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37.5% Round Table with Myself / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Far away Galaxy

Capítulo 3: Chapter 3: Far away Galaxy

In a galaxy far, far away, an unusual event took place on the planet Zygerria, known for its now clandestine slave trade. A being from another world was reincarnated into the body of the young Zygerrian prince. His name is Azar Scintel, and his birth has altered the force of the galaxy.

Unlike his sister Miraj, Azar's deep blue hair stood out among his people, hinting from the beginning that he was destined for greatness. A feature he shared with his sister was the color of their golden eyes. His father, King Keldar, and his mother, Queen Lyara, quickly noticed that their son possessed extraordinary intelligence and insight.

No one knew that Azar had memories of another life, a life very different from the current one. Growing up amidst luxury and opulence, he was also acutely aware of the brutal reality of the slavery that defined his planet. Despite being taught by his father about the importance of the slave trade for Zygerria's economy, Azar rejected this practice, coming from a world where it was illegal and morally wrong.

From a very young age, Azar was accompanied by two women who played crucial roles in his life. They were his nanny and his tutor. A blue and white Togruta named Ahsira served as his tutor and advisor. Ahsira had deep blue skin like Azar, with white markings characteristic of her species, and her montrals and lekku, adorned with natural patterns, gave her a majestic appearance. Her intense green eyes reflected her knowledge of galactic history and philosophy. Her soft voice conveyed a calmness that complemented her elegance.

On the other hand, a purple-skinned Twi'lek named Sheera was his personal protector and combat trainer. As an experienced warrior, her eyes were always alert to any danger to her young master, demonstrating her training and dedication. Her deep violet skin, with golden eyes, and her lekku adorned with intricate tattoos that told the stories of her people, moved gracefully as she battled or spoke.

Both women were slaves, given by his father to prepare him for the business of his peers since the heir was Miraj. But Azar saw them as friends and confidants. As he grew, he learned to fight and think strategically under Sheera's tutelage and about the galaxy's great events with Ahsira. These teachings cultivated a desire in Azar to change his world, liberate the slaves from their condemnation, and teach his peers a new path.

One day, while practicing his combat skills with Sheera in the garden, he began to share his thoughts with his companions.

"Sheera, Ahsira, I've been thinking a lot about what it means to be a Zygerrian," Azar said as he blocked an attack from Sheera with his laser whip.

"What do you mean, Azar?" asked Ahsira, observing from a nearby bench.

Azar stopped, lowering his weapon, "I don't think slavery is the right path for us. I know it's part of our traditions, but... I can't help feeling that it's unjust."

Sheera, with a thoughtful expression, lowered her weapon as well. "Azar, that's a dangerous stance to take. But... I can understand your thinking. I've seen a lot of suffering, and if there's a way to change that, it might be worth it."

Ahsira nodded, her montrals and lekku moving elegantly. "History and philosophy have taught us that great changes often start with a small flame. But that would mean going against your own species and family. Are you sure you're determined to change Zygerria?"

Azar's eyes shone with determination. "Then, would you support me in this?"

Ahsira and Sheera exchanged a significant look. Despite having been slaves for much of their lives and suffering under the Zygerrians, they had long noticed the difference in Azar since he became their master. He did not treat them like his previous owners or like the others of his race; he treated them as equals despite their status as slaves. They then nodded in unison. "Of course, Azar. We'll always be by your side," Ahsira said with a warm smile.

From that moment on, the bond between Azar, Ahsira, and Sheera grew even stronger. The lessons and training sessions became more than just a daily routine; they marked the beginning of the flame that would change the destiny of Zygerria, formed in the bond between them.

Not everyone in the Scintel family shared Azar's ideas, and indeed, almost no one of his species did. His older sister, Miraj, was a staunch defender and believer in Zygerrian traditions. Therefore, tensions between siblings erupted frequently, sometimes starting as heated arguments and ending in violence.

"What are you reading now, brother?" Miraj asked, crossing her arms one afternoon while Azar was reading in the library, looking at her brother with a disdainful expression.

"Texts on galactic history," Azar replied without looking up. "I'm trying to better understand how other systems have managed similar problems to ours."

"Problems?" Miraj replied with a sarcastic laugh. "Slavery is not a problem, Azar. It's the foundation of our society, what makes us strong."

Closing the book, Azar stood up to face his sister. "It's what makes us hated by others, Miraj. We can't build a society based on the suffering of others."

"You're a dreamer," Miraj said with disdain. "And those dreams will lead you to ruin."

"I'd rather risk ruin than perpetuate injustice," Azar replied firmly.

