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25% The Undead In MCU / Chapter 4: CH-4 - RIB KILLIN

Capítulo 4: CH-4 - RIB KILLIN


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*____* are used for either background noises or time-skips

[____] are used to switch between POVs

'____' are used for thoughts



they put me back in position, start cutting me, and i, without pain this time around, focus on stopping the regeneration of parts until they complete, while using the 'feeling' i get from them stabbing and snooping around my body. I understand more about my ability due to this fresh, though traumatic Experience.

huh? It's like a training arc right now! so,

Harvesting Is Training I Guess?


A Month! And 20 days!

Almost 2 months of experiments were done on me, cutting my body parts one by one, with fingers to eventually eyes. they didn't leave me alone. day after day, those doctors came in and experimented on me, in the hopes of somehow finding a permanent way of removing organs which would not leave them to evaporate after 30 seconds from their removal from my body.

But, they never went to the heart and the brain to experiment on it, i don't know why, but mostly they might think that if they did try to experiment on that, i would surely die. and coming to death, i died around 20 times in the past month, mostly due to extensive blood loss or the doctors getting real exited and removing a large amount of my organs out at once. The experience was surreal, dying not once but 20 times.

The doctors theorize that I cannot technically die, due to my regeneration having a self-defense mechanism. When my heart stops, my regeneration 'ability' keeps the blood flowing to my heart and brain, forcefully reviving me. or at least that's how they think my ability works, but is kinda correct, but rather than my ability being regeneration, it's undead. this experimentation really helped me learn more about my body and my ability, and that is all due to,

pain receptors. or lack thereof.

Without constantly being barraged by pain, I was able to listen, understand and feel all the experiments done on me, understanding what the doctors do, while also learning things that they don't even have the tiniest bit of knowledge of. The way the undead ability works is somewhat different that I thought, at least compared to its original universe definition. The OG universe's Undead is that that makes the user immortal and allows him to regenerate all damage. Specifically, it negates anything that brings him closer to death - including aging.

but my ability is different, at least a little different, his regeneration only works IF something brings him closer to death. but my ability is a regeneration which I use the concept of death to regenerate. For example, if I think slipping on a banana would lead me to die, then the fall would not damage me in the slightest. I won't be affected even by the gravity and impact damage.

Anyways, where was I? Yeah. Without being able to feel pain and stop the mending back of pain receptors, I am unable to feel pain and I can brainstorm in silence without constant barrages of pain. leaving me with new knowledge. but today is an important day for the doctors and the trio it seems, since apparently, their boss man is coming. which is good because

I am gonna kill everyone in the room!

I have decided to do this, since honestly... i want vengeance, i have suffered badly, killed 20 times, and my organs being removed daily. someone needs to pay for all of this, and the Mexican Cartel will. All of them.


I opened my eyes, acting like I was sleeping the whole time and just waking up, checking my surroundings. i see the doctors coming up to the surgical table, oh yeah, during the month and 20 days, these bastards decided to be real doctors and 'shift' me into an operation table, really good people right?

"How are you doing Mr Adam, hope you are comfortable.?" Mr cotton picker really wants me to send his ass back to the fiel-

"why wouldn't he be? he has not felt pain since a month ago, all he might be feeling at most is discomfort.!" Mr white, don't you dare talk about comfortability, do you even know how it feels to be prodded, stabbed, ripped apart?

" Well, no worries then, we would like you to thank you for your cooperation, even though you weren't really all that helpful!" oh? you wanna slide remarks like that when your ass should still be a slav-

"The person with us today is someone of great importance is here to meet you, this is someone known as Cartel Sicario, a member of the top branch of the Mexican Cartel.!" a dude who looks in his 20s with a short beard, a weird long ass chain connecting till his stomach.

"este es nuestro ey mejorado?" (this is our enhanced eye?) The top branch guy starts sprouting Spanish, but I don't really care, so I close my eyes, but open my eyes when I feel someone hit my face. I look up to see the top branch in front of me, staring at me angry.

