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100% I’m The Worlds First Alien? / Chapter 3: 3. Experimentation

Capítulo 3: 3. Experimentation

The ruined city looked like it had gone a few rounds with an angry god - crumbled skyscrapers, potholes big enough to swallow delivery trucks, and this weird purplish haze hanging in the air that made my alien-enhanced eyes sting.

Well, if I was going to get a handle on these new powers, better start small. I eyed a semi cab poking out of a crater, about the size of your typical elementary school bus. Taking a deep breath, I willed that strange alien energy pulsing through me to my arms and legs.

Next thing I knew, I was airborne, soaring in a high arc right over the cab. Time seemed to slow as I flipped end over end, savoring that weightless feeling. Then gravity reminded me it was still very much a thing by yanking me back down hard.

I slammed into the asphalt, cratering it like I'd dropped from a zeppelin. A plume of dust and debris shot up around me. When it cleared, I stood there in the impact zone, clothes and skin as-yet miraculously unscathed. A little warm-up.

Up ahead, the remains of an elevated rail line zigzagged through the wreckage. Perfect. I coiled my new supercharged muscles and exploded into a sprint, closing the distance in triple-digit mph strides that would make Usain Bolt look like a dawdling grandma.

The first support pillar loomed ahead. With a gravity-defying leap, I kicked off the side and launched myself up, up, higher than any underpaid construction worker would dare go without a hardhat and harness. My clawed fingers found purchase on the underside of the rail line as easy as rock-climbing a sidewalk curb.

I started running, using my uncanny new grip to defy gravity, scampering along the underside of the elevated rail as casually as a hellish subway rider. Twists, turns, loops - I conquered each one without breaking stride. Finally, I reached the end, flipped over the final curve, and stuck a perfect dismount on a buckled slab of concrete.

Catching my breath, I surveyed my new urban playground while absently brushing rubble off my tattered clothes. If this was only the beginning, I couldn't wait to see what other tricks I had in store.

After my little warm-up parkour session, I felt like I was just scratching the surface of these crazy new alien abilities. Time to kick things up a notch.

I zeroed in on one of the few still-standing skyscrapers jabbing at the smoggy sky like a giant concrete middle finger. Its facade was so pockmarked with damage it looked like the boxing practice dummy at my old gym. But from the way the structure groaned and leaned, it wouldn't be upright for much longer.


I took off at a dead sprint, building up speed until the ruined streets became a blur of grays and browns. At the last possible second, I launched myself into the air, riding a cushion of whatever exotic physics-defying forces now coursed through my veins.

The skyscraper's crumbling facade rushed up to meet me. With an animalistic snarl, I lashed out, tendril-fingers and claws gouging deep into the concrete and ripping free chunks bigger than truck tires. I rode the shockwave of destruction up, using each foothold and handhold to clamber higher and higher.

Masonry rained down in clouds of pulverized dust that would've flattened a normal human like a truck hitting a frozen turkey. But I scampered up the collapsing deathtrap like a caffeinated squirrel, dodging and weaving around every fresh hail of debris without losing my grip or momentum.

By the time I hauled myself over the ragged rooftop ledge, the entire structure was swaying like a palm tree in a hurricane. I could taste the strain, smell the tortured steel and concrete ready to surrender to gravity's ruthless demands.

With a bestial roar, I sprinted to the faltering edge, coiled, and launched myself into the hazy skyline like a demented human cannonball. For a dizzying eternity, I seemed to just hang there against the backdrop of roiling purple clouds and shattered skyscrapers.

Then the rubbernecked skyscraper finally threw in the towel behind me, collapsing in a panoramic implosion of shattering glass and billowing dust clouds that engulfed my shadow like a Muppet devouring a minor character.

As the shockwave hammered me from behind, I tucked into a tight ball and let the turbulence spin and tumble me wildly. All strength and savage grace, I rode out that concrete cyclone until it was spent, unfurling in midair and sticking yet another flawless three-point landing in a deserted intersection.

I rose to my feet, bloody knuckles brushing aside a few pebbles that had managed to scuff my magma-heated skin. Around me, the world had gone silent and still, like the entire city had just witnessed something profound and was holding its breath.

Scanning the decimated skyline with new eyes, I smirked.

"Okay," I muttered to myself. "I'm getting the hang of this."

The shattered skyscraper had been brought to its knees, surrendering to the destructive forces that now coursed through my mutated form. As the tower's defiant facade imploded in a panoramic roar, I launched myself skyward, twisting into a compact ball to ride the turbulent shockwave.

