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10.52% Honkai Impact 3rd: I and Herrsecher of Sentience / Chapter 2: Chapter 1: You thought it was Fu Hua? No! It is me! Fu Xuan!

Capítulo 2: Chapter 1: You thought it was Fu Hua? No! It is me! Fu Xuan!

¹March 24, 2014, Nagazora City.

In a small room, a young boy stood before a mirror, his long gray hair cascading down to his waist, his bright blue eyes filled with confusion. "Is this some sort of joke?" he muttered to himself, peering at his reflection.

After a brief pause, he examined his body once more. Hmm, his slender frame lacked the muscle of a man's and resembled that of a girl's.

"And why do I look like Fu Hua?" he exclaimed, clutching his head in frustration. "Where did my masculine body go?"

No, in the first place… "How did this even happen in the first place?" He tried recalling the pieces of what happened before this 'transmigration.'

What's more shocking, is the purple lines that spread in a certain pattern all around his body, but he felt that he could control them at will, other informations that he didn't even know about was in his brain.

"Ugh…" He groaned in frustration before pursing his lips, looking over to his bed. "What timeline am I even in, in the first place?" He muttered before walking to the bed near the mirror, pulling out his phone.


[Breaking news.]

[Famous celebrity, Ji Dong'an was assassinated, the Chinese government mourns for her death.]

[ME president Raiden Ryoma has been arrested by the police for economic fraud of $3.4 billion, removed from the position of president of the ME corp.]

Looking at the trending news on his phone, the young boy—Fu Xuan—nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"There are still some days left before the third collapse, but what shall I do in the meantime?" Fu Xuan muttered, holding his chin before dismissing his thoughts stretching his lithe body. 'Wow, this body is really light.'

After a light stretch, he sat down back on his bed in contemplation. What he's now worried about, is what he should do.

He's a counterpart of someone that already exists in this world could mess with this world's timeline and other stuff like that, plus with his control of Honkai energy, there is—


[The Omnipotent item system has been bound to the host.]

"I… Spoke too soon." With a wry smile, Fu Xuan looked at the blue panel in front of him with a wry smile. 'Just what sort of Chinese fanfic did I get transmigrated too?'

Fu Xuan rubbed his forehead, but judging from its name, this system is the answer to all problems.


[The system has detected a foreign aura around the host.]

[A foreign entity has been detected.]



[Capture completed.]

Fu Xuan looked at the system, puzzled, 'A foreign entity?' After pursing for a few second, he spoke out to the system, "Uhm… System?"

He called out… However, … "It's not sentient?" He tilted his head the sides before sighing in relief.

However, his relief was short-lived as he heard muffled sounds followed by an arrogant voice in his head. "W-what? HEY! You can't… No- wait! I'M THE HO—" The rest were muffled sounds.

Fu Xuan paused, hearing an arrogant voice in his head before it was muffled. 'This voice... Don't tell me.' At this moment, Fu Xuan had a bad premonition in his mind. 'Herrsecher of Sentience?'

Fu Xuan thought, however, before he could even come up with a train of thought—

"—LET-ME-GO!" Her voice grew even louder, which made Fu Xuan wince. 'She can hear my thoughts?' Fu Xuan thought, his brows furrowed.

Certainly, the restrained Herrsecher wasn't liking her situation. "THAT'S-RIGHT! LET-ME- GO!"

"All right, just... relax. Calm down," Fu Xuan said suddenly, rising from his bed and gesturing as if to calm someone down, however, the only thing was that, there was nobody in front of him.

If people had seen this, they would think he has gone crazy. 'System… Release her.'

"W-what? I-I'm free?" As the restraint on her lifted, the Herrsecher let out a sigh, her hand on her chest in relief. She then directed her frustration towards Fu Xuan.

"Old antique! What was that?" The restraint placed on her was strong, wait, "In the first place, when and why am I here?"

"Wait…" The Herrsecher's voice trailed off before she continued, her tone puzzled, "You... you're not her, but you look like her? What's going on? Have I gone senile? Surely not!"

Fu Xuan coughed slightly, he had an inkling what might have been going on… Him transmigrating as a male Fu Hua, and Senti's appearance? Was it a wish he made?

Surely not?

"Well. For some reason, I look like her, but I'm not her… as for the details… even I don't know, so don't expect any genius answer from me."

"H-huh? You really aren't her…" Senti's voice trailed off as her attention shifted to a blue panel in front of Xuan. "Ah! Is that the thing that restrained the great me!? How humiliating!" she exclaimed indignantly.

"Watch how I deal with you too!"

