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42.85% Baseball Gatcha system / Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Tattoos and 2 months result training

Capítulo 12: Chapter 12: Tattoos and 2 months result training

Catherine Rose P.O.V

Like every morning I start the day by washing my face and brushing my teeth before going to the kitchen to make myself a coffee, as I was waiting for my coffee I took out my phone to check on the latest news and to check what was the precision for today's weather after taking my coffee I walked toward the dining table to sip on it while finishing reading the news but as I was about to sit down I notice a note left on the table. The content of the note left by my son left me puzzled I felt that something was amiss but I couldn't pinpoint what it was so I closed the Nashville news app and called my son

'' Hi Mom good morning '' answers Stephen 

'' Hi son, so can you explain to me what is happening?''

'' Well as I said on the note Sean is having a LAN party and I was invited I always declined before but I felt like coming this time and if you do not know what a LAN party is, it's just a bunch of online friends getting together and playing games all day and night and that made us able to know what the people we talk so often with online looks like so that we can put a face on the voice so to speak'' my son said 

'' Are there any adults there watching over you, the parents of... Sean are they present'' I asked my son 

''Urgh no.. but his big sister is there she is an adult'' responded Steph after a little hesitation

'' I want to talk to her'' I said to my son 

''Alright wait a moment'' said Steph 

I was starting to lose my patience but after 1 minute I heard a woman's voice coming out of my phone I talked to this girl who was called Aina for a bit and everything seemed alright I had no reason to ask Stephen to come back home so I just told him to be polite and to have fun before I ended the call but I was still feeling that something wasn't quite right ... or maybe it was because it was the first time Stephen would sleep here at home and that made me anxious, sigh child won't stop growing I thought suddenly feeling like getting back to sleep

Aina Jennings P.O.V ( 'P' Valkyries )

When Sean told me what he was about to do today I wasn't pleased with it. I knew it was his friend and they'd been gaming together for 8 years already but I wasn't a fan of tattooing an underage boy I just didn't understand what had gotten into him we've known each other for more than 16 years and been together for 13 years and it would be the first time he would do something like that 

Then the kid came in I had the urge to tease him when he asked me if I was also a tattoo artist I responded to him planning on being sarcastic and shutting the idea that was forming in his head down but he told me about the tattoo he wanted to do I understood ... fate did her job I sent us the perfect canvas I was so excited that I started dancing on the spot 

We then all shifted into the kitchen to continue our talk at some point Sean was about to ask me to get our drawing tablets but before he could finish his phrase I was already running toward our home tattoo studio coming back toward the kitchen my reason was slowly coming back and I start thinking about if it was really a good idea to do this but my thoughts got stopped in their tracks when I heard Stephen talking. This kid wasn't doing this on impulse he really had thought about it all my fear and worries flew out the window and I was ready to give him the best work I had ever done so far 

Just as I was about to make my presence known Stephen's cell phone began ringing and I heard Steph ask my boyfriend to back his lie up which almost made me laugh out loud but then I heard him calling me a big sister and it almost made me choke on my own saliva 'what is this kid saying all of sudden' I thought

'' AINA WE NEED YOU'' shouted Stephen without knowing I was right behind him

'' Don't yell I'm right here and I heard everything you got Guts to get me involved in this mess humph'' I said taking the phone from his hand

After hanging up with Stephen's mother who sounded like a really nice and caring woman I looked at Sean and Stephen before sitting back at my spot

''I really thought you would back out from this '' said my boyfriend with his left eyebrows shooting up in with quizzical gaze

'' I really thought about it but then I heard our little Ace 'P' story and I changed my mind ill do it and since called me big sister I need to act like one since I can't be your big sister I will be his, you know this is gonna hurt hahaha'' I said looking toward Stephen with an evil smile

''BIG SIS don't do this to me I'm too young to die hahaha'' said Stephen in a theatrical manner before bursting into laughter

'' HAHAHA shut up drama queen, alright Sean let's get started I'll start with his drawing his chest and sleeve piece while you can start working on the abstract lotus flower once I'm done on my side you can start tweaking my design to make it more abstract while I start tattooing his flower I'll only do the line work and let the filling and shading to you. Once the lining is done you should also have finished putting your touch on my design so we can both tattoo at the same time I will start with his sleeve once you're done with the flower you can start by his shoulder and continue with the chest and we'll meet in the middle, sounds like a plan? Oh I forgot to ask which arm will have the sleeve and which arm will have the lotus '' I asked Sean laying down my plan and asking Steph about the placement of his tattoos 

'' My left arm for the sleeve and my right forearm for the lotus'' said Stephen back to his serious look

