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37.5% Writing Reality / Chapter 2: Effects of the Notebook and Next Step

Capítulo 2: Effects of the Notebook and Next Step

Arthur contemplated calling-out and skipping work. But ultimately, he gave up on the idea and decided to go.

"Stupid, responsible brain," Arthur complained and chastised himself. "You've literally been given all-mighty power, and you can't bring yourself to call-out of work?"

Letting out a sigh, Arthur thought about what to do in the meantime. Normally, he would use these few hours to try writing his book or some fanfiction. However, he did not feel motivated and anytime he considered it, his mind would shift back to the whether there was a point now that he had the Notebook.

Figuring he should try something new or different, Arthur decided to do something he thought he would never have the time to do - go for a jog around the neighborhood. It would serve as a good way to test his new physique. Plus, he had always wanted to be a 'morning jogger' type of person.

Muttering his thoughts as he decided what to do, the angel furled her wings and returned to going through Arthur's bookshelf as he retrieved some clothes from his closet.

Arthur changed in the bathroom before leaving the house…


"How was it," the angel asked flatly as Arthur stepped into the room.

Arthur in turn stared blankly at the angel sitting in his desk chair turned toward his TV on the floor - game controller in her hand. He wanted to complain about her messing with his stuff but did not feel up to it.

"Weird," Arthur replied. Kicking off his shoes, he stepped over to his bed and flopped onto it.

Throughout his walk, Arthur had played around a little to test his new body and found it quite exhilarating to be so physically fit - relative to his former self, that is. Once he got over that, he began walking around and paying closer attention to his surroundings. When he did, he found that the seemingly inconsequential things he paid attention to - leaves on the ground, some ants, the grass, etc. - began changing right before his eyes. He had been quite unnerved at the sight.

"Hey, if you're some extradimensional entity-type being, do you know how my day went," Arthur asked.

"I do," the angel replied while keeping her attention on the game. 

"Can you help me to understand the freaky mutations I saw?"

"Life mutating is the core of what you have created. Mutants and superpowers being real are tied into that but not dominant. Since this is the 'plot', the situation is thus where - beginning on a small scale - organisms are undergoing spontaneous mutations. This is being brought on by a newly appeared sequence in organic matter - the 'mutant-gene' you created. It will gradually build up to the point where superpowers come into being."

Taking in the angel's explanation and comparing it to what he was told before, Arthur said aloud, "So basically, since I'm the MC here, these mutations will conveniently happen in my vicinity. Plants and animals will turn into mutant monsters and fuck knows what else, and eventually, we'll get supervillains? Great…"

"More or less," the angel replied flatly. "Although, you certainly seemed to enjoy messing with people today."

"Yeah, well," Arthur chuckled nervously. Once he had noticed the mutations, he tried to take his mind off it and explore how far the 'everyone believes me' command went. It began simple enough but became more ludicrous as he saw people continuing to believe him. 

Arthur asked one elderly woman in the neighborhood how the newborn baby she gave birth to was doing only to see her panic that she had left said child alone and rush back home despite it not being possible for such a child to exist. Maybe greatest of all was when he convinced his manager to make his job for the day 'sitting in the break room reading on his phone'. No matter what he said, everyone believed him. His words did not become true, but people believed them as if they were.

"Okay, that's enough," Arthur declared. "I'm going to bed."

"Sweet dreams," the angel replied without looking away from her game. 

"Do you think you could stop playing and leave so I can sleep."

The angel did not respond. 

Arthur groaned before getting up. Grabbing some blankets, pillows, and a change of clothes, he left the room and retreated to the guest room. 


The next day rolled around, and Arthur was awake bright and early following what he felt was the best sleep he had had in a long time. Following his morning routine, he returned to his room to find the angel still playing video games.

Arthur decided to inquire, "I don't think I ever caught your name."

"I do not have one," the angel replied. "Call me what you will."

Looking thoughtfully toward the ceiling, Arthur eventually said, "How about Angel?"

At this, Angel paused her game to look at Arthur.

"What? I know it's a little on the nose, but it's the first thing I thought of that didn't have any immediate overlaps. My first idea was Aelita but I might use that for something and wanted to avoid any confusion down the line."

"There is no issue. I exist outside of reality and as such the Notebook has no power over me."

"…Is that just a statement or a round-about, passive-aggressive way of saying 'don't name me Angel.'"

"It is no such thing."

Arthur gave a flat look. "Okay, okay, I'll call you Aelita…Aelita Angel."

"Do what you will," Aelita replied as she resumed her game. 

"Do you mind if we talk for a bit before the Notebook is usable again," Arthur asked.

Once again pausing her game, Aelita set the controller aside before standing up and unfurling her wings. Hovering off the ground and radiating light, she looked to Arthur. "What is it?"

"While I was at work, I came up with a few ideas on how things can progress. Since I can't do anything right now, I figured I'd run some concepts by you."

