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10% In Fallout with a Chat Group / Chapter 1: Crawl out in the Fallout

Capítulo 1: Crawl out in the Fallout

Well, I just died. How you may ask? Well, I was out on a mountain hike when a hail storm came out of nowhere and I got it pelted with hail stones. I was batter and cold too cold. I fell asleep and never woke up again. 

Well not in that body at least…

It was bright. Then my eyes adjusted to the fluorescent lighting. I noticed there were people all around me. They wore blue leather jumpsuits. The sound quieted down as I saw a tall man approach me.

"Congratulations, young one! I don't have to tell you how special this day is, do I? Down here in Vault 3, when you turn 10, well, you're ready to take on your first official Vault responsibilities. So here you are. As Overseer, I hereby present to you your very own Pip-Boy 3000! Get used to it." The Overseer slipped the Pip-Boy over my wrist. I felt as it compressed around my right forearm. I heard the Pip-Boy make a click sound as it was locked to my biometrics. "Now it's going to do a small vigor test on you to get a sense of your vitals."

Time stopped around me as I was presented with the choice of how to change my S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats. This also gave me a minute to think. Well fuck! Fuck! FUCK! I'm in bloody fallout. Fallout New Vegas by the looks of it. Vault 3 well not the worst place to wake up. Everything goes fine until a leak starts down in the water treatment plant. A leak they can't fix because they didn't have the required parts. This eventually led the folks of Vault 3 to open the Vault and send diplomatic teams to find the part to fix the Vault. But that led to the Vualt being discovered by a local raider gang know as the Fiends. The Fiends walked in and killed all the residents of Vault 3. They really should of kept a closed-door policy. But no it's the next step for the Vault dwellers.

The screen of the Pip-Boy staring back at me. Waiting for me to input my S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats. 33 points to do what I wanted with. 6 in Strength. I am a bit of a hoarder and if I can up my carry weight without impacting my the rest of my build, I'll do it. I can up it once with a level. Buy a Strength implant at the New Vegas Clinic. And get an additional 2 points of Strength from Old World Blues. That would bring me to the maximum Strength of 10. 5 in Perception. I would like to have it higher but for now, it will stay at 5. 6 in Endurance. I'm at least going to sink 2 levels into Endurance. I want to be able to get the GXR implant. 10 uses per day of none addictive turbo a day with no consequences. Sign me the fuck up. Also, I can get Strong Back and Burden to Bear for an additional 100 lbs of carry weight. 1 in Charisma. If I'm going to have a dump stat it's going to be Charisma. 10 in Intelligence. I Want all the skill points. All of them. 4 in Agility. I can take the small frame Perk for +1 Agility. I might invest a level in Agility but that really depends if I get a Perk every level or every other level. 8 in Luck. I'm spending a level and getting the implant to get that stat to 10. Gambling in New Vagus is dumb profitable and I will need a lot of caps for Implants and Equipment. So my stats are S6.P5.E6.C1.I10.A4.L8.

The Pip-Boy then showed Medical Evuation pick 2 traits. Looking through the Traits I only found 1 new trait that wasn't in New Vagus proper. 

ManCo Supplies: Starting at level 1 you will receive the equipment of the Team Fortress 2 mercenaries. Every 5th level you will receive 1 of the class's sets of equipment and blueprints for their unlocks. This equipment can not be taken from you at any point and doesn't count towards your carry weight.

Well, there goes Trigger Discipline or Wild Wasteland. I picked Manco Supplies and Small Frame.

Small Frame: Due to your small size, you have +1 AGL but your Limbs are more easily crippled.

ManCo Roulette! I saw a roulette wheel spin over the 9 Classes. The ball landed on the Engineer. 

Time resumed. "You'll be getting your first work assignment tomorrow. Now enjoy your party! You're only 10 once, so have fun." Overseer said before leaving. I looked around to find that there were mostly adults. The few kids here seemed to be avoiding me like I had the plague. 

"The birthday girl gets the first slice of cake." An old lady said holding up a serving knife. I was thankful that there wasn't a Mr.Handy to ruin the cake. I walked up to see what was written on the cake. Happy Birthday, Mukuro Castle! Well, that tells me my name. "Here you go, dear. I'm sorry that your mother didn't live to see you today. I'm sure would of been proud." The old lady gave a slice of cake.

