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Capítulo 5: Something Lying is Good.

{ 20 years since the passing of Himmel, The Hero.}

Location: The outskirts of Holy City, Strahal.

~3rd Pov(Frieren)~

As she passes through the forest she starts to remember her time as a member of the hero's party. Those were nothing but a short 10 years of her very long life. For a race that is long lived they view time differently from humans.

They would spend thousands of years doing nothing and still not be affected by the passage of time. In comparison to that 10 years is short, too short for her to have any long-lasting effects on her. But unexpectedly it did.

She didn't know when but as she spent her time with Himmel, Heiter, and Eisen her emotions became a thing that she started feeling more and more. All they were doing was defeating demons, helping someone in need, exploring dungeons, and spending their time doing stupid things ( mostly the boys).

She slowly started to feel enjoyment in spending her time with them. Of course, she didn't let it show on her face. She also refused to express her feelings.

It wasn't until Himmel died did she understood her own feelings. She regrets not expressing her feelings to them. From then on she started traveling or advertising. Her new hobby is collecting magic. New or interesting kind of magic.

She didn't expect to get a letter from one of her former party, especially not Heiter. That corrupt priest had asked her to visit him. Saying that he found a new magic to discuss. She was sure he should be dead by then.

But as a friend she thought, why not visit him one last time. He also said to pour alcohol on his grave.

So, here she is going to the address Heiter said but all she could find was these damn trees.

' Can't he live somewhere more noticeable?' she thought with some annoyance as she removed some spider webs from her hair.

"I always got lost in the forest, didn't I.....?"

" Are you looking for someone?" Just then she heard a voice. She was shocked as she noticed any presence near her. She just started at the owner of the voice, a child. About 8-9 years old, a girl too.

Seeing she didn't answer the little girl asked, " Is something the matter?"

After staying quiet for a few moments she replied, "....No, I am just looking for a home of someone named Heiter. He should be in his 90s now."

The girl still showing no expression on her face said," Oh, looks like you are a visitor." 

After saying that the little girl took her to a house in the deeper areas of the forest. ' Just how deep does he stay?' 

Surprisingly, there were not many trees in the place where the girl took her. She also saw Heiter standing in front of the house with a stick helping him.

" Hohoho and here I thought you would take a few more years. Looks like I get to see you before I die." 

He said with a smile. 

" I did get your letter. Besides, I was going through here anyway. I still would have visited you even without your letter." She said. 

They got inside the house and sat on a chair. The little girl she met started making tea for them. 

" So, what do you need my help for? And who is this girl?" She asked.

Heiter stayed quiet for a few moments and said,

" She is Fern. She is a war orphan from the southern provinces. I adopted her about two years ago."

She lazily pushed her head with her left hand and said," She doesn't look like one though. And you're not the type of guy who would willingly rescue someone, right? 

You aren't Himmel after all."

He let out a small smile at that.

" Frieren, where..... are you going after this?"

" I was thinking about traveling around the world and looking for new magic. It has become my new hobby after all."

She said as she thought about it. 

" Then I have a request. But could you wait a few moments? You see Fern wasn't the only one I adopted." 

He said as he looked out of the window. She was confused hearing that. He, Heiter adopted not one but two children! That's something and it's coming from her.

Just then he heard the door opening.

" I am home." Just then the girl, Fern, placed their tea on the table too.

She saw a boy coming towards the living room around the same or slightly older than the girl. But there was something unique about the boy. His hair is the same color as hers, maybe a bit deeper, that itself is rare. Not many people don't have silver hair nowadays.

He has Heterochromia eyes. Right one red, left one blue. And she could feel magic following into the left one. That means magical eye or eyes. And he seems to be a cheerful kid, unlike the girl.

Her thoughts come to an end when she hears his words.

" Hoo! Are you an elf? Like, the real deal. But you don't have the looks or the body I imagined the elf to have."

At least she knew he was a brat.


~ Akash's Pov~

' Me and my big mouth.' I thought as I saw Fern coldly staring at me. I can hear the old man sighing too. The said elf still has a blank expiration on her face, so I don't know if she is annoyed or not.

" Akash-sama." I averted my eyes from the elf and looked at Fern. I could see her eyebrows were close to her eyes. I knew she was disappointed in me. She continued,

" That was rude. You shouldn't talk like that to someone you just met."

" Um, yeah. You are right. Um, Miss Elf? That was rude of me. I apologize if it hurt your feelings. "

I knew that I was in the wrong and a man shouldn't hide from his failure.

" Still, you will grow, right?"

The elf's eyes twisted a little at that and she looked at her FLAT, NOT GROWING chest.

" Ahh, don't worry. Some people have big, some small and some don't have it at all but I am sure you will grow. After all, you are an elf, they tend to take longer to grow."

I said with all the sincerity I could mustard. Just then I heard the old man laughing.

