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77.77% House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm. / Chapter 19: Chapter 19.

Capítulo 19: Chapter 19.


Hello there, my lovely degenerates~

I had some errands to run over the weekend, so I couldn't post this chapter. This one is another slow one, setting up the chessboard and stuff.

The next chapter will probably be quite big, around 4-5k words, so be prepared~

Anyway, don't forget to send me some stones and leave a review. It not only helps with visibility but also keeps me motivated to write more.

Enjoy the chapter!


Rhaenyra Targaryen, 110 AC.

She stared absentmindedly at her sleeping brother as she gently caressed his hair while humming him a lullaby. After she woke up and they shared a heartfelt moment of pain and relief, he practically passed out in her arms. She could see the dark shadows beneath his eyes, showing just how long he had avoided resting to protect her. She was pained by his efforts, but also glad she had someone like him by her side. She wouldn't let his efforts go in vain in the future.

She was still grieving the passing of their mother, but the worst part has passed, and they had more important things to worry about right now. 'We have some debts to settle,' she thought coldly as she began calculating their next step.

For now, she would let their father "off the hook", not because she pitied him or anything of the sort, but because it wouldn't bring them anything good for now, and to show him any more hostility and opposition would only spoil their reputation that it took years to build. She could already imagine the damage their actions had done to that, but it was still to a manageable extent. Although her mind was foggy at the time, she could still remember a bit of what they did that day.

She was thankful that Daemon was there to stop Aemon from continuing his onslaught, as they would be shunned and hunted down by the whole realm if they killed the king. Although they had two mighty adult dragons in their arsenal, they simply couldn't contend against the whole world on their own. She also had no desire to live as a fugitive and risk their lives or their dragons in vain.

She twirled Aemon's hair as she contemplated their options, not noticing his trembling eyelashes, clearly bothered by her actions in his sleep. 'Mellos is out of the picture for now, but that old cockroach is probably still alive.' Her hands clenched, and she pulled out a few of Aemon's hair by mistake because of that, causing him to wince in pain, which she noticed and apologized quietly, "Sorry," she said as she smoothed out his hair again, causing his expression to gradually morph into a pleased one as he rested.

She could swear he was about to purr with pure satisfaction, just like a cat.

Rhaenyra chuckled a little at his silly antics, glad that he was perhaps having a good dream, but soon she got back to planning.

'We need to get rid of the Citadel.' This was something she and Aemon discussed many times before, and both of them came to the same conclusion: the Citadel must be gone. Especially now that they had acted against one of their own, retaliation seemed inevitable. 

Rhaenyra knew the Citadel wielded considerable influence over the realm, their reach extending to every corner of Westeros. Their knowledge and connections made them formidable enemies. She and Aemon could not afford to underestimate them.

As she continued to stroke Aemon's hair, her mind raced with possibilities. Direct confrontation was out of the question. Even with their dragons, attacking the Citadel outright would only unite the realm against them. They needed a subtler approach, one that would undermine the Citadel from within.

Rhaenyra and Aemon had already begun planting the seeds of doubt about the Citadel's methods with their teachings. Over the years, Rhaenyra had gained many followers within the Citadel, quietly questioning the wisdom and motives of their order. Now, it was time to accelerate that process.

Control was the answer. They needed to infiltrate the Citadel further, to sow discord and confusion among the ranks. Rhaenyra had often thought about the idea of creating a cult, a secret society within the Citadel that would be loyal to her and Aemon. But if discovered this would put them at odds with the Faith of the Seven, a powerful force in its own right.

She sighed tiredly, the weight of their ambitions pressing down on her. 'In the end, we still have to deal with those fucking zealots first...'

For now, they would begin moving their chess pieces, taking small, careful steps towards their ultimate goal and revenge. They would worry later about how to deal with the problems that arose along the way. 

She glanced down at Aemon, still sleeping soundly. She had to wait until he woke up to plan things together, as they always did. They also needed to discuss the aftermath of their recent actions and their newfound "powers."

Rhaenyra took a deep breath and looked out of the window. The world outside seemed so peaceful, a stark contrast to the turmoil inside her heart and mind. Their path was fraught with peril and uncertainty, but with Aemon by her side, she felt a sense of calm. She knew she could count on him for everything. Together, they would navigate these treacherous waters and emerge victorious.

For now, she allowed herself a moment of respite, her hand gently stroking Aemon's hair as he slept. "Rest well, stupid brother," she whispered. "We'll need all our strength for what's to come."


Otto Hightower, 110 AC. 

