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42.85% Doctor in ASOIAF / Chapter 2: Beginnings

Capítulo 2: Beginnings

A/N I saw this style in another book and thought it would fit well in this one. If the author wants me to take it down, I'll probably do it.

The dates are from the books (wiki)


(3rd Person POV)

- 105 AC - 

"What are you reading, Rhaenyra?", the young and rather charming voice of Allicent Hightower was heard as she approached the Targaryen Princess in the garden. 

Rhaenyra looks up from her book and smiles when she sees her friend sitting next to her. 

"It's a book that caught my interest. 'Diseases and how to cure them', from someone called Shinji Urahara ..."

"Shinji? What a strange name. Why the sudden interest in diseases? Is it because of your mother?", Allicent asks and Rhaenyra nods. 

"Yes. Mother's condition was discussed during the Small Council yesterday and I heard Lord Larys Strong tell Father that we should ask someone with the name Kisuke Urahara to look after Mother. Grand Maester Runciter was vehemently against it for some reason."

"Kiske Uaraha? I have never heard that name before. Is he a Maester as well?", Allicent asks. 

"Kisuke Urahara. From what I gathered, he is something like a Maester or a healer. But Grand Maester Runciter despises the entire Urahara family for some reason. He called them, evil sorcerers.", Rhaenyra says. 

"Evil sorcerers. And someone from that family wrote that book? Then why would His Grace keep that book?", Allicent asks. 

"I asked Father that as well, but he assured me that this Kisuke Urahara is not evil and instead a brilliant healer. He doesn't know much, but apparently, there was some feud between Kisuke and ... Aegon Targaryen."

"What?! About what? Do you know?", Allicent asks, suddenly interested in the 'gossip'. 

"Well, Aegon's elder sister, Visenya was the reason for the dispute, but no one knows for sure what happened. It is however rumoured that Visenya broke her engagement to Aegon and married Kisuke Urahara."

"WHAT?! That's... that's unbelievable.", Allicent blushes at her outburst. 

"I know. That's why I decided to read the book, but it is terribly dry for my tastes. And I don't understand anything really."


"Well, almost."

"Should we read something?", Allicent asks. Her interest has been awakened. 

"Sure, let's do that. I was just trying to get through the Greyscale chapter. We could do that one."

"Yes, let us try it."

"Alright then ...

||Chapter 27 - Greyscale


Greyscale is a disease that can leave flesh stiff and dead, and the skin cracked and flaking, mottled black and grey and stone-like to the touch.


Greyscale is one of the many virulent diseases common in Sothoryos. Cold, damp climates like the Iron Islands and Dragonstone are also prone to the disease, and it is a danger for those travelling down the Rhoyne through the Sorrows.

Greyscale generally affects children, especially in cold damp climates. The afflicted flesh stiffens, calcifies, and cracks. The victims are disfigured but also rendered immune to the fatal form of greyscale, or the rare swift epidemic form of the disease known as grey plague.



The mortal form of greyscale begins by affecting the extremities, noticeable only by a blackened fingertip or loss of sensation. As numbness creeps up a person's arms or legs, the flesh stiffens and grows cold, and the victim's skin will turn grey, resembling stone.

It is also possible for someone to turn to stone from the inside out, starting with their heart and lungs, with no visible symptoms on the extremities.

Blindness is common when the stone reaches the face. The tongue and lips also turn to stone, causing difficulties with breathing. In the final stages, the curse turns inward, affecting muscles, bones, and inner organs. Although the disease is supposedly not painful, near the end, all victims go mad.

If a person has been exposed to greyscale, they can prick each of their toes and fingers every day with a knife to check for infection. So long as the pricks hurt, they are safe. It is only when they cannot feel the blade that they will have cause to fear that they have contracted greyscale.

-> Warning: Don't do that on your own. The risk for infection is too high if you have Greyscale Type III. 



No matter what the Maesters from Oldtown want to make the world believe, Greyscale is not a curse of any kind. It is a simple infection caused by a DNA virus from the Papillomaviridae family.

Kisuke Urahara calls the virus: griseo papilloma. Or Grey papillomavirus infection (GPV).



Maesters say greyscale's progress can be stayed by limes, mustard poultices, and scalding-hot baths.

