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25% Mythological Tales – Ruler of the Golden Order / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – The Primordial Family (I)

Capítulo 1: Chapter 1 – The Primordial Family (I)

Mythological Tales – Ruler of the Golden Order

Chapter 1 – The Primordial Family (I)

We personify the most primitive state of the divine, yet we are chained by a fate imposed upon us even before birth, a responsibility we will carry for all eternity, until the last star completely dies, along with it, the Infinity of the Cosmos. – Erebus, The Eternal Darkness.



The second era concluded when Cronus, Titan King of Time, and his army of Titans were defeated in the Titanomachy against their own children. After the war, Cronus was thrown into Tartarus, imprisoned and tortured for all eternity, or until fate decreed otherwise. Thus, the Third Era began with his youngest son ascending the throne as the Lord of the Cosmos – The King of the Third Generation Gods!


In an ocean of shimmering ethereal silver lights, a young man with long, radiant golden hair stood above the golden waters of the collective unconscious of all life, where reason intertwines with insanity and disorder.

With his hands cupped as if holding a handful of water, the young man conjured a black light, which blossomed like a beautiful flower in his palms.

"Order and Chaos, two completely opposite forces," he said, looking at the black light blooming in his hand. "Yet, two halves of the same coin. An eternal and timeless paradox, fascinating as always."

His golden eyes, resembling pools of molten gold, reflected a serene and gentle, yet equally majestic gaze.


A voice echoed in his mind, ethereal and with a touch of maternal warmth, carrying the cool, gentle breeze of a serene night.

"Mother Goddess," he murmured.

"Come to me, my sweet child."

"Yes, Mother Goddess."

Miquella looked at the sea of golden lights one last time, then walked calmly with his bare feet over the waters that seemed to exist and yet not, his figure distorting in space and time, as if gradually merging with reality itself.

Crossing the infinite veils that protected the domains of the Primordial Night and Eternal Darkness, Miquella found himself before an imposing and mysterious palace floating above the sea of shadows and darkness.


Walking through the long corridor illuminated by dark lights, Miquella found himself immersed in a world of wonders. Murals adorned the dark palace walls, telling the stories of the universe's genesis, from time immemorial to the epic deeds of immortal heroes, battles that shaped the fate of eras forgotten in the river of time.

From corridor to corridor, Miquella forgot everything else, appreciating this personification of art, ignoring the passage of time until he came upon a pair of doors made of the purest silver with mysterious symbols intricately etched into the metal.

Miquella knew his mother was tired of waiting and had guided him here. Although reluctant to part from the murals he so loved, he entered his mother's chamber without further delay, finding her lying on her side on a bed of pure, undulating darkness.

Nyx – The Eternal Night of Infinity, as it was commonly called. The primordial goddess was almost naked, with only a sheet thinly covering her intimate area, ignoring everything else, proudly displaying her full, upright breasts that defied gravity. The thin fabric that covered her intimate region had a pure dark color, similar to her long, straight hair that fell over her body, partially covering her nudity, although it caused curiosity to flourish thinking about possible erotic scenarios.

"My sweet son," she said, opening her arms.

Miquella disappeared from where he originally stood and appeared on the bed of darkness, softly landing on her body. He rested his face against Nyx's comforting breast, appreciating the maternal warmth and care that emanated from her entire being.

Nyx smiled and stroked her youngest son's long hair, gradually lulling him to sleep in her comforting embrace. Looking at his serene, sleeping face and sensing the exhaustion in his body, she hugged him tighter. Apparently, her sweet child had gone through another long training session.

Her son was likely the most diligent of the primordial deities in striving to become stronger, a rarity among immortal beings who often cared little for self-improvement, preferring to indulge in the debauchery and hedonism that permeated their immortal lives.

Nyx could not be prouder of her son, who, in less than a thousand years, had become powerful enough to create his own domains, which she expected to be established at any moment. This was rare, as other second-generation personifications took tens or hundreds of thousands of years to gather the strength necessary to build their own domains.

Unlike gods, whose power is fueled by the accumulation of divine energy and the understanding of their own authorities, primordial deities have a different path to strengthen themselves: they needed to become complete, to perfect themselves to personify what they were born to be.

