We kept moving for a while.
The scent that I had caught that was initially faint, slowly was getting stronger and stronger as we kept moving. The Roger pirates, Stussy and Pato were quiet as they followed me; there were some pirates that were whispering there doubts to each other, but I ignored them.
Eventually, the scent got so strong that even the rest of the group was beginning to smell it. We could even see faint traces of abandoned buildings nearby. Signalling how close we were getting to them. Roger and his crew were getting excited, and they couldn't wait to get to the city. However, the sun was beginning to set, and we needed to rest if we were going to actually get to the lost city in peak condition.
As a result, we set up camp right where we had stopped. We never really brought any camping materials, meaning that we were going to sleep outside together. Stussy and Pato didn't seem bothered by it, so I didn't really mind it. However, the same couldn't be said about Oden.
"Eh?! Why do we gotta stop here?! We're so close to get to the Lost City!" Oden exclaimed emotionally.
"Oden! Calm down, we'll be able to get there in tip-top condition tommorow, just get some rest;" Rayleigh explained, trying to calm him down.
"Yeah, Rayleigh is right, what would happen if we got there and then we get ambushed again?" Gaban added to Rayleigh's comment.
Oden didn't seem content with that explaination, but he immediately lied down and tried to get some sleep. The others followed suit, and soon, most of the Roger Pirates were all peacefully snoring about.
There were, of course, minor exceptions.
"Hey!" A certain red haired brat greeted me as I sat near the fire.
I couldn't sleep much because of all the loud snoring that was happening about, so I decided to stay up and keep watch for them. Stussy and Pato were currently sleeping nearby, cuddled together under a tree. The red haired kid, Shanks, was followed by another blue haired kid. The difference with this kid was that he had a red nose. It was just naturall that this child was none other than Buggy the Clown.
"What is it?" I asked while taking my last cigarette out of my pocket.
"Are you really going to take us to the Lost city of Gold?" Shanks' eyes flashed brightly as he asked.
"Shanks! We gotta sleep now, you know? We're getting up pretty early tommorow!" Buggy scolded the Red headed child.
"I know! but when are you ever going to have a conversation with The Storm Dragon of the Whitebeard Pirates!"
"We can talk to him in the morning! Come on!!" Buggy dragged Shanks away as they went somewhere to sleep.
I lit my cigarette and enjoyed my smoke quietly as I stared into the night sky. The full moon shone brightly down on the island, and to be honest, it was quite beautiful. Listening to the snores of the pirates, I slowly closed my eyes, and started to meditate through the night.
Morning came, and we all immediately got up, and continued our journey towards what I presumed to be the lost city. The scent kept getting stronger, and there were more and more signs showing that there was a town nearby.
Consequently, those presumptions came to fruition when we finally found some huge buildings that were all covered in gold. The remains were all old, but the evidence of gold covering those buildings stuck out like a sore thumb.
"We found it!"
"The Lost City of Gold!!"
Roger and his crew immediately cheered in celebration as they immediately scattered to look around the city. Shanks and Buggy were one of the many who immediately ran off towards one of the gold buildings.
Rayleigh, who had remained standing and admiring the scene, slowly walked up beside me.
"Thank you for your hard work."
"It wasn't too hard, just a little bit difficult."
Rayleigh chuckled before asking thoughtfully.
"How the hell did we miss this with our Observation Haki?"
"I think that there are plenty of secrets that will be revealed when you find it," I replied calmly.
Rayleigh chuckled a bit before asking.
"You sound like you have already found it, why do you say that?"
"The more I travel around the world, the more I'm slowly beginning to believe it," I replied quietly.
We remained standing and enjoying the view, but it was interrupted when Roger called out to Rayleigh, Oden and I.
"Guys! Come look at what I just found!!"
We quickly walked over towards where we had heard the voice of Roger. Follwing us were the two children Buggy and Shanks, who were immediately curious as to what Roger had found that was worth calling us out for.
When we had arrived to where Roger was, in front of him lay a poneglyph that was inscribed with numerous amounts of ancient inscriptions. It was my first time seeing one, so honestly the entire scene was rather breath-taking. Oden and Rayleigh got closer to the Poneglyph as they slowly began to analyze the poneglyph.
"What does it say? Oden," Roger ask.
Oden quietly perused through the text slowly as he looked at each inscription. His expression was hard to read as he slowly felt the deep inscriptions of the Poneglyph.
"It's talking about an ancient weapon of the past. Something that was called Neptune by them," Oden explained, "It's narrating what it was used for way back then."
"Ho? What was Poseidon was used for?" Roger asked.
"Apparently, Poseidon had the power to control sea kings," Oden answered.
Stussy's body immediately stiffened upon hearing that. Pato didn't know what was happening, so he decided to remain quiet for the moment. However, Stussy immediately got closer to me before whispering to me.
"Are they talking about that?"
"Yes, but we can talk about it later," I whispered back as I kept listening to what else Oden had to say about the Poneglyph.
"It also says something about a war, and that Poseidon was also used for it," Oden commented.
"A war? How the hell were they going to compete with something as powerful as Poseidon?" Roger asked curiously.
"Simple, this text here says that Poseidon wasn't the only weapon being used during the war. There were also two more weapons involved," Oden replied.
"What are the names of those weapons?" Rayleigh asked.
"It doesn't say."
Roger and the entire group that was within the viscinity were all quiet as they pondered over the possibilities of other devastating weapons like them.
"Well, we'll find out soon enough when we find more of them. Let's rest a bit more before moving out," Roger stated as he wrote his findings down on a book.
The rest of Roger's crew immediately hummed in compliance and walked away from the building that the Poneglyph was in. However, before Roger left, he decided to write something on the Poneglyph before he left. I watched him do so quietly before he left the viscinity.
"To think that there was a weapon that had such devastating power...." Stussy muttered as she kept staring at the Poneglyph.
"You shouldn't be too surprised, you've seen how much influence the World Government has," I replied, "having weapons like this should only be natural."
"What are these Ancient weapons you guys keep talking about? I wanna know too!" Pato inquired curiously.
"I'll tell you about it later, Pato," Stussy replied as she picked him up.
"I'm not a kid!!!!"
Let me know what y'all think!!!
Love y'all!!!!!