'…' At this point, Xuan felt a headache welling up. 'System… She can see you too?'


[The Herrsecher of Sentience has been bound to the host [Soul Contract]. It's only natural.]

'…' If there was a thing or two, Xuan has learnt from what the system said, is that. Senti is currently bound to him through a contract, second is that the system is bound to him on a soul level type of something.

People who aren't connected through a [Soul Contract] with him wouldn't be able to see the system, which is a good thing.

But why was Senti here now? It was still far from the time she should make her debut.


"Hey!" Fu Xuan heard Sentience's voice yelling at him from inside his head. 'She's annoying…' His thoughts trailed off as her voice interrupted again.

"HEY! Who's annoying! Why am I stuck with you? Wait. Are you saying that I'm not just stuck here, but bound to you? For how long!?"

Of course, she had also heard his thoughts, as currently, she is actually inside him. With a sigh, Fu Xuan contemplated his next course of action.

"Unfortunately, even I don't have the answers to your questions. If you have any, tell them to that thing," he said, pointing at the blue panel in front of him.

"Regardless, we're stuck together for the time being. Even I too have lots of questions—"


[Herrscher Core acquired.]

Fu Xuan: '…'

Sentience: "…."

The notification from the system caused both Fu Xuan and Sentience to fall into silence, lost in contemplation for a long while.

'Am I going to be stuck here… forever…?' The great Herrscher of Sentience was gripped by an existential crisis.

First, encountering someone who resembled her host.

Second, being restrained by whatever that blue thing Xuan called the "System."

Third, being bound to the same person, with no means of releasing the binding. And now, the new host had acquired her Herrscher Core!

Senti wanted to cry.

Similarly, just as Senti could hear his thoughts, Fu Xuan was also privy to hers.

'Haah… This is tough, on both of us, Senti.' Xuan too had his own thoughts, but he interrupted them. "What do you say we co-exist like this… until we find a solution, and besides…." His voice trailed off as he pointed at the blue panel.

"This thing looks interesting, you wouldn't be bored in the meantime, right?" In the end, Senti is Senti, she has a somewhat childish and free-spirited character.

Ah of course, that didn't mean she's not dangerous still.

However, with her bound to him, she wouldn't be able to harm him, as it would cause both harm to them.

But then, what would happen to the original Fu Hua's character development? Well, Fu Xuan wouldn't mind playing the villain to give her character development.

Regardless of that, he suddenly had the urge to burst into St. Freya and shout in Fu Hua's face: "Fu Hua! You thought Senti was yours? No! She is no longer yours! She's mine! Fu Xuan's."

"Hey! I'm not yours!" Senti retorted loudly, hearing his mind's voice.

'Ahh… I forgot she can hear my mind's voice…' Just as both had finally finished with their own thoughts.

Well, it wasn't even a secret to each other, since they both heard their mind voices.

[Treasure chest obtained.]

[Treasure chest is ranged from common to conceptual-level items. What hosts gets from the chest are entirely up to luck.]

[FGO type of luck shii.]

Bringing their attention back to the blue panel, Xuan wryly smiled. "My luck hasn't always been good… Senti, please do the honors." He bowed exaggeratedly.

"Hmph! Leave it to me! Let me see what fun will come out!" Senti's character changed dramatically, her body materializing outside of Xuan's as she reached toward the blue panel.

Seeing this, Xuan's eyes widened, and he stretched out his hand to stop her before she could touch the panel. "Wait… So, you can do this?"

"Hmm? I see you're still in a daze. If you're not ready, it's simple. I'll do it for you! Believe in my luck!" Senti slapped away Xuan's hand, which had been pinching and stretching her cheeks, before turning toward the panel.

"Now then… SSR, come out for me!"

"Wait! What are you doing! You have to pray to the RNGesus first!"


"Wait… Something's coming out!"


[Editor's Note]:

At the end of each chapter, there would be this section to show some inconsistent plots I notice or what changes are made.

¹ — First, the author got the damn timeline wrong. What I got in the wiki was:

[On November 16, 2013, Ryoma was arrested on charges of economic fraud. He was accused of illegally financing 3.4 billion USD under the cover of a high frequency electromagnetic field research and development project, which was abruptly terminated]

² — I made the system non-sentient, but can still answer some basic questions and stuff the host asks. One line the system said was: 

[This system is going to chase drama, don't contact me if you have nothing to do....] So, I removed this.

Should I continue to do this? I think some don't like it. I'm not using it to spite the OG author. Just wanna show you that I'm ready to take on the brain rot for your safe readings.

Ley_Fay Ley_Fay

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