahito's main body, saving Yuji from certain demise.

Black spikes erupted from within Mahito's main body, the damage from Resonance rebounding back to the double, grievously injuring him. Mahito realized with horror that Yuji wasn't his only natural enemy - Nobara, the Girl of Steel, could attack his soul as well.

Nobara noticed that her cursed energy had gone off somewhere nearby. Moreover, Mahito could have grabbed her instead of clawing her shoulder in the earlier exchange. This evidence allowed her to deduce that her opponent was a double who couldn't use his technique on others.

Removing the nail from his head and smiling sadistically, Mahito's double confirmed her theory. "You're smarter than you look," he laughed, his voice tinged with malice. "But don't think this is over."

Meanwhile, Yuji recognized the spikes protruding from Mahito's chest from his fights alongside Nobara in the past. Even after the spikes disappeared, the effects lingered, leaving Mahito disoriented and struggling to control his body.

Yuji seized the opportunity, punching the curse into a pillar and bombarding him with a flurry of punches. Despite feeling like he had wasted his allies' efforts, that he hadn't saved anyone, he thanked Nobara for reminding him that he wasn't alone.

"Thank you, Nobara!" Yuji shouted, his voice filled with gratitude and determination. "I won't let your efforts be in vain!"

He kept up the pressure on Mahito, unleashing an endless barrage of blows, determined to put an end to the sinister special grade here and now. The battle was far from over, but with Nobara by his side, Yuji felt renewed in his resolve to protect the innocent and eradicate the evil that threatened to consume them all.

In the alleyway, Nobara steeled herself for the true battle to begin, her body tense with anticipation. To her surprise, Mahito's double chose to flee instead of engaging in a prolonged war of attrition. With a mocking laugh, the cursed spirit turned on his heel and raced down into the depths of the subway, his footsteps echoing against the concrete walls.

Nobara, her jaw clenched with determination, made the split-second decision to pursue him. "I'll exorcise that bastard and then make my way to the Fukutoshin Line Platform," she muttered under her breath, her hammer gripped tightly in her hand as she gave chase.

Meanwhile, Mahito's main body, battered and bruised from Yuji's relentless assault, dismembered into several smaller versions of himself, desperate to escape further punishment. The cursed spirit's flesh rippled and shifted, his form fracturing into a writhing mass of miniature clones.

Yuji, his eyes darting between the scattered pieces of Mahito, searched for the one that contained the core of the curse's soul. He focused his senses, seeking out the fragment that exuded the most potent cursed energy. With a triumphant shout, Yuji launched himself at the chosen clone, his foot smashing into it with a sickening crunch.

But to Yuji's dismay, it was merely a feint, a clever manipulation of cursed energy designed to buy Mahito precious seconds. The cursed spirit's body reformed, his laughter echoing through the station as he fled to a different area, leaving Yuji momentarily disoriented.

In a twisting corridor of Shibuya Station, Mahito's main body and his double converged, their paths intersecting in a dizzying dance of deceit. Yuji, hot on their heels, noticed the double and assumed they were attempting to merge, seeking to heal the damage inflicted by Nobara's Resonance.

But to Yuji's confusion, the two Mahitos raced past each other without so much as a glance, their intentions inscrutable. Nobara, emerging from the opposite end of the hallway, locked eyes with her classmate, the realization of their predicament dawning upon them both.

With growing horror, Yuji understood Mahito's twisted plan. The cursed spirit's double, unable to use his technique on others, served as a mere distraction, a ploy to lure Nobara into the open.

Yuji, his voice raw with desperation, screamed at the top of his lungs, "GET OUT OF HERE, KUGISAKI!" Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Yuji watched, helpless, as Mahito's hand stretched out towards Nobara, inching closer with each passing heartbeat.

