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77.77% Fate/Marvel: Chaldea Descent / Chapter 19: Who?

Capítulo 19: Who?

( 3rd POV )


Magneto's confused voice broke the silence that followed Ken's revelation. The X-Men, who had just arrived a few meters away, wore the same puzzled expression as Magneto.

"We are from an organization called Chaldea. It's normal that you haven't heard of us because we don't usually interfere with the world casually," Ken began, his tone calm and measured. "What you need to know is that our purpose is to prevent the extinction of the human race and the Earth itself. And yes, this includes every human, including mutants, Inhumans, or what we categorize as metahumans."

"So, does that girl have the power of a mutant?" Storm asked, pointing to Mash.

"No, my power comes from myths and legends of the past," Mash replied, shaking her head. Her voice was soft but clear, leaving little hint about the nature of her abilities.

Ken continued to explain Chaldea's mission, unfazed by the intense gazes and camera lenses focused on him. However, his speech was interrupted by Hank McCoy, whose curiosity was evident in his voice.

"Inhumans? What are they? I've never heard of such a group before. And what do you mean by metahumans?" Hank asked.

"Oh, right. You guys don't know about them..." Ken realized that this knowledge was not common even among the X-Men. He replied to Hank other question, trying to divert the topic. "Anyways, we call you metahumans because it's a more inclusive term. Metahumans are humans who either possess a genetic abnormality, like the X-gene, or have undergone some process that grants them abilities beyond those of ordinary people, like you and even Captain America."

Hank nodded in understanding, though a boy with red sunglasses standing nearby commented, "But mutant sounds cooler than metahumans..." 

Ken who heard his word only spared him a glance before he continues his word. "So, did you think the name that straight out pulled from a children horror book is good to represent your new group of people? Suit yourselves then." He said while shrugging his shoulder in a nonchalant manner.

The X-Men, NYPD, civilians, and even Magneto were dumbfounded by Ken words. They feel dumbfounded because the amount of knowledge adds with what he said is weirdly make senses and even sounds more scientific compared to whatever mutants is. 

A sound of clapping echoed from above, drawing everyone's attention. Magneto, unexpectedly amused, was smiling as he clapped. "Magnificent. Metahumans is indeed a more appropriate term for our kind compared to what the idiot Charles named us. I'll gladly take your suggestion, young man."

Erik said before he changed is expression once again to the serious one while still staring at Ken. "I understand your organization purpose, but why would you stop me? If what you said is true about preventing the extinction and protecting our kinds, then why stop us? Why did you let that red samurai women to attack us?" He asked in more serious tone that make a tense atmosphere back. 

"Mr. Erik, I think you didn't comprehend my words clearly. First, Mash beside me stopping your attack on civilians because it was indiscriminate, you didn't know if there is a possible metahumans who are just afraid and trying to hide in there or those who are still unawaken, so your action is unnecessary. 

Secondly, Ushiwakamaru is doing her job perfectly. She's stopping any metahumans attacking the city and its citizens, saving them as a hero should. I trust her judgment to know when a metahuman crosses the line. Mr. Erik, your current actions are only putting the name of metahumans in a negative light, inciting fear and hatred from the world and governments."

Ken's tone grew even more serious, his gaze steady and piercing. "This will only lead to war, with metahumans used as weapons, potentially bringing an end to human civilization and the planet itself. There are countless unseen forces targeting our planet, but unfortunately, its inhabitants are too busy with internal conflicts to care."

His unwavering tone and gaze can be seen and feels for everyone to see. Ken himself truly never understand why people of earth always fighting with each other while the threat from outside is hanging up on their neck.

"Senpai..." Mash murmured, her eyes fixed on Ken's tall figure, sensing the heavy burden he carried.

Everyone who heard Ken's words, whether at the scene or through the live broadcast, fell silent. Some had harbored deep-seated hatred toward mutants or metahumans, but none had considered that war and planetary extinction could be the ultimate price. Each person, mutant or otherwise, began to reflect on their attitudes toward one another.

