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The Golden Lion and the Winter Rose

Moat Cailin is teeming with men again, yet another banquet has been given in the great hall, in the name of King Robert's farewell. The dishes came and went, with maids hired from the Riverlands to meet Robert's demand for women, singers also entered the fortress with their lutes and tuned voices, Marillion was the most scandalous and the one who entertained Robert the most with songs about obscene women and the battles of those men present there against the kingdom of dragon kings, but he changed the word dragon to lizards. Upon seeing Dyana next to the prince, he sang about Brandon Stark and Ashara Dayne.

Joffrey hated the way the bard looked at his wife's body and his hatred ignited his reason when he saw Dyana put her chin on her hands and return the look of desire to that man, whom he considers inferior. The lion prince clenched his fists but cooled his mind with a sip that emptied his wine cup, time spent with his grandfather, Lord Tywin Lannister, had taught him that a woman despises displays of strength or cruelty. Women are like lionesses, they are attracted to dominant men and the dominance of men was not by the sword, the dominance of men was that which made commoners curse the fact that they were born unimportant and fear the wrath of the one chosen by the Gods to rule.

"Do you know many songs, bard?"

The prince asked, pointing the cup to the nearest servant to fill it.

"A hundred, your highness, the hottest in Dorne, the most exciting in the Stormlands, the passionate in the Reach and the most stunning in the Westerlands"

He responded, strumming the lute deftly. Joffrey watched him with the emeralds flecked with gold, smiled like a lion at his prey.

"Sing a northern ballad for my bride"

The prince ordered. Dyana smiled and turned the amethysts to the prince who found them with the emeralds, Dyana blinked with one eye and smiled sideways.

"Sing a song about House Wyce, bard, about the lords of Frostport, to them I owe much and I hold them in my heart. Lord Garvy was a father to me... And Lord Tyron is like a second brother."

The princess announced and the warriors in the hall roared in agreement, all those men owed their lives to Garvy Wyce who took the reins of a North without a capable Stark in Winterfell, and brought order amidst the chaos.

The bard Marillion pulled the collar from his neck, he clearly didn't know much about the north, his life was limited to the Riverlands and Crownlands, not the distant north and they had already touched on Garvy and his exploits in the rebellion. The prince cornered him against the wall, everyone there wanted something new and different, they wanted to have fun with the achievements of a won battle. He hoped that the lady Dyana whom he enchanted during the night would help him there, but he did not see the same girl and insisted on the song. He snapped his fingers, clenched his fists, and readied his lute to play:

In days of yore, in Frostport's keep,

A lord of might and leadership,

In war he stood, with courage rare,

To face the dragon's fiery glare.

With sword in hand, he pierced the beast,

A valiant deed, a noble feast,

For peace he sought, in lands so fair,

Lord of Frostport, beyond compare.

His deeds in battle, in songs we raise,

A leader bold, of ancient days,

In times of war and dragon's roar,

He brought us peace forevermore.

In tales of old, his name resounds,

Through fields of strife, his honor crowns,

A lord of valor, in armor clad,

In Frostport's keep, where legends had.

So raise a toast to the lord so grand,

Whose leadership saved our beloved land,

With courage and might, he held the line,

And brought us peace in a troubled time.

Oh, lord of Frostport, in battles won,

Your deeds of glory shine like the sun,

Through war and woe, you led the way,

To a brighter dawn and a peaceful day.

The soldiers sang, with a shrill and drunken voice, even the king participated and the bard sang to their joy, and he saw silver and gold pouring through his fingers.

"This bard is very talented, your highness"

Dyana said to the golden prince.

"His song is full of errors, this man has never been north and will not go beyond this fortress"

He answered her.

"The men here don't care about details. They survived the rebellion and today they sing to announce that they are here, his grace the king, sings with the joy of knowing that the last dragon has died"

She touched the prince's right hand, under the table. The prince looked at her with interest, observing her perky breasts above the golden cotton dress, then went to her pink lips and amethysts again.

"You have the body of a Northerner but the manners of a Dornishwoman, Lady Stark."

The prince let go of Dyana's hand.

"I hate Dornishmen, they complain like whores about the late Ellia and her dragonspawn."

He moved his hand to her thigh, removing her dress from the front and feeling the stockings on her skin, he used his nails to tear them by the touch of his fingers, he felt moisture in that area, he rinsed his fingers and removed them from under the table, taking them into his mouth and feeling the taste of his bride.

"It is bitter yet remains sweet, do you perfume your pussy, Lady Stark?"

"My handmaid said it perfumes her parts, she said that men like it and... That your highness might like the taste"

Her cheeks flushed, she looked down, and Joffrey chuckled.

"Tonight I will visit your room in the east keep, get rid of your knight and bring your handmaid. Obey my orders and I may not rip out your tongue for lying to me. If you were a chaste lady, you would not so easily spread your legs. A word to the queen and Rose will be the Whore of Winterfell"

Dyana got chills and nodded at him.

