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60% Danmachi: The Outcast / Chapter 4: Melen and Gremio

Capítulo 4: Melen and Gremio

Alright, here we go, a new chapter, and no spoilers for now. Enjoy~

Note: Guys, I don't know why, but I can't open my Webnovel account on my computer. Luckily, I had a tab open with this half-written, and I can still access it on my phone.

Previous Note: The previous note was me talking about how, while searching for characters from the Guardian Tales universe for the story, I thought about making a fanfic to kill off a certain character.


Previous Chapter:

Touching his face and adjusting his clothes, Merlin proceeded to say goodbye to everyone. He shook hands with Itachi and Shiryu, kissed Frieren and Usagi on the cheek, having to bend down to do so, and hugged Erza, who stiffened as such gestures were uncommon in Japan, where people were quite reserved. Just as he was about to leave, Erza heard Merlin whisper something in her ear before stepping away.

"...Take care, guys! I wish you all the best! I hope you survive! And Erza, don't forget what we talked about! Take care! Goodbye!"

After that, Merlin got off and left with the group of merchants heading to Melen.

[130 words]


Merlin's Point of View

Shortly after departing with the group of merchants, Merlin struck up a conversation with one of the fellow passengers. It was the same man who had asked Liam a question earlier.

"Hi, I'm Merlin," - he said, extending his hand.

"Deke. A pleasure" - the man replied with a smile, shaking his hand firmly.

Deke was a robust and cheerful man, traveling to Melen to buy supplies for his village.

During the journey, he explained to Merlin how the Valis, the local currency, worked and where the Adventurers' Guild in Melen was located, a crucial place for his future. As far as Merlin knew, the Guild was only in Melen and Orario, although he was aware of other cities, but he didn't know which ones.

"The Adventurers' Guild is the center of all sorts of activities in Melen. If you need information or are looking for work, that's the place,"- Deke said, gesturing towards the horizon as if he could already see the city in the distance.

"Thanks, man, you've saved me," - Merlin responded gratefully to Deke, and then the two men continued talking, with Merlin taking the opportunity to gather more information.

The conversation flowed naturally. After a while, Deke opened up more, sharing a personal problem that troubled him.

"Merlin, man, I don't know how to get my daughter to marry a good man. She keeps holding on to that silly dream of wanting to be an adventurer with Falna and doesn't understand that it's very dangerous, especially for a village girl like her,"- Deke said sadly, his voice laden with worry.

Merlin listened attentively, understanding the man's dilemma. The life of an adventurer wasn't rosy. Most ended up dead at the beginning or later on, while others simply ended up with a bad god who turned them into toys at their disposal.

But he also understood that in a world like this, where power mattered and where monsters could attack at any moment, it was best to be strong and be with someone strong.

"Deke, I understand your concern. Being an adventurer is risky, but perhaps the best thing is to support her and make sure she's prepared for the challenges she might face,"- Merlin suggested, trying to offer a more balanced viewpoint.

"Merlin, man, Eliza is just a village girl. She could die at any moment or, worse, suffer something horrible,"- Deke expressed his anguish, not entirely convinced.

Merlin understood Deke, but although he didn't have to intervene, he decided to because he knew he could offer a valuable perspective and because he felt like it.

"Look, Deke, we both know that if you prevent her from achieving her dream, there are two possible paths: either Eliza stays in the village resentful, or she runs away unprepared."- Taking a deep breath, Merlin looked Deke in the eyes and continued.

"That's why it's better to support her dream, but with conditions. Start training her. Show her what it's like to fight a monster, even if it's a weak goblin. Tell her what she'll face. Advise her and accompany her. Yes, it's possible that she might die, and I'm not going to lie to you, most do, but it's because they're unprepared and arrogant. So, before you regret not supporting your daughter in her dream, prepare her so she has a better chance of surviving."

Deke remained silent for a moment, absorbing Merlin's words. Finally, he slowly nodded with difficulty.


"I suppose you're right, Merlin. It's better for her to be prepared and aware of the dangers. I'll give her my support, but I'll also train her to be strong and capable. Thank you for your advice."

The conversation continued in a lighter tone, where the two men started talking about various things. Deke informed Merlin about several features of Melen and important places, as well as the most powerful families in the area.

"The Hapi family controls much of the trade with the outside world. The Njord family has most of the fishermen and is crucial to Melen's economy. And don't forget the Nereo family, they have important contacts with nobles,"- Deke explained, pointing in different directions as he spoke.

"Interesting. Thanks for all this information, Deke. It will be very useful," - Merlin responded, memorizing the details.

"Melen in sight!"- came a loud shout from the main carriage.

