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88.46% A Superman in Marvel / Chapter 23: Chapter 19

Capítulo 23: Chapter 19

Planet Arc Part 3

It was scortching hot like any other day on Sakaar there was a red and blue blur running across a small forest this was Superman and it was day 3 since his arrival on the gladiatorial planet of Sakaar looking for his friend The Hulk also known as Bruce Banner who was unjustly exiled from earth because of the power he held and the destruction that he would cause in his wake.

Kade came to a halt as sand and wind kicked up the in air he's been trying to track the Hulk and his army of Gladiators and free slaves for days now,it was clear at first but they started to clean their tracks so they wouldn't be followed and without full access to his powers he wouldn't be able to find them.

Sigh "I could really use super hearing or super vision right about now I would find them in a heartbeat literally"Kade said frustrated the red sun above Sakaar stopped him from fully using his powers and his adaptation was working extremely slowly.

Kade stopped before quickly turning around and throwing a rock extremely hard and fast at a group of trees completely destroying them but the something Kade threw it at dodged.Out from the trees came out a woman with grey skin and a ling double sided sword.

"You missed"She said as she approached Kade who eyed her.All Kade did was give her a smug grin which annoyed her.

"Did I really?"Kade said as he pointed behind her,confused she turned and saw the vehicle she used was completely destroyed.

She glared at Kade as she got closer to him spinning her sword around as an intimidation tactic that Kade just shrugged off.

"You are the one they call the Superman are you not"She said questioning him.

"I am"Kade answered

"You are an Ally of the Hulk?"She said as she stopped a good distance from Kade who noted it was the perfect distance to attack him.

"I am"That was all she needed as threw her sword at Kade who side stepped it grabbing it as she charged him he moved the sword to the blunt side and swung it at her like a bay but she quickly flipped over it and punched Kade sending him flying across the ground.

"Than you will die like all enemies of the Red King" The lady said.

"Any way we could just talk this out,we don't even know each others name"Kade smugly said.

"Enough talk now fight unless you're a coward" The grey lady said as she approached Kade.

"Lady, you sure pack a punch but I've fought bigger fish"Kade says as he rubs his jaw and gets up from the small crater looking around not for his opponent not seeing her in sight.

'Where did she -'Kade wasn't able to finish his thought as he quickly looked up to see her dropping down with her blade in hand he quickly used his two hands to block a small shockwave happening around them making the crater bigger.

Kade grabbed the lady throwing her to the side and breaks her sword into two throwing it to the side.He gets into a fighting stance just as she gets into one,Kade wasn't much to using martial arts but it helped in situations like this where he fought either someone on the same strength level as him or he was depowered.

She attacked first jumping into the air roundhouse kicking Kade who blocked grabbing her foot spinning and throwing her into the ground before jumping and kneeing her in the stomach extremely hard knocking the air out of her.She quickly recovered getting Kade into an armbar dislocating his arm,Kade gritted his teeth as he began slamming her into the ground repeatedly but she never let go so he had to play dirty.

He spit in her eye as she loosened her grip for a second one he needed and took advantage of as he grabbed her and threw her into a tree.Kade slammed his shoulder into a rock putting it back into place as he got into a karate stance looking for his opponent but she was no where to be seen again.Thinking she was going to try the same trick again he looked in the air but she wasn't there that's when ground began to rumble a bit.

'Damn it shes in the ground' Kade thought as he jumped into the air putting some distance between them as she broke out of the ground expecting to catch Kade by surprise but all she saw was a leg slamming down on her as Kade spun and did a windmill kick slamming her deep into the ground.

"Listen lady I'm just trying to find my friend so we can get off of this planet I don't mean you any harm but let me say this you guys really do need better leadership" Kade said as he moved a rock that was on top of the lady but she was already goneThats when a barrage of rocks came at him knocking him away.

'What is this lady an earth bender now'Kade said as he punched a rock heading towards him.He saw his opponent come out from the dust this time glowing blue and oh boy did she look pissed.She ran toward Kade as he ran toward her as they both punched eachother extremely hard causing an earthquake knocking eachother back.