" Hahaha, that's enough for now Akash." He said as he placed a hand on my head.

" Fern, dear can you prepare the breakfast for Akash? I am sure he is hungry after his training. Akash, you should help her.

Now go. I still have something to talk about with Frieren here."

" Yes, Heiter-sama."

" Alright old man. Let's go, Fern! I am already hungry." I said as I dragged her to the kitchen.

I was grabbing her hands and she didn't seem to mind.

" Soo... What is there for breakfast today?" I asked.

" Hmm, you will have to find that yourself." She said as she started working in the kitchen.

" Boo! Come on tell me! I am hungry." I protected.


~3rd Pov( Heiter)~

He watched as they went towards the kitchen while holding hands. He sighed at that.

He did notice that the kids started to develop feelings for each other and it was not the feeling of brother and sister. No, it was pretty obvious they didn't see each other as siblings. He didn't know how to feel about that.

On one hand, he is happy for them as they will look after each other after his death. On the other hand, he is a bit annoyed that Fern is being more close to Akash than him.

But they still will need a guardian to look after them.

' Hopefully, Frieren will interested in them.'

Then he turned towards his friend who was still looking a bit depressed. He had to give it to the boy. He can make the most memorable first impression.

" Don't feel too depressed from the boy's talk. He didn't mean to make fun of you. Besides, it was his first time seeing an elf. He must have imagined all kinds of things. He is a kid after all."

" I am not depressed because of the boy's talk. I am just sad and afraid that my body will not grow anymore. Which women didn't want a good body?"

He smiled at that and put his hand on her head.

" Don't worry. I am sure you will grow. You are an elf after all. They usually age slowly."

Frieren didn't say, just slapped his hand away from her head.

" I told you to not touch my head, didn't I?"

He just laughed at that and sat on his chair again. He put his hand on top of his table.

" So, Frieren about the request."

Frieren also looked at him properly while resting her head on her right hand.

" Sure Heiter. I owe you a great deal and I always wanted to repay you before you die. If you have any requests I will try to fulfill them to the best of my ability."

At that point, she too sat properly. Without wasting any more time he said,

" Then, can you adopt my grandkids? Fern has the qualities of a mage and Akash has talent for it too. He also has been training to be a warrior too by the notes given by Eisen.

Also, I am sure you have noticed that both of them have extreme control of their mana. Especially, Fern as it's like a second nature to her. She also has a talent for quick and swift magic cast. 

As for Akash, you might have noticed but he has magic eyes. His left eye gives him the ability to see mana, control his own mana, and the ability to think extremely fast. He calls it [ The Eye of In-sight ]. His right eye has the power to see things from any distance. If he has seen it once he will be able to find it wherever it goes and he can also see something called 'atoms'. "

He took a deep breath and finally asked,

" So, Frieren can you take my grandkids in your journey?" 

All this time she just stayed quiet and listened to what he was saying.

She closed her eyes for a second and said,

" No, Heiter. I can't do that. Before you ask, it isn't because of their lack of potential. Because, at the end of the day it is just that, potential. It needs more than just potential to survive in this world.

Besides, I can already see their flaws. That kid, Akash is too trusting. He already started trusting me after you introduced me to him, he is a greenhorn too. He has yet to face any kind of obstacles. He might get too prideful because of that.

And that girl, Fern I don't know how much potential she has but you do know that most of the apprentice mages tend to die early. She might have good control of her mana but there are a lot of demons better than her.

And last, do you think I am capable of taking care of anyone? I don't even know how to take care of myself probably and you want me to babysit two kids? Sorry, Heiter, I don't think I can do it. Maybe you should find someone else."

She finished in a calm tone. Heiter just kept looking at her for some time and sighed.

" I knew you would reject my request but it didn't hurt to try right? Anyway, I have another request. Come follow me."

After saying that he started walking towards his room. Frieren followed him as he walked towards his bedroom. After coming to his room he picked up a book that was on his table. The book's cover is black with a star at the front.

" It took some time but I finally found it. This is a grimoire written by the Sage Ewing. It's supposed to have now-lost spells of resurrection and immortality. " 

Frieren looked at it and said without turning to him.

" But I don't think such spells exist and that's coming from me."

" And that is why I wish for you to solve it. I don't wish for something like immortality all I want is some more time. Can you do it?"

" Frieren looked at him and said, 

"....If that's what you wish then I will try my hardest. Just don't die on me by then, alright?"

Heiter reached out his hand and said,

" It's a promise then"

Frieren took his hand and replied, 

" It's a promise."

Arnab_Panday Arnab_Panday

I will not make any excuse. The truth is am a lazy person. I could have posted this chapter about three weeks earlier but because of my laziness it got delayed. Another reason is that my exams are starting from the day after tomorrow. So, expect no chapters. That's all. Thanks.


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