The young sorcerer's mind raced, images of Nanami and Junpei, victims of Mahito's cruelty, flashing before his eyes. And now, his friend, his comrade, the girl with whom he had shared laughter and trips to the movies, the trio that had been inseparable - Nobara, Fushiguro, and himself - was about to be torn apart forever.

Mahito's hand, pulsing with malevolent energy, hovered mere centimeters from Nobara's face, poised to snuff out her life in an instant. Yuji, his heart pounding in his chest, knew that he was too far away, that he would never reach her in time.

But in that final, desperate moment, a blur of motion streaked past Yuji, the wind whipping against his face as an electrified fist slammed into Mahito's jaw with a sickening crunch. The cursed spirit was sent flying backwards, his body crashing against the wall in a shower of rubble and dust.

"Sorry I'm late," Hiro said with a grin, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he stood protectively in front of Nobara.

Yuji, seizing the opportunity, pounced on Mahito's clone, driving him to the ground with a fierce tackle. "SENPAI!" he cried out, his voice filled with a mixture of relief and elation.

Hiro, his smile never wavering, turned to Nobara, his brow furrowed with concern. "There was a bit of traffic, but I'm here now. Are you alright, Kugisaki?"

Nobara, her eyes wide with surprise, stared at Hiro incredulously. "Huh? I was doing just fine before you showed up, you cheater," she huffed, her arms crossed over her chest.

Hiro, his face flushing with embarrassment, scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Maki told you about that?"

Nobara, her lips pursed in a tight line, nodded curtly. "She tells me everything."

Hiro, a sigh escaping his lips, shook his head in resignation. He knew that he had some explaining to do, that his actions had hurt those closest to him. But for now, there were more pressing matters at hand.

"Listen," he said, his voice low and urgent, "we can talk about that later. Right now, we need to focus on taking down Mahito and saving everyone."

Nobara, her anger momentarily forgotten, nodded in agreement. "You're right," she said, her hammer already crackling with cursed energy. "Let's finish this."

Yuji, still grappling with Mahito's clone, called out to his friends. "Senpai, Kugisaki, be careful! Mahito's gotten stronger since the last time we fought him!"

Hiro, his eyes narrowing with determination, stepped forward, his body enveloped in a shimmering aura of electricity. "Don't worry, Itadori," he said, his voice filled with a quiet confidence. "We've got this."

Mahito, his body regenerating from the devastating blow, staggered to his feet, his face contorted with rage. "You," he snarled, his eyes locked on Hiro. "You'll pay for that."

Hiro, his grin widening, cracked his knuckles in anticipation. "Bring it on, you twisted bastard," he taunted, his voice dripping with disdain. "I've been itching for Kicking your ass"

Hiro didn't give Mahito a moment to breathe, swiftly extending his hand and shouting, "Red Lightning!" The crimson attack surged towards Mahito, engulfing him in a brilliant explosion that shattered his body into countless tiny fragments. The cursed spirit's laughter echoed through the air as the pieces of his form coalesced, reforming into his original shape.

But Hiro was already upon him, his fist crackling with electricity as he delivered a devastating blow to Mahito's midsection, driving the air from the cursed spirit's lungs. Seizing Mahito's face, Hiro smashed his knee into it, shattering bone and flesh alike.

Gripping Mahito's wrists, Hiro sent waves of electricity coursing through the cursed spirit's body, eliciting screams of agony. But even as Mahito writhed in pain, a twisted grin split his face. "As long as my soul remains intact and maintains this form, I won't die," he taunted, his voice laced with malicious glee.

Hiro released his hold on Mahito, a smile playing on his own lips. "Come on then, try and touch me," he challenged, his stance relaxed and confident.

Mahito lunged forward, his hands outstretched, but Hiro deftly sidestepped the attack. The sound of clapping hands rang out from the far end of the corridor, and in an instant, Hiro had switched places with Itadori, who managed to land a solid hit on the cursed spirit.

Mahito staggered back, shaking off the blow. "What the hell?" he snarled, his eyes darting around in confusion.