"¡maldito! ¿Crees que eres una especie de pez gordo sólo porque eres un bicho raro?" (you fucker! you think you are some kind of hotshot just because you are a freak?) this fucker is pissing me off. I smirk at his face, making him even more pissed off.

"sí. ¿entonces?" ( yeah. so?) a dumb move to do, i know. no need to antagonise this poor bastard, but, it slipped accidently, i had been thinking about killing all the cartel members didn't I? so, this fucker is also on the list, so seeing a soon-to-be-dead man talking arrogantly let me slip, i am a normal man after all.

"maldito bastardo. ¡Veamos si sigues usando la boca después de esto!" (you fucking bastard. let's see if you are still using your mouth after this!) what are you gonna do fuc-



"¿qué estás haciendo?" (What are you doing?) i have gotten stabbed in the throat, i am suffocating in my own blood, that bastard stabbed my Jugular Vein. remove the go-


"ugh '' well ,thanks cotton picker. you were useful after all. Even though I haven't regenerated my pain receptors back for a month and won't feel the pain, it's still uncomfortable to breathe and swallow y'know.

"Señor Sicario, ¡déjenos solucionar esto!" (Mr Sicario, please let us deal with this!) Mr white wants to 'deal' with me? y'know what? i was gonna execute my plan a couple of days later, but fuck it, imma do it today. what i would be doing you might ask? I-


Well, they started the operation under the watchful eyes of Mr Hitman over the corner, I mean, who the hell introduces themselves as a Sicario?

I wait for the perfect timing while stopping my ability from mending my skin and muscles which are being torn apart. During the month, I have figured out a way to apply my undead ability in an offensive way, just like the dude does in the manga/anime. Even though I haven't tried it much, I am confident it will work. Now, why the confidence you ask?

I use my inner eyes, focusing on my blood circulation in my body, especially in my lungs, since that's where the doctors are operating on right now. I focus on the cut they made in my lung, so that they can remove it. i mentally ready myself for the perfect time. and when it comes upon me.

I Accelerate my blood to insane levels, releasing a high pressure blood spray from my lung, ripping apart the loosely hanging rib cage and sending it upwards, shooting at an insane speed.

Stabbing Mr White Right in the throat, immediately killing him.

I take a deep breath, the sight of me killing someone overwhelms me a little, but cold rage, determination and me visioning this scenario a dozen times help me not over react. I hear gasps, and I know that the time is upon me to enact my plan, which I had been cooking up for the past month.

Kill, Kill everyone here!

i immediately 'think' about my life in danger, healing myself entirely leaving me naked on the bed, and focus on accelerating blood on my right hand, exactly where the rubber strap holds me down, making my hand shoot outward, freeing my bound hand, i immediately mend by my bone, and only the bone into a sharp point, moving the right 'bone' to my left hand and stabbing the leather straps, and then ripping it apart.

with the leather straps gone, and my left arm movable, i point my left arm at the nearest person next to me, that being Mr Black, i close one eye and take aim, mending back all of my right hand to hold my left hand still, and then immediately accelerate my blood to insane degrees, shooting my hand outwards in a punching motion, straight to Mr Black's face. and the end result, it tore through the cotton pickers head, literally. serves you right, YOU NI-

I grow my bone back, same sharp point, and move it towards my neck, ripping the Leather straps, and going down to the hip, ripping other straps off. I finally get up - although still in bed - and I finally breathe a sigh of relief. I move my body lower, using my bone-by hand to rip apart the straps holding my thighs and legs.