Merlin leaned out and could see the city of Melen. It was beautiful at first glance; from the hill where they stood, the entire city could be appreciated, clearly a vibrant and lively place.

Merlin marveled at its beauty, although he agreed it looked more like a large town than a proper city, especially noting the absence of murals that usually surrounded larger cities.

The carriage stopped in a wide square near the main entrance. Merlin and Deke bid each other farewell.

"Good luck with your business, Deke. And take care,"- said Merlin, shaking Deke's hand.

"Likewise, Merlin. May you find what you're looking for,"- Deke responded with a smile before disappearing into the crowd.

Merlin reflected on the city's beauty as he watched Deke vanish among the people.

'What a beautiful city. If I didn't know that Xenos trafficking happens here in the future, and if I hadn't read enough fiction to know that the prettier it is on the outside, the more rotten it is on the inside, I might have stayed longer in Melen,' - he thought to himself.

Merlin felt grateful for having met a kind man like Deke. He acknowledged that most would have treated him like a fool and sent him away for wasting their time.

Now, thanks to Deke, he knew how the Valis worked, where the Guild was located, and other valuable information, such as the existence of families other than that of God Njord.

'Hmm, it's possible that those families aren't mentioned in the canon because they were members of Evilu, or simply because they weren't as important as the Njord Family. But it's better to be prepared, so I'll head to the Guild to register. That's why I wanted to come to Melen,'- Merlin reflected as he headed towards the place Deke had pointed out as the Guild's location.

While walking, Merlin counted the Valis he had.

'I have approximately 50,000 Valis, which are the Valis the Royal gave us when they sent us. An expensive meal in Orario cost 300 Valis, and a cheap one 50. If we count accommodation, which I don't know the cost of at the moment, it would be roughly between 600 and 1,000 Valis per day to survive,' - Merlin calculated mentally, though he knew math wasn't his strong suit.

'I need a weapon, and a job while I stay in Melen training to prepare my body for traveling. Getting a weapon won't be complicated; Deke already told me where to find a smithy, and a weapon shouldn't be very expensive. After all, if I'm not mistaken, Bell's dagger cost about 4,000 Valis, and I don't think a sword would cost much more.'

'After that, I need to train my mana control. I'll try to buy books on magic, even if they just explain the basics, or go to a library that explains it. At the same time, I'll try to create Pyo-wol's weapon or buy fishing lines like his version in the novel. If I can use it as I imagine and control it with mana, I'll become quite lethal, like a snake.'

Before he knew it, Merlin found himself in front of the Melen Guild. The imposing structure did not match the houses surrounding it, and Merlin could feel the pressure bubbling inside him as he prepared to enter.


[Location: Melen-Guild]

Inside the Melen Guild, Merlin expected to be greeted by a bustling and lively atmosphere, but it was quite the opposite. Although there were some adventurers, there weren't as many as one might imagine.

Merlin approached the reception counter, where a friendly receptionist greeted him with a smile.

"Welcome to the Melen Adventurers' Guild! How can we assist you today?" - asked the receptionist.

"Hello, I'm Merlin. I'm interested in registering as an adventurer and getting information on available missions, as well as any additional information that might be useful for a newcomer like me," - Merlin responded politely.

The receptionist began explaining the registration process while handing Merlin a form to complete.

Looking at the form, Merlin sighed in relief. 'What luck, I thought I wouldn't be able to read or write, but it seems the Royal instilled the local language in us. It makes sense, since I can speak with the locals. Now the question is: can I read or speak the divine language?'

Pulling Merlin from his thoughts, the receptionist asked him - "Will you register as a free adventurer or as an adventurer with a familia?"

Seeing the doubt on Merlin's masked face, the receptionist kindly explained.

"Let me explain. There are two types of adventurers;

Familia Adventurers: These are those to whom a god gives Falna, and their familia specializes in something specific. Familias outside of Orario commonly united with the guild specialize in certain areas, such as gathering monster parts, plants for alchemy, exploring areas, dealing with bandits, escorts, etc.

Free Adventurer: This is someone without Falna or with Falna who mostly works solo. These adventurers take on all types of missions allowed by the guild, and if you are a free adventurer with Falna, you must explain why you left your previous familia."

Thanking the receptionist, Merlin began filling out the form, leaving some fields blank.

Once Merlin completed the form, the receptionist reviewed the information and handed him his adventurer identification.

"Here is your adventurer ID, Merlin. With this, you'll have access to all guild facilities and be able to participate in missions. Good luck on your adventures!"- said the receptionist, bidding Merlin farewell with a smile.

Leaving the guild, Merlin looked at his new ID with a mix of emotions. He knew this was just the first step on his path in this new life, and that this simple ID would help him survive.

He put the ID in a secure pocket and, thinking about what to do next, he decided to go to the blacksmith that Deke had mentioned.

