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25% Not a Slave Trader, For Real! [WC-ATG SI] / Chapter 1: Chapter: 01

Capítulo 1: Chapter: 01

So after thinking for a while, I decided to rewrite after all. The previous edition, due to me finding out some endgame stuff, became weird to write since it would have ended up with some big loopholes in the future.

Good thing I didn't go far in the story, so it took me like two days to write everything back to the original track.

There aren't many changes, some big ones being:

I removed Raven for now; she will be added with Eve again in the future. Xiao Che bangs Xia Qingyue.

Those two are basically the biggest changes.


PS: Chapters are not edited. So you may find some mistakes here and there, English isn't my first language after all. So please bear with them if you find any. Also, should I start a new thread or just keep posting in this one with the rewrite? I'm new to QQ


I open my eyes as the sound of people rushes into my ears. The view of a red carpet that stretches till the end of the street before turning appears within my eyes.

I look down to see I am riding a horse right now, with a line of people standing on both sides of the red carpet. Their eyes holding unhidden disdain and mockery towards me.

Ah yes, they hate me for no other reason than the fact that I have broken a profound vein. Ironically, it's so stupid. They themselves have no value whatsoever in this world, yet they don't hesitate in insulting someone with crippled vein.

It really makes me wonder just from what do these Chinese authors get their inspiration from? Because the last time I checked, humans definitely didn't act like this. Well, most of the time they didn't.

Knowing that it is going to be a waste of time thinking about it any longer, I decide to focus on myself instead. And I instantly find out the biggest change that has occurred within my body; the healing of my profound vein!

What a bummer.

My plan is to wait till I get Heretic God Vein to cultivate, so healing of my vein sounds like a loss to me. But it's not under my control, so there isn't anything I can do about it anyways.

I raise my hand and look at the robes, finding a mental connection with them, I smile.

Good, it seems that Shroud is also working perfectly. It is the most important ability, except for its binding, I need in this world as it allows me to consume anything and gain every ability of the consumed target. And since the consumption works like Possess Origin, not only do I get all abilities of a target, it also removes all forms of weakness from them.

It is going to be my main source of cultivation as no way in nine heavens am I planning on cultivating traditionally; sitting and meditating in your basement for a small leap in your realm.

Now that I am given another change in life, why would I want a hard life if I have a choice to choose an easy one? You have to be a massive masochist to choose otherwise.

The last thing I check is my connection with the Sky Poison Pearl and the Mirror of Samsara on my neck. With this, everything is in the correct order.

"We have arrived, Young Master."

I look up and the view of Xia Manor appears in front of me. The first thing that comes into my mind watching it is that it's huge. Like really huge. This is the first time I have seen such a huge manor. And knowing that this manor belongs to a merchant of the weakest city of this whole continent, that tells you a lot regarding the luxury people enjoy in this world.

I can only imagine palaces of kings or even emperors. They are going to be gigantic for sure.


An energetic voice calls out promoting me to look towards its source, an unconscious smile forms over my face. There stands a two meter high man with muscles all over his body running towards me with a big smile on his face.

"Brother-in-Law, you are finally here!" He opens his arms wide and tries to hug me which I dodge promptly. My likeness for him at once place, but I'm not getting hugged by a giant of a man that has such a happy smile on his face.

Sorry dude, it just feels so gay.

"Yuanba, look at you. I haven't seen you for a while and you've grown even more. At this rate, you might become a giant."

"Hahaha, Father said the same thing and wanted me to stop eating too much. But how can I do that? I love my food! How can it be harmful to me?"

"The food is the last thing prompting that giantess into you." I replied.

He sheepishly runs the back of his head and smiles.

"Brother-in-Law, you are finally my real brother-in-law today. Come, Elder Sister is waiting for you. I'll open the doors!"

He sprints towards the entrance of the Xia Manor as I follow after him on my horse, only unmounting it as I reach the door which Yuanba opens revealing Xia Hongyi standing there.

"Uncle Xia." I cup my fists and bow, greeting him.

"Are you still calling me Uncle?" Forget it bro you're not the father.


"Good." He nods his head with a satisfied expression. "Che'er, starting today, I will give Xia Qingyue to you. Although you are not a big hero, you are Xiao Ying's son so I can have peace of mind when I give you my daughter. Your father Xiao Ying was an amazing man. Becoming his sworn brother is something I would never regret in this lifetime for he was a passionate and righteous man. You are Xiao Ying's son. Even though your profound veins are damaged, I do not believe that you will stay an ordinary person in the future."

Oh believe me I am going to be anything but ordinary. With The Company backing me up, I am going to be the least ordinary person on this planet that's for sure.

"Don't worry, Father-in-law. I'll make sure that she recovers all the happiness she deserves." Which isn't a lie. I'll make sure of it.

Mars really did her dirty in the novel, so I'll make sure to make it up for her.

The fate is already bound to change due to my presence, but I'll make sure to break the Chain of Fate that Ancestral Will created between me and her, the same thing that she did in the original.

The only difference is that she did it by killing herself and I'll do it by fucking her.

I nod to myself with a smile. What a wise method.

"I believe in you." Even though he looks surprised by my reply, he smiles and pats my shoulders. "Come, Qingyue is waiting for you."