"Such as?"

"Well, I was rereading this one fanfiction with portals connecting two fandoms," Arthur began to explain. If he were watching Aelita, he would have noticed her eyes beginning to narrow. "So, I wanted to know about connecting my world to others or giving myself the power to hop worlds-"


Arthur jumped at the tone of the single word. Looking at Aelita, he saw that for the first time, her face had changed from its perpetual blank expression - looking at him with disapproving irritation.

"You were given the Notebook to make your reality more entertaining. Not so you can go galivanting around to other realities. Am I understood?"

"Yes ma'am," Arthur replied feeling like a scolded child. 

Aelita's expression returned to its normal neutrality. "Besides, 'world-hopping' would be ill-advised as it is. Even if you tried, the Notebook would likely interpret 'world' as in 'planet' and there's no guarantee the worlds you find yourself on would be hospitable."

Arthur nodded with a noise of agreement. When he spoke again, he did so more tentatively, "Okay, I kinda figured accessing parallel worlds would be a no go. But I have two other ideas." He quickly stopped talking as he saw Aelita's expression shifting back to irritation. "Just hear me out," he quickly said with an arm out asking her to stop.

Seeing that Aelita was waiting, Arthur proceeded to explain. "Idea one is based on the portals idea. What about creating pocket dimensions - like dungeons - that are based on other worlds?"

Aelita was silent for moment before replying, "…It depends on the definition of 'dungeon' and how limited the dimension is. I would advise you to stick to your original idea of 'reverse isekai' fictional characters."

"Okay, my second idea involves time travel. Would it be possible to give myself the power to travel back and forward in time? Specifically, could I go back and create a divergent timeline without affecting the present? And, the future is constantly changing, would I be able to travel to various alternate futures?"

This time, Aelita was silent for over a minute before replying. "I think I know what you are thinking. While…plausible, you must remember that everything would be connected. Any changes you make to reality would also affect these 'isolated timelines'. And, there is no guarantee that the past, present, and future you've created would not crossover to affect one another."

"Yes," Arthur cheered with a fist pump. However, he then deflated. "Um, I have to ask, is this really okay. I mean, I'm just not sure if-"

"As I said," Aelita interjected - a tired sigh present in her voice despite her flat tone -, "you are free to do whatever you wish."

"I mean-"

"You are currently trying to use me to find justification in doing what you want. I know your personality and how it is an odd balance of violent and degenerate behavior held in check by greater senses of shame, self-preservation, and fear of consequence. If you truly need my blessing. Then fine; I hereby absolve you of any wrongdoing. Go ahead and fuck, murder, or destroy the universe as you so choose." As Aelita said this, she raised and waved her arm around as though she were granting Arthur her blessing.

"…You know, for someone so unexpressive, you sure do manage to emote well."

Aelita lowered back to the ground and furled her wings. She then sat back down and took the game controller back in her hand. "I am here to reclaim the Notebook if needed. Don't try and use me as an excuse to indulge whatever fantasies you may have because of some internalized notion that there is some karmic force of the universe judging everything you do. I have repeatedly told you not to worry. The phrase 'go nuts' could not be more applicable here."

While Aelita played her game, Arthur preoccupied himself for the following hour. 


The Notebook returned to its former, multicolored state exactly twenty-four hours later.

Aelita had finished her game and was hovering to the side as Arthur reclaimed his desk chair to write in it.

Opening the Notebook to review the rules again, Arthur noticed the first rule had changed and now permitted him to use four words.

"So, I can now use people's names, adjectives, adverbs, and articles, huh," Arthur observed. "It says 'only four-word sentences'. Does that mean I have to phrase whatever I write in four words?"

"That is correct. The first few 'levels' of the Notebook restrict you to using a specific number of words - no more and no less."

"Kinda feels like a weird nerf, but whatever."

"You seem confident."

"I know what direction I want the story to go in and a vague idea of how to do it."

"Then, feel free to proceed."

"I will," Arthur replied while turning on his computer to use as needed. 

Vulpimancer aliens do exist.

Tetramand aliens do exit.

Kineceleran aliens do exist.

Petrosapien aliens do exist.

Galvanic Mechamorph do exist.

One by one, Arthur brought no less than fifty alien races into being.

"That's a good start," Arthur declared happily.

Tilting her head, Aelita inquired, "You have something planned for the races of the 'Ben 10' franchise? It looks like you're missing a few."

"I mostly picked the ones I like most or can think of a plan for. Kinda just having fun with it for right now and setting the groundwork. Next…"

The year is 2000.

Only girls have superpowers.

Meta-gene attaches to X-chromosome. 

"I think I see where you are going with this," Aelita said. "When I said to fuck the universe as you please, should I have clarified that that was not a challenge."