Walking through the streets of Melen, Merlin couldn't help but marvel at the city's vibrant life. It was full of street stalls, children running around, and merchants offering their goods.

Finally, he arrived at the blacksmith's, where the sound of hammers and the heat of the furnaces greeted him.

"Welcome! What can I do for you today?" - asked the blacksmith. He was a tiger-man, as Merlin could see, with a robust figure, strong hands, and a friendly expression.

"I need a sword suitable for a beginner adventurer. Something sturdy but not too expensive" - Merlin replied.

The blacksmith nodded and went to a wall filled with weapons of various sizes and shapes. After a brief inspection, he pulled out a straight-bladed sword and presented it to Merlin.

"This should be perfect for you. It's light but durable, ideal for someone just starting out. And the price is reasonable, 4,500 Valis,"- explained the blacksmith.

Merlin examined the sword. Although it was the first weapon he had ever held, he knew it was crucial that it felt comfortable. He began to move it slowly, testing its weight.

'Hmm, it's lighter than I imagined, but it still has weight. Even so, it feels comfortable in my hand, and I don't feel any discomfort. Now I need to ask him.'

"I like it! I'll buy it," said Merlin, handing the blacksmith the 4,500 Valis.

Before leaving, Merlin turned back to the tiger-man.

"I wanted to ask if you know where I can practice blacksmithing."

The blacksmith, surprised by the question, raised an eyebrow before responding.

"Interested in blacksmithing, huh?" he said, crossing his arms. "It's not something many adventurers look to learn, but it's a valuable skill. If you're really interested, tell me how many Valis you can offer, and during my less busy hours, I could teach you the basics."

Merlin pondered for a moment, considering his finances and the value of the offer.

"I can offer you 1,500 Valis per lesson. Does that sound reasonable?" - Merlin proposed.

The blacksmith looked at him for a moment, evaluating his proposal. Finally, he nodded but added a condition.

"Alright, 1,500 Valis per lesson, but you'll also have to clean the entire forge" - he said with a smile that showed he wasn't entirely joking.

Merlin nodded, accepting the deal without hesitation.

"Deal! Thank you for the opportunity. I'll be here tomorrow morning, ready to work."

The blacksmith smiled, satisfied with the agreement.

"Perfect. See you tomorrow, then. And don't be late."

With his new sword and an agreement to learn blacksmithing, Merlin headed to the inn that Deke had recommended.

The place looked cozy, with a wooden facade and flowers adorning the windows. A hanging sign indicated its name: "The Moon of Melen."

Upon entering, he was greeted by a strange atmosphere. Most of the people he saw were men, and the women were mostly scantily clad.

"Welcome to La Luna de Melen! I am Elara, The Owner, How can I help you?"

Elara, La Dueña, was what Merlin would Call a Milf with a nice Delantera.

"Hi, I'm Merlin. This inn was recommended to me. I'm looking for a room and a place to rest for 1 week."

Elara shook her head, causing her asses to move with her and said- "Of course, Merlin. We have rooms available for that duration, would you prefer a single or shared room?"

Without much thought, and wondering why she was asking such an obvious question, he replied.

"I'd prefer a single room, please," he replied.

Soon after, Merlin filled the Fromulario and went up to the room, where the mental phatica caused him to fall asleep.


[2 Hours Later]

Outside Merlin's room a girl, scantily clad could be seen knocking on the Door.

'What luck, it seems I got to accompany the mysterious boy, According to the Lady-Elara, He was a Handsome young man with most of his face covered, The Lady-Elara herself wanted to keep him company, but luckily she is busy and I got to accompany him.'

"What luck, I'll pick a good fruit today."



Unbeknownst to Merlin, he didn't wander into just any inn, it was an inn with special services and he was saved by sleeping.


[End of Chapter 4]


Note: Many might think Deke is a character without significance, and I initially thought of him that way too. But then I decided to use him as an example when I create his daughter. Even though his role is only that, I want to demonstrate something with Eliza (though I believe it might not have as much impact due to the other reincarnated characters, but it certainly will have some impact, I think).

Note [2]: I came up with two great ideas that align with two other plans I have. These two plans are fundamental to the plot. One will be presented very soon (I think), and the other one is still a while away, although the groundwork for it will be laid in this or the next chapter. Now then... I love it~

Mwahahaha~ I have everything planned out. I can't wait to write and get to those parts. God, I'm so excited~ Chaos, ideas, theories, war, will, happiness, death... ah~ I feel like a pervert, but my happiness is immense. I feel like the story is a puzzle, and piece by piece, I'm completing it with theories, ideas, and plans that I adore~


[2808 Words]

Guionista Guionista

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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