As the crowd contemplated, the sound of someone running towards Ken and the X-Men broke the quiet. A shout pierced the air, alerting everyone to his presence. "Guys!"

The X-Men and Ken's group turned to see a man in a tattered jacket and battered body approaching, his face etched with anxiety.


"Mr. Remy!?"

"Where have you been for the past week, and how did you end up like this?" the X-Men exclaimed, rushing to support the man identified as Remy LeBeau, or Gambit. They helped him to his feet, checking his condition while bombarding him with questions.

"Even the rat is out. What's going on underground, Azazel?" Erik asked grimly, observing Remy's arrival.

"I don't know, but Marrow was supposed to be in charge of that place," replied Azazel, who had been silently recuperating beside Erik.

"Tch, useless woman," Erik muttered, clicking his tongue in annoyance. He felt his plans unraveling ever since the Chaldea group and the X-Men had arrived.

"Guys, I'm fine," Remy insisted, waving off their concern. "I'll explain everything later, but we have a more urgent matter. We need to stop Magneto before he launches his real plan. He's using some kind of unstable machine that could kill all the humans in this city."

"Wait, what do you mean? Isn't Erik's objective to attack New York City and spark a revolution for mutants worldwide?" Storm asked, confusion evident on her face. She and the X-Men had watched Erik's speech while en route.

"No! What he's been doing so far is just a distraction. His real plan involves a Conversion Machine that alters the biochemical structure of non-mutants, giving them mutant abilities. It sounds good, but the mutations are short-lived and deadly. The machine breaks down the cellular structure of the affected individuals, killing them."

Remy's serious tone conveyed the urgency. "I've seen them test it on a few captured humans. While it initially worked, they became puddles of blood minutes later. Erik intends to use this machine on every human here. We need to stop him."

Hearing this, the X-Men, the NYPD led by Captain Stacy, and the Chaldea members, including Mash and Ushiwakamaru, were stunned. They hadn't imagined that a large-scale attack was merely a diversion for such a dangerous plan.

"But how did he manage to build and launch such a thing?" Hank murmured, contemplating Magneto's plan.

"I don't know, Hank. I only know the machine is inside that metal stadium, and we don't have much time left," Remy replied.

Ken, who had been listening intently, seemed deep in thought. His eyes suddenly shone with realization. He closed his eyes, muttering something inaudible to the others.

Magneto, overhearing the conversation, turned his cold gaze towards Gambit. "Rat, I didn't expect you to escape your cage. Those tunnel dwellers are useless, it seems. How did you get out?"

"It's none of your business," Gambit replied indifferently, unfazed by Magneto's pressure.

"You can't do this, Erik, not after everything Charles has done to clear our names. Your machine will kill people in this city," Hank said, disappointment evident in his voice.

"Shut up, Hank! Charles is a fool who cares more for humans than his own kind. He hides in his mansion while our comrades need help. My machine will grant those pitiful humans the power they've always envied and wanted."

"But they'll die!"

"It's a small price to pay for acquiring godly power. Perhaps some will survive and truly become one of us. Life is a gamble, after all."

"Erik, please don't do this. It will only create war, just as that young man said," Storm pleaded, trying to persuade him.

"Then war it is, but it is a war where muta- No, metahumans will win," Erik replied, his voice cold and resolute, reverberating across the shore.

As Magneto rejected the X-Men's pleas, the atmosphere grew tenser. Ships, cars, lamps—anything metallic near the shore—rose into the air, levitating ominously near the metal stadium. The confrontation was reaching its breaking point.

Ken regarded Magneto with steely determination, his voice calm but firm. "I truly admire your unwavering will and guts, Mr. Erik, but I can't agree with your approach. So, we at Chaldea will also try to stop you."

Magneto's eyes narrowed. "Then I can only kill you, young man." The words barely left his lips when a barrage of massive metal objects hurtled towards them with terrifying speed.