Plan 1, Killing the Doctors and Freeing Myself, Successful!

now for plan 2-




My ears start ringing, A loud crack, a boom, the acrid smell of gun smoke, that's all I see, feel- wait. I feel something inside of me. I look at where the sound came from, and see Sicario, pointing a gun ( don't know which model, Don't care which model) at me, shooting 3 bullets. I remember the sound, the day that started my hellish life in this universe, all because a gun was used upon me and I was unlucky to get caught mending.

my body automatically spits out the bullet and regenerate itself , me not having to do it at all, i leave the bed which i slept for a month straight, and walked towards Sicario, him firing off more and more bullets which hit me, until i reach him when his gun starts clicking, indicating the cartridge being empty. he watches, fear in his eyes, while i come in front of him. and,

stab him in the chest, with my bone-by hand going right through, and bends, in pain, and suffocation since i just pierced him in the lung, i know where it is now due to the now-dead doctors blabbering about it and all the other parts of the body. he looks at my face, blood coming out of his mouth, and begs me to leave him, to spare him, to-

I raise my right hand, right my index finger and almost rip it apart. i point that ripped finger towards his head, and through his begging, my uncaring eyes, and a finger pointed at his head, i remember one of the first offensive attack used and explained in the anime/manga-

"Parts Bullet '' i regrow a perfect index finger, making the ripped off one shoot out like a projectile, ripping and going straight through Sicarios Brain, killing him.

I yank my bone-y hand off his chest, regenerating it immediately, and walk off, uncaring of the killings I just did. if my 2 month younger self would have seen me right now, he would have been horrified about me being-

naked. what? you thought that i am regretting my decisions? hell nah! i mentally prepared myself for this for almost a month, every single day, remembering the pain I felt, the feeling of dying, not just once, but 20 times is enough to change a man. I would kill anyone (except my loved ones) and would not bat an eye at it.!

I opened the door, letting myself out of the operations room. Due to the sound of guns firing, a total of 3 people came to check in, and who might those three people be? Mr Buffy, Mr Fatty and Mr Lanky. the one who made my life hell, the one who made me suffer pain, and the one who killed me the first time. The moment I see them, I know I have to kill them before others come. and that's what I do.

i run towards them, frightening them, Mr Lanky tries to take a gun from his sides but a punch comes straight for his face, sending him to the ground, i immediately go for Fatty fucker, punching him in his fatass stomach, knocking the wind out of him, and then-


i get rammed by Buffy fucker like a kindergarten kid being rammed by a drunken driver, making me fall to the ground, that bastard, gets up a little immediately and starts raining down punches, hitting my face over and over in order to knock me out or something. and even though i am bleeding from my face, i don't feel pain, so i immediately hold his throat and start choking him, he stops the punches and holds my hand, trying to release them, which he is successfully able to do.

even though i might be more deadlier than this fucker, he is physically stronger than me and is able to overpower me. and immediately after he over powers me, Fatty comes over and stomps me in the stomach, and the stomp causes some internal damages that i don't care but the force compressed the diaphragm and restricted the lung expansion, making me dizzy and out of breath. This allows Buffy to get off me properly and grab my hair and then ram his knee in my face, breaking my nose, teeths and the impact of this causing my eye to have orbital fractures and get concussed.

my head, already dizzy, gets even more annoying, i can't feel pain, but i cannot concentrate and without me being able to understand what going on due to my brain being rattled, i am kinda unsu-



The body goes still, making the person who held the body's hair let it go, causing it to drop to the floor, making the 2 people to look unto the third person, their friend Mr Lanky holding a gun. The body has a hole in the head, indicating that he shot him in the head, killing it.

"¡Que se joda este monstruo!" ( fuck this freak!) Mr Fatty kicks on the corpse of the dead man, spitting on his dic-

"entonces el monstruo PUEDE ser asesinado, ¿eh?" (so the freak CAN be killed ey?) Mr Lanky shoots another in the head for good measure, to make sure the person stays dead.

"¿qué pasó? ¿Cómo escapó el monstruo?" (what happened? How did the freak escape?) Mr Buffy stares at the dead body in fascination, not noticing something.

"No lo sé, ve a verlo, ¡quédate aquí hasta que él vaya y vea qué pasa!" (i don't know, go check it out, you stay here until he goes and sees what's up!) Mr Lanky orders Mr Buffy while Explaining to Mr fatty that it's better to see what's happening.

