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45.45% The guardian of the continent (Fanfiction tbate) / Chapter 9: goodbye grandma

Capítulo 9: goodbye grandma

Without thinking much about it, I quickly made my way to the spot she indicated. As my gaze unintentionally fell upon those horns, I couldn't help but think about how cool they looked. They maintained a certain elegance, which fascinated me.

Noticing my gaze, she swiftly picked me up in one of her hands while speaking.

ꟷAre you curious about my horns? ꟷshe asked, bringing me closer to them.

ꟷYes, I think they look awesome ꟷI said without much thought, reaching out with my small hands to touch them.

They had a texture similar to bone, which was to be expected. They were quite cold, but they gave the impression of being almost indestructible.

Meanwhile, Arthur also arrived at the throne and looked at her.

ꟷUh... Forgive me for being rude, but you don't exactly look like a lady. How should I address you?ꟷ Art asked curiously.

ꟷYou're right. I don't exactly look like a lady, do I? I wonder why I said that. My name is Sylvia ꟷshe replied, letting out a soft smile.

ꟷNice to meet you, Miss Sylvia. My name is Alex, and this is my younger brother Art ꟷI said, introducing myself politely, still holding onto one of her horns.

ꟷVenerable Sylvia, do you mind if I ask you a few questions? ꟷArt asked.

ꟷGo ahead, child, though I may not be able to answer everything.

For my part, knowing what was coming, I decided not to pay attention and focused instead on a notification that had appeared in my mind.

[Ding…. Congratulations, host, for meeting the requirements and awakening the final function of your system: Record]

[Record is an essential function of the system that activates when certain specific conditions are met, which can vary depending on the context. These conditions can manifest in a variety of situations, such as encountering an important character in the story, performing a specific action, among other scenarios.]

[Ding, You have reached a zone that meets the requirements for the Record function: Sylvia's Cave. Do you wish to register?]

Listening to the system, I just remembered that it seemed not to have fully activated when it first awakened. It remained in a temporary suspended state until I met the requirements for the second awakening.

"Yes, register," I thought to myself.

[Ding…. Congratulations on obtaining "Character Card"]

[Character Card: This tool randomly selects a character and replicates all their abilities at their strongest point. This card allows you to transfer the abilities of that character to any other person or being you choose, but you cannot apply them to yourself. However, if the person or being you give this card to does not have the same strength, either physically or in mana quantity, as the character chosen by the card, then the abilities will be sealed within their body. This seal will gradually fade as they grow stronger, eventually allowing them to reach the same potential as the original character.]

[Ding, do you wish to use the character card to choose a character?]

"It seems this card would allow me to form stronger allies," I thought as I read the description. "But I can't just give this to anyone unless I know they'd be completely loyal and trustworthy since I wouldn't be able to explain how I obtained this ability."

Many thoughts crossed my mind, such as giving it to Arthur or someone else, but I quickly dismissed these ideas. I didn't want to interfere too much with their growth. Additionally, I couldn't completely trust anyone, so I didn't know how to use the card.

"Let's not worry about it for now and see which character I get. With Arthur's luck and Sylvia's presence, I should get a good card."

ꟷYes, use the character card ꟷI whispered in my heart.

[Ding, congratulations host for obtaining the character: Noir (Diablo)]

When I heard that name and saw the design of the card, which depicted a young man with black hair streaked with red and gold, and golden eyes. He wore an elegant butler outfit, with two wings on his back.

"Wow, I actually got the most powerful of Rimuru's guardians!" I thought excitedly. I nearly jumped for joy. "For now, I'll keep this card and think about how to use it in the future."

ꟷThank goodness. Y... You're safe... You're okay... Art's words caught my attention again, as he had apparently learned that our parents were safe.

The day passed, with Sylvia showing us various parts of the cave where there were many roots and fruits. I looked around with curiosity, and sometimes she would pick me up and let me sit on her shoulder as we walked, or help me pick some fruits that were out of reach.

We talked about many things, making the atmosphere more pleasant.

ꟷI thought that among humans, the youngest mage to awaken was ten years old, and even then, the child wasn't very adept at using it. But looking at both of you, I'm quite surprised.ꟷ Sylvia said as she looked at us. ꟷHowever, Art, not only have you already formed your mana core, but the way you use it is far more efficient than many seasoned mages. And little Alex, not only that, but you can even use mana rotation naturally.

ꟷ Mana rotation? ꟷArthur asked, looking at me. I returned his gaze with confusion, as if I didn't understand what she was talking about.