Especially at the stages of the Mythic Thrones, where they must create their own Domains, also known as Realms, to achieve this self-evolution. Only by building their Realm and binding themselves to it can the primordial deity in question ascend from the Mythic Throne to the Divine Throne.

The divine journey is marked by different stages: Mortal Thrones, Legendary Thrones, Mythic Thrones, Divine Thrones, and Primordial Thrones. Each of these thrones represents an increasingly greater level of power and authority

The divine realms are composed of nine distinct sub-realms, each representing specific aspects of divine power and essence.

As the child of two extremely powerful personifications, Miquella was born with extraordinary talent. From the moment of his birth, he ascended directly to the First Throne of the Mythical Thrones, skipping everything before it.

Now, a thousand years after his birth, Miquella was about to advance to the Divine Throne Realm, demonstrating extraordinary potential and power that could even rival or surpass the current King of the Gods.



Miquella awoke years after his slumber. Feeling the warmth of his mother's comforting embrace, he looked up and saw her black eyes gazing at him with a look full of maternal love and affection.

"Did you sleep well, dear?" She asked, rubbing her nose affectionately against her son's nose.

"Yes, Mother Goddess." Embarrassed, Miquella buried his head in the valley between her mother's breasts, he murmured with a barely audible voice, he didn't expect to be exhausted from training so much and slept together with his mother, almost like a child afraid of the dark.

Nyx laughed gently and stroked Miquella's hair, calming him down, she didn't see any problem with them sleeping together, for her, her children will always be small, adorable and full of the need for love.

"Don't feel embarrassed, my son. It is natural for a son to feel spiritually close to his mother regardless of his age." kissing your forehead, Nyx spoke with his laugh echoing in the room. Her gentle voice and melody seemed similar to the night breeze, cold and silent.

Miquella just rolled his eyes and left her embrace, although he was reluctant inside, but he was no longer a child to stay in the arms of his goddess mother, seeking comfort.

"Is ready?" Nyx asked, lying on her side, she rested her head on her hand, fully showing her nudity, her black hair fell over her pale skin creating a beautiful contrast.

"Yes, at any moment!" Accustomed to her nudity, Miquella responded to his mother with a slightly excited look.

How could he not be? He had trained for over a thousand years, shedding blood and sweat training day and night, and now, finally, his efforts had borne fruit.

With his Realm established, Miquella would no longer need to train as before, for as his domain grew, the universe itself would reward him with divine power, thus strengthening his Realm. His Realm, nourished by the power of the universe, would strengthen him, and consequently, the universe would also be strengthened. Since the Realms of the primordial gods contribute to the overall strength of the universe, making it more stable and powerful, it was an auspicious virtuous cycle where everyone strengthened, collaborating with each other.

Miquella, in particular, personified two of the most powerful authorities: Order and Chaos. With the creation of his Realm, his power would expand so rapidly that even Zeus might become envious upon hearing about it.

"It is good to see you confident, but remember this is not a process without dangers, dear. When integrating your realm into your being, you must maintain an anchor to avoid losing yourself, preferably a strong one, like an emotion, for example. Otherwise, you risk being assimilated and merging with the authority itself, becoming an incorporeal god." Observing her son's confidence, Nyx felt satisfied but did not hesitate to emphasize the dangers of forging his own realm. Her expression became serious, contrasting with the tenderness and affection she had shown earlier.

Miquella nodded with an equally serious expression. He was also aware of the dangers of creating his own Realm and binding himself to it. The temptation to gain all the power that would come from merging with the authority itself was irresistible to anyone.

Chronos was a good example of this. Unlike the Titan of time, Cronus – Chronos was the personification of time, one of the oldest deities in the universe who had merged with his authority and become an incorporeal god.

He was one of the most powerful gods in the universe, even more powerful than Nyx, but with power came responsibility. Chronos could not act lightly without the permission of the Will of the Universe.

Miquella did not want to be like Chronos, so powerful yet so bound at the same time.