Mr Buffy walks through the open door to see the murdered victims of the individual, one having a hole in the head, eerily similar to the current predicament of this individual, the 2nd having a whole in his face, and the the last having a cut throat, like something stabbed into him, no idea what was the tool used to stab-

"AHHHHH" Mr Buffy immediately turns and goes back foo where he came from, knowing the voice of Mr Fatty. he turns and-

Mr Fatty is holding his Blown up backside in pain and crying, while Mr Lanky shooting the perpetrator of the person who did it-

the supposed dead corpse, Rai Adams.


Ouch, getting shot in the brain is really not good. It disorientates a person, and causes internal bleeding in the brain, leading to shut down on cognitive functions, not allowing a person to move... and also death I guess. i died right now. but my undead ability forced my body to spit out the bullet and healed all the damage, internal and external. this allowed me to hear the three fuckers planning, Buffy fucker leaving the group for a minute, leaving only the other two left.

i was an idiot, thinking i could take on 3v1 since i could not feel pain, i paid for it with my death, and now, i am gonna take them down one by one. I opened my eyes a little bit to see where the 2 people were, with Fatty being the nearest to me, while Mr Lanky was 5 feet away. I have a strategy formed in a couple of seconds with one goal in mind:- take these bastards off the board one at a time.

I immediately yank my arm toward fatty's leg, yanking him down a little bit. He is surprised and I do not waste any time and point my spare arm at fatty's downsides, since I am lying down. i accelerate my blood in my fist and-

"AHHHHH" and ripped right into Mr fatty's fat ass, ripping it apart causing him to scream, I even destroyed his balls and dick. completely in-capitating him. I get up while he falls down in pain, and I immediately get shot by Mr. Lanky, I raise my hand to protect my head. I do not want another dying experience. Thank you very much. but this allows Mr Buffy to come out of the room and see what i have done. i use this moment of him having a shocked expression to rush to him while regenerating my bone-

stabbing him Wolverine Style. he groans and screams in pain, seeing my hand being stabbed into him causing him to be fearful and scared. But before I could do anything, I got shot even more times. Honestly, the normal capacity of a gun is over bro. How much are you gonna shoot?

i turn and aim my finger at Mr lanky, accelerating my blood in my finger and shooting it right at Mr lanky, hitting him in the chest like a bullet, making him double over in pain. i turn around, while regenerating the bone of the lost finger and stab it straight through Mr Buffy's eye, making him screaming like a lil bitch.

I yank my hand off his chest and Stab him in the brain, Killing him effectively and immediately. He goes still and I yank my finger from his eye and my hand from his head and let him drop on the floor, dead. I turn around towards the fallen Mr Fatty, who is grabbing his blown up ass and crying. I stab my bone-y fist in his head, effectively killing him too. leaving only one person.

speaking of that person, the moment he saw me kill the buffy fucker, he turned around and started to run, with a wound in his chest, causing him immeasurable pain, which sows him down considerably. The moment I saw him high-tailing out of here, I rushed him and stabbed him in the back with my bone-y fist. making him jerk and scream, i yank and stab, i yank it again and stab again, i do it again and again for 10 times until i yank it out the final time.

I turn to see his face, seeing his mouth bleeding and his face full of terror and despair, and to do the finishing blow, I drop him and stab him in the head, making sure that he is permanently killed. I take a deep breath, taking in the realization that I have successfully finished my revenge.

I yank my hand and let it regenerate with my finger while thinking about what I should do. all the people that i wanted to get revenge on are killed. now, what shou-




I get sprayed by bullets and when I see where they were shot from, I see 4 people with AK's in their arms. Of course, I am gonna kill the ENTIRE Mexican Cartel, not just the people who killed me, but the entire gang itself. and this is the first step.

i run forward putting my RIGHT arm In Front of my head so that i don't get head-shotted while they are firing their AKs and aim the LEFT arm In Front of a person while accelerating the arm, shooting it and hitting the person in the chest. pushing it inside and killing one person out of four. I regenerate my bone and stab it to the second person's face when I reach them, killing him too. i move my RIGHT arm In Front of the third person, accelerating the blood and shooting it right at the face, instantly caving it and killing the third person.