The X-Men immediately sprang into action. The Summers brothers unleashed their beams, obliterating a large ship hurtling their way. Iceman fired an ice beam at the smallest objects, freezing them in mid-air, while Storm and Thunderbird took them down with lightning bolts and powerful punches.

Meanwhile Ushiwakamaru is easily slicing the metal objects with her sword while Ken watched the chaos unfold, unperturbed, until a car came flying directly at him, its intent unmistakable. 

Mash, preoccupied with maintaining her Noble Phantasm, and Ushiwaka, focused on the relentless metal assault, were too late to intervene. Yet neither of them showed any worry for Ken.

Standing outside the protective barrier of Lord Camelot, Ken met Magneto's gaze with a small smile. "Flash Air," he intoned effortlessly.

A ripple of space materialized in the sky before him, just as the car was about to reach him. It passed through the ripple and vanished, only to reappear beside Magneto's metal stadium. The car crashed into the stadium with the same velocity, shaking it and causing minor damage.

Magneto, Azazel, the X-Men, and the ordinary people nearby all stared in shock at the unexpected turn of events. No one had anticipated that the seemingly ordinary young man could so easily deflect Magneto's attack back at him.

"So, the previous rift in the sky was also your doing. Are you a metahuman, young man?" Magneto asked, his initial shock giving way to curiosity.

"Nope," Ken replied with a sly grin. "My power leans more towards the mystical side of this world. But that was a nice shot."

"Indeed it was..." Magneto's tone turned serious as he glanced at his red-skinned subordinate. "Azazel."

Without further instruction, Azazel nodded and vanished, reappearing beside Ken with his teleportation power. He wielded two swords in his hands and another with his tail, poised to strike the dangerous young man.

"Be careful!"

"Watch out!"

Warnings rang out from the X-Men as Azazel swung his three swords towards Ken. But before they could connect, another red blur appeared next to Ken, katana in hand, blocking Azazel's attack.


"What!?" Azazel let out a voice of surprise before he recognizes who was stopping his attack. 

"Your opponent is me, you hellspawn!" Ushiwakamaru with her A++ agility arrived in a blink of an eyes, stopping Azazel sword before she exchanged an understanding glance with her master in a split second. 

She pushed her sword with more strength toward the red metahumans intending to throw him away. Azazel overwhelmed by her strength couldn't hold much longer before he got thrown a few miles away to the left side of the battlefield with Ushiwaka hot on his trail, ready to continue their clash.

Meanwhile, on the right side of the battlefield, the X-Men found some relief as their new ally altered the tide of the situation. Hank gathered the team to address their objective once more.

"Thunderbird, you lead Cyclops and Nightcrawler toward Banshee's location a couple of blocks from here and stop him before he comes back. Use Nightcrawler's teleportation to get there. Iceman, you head towards Pyro's location and assist Daredevil and the others in stopping him; your abilities are a perfect match for this task."

Hank paused, his gaze stern yet encouraging. "Gambit, Havok, Storm, Shadowcat, and I will remain here to try and thwart Magneto's plan. After each of you finishes your fight, return here to help us deal with the machine. Are we clear?"

"Roger that. Let's go, kids," John Proudstar, known as Thunderbird, said to Scott and Kurt. Both nodded before Kurt touched their shoulders, disappearing in a puff of blue smoke in the blink of an eye.

"Leave it to me, Professor Hank!" Bobby Drake, his entire body resembling a literal popsicle, replied with determination. He created an icy path skyward, bypassing the Camelot walls, heading towards Pyro's location.

Mash, still maintaining her Noble Phantasm, allowed Iceman to pass through. She didn't see him as a threat, unlike Magneto's metal attacks, which couldn't breach the barrier, despite being aimed higher than the Camelot walls.

"The white walls of Camelot are only a representation of the physical form," Mash murmured to herself. "The real barrier will always be up, shielding everything deemed a threat from touching the city behind it."

"Now what? How can we destroy Magneto's machine inside that floating stadium?" Alex Summers, known as Havok, asked, firing beams of energy to fend off Magneto's relentless attacks.