Not that Miquella thought Chronos had any complaints about his current status; after all, the personification of time had given up everything to become one with his authority, completely eliminating any emotions, almost like a machine with consciousness.

Lying down weakly on the bed of darkness, Miquella held his mother's hand and said, "When my brothers and sisters arrive, I will begin the creation process."

Nyx nodded and smiled gently, kissing her son's forehead with tenderness and maternal love.


Sitting in the chair around a long rectangular table, Miquella awaited the arrival of his brothers, sisters, and father for the family meeting. It was something that happened every five hundred years, an eternity for humans, but for immortal gods, five hundred years was nothing more than the blink of an eye.

As he waited, Miquella reflected on his current life.

Miquella had a secret he had never told anyone, although he believed his parents, Erebus and Nyx, already knew his secret but never cared much. After all, to immortal beings with trillions of years of age, what were memories of another life spanning only a few decades?

As for knowledge of the future, it was nothing more than one possibility among trillions of others.

This was Miquella's second life. In the first, he was just an insignificant human who died while reading one of his favorite web novels – Lord of the Mysteries, or LOTM for short.

As for the cause of death, Miquella, who had a chronic heart condition, died of a heart attack. He didn't even have the chance to ask for help before dying painfully in his own bed.

As he died, darkness took over his consciousness, and when he regained consciousness, he found himself in the arms of a giant, a beautiful woman with long black hair.


Soon he discovered that it was not the woman who was a giant; he himself was very small because he had become a baby!

To be more specific, he was reborn as a primordial Greek god of the second generation.

– Miquella, The Personification of Order and Chaos.

By a twist of fate, Miquella discovered that he was born with both Singularities of the Zero Sequence of both paths of Anarchy: The Black Emperor and the Judge. Alongside both, the Sephirot – The Nation of Disorder.

Because of the Singularities of the Black Emperor and the Judge, and being a Second-Generation Primordial God, Miquella became the personification of Order and Chaos, an extremely important god for the Greek Universe.

Honestly, he preferred the path of the Almighty God, but a beggar couldn't refuse food given in times of need.

Therefore, Miquella reluctantly accepted his fate as a second-generation primordial god.

As a mythology enthusiast in his past life, Miquella discovered through the stories his mother and father told him that the Titanomachy had just ended a thousand years ago, and the Third Era with the reign of Zeus had just begun.

But there were obvious differences between the mythology of this life and the mythology of the previous life, mainly with other universes containing other pantheons standing side by side, coexisting with each other, though not peacefully.

There were many wars between the universes, especially between the Nordic Universe and the Egyptian Universe, both hating each other fiercely.

As for the reason for the hatred, it was not explained to Miquella.

Miquella was also not curious about that; he was more focused on getting stronger, as regardless of the universe, strength was the only viable form of true dialogue.

So, instead of enjoying his immortal life like any other Greek god, he strove to improve himself and managed to achieve in a thousand years what most of his immortal kind would not achieve in tens or hundreds of thousands.

Reaching the Divine Throne Stage!

The Divine Throne was a watershed in the ranking of godly power; Gods with little talent never managed to reach this level, no matter how hard they worked for it, their divine origin determines how far you can reach and how quickly you can reach your zenith.

Gods who enter the Divine Throne are commonly called Main Gods; they are the pillars of each universe. The twelve gods of Olympus in the future are at this stage, including Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus, although the three were in the later stages of the Divine Throne.

Even in the primordial family, that is, the children of Nyx and Erebos, few managed to enter this stage. Those who did are already powerful and famous gods in the Infinite Cosmos.


"What are you thinking so deeply about, dear?" Nyx, sitting in the main chair, asked with a smile. Her black eyes reflected only affection and love for her youngest son. She wore a traditional dark Greek toga. Under her black hair, a crown of purple flowers emitted a pleasant scent into the air, making anyone relax and feel at ease.

Even among her children, Nyx had an especially strong maternal love for Miquella, perhaps because Miquella grew up as an ordinary human, from a baby to a child and from a child to the current form of a thirteen-year-old teenager.

The feeling of seeing her son grow like this, as a mortal baby, was truly unique in her immortal life. It was certainly a pleasant surprise for Nyx because all her other children were born as teenagers or adults, so she cherished every moment of taking care of baby Miquella.