Debris shrapnel slashed past in a torrent of razor edges - jagged steel, pulverized concrete, a hailstorm of lethal projectiles that would've turned a normal human into a gory mist. But my alien-forged body absorbed and deflected each impact, exotic materials tougher than any terrestrial armor.

One massive chunk of rubble, jagged edges glinting, careened straight for my plummeting form. On instinct, I unfurled from my protective ball, tendril-claws splaying wide. A feral roar ripped from my throat as I swatted the deadly projectile with every ounce of preternatural strength.

The resulting detonation shuddered the very air, a thunderclap of energy that sent out a visible shockwave rippling through the billowing debris clouds. Where the rubble fragment had been, only a rapidly dissipating cloud of vapor remained - atomized down to its constituent molecules by the sheer kinetic force.

Nearby windows shattered in their frames from the concussive blast. Car alarms and emergency klaxons began wailing in a cacophonic chorus throughout the stricken city, disturbed by the localized disturbance. But I'd already tucked back into a tight spin, letting the turbulence tumble me wildly until the shockwave was spent.

When I unfurled once more and stuck the landing in a deserted intersection, the only sound was my own ragged breathing, harsh and alien. All around, an eerie silence had fallen, that deafening quiet of a landscape freshly scoured by unspeakable forces.

I rose slowly, surveying the devastation with a look that was one part primal satisfaction, one part dawning horror. As the dust settled, the true aftermath was laid bare - a single vacant stretch amid the rubble where every scrap of debris had been vaporized, leaving only a pristine circle of untouched asphalt.

A stark reminder - these new abilities came with a destructive price. And as I absorbed the scope of the damage, I couldn't help but wonder what other horrors awaited with a single misstep...

The shattered streets lay silent in the aftermath of my display of power. As the dust settled, a faint whimpering reached my newly enhanced senses - the sound of an injured animal amidst the rubble.

I followed the pitiful cries to a crumpled heap of debris, a pair of terrified eyes blinking up at me from beneath a twisted slab of metal. A stray dog, ribs visible beneath its mangy fur, trapped and helpless. Despite its pathetic state, it bared its teeth and growled in a feeble show of defiance as I approached.

Without conscious thought, I reached down and gripped the jagged metal slab pinning the creature. I tensed my alien-augmented muscles, tendons straining as I wrenched the mass of contorted steel upwards with a screech of protesting metal. 

The dog scrambled out from its former tomb, yowling in pain from an obviously shattered leg. As it tried to flee, dragging its useless limb, some deep evolutionary imperative took over.

I extended one hand, flexing the newfound alien sinews rippling beneath my skin. With a sickening crunch of dislocating bone and tearing flesh, a single finger separated from my palm in a gout of vivid purple blood.

The dog froze, nostrils flaring at the scent of fresh viscera. I tossed the dismembered digit towards it in a languid arc. Driven by pure animal instinct, the wretched beast pounced, tearing into the alien meat with snapping jaws and rabid fervor.

As it devoured the offering, I felt an unusual psychic connection form - a profound understanding bridging the gap between human and beast. Primitive but profound, a communion of desperation and instinct.

When the finger was nothing but shreds and discarded bone, the dog looked up at me, head cocked. No longer a threat to be fought or fled, but a source of sustenance to be followed and obeyed.

I gestured to the wasteland beyond the shattered city limits with a flick of my remaining digits. The dog rose unsteadily to its feet and began limping away, casting one final glance over its mangy shoulder as I willed the gruesome stump to reseal itself.

As it disappeared over the horizon, I knew the bonded creature would find safety in the wild, flourishing away from humanity's tainted realms. One small life spared amidst the path of destruction my emergence had wrought.

A fleeting reassurance that perhaps, alongside this newfound power, I could also learn to nurture and protect the fragile.

The stark white lab walls seemed to close in as the harsh fluorescent lights hummed overhead. Dr. Liora Vance scanned the array of monitors, data streams scrolling in perfect synchronicity. Her careful eyes missed nothing, every flickering number and waveform instantly computed and cross-referenced.

This was to be her crowning achievement.

With a deft hand, she entered the final command sequence, authorizing the particle accelerator to move to the next phase. All around her, the air became charged with static electricity as the massive underground array began building power.

Beyond the observation windows, the cosmic ray chamber yawned like the maw of some technological leviathan. At its core, a thunderous maelstrom of energy crackled and pulsed, held in constraint by the most advanced magnetic containment fields ever devised.

