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76% MULTIVERSE GHOST / Chapter 16: "Phantom President: Kaelin's Unexpected Rise to Power!"

Capítulo 16: "Phantom President: Kaelin's Unexpected Rise to Power!"

When I got home after the battle trial, the first thing that greeted me was the scent of my mom's famous apple pie. Ah, sweet victory! Or so I thought until she saw the scar on my face.

Her eyes widened, and before I could even say, "Hey, Mom, check out my battle scars!" she rushed to the drawer and whipped out the medicine kit like she was preparing for a surgical operation. "Sit," she commanded, pointing to the sofa.

As I settled into the cushions, she gently dabbed antiseptic on my face. "Does it hurt?" she asked, her voice softer than a marshmallow melting in hot chocolate. But then, instead of the expected mom question of "Who did this to you?" she surprised me with, "Are you okay? Are you feeling better now?"

I grinned. "Yeah, I'm good, Mom. You should've seen me out there! It was like a scene straight out of an action movie. There was Todoroki, freezing the whole building—total overkill, by the way—and Bakugo blowing things up like it was his birthday. And me? I lifted the entire building with my telekinesis! It was epic!"

She raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed. "Then how did you get hurt if you're so amazing?" she asked, applying a bandage with the precision of a world-class surgeon.

"Well," I started, leaning back dramatically, "even though I can phase through anything, I can't protect someone else while I'm in my phasing state. Bakugo's explosion got a bit too close, and I had to make sure Momo was safe. It's just a little scratch, really. Nothing to worry about."

Mom sighed, her worry lines easing a bit. "Just promise me you'll be careful. You're my hero, but even heroes need to take care of themselves."

I gave her a thumbs-up. "You got it, Mom. Besides, what's a hero without a few scars to show off?"

She chuckled, ruffling my shiny white hair. "Alright, Mr. Hero, dinner's ready. And after that, we can talk more about your heroic escapades."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Deal! But first, can we get some of that apple pie?"

She nodded, her smile as warm as the pie in the oven. "Of course, Kaelin. You deserve it."

And just like that, my battle trial scars turned into badges of honor, complete with a side of apple pie and a whole lot of mom's love. Not a bad way to end the day, if I say so myself.

After making sure Kaelin was settled and his scar properly tended to, I couldn't help but share the odd encounter I had earlier that day. I watched as Kaelin nibbled on a piece of apple pie, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. "You'll never believe what happened at the market today," I began, a small smile playing on my lips.

This morning, I went to the market to pick up some fresh vegetables and meat for dinner. The sun was shining, and the market was bustling with people. After browsing through the colorful stalls and picking out the best produce, I stepped out of the shop with my bags full. That's when I saw a bald man.

Sitting outside the shop was a strange, bald man in a yellow jumpsuit. He looked utterly defeated, muttering to himself about missing a sale. I went out to him. He had this forlorn expression, like the world had just ended because of a missed discount.

"Are you okay?" I asked gently, approaching him. He looked up at me with the saddest eyes I've ever seen. "I missed the sale," he mumbled, his voice filled with despair.

I couldn't help but chuckle a little. It was such a small thing to be so upset about. "Well, I have plenty of vegetables and meat here," I said, opening one of my bags. "Would you like some?"

His face lit up with surprise and gratitude. "Really? You'd do that?"

"Of course," I replied, handing him a few carrots, some potatoes, and a bit of meat. "I have more than enough, and it's always good to share."

He took the food with a look of sheer relief. "Thank you so much," he said, his voice earnest. "I was really looking forward to that sale."

I smiled at him, feeling a warmth in my heart. "It's no problem at all. Sometimes, a little kindness can make a big difference."

With that, I left him with his newfound veggies and meat and headed home, feeling good about the small act of kindness. As I told Kaelin the story, I could see the amusement in his eyes.

"So, you just gave some random bald guy in a yellow jumpsuit your veggies?" he asked, a grin spreading across his face.

"Well, he looked like he needed it," I replied, ruffling his hair. "And besides, we have plenty. It's always good to help others, no matter how small the act."

Kaelin laughed. "You're the best, Mom. Always helping people, even weird guys in yellow jumpsuits."

I smiled back at him. "It's just who I am, Kaelin. Now, finish your pie, and let's get ready for dinner. You need to keep your strength up for your next heroic adventure."

And with that, we continued our evening, sharing stories and laughter, grateful for the small moments of joy and the unexpected encounters that made our days just a little bit brighter.

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The next morning at UA High, it was absolute chaos. Reporters were swarming around like bees outside the school gates, all desperate for a scoop on All Might joining the teaching staff. I mean, I get it. Who wouldn't want an exclusive interview with the Symbol of Peace? But honestly, the whole scene was a bit much.