"What about my father?" I asked

"Well, you should know that your mother opted for artificial insemination and the doner was anonymous. So we have no idea who your dad was." The old lady explained

I left to one of the tables in the back to eat alone. I looked at my Pip-Boy while I ate the cream da mint cake. The date was 01/07/2269. The only radio signal was the Vault's PA system. Looking over the tabs I found in my inventory I had the pistol, the shotgun, the wrench, the demolition remote, and the construction PDA. 

"Hey look it's the freek! I know that it's that thing's birthday but does that mean we have to see it." one of the kids said while chomping down on the cake.

"Ricky, don't get it's attention to us. That thing gives me the creeps." one of the girls said.

I wasn't going to put up with this anymore. I left the dining area fowling my map to my room. I locked the door behind me. I found myself looking at my face in the mirror. I had freckles on my cheeks below my steel gray eyes, my black hair was down to my shoulder. I looked to be at least half Asian descent. Well I know Asians are not like due to the Great War. I stripped out of my jumpsuit. My breasts were small. What are you going to expect of a 10-year-old. I miss being 22. I looked down and found a dick… I have a DICK?!?! I inspected under my balls to find a clit and vag… Well fuck I'm a futanari. Okay, that's why I'm considered a freak. Know what it's fine. Fuck, I need to fix the UI on my Pip-Boy. I am not dealing with green text for the rest of my life.

6 Years Later

G.O.A.T. Question 10

Who is, indisputably, the most important person in Vault 3, he who shelters us from the harshness of the atomic Wasteland, and to whom we owe everything we have, including our lives?


B: the overseer

C: The Overseer

D: Overseer

I just stared at the test paper. Hmm, how to answer this? A is just being a kiss-ass. B is low-key insulting. C is right, well at least in terms of proper capitalization. D just screams laziness. What to do What to do? Guess I'll just use my D4 for this one. B it is then. 

"Pencils down, people. That's it. The infamous G.O.A.T! I'm sure most of you didn't find it so bad. Others, well, there are always openings in the kitchens. Don't forget to hand in your tests before you leave. You don't want to know what happens to people who "fail" the G.O.A.T. You can have the rest of the day off, to celebrate or pray as the situation warrants." Miss Aliceson

It looks like I'm the fourth one in line. 

"Here you go Miss Aliceson."

"Miss Abbygale Lincoln. Let's take a look. Nicely done. It looks like it's the supervisory track for you." Miss Aliceson

"Thanks see you tomorrow." Abbygale

"Here teach." Ricky

"Ah, Mickey I have looked forward to this day for years. Now Allow me to savor the moment. Now then let's get a look at this. Hmm, little league baseball coach. I am surprised."

"Hey, I can be very attentive in the realm of sports." Ricky

"I'm all done, Miss Alison. Wait a tick I think I might want to change one of my answers."

"Just keep calm Jack. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. Looks like the diner's going to get a new Fry Cook, I'll say it once hold the pickles and extra mustard. Sorry Jack that is how the cookie crumbles."

"Oh Man, my mam is going to kill me."

"Miss Castle. It seems the time has come at last to see the fate that the G.O.A.T has defined." Miss Aliceson

"This is because I used a D4 to answer the last question. Isn't it." 

"You'll be fine Mukuro. Well, well. Pip-Boy Programmer, eh? Vincent will finally have someone to talk shop with." 

"Well, that works fine for me. See you tomorrow Miss Aliceson." 

I walked away from the teacher's desk. To look at my Pip-Boy.


AP 83 HP240 CW 220 Caps 3882 SSC (Sunset Sasperella Caps) 10 EXP 140/200 Level 1

I had managed to grind 3 more SPECIAL points by doing the one-punch man workout for the last six years. I also figured out I can't earn EXP by killing things. I have killed at least 20 Rats not so much a single EXP. Lock-picking and hacking work but I just can't find enough of either to level up. But now that my tag skills are available I should be able to get to level 2 and get lockpick to a point that I can use a magazine to reach 50 points in that skill.

Tag 3 Skills

Barter 8

Energy Weapons 16

Explosives 16

Guns 18

Lockpick 16

Medicine 26

Melee 20

Repair 26

Science 26

Sneak 18

Speech 8

Survival 20

Unarmed 20

Okay I'm tagging Lockpick, Science, and Repair

Barter 8

Energy Weapons 16

Explosives 16

Guns 18

Lockpick 31

Medicine 26

Melee 20

Repair 41

Science 41

Sneak 18

Speech 8

Survival 20

Unarmed 20

I made my way quickly to the maintenance section of Vault 3. I had a date with three terminals and one of my two copies of programmers digest. I quickly used the magazine to temporarily raise my Science skill to 51. I had 5 minutes to hack all three terminals. The first terminal only took me 30 seconds. The second took 2 minutes. And the last one took 10 seconds I kind of got dumb lucky and selected the right password by accident.