He looks at his behind, making me also look towards it. There, I see two bridesmaids with Qingyue standing in the center of them. Both of them carry Qingyue's robes to make sure they don't hit the ground. On top of her head, a phoenix coronet rests from which beads hang down hiding her face.

The bridesmaid soon reaches me and stops, giving me a disdainful look before bowing down and taking a step back.

I smile.

They should be glad that they are no-name, otherwise I would have definitely raped them. I would love to see their crying painful expressions as they realize that the man they disdain so much is the one raping them. Must be a beautiful expression, that's for sure.

Stress Defense comes in clutch and calms me down as I ignore the maids and look towards Qingyue. I cannot see her face, which is a bummer. But it doesn't matter. I don't need to see her face to start working on my plan anyways.

"Come, I'll help you in getting onto the carriage." I say and raise my hand towards her.

She stares at it for a second before she takes her small hand out of her robes and places it upon mine, cold energy instantly seeping into it and numbing it.

Instead of pulling my hand back, I laugh instead, gaining her attention.

"Qingyue, you really didn't change."

The cold energy coming out of her hand stops and she raises her head towards me. Even without seeing her expression, I know she is confused.

Covert Talent and Communication Talent working together makes sure whatever I say comes out as true as possible. So even though what I just said was nothing but pure bullshit, it sounded as genuine and true to Qingyue as it could.

Which makes all this too easy.

As long as everything goes according to my plan, everything will be alright. I just need some time, that's all.


"The bride and groom, go into the bridal chamber… distinguish guests, please go to the banquet hall." I release a heavy sigh at the host's announcement. This has to be the most boring and hated wedding of all time.

There was no sound of happiness in the whole wedding, the only thing it had was hated glares and eyes full of jealousy. Which is weird considering that most of those eyes were from old people.

Like hell? Do these people think they are contractors with The Company or something? One mentally deranged person, aka me, is enough for this world.

Though no cap, these people really needs to chill the fuck up. I mean, how do these people even enjoy their life if they are getting so mad over the marriage of two people that has no impact on their lives whatsoever? Must be nice to have so much free time in their lives that you have to pass it by insulting other people… holy fuck! That sounds like a typical internet user! That sounds literally like me! What the fuck!?

The self realization hits hard and the next thing I realize that I am standing in my room with Qingyue sitting on the bed; it's just the two of us.

There is this awkward silence in the room with neither of us saying anything. I've always wondered what an arranged marriage looks like, I think I have my answer.

To all the dudes who make the arranged marriage work, I salute them. Because my introvert ass would never be able to take all the awkwardness that comes with it.

Good thing that The Company has perks like the Communication Talent for people like me with average social skills. I can only imagine what my Isekai life would be without them; definitely not a smooth sailing.

"Your grandfather was disrespected during the wedding. You must be very upset right now?" Her voice brings me out of my thoughts; it is soft and collected with a hint of coldness and aloofness present in it.

"The phoenix coronet looks heavy. Should I take it off?" I ask, a knowing smile over my face.

According to the tradition of the Profound Sky Continent, it is the groom that takes the coronet off the bride after the marriage vows but I doubt she is going to allow me to do that.

And as I've predicted, after a small pause, she raises her hand and takes the coronet off herself.

Staring at her, I narrow my eyes.

She really is beautiful.

I guess Mars wasn't wanking when he wrote a whole chapter describing her beauty.

Thankfully, I have memories of living in this world so my mind is kinda used to such beauty, still it's enough to make me stare at her face for longer than I would like too.

"You are as beautiful as always." In my past, I would rather commite suicide than to say such a corny ass line to anyone, but good thing we are in a fictional world now. So saying such lines is not cringe as they actually work.

Of course, it isn't going to work on someone like Xia Qingyue. Nor is my purpose to woo her by saying such lines.

It's only to make it look like I know her, even though this is the first time we have ever met each other face to face.

The reason for that? I want to gaslight her. I want to gaslight her into believing that I know her, so when I proceed further with my plans, it won't look unnatural.

It's okay.

Once I use the perk Let Them Know, everything will fall into place. That's why my gaslighting would be successful.

"... I don't remember us meeting before. During the wedding possession and now, you are acting like we have known each other for a long time. Especially your eyes and the way you look at me, I can feel obsessions and… love that shouldn't be present when this is the first time we have ever interacted. Why are you doing this?"

I chuckle.

"Of course, that's because this isn't the first time we've talked with each other."

She frowns and tilts her head slightly in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Wife, do you believe in time-travel?" I ask while staring directly into her eyes, hoping that Love Spot mellows her down a little. Which it does as I see her averting her gaze with a soft blush that vanishes the moment it appears. She really has a monstrous control over her emotions and expressions. I could never without Stress Defense backing me up.

"What does that have anything to do with the current situation?"

"It does."

It's an important part of my gaslighting.

"The truth is… I am from the future." I say with absolute seriousness.

She stares at me with a blank expression, her eyes blinking cutely as she tries to process what I am saying before she shakes her and sighs softly. "I was wondering why you sound and act so differently than the rumors, but now I understand. You are just crazy."

That's rude!

But I cannot blame her… To any sane person, I do sound delusional and crazy.