Far away leading an army was the Hulk who turned around and glared in the direction as his gladiators all whispered and talked.

"What was that"

"An earthquake perhaps"

"Maybe it's a new weapon of the Red King"

Hulk knew who it was there was only one person who could cause that it was someone who he was jealous of.Superman.Hulk found him to be very annoying back on earth he was always there talking and in Hulks business but there were times where Hulk felt something he sometimes looked forward to his visits and the talks they had.Banner loved it even more since he was the one tutoring Kade who asked him to teach about gamma radiation and science.Those we're good memories the Hulk wished he could live through again but Earth and it's heroes decided he was just a monster and shot him into space to die.

So he'll let the past die and move forward he'll make this planet his new home and do what he always does.


Back to Kade

"Ugh I'm definitely gonna feel that one tomorrow"Kade said as he got up and cracked his back while rubbing his arm.He looked over at the damage and sighed it was a good thing they were far away from any civilian population or else someone would've definitely died and his track record so far for civilian casualties was 0 and he was making sure that didn't change any time soon.

Kade looked over to his opponent the grey lady who laid down on the ground unconscious and to make sure he grabbed a stick and poked her she stirred a bit but she was out.Kade looked around a bit he forgot which way he was going before she rudely interrupted him.

He was going to walk away when all of a sudden he heard the sound of a radio


"Guess I'm going east"Kade said as he walked in a random direction.

"Which way is east?"He said he looked in multiple directions and just chose one and began jumping great distances.

'Still can't fly but I can leap great distances,damn red sun I can't wait to get off this planet" Kade said annoyed.

3 hours later

Kade finally stumbled across a village or what was left of it he found a bunch of Sakaarans sitting on the rubble of their village all naked or in whatever cloth was left on their bodies.

"What happened here?"Kade asked one with an eye patch.

"Monsters all of them are monsters"The eye patch sakaarn said as he sat their in disbelief clearly traumatized.

'The Hulk did this? That can't be he's not cruel but he did change Ugh it's all because of this damn planet it brings the worse out of people and I can only fear what it'll bring out of the Hulk if we stay here any damn longer"Kade thought before helping the villagers out moving some rubble and making a small house as quickly as he could before continuing his journey.

As Kade moved through the desolate landscape, he couldn't shake the thoughts racing through his mind. The sight of the destroyed village haunted him. This wasn't the Hulk he knew. Bruce Banner had always strived to control the beast within him, to prevent such devastation. But this planet... Sakaar had a way of corrupting even the strongest of wills.

The sun continued to beat down relentlessly, the red glow sapping what remained of his strength. Despite his predicament, Kade pressed on. His resolve was unwavering. He had to find the Hulk, not just to save Bruce, but to prevent further destruction.

The terrain shifted beneath his feet, the ground becoming more treacherous with each step. Suddenly, Kade felt a tremor. He stopped, scanning his surroundings. Another tremor, this one more pronounced. It wasn't just the quakes caused by his and the grey lady's earlier fight. Something much larger was moving beneath the surface.

Kade's eyes widened as the ground exploded in front of him, revealing a massive creature. It was like nothing he had ever seen – a monstrous amalgamation of rock and metal, with glowing red eyes that pierced through the dust and debris.

"Great, just what I needed," Kade muttered, readying himself for another battle.

The creature roared, the sound reverberating through the canyon. Kade dodged to the side as it swung a massive claw at him, the impact shattering the ground where he had just stood. He knew he couldn't fight this thing head-on, especially not with his powers diminished.

As he leaped out of the way of another attack, Kade spotted a narrow crevice in the rock wall. He made a dash for it, squeezing through just as the creature's claw swiped at him again. The passage was tight, but Kade managed to navigate it, the creature's roars growing fainter behind him.