There, at the end of the hallway, stood Aoi Todo and Arata Nitta, their expressions determined and fierce. "Looks like we made it just in time, Brother," Todo called out, his voice filled with a mix of relief and excitement.

Itadori's face lit up with a grin. "Todo!" he exclaimed, his heart swelling with gratitude for his friend's timely arrival.

Arata, his gaze fixed on Itadori, couldn't help but wonder, "Is this the famous 'brother' he's always talking about? They don't look alike at all."

Mahito, his eyes blazing with fury, summoned forth a horde of transfigured humans, their bodies twisting and merging into a mass of writhing tentacles. Hiro dodged the flailing appendages with fluid grace, closing the distance between himself and Mahito in a heartbeat.

With a powerful strike to Mahito's chest, Hiro sent the cursed spirit reeling. Mahito lashed out with a kick, but Hiro caught his leg and hurled him across the room. Extending his hand, Hiro cried out, "Blue Lightning!" The crackling bolt of energy slammed into Mahito, generating a massive explosion and a magnetic field that warped the very air around them.

Mahito emerged from the blast, his body battered but still intact. Hiro, his mind racing, knew that unleashing his Purple Lightning would surely end the cursed spirit's existence. But with Kenjaku still at large and his own energy reserves dwindling, he hesitated, unsure if he could afford to expend such power.

Seizing the opportunity, Mahito fled through the gaping hole left by the explosion, his laughter trailing behind him like a mocking farewell. Nobara, her eyes blazing with determination, shouted, "After that bastard!"

Aoi turned to Arata, his voice filled with urgency. "Arata, go back to Shoko and Yaga. We'll handle this." Arata nodded, his expression grim, before turning and sprinting back the way they had come.

The group gave chase, pursuing Mahito through the ruined station, leaping over piles of rubble and debris. Aoi snatched up a stone as he ran, hurling it towards the fleeing cursed spirit. The rock sailed past Mahito, but with a clap of Todo's hands, it suddenly switched places with Itadori.

Itadori, seizing the moment, unleashed a Black Flash, his fist connecting with Mahito's face in a devastating blow that sent the cursed spirit crashing into a nearby wall. Itadori pressed his advantage, closing in on his adversary with a fierce determination.

Mahito, desperate to escape, conjured forth more transfigured humans, their bodies morphing into wicked spikes that sought to impale his pursuers. But with another clap from Todo, Itadori vanished, replaced by Hiro in the blink of an eye.

Hiro, his Red Lightning crackling around him, shattered the spikes with a single, devastating blow. He followed up with a punch to Mahito's face, feeling the cursed spirit's bones crunch beneath his knuckles. Grabbing Mahito by the collar, Hiro flung him across the room, his body smashing through a pile of rubble.

Kugisaki, her hammer at the ready, drove her cursed nails into Mahito's prone form, activating her Resonance technique. The cursed spirit howled in agony as the attack tore through his very soul, his body convulsing with the sheer force of the damage inflicted.

Aoi, seizing the opportunity, attempted to bypass Mahito, but the cursed spirit rolled out of the way at the last second, his hand reaching out to grasp Todo's arm. Todo's limb began to implode, the cursed energy eating away at his flesh, but with a swift, decisive strike, he severed his own arm, preventing the destruction from spreading further.

"TODO!" Itadori cried out, his voice raw with anguish.

"Gorilla!" Hiro shouted, his eyes wide with horror.

Todo, his gaze fixed on his ruined arm, spoke with a quiet resignation. "I guess my boogie has come to an end."

Mahito, sensing weakness, lunged for Todo's face, his fingers outstretched and hungry for flesh. But Hiro, his reflexes lightning-fast, unleashed another Red Lightning attack, catching Mahito in mid-air. The cursed spirit's body imploded, his form shattering into a thousand pieces before reforming once more.