"Um... Ororo?" Gambit glanced at Storm, who was busy controlling the winds around them.

"You've got to be kidding me. Even with my strongest attack, I wouldn't be able to destroy Erik's metal stadium," Ororo replied, dashing their hopes.

"Excuse me! Miss and Mister X-Men! I think I can solve that problem if you buy me some time!" Ken shouted, still opening space rifts with his displacement magecraft, sending Magneto's metal structures back to their owner in the sky.

The X-Men immediately shifted their attention to the mysterious young man, who claimed he could deal with Magneto's fortress.


( Ken POV )

"So, what's your plan, kid?" Remy, with a hint of skepticism in his voice, broke through the chaos of the battlefield.

I stood surrounded by the X-Men, each of them busy fending off Magneto's relentless attacks. Their curiosity about my plan was almost palpable, and I couldn't help but feel a bit of satisfaction.

"You can call me Ken, Mr. Remy. I need you all to guard me for a few minutes while I call for some serious firepower to destroy that big lump of metal," I explained quickly, my mind already racing ahead.

"So, you want us to stall for time while you call your teammates from Chaldea?" Alex, Scott's older brother, asked, seeking confirmation.

"Exactly. I need to focus, so if you could, don't let that metal man's debris interrupt me," I replied, my thoughts already drifting towards the system inside my mind.

Yes, I'm about to do a summoning ritual for the servant. This time, what we need is a firepower to destroy that flying thing, a big one at that. I have a few servants card in my inventory that can do that but unfortunately, they possess a divinity... 

I still don't dare to bring those gods and demigods without knowing the consequences, so I need to draw a new servant from the summoning menu on my system. 

"Alright leave it to us then, Ken." Hank the blue furry fellow replied to me with an understanding nod and tone. 

I understand Gambit and Havok still couldn't put trust their trust on me because I was a kid and a mysterious ally in their eyes, but why Beast seems to be more understanding and trust me easily? Is it because he is smart? 

"But Hank!? He's just a kid, and we don't know much about him."

"We don't have much time! Erik could launch his machine anytime soon, if you can't trust him then trust my guts." 

"Hank's right. We can't waste any more time. We need to protect Ken until he's done with whatever his plan is," Ororo added, her voice decisive.

"Even you, Ororo? Sigh, fine. Let's do this, then," Gambit finally conceded.

While those people are busy arguing with each other, I didn't even try to bother with them because I was looking at my system right now. 

[ Summon

- Proper Human History Summon Banner

- Losbelts Summon Banner

- BEAST Summon Banner (Temporaly Unavaible.)

- Kyokutei Bakin & Avenger of Shinjuku Summon Banner (Limited Time: 3 days)

- James Moriarty Summon Banner (Limited Time: 5 days)



- Saint Quartz: 10

- Saint Quartz Fragment: 2

- Quantum Piece: 165.000 ]

I managed to gather a lot of SQF from the daily and weekly missions during the last few weeks since I arrived in this world, in the end I convert them to the SQ that I possess in my currency now. Safe to say that at least I could pull another three servants but let's not get a head of myself and try once first. I plan to pull a servant from a PAN Human History banner. 

'Time to gacha, again...' 

Beast, Gambit, and Shadowcat were guarding me just a few meters away, busy dealing with Magneto's relentless attacks. Havok stood nearby, charging and concentrating an even larger amount of energy for his next attack. Above us, Storm was already floating near Magneto's stadium, summoning dark clouds accompanied by strong winds and lightning strikes.

Magneto watched us with a growing impatience. "A futile resistance. It's time to usher in a new age..." he declared, raising his hand. From both sides of his stadium, massive towers of metal began to rise, ominously casting shadows over the battlefield.

I couldn't help but think, 'So, it is a similar event... I hope Hassan can give me her confirmation quickly... And I hope this gacha won't give me a mapo tofu instead...'

Taking a deep breath, I focused and activated the Third Magic within me to fuel the summoning ritual. A gust of wind blew out from me, and blue-white energy crackled around me, similar to a scene where someone uses a mana burst. I began chanting the incantation, just like the last time I summoned my other servants.