ꟷ Mana rotation, in very simple words, is the ability to absorb mana from the environment while going about your daily activities,ꟷ she explained patiently. ꟷ Try to absorb mana while making these movements. Ideally, you should be able to absorb at least a fraction of the mana you do while meditating, even during a fight. Although the amount you can absorb will deplete eventually, at least you'll be able to prolong its use.

Hearing her explanation, I decided to continue exploring the cave and thinking about how to use the card obtained from the system. I also attempted to devour some insects in the cave with the [Predator] ability, hoping to gain extra abilities like super strength or something similar. But nothing worked, and my attempts failed.

Days passed, and nearly two months went by since we arrived at Sylvia's lair. During this time, Arthur focused mainly on training mana rotation, while I concentrated on routine exercises and spent time talking with Sylvia. We occasionally had fun watching Arthur's failed attempts during practice.

Constantly, I could be seen running around, immersed in using my magical perception. I couldn't stop marveling at everything around me. Since then, that ability had become inseparable from me. Filled with curiosity about what I might find in someone as powerful as her cave, I explored in search of anything I could absorb.

Accompanying her while she created the portal, I watched intently, longing to acquire some skill through Great Sage's analysis. However, despite understanding the movements of the mana particles, I still couldn't fully grasp the portal's ability, as if I was missing something.

When Arthur took a break from his training, the three of us would chat about various topics, including stories of our families and the village we grew up in. Using my acting skills, I managed to get Arthur to suggest making some musical instruments.

With Sylvia's help, we managed to build a guitar, which I couldn't stop holding. In my previous life, the guitar was my favorite instrument, so I had some skill in playing it with dexterity.

During this short time, we grew quite close to Sylvia. She always treated us very well, and I began to call her 'grandmother,' knowing that this was the last request she had made to Art in the manhwa before they were separated.

Several times, I tried using my healing ability to help her, but it was to no avail, as her wound wouldn't heal.

<< Received. The wound contains fragments of an unknown power that is currently impossible to analyze. It is recommended to use the unique skill [Predator] for a more thorough analysis and to find other solutions. >>

Listening to Great Sage, I couldn't help but think about it. Using that ability could raise many questions and create confusion for both Arthur and Sylvia. How could I have such an ability? Why had I kept it hidden all this time? If my child facade crumbled, I could get into serious trouble, as, despite my actions sometimes not matching my age, it didn't mean I was reincarnated.

On the other hand, even if they accepted that I had this ability, would Sylvia accept it? After everything that had happened in these two months and with the information I had about her from my past life, I was sure she wouldn't.

If she accepted to be devoured by the [Predator] ability, it could draw the person pursuing her towards us, endangering our lives and those of our families.

So, even if I showed my ability and explained that there was a possibility of curing her, there was a high chance she would refuse. Moreover, it wasn't certain that her wound could be healed quickly; it might take a long time. Until I grew stronger or perhaps even evolved the [Predator] ability, the wound might not be curable.

But for that, I needed to have more mana in my body.

While thinking about this and feeling conflicted, I felt the soft touch of Sylvia's fingers on my hair.

ꟷ Don't be frustrated; I'm already quite happy that you're trying to heal me. But it's not something that can be done so easily,ꟷ she said gently.

ꟷ Sylvia, please tell me. What's wrong with your wound? Why is it getting worse? It wasn't like this before! When you said it got infected occasionally, that was clearly a lie! This won't go away on its own; it's actually getting worse!ꟷ Arthur said, equally worried, looking at the pool of blood on the ground.

Sylvia let out a deep sigh as she noticed both of us looking directly at her. Trying to form a shy smile, she whispered:

ꟷ Little Alex, little Art. That's right, I'm dying. But I'll be angry if either of you blames yourselves, thinking you're responsible for this. Because I've been dying for quite some time. You're doing me a favor by allowing me to leave this forgotten cave a little faster.

As soon as she finished speaking, her body emitted a bright, golden glow. In the place where the ten-meter giant had been, there was now an even larger dragon. From its snout to its tail, it was covered with shining scales of a pearly white color. Beneath its iridescent lavender eyes, golden runes gleamed, running from its neck to its body and tail, as if they were sacred engravings.

These markings reminded me of an elegant, almost celestial, tribal pattern that expanded harmoniously with purpose, like carefully placed vines. Its wings were pure white, adorned with fine, sharp white feathers that could rival swords forged by master blacksmiths. The golden light that had enveloped the dragon dimmed until it completely replaced what had once been a gigantic figure.