Mahito, his face twisted with rage and desperation, turned to flee, but Itadori appeared before him, his fist already in motion. With a vicious uppercut, Itadori sent Mahito rocketing upwards, his body smashing through the ceiling and into the open air above the devastated streets of Shibuya.

Hiro, his own body crackling with electricity, leaped after them, his eyes blazing with a fierce determination. The battle had spilled out into the city proper, the ruined buildings and shattered streets a testament to the chaos and destruction that had been unleashed.

As Mahito's body arced through the air, Hiro closed in, his fist drawn back in preparation for a final, devastating blow. The cursed spirit, his eyes wide with fear and desperation, lashed out with a flurry of blows, his hands seeking to grasp and transfigure Hiro's flesh.

But Hiro, his body moving with a preternatural grace, dodged and weaved around Mahito's attacks, his own fists finding their mark again and again. With each blow, he felt the cursed spirit's resistance weakening, his body crumbling under the relentless onslaught.

And then, with a final, earth-shattering punch, Hiro sent Mahito plummeting back down to the ground, his body smashing into the pavement with a sickening crunch. The cursed spirit lay there, broken and defeated, his once-mocking laughter replaced by a pathetic whimper of pain.

Hiro landed beside him, his chest heaving with exertion, his body battered and bruised from the fierce battle. But even as he stood there, his eyes fixed on Mahito's prone form, he knew that the fight was far from over.

Mahito's laughter echoed through the devastated streets of Shibuya as he struggled to his feet, his body battered and broken, but his spirit unbroken. "Finally," he rasped, his voice filled with a twisted joy, "I have found the essence of my true soul. You sorcerers will die."

A grotesque mass of flesh and eyes enveloped Mahito, his form shifting and writhing as it consumed him. Nobara, emerging from the gaping hole in the ground alongside Itadori, wrinkled her nose in disgust. "That's gross," she muttered, her hammer at the ready.

The monstrous form began to shrink, condensing and reshaping itself until Mahito stood before them once more, his body transformed into a nightmarish abomination. He grinned, his teeth gleaming in the fading light. "Let's see what you've got," he taunted, his voice dripping with malice.

Hiro, his fists crackling with electricity, launched himself at Mahito, his punch connecting with the cursed spirit's face. But Mahito didn't even flinch, his twisted smile never wavering. "I'm tougher now," he said, his voice filled with a sickening pride.

Undeterred, Hiro struck again, this time putting all his strength behind the blow. Mahito staggered back, a flicker of pain crossing his features. Nobara, seizing the opportunity, hurled her cursed nails at the monstrous figure, but Mahito dodged them with inhuman speed.

"Senpai!" Itadori cried out, leaping onto Hiro's shoulders. The Thunder God, understanding his junior's intent, grasped Itadori's arms and spun around, building momentum before launching him directly at Mahito.

Itadori, his body infused with the power of Black Flash, slammed his fist into Mahito's face, the impact sending shockwaves rippling through the air. The cursed spirit reeled backwards, his body twisting and contorting under the force of the blow.

Hiro, his eyes blazing with a fierce determination, raised his hand, his voice ringing out with a thunderous crescendo. "Farewell," he declared, as a bolt of Purple Lightning erupted from his fingertips, streaking towards Mahito with blinding speed.

The explosion was deafening, a massive shockwave that shattered windows and sent debris flying in all directions. As the smoke cleared, Mahito's broken form came into view, his body dragging itself across the ground, unable to regenerate from the devastating attack.

Hiro, his chest heaving with exertion, smiled grimly. "That Purple Lightning was weaker than usual. I must be running low on energy."

Itadori, his eyes fixed on Mahito's pitiful form, stepped forward, his voice filled with a quiet determination. "I'll finish him off," he said, his footsteps echoing through the eerie silence.

Mahito, his eyes wide with fear, began to crawl faster, desperate to escape the approaching sorcerer. Tears streamed down his face as he clawed at the ground, his once-mighty form reduced to a pathetic, whimpering wreck. The hunter had become the hunted, the predator now the prey.