(AN: I rolled a d100 for the checks. I was rolling under a 51. I got a 20, 49, and a 8)

[120 EXP]

[Level Up]

[Welcome to Level 2]

[Assing 15 skill Points]

I decided to put 8 into Lockpick, 4 into Speech, and 1 into Sneak, Guns, and Batter.

[Choose 1 Perk]

[Lady Killer] In combat, you do +10% damage against female opponents. Outside of combat, you'll sometimes have access to unique dialogue options when dealing with the opposite sex.

[Comfrimed Bacherlor] In combat, you do +10% damage against male opponents. Outside of combat, you'll sometimes have access to unique dialogue options when dealing with the same sex.

[Cherchez La Femme] In combat, you do +10% damage against female opponents. Outside of combat, you'll sometimes have access to unique dialogue options when dealing with the same sex.

[Black Widow] In combat, you do +10% damage against male opponents. Outside of combat, you'll sometimes have access to unique dialogue options when dealing with the opposite sex.

[Intense Training] 10 ranks left. With the Intense Training perk, you can put a single point into any of your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes.

[Retenion] With the Retention perk, the bonuses granted by skill magazines last three times as long.

[Swift Learner] 3 ranks left. Taking this perk grants a 10% bonus to Experience Points earned per rank.

Well, that's cool. I can get up to 20% damage against everyone. I picked Intense Training and increased my Luck to 9.


AP 83 HP240 CW 220 Caps SSC 10 3882 EXP 60/550 Level 2


Barter 10

Energy Weapons 17

Explosives 17

Guns 20

Lockpick 40

Medicine 27

Melee 20

Repair 42

Science 42

Sneak 20

Speech 13

Survival 21

Unarmed 21


Small Frame

ManCo Supplies

Intense Training Rank 1

I proceeded to run around Vualt 3 picking locks and hacking terminals that I couldn't before. Then I got blue balled hard. 540/550 EXP… FUCKING BS. Now all that's left are the 4 75-point Locks and the one 75-point Terminal. I feel like this is someone's idea of a joke.

2 years later

"We're in big trouble. We don't have the part we need to fix the leak. I have sealed the room with the leak so we won't have to worry about the Vualt flooding. I give us 6 months with rationing before we run out of purified water. I can't make the part we need. I just don't have the right equipment to do so in the Vault. That only really leaves us with two choices. Either we accept this is the end of living here in Vault 3 or we send a team to the surface to salvage or trade for the part we need." Chief Maitents Engineer Vincent Vanmiler

"Very well, I will place Michelle Dalian in charge of a committee of external relations with the outside. Please see her if you wish to join. We shall begin water rationing starting as soon as this meeting is over." Overseer Davis Lincoln

"I don't think it's a good idea to send our people out there. I really think it's a bad idea to have the Vault door open. There can be anything out there. Gangs or murders, monsters, aliens." Micheal Robinson

"Aliens, Robinson I think you are worrying over nothing. I think this tragedy has led us to a new opportunity. The next step if you will. We can make new connections with the settlements outside the Vault. We can finally start getting some new blood into the Vault." George Stault

"You're asking us to put ourselves at risk outsiders can't be trusted." Micheal

"If I may speek Overseer?" I asked

"I see no problem with you doing so Castle." Overseer Davis

"You both have good points. We're going to have to open Vualt 3 to the outside world. But I think we should have some strict requirements for those coming into the Vault. For example a ban on outsiders having weapons that can fire anything bigger than 10mm ammo, no automatic weapons, and no explosives. I hate to think of the damage of collapsed ruble would take to repair. I can also put up some defensive turrets both inside and outside the Vault. We have enough materials for me to make 4 turrets. Ultimately I worried at the possibility of drug addicts and slavors coming here and wiping us out if we look like an easy target. But in the long run, we are going to need more than this one replacement part for the Vault. We're going to need connections to keep this place living." 

[Speech Cheek Sucess]

[25 EXP]

[Level up]

[Meeting People magazine has worn off]

"Verry well as my last act as Overseer of Vault 3 I approve Mukuro Castel's proposal for security arrangements. And with that, this meeting and my term as Overseer to Vault 3 is over. Elections for the next Overseer will be held by the end of the month."

