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78.57% Unicorn destiny: equestria is magcal / Chapter 11: Chapter 10: Royal tea with two princesses.

Capítulo 11: Chapter 10: Royal tea with two princesses.

Hello, how are you?

It has been an eventful week but for now my exams are over.

Except I still have exams on Thursday before I can have a little vacation.

So, I probably won't upload a chapter next week.

I hope you enjoy this chapter.


This fanfiction was created by a fan for fans with the purpose of improving in the art of writing.

This story can and most likely will have spelling errors.

Any criticism (constructive or not) will be read and appreciated.

This story is not going to be an HIE or G5, it will be tinged to the story of G4, MLP: FIM.


Dear Platinum Breeze,
I hope this letter finds you well. I have received your letter and want to thank you for informing me of the current situation with the Magic Council. I understand that you are under considerable pressure due to the demands of the Council, who are threatening to remove you if you do not submit a new spell soon.
It is unfortunate that a unicorn of your caliber and dedication would be involved in such circumstances. Your magical abilities and your commitment to learning and progress are invaluable, not only to Ponyville, but to all of Equestria. I want you to know that I deeply value your contribution and the effort you put into honing your talents.
To address this situation and look for ways to support you, I would love to invite you to tea at Canterlot Palace tomorrow morning. It will be an opportunity to discuss your concerns, explore possible solutions and, most importantly, to let you know that you are not alone in this situation. In addition, I am pleased to inform you that my sister, Princess Luna, will also be joining us on this occasion.
I look forward to our meeting and being able to offer you the support you need. Please RSVP via this letter and ask Spike to send it to you if you agree, and we will make arrangements for your visit.
I look forward to hearing from you very soon.
Princess Celestia


First a thunderstorm, and now just two days later I have to travel by train.

I wasn't complaining, the truth is that I enjoyed both. The storm and the train provide a certain transient tranquility that I can't easily match, it's a tranquility that allows me to be at peace with my thoughts.

I didn't expect to return to Canterlot, at least not so soon, at most I expected to return for the Grand Galloping Gala in a few months but I also didn't expect the council to be as bold as it was recently.

If I'm honest, I didn't expect Princess Celestia to invite me so formally to a tea party just to discuss my little problem with him. But I suppose it's better than nothing. Hopefully, Princess Celestia has some possible solution to my predicament. Otherwise, I will have to destroy all my research and commit it to memory so I can redo it later.

It is the last alternative in case Princess Celestia cannot help me. My memory spell if I modify it a little can serve to keep a lot of knowledge inside my head so that my research is not lost but at the same time that the council cannot get hold of anything.

Could the council stop me? No, they really don't have any authority over me and my actions. Do they know about the modified memory spell? No, and they never will; they don't need to know everything, after all.

Sure, it would take me longer to have to redo all my work from the "beginning" but this time I would do it as an independent magician and they would have no power over me.

You would think that the magic council should have power over everything related to magic but they are more like a magic library than a magic council if I'm honest. As I said before, the magic council has the main duty of guarding all the spells created by the pony kind but they have no power to ask the ponies to give up their spells if they don't want to.

If, let's say, a pony doesn't want to deliver a spell he created to the council, he has every right to do so and the council can't say anything about it.

Now, my case is somewhat different. All ponies on the council are required to present their research and advances in magic to the council, for later safekeeping and sharing it to the public in a newspaper or in an updated magic book with spells.

But ponies within the council usually take a lifetime to create a spell or two, as there are already several spells that satisfy many needs for previously created ponies and ponies often want to create an original spell that does not resemble one already created.

Now, imagine their surprise that I at the tender age of 12 created my first spell. The council members were understandably surprised, perplexed and gullible. They didn't believe that a foal could do what it takes them a lifetime to do, which I still find stupid that it takes them so long.

Creating magic requires having the idea of what you want to do and creating the magic verbiage to make the spell work, knowing how much magic you want to spend using it and how you want it to do it and that's it.

Sure, I may have said it in a rather simplified way of the whole process it takes to make a spell but in general it is very simple. What takes time is knowing the idea since as I said I already know many spells have already been created that meet the needs of ponies.

But ponies in general seem to have no imagination. Cloud art, magic stairs, cloud of silence, magic hands and enhanced hearing are just a few of the spells I have created that any pony could have created if only they had a little imagination and creativity.

Anyway, as I was saying, after seeing my talent for spell casting, the council recruited me into their ranks and insisted that I create more spells for them. I, being foolish and young, agreed on the condition that I could do it on my own time and whenever I wanted, which they accepted.