I regenerate my RIGHT bone and try to stab the fourth one, but unfortunately, the reach is a little distance away and I am only able to swipe at him. i do it again and he fearfully puts the gun In Front of his face, making me accidentally stab it, making it stuck to my RIGHT bone, the fourth uses this chance to run away. i yank my LEFT arm from the dead person and regenerate my whole arm, using it to yank the gun stuck in my bone.

I throw it to the side and try to rush towards where the 4th person went, but then I feel something....

my balls hitting my thigh. Which makes me realize that I am currently naked. I don't know what to feel, modesty while killing someone? but my upbringing makes me search for clothes. and the only available clothes right now.. are from dead bodies.

I sigh and go to pick it up, deciding to pick up the most fashionable of the dead corpses, which is the one who I stabbed straight to the face, AKA person No 2. I won't use his underwear obviously but his shirt, pants, etc are all allowed. While removing clothes from the dead body, I start thinking of ways to use my powers for combat, since the person who ran away will bring reinforcements. I started brain-storming ways to deal with an entire gang. this small skirmish with the fucker trio made me realise that i ain't good at fighting. I need ways to fight, and these brain-storming sessions will help me.

*12 Hours Later*



In an office stands a man who is in his 50s, with receding hairline and wearing a suit with a cherry-red 1962 Chevrolet Corvette that is his car. A knock sounds on the door, causing the man to turn and tap a box, making it close to the A.I interface it was running and recedes into a hole, closing it and making sure no evidence is there of this Mysterious Black Box.

"Come on in" the man fixes his tie, letting in the person who knocked, an Asian Chick in Her 40s comes in bearing new.

"Coulson, Skye Wants to show you something important urgently." Phil Coulson, The Current Director Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Notice the Concern voice of Melinda May, His Right Hand and his trusted Confidence.

"What Happened may? Did Skye Find Anything On Ward?" Coulson sees her shake her head making him realize this is something different. but before May could respond, someone else did.

" This is Bigger than Ward Coulson, You NEED To See this." In comes a mix of Asian and Chinese, around her Mid 20s who is carrying a tablet in her arm, Coulson realizes that something big must have happened for His Protégé , Skye to be much more concerned about this, than finding a ward.

 Skye taps the tablet connecting it to The Office's Monitor, so that Coulson can see what could concern both his friends this way. He sees Skye uploading a video to the monitor.

"this was uploaded 11 hours ago in social media and then was taken down in 10 minutes, but it reached around a million views till then." Skye explains the video and then starts.

The view is clearly camera, the video length is 2 minutes long but it seems that the video displaying the monitor started around the middle.

" RPG" Coulson jerks back in surprise because he did not expect an RPG to come out of nowhere. he, and his two teammates watch the video. 

'After the order, an RPG was fired and the camera angle was moved to a man with a oni-mask on, all that is seen is him raising his hand up and that's when RPG hits him, 'killing' him.'

Coulson is surprised and shocked by what he saw, but he is also confused by why Skye and May want to show him this, he opens his mouth to ask, but he sees in the monitor that,

' in the smoke, a silhouette is seen, but it is really weird since it doesn't seem like a person. that silhouette walks forward, letting the viewers see who or what it is, and it is... the person who got hit by the RPG?'  

"wha-" Coulson Cannot Believe What he is seeing right now. a person just got hit by an RPG and he came out without any injury-

' the video zooms in the person's body, showing the viewer that.... the person has half of his body gone, with the mask blown into pieces with only one part hanging on his jaw. the person looks dazed, but then suddenly.... his skin starts to wiggle... a bone pops out, leading with tissue, muscles, nerves and skin all wiggling together creating... the lost skin?'

The video stops and Coulson is wide-eyed. He turns to see May and Skye staring at him with concern in their eyes, not for him, but for the situation at hand. his eyes harden, and as the Director Of SHIELD. he immediately gives an order.

" Show the Video from the Beginning!" Skye nods at the command and starts at the beginning.!




SpiritFest13 SpiritFest13


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