Septons insist that prayer, sacrifice, and fasting are the cure.

It is also colloquially believed that severing any affected appendages may stop the disease from spreading, but this treatment is not always effective. 

-> Warning: DO NOT DO THAT!!

I will Quote Kisuke Urahara here:

'The idiots in Oldtown think they know everything, but the truth is that they don't. These old incompetent debil... (more curses) ... men need a lesson in humility. 

Cutting away the greyscales only hurt like a bi*** and doesn't do anything. Never cut off an appendage for no reason. I could go on a cursing spree here (he did). But I digress. 

I found the simplest way to treat GPV is either Gentherapy or ingesting the perfectly named 'Rubber Potion'. Both of them get the job done. Gene therapy is a more interesting solution and can assure that the genome is cured entirely, while the 'Rubber Potion' only cures the individual. The descendants still can develop Greyscale during their lives.' 

- Kisuke Urahara||


"Wow ... I didn't understand anything except Greyscale and that this Kisuke Urahara doesn't like the Maesters.", Allicent says after Rhaenyra finishes the chapter on Greyscales. 

"I know what you mean."

"Is there nothing on this Kisuke Urahara personally? Like his life or some history.", Allicent asks. 

"Not in this book. Oh, I have an idea. We could go ahead and read something about Aegon Targaryen and find something on his sister Visenya."

"You're right. Then we could see if there is more about the rumours of Visenya's and Kisuke's marriage.", Allicent says excitedly.

"Yes. If that were the case, I could have more very distant cousins."

"Let's go."



(Aemma Targaryen née Arryn POV)

I look at my husband as he listens to Grand Maester Runciter say hateful things about Kisuke Urahara. I have heard about Urahara from my good mother once. She told me that Alysanne Targaryen, my grandmother, was granted a 'favour' from Visenya Targaryen when she was still alive. 

Visenya Targaryen, the elder sister of Aegon apparently married this Kisuke Urahara, according to my grandmother. This caused a terrible feud between Aegon and Kisuke. I don't know much and my mother told me to keep the 'favour' a secret until I would desperately need it. 

The favour is a small coin that holds House Urahara's insignia. 


"Uuugghh ...", I wince in pain. I don't know what is going on, but the pain I am feeling is giving me a bad premonition. Viserys desperately wishes for the babe to be a boy, in order for him to have an heir. I just hope that we both survive the birth. 

Viserys timed a great royal tournament to be held on the due date of my pregnancy, to celebrate the planned birth of his son and heir. I wonder what he will do if the babe is a girl. 

"I am telling you, Your Grace. It is not good to invite such an evil sorcerer to the Red Keep. Her Grace needs help from an experienced Maester and I am perfectly capable of helping.", Grand Maester Runciter says. 

"I know your opinion on the matter, but that doesn't make me any less optimistic. I can see the declining health in my wife and I am worried. Having a second opinion on the matter wouldn't hurt anyone.", Viserys says. 

"But your grace, you mustn't. What if he plans to do something to Her Grace?"

"What is he going to do here? I will think on the matter a bit longer and then decide, depending on how Aemma's condition progresses.", Viserys says and looks at me.

I smile at him weakly. 

"As you wish, Your Grace."


I have heaved my body into a bath after a rather stressful day. This is the last thing that gives me a sliver of relaxation. Everything else is just painful and heavy. The pain never really goes away and I fear for my child. 

The door opens and I hear Viserys coming in. 

"You spend more time in that bath than I do on the throne.", he says. I don't open my eyes and answer. 

"This is the only place I can find comfort these days."

He puts his hands in the water to feel the temperature. 

"It's tepid. It's as warm as the Maesters will allow."

"Don't they know Dragons prefer heat?", he asks me. 

"... After this miserable pregnancy, I wouldn't be surprised if I hatched an actual Dragon.", I say. 

"And he will be loved and cherished.", he replies again insinuating that it will be a boy. 

"Rhaenyra has already declared that she is to have a sister.", I smile when I remember our talk. 


"She even named her."

"Dare I ask?"

"Visenya.", I smile when I remember the name and the reason why my daughter wants to call the babe that. 


"She chose the dragon's egg for the cradle that she said reminded of Vhegar.

"God be good. This family already has its Visenya."