Itadori stopped before Mahito, his gaze unwavering, his voice filled with a cold, unyielding resolve. "You were right, Mahito. I am you. And believe me, if you're ever reborn as another curse, I will find you. No matter what name you take, no matter what face you wear, I will hunt you down and end you."

Mahito, his body trembling with terror, scrabbled backwards, his eyes darting frantically for any means of escape. But as he crawled, he found himself colliding with a pair of legs, his gaze traveling upwards to meet the cold, calculating eyes of Suguru Geto.

"Geto!" Mahito cried out, his voice filled with a desperate hope, a plea for salvation.

Kenjaku, his lips curving into a smile devoid of warmth, looked down at the broken cursed spirit, his voice filled with a mocking curiosity. "What should I do with you, Mahito?"

His gaze shifted to Hiro, his eyes narrowing with a hint of surprise. "So, you're still alive, Hiro Miller."

Hiro, his body tensing with anticipation, assumed a defensive stance, his voice filled with a fierce determination. "Give Gojo-sensei back to us," he demanded, his eyes blazing with an unwavering resolve.

Kenjaku, his gaze locked with Hiro's, shook his head slowly, his voice filled with a cold, cruel amusement. "I'm afraid I can't do that."

Hiro, his fists clenching at his sides, his body crackling with barely contained power, stepped forward, his voice ringing out like a thunderclap. "Then I'll tear him from your cold, dead hands."

The air between them seemed to shimmer with tension, the weight of their impending clash pressing down upon the ruined city like a physical force. Hiro, his heart pounding in his chest, his mind racing with possibilities and strategies, knew that the battle ahead would be his greatest challenge yet.

Hiro's nose began to bleed again, a trickle of crimson staining his upper lip. He wiped it away with the back of his hand, a grim smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "This fight's gonna be a tough one," he said, his voice filled with a mix of anticipation and exhaustion. "When I get home, I'm gonna have the best sex of my life with Maki and Mai. They can't complain if I save the damn world."

Kugisaki, her face contorting in disgust, shot Hiro a withering glare. "Are you seriously thinking about that right now?" she asked, her voice dripping with disdain.

Hiro, his grin widening, shrugged his shoulders. "You can join in too, if you want," he said, his tone light and teasing.

Kugisaki, her cheeks flushing with a mixture of anger and embarrassment, snapped back, "You're the worst."

Kenjaku, observing the exchange with a smile that was equal parts amused and condescending, remained silent, his eyes glinting with a malevolent light. Hiro, his mind racing, knew that he needed to buy time, to allow his body to recover from the toll of the previous battles.

Suddenly, a bag of gummy candies landed on Hiro's head, the impact startling him out of his thoughts. He picked up the bag, his eyes scanning the surrounding area for the source of the unexpected gift. Kokichi, emerging from the shadows, raised a hand in greeting, his voice filled with a mix of apology and relief.

"Sorry I'm late," he said, his smile sheepish. "I got lost on the way here."

Hiro, his own grin widening, nodded in acknowledgment. "You arrived just in time," he said, his voice filled with genuine gratitude.

Kenjaku, his smile never wavering, spoke up, his voice filled with a mocking disdain. "It doesn't matter how many more ants join the fray," he said, his eyes fixing on Kokichi with a look of utter contempt. "You're all nothing more than insects to be crushed beneath my heel."

Kokichi, his own smile taking on a sharp, dangerous edge, stepped forward, his body language radiating a quiet confidence. "Don't underestimate us," he said, his voice filled with a steely determination. "We may be ants, but together, we can bring down even the mightiest of giants."

Hiro, his heart swelling with pride at his friend's words, nodded in agreement, his own body language mirroring Kokichi's resolve. Kugisaki and Itadori, their own expressions hardening with determination, moved to flank their companions, their weapons at the ready.

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