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44.44% Besto Furendos In A School Of Sociopaths / Chapter 4: Class 1-D

Capítulo 4: Class 1-D

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

The Classroom of 1-D:

Forty seats for each of the forty students in the class respectively.

The seats were arranged in eight tables per row.

Resulting in a collective five rows of seats.

Following the Orientation, Class 1-D was abuzz with activity and talks.

It didn't take long, for girls to converge with girls.

And for boys to converge with boys.

The Human Animal gravitates to the familiar when in a state of uncertainty, after all.

Of course, gender wasn't the only factor in the forming of groups.

Otherwise, there would be a simple split of two groups: Men and Women.

Instead, in what appeared to be a simple passing of ten minutes, was enough to create a micro-society within the classroom filled with mostly students unfamiliar with each other.

The groups, as expected from individuals who have yet to get to know each other, decided to socialize based on - Looks.

Nerdy extroverted guys met with nerdy introverted and quickly, they made a small group.

Gyaru-type girls met with their similarly looking kin, sensing the resemblance between each other.


Class 1-D was in a very sensitive and critical time:

The Birth of Social Dynamics and First Impressions.

A new school.

A fresh start.

A blank canvas.

It is an opportunity to recreate yourself.

To become the person you always dreamed of becoming.

To stand out and have a school experience beyond even the unrealistic ones shown in movies!


...Or so one would assume.

Our focus shifts to one, Todo Aoi.

A proud? Member of Class 1-D.

He sat straight, his face sunk into his hands.

His face darkened, and if one were to poke their head through the hands blocking his expression.

One could see genuine tears trailing down his rough hands.

The question remains...


Why would the pinnacle of Teenage Masculinity - Todo Aoi, cry?

The reason was rather rudimentary... In the sane man's eyes.

But in the eyes of one Aoi, it is a most profound tragedy.

He sniffed, "I-It seems the wheel of fortune spins in both directions..." As he noted that his designated seat was...

All the way on the other side of the class, completely isolated from Itadori Yuuji.

The silent blonde girl with an atrociously large ponytail shivered at the cringeworthy wails of Aoi that sat to her left, 'Urgh... Disgusting.'

Speaking of Itadori Yuuji, here's how he's doing:

"No. Way. You're the Tiger! Itadori Yuuji!" A boy of average height, with short brown hair, and red eyes uttered in awe.

The pink-haired Itadori blinked at the boy who approached him with the calling of his title, "Yeah, though I don't really like that na-" Yuuji sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

'Frankly... it's pretty lame. Didn't get to pick it too...' Yuuji complained internally.

"What do you mean don't like it! You're freaking insane! You and the Freak completely demolished the Baseball nationals on your own!" The boy praised loudly, catching the attention of the others nearby to look at Yuuji with a hint of intrigue.

Yuuji chuckled as he got embarrassed, rubbing the back of his head even harder, "Ah, stop it, dude!"

Blinking his composure back, Yuuji asked lifting his head to stare innocently at the boy before him, "What's your name again?"

"Oh me?" The boy pointed at himself smugly.

"I'm Yamauchi Haruki. A former professional baseball player and tennis coach. It's a shame I got injured, I would've definitely beaten you guys, though! Hahahhahaah!" Yamauchi chuckled.

Yuuji, as innocent and naive as can be, beamed, failing to see through the obvious lie Yamauchi just spouted, "Woah! That's so cool! Tennis and baseball! I don't think I've ever seen you but you sure are confident!" He extended his arm for a handshake.

Yamauchi proudly accepted it and they shook on it, only for Yamauchi to quickly retract his hand in pain, "H-Hey! Not cool, why'd you have to crush my hand like that?" He accused.

Yuuji blinked and fervently apologized, "Heh? Wha- Sorry, my bad."

'I didn't squeeze that hard, did I?' Yuuji scrutinized his hand for a moment, as if glaring at it would reveal the secrets to his unnatural strength.

Waving him off, Yamauchi said, "It's fine, besides... Is the Freak with you? He usually never leaves your side."

Nodding, Yuuji affirmed Yamauchi's speculation, "Yup, he should be- Aoi?!"

Yuuji's body shot up from his seat as he briskly dashed towards Aoi in worry.