Now, any magical research I do is technically the property of the council, including my runes and my Glyphs. While they may consider the Glyphs useless since I haven't made that much progress with them, they may go so far as to publish the runes as a revolutionary new invention created by them and I won't let them do that.

The good thing is that I didn't firm a contract so they don't really have the authority to take my things but if I'm not with the council they will take my things because is their "duty."

I was thinking of sharing it with them before but they have proven on numerous occasions that they are not ponies I can trust.

I really hope Princess Celestia has some way to solve this because I don't want to use my last alternative.

Ah, there it is.

The great majestic-looking kingdom that is my birthplace could be seen from a distance. The only sign that I was getting closer was the castle attached to the nearby mountain. You know, come to think of it, I've never been to the castle.

Yes, it sounds silly but it's the truth. You would think that being friends with the Princess's student I would have been to the castle a lot of times but the truth is I have never been to the castle. Sure, Twilight has invited me with her to the castle but I never wanted to go to the castle. I never saw the need to go so I never went.

Great, now I find myself nervous for two reasons. The first is, how am I supposed to get to the castle in the first place? And the second is for whatever possible solution the Princess has for my dilemma.

Plus, I'm going to meet Princess Luna for the first time since the incident with Nightmare Moon. I hope she doesn't hold a grudge against me.

Well, I'm sure I'll manage. If not, I can always ask a nearby guard to help me get to the castle.

Now, all that remains is to wait for the train to arrive in Canterlot.

I wish Twilight had come with me.


The first thing I noticed when I arrived at the Canterlot train station is the difference between the two train stations. The one in Canterlot is cleaner than the one in Ponyville but I'm not surprised, this is the mother capital of Equestria itself, where all the nobles and princesses are. This place can't be dirty.

Slowly leaving the carriage on wheels, I stretch a bit because of how uncomfortable it is to sit in one place, even if it's for a few hours, and look around.

Now, how am I supposed to get to the castle?

"Platinum Breeze, is that you?"

Oh boy, a random pony is waving at me all of a sudden. Now I have to say hello to him.

I gave a small sigh and then turned to greet the voice of a stallion that greeted me.

...oh my.

White coat, regal-looking attire, dark blue eyes, and a mane with multiple shades of blue. His posture and bearing clearly indicate that he is someone you do not want to mess with. He stands tall, eyeing the stallion who matches his height.

"Prince Shining Armor, it's nice to see you again." That's right my friends, in front of me I know stands is the Prince - sorry, future Prince - Shining Armor, who is now throwing me an annoyed look before my words and for the bow I was giving him.

"I've told you before, Platinum, I'm not a Prince." He said with an annoyed look once I stood up from my bow.

"Not yet~" I said with a mocking tone, to which he responded by giving me a small tap on my shoulder, which made me laugh.

Yes, the two of us are friends or something like that, which is not surprising. He's the older brother of Twilight, my closest friend, so it's not surprising that we're even a little close.

We're not best friends, not really, but at least we get along.

"What a coincidence to find you here, if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here?" I asked after I stopped laughing, as I honestly didn't expect to see him here.

"I'm here for you" He said with a simple look.

"For me." I repeated what he said with a surprised look then looked at him with a mocking look. "Hey, I understand I'm handsome, but what would Princess Cadance think of you looking for another stud-"

"Please don't finish your sentence." He said as he placed a hoof on my muzzle to prevent me from finishing speaking, only to remove it with a small look of disgust after I licked it off. "Princess Celestia sent me to escort you to the castle for your tea party."

At that, I blinked in surprise. "Oh, I didn't expect her to send someone after me, let alone the chief captain of the royal guard." I was honestly surprised.

You see, as I probably said before, among the royal guard there are several subdivisions; the Pegasus guard, the unicorn guard and the earth pony guard to say a few but among them the most prestigious of them is the solar royal guard that directly serves Princess Celestia.

As you can guess from their name, they are the elite guard that serves Princess Celestia and only receive orders from her. Unlike other guards that might receive one or another order from some noble or superior, the Sun Guard only responds to the orders of Princess Celestia and Shining Armor is the captain of them. As a joke, I call him the main captain of the royal guards, because the only pony who can command him is Princess Celestia.

And technically also Princess Luna and Princess Cadance, but I don't know how this really is the monopoly of power with three princesses at the helm.