Every memory of that time was precious to her, and she guarded it with the utmost care in a special place in her mind.

"I'm just pondering, dear mother goddess," he replied with a gentle smile.

For someone who had never experienced the love of a father or a mother, the love of Nyx and Erebos for him was comforting. Miquella was an orphan in his past life, but not by choice; his parents had died in a car accident, and he was raised by his grandparents, but both died of old age when he was eighteen, leaving him alone.

So, Miquella greatly appreciated this new family and would fight tooth and nail for them if anything threatened their lives.

Suddenly, there was a drastic change in Miquella's expression; he held his head in pain, his unnaturally beautiful face contorted in agony as crazy murmurs filled with useless information echoed in his ears.

Nyx, who had her focus on Miquella, soon noticed her son's condition. She appeared beside him and took him into her arms. With a wave of her hand, the entire Realm seemed to come to life; the shadows of the night twisted and manifested themselves full of anger and fury.

With another wave of her hand, these shadows appeared beyond the Greek Universe and headed into the void, engulfing everything in their path.

Soon after, an incomprehensible sound to any human or god's ear echoed in the depths of the void, with a shrill tone laden with pure madness and horror.

Nyx merely snorted coldly and continued her attacks, pushing the creature, or rather, the External God, further away.

As the irrational beast moved far enough, the pained expression on Miquella's face gradually returned to normal. After a while, his closed eyes opened, revealing a pair of golden eyes filled with exhaustion.

Seeing her son's state, Nyx felt as if Uranus' spear had pierced her heart once again. She hugged him tighter to comfort him and showed a cold and eerie look.

Nyx knew her son was special from the moment he came out of her womb. As the Personification of Order and Chaos, he was born with a special mission: to keep order and chaos balanced.


As long as Miquella existed, reason would always prevail over insanity, which was very good for the primordial gods who were constantly polluted in the struggle against External Gods outside the Barrier.

But this had a problem; the weight of all insanity fell upon her lovely, gentle, and cute son.

Her son had to constantly fight against his own insanity while keeping all the order of the Greek Universe free from the influence of External Gods.

Placing her still exhausted and confused son in his chair, Nyx poured some ambrosia into a cup and handed it to Miquella to drink.

The golden liquid flowed down his throat, causing his tense body to relax and the weariness to gradually fade from his mind.

Nyx wiped the remnants of ambrosia from the corners of her son's lips with a handkerchief, then sat back in her seat, her expression turning cold.

The thought of those stupid gods enjoying a life of hedonism at the expense of her son's pain made Nyx's mood plummet.

"Humph!" Just thinking about it made Nyx's mood sink further.

Suddenly, Nyx noticed darkness forming in the seat next to hers, and from the darkness, a man with sun-burnt skin and long white hair tied in a braid appeared seated beside her. He had silver eyes resembling two icy moons in the night sky.

— Erebus, the Eternal Darkness.

"I felt your attack moments ago," Erebus gently held his wife's hand and spoke, his voice calm and deep.

"Miquella was suffering," Nyx showed a pained look and spoke, glancing at her son, still recovering with his eyes closed.

"That is the fate we've been imposed, Sister. Whether it's you, me, or Miquella, we have responsibilities," he continued. "All we can do is trust him."

Erebus spoke, his silver eyes falling upon his youngest son; there was a proud gaze reflected on the beautiful face of the Personification of Night.

There was nothing but pride and satisfaction for his children; all those he raised had become responsible gods.

"I know, but it hurts every time I see him like this, all so beings like us can fight even harder," Nyx leaned her head on her husband's shoulder and spoke, her voice tinged with sadness and pain. Tears streamed down her cheeks and fell to the ground like dark pearls.

At that moment, Miquella, who had been keeping his eyes closed, opened them and spoke softly. "You don't need to worry about me, Mother Goddess."

"I am strong," he concluded, with a resolute and firm look.

Erebus smiled with satisfaction upon hearing this, while Nyx merely showed an encouraging look to her son.


Reviewed and translated by Chat GPT.


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