"Maybe," Arthur replied - knowing his habit to take ideas and run with them. "The murder and destruction parts too, probably. Can't you just look into my mind to know what I'm thinking?"

"Yes. But I wish to maintain the 'surprise'. Though, I am curious about what direction you intend to take this."

"Hmm…Generally, do as you suggested: worry about nothing, let go of inhibitions, and 'fuck everything'. But, it's a little more than that. I have my pride as a writer you know. Even if it sucks, I want there to be a real story."

Aelita tilted her head. "A story where you romance every woman in the universe?"

Arthur suddenly stopped as he considered her words. "Interesting, but no. Romance isn't my forte. I was thinking more along the lines of making myself a side character in the world while setting others up as the main characters. I'll have my fun on the side while letting anything and everything come together. I just hope it turns out well."

"Sounds ambitious from a writer standpoint."

"You have NO idea. Just imagining everything I have planned seems like a convoluted mess. Keeping it straight and easy to follow won't be easy. But at least it'll be fun to try. Now, let's see. What else is there before we get started…Hey, since I already targeted women, does that mean I cannot target anyone specifically?"

"That is correct. The female gender, time, meta-gene, as well as all the races you brought into being are no longer capable of being altered until after a plot point has been created."

"Gotcha. So, if I start chapter or episode one, I get a reset?"

Aelita tilted her head for a moment before straightening. "Since it has not begun, yes. But be aware, you will only have one alteration to reality, per target, per 'episode' or 'chapter'."

"Cool, cool. In that case…"

Possible family does exist.

"Why bring them into being?"

"Cuz I've been really into the Kim Possible theme song by Analee on Youtube, plus it works with this superhero thing I've got in my head. Hmm…What happens next level up and how do I get there?"

"You will have five words to work with per change. To get to this point, you must complete one 'chapter' or 'episode'."

"Okay…so for things to go the way I want…I'll have to wait…Change that…shift that around…Okay, I'm good. Can't think of anything else right now, so I guess I'll just get started."

Azmuth created the Omnitrix. 

I am Ben Tennyson.

Immediately, Arthur saw the changes in his appearance as his hand was no longer his hand. He hopped out of his chair and rushed to the bathroom to get a look at himself - disregarding his decreased height.

Looking at his reflection, Arthur saw a small child stare back. Short brown hair and vibrant green eyes, he was wearing a white shirt with a black collar and stripe down the middle and green cargo pants held up with a black belt. 

Arthur's reflection almost perfectly matched that of the fictional Ben Tennyson. Noticing something off, he proceeded to check his body and found it oddly robust and fit for a ten-year-old child.

"Hey, Aelita," Arthur called. 

The angel floated over to the bathroom door. "Yes?"

"Is this just how I'm supposed to look?"

"Although the character of Ben Tennyson is slightly more developed than children of the current age, you are also under the effect of being 'healthy'. This is the main contributor to your oddly developed physique. Additionally, the Notebook has seemed to take some liberties in how to define 'you' as 'Ben Tennyson'."

"What sort of liberties?"

"Mostly in terms of applying certain characteristics of your physiological and mental being onto that of a younger body. The malleable mind of a child paired with your adult intellect making more room for development. Your adult physiology improving and adjusting your child body. Things like this."

Arthur's face twisted as he tried to understand Aelita's words. "So…I might develop genius-level - or at least high-level - intelligence, increased physical ability comparable to an adult, and jump starting this body's puberty?"


"Huh. That honestly makes this easier. I was expecting to have to de-age myself and manually do everything. Guess the Notebook was nice enough to put me at the age I wanted."

Aelita tilted her head. "You have already changed reality in regard to yourself. You would not be able to change anything else until you begin the story?"

"Ah, but I haven't changed reality in regard to Ben Tennyson. And, since he and I are the same person, shouldn't that then reflect onto me?"

Aelita opened her mouth to refuse but stopped. Her eyes narrowed in confusion before widening slightly. "That…may…work. However, even if the Notebook allows such a loophole as to consider the identities separate, you should be warned to keep track of how you change reality in regards to them. If you assume another identity, only the changes applicable to 'you' will carry over."

"Noted," Arthur grinned - imagining the ways he could use this. "Better safe than sorry though."

Aelita shifted to the side as Arthur returned to his room and sat at his desk. He proceeded to write in the Notebook: Ben Tennyson has heterochromia. He then returned to the bathroom to check his reflection and found one of his eyes to have changed to its original gray-blue color.

"Huh," Aelita uttered in as surprised a tone as she could manage - being none at all. 

"Alright, now I just need to start the plot," Arthur said as he walked back to his room. Sitting in his chair, he turned to Aelita floating in the doorway. "I want to use the show to kick things off. How would you suggest I do that in four words? No matter how I think about it, it's either too short and vague or at least five words."

Aelita said flatly, "Just write: 'Ben 10 begins now."

Arthur wrote as instructed: Ben 10 begins now.

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