Who was... Crying while being calmed down by another student.

The other boy looked exasperated and uneasy as he smiled gently at Aoi, attempting to placate the sobbing gorilla, "When our sensei arrives we can ask her to switch seats, I can talk to the student sitting beside your brot-"

He turned to the worried Yuuji, "Great timing. I tried to calm him, but-"

Yuuji nodded, as a crowd of his classmates gathered beside them, with the exception of the more indifferent bunch or curious onlookers that were contently observing from afar.

"Itadori-kun... Is... Aoi-kun alright?" She hesitated, trying to recall the name Yuuji called him by.

"Todo Aoi, and yes... He's alright." Yuuji sighed in exasperation.

"Dude. Quit being a crybaby." He slapped Aoi on the back of the head.

At the behest of his Besto Furendo's request, Aoi lowered the hands blocking his face, revealing his grim and very dead expression, "Fine. If you ask, my friend."

The boy who tried to help Aoi greeted Yuuji with a thankful smile, "Thank you for your help. No matter what I did, it had no effect on him... You're his brother right?" He blinked as he tried to piece together the resemblance, confusion evident in his friendly smile.

Yuuji quickly shook his head, and waved his arms around, "Ah, no no! He's my best friend, we're not related. My name's Itadori Yuuji. Thanks for trying to look out for him, but Aoi's very... Independent." He chuckled as he extended his hand for a friendly greeting.

One, which the boy gratefully took, "Hirata Yosuke. I hope to stay on friendly terms with you, Itadori-ku"

A loud, authoritative, and clearly feminine tone reverberated in the noisy classroom, cutting through the noise, "Everyone. Take your seats."

The straight-laced Yuuji's eyes widened as he waved a silent goodbye to Hirata and dashed to his seat, Aoi's clear and matter-of-fact tone being his sendaway gift, "Fret not, brother. Should the Teacher chastise you for a matter this trivial... I shall take matters into my own hands."

Note: Todo Aoi Literally means he will take matters into his own hands.

Extra Note: To the more dimwitted bunch, that means he'll beat her up.

Yuuji being preprogrammed with the Todo Aoi Translator quickly shouted before silence overtook the room, "Control yourself, Bro!"

Aoi smirked, 'Brother need not worry. I am well equipped with common sense.'

Note: He is not.

The commanding tone quickly introduced herself as she approached the front of the class.

Standing before the assumed Teacher's desk and the whiteboard.

With an unflinching and silent scrutinization, her eyes scanned the classroom, taking in every student.

The less confident bunch shivered at the woman's gaze, as they shuffled to their seats and minimized noise.

Eventually, the whole classroom of forty students sat in their designated seats and came to a quietude where once there was noise.

Nodding to herself at the silence, the woman introduced herself.

"I'm Chabashira Sae, the homeroom teacher for Class D." Her tone was calm and slow, as her eyes held veiled contempt as she placed a stack of papers on her desk.

Sharp golden eyes and brown hair tied into a voluminous ponytail cascading down her back, she was clothed in a formal uniform that accentuated her curves.

The uniform immediately lost all semblance of formality due to the unbuttoned front, revealing and emphasizing her large breasts.

...Much to the drooling of other students.

"Hehe... We struck gold!" A boy named Ike mumbled under his breath.

Letting the students take in her name, Chabashira was about to start her explanation of the school, only to be interrupted by the lifting of a hand.

Chabashira turned with a raised eyebrow to the owner of said hand.

Although her eyebrow was raised, her eyes sharpened and narrowed upon recognition of the figure.

"Yes, Todo-kun. Keep it short." She answered with a clear lack of patience as she folded her arms under her chest.

'Todo Aoi...' She was reminded of the notes regarding this boy filtered into Class D.

He was a contender for most Defective, however, one other boy had him narrowly beaten.

Chabashira's gaze shifted for but an instant to a blank-faced boy, who didn't outwardly seem to notice her momentary glance.

At Aoi's sudden question, all attention in the class shifted to him, for the second time today.

A thin line on Aoi's face, as he uttered his request with the utmost seriousness, "Sensei, I request to switch seats with the boy there." He pointed at Yamauchi who sat close to Yuuji.