Liora's hand trembled almost imperceptibly as she tapped the EXECUTE command. This was the moment she'd been warned about, cautioned against by her overly timid peers. They had tried in vain to dissuade her from treading in realms best left unknown.

But Liora was a boundary pusher. She lived on the cutting edge, driven by a ravenous hunger to uncover the universe's deepest secrets. Her entire career had built towards this pivotal experiment - to shatter the cosmic veil, pierce the fabric of reality itself, and gaze into the abyss within.

Data spiked and alarms began to whoop as the array surged towards its full, terrifying potential. Power input redlined as atoms were shredded, particles collided at incomprehensible speeds in a cosmic frenzy.

The very air seemed to vibrate as the laws of physics strained against Liora's relentless will to break them. With one final bone-rattling surge, the containment fields bowed...and then shattered like glass.

A roiling torrent of exotic energies detonated outward in all directions, a miniature big bang giving catastrophic birth to a new universe of scientific discovery. In that frozen moment of apotheosis, Liora's eyes went wide, her mouth opening in a silent scream as revelation washed over her in blazing coronal streams.

Then, just as quickly, it was over. The blast wave dissipated, leaving only flickering sparks and the pungent aroma of ozone in its wake. All around, the once-pristine lab lay in shattered ruins, debris and random fires smoldering.

As the smoke cleared, a lone figure stirred amidst the devastation. Liora rose from where she'd been flung across the room, shards of glass crunching beneath her. Her face and hands were bleeding, clothes tattered...but her eyes burned with the fierce light of vindication.

This breakthrough would change everything. And even as claxons wailed and warning lights flashed, she knew she would push the boundaries again. And again. Until the universe itself bent to her indomitable scientific will.

The twisted wreckage still smoldered, tendrils of acrid smoke coiling through the devastated laboratory. Liora Vance stood amidst the ruin, her tattered lab coat hanging in bloody tatters from her mutilated form.

Where moments before she had been the very archetype of a composed scientist, she was now something...other. Something more. Her eyes brimmed with alien energies, pupils swirling like galaxies being formed and torn asunder in the span of fevered heartbeats.

Scorched flesh had given way to a pulsating, semi-translucent carapace in places, threaded with lambent circuitry that flickered with its own bizarre sentience. Fractal patterns of indescribable geometric complexity etched across patches of flayed skin, shifting and morphing in mesmerizing permutations.

Liora raised one trembling hand before her face, digital tendrils unfurling from the tips of her fingers to weave and dance in silence. A fleeting sense of horror and revulsion warred with a deeper, more primal emotion - curiosity.

The ravenous, rapacious need to know more, to delve deeper into the cosmic mysteries that had been unveiled to her by the cataclysmic energies. Powers beyond mortal comprehension coursed through her metamorphosed being. What other secrets lay in wait, if only she dared to reach out and seize them?

A faint sound intruded on her reverie - the scrabbling of debris, a plaintive whimpering from somewhere to her left. Liora's alien senses quested outward, locating the source amidst the scattered detritus.

There, trapped beneath a fallen bank of monitoring equipment, a woman in tattered clothing stared up at the apparition towering above. Her eyes were wide, overflowing with naked terror and incomprehension as she took in the grotesque visage that had once been her friend and mentor.

"Oh god..." the woman rasped in a voice thin with shock. "Liora... what have you done...?"

For an eternal, frozen moment, Liora held her twisted gaze, lips parting to summon words that caught in her throat. What could she possibly say to convey the revelation, the unfathomable cosmic vastness she had glimpsed in the fires of becoming?

Then her features contorted in a sneer of disgust and unveiled hunger. What did this insignificant insect know of the rarefied heights she had ascended to? The woman was still mired in the bedrock plane of reality, too limited to comprehend the vistas that now beckoned.

With a flick of Liora's mutated wrist, tendrils of eldritch force lashed out, seizing the hapless woman in an inescapable embrace. She opened her mouth to scream, but only a choked gurgle escaped as Liora poured herself into the invasive mental probe, peeling back layers of consciousness like rotting flesh from a malignant wound.

Let this pathetic creature witness the true extent of Liora's unshackled mind, the breadth of her ambitions laid bare in all their horrific, enthropic glory. And as the first tremors of Liora's subsuming intellect took hold, she relished the naked terror reflecting back in the woman's bulging eyes.

For in that moment, separated from her mortal coil, Liora Vance chose to embrace the insatiable hunger that had awoken within. No boundary would contain her inquisitive nature now. Not even those of flesh and reality itself.

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