"I do sound crazy, don't I?" I laugh in self-depreciation. "Even I don't believe it, so I am not surprised that you think I am crazy. No same person would simply believe it if someone told them that they've come from the future. But Qingyue… What if I am not joking?"

"... Do you expect me to believe that?"

"No. That's why, I want you to wait." I say before I turn around and walk towards the door to my pavilion. "I'll go for the toast, and when I come back, I'll explain everything to you. Will you wait for me?"

I say this because I know Yueli is going to show up after I leave to take Xia Qingyue back to Asgard with her. In the canon, she asks for a month but I don't know if she will do the same this time too.

Though knowing her personality, the chances of her leaving is infinitesimally close to zero.

"..." She doesn't reply. Instead, she closes her eyes and enter meditation. Which is random as fuck, but okay. This is a cultivation world. I'm sure I'll get used to it one day.


The sun soon sets and the night engulfs the world. Looking at the moon in the sky, I wonder how the whole Solar System works in this world. Is it the same as in my previous world, I doubt it is.

It's really weird, especially when there are people that can fly in space faster than light going from one planet to another in minutes.

With solid steps, I walk back towards my courtyard.

Standing in front of the trance of my pavilion, I open it with a deep breath. It's time to fully implement my plan and complete the gaslighting.

I do hope that the perk works the same as it is described by The Company or it might come back to bite my ass.


With a distinct sound, I open the door and enter.

The inside of the room is lit by candle while Qingyue, in her red robes, sits by the bed in silence. She opens her eyes and looks at me, those pairs of crystal dark eyes makes my heart skip a beat for a second.

"Did you know? About my master?" She asks her voice still the same as ever; soft and gentle, cold and aloof, fully composed as if nothing can shake it.

It seems that while I was toasting those old fogies, she found out that I may have known about her master.

Will you wait for me — it was such an ambiguous clue, a way to tell her that I know about her affiliation with the Frozen Cloud Asgard and her master. I didn't even think that she would be able to catch it, but I guess I really underestimated her intellect.

"I did say I am from the future, didn't I?" I walk closer towards the bed and smile. "So of course I know about the sect you are part of and your master."

"... Is it really true? Time-traveling… It is hard to believe."

"I understand." I nod, standing beside the bed and only a step or two away from Qingyue. I look down at her and ask. "Do you trust me?"

"... I don't."

"Ahem. I mean, not like I don't understand but at least try to go with the flow… Now it's awkward."

"I only told the truth."

I smile wryly. She really is a straightforward girl. Since the beginning, she hasn't beat around the bush at all. I respect that. Makes talking with her so much easier.

"Future or past, you really are the same. But I guess that's why I fell in love with you."

She raises her head and stares back at me before replying.

"You say you know the future, and know my affiliation with Asgard. Then you should also know about its rules of how its disciple cannot have any desire within their hearts."

"That's right, I do."

"Then why do you sound so happy talking about the future?"

"Because you left Asgard for the Realm of Gods… Well, the right description would be that you fled and ended up in the Realm of Gods."

"Realm of Gods!?" For the first time, a huge wave appears over her expression as she looks at me with an expectant reaction. "You know about that place?! No, you did say you know the future. Does that mean… I finally met her?"

"You're mother, right?"

"You really know… Is it really true? The time-traveling?" She opens her eyes wide before once again sitting back on the bed, staring at me with eyes full of curiosity.

Even with Communication and Covert Talents, it takes some time for the person listening to me to believe what I am saying; especially if I am talking about such an absurd topic.

But now that she believes it, it makes it easy to further gaslight her.

"Xiao Che, tell me, what happens after I meet my mother?"

Looking at her expectant expression, a sad look appears over my face, causing her body to tense before she asks, her voice slightly shaky.

"Why… Why are you making that expression? What happens in the future?"

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about it." I place my hand over her right cheek, surprisingly, she doesn't push it away nor does she freeze it. With the same saddened expression, I look at her and smile. "This time, everything will be alright. I will make sure you don't have to go through the same pain again, Qingyue."

"What… are you… talking about…? What happened in the future?"

I don't reply.

Instead, a smile forms over my face as I activate Let Them Know causing her eyes to turn blank before her body falls on the bed, lying there motionlessly.

With this, I am done with all the steps.

First, make her believe that I am from the future; Communication and Covert Talents are perfect for such gaslighting. Covert Talent allows me to tell a lie in a way that the person hearing it wouldn't be able to tell that it's a lie, matched with Communication Talent, everything I say sounds as genuine and truthful as possible.

Second, use Let Them Know to show her the future. This perk is a little tricky as it allows you to show the future only if you know it yourself. Thankfully, I have read till where she commits suicide. With the help of this perk, I can show her the future and make her think that I really came from it. Since the perk makes sure that everything shown to the person is as believable as possible. And since I am directly showing everything to her brain, there is a high chance that she will also get all her emotions from her future self. Which I really hope she does as it would make this whole capture easier.

And the last step… Well, it is to milk as much emotional value as possible once she regains all her memories of the future.

I wonder what kind of lie I should make so it sounds extra genuine and emotional.

Oh, I know!

Yes, let's go with that.

Seconds passed as I caressed her face gently, waiting for her to wake up. The skin on her face feels soft and cold to touch.