Yamauchi, whose eyes were still locked onto Chabashira's breasts, blinked out of his stupor at the feeling of eyes on him, "Heh? What?" He mumbled at the strange gazes.

Seems as if he hadn't heard what Aoi requested.

Sighing, Chabashira sighed and shook her head, "Rejected. The seat designations cannot be changed."

"Even if both students agree to it?" Aoi tilted his head as he inquired, his eyes narrowed.

Yamauchi chimed in at his involvement, "I didn't agree to anything!"

"I'd agree to it, honestly," Yuuji mumbled with a hint of pity towards Yamauchi as he nodded sadly.

Chabashira, her eyes dancing with slight amusement amid her stoic expression as she met eyes with Aoi, "Even if."

Grabbing his chin, Aoi processed the words, 'Heavy involvement from the school, is it? Fitting I suppose.' He surmised.

Seeing Aoi's silent figure, Chabashira coughed and continued where she left off, "There will be no changing of classes in this school. Therefore, I will be responsible for you for the next three years, until you graduate."

Lifting the stack of papers she dropped on her desk, Chabashira presented the papers in front of the class, "First, I'll hand out the school rule book." The title was visible from afar.

Handing out the stack to the student closest to her, she instructed, "Take one and pass it back."

A couple of moments later, all the students were with the school rule book in hand.

Without wasting time, she explained, "As you can already tell, either through observation or from your own research regarding this school. We have special rules in this school."

"First and foremost, you will live in your own designated dorms. Your luggage has already been taken and delivered properly to your very own rooms. To get the keys to your rooms and all other dorm-related information, go to the dorm's reception. The staff will assist you from there." Her voice drawled out mechanically.

"The purpose of the dorms is self-explanatory. While enrolled in this school, your ability to leave campus and contact the outside world will be extremely limited. For three years, you will live in this school." She reminded.

Some expressions soured at the complete isolation, yet brightened at Chabashira's following words, which reminded them of the actual scale of this school, "But don't worry. The school offers a variety of facilities. Everything you need can be found here, including entertainment."

Quickly taking out her phone from her pocket, she presented it to the class, "To buy things, you'll use points stored in the school's official computer system. At this school, you can buy anything using points."

"Take out your phones, and check for yourselves." She ordered.

A couple of moments later, everyone entered the school's app.

Before anyone could take note of their point balance, Chabashira explained, "Points are allotted on the first of each month. One point is worth one yen."

"HEH?!" A boy exclaimed upon noticing something absurd.

The reaction wasn't completely due to the exchange rate.

But rather due to...

"You have already been allotted 100,000 points for this month." Her statement didn't show any outward change in tone and wasn't delivered in any impactful way.

But the sheer absurdity of what Chabashira just said, wasn't lost on anyone in Class 1-D.

"Are you serious?!"

"So many games..." One Hideo Sotomura mumbled as his glasses flashed.

"...So much... Money..." Yuuji's jaw hit his desk and didn't seem keen on reconnecting any time soon.

Surprise and realization were widespread in the classroom.

While only a few more skeptical individuals wondered at this absurd wage.

'So much money... Why? We're just students.' Horikita wondered.

While Aoi kept his silence, his gaze and expression were still as a stone with narrowed eyes.

An emotional storm and bewilderment, that Chabashira capitalized on, "Are you surprised by the size of your allotment? This school judges students based on merit. You are attributed a significant value just for being accepted here."

Chabashira's words were enough to subdue the skepticism of most students.

"Of course, we deserve this much! We're in the best school in the whole of Japan! Even the world! You guys totally get our value." Yamauchi exclaimed haughtily, pointing at Chabashira and managing to light an ignorant flame in the Class Spirit.

"Yeah, that makes sense!" A red-haired girl named Maya Sato agreed eagerly, excitement and greed in her eyes at what she could purchase with her bloated allowance.

Most of the other students weren't exempt from this.

'Premium Rice Bowls... Karaoke... 8K Ultra HD TV...' Yuuji gushed at the activities and joys his newly obtained modest wealth might allow him to partake in.

Note: Don't tell Aoi, but Yuuji hates singing Takada-chan's songs in Karaoke, but tolerates it for Aoi's sake.