Hearing my words, the stallion gave me an amused look. "Actually, the Princess had someone else in mind to fetch you, but I insisted on doing it myself," he chuckled, then turned and began walking. "Now, come on, buddy, we can't keep the Princess waiting."

At that, I nodded as I smiled and followed the ridiculously named stallion as we left the train station.

Honestly, the name Shining Armor is ridiculous, since it's not a name, it's a title, but who am I to judge. Honestly, ponies can come up with some pretty ridiculous names.

"I must say, I'm surprised Princess Celestia invited you to a tea party, did you do anything important recently?" asked Shining Armor glancing back to look at me as we walked through the streets of Canterlot.

Hearing his question, I just smiled. "that's a private matter, I'm sorry but I can't tell you about it." Otherwise, you'd be another pony who would know that I'm inside the council and I don't want it to be public knowledge.

I had enough when they tried to give me a title of nobility, I don't want to be recognized or praised for anything, I just want my peace and quiet.

Hearing my response, he nodded with understanding and we went on our way.


"I had the same reaction the first time I walked these halls." I heard Shining Armor say as my gaze was focused on the interior of the castle we were in. "Just wait until you see the throne room; that's something to behold."

I'll take your word for it, my friend, now shut up so I can admire this place.

Normally I am not someone who stops to admire the places where I am but I must admit that this place is beautiful. Stopping for a few seconds to admire the decorations and furniture around me reminded me that I was inside a castle for the first time in my life. Sure, I had seen several castles in history books in my old life but this is the first time I was inside one and its ruler was still alive.

Phew, Shining stopped my advance and made me realize that we were near two large gates with two earth pony stallions protecting it.

"Wait here for a second while I inform the Princess that you are here." Said the Prince and we continued to move towards the gates, the two stallions recognized Shining at first glance and gave him a nod, to which he returned. Then, he approached the door and knocked on the door, which opened a small opening and stuck his head inside.

I took a few short breaths to calm myself inwardly. Not counting the day, I entered Celestia's unicorn school or since the Nightmare Moon incident, I had never personally met Princess Celestia and also had never really met Princess Luna.

Although I knew that Princess Celestia is a benevolent ruler, that did not take away my nervousness to meet the main rulers of this kingdom. Besides, I was a little nervous because I did not know if there was any solution to my dilemma with the magic council of Canterlot.

Man, I wish Twilight was here.

Without warning, the big doors opened and I raised my eyebrow in surprise. I expected them to open slowly, dramatically, you know? I guess that only happens in the movies. Well, never mind now, I cleared my throat and adopted a firm and proper posture to show my respects to Princess Celestia who was smiling and Princess Luna who was looking at me curiously.

I walked slowly towards the throne, with my gaze fixed on the two princesses, without looking at the inexpressive guards or at the servants who walked aimlessly around, or at the Prince who watched from the side on the stairs, who knows when I entered that I did not notice, looking with a slight interest.

This throne room is huge, huge I tell you. Pretty empty because there wasn't really anything besides decorations and the thrones but other than that it's huge this place.

And in the middle of this gigantic place, the two princesses stood in all their splendor.

"Platinum Breeze," Princess Celestia greeted as I approached, stopping at a respectful distance on the red carpet where I could hear her clearly. "I was beginning to wonder if you were not going to join us." Her welcoming smile brightened as I made a modest bow, not overly grand like some ponies but respectful, nonetheless. Meanwhile, Princess Luna observed me with open curiosity, her flowing mane matching her sister's in its graceful movement.

How will they do that trick with their manes, I wonder?

Well, I guess that doesn't matter now.

"Thank you for seeing me, Princess Celestia." He said politely.

So far, so good. I hope I don't screw it up.

"It's a pleasure to have you here, Platinum Breeze," Princess Celestia said with a warm smile. Then, she extended her hoof toward the pony at her side. "And as you probably remember, the pony accompanying me is my dear sister, Princess Luna."

Hearing what Princess Celestia said, I nodded in the direction of the other Princess and also gave her a bow, "Thank you for having me, and nice to meet you, Princess Luna."

At that, Princess Luna nodded solemnly. "IT IS A JOY TO MAKE THY ACQUAINTANCE, PLATINUM BREEZE!" Her voice resounded in the Royal Canterlot Voice, unexpectedly mighty and commanding, causing me to instinctively cover mine ears in astonishment.

Princess Celestia gave her sister a motherly scolding look, "Dear sister, remember what I told you, it is no longer necessary for you to use the royal language of Canterlot."