The banquet ended in the early hours of the morning, almost all the men in the large hall were snoring loudly and the smell of wine, urine and sweat mixed together infested the room. Dyana, along with the queen and Prince Joffrey, left after Robert grabbed one of the maids and teased her breast, which was the sign that limits had been overcome. The Rose of Winterfell left for her tower with Sanya and Ser Alvyn. Meera was not willing, the knight realized that his hunger for women was greater than only Dyana could satisfy and Meera was taken along, her first time uniting with a man was because of her, and she laughed when she realized that her best friends found pleasure from your actions. But the prince's words made her curse her pride. She thought that Prince Joffrey would be easily manipulated and that from Winterfell to the Red Keep, he would be in her hands dancing like a jester in her court. However, it was his shrewd observation and the speed with which she delivered her body at that banquet, that she understood that he was not a lecherous and impatient man like his father, he waited a long time to study and understand who her bride was.

Dyana, while climbing the spiral stairs of the eastern keep, rethought the entire way there. It was a twenty-five day trip, Joffrey sometimes invited her to stroll through the infertile fields and tomb mounds of the First Men's, invited her to hunt and fish on the frozen lakes. He started with questions about personal tastes, such as food and clothing. But then it went into details about her life, what it was like to be Brandon Stark's daughter and what her connection was like with the Daynes and the Martell house. She answered everything politely and pretended to be lost in words, as if she were a foolish young woman who rarely confessed her own emotions. But then she remembered the prince's face, smile and especially his eyes. He pretended to care, he pretended to fall into that act but her eyes said it all, they saw the wolf that was hiding on the face of Rose of Winterfell and she understood her own mistake. It was when they passed through the Barrowlands and rode to the tomb of the said first king of the First Men's, that Joffrey took control of Dyana for a moment, asking about her ambitions to which she responded with: (Every man and woman desires something, your grace, I wish everything...)

She fell like a fool into his words, like a girl into his charms, and told him a fraction of his soul. She sighed as she entered the room, sat down on her bed and arched her back as her bodice was removed and she could breathe freely. Sanya ran a bath for her and in the tub with hot water she ordered Alvyn to give her a massage and he obeyed, relieving her even a little of the tiredness from the banquet.

"There is a false wall behind the mirror, press one of the bricks and wait for my orders, the prince may have discovered something and you are my secret move, I would not leave until ordered, understood?"

Dyana ordered, her tone icy. Ser Alvyn briefly stopped massaging his shoulders but returned.

"Yes, Lady Stark"

Ser Alvyn responded and Dyana kissed her right hand, her favorite because it had a firm grip. She looked at Sanya, standing next to the bathtub, rubbing her legs and massaging her feet.

"Sanya, arm yourself with one of the daggers that Jon ordered to make for me, the prince will not come alone"

The handmaid stopped scrubbing and put on a fearful face.

"My lady, I don't know how to carry weapons, I'm just..."

She tried to pretend but Dyana interrupted her in annoyance.

"...A handmaid? What kind of handmaid slits the throats of old, loving children in dark alleys? What kind of handmaid is fast enough to protect her master from the snapping of a bowstring? What kind of handmaid can hold a sword of steel and heavy chainmail with ease?"

Dyana was sincerely upset with Sanya's performance and revealed some secrets she kept from Jon and his uncle. The handmaid left her worried expression and just a sideways smile, a smile of surprise spread across her immobile face.

"Take two daggers and arm yourself for whoever comes with the prince, Ser Alvyn may not be fast enough to protect me"

The handmaid nodded and continued cleaning her legs.

Dyana was already dressed in her nightgown for bed when they knocked on her door, Sanya also dressed for bed, with the two daggers attached to a string on her thigh, and Ser Alvyn sat in the spacious secret room behind the mirror. There was a torch, a small window in the corner for air and a single-sided bed to rest on. Ser Alvyn wasn't completely dressed in armor, he was wearing boiled leather clothes and chainmail on top with a bastard sword always in his hands.

Prince Joffrey entered wearing the same red velvet doublet with the golden lion embroidery on the chest, he was not wearing his silk cloak and behind him was a man with an ordinary face and a clean beard.

"I thought he would come alone, your highness"

Dyana said with a clear voice and a slightly high tone, indicating to Alvyn that the prince has arrived and the knight has prepared himself for any unfavorable occurrence.

"Bronn is my sworn sword, Lady Stark, he has accompanied me since the banquet, I know you haven't seen him, he is so ordinary that it makes me doubt if he is really the Bronn I know"

Joffrey smiled but Lady Stark remained expressionless, she was not going to be the foolish lady of Winterfell but the future queen of the seven kingdoms.

"That look, that look that made me like you, Lady Stark, that desire to win, present in your pupils, that made me realize what it would be like to tear your pride and sharpen the blade of my power with it"

Joffrey reached out to grab Lady Stark's chin.

"You're like a fucking star, Dyana, my star, the brightest star this kingdom can create."