Extra Note: Itadori Yuuji grew up with a TV.

Extra Extra Note: The TV will likely be used to watch food videos to laze around with.

Extra Extra Extra Note: Itadori Yuuji doesn't like Gordon Ramsay (He thinks he's a very mean foreigner despite expanding Yuuji's limited English Vocabulary.)

"Now... Any questions?" Chabashira's voice cut through the noise, folding her arms.

However, unbeknownst to all, Aoi's mind raced...


Beyond the gaze of a moist window in Class 3-A of West Junior High, the sky was a bleeding orange, as the sun was setting.

Todo Aoi stood tall before the window, gazing at the setting sun.

Suddenly, the sound of a door opening behind him prompted his immediate turn of the head.

His eyes widened, as the otherwise empty classroom was suddenly graced by the presence of...

"T-Takada-chan?!" He exclaimed at the more than pleasant surprise.

Seemingly ignoring his outburst, Takada placed a finger on her chin in a cute manner as she hummed, "Don't you think it's strange?"

He tilted his head, "What is?"

"The hundred thousand a month for students. Think about it." She pointed at him.

Nodding he replied evenly, "With a quick calculation, it comes out to 4,000,000 Yen per class a month. With the whole of the 1st years, that's 16,000,000 Yen a month. If the student and class numbers are equal between the years, that's 48,000,000 yen a month for all school years and classes."

He mumbled, "Collectively for a year that turns out to be 576,000,000 Yen. I see. That is indeed a mind-boggling allotment of capital."

Meeting eyes with Takada, he offers his argument, "However, this can be explained in two methods." 

He lifted two fingers, "The first and least likely, is this is flimsy and irresponsible government spending. Not farfetched, but possible."

He continued, "The second and more plausible explanation is that since the school assigns the value of the points as equivalent to yen, they can essentially "print" an infinite amount of points. This works because we are likely limited to what we can buy within the school. The system is sustainable because it's regulated internally and isn't backed by actual currency. It's a closed economy where the school controls the value and distribution of points." He surmised.

Takada nodded, "It will require more research, but I believe the more plausible explanation rests in Sensei's words. Recall them."

"Hmm..." He hummed in contemplation.

And a moment later, he got it.

His eyes widened, "The school judges students by merit!"

Slowly, the puzzle pieces gravitated together, as Aoi's extensive mental CPU was put to work, "The amount of cameras in the classroom... Everything can be bought with points..."

Pleased, Takada gave Aoi a radiating smile, "Good. You know what to do? Right?"

Smiling back, Aoi clicked his fingers at her, "Thank you... Takada-Chan." A gratitude-filled tear trickled down his cheek.


Awakening from his short very real conversation with Takada, Aoi's arm shot up, once again gaining the attention of the class and most importantly of Chabashira.

Note: This happened in 0.01 seconds.

Raising an eyebrow, and with a gaze with slight expectation and hope, Chabashira nodded, "Yes, Todo-kun."

A confident almost haughty smirk formed on Aoi's hulking figure, "You said anything can be bought with points, correct?"

The thin line on Chabashira's face turned to an expectant smile, as she nodded trying to keep her composure.

Clicking his finger at her, Aoi presented his mind-boggling and shocking offer.

An offer so out of the blue.

An offer so farfetched.

An offer no one expected.

An offer that managed to slack jaw even the most poker-faced and emotionless of the bunch.

An atmosphere of sheer suspense and trepidation enveloped the silent classroom.

His offer was...

"I shall purchase the seat closest to Itadori Yuuji." His voice left no room for argument.

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Sup guys!

As you can see, Aoi has used his absurd delusion skills and deduction skills to their utmost benefit!

(To sit next to his brother.)

Did you think he'd just use his smarts to support the class and greater good?

No no!

The greater good is him and his Besto Furendo.

And Takada (Can't forget that one).

Anywho, hope you've enjoyed the chapter.

I am also hoping to receive proper constructive criticism and feedback regarding the characters in this fic.

I am sorta going to be out of my element, juggling so many at once, but I'll try my best!

Tho I had to copy the Chabashira dialogue cause there's no changing that lmao.

Cya next chappie!

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