ꟷ Is it time to say goodbye? ꟷ I whispered softly, which was heard by Art and her.

ꟷYes, little one. The reason I'm dying is because I got involved in a conflict where I was injured. After narrowly escaping my captors, I sensed that one of them was dangerously close to this place a few days ago, so I believe my days of hiding are over. This form will alert them to my location, so I only have time to explain what's necessary to you. ꟷ She said, as her soft breath filled the surroundings. ꟷI give this to you to care for from now on.

She unfolded one of her sharp wings, revealing a translucent stone like a rainbow, the size of two fists. The stone had a wide variety of colors and shades. Arthur carefully received the stone in his arms, fearing to cause any blemish.

While I looked at it with my magical perception, I could feel great power emanating from that egg, which surprised me quite a bit.

ꟷ Everything will reveal itself in due time, so take care of it and don't let anyone know you have it. Most won't know what it is, but everyone will be drawn to the aura it emits. ꟷ She said.

Art nodded and took the egg into his arms, although he was the only one who didn't know what it was.

Then she grabbed two feathers from her body, and somehow, with her powerful claws, she removed one of her horns, which she passed to me along with one of the feathers. This sudden scene surprised me a bit, even causing my breath to catch in my throat.

ꟷGrandmother! What are you doing? ꟷ I said alarmed, but she simply made a grimace, smiling as usual as traces of blood fell from her head.

ꟷLittle Alex, keep this horn. It may serve you in the future. ꟷ She said softly.

Meanwhile, Arthur, who had wrapped the egg with one of the feathers he had obtained, was startled to hear my words and was shocked to see one of her horns in my hands. And before we could react, she pushed Art backward with her snout against his chest where his mana core was located. Seeing it, I understood that she had bestowed her beast will upon him.

But suddenly, a loud explosion interrupted everything. I noticed how the roof of the cave collapsed, while a figure resembling Sylvia's form appeared from that explosion. Sylvia immediately covered us with one of her wings in time to protect me from the falling debris and to keep us hidden from our visitor.

ꟷLady Sylvia! I advise you to stop your stubbornness and hand it over. You've caused us a lot of trouble by hiding! If you surrender, perhaps the Lord could even heal your wound.ꟷ said the entity impatiently.

"That person should belong to the same clan as her or perhaps to the same continent from which she comes," I thought in my heart, while several thoughts appeared in my head. I really wanted to do something to change things, but I understood very well that I couldn't do more than grit my teeth.

ꟷI'll open the portal now. I haven't had time to make it directly to your home, but it should take you to a place with humans nearby. Don't let them see you and don't look back.ꟷ Sylvia whispered to us, with a serious look.

ꟷSylvia! Is what he said true? Will they let you live if you surrender?ꟷ asked Art.

ꟷDon't believe their sweet words. It will be much worse if they find you now. As for me, I'd rather die than go with him.ꟷ said Sylvia angrily and impatiently mixed in her voice.

ꟷNo! I won't let you die here…ꟷ But before I could continue, she fainted. Noticing Arthur's restlessness and his apparent inability to listen, I quickly acted by hitting him on the back of the neck, rendering him unconscious. I lifted him in my arms and hid the egg as best as I could.

I knew this wasn't the time to act in that way. What surprised me the most was that even though he had been a King in his previous life, he became impatient in these situations.

"It seems that age doesn't really represent a person's maturity."

Sylvia gently wiped away some of the tears that had fallen from Art's eyes, who was unconscious.

ꟷ I remember one of the questions little Art had asked me was why I had saved you. To tell the truth, it was to satisfy my own greed. I wanted to keep you as if you were my son, even if only a little. I intentionally prolonged the teleportation spell because I wanted to spend more time with you, but it seems I didn't even have time to finish it.ꟷ She said with a choked voice. ꟷ I'm sorry, little Alex, could you call me grandma one last time?.

ꟷYes, grandma. It seems this will be our goodbyeꟷ I said, trying to contain my tears.

ꟷGoodbye, little Alex, take care and grow up well. Please take care of the little one I'm handing over to you, as I imagine you already know what it isꟷ she said before pushing me toward the portal. ꟷThe road ahead for little Arthur will be very difficult, but knowing he has an older brother like you, I can be more at ease. Goodbye, little Alex.

ꟷGoodbye, grandma, and I'm sorryꟷ I said through tears as I watched her image fade away. ꟷI promise I'll come back to this place when I'm strong.


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