The prince brought her closer to him by holding her hips from behind and pulling her. He released her jaw and found his lips to hers. He tasted good wine and honey, felt the skill of her tongue and touched her body, from her buttocks to her breasts.

"This is the first time I've wanted a woman so much, Lady Stark. But today won't be the day I fuck your beautiful body, no, I want answers."

He threw her on the bed and pointed one of his fingers at Sanya.

"You, go out with Bronn, answer all his questions and don't lie to me because I'll know."

The handmaid nodded and followed the bodyguard.

"And you, don't rape her"

The king ordered Bronn. He left with a huff and slammed the door shut.

"Why did you do that to Sansa?"

"Envy, I always had Winterfell or Sunhall, maybe White Harbor and Casterly Rock... But Sansa would have all seven kingdoms"

"When did you start wanting?"

"It was a few years ago, when they said that Sansa would be the crown prince's queen, I was jealous of my cousin and wished to be the queen myself."

"Did her plans involve encouraging the girl to visit and seduce her brother?"

"My plans were to seduce you, get you drunk, take you to my chambers and make like Olenna Redwyne who took Highgarden from her sister"

Joffrey laughed and ran a hand through his hair, throwing it back, he approached Dyana, his crotch close to the girl's face.

"You are very beautiful, Dyana, but you are foolish and don't consider your surroundings and the consequences of your actions"

"Can you enlighten me, your highness?"

"I was going to fuck you, even though I was married to Sansa. You attracted me from the moment you arrived and I wanted you more than I wanted Sansa, I would fuck you but Sansa would still remain my bride and you would be the woman dishonored by young King Joffrey. But seeing the spectacle you made, I saw that you don't deserve the north and simplicity of their game. I want you in King's Landing, playing with me and gathering all the power present in these seven kingdoms. I see Dorne and the North as the biggest of my problems and you can solve them both easily."

"Your highness is wise and the gods favor you"

"You can solve many problems for me but you can attract many problems to me. My mother and my uncle Jaime are people with problems who may clash with my plan, they want more than anything to be like my grandfather. But they don't realize that I am the heir of Tywin Lannister"

"But His Highness is not Tywin Lannister's heir"

"What did you say?"

"His highness is Robert Baratheon's heir and the way the king parties and wastes from Winterfell to this fortress is revealing, he does not treat them as special events but an occurrence. King Robert is as unworthy as Aegon IV and there are bastards of him in Frostport"

"So you noticed too"

"Like crystal clear water, your highness, the king will leave you a bankrupt and indebted crown"

"I think I fell in love with you again"

The prince then pulled his belt out and pulled it until it no longer caught his pants, which fell to the floor.

"You're forgiven for being a Dornish whore and not a Northern lady, but not for being a liar. Take what's going to happen as a way of showing you favor."

It was limp but even unconscious it was bigger than Alvyn's, but it wasn't thick and there weren't those dark hairs at the base but a dot of golden strands. Dyana swallowed, took it with her hand and licked the tip, she insisted on tasting it and it was immature, thin and clean. Alvyn was strong and bitter, like beer and unlike the prince, there was no fury and dominance of the knight but only contempt.

She tasted it from the tip to the base, swallowed it with her mouth until she felt it wake up and fill the empty spaces. Unlike Alvyn, the prince moaned and breathed heavily when she tasted the contour and massaged it back and forth, holding his testicles and swallowing one of them with her mouth, licking each area of his groin. Joff she called him, saying, asking and begging him to push her head against the base but he said that she obeyed and he ordered, the orders were for her to only give pleasure and not have pleasure with him. Dyana didn't get upset, she nodded and continued to pleasure Joff, until he exploded and she didn't allow a single drop to spill onto the floor.

His legs were shaking, his gaze seemed to admire Dyana and even worship her, and she liked this reaction, wanting more. Dyana got up and threw Joffrey towards the bed, it was a double bed and spacious enough for three people, she was sure. The prince wanted to step back so as not to weaken in front of her, but Joff then found himself dominated, with his hands trapped by what looked like the claws of a hungry wolf. Dyana laughed at his appearance, Joff was angry with that laugh but Dyana didn't let him react when their hips connected and the prince felt the inside of the Rose of Winterfell. She moved slowly at first, with grace and lightness, the prince took advantage of that moment and let it continue because he still felt pleasure even though he hated knowing that Dyana also shared it.

"You move like a Dornish whore... You're a fucking... Dornish whore"

He said between sighs and moans, feeling the oils of different flowers in the strands of Dyana's hair, falling like a waterfall over her chest and face. The young girl from the north laughed again and brought her lips to the prince's neck, first kissing them tenderly, then nibbling them and finally marking them with red and purple welts. She teased him as she moved faster and faster, the claps resounded around the room and they both allowed themselves to moan freely and Joff even got another kiss from Dyana. She then separated from him and said:

"I am a Stark of Winterfell, your highness, I am a wolf and the wolf wants the golden lion of the rock"

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