Is it because she is cultivating Frozen Cloud Arts? I do remember reading that it refines the body and makes it more beautiful or something.

"... Husband?"

A voice full of pain and sorrow pulls me out of my thoughts. I lower my gaze to see Qingyue staring back at me with a dazed expression.

"Why are you…"

She suddenly stops and opens her eyes wide. It takes her a moment to fully collect her thoughts and realize what is going on.

"Can I really not free myself from my accursed fate?" She whispers before an unwilling expression appears over her face.

It's not like I don't understand. From her point of view, she killed herself so she could break the Chain of Fate and free herself from her cursed fate, yet now she is back in the past.

It is a hard pill to swallow, isn't it?

"What are you talking about?" I gently flick her on the forehead and smile. "I am the one who rewinded the time this time, so I'll make sure you live the best life this time."

"Yun Che…" She stares at my face absentmindedly as if trying to make sure she isn't dreaming before she closes her eyes in resignation. "It isn't as easy as you make it to be. I… The only way to break fate is if either of us dies. That's why I—"

"Qingyue." I call out to her with a heavy voice, prompting her to look towards me. I place my hand over her face and gently caress it and smile as I see her placing her hand over mine. "I promise you that I'll never let you cry again, ever!"

"Husband…" Her hand tightens over mine and she closes her eyes, a thin trail of tears falling out of her eyes as she takes some time to adjust her emotions.

Meanwhile, I wiggle my body behind her before letting her sit on my lap with her head resting over my chest. My hands circle round her soft fatless stomach before tightly pulling her in.

"Husband… What are you doing?" She opens her eyes and asks, a small blush creeping over her face.

"Wife, now that you've also regained your memories and it's the first night of our wedding, shouldn't you think it's time that I finally consummate my marriage?"

A blush instantly covers her face before she places her hands above mine and gently inquires.

"Can you tell me… how did you rewind the time? The Mirror of Samsara shouldn't have enough energy to rewind time this far in the past."

"About that…"

Time to milk some emotional points.

"When I found the truth about everything, I was devastated. I felt as if my soul was being torn into millions of pieces, even breathing had become something I found hard to do. It was suffocating."

I feel her grip over my hands tightening as I continue.

"At that time, an organization approached me. They called themselves The Company. According to them, The Company operates outside of the Primal Chaos and chooses people from different worlds to be their contractor. They wanted me to sign a contract with them, and in return, I would be able to use their products and would also be given a one time use for the Mirror of Samsara."

I lean down and place my chin over her head, the fragrance of her hair fills my nostrils.

"I didn't care about anything as long as I could meet you again, so I signed the contract with them. That's how I rewinded the time and returned back to the past."

I see her delicate brows bending down into a frown and suspiciousness swirling all over her expression and eyes.

"What was the contract about?"

I pause for a second before I reply.

"In return for all those privileges, after I die, I will not enter the reincarnation cycle and my soul will belong to them."

Qingyue opens her eyes wide and her head snaps towards me before she inquires.

"You… Why did you sign such a contract!? Are you mad!?"

"Qingyue…" I tighten my hold around her, and since she had turned to look towards me, this causes her chest to push into mine as she places her hands over my chest. Her serious expression instantly breaks into redness as I stare into her eyes. "As long as I can get another chance to meet you, I don't care if I have to sell everything. I don't regret anything."


Seeing her lost expression, I lean down and move towards her lips. Understanding what I am about to do, she doesn't pull me back, instead she closes her eyes and raises her chin so I can easily claim her lips.

The next moment, the softness of her rosy lips instantly registers in my mind causing me unable to part away from them; soft and warm, they even have a distinct sweet taste. Which is quite weird since she isn't wearing any makeup, her natural beauty alone overshadows most of the female cast in this world.

The kiss is short and sweet, but I am about to soon turn it into anything but sweet. And that's what I do.

I activate Sticky Fingers, an instant reaction comes from Qingyue as her eyes open slightly in surprise, a soft muffled moan leaves her mouth.


Due to the sudden jolt of pleasure, she opens her mouth in surprise. Not wanting to miss the opportunity, I push my tongue directly into her mouth, cashing her body to stiffen.

Small and soft, that's how her tongue feels like as I play with it using mine.

The kiss that was supposed to be sweet and gentle instantly turns into a lustful wet kiss, its sound the only thing present within the room followed by sweet moans of Qingyue.

I raise my right hand, which rests on her back, and trails to her front before I firmly grab one of her breasts.

"Ahn~!" She opens her eyes, startled, and looks at me. "Husband…"

She doesn't push me away nor does she struggle, instead, she once again leans towards me and places her lips on mine.

She is sixteen years old yet her boobs are already big enough that I find it hard to hold them within my hand. I can only imagine how big they will become in the future.

Not only are they big, they also have perfect texture to them. They are firm and soft allowing my fingers to seamlessly submerge into them.

I feel her erect nipples through the thin fabric of robes she is wearing, and as every sane person, I pinch them. But since I own Sexual Calibration and Sticky Fingers, instead of pain, all she feels is pleasure.

"Mnng~ Mnngg~"

The silence of the room is soon covered in her moans and panting.