Suddenly, a medium-sized summoning circle appeared in front of me, startling everyone around me. Even Mash, standing behind me, seemed surprised that I could summon a servant here. The command spell on my right hand started glowing intensely.

"What is that!?" Shadowcat exclaimed, her eyes widening in shock.

"A circle with a weird pattern?" Beast muttered, trying to make sense of the symbols.

"Hey, what are you doing!? I thought you were calling for reinforcements!" Gambit shouted. 

"Let silver and steel be the essence,

Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation,

Let blue be the color I pay tribute to,

The alighted wind becomes a wall.

The gates in the four directions close, coming from the crown, the three-forked road that leads to the kingdom circulate."

I tuned out the surrounding commotion, concentrating solely on my task. As I recited the incantations, the summoning circle ignited with a dazzling radiance, and I perceived Magneto's growing discomfort.

"What is that young man up to? No, I can't let him succeed," Erik muttered to himself, with a flick of his wrist, he deftly manipulated the surrounding metal structures, sending them hurtling towards me.

"I hereby declare,

Your body shall serve under me,

My fate shall be your sword,

Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail

If you will submit to this will and this reason…

Then answer!"

"Erik! You shall not disturb him!" Storm's voice boomed across the battlefield. Her eyes blazed white, and thunder rumbled as lightning arced through the sky. The sheer power in her voice drew Magneto's attention for a crucial moment.

"STORM, NOW!" Havok's shout cut through the din, releasing all the energy beams he had gathered in his body toward one of the newly revealed towers on the left—key components of Magneto's conversion machine.

Simultaneously, Storm unleashed her most powerful lightning strike, augmented by the dark clouds she had summoned.

"No! I won't let you!" Magneto screamed. Desperation etched on his face, he raised his hands, pushing himself to his limits, creating powerful magnetic force fields around the towers. The force fields shimmered under the strain of blocking the combined might of Storm's and Havok's attacks.

"An oath shall be sworn here!

I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven,

I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell!

From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three greet words of power,

Come forth from the ring of restraints,

Protector of the Holy Balance!"


As Storm's lightning and Havok's energy beams collided with their targets, I completed my summoning. The light from both the attacks and the summoning circle flared brilliantly before gradually fading. In the distance, news helicopters captured the entire scene, broadcasting it live. The internet was ablaze with the spectacle.

Magneto's towers, though battered, remained standing, shielded by his extraordinary effort. But the effort had taken a visible toll on him. He was panting heavily, his face slick with sweat. Despite his youthful appearance, the strain of maintaining such intense force fields was immense, especially for someone in their fifties.

While on the ground, where the once summoning circle was once there, stood a figure donned in a full knight armor. The knight's armor, a masterpiece of the finest smiths, shone with a pearlescent white hue, its surface reflecting the fading light of day. Crimson stripes adorned the armor, each line a testament to the knight's unwavering spirit. 

The helmet, a marvel to behold, Its visor, an intricate lattice of metal, concealed the knight's gaze, turning their eyes into pools of mystery. Horn-like protrusions swept back from the helm, not just for intimidation but as a symbol of the knight's rank and prowess. 

By the knight's side hung a sword, a silver sword that adorned in a crimson stripe just like the armor. The crossguard, elegant yet menacing, promised beauty and pain in equal measure. The knight slowly looked up as she is saying her usual opening while I was just grinning with a wild smile on my face. 

"I answer the grail summoning as a saber, I will entrust my sword, my honor, and my life to you, So, answer my question, are you my maste-" 

Her words got cut off so suddenly as the knight Infront of me saw my faces, she acted like a proper knight before she got stunned by seeing my handsome face, hehe. 

"Good to see you, Mo-chan!"



A/N: This was intended to be two chapters instead of one, but I may not write for some time as I will be gone to a place without internet access. So, enjoy this for now!

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Xeviouzzz Xeviouzzz

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