[Welcome to Level 3]

[Assing 15 skill Points]

Well I have the utility jumpsuit that gives a +5 to Lockpick and Repair. So with that in mind. 5 points in Lockpick, 8 points in Science, and the last two points go into Repair. 

[Choose 1 Perk]

[Lady Killer]

[Comfrimed Bacherlor]

[Cherchez La Femme] 

[Black Widow]

[Intense Training] 9 ranks left.


[Swift Learner] 3 ranks left

Sweet a perk per level that makes things nice for me. I picked Intense Training and increased my Endurance to 8.


AP 83 HP260 CW 220 Caps 4589 SSC 15 EXP 15/1050 Level 3


Barter 10

Energy Weapons 17

Explosives 17

Guns 20

Lockpick 45

Medicine 27

Melee 20

Repair 44

Science 50

Sneak 20

Speech 13

Survival 23

Unarmed 23


Small Frame

ManCo Supplies

Intense Training Rank 2

[New Quest Added: Defending The Homefront]

{Set up 4 turrets for Vault 3. To fend off the Feind threat.}

[New Quest Added: Don't Fence Me In]

{Fully leave Vault 3. Sneek out, Join the committee of external relations, or Leave guns ablzing}

"Thank you Miss Castle for at least giving us a fighting chance with your suggestions." Micheal Robinson

"I just brought up concerns and gave some stopgap measures. I'm off to medical to request some medical supplies if things get harry while I'm outside the Vault door." I said hoping to get out of this dialog exchange.

"I'm thinking of running for Overseer." Micheal Robinson

"Well, you have my vote if nothing else. If I might make one suggestion?" 

"Go ahead." Micheal Robinson

"Lean on caution but not outright fear. The world has always been dangerous. But that doesn't mean you can't prepare to weather the worst of it." I left before Robinson could drag more words out of my lips. I think this is a side effect of having a Charm stat of 1. A general unwillingness to speak to others. Or the fact most of my "generation" considers me a freak and has ostracized me.

I made my way to medical. "Doc I need 5 Stimpacks, 4 bottles of Rad-X, 3 bags of Rad-Away, and 2 needles of Med-X. If you would so kindly." 

"Well, I need 2 bottles of whiskey and a day to get over the fact that my boyfriend was cheating on that bitch down in the kitchen." Doc Honny Sucale

"Isn't she your twin sister?" The Doc gave me a look. "3 bottles of whiskey and throw in a Doctor's Bag." I brought out the whiskey.

"Deal." Doc Honny took the bottles and went about getting me the medical supplies. She slipped me a bottle of Buffout and a tin of Fixer. Now it's a good thing you got to me first. I'm sure Michelle Dalian would of sapped most of my supplies for her expedition to the outside world." 

"How long was the line to volunteer?" I asked

"It was 30 people long last I dipped my head to check." Doc Honny

"Well thanks, Doc." I took my supplies and went to my room to gather the materials for the turrets. I sent an Email with the schematics and the controls to the Overseer. It would display when they went only. Well, technically they would display online status 5 minutes after they went online. And I wrote a back door in its code to never shoot me even if the Overseer put me on the not-friendly list. I was sent a confirmation and the code to open the Vualt door. I took a minute to wright a small note stating that I had left to find the missing part. I then gathered my belongings that I wish to take with me and made my way to the Vault door. I started to assemble the turrets. I set one on the ceiling and the other one on the ground outside of the Vualt's Door opening mechanism. 

[50 EXP]

[50 EXP]

Fuck all y'all fuckers in the Fallout 4 and 76. You are lucky to have your workshops or C.A.M.P to help you assemble this kind of shit. No, my Construction PDA is limited to building 1 of each of the Engineer's buildings. Meaning I can't use it for this turret construction project. 

I made my way to the device to open up the Vault door. Enter the code and watched as the door took like 2 minutes to open and 2 minutes to close. I set my Mini-Sentry to protect me as I worked on the turrets. I was going to stop some mean mother Hubbard from tearing me a structurally superfluous behind.

[50 EXP]

[50 EXP]

I finished the two turrets and placed the note on the door with duck tape.

[Quest Complete: Defend The Homefront]

[300 EXP] 

[515/1050 Next Level]

 I packed up the Mini-Sentry and made my to the door that would lead me to the South Vegas Ruins. I took a breath and opened the door.

Jett_Gray_8151 Jett_Gray_8151

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