Princess Luna gave her sister a bashful glance. "I do beseech thy pardon, sister," she murmured softly. Then, directing her gaze towards me, she continued, "And I must also crave thy forgiveness, Platinum Breeze. I do sometimes forget to speak in the plainer tongue we use with our subjects."

And she's also using ancient English, I'm not familiar with it but I think I understand what she's saying.

Hearing her apology, I nodded in understanding. "I understand, Princess Luna. There is no need to apologize." I gave a small smile, to which she returned.

Princess Celestia smiled at her sister. "I did mention to you not to use ancient English, dear sister, remember the new English that I taught you." she gently reminded Luna. Luna responded with a shy smile.

At that moment, a pony approached with a respectful demeanor and conveyed something to Princess Celestia, who visibly brightened. "Ah, it seems everything is prepared. With introductions complete, my dear sister, Platinum, please join me. Let us discuss matters over a cup of tea." I nodded in clear agreement and followed the princesses to wherever we were going for tea.

Would it be bad to mention now that I really don't like tea?


After the greetings were over, I followed the two monarchs into a smaller room, which I assumed to be Princess Celestia's study considering the amount of books, scrolls and letters filling the nearby shelves. Everything seemed to be in perfect order, which made me wonder if she ordered the ponies to tidy up any clutter or if it was already that way beforehand.

And there was also the place where we were going to have tea, a small fireplace with several chairs around it and a table in the middle, with a tray on top so we could enjoy the tea.

Which reminds me, why do we have a fireplace inside the library? Is it even safe to use inside the tree?

I will ask Twilight about it once I return to Ponyville.

Once we sat down and the servants left the room. Princess Celestia used her magic to pour the tea and we each grabbed a glass full of tea to start this little tea party.

After taking a sip of tea, which isn't bad but won't change my thoughts about the tea, I turn to the ruler of the sun. "I don't want to be rude or anything Princess, but did you find a way to help me with the advice?" I said but I couldn't help but cringe internally as I feel I said it in a very rude way.

Luckily, Princess Celestia was not offended and actually laughed at my words. "No need to be impatient, young Platinum Breeze, first there is something my sister must tell you." She said as she took a sip of her tea and looked at her sister expectantly.

The sister in question was taking a sip of her tea when, upon hearing her sister's words, she ended up choking a little on the tea and then giving a look of annoyance to her sister, who only smiled as she enjoyed her tea.

The moon pony sighed in frustration, gently placing her tea on the table before walking over to me. Before I could fully process it, Princess Luna was bowing graciously. "I wish to thank you for your endeavor to free me from the curse that plagued me. No pony, save my sister, had attempted such a feat before."

Hearing what she said, I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable and more so because she was bowing before me, and I said, "Ah, no need to thank me Princess, I just had to try, even though I didn't do anything in the end."

"That is not true," Princess Luna said after straightening up from her bow, her expression tinged with annoyance at my dismissal. "I remember everything I did as Nightmare Moon, and I felt her resolve falter because of your words. Given more time, I am certain you would have succeeded." With a sigh, Princess Luna turned her gaze away.

"Oh." Don't look at me like that, I don't know how I know I'm supposed to respond to that, "You're welcome, I guess. Although I feel like I should apologize for attacking you then Princess, I feel a little embarrassed about that." Truth be told I'm not embarrassed in the least since she wasn't in her best state Princess but we'd better not mention that.

"Oh, you needn't worry, Platinum Breeze," Princess Luna reassured me warmly. "You handled the situation admirably, and no harm came from the confrontation." Well, except for my wounded pride, Princess. "I must say, you performed quite well considering you have had no formal training as a royal guard."

"Actually, my father was a captain of the unicorn royal guard, so he actually trained me a bit in combat." I said and then proceeded to drink some tea. I had no real military training as such, but my father made sure to at least teach me the basics of combat.

"Oh, that explains it. You didn't fight poorly, but there is room for improvement," Princess Luna remarked gently. Auch, i know that is true but still, Auch princess. She took a sip of her tea before focusing on me. "Tell me, Platinum Breeze, would you like to become my student?"

And now it's my turn to choke, I end up spilling some of the tea on the sofa and on the table while coughing a little. After I stop dying, he looks at Princess Luna in disbelief. "Your student, Princess?"