Shaking her head, Miraj left the library, leaving Azar alone with his thoughts. Despite loving or having some affection for his new family, ideological differences created a barrier between them and him.

Several days later, arguments with his parents were becoming increasingly intense. They were firm in their beliefs about the economic importance of slavery for Zygerria.

During a formal dinner, Azar decided to confront his parents openly once more.

"Father, mother, I've been thinking a lot about our slavery practices," he said with a calm but determined voice. "I think we should consider a change."

Keldar looked at his son severely. "A change? Again with your ideas of a Zygerria without slaves, Azar?"

"Yes, we should abolish slavery and find alternative ways to sustain our economy," Azar said, feeling the stares of his family.

"It's part of our culture and tradition. It's what has sustained us for centuries. It's simply absurd," exclaimed his mother.

"Traditions aren't always right, mother. The suffering of others shouldn't be the basis of our greatness," Azar replied.

Keldar pounded the table with his fist, making the utensils tremble. "You continue to be the same idealist, Azar. You don't understand the complexities of our species' politics and economy. Are those stupid slaves putting these ideas in your head?"

"Perhaps I don't understand everything yet, father, but I understand that perpetuating injustice is never the answer. We must move forward and take risks, or we'll end up lost in time. Besides, leave Sheera and Ahsira out of this; these are my own thoughts," Azar replied bravely, standing up from the table and walking away.

The dinner ended in tense silence, understanding the weight of traditions and his family's resistance to change. Azar determined that they would not change diplomatically, as a wise person from another world once said, "Having a stereotyped idea creates a blind spot," and "Those at the top decide what is right and what is wrong! Whoever wins the war becomes justice!"

Thinking of a plan of action, Azar decided to pretend he reconsidered his ideas about slavery, preparing his resources to eventually stage a coup by force. But he would have to tell his plans to Sheera and Ahsira.

Still, he was a few years away from the Nooba Invasion. As another wise person from an alternate world said, "Chaos is not a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never try again. Others get a chance to climb but refuse, clinging to the realm, or the gods, or love. Only the ladder is real. Climbing is all there is."

Azar had to let some events follow their canonical course. But his ladder, for his species, was change and the abolition of slavery.

Over time, the relationship between Ahsira, Sheera, and Azar deepened. They went from being protector and tutor to being confidants and eventually something more. The closeness in their missions (given by Azar's father) and discussions about Zygerria's future cultivated a mutual affection that transcended friendship.

One night, while observing the stars from a balcony, Azar spoke softly.

"I don't know what I would do without you two," he said sincerely. "Your support means everything to me."

Sheera, leaning on the railing, smiled. "We're here because we believe in you, Azar. Your vision is something worth fighting for."

Ahsira approached and took his hand, her green eyes shining in the darkness. "We've been through so much. Whatever comes, we'll face it together."

Feeling warmth in his chest, with gratitude and possibly something more, Azar said, "Thank you. Not just for being here, but for believing in what we're about to do. I don't know if we'll ever be able to change everything, but I know I'll try with all my strength."

Exchanging glances on that starry night, they were more than just friends or comrades. They were looks of love and unspoken promises, of a future they hoped to build together, despite all the adversities to come.

When I turned eighteen, in what I estimate to be 32 ABY, as if ordained by destiny or, as they would say in this galaxy, by the 'Force,' I accepted my father's final mission to begin rebelling. A mission to Tatooine as a delegation to negotiate a trade treaty with the Hutts, trading certain types of supplies to Zygerria's specialized business.

"I am proud that you have seen the true path of our complex politics and commerce," commented my father.

"Of course, Father. It's what has provided for us and our place in the galaxy," I replied, feeling as if a knife were stabbing me. Bidding farewell to my family, I journeyed to Tatooine.

My plan of action bore fruit; my parents gifted me an YV-600 Aurora-class freighter costing 240,000 credits. With a length of 50 meters, a wingspan of 45 meters, and a depth of 16 meters. It contains medium-range sensor systems, twin medium laser cannons, and a grappling turret, with a maximum speed of 900kph.

[Author's Note: This ship is based on a YV-865 Aurora-class freighter, but since I don't know the year it was manufactured, I lowered the model number while keeping the same characteristics.]

The ship can accommodate 15 passengers and 100 prisoners, but I will remodel it to accommodate more passengers or include training and recreational areas. The crew requires: a pilot, a co-pilot, an engineer, a communications operator, two cargo masters, and four gunners.