I strolled up to the school, hands in my pockets, whistling a tune. The reporters were practically glued to the gates, their cameras flashing and microphones waving in the air. They were yelling out questions, but no one was answering. 

"Come on, just one interview!" a reporter with a ridiculous amount of hairspray in her hair shouted.

Another one, holding what looked like the world's largest microphone, groaned, "We haven't gotten a single word from anyone! This is getting ridiculous!"

I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. Their desperation was almost entertaining. Almost.

As I approached the gates, I saw a few reporters trying to slip past the security guards, only to be stopped by the gates suddenly slamming shut. The sound of metal clanging shut was like the final nail in the coffin of their hopes. They started expressing their disappointment in ways that would make a soap opera actor jealous.

One guy even dropped to his knees, shaking his fist at the sky. "Why, All Might? Why must you elude us?"

I rolled my eyes. This had nothing to do with me. I mean, I had a much simpler solution to bypassing this media circus. With a smirk, I activated my quirk and phased right through the gates like a phantom. Being able to turn invisible and intangible sure had its perks. 

As I floated through the closed gates, I couldn't resist making a spooky ghost noise. "Oooooooh, can't catch me, paparazzi!" I whispered to myself, trying not to laugh.

On the other side, everything was calm and quiet. No crazy reporters, just the peaceful serenity of UA High. I almost felt bad for the poor souls outside, but then again, not really.

I strolled into the school grounds, invisible to everyone. Some students gave the gates a curious glance, wondering what the commotion was about, but quickly lost interest when they saw it was just the usual reporter madness.

Once inside, I turned off my quirk and reappeared, blending in with the rest of the students. I headed to class, feeling pretty smug about my smooth entrance.

"So, did you see all those reporters outside?" Mina asked as I sat down.

"Yeah," I replied, grinning. "They were all over the place. It was like watching a bunch of cats trying to get into a fish market."

Mina laughed. "How did you get in without getting swarmed?"

I leaned back in my chair, putting on my best mysterious hero face. "Let's just say being a phantom has its perks."

She rolled her eyes, but she was smiling. "Show-off."

"Guilty as charged," I said, giving her a wink.

As the bell rang and class began, I couldn't help but think about how lucky I was to have my quirk. Not just for sneaking past annoying reporters, but for all the other ways it helped me out. Who knew what adventures today would bring? All I knew was, I was ready for anything.

In class the next day, things started off with Aizawa-sensei giving Bakugo a lecture that was so harsh, I almost felt sorry for the guy. Almost. "Bakugo, stop acting like a 7-year-old baby. You're wasting your talent with that attitude of yours," Aizawa-sensei droned, his sleeping bag looking cozier by the second.

Bakugo's face turned an impressive shade of red, somewhere between "boiled lobster" and "exploding tomato." I half-expected steam to start pouring out of his ears.

Once Aizawa-sensei had finished his verbal smackdown, he changed gears. "We need a class president," he announced, and almost instantly, hands shot up like fireworks on New Year's Eve. Everyone wanted to be the big cheese.

In the midst of the chaos, Tenya Iida, ever the model of order and discipline, stood up and suggested, "We should decide this by voting to elect the best president."

The room fell silent, everyone processing the idea. Then, nodding heads and murmurs of agreement spread through the room. It was decided: democracy would rule the day.

Votes were cast, slips of paper collected, and then came the big moment. Aizawa-sensei started counting the votes, and my jaw nearly hit the floor when I realized I had somehow garnered 7 votes. SEVEN! What had I done to deserve this?

Momo had gotten 2 votes, which seemed low for someone so competent, but hey, democracy is weird sometimes. Just before Aizawa-sensei could announce the results, I had a brainwave. I turned to Momo, the paragon of responsibility, and made her an offer she couldn't refuse. Or at least, I hoped she wouldn't.

"Momo," I said, trying to sound as smooth as a peanut butter smoothie, "how about we make a little deal? You take the president's job, and I'll be your trusty vice president. Deal?"

She raised an eyebrow but seemed intrigued. "Why would you want to give up being class president?"

"Because I'm too lazy to be class president," I admitted. "But I'll support you 100%. You can handle all the important stuff, and I'll just... be there."

Momo thought it over for a moment. "Alright, but on one condition. I get to ask you one thing, and you have to fulfill it. No questions asked."

Now, normally, I'd be wary of such a vague promise, but in the heat of the moment, I didn't think much of it. "Deal!" I agreed, perhaps a bit too eagerly.