Suddenly, I hear a sound of footsteps from outside and a smirk forms over my face. I look down at Qingyue as she lays on the bed, her right arm covering her eyes and her mouth open as she takes long and deep breaths.

The robes over her body are not present anymore, allowing me to view her naked body. The color of her skin has taken a shade of gentle red with sweat glistering over it. With each intake of oxygen, her chest heaves up and down captivating my eyes as I lick my lips staring at her erect pink nipples.

I trail my sight downward to see her clean slit, in absence of any unnecessary hair. Thanks to Universal Calibration, there is no need for such hair to exist on a woman's body; not that I like it on mine either.

I crawl closer to her and grab my erect penis before I start to rub it up and down over her slit, partying it open and lubing it with her love juice.

Xiao Qingyue's body trembles before she tightly bites her lower lips.

"Wife, don't hide your face. Look at me as I finally make you mine."


I grab her hand and pull it away from her face, revealing her teary eyes which she closes instantly and her red face which she turns away.

Communication Talent tells me that she is embarrassed beyond belief, yet the feelings of expectation, love, and longing overwhelms everything else.

"Qingyue, look at me." I say once again, this time with a little heavy tone.

Unwillingness appears over her face before she opens her eyes, covered in a layer of water, and looks at me.

"You look beautiful." I say before I thrust my dick deep inside of her in one swift motion.

"Ahn~!" A loud gasp leaves her mouth, and I'm sure that whoever is eavesdropping right now, definitely heard it.

"Ugh…" I groan as her inner walls instantly cover my dick and start to wiggle, massaging it. They are tight and warm, giving me the feeling of not moving and just staying in this position forever.

With my dick still balls deep inside of her, I lean down and gently kiss her lips before saying: "I love you, Qingyue. In this life, I promise to not let you shed a single tear of sadness."

"Husband… Qingyue also loves you…" She isn't good with words, so after saying that, she directly initiates another deep kiss.

Even though this is the first time for both of us, I don't feel like stopping anytime soon. Though it's sad that I cannot do some questionable plays nor can I have her suck my dick balls deep on our first day, but soon…

I'll make sure that she loves my dick balls deep inside of her mouth all the time!

[Xiao Yulong POV]

With an impatient expression, I wait for Xiao Yang to return. I tap my leg on the ground over and over while I stare out of my window, towards that wastrels courtyard.

It doesn't take long before Xiao Yang returns, an expression of disbelief marrying his face.

Seeing this, my expression instantly darkens as I inquire, an unconscious urgency present within my voice.

"What happened? What's with that expression? Did Xia Qingyue allow that trash to enter the room with her?"

"That's…" He evades my gaze and looks around nervously, sweat trails down his face as he finally decides to answer. "That… Brother Yulong, I don't know what magic that wastrel put Xia Qingyue in but not only does she allow him to enter the room together but… I could also hear… the voices…"

With each word he utters, my expression breaks before a rage suddenly takes over it. In anger, I slapped Xiao Yang causing his teeths to fly out of his face with blood.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! It's all your fault! One thing, one fucking thing I asked was you to poison that piece of trash and you couldn't even do it! And now, he is enjoying my woman!"

I scream.

Unacceptable! This is completely unacceptable!

Xia Qingyue is the woman I want! No one is allowed to even look towards her with a lustful gaze let alone touch her and yet! That trash! Not only did he dared to marry my woman, but even touched her!

I'll kill him! I'll fucking kill him the most painful way imaginable!

As for that whore Xia Qingyue…

I smirk.

Just you wait. After I'm done with that waste, I'll fuck her till she loses consciousness. I'll turn her into a whore whose only purpose is to suck my dick!


It is close to midnight and complete silence covers the world with occasional howls of beasts and cries of animals breaking it; my courtyard is right by the outer wall that touches the back mountains which hold low level beasts after all.

At my side, using my arm as a pillow, Qingyue sleeps soundly… naked of course. Clothes aren't allowed in my household while sleeping.

Her hands are wrapped around my chest, her legs crossing mine, and her boobs pressing against me. I could feel the poke of her nipples rubbing on my skin with each of her breaths.

Gently kissing her on the lips, I raise my other hand and The Company's smartphone appears on it. The first thing that I see opening it is—

[Xia Qingyue T-10 captured! +600 credits!]

Yes, Qingyue is already registered as a part of my Retinue now. She should have something equivalent to Template Stacking I: Xia Qingyue now. Instead of typical cultivation, all she needs to do now is to train with her abilities and it should allow her to one day reach her full potential once more.

And I have 600 credits that I can spend now. Choosing this world really was the best choice, it's a credit farm here!

The first thing I do is buy the HUD perk as using The Company's device is kinda inconvenient in a world where there is no such thing as a smartphone. The next second, the smartphone within my hand vanishes and a holographic hud appears in front of me. It has the same layout as the smartphone, allowing me to easily access The Company's app.

The second thing is Toggle for my HUD as it allows me to manually control every aspect regarding The Company's perks, lures, defenses, talents, and even my power level such as tiers.

Jasmine should have already landed by now, and this perk is also quite important for my plan for corrupting her. Like detoxifying a small part of her poison every time I cum deep into her.