At the moment, I am the pilot, Ahsira is the communications operator, Sheera is a gunner, with two more crew members for my family, and two slaves at my disposal. The first is a Karkarodon cargo master named Xiarr. Additionally, a Chiss engineer named Narg'puon'uttha, whom I call Nartha. Both are aware of my objective, though initially, they were hesitant, first because of their experiences with my species and second because of my identity as a prince, it being unthinkable that a prince would defy the culture of his race.

My father gave me the ship to start the "venture" of trade and fulfill this mission on Tatooine. It was a long journey, but with the company of Ahsira, Sheera, Xiarr, and Nartha, it was more manageable. When we arrived, I observed through the sensor systems a battle between the Jedi Qui-Gon and the Sith Darth Maul, indicating that the events of Episode 1 were quite advanced.

I will only intervene after finishing my mission, which would be my rebellion against the traditions of my race and helping in the final battle by establishing contact with the characters.

During my stay in Tatooine, we found ourselves in conflict with the Hutt of the treaty, a local crime lord trafficking slaves. My years of training with the lightsaber whip and the Zygerrian blaster rifle proved fruitful.

The Hutt named Jultuurbom wanted to kidnap me to demand a ransom from my family. Remembering the events that occurred, the night was cold here, resting in an improvised shelter near the limits of Mos Espa, sitting around a campfire as we conversed.

"I don't like this place," Sheera indicated, her hand always close to her blaster. "There are too many eyes watching us."

"I agree," added Ahsira, adjusting her cloak to shield herself from the wind.

"I know, but we must be here. This treaty is crucial; it will give us influence and resources we need for our cause," as my golden eyes reflected in the campfire light.

Suddenly, a dull noise interrupted the conversation. Sheera stood up, blaster in hand. "We're under attack."

Before I could fully react, a group of mercenaries stormed into the camp. Blasters were firing from all directions. Sheera dodged them with agility, returning fire with precision.

"Azar, cover me!" Sheera shouted as she took down two mercenaries with accurate shots.

Though young, I am not inexperienced in combat. I moved quickly, using the camp's cover to avoid the shots and attacking the mercenaries with their own weapons. However, my primary objective was not just to defend ourselves but to sabotage the enemy ships parked nearby. Ahsira was in a force field to defend herself.

"Sheera, I need you to cover me," I exclaimed as I ran toward the enemy ships.

While Ahsira supported by using an interference device, deactivating the ships' alarms and diverting the attention of some mercenaries in the opposite direction, I seized the moment, reaching one of the ships and manipulating its control system.

"This should work," I murmured, adjusting the circuits to make the ship explode in a chain of controlled reactions.

The explosion began to resonate throughout the camp, sowing chaos among the attackers. Taking advantage of the confusion, we continued to attack the mercenaries by surprise.

The tide of battle quickly turned when a group of locals who were prisoners of the attackers helped our cause. We managed to eliminate the mercenaries, leaving one alive to extract information, indicating that it was under the orders of the Hutt.

We went to the base of the contractor we had to trade with and attacked them, emerging victorious and freeing the slaves they had. Some thought they would pass from one owner to another because of my identity, but to their surprise, I released them.

After a few days of rest, the locals who were prisoners of the mercenaries and the slaves we freed decided to follow us when I explained my objective.

While we were on our way, I decided to take a break. After a passionate conversation with Ahsira and Sheera in bed, feeling tired, I decided to close my eyes. I felt a force, as if my soul were being lifted.

In my vision, I saw a nebulous space with a round table in the center. There were two other figures standing in that space. Thinking I was in danger, I reached for my whip. But upon closer inspection, one of the figures appeared to be a modern human doctor, and the other a warrior who inspired terror in my being, one who could kill me if I were within his striking range. Suddenly, a knowledge penetrated my mind.


A curious fact: initially, I envisioned being reincarnated into the Criminal Minds series, as a member of the main group. However, it's still just an idea. I also considered The Lord of the Rings. But in the end, I settled on Star Wars.

Initially, I was going to play it safe by being a Jedi, but after analyzing it, I realized that the other two from the previous chapters are too tied to the main plot of their worlds, so I opted for a different path.

I searched for races on the fans' wiki and read the history of the Zygerrians. I've only watched episodes 1 and 2 of the movies, so as I'm writing this fanfic, I'll have to watch the works I'll include.

Anyway, in the next chapter, I'll explain in detail about the round table and the interaction between them. I also plan to advance each plot. Additionally, the fourth member of the round table, in fact, was the first one I thought of, and I established that he would be the fourth to join.

His world is from a classic movie that has a video game. Try to guess who it is, and if you guess correctly, I'll let you decide which world the fifth member will be from. Just remember, it can't be from anime, manga, mahwa, or manhua; it has to be from Western movies or series.

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