Aizawa-sensei finished counting the votes and was about to declare me as class president when I stood up. "Ahem, sensei, I'd like to make an announcement. I'm officially passing the class presidency to Momo Yaoyorozu, and I'll be her vice president."

There was a collective gasp from the class. I could see the gears turning in everyone's heads, trying to figure out what had just happened.

Aizawa-sensei didn't even bat an eye. "Fine. Momo Yaoyorozu is the class president, and Kaelin Godfrey is the vice president," he said, as if this was the most normal thing in the world. With that, he resumed his nap.

Momo gave me a nod of gratitude, and I felt a strange mix of relief and curiosity about what favor she would ask of me. The rest of the class seemed to accept the change quickly enough, though I caught a few puzzled looks.

"So, what's the first order of business, Madam President?" I asked Momo, giving her a mock salute.

She smiled, already slipping into her new role with ease. "First, let's ensure everyone knows their responsibilities. And second, remember our deal."

I nodded, feeling like I'd dodged a bullet. For now, I was safe. But who knew what kind of crazy request she'd come up with? One thing was for sure: life at UA High was never boring.

Alright, let's dive back into the cafeteria scene with more humor, detail, and a focus on Kaelin's unique personality.


It was another lively day in the UA High cafeteria. The place was buzzing with students from all branches, chattering, and enjoying their meals. Momo, Tenya, Uraraka, and I were seated together, discussing our classes and random topics.

Out of nowhere, Uraraka blurted out, "Hey Tenya, are you from some upper-crust family or something? You always talk about honor and stuff."

Tenya's face flushed a bit. "I don't like to bring attention to it, but yes, I come from a family of heroes. I'm the second son," he confessed, sounding both proud and modest. "My brother is the Turbo Hero, Ingenium. He's my role model, and I aim to be like him. I think it might be too soon for me to be in a leadership position because of this."

Just as Tenya finished speaking, a blaring alarm went off—Level Three, which is never a good sign. The announcement commanded us to evacuate immediately. Suddenly, the cafeteria turned into a scene straight out of an action movie, with students darting towards the exits, trays clattering to the floor, and panic spreading faster than gossip.

I quickly assessed the situation. Amidst the chaos, I spotted the cause: a swarm of reporters had breached the school gates. Reporters? Really? This wasn't an emergency; it was more like a minor inconvenience turned major drama.

I turned to Momo, "Hey, can you whip up a large voice amplifier for me?"

With a nod and a quick creation, she handed me the amplifier. I grinned, knowing it was my time to shine. I let my shiny white hair down, letting it flow like a majestic hero's cape—because why not make an entrance, right?

Using my telekinesis, I lifted myself above the frenzied crowd. My presence instantly drew attention; everyone paused, their eyes glued to me like I was the latest episode of their favorite show.

I spoke into the amplifier in my coolest, most composed voice, "Attention everyone! This is not an emergency. It's just a bunch of reporters who have entered the school. Please return to your usual positions." My words echoed through the cafeteria, and the pandemonium began to fizzle out.

The students, realizing there was no actual danger, started to calm down. The order was restored, and I gracefully floated back to our table. Momo looked at me with a mix of admiration and amusement. "I think you handled the situation pretty well. You might be more suitable for president than you think."

I shrugged nonchalantly, flashing a cheeky grin. "I only did it so my mom wouldn't worry about it," I replied. Saving the day with a dash of style was just a bonus.

Meanwhile, reactions from the rest of the class were priceless. Uraraka looked at me wide-eyed, "Kaelin, that was amazing! You were like a real hero!"

Toru, somewhere nearby, chimed in with a laugh, "Yeah, a hero with a flair for the dramatic!"

Kaminari gave me a thumbs up, "Man, I wish I could fly like that. You made it look so easy."

Tenya, ever the earnest one, adjusted his glasses and nodded approvingly, "Well done, Kaelin. Your quick thinking and calm demeanor under pressure are commendable."

As the cafeteria settled back into its usual rhythm, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. Maybe being vice president had its perks after all. And who knew? Maybe I wasn't so bad at this leadership stuff. But one thing was clear: I was definitely good at making an impression, and that, my friends, is half the battle won.


"Hey there, lovely readers! So, I've got a little proposal for you – how about we make a deal? You hit me up with those power stones, and in return, I'll sprinkle some extra laughs and charm into your day! Deal? Oh, and here's the best part: for every power stone you toss my way, I promise to do a little victory dance that's so ridiculous, even Deku would blush! So, let's make some magic happen together, and remember, with great power stones comes... well, my eternal gratitude and a few chuckles on the side! You guys rock, literally! 💎😄"


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