Hearing my question, Princess Luna nodded warmly, seemingly unaware of my astonishment. "Since my return, I have been catching up on many matters. While I do not yet know everything, I am familiar with my sister's student, Twilight Sparkle, and the current bearers of the Elements of Harmony. I have also learned about you, and I am impressed by what I have read," she said, pausing to take a sip of her tea before continuing. "You possess great magical prowess, Platinum Breeze. Such talent is rare, and while I regret that my sister did not take you as her student, I am eager to take you under my wing. So, do you accept, Platinum Breeze?"

Hearing everything Princess Luna said, I was incredulous as I processed what she had told me. I knew I had a talent for magic, that's what practically everyone I know has told me, but I didn't expect to become the student of a Princess.

It's not common knowledge, but Princess Celestia usually takes only one student every few years, no one really knows why but it's not like anyone just asked. I already knew I wasn't going to be her student the day she declared Twilight her student and I was quite relieved about that.

Being a student of a Princess was not a simple thing, there were great expectations about you and you practically had the eyes of the world on you, on your actions and everything about you basically. A nightmare for me if I am honest as I don't like to be the center of attention.

And now Princess Luna asks me to be her student? On the one hand it would put me in the spotlight that I hate so much but on the other hand this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Decisions, decisions...

Ah, [Beep] it what others may think.

"I would be delighted to be your pupil, Princess Luna." I said as I gave a deep bow. "I hope to learn a lot from you."

"Huzzah!" Princess Luna exclaimed, clapping her hooves together before bowing gracefully towards me. "I eagerly anticipate getting to learn with you too, Platinum Breeze."

After exchanging bows and smiles, Princess Celestia clapped her hands lightly. "Splendid! It seems the issue is resolved," she declared, just as a knock sounded at the door. "Enter," she called, and servants entered bearing trays of pastries, which they placed on the table with a bow before departing. Princess Celestia began to eat, seemingly unfazed by my incredulous expression.

Ugh, these princesses should be taught not to ignore people.

No, wait, put that aside. "What do you mean Princess? If you didn't tell me about-" I interrupted myself as I realized what Princess was referring to.

While there are several disadvantages to being a student of a Princess, there are also several advantages. You have a unique position, politically speaking, since being the pupil of a Princess makes you technically royalty as well. If the Princess in question is unavailable for any reason, you are the next in command and are expected to command in her honor and on her behalf.

There is also the fact that any offense taken against you will be an offense against the Princess and no one wants to offer the benevolent ruler of Equestria.

Sure, Princess Luna may not be as popular or as known with her subjects but she has (probably) the same political power as Princess Celestia.

What it means...

"You planned this, Princess Celestia?" I said after I finished assimilating the whole situation, looking at the Princess who was eating a cupcake. To which the Princess in question just gave me a smile and after she finished swallowing and wiped her snout with a napkin, she answered me. "I don't know what you mean, Platinum Breeze, now eat before we run out of snacks without you."

I gave her a disbelieving look and then turned my disbelieving gaze to my new teacher, but she was simply eating a cupcake herself with her eyes closed.

I slumped in my seat and pulled a cupcake towards me.

I wish Twilight was here, at least she would understand my suffering with this whole situation.


After the tea party was over, I was on my way to my parents' house.

No one will take away the idea that Princess Celestia orchestrated this whole situation, now the question is whether she did it together with Princess Luna or just let things develop by themselves.

It could well be both for all I know. And none of them make me feel better if I'm honest.

Anyway, regarding my apprenticeship, I will not move back to Equestria and I will have my apprenticeship in Ponyville only during my dreams.

Yes, as you hear right. Princess Luna is an expert in dream magic and while it's not the best, it's the best alternative to me having to move back to Ponyville, to the princesses' castle, to be her student.

Honestly, I don't really understand how does work the dream magic, so I'm very optimistic to learn about it, if she let learn it.

So, it's a win-win situation.

In any case, my status as a student of Princess Luna will be made public through all major media. This means that not only nobles, but also other influential institutions in Equestria, will be aware of it. The news will be spread in the major newspapers and magazines of Canterlot, and it will surely be talked about in the most distinguished social circles.

That should deter the council members, and even if I am expelled from the council, they will no longer be able to seize my research as it is now the property of me and Princess Luna.

And I don't think they want to mess with Princess Luna, as that would incur the wrath of Princess Celestia and no one wants that. At least no one is dumb enough to want that.

If only I could tell the council members to go to [Beep] themselves, it would be glorious.

Well, small things, I think.

So, the situation was resolved in an easier way than I expected, but what would have happened if I ended up rejecting Princess Luna's proposal? Could it be that Princess Celestia had some other alternative? Or was that her only plan?