Sky Poison Pearl is a part of my body, so it isn't hard to produce a lie like: my semen can actually heal you. Thinking about it, I cannot help but laugh quietly.

It sounds like a fun idea… Of course only after I bind her. Otherwise, it sounds like a retard way of committing suicide…

The third thing I buy is of course Canvas. Womb tattoos are the best! And I want all of my women to have one.

The fourth purchase leads me to Defenses, mostly Information and Destiny Defense. I've already promised to take care of all that fate bullshit for Qingyue so she doesn't have to go through the same cursed fate as the original, and Destiny Defense allows me to just do that.

With this, she will be the solo master of her own fate and destiny.

Though this perk is slightly disadvantageous for me since I might lose all the good fortune given to me by the Chain of Fate, do I really care? With me knowing the future and The Company backing me up, do I need to fear losing some fortune?

Obviously not.

The effect that this perk will have on me is minimal at best.

Information Defense on the other hand will allow me to hide information regarding me and my waifus. No 'she has a special body constitution' bullshit on my watch.

The fifth purchase I do is for Inculcation Talent, Alluring Whisper: Dirty Minds, Alluring Whisper: Siren's Song, Sticky Fingers: Brown Sugar, and Sticky Fingers: Alter Flavor. Leaving others aside, Inculcation Talent, Alluring Whisper: Dirty Minds, and Alluring Whisper: Siren's Song are going to tremendously help me in changing behaviors of people or even change their whole personalities.

This world has too many cold ice beauties, and while they have their own charm to them, seeing cold expressions all the time does bore one out. With this, I can infuse different habits into other people. For example, Xia Qingyue that likes to have my dick within her mouth all the time or Jasmine who likes to sit on my lap with my dick within her cunny. The idea of people present within the room who have no idea that the person sitting on my lap has my dick deep inside them or Xia Qingyue sitting under the table with my dick deep into her while no one within the room has any idea what is going on is arousing as fuck!

As for Sticky Fingers: Brown Sugar, and Sticky Fingers: Alter Flavor; though I've never tasted semen nor am I planning to do it, from what I've heard, it doesn't taste as good as those people in the doujin like to portray. With this, I can change the flavor of my semen to whatever flavor I want.

While I am at it, I also buy Zenryoku Zenkai and Don't Stand So Close to Me; best perks to have in a cultivation world.

Least to say, I am a massive pervert. I mean, I wouldn't be accepting to become The Company's contractor if I wasn't messed up in the head. It's because I am messed up in the head that I am here right now. I'm literally him for real.

I also buy Apportion; a convenient perk that allows me or any of my Retinue members to teleport to me or any Retinue member. It's a life saving perk! And to fully utilize it, I also bought a Pocket Space with Pocket Apartment and Sweet Home.

Oh, let's also buy Time-Savers because no one wants to piss and shit… unless you are into that kind of shit, if you know what I mean. And it also keeps my body clean all the time so that's another positive for me.

The moment I buy it, it instantly removes all the dirt and liquid from Qingyues body. We had just finished not too long ago, so it's no surprise we haven't taken a bath yet. And she was tired and ended up falling asleep.

As for my last purchase, I bought Pavlov's Bell. Gonna love using it as a remote vibrator but with hundreds percent efficiency; it allows me to adjust sensitivity of any target from sourceless pleasure to pain, it has all of it!

Done with immediate purchases, I close the HUD and look at the back of my right hand; a green tattoo shimmering over it.

So it's already time.

I carefully leave the bed, making sure I don't end up awakening Qingyue, before Shroud appears over my body forming into a set of red robes.

Giving her one last look and planting a kiss on her forehead, I leave the pavilion. With a single jump, I cross the outer wall and enter the mountain range behind, following the direction pointed by the Sky Poison Pearl.


Despite the huge amount of people living within the Floating Cloud City, the night is calm and silent. The moon hangs in the middle of the sky, brightening the world with its brilliance. Its light coming from between the branches of the trees light up the mountain range behind the Xiao Clan.

In this silent night, the only thing I hear is my own footsteps over the dry grass and sticks.

I raise my palm and stare at the back of it, the stinging pain still present on it as it guides me through the thick forest towards the, what I hope is, Star Concealing Grass. Pushing the bushes out of my way, I enter a small clearing with overgrown grass. In the center of it, there is a small patch in the absence of any grass.

I walk towards the patch and see a single grass growing there. It doesn't have any eye-catching effects, and from one glance, it indeed looks like normal everyday grass. If one doesn't have extensive knowledge regarding poison and medicine, it's almost impossible to point it out.

Thankfully, I am that person. With information regarding half of the Miracle of Life, legacy of Li Suo, and poisons attained when I was a murder hobo; it takes me only a glance to pinpoint the speciality of it.

I lean down and grab the grass with my fingers, and using Star Poison Pearl, pluck it out as it vanishes into it; step one, done.

Now I need to find Jasmine…

I look around myself, trying to see anything out of order. And it doesn't take me long to find a soft crimson glint by the end of my vision. I walk towards it to find a small hole with everything around it dead. The grass, the earth, or any unlucky tree close to it; everything seems to have life sucked out of it completely, turning into charcoal black, rotting completely.

It feels like if I touch a tree, it will simply turn into ashes and disperse in the air.