Otto Hightower paced the length of his chambers, his mind a whirl of calculations and schemes. The death of Queen Aemma was a tragedy, but in the game of thrones, every tragedy bore the seeds of opportunity. He needed to ensure House Hightower's influence at court remained strong, and there was no better chance than now with the royal family stranded relationship. 

Viserys was now a widower, and the Iron Throne needed a queen. His mind worked tirelessly, calculating the next move that would elevate House Hightower. Alicent, his daughter, was the key.

He had once entertained the idea of marrying her to Prince Aemon. In fact, he had even promised his daughter, who clearly fancied the prince, that he would bring this proposal to the king sooner or later. But after many years of observing the prince, Otto had come to a conclusion. Aemon would not marry Alicent of his own volition; he wouldn't marry anyone at all except for one person—his sister, Rhaenyra.

The thought disgusted Otto. He considered the Targaryens to be sinful blasphemers, monsters who defied the natural order. 'If only they didn't have dragons.', he often mused. Their very existence was a stain on the world and on the faith of the Seven. Perhaps if Aemon saw the light of the gods, he would see how perfect and lovely Alicent truly was, but alas, that chance was gone now.

Otto didn't want to risk his opportunity by trying to push a marriage between his daughter and Aemon. He knew he would most certainly fail, and proposing a marriage between Viserys and Alicent later would make his true intentions too clear, even to the relatively naïve Viserys. The king would see right through him, and any hope of marrying Alicent to him after that would be dashed.

He glanced at the parchment before him, already drafting a letter to his brother, Lord Hobert Hightower, outlining his plans. "Alicent will marry Viserys," he murmured to himself, the words tasting of ambition and destiny. But this wasn't just a matter of politics. Alicent had feelings for Prince Aemon, so this would be a delicate maneuver.

Otto rose and walked to the window, looking out at the Red Keep. He had always been a man of foresight and strategy. He had to tread carefully, for the twins' recent actions had caused a dent to their formidable reputation, he had to use that. 

He had already begun planting the seeds. Subtle comments here and there, whispered words to the right ears. The idea needed to seem natural, as though it sprung from Viserys' own mind. Otto was a master of such manipulations, and he would see this through to the end.

He knew that he had to approach this delicately. Viserys was vulnerable, grieving, and in need of comfort and stability. Alicent could provide that. She was gentle, kind, and wise beyond her years—a perfect balm for the king's wounded heart. Otto needed to ensure that his daughter was seen as indispensable to Viserys, someone he could not do without.

A soft knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. "Enter," he commanded.

He glanced at the door, knowing that the person behind it held the key to his plans. Alicent had always been dutiful, but recently, she'd become increasingly resistant to his guidance. Otto knew the cause of her hesitation: Prince Aemon.

Alicent stepped in, her face pale and anxious. "Father, you wished to see me?"

"Alicent," he began, his voice gentle yet firm. "You know how important it is for our family to support the king in these trying times."

"Of course, Father," she replied, her eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and concern.

Otto took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. "The king is in great need of comfort, someone who can ease his burden and offer him solace. I believe you can be that person."

Alicent's eyes widened slightly, but she remained composed. "You want me to comfort the king?" 

"Yes," Otto said, stepping closer. "Spend time with him, show him kindness and understanding. Let him see the warmth and grace that our family can bring to his life."

She nodded slowly, absorbing his words. Otto could see the gears turning in her mind, and he knew she understood the implications. This was not just about comfort; it was about securing their family's future.


She hesitated for a second as she touched the brimms of her dress, but soon took up the courage to ask "But what about Aemon?" 

His expression grown a bit stern and angry at her questioning as he said "Prince Aemon is a wild card, unpredictable and dangerous, just as his uncle Daemon is, we can't count on him anymore" he really began to see the parallels between the two princes after that day when he witness Aemon's wrath. He didn't want such an abomination close to his daughter no matter what. 

Alicent's eyes flashed with rare defiance, angry with his remarks about Aemon. "I have no desire to marry the king, Father. You know my heart belongs to Aemon."

Otto's jaw tightened, but he kept his voice calm. "Alicent, your feelings for Aemon are inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. The prince is a broken man, consumed by vengeance. His future is uncertain. But you, you have the chance to become queen."

"I don't care about becoming queen!" Alicent's voice rose, her composure cracking. "You promised, Father. You promised to speak to His Grace about my betrothal to Aemon. How can you now expect me to marry him instead?"

Otto's eyes narrowed. "Love is a luxury we cannot afford, Alicent. You must think of our family, our future. Aemon is unstable, driven by grief and rage. Do you think he can protect you? Do you think he can secure our place in the realm?"