I guess we'll never know, at least not without a series of what if?

I shake my head and see my childhood home in the distance.

Well, home sweet home.

"Mother, father, your long-lost son has returned." I said once I opened the door only to have no one answer my knock.

Confused, I took a few more steps inside and closed the door, heard the sound of laughter in the living room and headed there curiously.

Arriving in the living room, I found my parents Silver Shield and Crystal Frost talking and laughing with Twilight's parents, Twilight Velvet and Night Light.

It seems they heard my footsteps, because after they finished laughing, they turned to look at me.

"Ah son, it's nice to see you here after a long time." Said my mother, Crystal Frost with a loving smile.

"Mother, it's barely been 5 months since my last visit." I said expressionlessly. You know it has always been curious to me that my parents never demanded that I call them mom and dad, in all the years I have lived in this world I have always called them that, mother and father.

I simply can't call them anything else, my otherworldly parents still live on in my memory and I can't help but feel that I offend them by calling my other parents, mom and dad.

"It's still been a long time, you used to visit us every 2 months." My mother said dramatically as she hid her head in my father's neck.

My father simply patted him on the back and smiled at me. "It's good to see you, son." He said with a nod, to which I returned though my eyes were drawn to the reason my father left his job as a royal guard, his broken horn.

It was a few years ago, some strange creature escaped from Tartarus and was heading towards a nearby village, my father's squadron was sent to stop it but during the fight, the beast crushed my father's horn, shattering it and thus preventing my father from using magic again.

My father had to leave the royal guard because of that and now works as an instructor at the royal guard academy sharing his experience, but I know that losing his horn affected him a lot. It's not surprising that he suffered depression from losing his horn.

Luckily, he had my support, my mother's, Twilight's family and his friends in the royal guard to support him so he could move forward.

Still, I wish I could help him but researching healing magic that can regenerate a horn takes a long time and I've had no luck so far. The most I've created in a healing magic that closes wounds, but not enough.

As soon as I get back, I will resume my research on healing magic. I will see if my new teacher can help me.

I shake my head at the sound of being spoken to and turn my attention to the mare who was speaking to me, Twilight Velvet or Velvet for short. "What were you saying to me, Ms. Velvet?" I said politely as I sat down on a nearby couch.

Upon hearing my question, the mare in question laughed and dismissed my question by shaking her hoof, "Oh dear, I've told you several times to just call me Velvet." And it's still awkward to call my best friend's mother by her name, "And I said it's good to see you again, how are Twilight and Spike?"

Oh, I know where this conversation is headed. "They're fine the last time I saw you this morning, Miss Velvet." I said as I watched my mother pour me the elixir of the gods, coffee.

I grab the coffee and take a sip when I hear Ms. Velvet ask her question, "I'm glad dear, tell me Platinum, have you and my daughter made a couple yet?" and there it is, and credits to me, I just choked a little on the coffee.

Putting the coffee down on the table and grabbing a napkin, I replied, "Miss Velvet, how many times do I have to remind you that there is nothing going on between me and Twilight?" I finished my question as I wiped my face with the napkin.

"The word I know you're forgetting dear is 'yet.'" The light, gray-furred unicorn said effusively with a smile, at which I gave her an annoyed look.

"Oh, come on dear, don't embarrass the young stallion," wait for it. "those things should develop on their own, we shouldn't push him to make it happen, let him develop on his own." There it is.

I gave him an annoyed look as well to which he gave me a smile, though inside I felt grateful. Twilight and I are very good friends and we could probably be more than that in the future, with emphasis on him perhaps, but that won't happen if the other ponies practically demand that we get together.

"He's right Night Light, Velvet." Said my father as he ate some sandwiches that at some point my mother had brought from the kitchen, "let the young ones be young, they still have a whole life ahead of them."

At that, my mother nodded. "True, although it would be lovely to have some grandchildren so I could spoil them." She said clapping her hooves together, to which Miss Velvet sonorously agreed.

I sighed as I sipped some coffee that calmed my nerves.

I wish Twilight were here to suffer this embarrassment with me.


While I was out there, it turns out that there was a zebra named Zecora living in the Everfree Forest who is a specialist in alchemy.

Oh, and that Twilight and the others suffered the effects of a flower and learned not to judge people by their race.


I regret not being here, I would have loved to witness Twilight's fallen horn or Fluttershy's male voice.

...where can I get Poison Joke?


This is the end of this week's chapter.

Anything I should improve please let me know in the comments.

See you next time.


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