I follow the track and soon reach the origin of the dead zone.

She lays there silently, like a frightened kitten, cuddled into a ball. Her red hair, like blood, sprays all around her, painting a breathtaking image. She is wearing a dress with white skirt, from which her bare legs come out; full of scars. Her face is concerted with pain and anguish, as if someone is constantly piercing her with a knife. Yet, I cannot help but place a hand on my nose and take a deep breath.

Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. In my whole life, I have never seen such a beautiful person ever! Xia Qingyue? Her beauty can still be described, but she is just out of this world. I have taken only a single look at her face and I can feel blood rushing within my body.

I do wonder though if it's because of cultivation or simply because she lives in the God Realm, either ways, her beauty isn't something that you can see and not find yourself staring at her blankly, like an idiot. It is simply enough to stun you silly.

Thankfully, Stress Defense comes into clutch and instantly calms my mind down.

Taking a deep breath, I walk closer to her and crotch. I softly poke her cheeks, a feeling of intense softness and smoothness is registered into my mind. I suddenly have an urge to play with her cheeks, but sadly, it isn't the time for it.

"Yo, you're awake?" A stupid question, but it is answered by a small twitch in her eyelids before they open up with slight difficulty revealing a pair of incredibly beautiful crimson eyes. She looks at me, her small pale lips parts open as she mutters.

"Sky… Poison… Pearl…" Her eyes move towards my wrist before she grabs it with her little hands, forcefully pulling it towards her mouth. Her mouth opens, revealing her pearly teeth and tongue before she gobbles them down at my finger, penetrating my skin and drawing blood out of it.

I don't know if it is because of her beauty or I am simply horny, but watching her sucking my finger with relish has given me a successful boner.

I just had sex with Qingyue too…

Time passes slowly as she keeps on sucking onto my finger, drawing blood from it, and I keep on adjusting my position due to the boner I have right now before she stops and her body limply falls down on the ground; she is dead.

Well, at least her body is which soon turns into ashes and vanishes.

I stand up and adjust my dick n' balls before walking towards a tree and sit down. Closing my eyes, I focus my consciousness on the pearl before my surroundings change. Everything turns into a soft hue of green and I find myself standing in an endless space.

There is nothing in this place except for the naked body of Jasmine floating in front of me, deep in sleep. Once again, I feel blood rushing to my mind as my eyes scans her body up and down, stopping at her little chest and small protruding nipples before going down to her clean slit.

Idea of raping her appears in my mind, like those doujins where dude rapes someone while they are unconsciousness so their bodies react to their smell when they are concious. But I doubt that shit works in real life, especially to someone who can slap me out of existence with a sneeze.

What if she wakes up while I am ramming her little cunt? No matter how exciting and degenerate the idea sounds, I rather like my life more. Even if her life depends on me now, since her soul is connected with the Sky Poison Pearl, it doesn't mean she is going to ignore if someone raped her.

With that in mind, I walk closer to her and raise my hand towards her. My robes rustle before they gently wrap themselves around her, forming a cocoon with her inside of it. For the safety measures, I am not going to penetrate any of her orifices.

Normally, it should take about three hours to bind her and fully infuse my will into her, but since she is unconscious and not struggling, the time is reduced by half allowing me to bind her within an hour and half. Definitely faster than the Stamp but it still doesn't beat the easiness of Stamp.

Just to make sure, I open The Company's app to not share any of my defenses with her. To slowly change her personality, it's an important step.

An hour and half passes soon and the cocoon breaks open, once again revealing the unconscious Jasmine. I stare towards the holographic screen in front of me to see she is captured.

I smile as I close the holographic window and look towards her small body floating in front of me, naked.

She is still fast asleep.

Now that she is a part of my Retinue, even if I rape her, she won't kill me, right?

The moment such an idea appears within my mind, it seems to solidify itself there.

Second passes as I stare at her in silence.

Should I do it?

It doesn't take me long to decide. The next second, all the robes over my body vanished. Fuck it, she is already a part of my harem so there shouldn't be any problem.

With my dick standing tall proudly, I walk closer to her and hold her body in my arms before I sit down on the ground.

Time for some soul sex.

She is small and light making it easy for me to pick her up and position her so her back is facing me and place her little butt over my dick as it covers her slit. I move my hands to her chest and gently cup them. Her boobs are small, perfect for my hands.

I softly massage her chest while activating Sticky Fingers. Despite their small size, they are soft and smooth.

"Mng~" A muffle moan comes out from her mouth as I pinch her small nipple making my body tense. Despite knowing that she won't kill me, her strength still scares me. I lean down and place my lips over her skin. The sensation of her skin further fuels my lust. It is so soft and smooth that it makes it harder for me to control myself. The fragrance of her hair and body fills up my nostril as one of my hand trails down to her clean slip, pinching her clitoris.

A shock runs through her body yet she doesn't wake up.


It seems that she is deep in a coma.

Though I doubt it would have worked if she wasn't part of my Retinue. She is, after all, a Divine Master. Coma or not, her instinct alone would have woken her up and she would have killed me. But since she is a part of my Retinue now, she unconsciously doesn't consider me as her enemy.

So even if I go extreme with her, since she instinctively doesn't consider me a threat, the chances of her waking up are low.