"She also said that she wanted to have her sister to be as free-spirited as Visenya was rumoured to be."

"*Sigh* Yes, that's exactly why we could never name her that. We wouldn't want to repeat what happened back then.", he says surprising me with the hidden knowledge. There are a lot of secrets concerning the Targaryen House. And there are even more secrets, about House Urahara.

"Anything you want to share?"

"Not at the moment.", he says. 

"Has there been any word from your dear brother?", I ask him. 

"Not since I named him commander of the City Watch. I'm sure he will reemerge for the tourney. He could never stay away from the lists."

"The tourney ... to celebrate the firstborn son that we presently do not have. You do understand that nothing will cause the babe to grow a c*ck if it doesn't already possess one.", I say in slight jest.

"This child is a boy, Aemma.", he tells me and I smile at his optimism. 

"I'm certain of it. I've never been more certain of anything. ... The dream ... it was clearer than a memory. Our son was born wearing Aegon's iron crown. I heard the sound of thundering hooves, splintering shields and ringing swords ... and I placed our son up on the Iron Throne as the sounds of the Grand Septon and all the Dragons roared as one.", he tells me of his dream. 

"Born wearing a crown ... God spare me. Birth is unpleasant enough as it is.", I tell him. 


"This is the last time, Viserys. I've lost one babe in the cradle, had two stillbirths and two pregnancies that ended well before their turn. That's five, in twice as many years. I know it is my duty to provide an heir and I am sorry. I have failed you in that ... But I mourned all the dead children like you.", I tell him. 

He looks at me with an expression that speaks of regret and pity. I know how much he hopes for a son and heir. But I am at my wit's end. I can't do this anymore. 


"Ah ...", I exclaim as a sudden pain shoots through my body. 

"Love, is everythi-"

"AHHHHHHH.", I scream in pain. 

"Call the Maester, NOW!!", I hear Viserys scream. 



(Viserys POV)

I watch as the Grand Maester does something and gives Aemma something to drink. Her pain seems to be worse this time and sweat runs down her beautiful face. 

After everyone has left the room, I sit next to our bed and hold her hand. I can't help but worry for my son. I saw him in my dream. It was so clear. It won't be long now and I will be damned if I don't see it happen. 

"Viserys ...", I hear the soft whisper of Aemma's voice as she desperately tries to open her eyes. 

"I'm here my love. Relax now, I will keep watch over you."


I hear the door open slowly and Rhaenyra steps into the room. She has an ashen white complexion. It seems she was worried greatly. She kneels next to the bed and holds Aemma's other hand. 

"Mother ... how are you?"

"Better now, love. Listen ... Viserys."

"Don't speak, Aemma.", I try to stop her. 

"Rhaenyra ... in the secret compartment ... to the left of the table ... a coin.", Aemma whispers and causes me to frown. A coin? Secret compartment? What is she talking about?

Rhaenyra stands up and walks to the wall, next to the table in the back. She touches the wall and then pulls out a slightly smaller slab, surprising me. I had no idea there was a secret place there. 

Rhaenyra comes back with a small coin in hand. She gives it to Aemma, but she motions for me to take it. I look at the coin and frown. I know this insignia ... House Urahara. Why would-

"My mother gave it to me ... years ago ...", Aemma whispers.

"Daella? But why?"

"No, my good mother ... your mother ... Alyssa."

"Mother gave this to you? But why and what is it?"

"A favour ... given from Visenya. She told me ... *Urgh* ... told me ... that it is a favour from House Urahara ... just have to give the ... coin."

I understand. Alysanne Targaryen of the was granted a favour from Visenya in the form of this coin and this was then passed down to the Queens of Westeros. For her to use it now, it can only mean, she feels that something terrible is happening. 

"What do you want me to do?"

"Take the coin ... to the Head of House ... Urahara ... he will come."

"The head of House Urahara?! Are you certain? I am not sure I can do that. This ought to cause a lot of chaos in court.", I sigh when I hear that. 

"Please ... Viserys. For me ..."

I look at her and then sigh. She's right. My son will die otherwise and we can't have that happen under any circumstance. I will have it done.

"I will get to it right away, my love. Trust me.", I say and then stand up and leave the room. This could lead to problems. But I am willing to do anything as long as my son is born. 

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