Emerging on the other side, Kade found himself in a large cavern. It was cooler here, the oppressive heat of Sakaar's surface lessened by the shade. As he caught his breath, he heard voices echoing through the chamber.

Staying low, Kade crept forward, the voices growing clearer. He peered around a corner and saw a group of gladiators, clearly part of the Hulk's band. They were huddled around a makeshift campfire, discussing their next move.

"...the Red King's forces are tightening their patrols. We need to find a new hideout," one of them said, his voice laced with frustration.

"And what about the Hulk?" another asked. "He's been acting strange ever since we left that last village."

Kade's heart pounded in his chest. This was his chance. He needed to approach them, to find out where the Hulk was and to convince them that he was an ally. Taking a deep breath, he stepped out of the shadows.

"Hey!" he called out, hands raised to show he meant no harm. The gladiators sprang to their feet, weapons drawn.

"Who are you?" one demanded, a large axe in hand.

"My name is Kade. I'm looking for the Hulk," he said, keeping his voice steady. "He's my friend, and I need to talk to him."

The gladiators exchanged wary glances. "How do we know you're not working for the Red King?"

Kade sighed. "If I were working for him, do you think I'd come alone and unarmed?" He pointed to his empty belt and lack of weapons. "I'm here to help. I know what the Red King is capable of, and I know the Hulk needs allies."

There was a tense silence before one of the gladiators, a tall woman with a scar running down her cheek, stepped forward. "Alright, we'll take you to him. But know this – if you try anything, you'll regret it."

Kade nodded, relieved. "Fair enough. Lead the way."

The journey through the caverns was arduous, the path winding and treacherous. But finally, they emerged into a larger chamber, lit by torches. And there, standing in the center, was the Hulk. His massive frame was unmistakable, but there was a hardness in his eyes that Kade hadn't seen before.

"Hulk," Kade said, stepping forward. "It's me, Kade. We need to talk."

The Hulk turned, his gaze locking onto Kade. For a moment, there was no recognition in his eyes, just a simmering rage. But then, slowly, his expression softened.

"Kade... what are you doing here?" the Hulk rumbled, his voice like thunder.

"I came to find you," Kade replied. "To bring you back. Earth... it needs you, Bruce."

The Hulk shook his head. "Earth sent me away. They made it clear they don't want me."

"They were wrong," Kade insisted. "And I was wrong for not stopping it. But you don't belong here, Bruce. This planet is changing you. We need to leave, together."

The Hulk's eyes narrowed. "Leave? And go where? Back to a world that fears me? No, Kade. This is my home now."

Kade stepped closer, lowering his voice. "Bruce, you're not a monster. You're a hero. You've saved countless lives, and you can do it again. But not here. Not like this."

For a long moment, the Hulk was silent, the only sound the crackling of the torches. Finally, he spoke, his voice heavy with emotion. "You don't understand, Kade. This place... it's where I belong. These people, they accept me. They follow me."

"And they need you to be the best version of yourself," Kade said softly. "Not the monster this planet wants you to become."

The Hulk turned away, conflicted. Kade knew it wouldn't be easy to convince him, but he had to try. For Bruce's sake, and for the sake of everyone on Earth.

"Think about it," Kade said. "I'll be around. Just... think about it."

As he left the chamber, Kade couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. It wasn't much, but it was a start. He would find a way to get through to Bruce, no matter how long it took.

Outside, the sky was darkening, the red sun sinking below the horizon. Kade found a spot to rest, his thoughts racing. The challenges were far from over, but he was determined. He would save his friend, no matter the cost.

As he settled down, he couldn't help but wonder what tomorrow would bring. More battles, no doubt. More hardships. But also, perhaps, more opportunities. To make a difference. To be a hero.

And in the distance, the Hulk stood in the chamber, staring at the spot where Kade had stood. Deep down, beneath the anger and the pain, Bruce Banner felt something stir. A spark of hope. Maybe, just maybe, he could find his way back. But for now, he had a planet to protect.

The journey was far from over, but at least they were no longer alone.

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