It's all an assumption and I hope it is true.

It doesn't take long for a small amount of juice to start coming out of her tight slit. Using my fingers, I part it to see her little hole twitching slightly.

As I stare at her beautiful face and then at her opened slit, it becomes harder and harder to control myself as my breathing starts to get slightly labored; same with hers, though for a completely different reason. Her face really is a cheat.

I use my index finger and push it into her hole. The reaction comes instantly as her body stiffens before it starts to relax slowly. Seeing that she is wet enough, not that it would have mattered due to Sexual Calibration, I raise her body by picking her up from below her underarms and adjust the tip of my penis directly towards her entrance.

Time to feel some divine pussy!

"Ahngg~!" As my penis penetrated all the way in, causing a small bump to form near her stomach, Jasmine's eyes shot open. But it's already too late as the tightness of her cunt instantly makes me cum, releasing my semen deep into her pussy.

Silence forms as I stare directly into her eyes as she takes a second to realize what is happening before confusion appears over her face as she speaks, her voice sending chill down my very soul.

"What are-mng-you doing?"

I instantly activate Alluring Whisper: Dirty Minds and Alluring Whisper: Siren's Song. Though slightly different from what I've planned, it's not too late to retract back to the original plan.

"Thank God you are awake now. I couldn't feed you enough blood when you were unconscious and the poison was tearing your soul apart so I had to settle for this method."

"You… what do you mean by this!?" The only reason I am alive is due to The Company's binding right now. If not for that, I would have died for sure here.

"Your body is highly poisoned, something that even Sky Poison Pearl might not be able to solve. To save your soul from dying, I had no other choice but to do this." I say, all my lying perks working at their maximum. "The Sky Poison Pearl has fully merged with me, making my whole body a Sky Poison Pearl. The liquid my body produces has the highest level of detoxification effects. Consider it normal Dual Cultivation."

Redness covers her face and neck. She stares down at the bulge, in the shape of my dick, near her stomach and grits her teeth.

"You should be able to feel it too, right? The poison in your body is decreasing at a fast rate." Which is not a lie. Using Toggle and sharing the Body Defense with her, I am indeed healing her body slowly with each release of my semen. I'm just that good.

"Just… end it quickly." She says and closes her eyes, turning her face away to hide it. A smirk forms over my face. I was a little skeptical regarding the whole binding, but this proves it. So without wasting a second, I slowly pull my hips backward causing the bulge near her stomach to recede before I slap it back in.

"Umng~ Do it… slowly…" She whispers, her little hands tightly holding onto my arms that circled around her body to keep her in place. "It's my first time…"

"With pleasure." I softly whisper into her red ear before I start to thrust, but comparably slowly this time. I grab her left breast with her erect nipple between my fingers. My semen starts to drip out of her cunt as I lean down and start to kiss her neck, at the same time keeping pumping into her tight cunt.

"Mng~ Mng~ Mng~" She tightly shuts her mouth, trying her best to not let any moan leave her mouth but this only further makes me horny.

Trying to act tough? I open the Pavlov's Bell app and increase her sensitivity. Sticky Fingers has already increased it by a lot, and now using Pavlov's Bell at top, her body instantly spasms as she releases a squirt.

"Fuck!" I curse as the muscles inside her cunt tightens further, causing me to also release the build up orgasm within her.

Losing balance, my body falls backward on the ground with her body lying on top of me, my dick still tightly held within her cunt.

I groan.

She isn't letting it go!

"You… relax a little. It's hard for me to hold back."

"Didn't… you say… your body liquid… has healing properties?" She says, between soft moans and breathing. "So why, haaa, are you, haaa, holding it back?"

"... Fair." I say before I start to pump once again. Even though I just had sex with Qingyue, my dick just won't relax. Whether it is because of her beauty or the lust I feel knowing I'm raping her right now, I have no idea but I am not stoping.

I roll and make her lay on the ground with her little butt facing towards me. I nestle my face into her neck with my hand holding my dick, pointing it towards her pussy.

"Raise it a little, your butt." I whisper, and like a good girl, she raises her body up making it easy for me to once again penetrate her tightness.

I hold onto her little body while using my other hand to make her face me, causing her eyes to widen.

"You, what are you—" I block her mouth with mine, invading it with my tongue as I start thrusting once again. She looks astonished for a second before she closes her eyes, her little tongue trying its best to wrestle back with mine only to be dominated in an instant.

Compared to me, her body is small. Which make it easy for me to kiss and fuck her at the same time.

The sound of our flesh slapping with each other rings loudly within our ears with waves upon waves being produced over her small butt.

I don't know how many times she has cum due to high sensitivity, but by the time I release my semen within her once again, she seems lost with her eyes rolling backwards and soon losing her consciousness again. Which is surprising knowing her stamina should be a million times more than me, but maybe because it is her first time, her mind was overloaded with simulation causing her to lose sense of reality. But that doesn't stop me from keep fucking her.

Anyways, it all started with her unconscious. If I was really bothered by it, I wouldn't have done it in the first place. In fact, fucking her unconscious makes it all more exciting to me.

And so, I lose the track of time while fucking unconscious pussy of the Heavenly Slaugther God.

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