'' Alright, Sean bought a new razor for him to use on you but since we have a huge workload it would help us if you could do this step yourself, Sean give him the razor and show him where the bathroom is. Stephen be sure to shave all body hair you have on your chest and left arm also don't forget your right forearm I have a very important question to ask are you hell-bent on the Celtic style honestly with your features Japanese style would suit you more I think if you trust me I'm sure you'll love my design? '' I know that Sean was more of a laidback style of person so in a situation like this I had to take matters into my own hands or our workflow would be a mess 

''You're the artist here I trust your judgment I'm not a closedminded person I'm sure you both know better than me and since I love anime and mangas I have no problem with a Japanese-style tattoo, I just like how the Celtic style looks at first but getting something more Japenese actually add more meaning to it, I love it lets do that'' said Stephen getting excited the more he thought about my idea

Sean Jennings P.O.V

Well, the day didn't go the way I thought it would at all, I always knew that Stephen was more mature than kids his age with all the interaction we had I could tell this much I just didn't think he would be... like this to be honest I was surprise. There was a certain aura coming out of him that made me like him instantly, confidence was oozing out of him with every move he was making but weirdly I couldn't feel an ounce of arrogance this kid was an enigma 

Between my girlfriend and I, she was the spiritual one but even I had to believe in fate at this point how could the perfect guy appear all of a sudden just after we talked about doing a project together we always had this wish but we never said it out loud before, it's like when we finally talked about it out loud our words got caught in the wind of fate and Stephen heard it, really bizarre

I thought that Aina would back out after realizing that Stephen was still a minor but to my surprise, she was still on board with the project I'm not the only one who has taken a liking to this kid it seems even as a joke I never heard her call herself big sister until today and once my wife decided something she does it with a 200% effort so I was not surprised when she took the lead in fact this is one of the reasons I love this girl so much I thought with a smile

''Well follow me Ace 'P' the bathroom is right there the razor is right there still in his package, shave the area that needs shaving then you can take a quick shower after this just go into the living room and watch some TV or turn my computer on and play some Warzone game until we are done I don't mind'' I said to him while going back to join my wife in the kitchen

Stephen Rose P.O.V

After shaving myself and taking a quick shower I made my way toward the living room sat on Sean's gaming chair then turned his computer on I was midway through my first Warzone game when I heard a buzzing sound coming from the intercom right beside the door

'' STEPHEN PRESS THE BUTTON TO LET THE DELIVERY GUY IN'' yelled Aina from somewhere in the apartment 

I walked to the door and pressed the button with the label 'OPEN' on it I held it for 5 seconds before letting it go and since I would need to open the door when the delivery guy was here I didn't sit back in front of the computer but I opened the door and waited leaning on the doorjamb. After waiting for 30 seconds the elevator door opened and a guy wearing an Uber Eat t-shirt with 2 big plastic bags stepped out of it and stopped in front of me 

'' Here is your order Sir, 42.60$ please '' he said while putting the bags down

''Oh I'm... alright here is 50 the remaining is your tip thank you!'' I said to him I was about to say that it wasn't for me but with the factor Sean and Aina were doing me I didn't think that paying for breakfast was a big deal

taking the bags inside and closing the door I brought the food to the kitchen and started unpacking the food to help them I started searching and found where they kept their forks spoon and knives and took one of each and put them on the table next to the food

''GUYS FOOD IS THERE'' I shouted waiting for them to come to the kitchen

Aina was the first to come in instantly followed by Sean

'' Awnn you even took out forks for us you really treat this big sister well'' said Aina picking up her food while she was still drawing on her tablet with her other hand

''Of course which kind of little brother I would be if I didn't take care of you '' I said in a joking manner, little did I know Aina was really starting to like being called a big sister by me

''Sigh, let me tell you Stephen, Aina never called herself big sister even as a joke before she might really take this role seriously if you continue this little play'' Sean said with a sigh while I could see Aina a light blush on her cheeks

''Hmm I don't mind having a big sister like her I don't have siblings would be great to have a big sister like her that would make you the big brother hahaha'' I said half serious I felt a real connection with these two 

'' Alright it's decided you need to text your big sister at least once a day from now on and come visit us at least once a week ... I'm not hungry right now I'll go back to drawing'' said Aina with her face growing redder by the seconds before swiftly walking away

'' HAHAHA you've done it now kid your stuck she won't let you back out from this I can tell, but ahhaha I hadn't seen her blush like this in a very long time. Man today is sure a great day'' said Sean laughing and eating at the same time 

''I'm going back to your PC I didn't watch A's game last night I want to watch it now tell me when you need me'' I said preparing myself to stand up before Sean stopped me

'' Look at this before you go is it to your liking, I know it's a little bit bigger than you probably thought but I thought that it would be a good fit with your left arm getting a full sleeve if we go too small it will just look wack also we forgot to ask but do you want black and gray tattoos or you want some colors?'' said Sean showing me the drawing of the lotus flower and god did it was 10x better than I had imagine 