Alicent took a step back, her hands trembling. "But he needs me, Father. He's been through so much, and Rhaenyra... she needs me too. We can help them, we can support them."

Otto's patience was wearing thin. "This is not about them, Alicent. This is about us. Do you want to spend your life as a mere consort to a prince whose future is uncertain, or do you want to be queen? Do you want to secure your children's future, our family's future? This is not a time for sentimentality. This is a time for action."

"And" He paused for a moment, considering whether to deliver the final, cruel blow. But he knew he needed to crush Alicent's feelings for the prince to ensure she complied. "The prince already has someone he loves, and you know it's not you."

Alicent looked away, her heart aching. Her thoughts drifted to Aemon, his sweet smile and purple eyes that hypnotized her very soul.

She loved him deeply, with a passion that had grown over the years. Yet, she knew that his heart belonged to Rhaenyra, her closest friend and confidante. The pain of that realization was a constant ache, a reminder of her place in the world. Rhaenyra, with her otherworldly prowess and regal bearing, was everything Alicent admired and envied. 

Alicent cried, tracing a finger over the intricate embroidery on her dress. How could she fulfill her father's wishes when her heart was torn in so many directions? She loved Aemon, but now she was being asked to comfort Viserys. The thought of being so close to the king, of pretending a closeness she did not feel, was daunting. Yet, she could not refuse her father rhetoric. 

She recalled the many times she had seen Aemon and Rhaenyra together, their bond evident in every glance and touch. Rhaenyra had always been kind to her, never flaunting her relationship with Aemon, but the envy was there nonetheless. Alicent couldn't help but feel overshadowed by her friend's brilliance.

She wanted to support her family, to fulfill her duty, but the thought of leaving behind her love for Aemon was heartbreaking. She wished things could be different, that she could have Aemon's love and her father's approval without having to sacrifice one for the other.

How could she reconcile her duty to her father with her feelings for Aemon? How could she stand beside Viserys, knowing her heart belonged to another?

She stared out the window, looking out the night. Somewhere out there, Aemon was with Rhaenyra, the two of them facing their own grief and struggles, together.

Alicent's envy flared again, sharper than before. Rhaenyra had everything—a dragon, a powerful lineage and intellect, a beauty rivaled by no other, and Aemon's love.

Her thoughts were a storm of conflicting emotions. 'Why can she have everything I wanted?' she thought bitterly, not realizing the seeds of anger and jealousy growing inside her heart. Rhaenyra had always been the center of attention, the favored one, the perfect lady and princess, and now she had Aemon's heart as well. The prince who Alicent had adored from afar, whose kindness and strength had captivated her, was out of reach because of her.

But she still didn't want to give up and asked one last time while looking to her father with her tear-filled eyes.

"Father, please," she whispered, her voice breaking. "There must be another way."

Otto stepped closer, his hand resting on her shoulder. "Alicent, listen to me. This is the only way. Viserys is a good man, a kind man. He will treat you well, and you will have the power to protect our family, to shape the future."

Alicent shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "I don't think I can, Father. I don't think I can..."

Otto's grip tightened, his expression hardening. "You will do as I say, Alicent. You will marry Viserys, and you will secure our family's place in the realm. This is not a request. This is your duty."

Alicent closed her eyes, her heart breaking. She knew her father's will was iron, and she could not defy him. But the thought of leaving her feelings for Aemon, and 'betraying him' in this way, was almost too much to bear. She took a deep breath, trying to steel herself for what was to come.

"Yes, Father," she said finally, her voice barely a whisper. "I will do my duty."

Otto nodded, satisfied. "Good. Now, go to your chambers and prepare yourself. You will speak to the king tomorrow."

As Alicent turned to leave, Otto watched her go, his mind already racing with plans. He knew this was the right course of action, the only course of action. The realm was a dangerous place, and power was the only protection. He would see his daughter on the throne, no matter the cost.

Otto was a man who understood the delicate balance of power and the necessity of ruthless decisions. Ensuring Alicent's place as queen was just the beginning. There were still many obstacles to overcome, but Otto was prepared to face them all.

He would worry later about the matters of succession. Heirs died all the time, after all...


In her chambers, Alicent sank to the floor crying, her heart heavy with grief. She knew what she had to do, but the thought of it tore her apart. She prayed for strength, for guidance, for some way to make peace with the path she had to walk. But deep down, she knew there was no turning back. She had to do her duty, for her family and their future. Even if it meant breaking her own heart.

"I'm so sorry, Rhaenyra...Aemon..."

Evilmoon Evilmoon

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