[ Third Person POV ]
"As you command, my Lord,"
The Five Elders had just left their Lord's presence, and were now heading back to the meeting room. Their Lord didn't seem to care much about the war that was soon coming, but rather, the Lord was more concerned about something else.
"Where do you think we're going to find a powersource of the Lord's liking?" Saint Nusjuro asked as they slowly walked back into the meeting room.
"It doesn't look like the Lord is in dire need of it at the moment. We can discuss this matter later," Saint Jaygarcia Saturn responded.
They all slowly took their places within the meeting room before they began their inevitable discussion.
"We have finally broken off the non-aggression pact that we had with the Whitebeard Pirates. Now what?" Saint Warcury asked.
"I suggest we use this war to put them down once and for all. I'm still not over the fact that they actually raided Mariejois," Saint Ju Peter replied.
"I would disagree," Saint Mars argued, "the current combination of Roger and Whitebeard is already formidable enough, do you truly believe that he's going to be weakened after the war with him around."
The Five Elders didn't like mentioning Boris' name whenever topics concerning the Whitebeard Pirates came up. It was a testament as to how much resentment that he had built up throughout the duration that the two parties had known each other.
"That certainly is true, we can't take the risk of attacking a still powerful pirate group. Knowing them, they might retaliate and attack right back at us again," Saint Nusjuro replied.
"Then again, I ask. What exactly should we hope to achieve during this conflict? We've already tried raiding Latten in an attempt to try and reclaim the sea stone mines, but that has failed miserably thanks to the efforts of Marco 'the Phoenix' and Namur, Captain of the 8th Division?"
"I suggest we begin planting," Saint Ju Peter proposed.
"Spies?" Warcury asked.
"Exactly," Ju Peter responded, "a major reason that we have been losing most of our conflicts with the Whitebeard Pirates is because we have no insider information about what they could possibly be doing. This can be solved if we plant a spy within their ranks."
"Fair point," Nusjuro noted.
"If the spy gains enough influence, we can even have somewhat of a handle on the Whitebeard Pirates and influence some of their movements," Saint Jaygarcia Saturn noted.
"What about him? Won't he notice?" Saint Mars asked.
"How will he notice something that is right under his nose? There's a saying, you know.....when something stinks for so long; one won't be able to smell it," Warcury argued, "all we really need to do is to make the spy a member of the 0 Division and make them an influence within the Division."
"I don't think that we need to find anyone to take up that role," Saint Saturn announced.
"How so? Are you talking about Stussy?" Saint Warcury asked.
"Indeed, she was already a member of CP0 before the God Valley incident had occured. Is there any way that we can influence her to act as a double agent?" Saint Saturn asked.
The Five Elders immediately sent someone to get her files from the archives. It didn't take long for them to get another absurd response from the Archive group.
"What do you mean you can't find her files? Was she not an official member?" Saint Warcury asked incredulously.
"We apologize, but her personal files have simply disappeared from the archives. We can't find anything relating to her," The World Government agent replied.
"Do you not have any back up files installed for these kinds of situations? How could this happen so abruptly?" Saint Ju Peter asked frustratedly.
"We have never experienced an intelligence failure of this level. If it wasn't for the fact that you had asked us for the files....we wouldn't have noticed the fact that we don't have her personal information!" The World Government agent responded.
The Five Elders together all made a collective sigh upon listening to the revelation. Now they had to go back to the drawing board and figure out how they were going to implant a spy within their ranks.
"It's clear that this will be a failure no matter how we look at it," Saint Mars announced, "I propose we keep an eye on the conflict and proceed from there. We still need to have Roger killed before he reaches the last island. Let's not waste resources on futile matters at the moment."
"I agree," Saint Nusjuro added, "there's nothing much that we can do to take advantage of this situation, especially knowing that he will probably be expecting us."
"Let's wait and see what will happen during the war," Saint Warcury concluded.
There was a bit of frustration that was coming from some of the Five Elders who wanted to intervene within the war. However, what more could they have done?
They had little to no information about the rest fo the crewmembers within the Whitebeard Pirates, and they knew the moment that they acted carelessly, Boris would've probably noted something suspicious happening. Leading to another possible conflict with the Whitebeard Pirates, something that they were doing their damnest to avoid.
"Let's give Kong a call."
Fleet-Admiral Kong had just hung up the line with the World Government. They had relayed various orders to him in light of the possible conflict that would soon rattle the new world.
The Marines weren't clueless as to knowing what was going on. Matter of fact, they were the first organization to get the notification from the World Government informing them about the end of the non-aggression treaty with the Whitebeard Pirates.
A lot of controversy immediately formed as a result. Leading to the development of two major factions that butted heads as to what to do from then on.
One faction heavily emphasized on the execution of justice. Closely following the laws that the World Government had set out for it, and delivering justice ruthlessly wherever they went.
On the other hand, there was another faction that held the same value, only executing it in a more cordial manner. If it were to benefit the balance and peace of the world, then there was no need to go out of their own way to ruin such a delicate balance.
These two factions first butted heads over how they would be handling the upcoming war. The Absolutist faction insisted on joining in the war and arresting and executing all the participants. Whereas the other faction emphasized on maintaining security and stability for the islands that were going to be suffering from the war.
From an outside perspective, they could have easily done the two options without any major problems. However the main problem was that they wanted their own narratives to completely dominate over the others.
As a result, there was no room for negotiations. Each faction ended up treating the others like the plague, often avoiding interacting with the other party.
Moreover, when Admiral-Kong had given out the orders of how they were going to handle the war. They immediately separated the two factions and immediately went about executing his orders according to their own beliefs.
The Fleet-Admiral accompanied by the two Admirals and a handful of Vice-Admirals had noticed the sudden hostility that grew within Marineford. However, they did nothing, or rather; they chose not to as it would probably escalate things to an unprecedented level. Something that they all didn't want happening.
Let me know what y'all think!!!
Love y'all!!!1