'' Wow that's awesome it's perfect also I want green all shades of greens I don't want black and grey I want green and greener Hahaha'' I said while laughing at my own bad joke

'' Hmm, indeed I hadn't thought about it but using only green but in different shades ... damn it why have I never thought of this before this is brilliant... I need to add color to this, Aina you won't believe what idea Stephen just got'' said Sean leaving his food there without a care in the world

Sigh, can't believe they are acting more like a kid than me, I'm pretty sure I'll be just as excited when I'll start playing baseball games too I thought packing the food and putting it into the fridge before going back in front of the computer to watch A's game and highlights from yesterday other MLB game

30 minutes later they both came to the living room showing me the work they had done Aina's drawing was a lot prettier than what I had in mind in the first place, good thing I listened to her because this style indeed was more pleasing to the eye I thought after getting my approval Sean got back to drawing but on Aina,s drawing this time while Aina brought me to their studio and ask me to sit down for her to start doing the line work of the lotus drawing that Sean had finish 

Then began my day of pain I knew it would hurt but god damn it, knowing something and living it is two different worlds. I endured clenching my teeth and didn't let out a sound. At some point, Sean came back and I had to take off my shirt when they started working again the pain was doubled fortunately my body became numb to the pain after an hour in and I wasn't feeling my arms anymore while I was getting tattooed I was thinking about my skill IronMan would the skill heal me faster since it seems that this skill wasn't allowing me to get hurt ... only time will tell I guessed

We took a break for lunch and dinner but the rest of the time I was at the mercy of their tattoo machines the last drop of ink going into my skin happened at 3 in the morning a work that would have taken at least 40 hours for a single tattoo artist took a little bit over 18 hours of work at some point I must have fallen asleep because Sean worked me up and told me to stand up. Aina put some ointment on me and then wrapped my tattoos in a kind of plastic wrap before bringing me to their guest bedroom and telling me to sleep on the back and to move as little as possible

I was so tired and exhausted that as soon as my body hit the bed I got back to sleep right away I didn't wake up until 10 am. I was ready to feel sore and my arms to hurt me like hell but the only thing I was feeling was a slightly itchy feeling, I made my way toward the bathroom and took off the plastic wrap that Aina had put on me last night I did this in the bathtub because I could see a great amount of ink at accumulated under the wrap 

After taking everything off I looked at my tattoos and sure enough I was right my skin had healed overnight ... now that might be a problem I can't show this to Aina and Sean I thought so I quietly got into the kitchen and left a note for my new big sis... before sneaking out of the building entering my car and driving off to Nolensville damn it I'm late for training and I don't have food for Old Smith I thought 

Even if I was this late I didn't take the risk of seeding with my car I stopped at one of our family restaurants and took food to go before making my way to my old elementary school, I ate lunch with Old Smith before telling him that starting this week I would only be able to come to eat with him once a week since I would train a lot more than before after getting done with my runs my Mom called me to know if I was still at Sean,s place I told her that was in route to Showtime Sports Academy for my training and that I would be home for dinner, not long after Aina called me really upset that I had left without saying a word and told me that I had given them too much money, with the note I had also left 4000$ after trying to pacify her for 30 minutes she finally seems to be less angry I told her that my baseball training would take most of my time and that I would be able to come to see them until a month later I could feel that she was sad but she felt better after making me promise to text her everyday.

Then started my crazy training schedule morning runs, yoga then I would drive to the Academy and do 4 hours of bat training 2 hours of pitching training go hit the gym across the street for weight training after a month of training my Mom had to buy me new clothes because I was getting too big and I had grown again I was standing at 6''2 while my wingspan was at 6''6 but its also at that time that my Mother found out about my tattoos she was so mad at me that she didn't talk to me for a week straight of course the first thing she asked me after a week was were did I got this done but I said nothing which led to another week of silence from her until my Dad had to step up and calm my mother down since the deed was done there was nothing they could do about it and after a good talk with my Mother which led me to tell her almost the same thing I had said to Sean and Aina she wasn't angry at me anymore but disappointed that I had bottled up all those feelings for so long 

And now here I was looking at myself in the mirror today was the first day of the new school year and baseball tryouts would start after school today it was the first time since the start of the summer that I was looking at myself like this, I couldn't believe just how much of a change I had gone through besides my family I doubt that people will recognize me, this is just perfect I thought with a smile. (Image of Stephen here) 

''STEPHEN IF YOU DONT LEAVE NOW YOU'LL BE LATE'' yelled my Mother from downstairs

''You've waited for this all summer, you got this Ace 'P' '' I said to my reflection in the mirror before putting on a t-shirt and my A's cap I got for my birthday grabbing my bag on the floor and my keys that were on my desk and walk toward the stairs

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