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Capítulo 3: Survivor Camp

'There's no way I'm letting my precious meatshield die here!'

Eugene exclaimed in his mind as he pondered his choices, he was sure of his decision and wouldn't regret it.

Mark Rocel is too valuable to be left off here to perish.

Mark, who heard his brave declaration smiled, feeling a bit of admiration for Eugene.

'Perhaps, it was truly the best choice to save him. Thank you, mother, father.'

Oh poor him.

But their heartfelt reunion was interrupted as the goblins stood up again, ready to attack them.

"Mark, can you use your taunt again?"

"Not yet. I need ten more seconds before I can use it again."

"Okay, try to distract the goblins and disarm them for just a moment, I'll take each of them down."

"B-But your body isn't fi-"

"I'm good, now go before it's too late!"

Mark nodded, positioned himself in a ram stance, and charged towards the goblins, who also reciprocated his action.

While Mark is distracting the goblins, he has to be careful with approaching them.

Eugene's body is at its weakest right now, his stamina depleted plus with the recent injuries he got, it would only take one attack from a goblin to take him down.

But when he killed that one goblin, he came to understand their weak point.

It was their neck.



Mark rammed into one of the first goblins and stunned it while tossing its body aside, which Eugene took advantage of and stabbed the goblin in the neck.


[You killed a Goblin.]

[Your strength increased by 1]

[Your dexterity increased by 1]

'The stat point increased is reduced?'

Eugene discarded his thoughts and saved it for later.

They repeated the same process of Mark ramming through a goblin, and Eugene dealing the finishing blow, until only one goblin and the hobgoblin were left.

[You killed a Goblin.]

[You killed a Goblin.]

[You killed a Goblin.]

[Your strength increased by 1]

[Your dexterity increased by 1]

Suddenly, the hobgoblin charged towards Eugene who didn't react in time, but Mark did.

"Watch out!"


The hobgoblin switched targets and rushed towards Mark and sent a deadly punch, which surprisingly launched him away for a few meters.


'How does the hobgoblin still have that much strength?!'



[Class: None]


[Strength: 14] [+3] [Rare]

[Stamina: 10] [+3] [Common]

[Endurance: 15 [+3] [Rare]

[Dexterity: 6] [+3] [Fodder]

[Intelligence: 7] [Common]

[Magic Power: 0] [Fodder]


[Tribal Call: Lv.1] [Rare]

-[Overall Rating]-

[You better watch out, this hobgoblin went berserk just to kill you, stand proud Eugene Moore, you are weak.]

'It has a berserk state?!'

As Mark's taunt was still ongoing, the hobgoblin rushed towards him wildly.


'Even if Mark has such high endurance, he won't last much longer and will eventually die.

''I can't let that happen.'

"Mark! Distract and restrain him as hard as you can when I tell you to!"


While Mark tries to defend against the nonstop onslaught of the hobgoblin, Eugene frantically runs towards the dead goblin's corpse and retrieves another knife.He rushed towards them, gritting his teeth and hoping for the best outcome.

'It's all or nothing!'


Mark hugged the hobgoblin and grappled it as it scratched his back with its sharp claws and bites onto his shoulder, trying to release itself from his hold.

"Fuck! A-Arghk!"

Soon, Mark couldn't hold it anymore and his hold loosened, which freed the hobgoblin from its predicament.

Not its death though.

"Die you son of a bitch!"

Eugene held two knives in each of his hands and stabbed the hobgoblin's neck and head simultaneously, feeling the hardness of its skin compared to the normal goblin, he pushed even further.






Mark watched in fear as Eugene continued to stab the hobgoblin without stopping, he didn't look like the Eugene he knew.

A demon was in front of him right now.

"S-S-Stop Eugene! It's already dead!"

Hearing Mark helped Eugene regain the clarity in his mind as he dropped the knives to the ground and sat down in exhaustion.

[You killed a Hobgoblin]

[Your strength increased by 1]

[Your stamina increased by 1]

[Your endurance increased by 1]

[Your dexterity increased by 1]

Eugene expected a high increase in his stat points, but seeing the small numbers disappointed him.

'Tsk. Looks like it would still be hard to level up and strengthen myself...'

'Is it because of my talent?'



[Name: Eugene Moore]

[Class: None]


[Strength: 9] [Fodder]

[Stamina: 8] [Common]

[Endurance: 10] [Common]

[Dexterity: 9] [Fodder]

[Intelligence: 13] [Rare]

[Magic Power: 0] [Fodder]


[Insight: Lv.1] [Epic]

-[Overall Rating]-

[...trash of all trashes...]

'Trash of all trashes, huh...'

'No, I mustn't let this thing affect me.'

'I just have to take one step at a time, and sooner or later I'll be stronger than ever.'

'I have to take things seriously now.'

Eugene self-reflected, he knew he was no longer the same as who he was some time ago when he was summoned.

'And if I somehow reach the limit of my talent...'

Eugene then glanced towards Mark who looked at him in worry, not minding his own injuries.

'I can still use others for my benefit.'

"A-Are you fine Eugene?"

"...Yeah. Thanks for worrying Mark."

Then Eugene 'panicked' upon seeing Mark's wounds, and tried to support him.

"You're the one who's not fine! Let me help you out."

Seeing how worried Eugene was cleared Mark's mind, now fully trusting him.

'I must have been seeing things just now. Eugene is not a demon, he's just an unfortunate young man who experienced such a tragedy so early.'

Eugene helped Mark up and they both supported each other as they continued to traverse the passage, making sure their guard was up if by any chance goblins would appear again.

"Look Eugene! There's light!"


After quite some time they both notice the exit of the passage and what lay beyond was a clearing, most likely a forest.

They then both exit the passage, feeling the heat of the sun and the natural air in their noses.

"Ah... I never knew seeing nature would be this relieving."

Mark just nodded at Eugene's remark, also absent-minded because of the view he was seeing, they were finally out of that hell hole.

"Survivors!"A person's voice stops them in their tracks as a man runs towards them, clearly excited upon seeing fellow survivors.

"Thank god. I thought there would be no survivors in this sector, I guess I was worrying too much."

'Huh, sector?'

Eugene thought, confused by the man's terms.

"It's good to see a fellow survivor too, and what do you mean by sector?"

"Ah, sorry I forgot you guys wouldn't have an idea about it."

Thus the man explained to them that this area was the so-called Survivor Camp, it was just like a resting area just like the ones in MMOs, a friendly and no-pvp zone.

There was a total of four sectors surrounding the camp, north, south, east, and west.Each sector seemed to be connected to a passage that was also connected to another main lobby.

"That's all about this place, and I'm Patrick, it's nice to meet you."

"Us too."

Eugene and Mark shook hands as Patrick then guided them towards the camp.



[Name: Patrick Zen]

[Class: None]

-[Stats]-[Strength: 8] [Common]

[Stamina: 12] [Rare]

[Endurance: 8] [Common]

[Dexterity: 13] [Rare]

[Intelligence: 7] [Common]

[Magic Power: 8] [Common]


[Perception: Lv.1] [Common]

-[Overall Rating]-

[You have average talent, and you specialize in scouting and being an observer. You at least have better vision than Eugene Moore.]

Eugene already started ignoring the skill of intentional mockery, although he would be lying if he said he wasn't annoyed by it.

'He must be a scout that is stationed near the passages, given the task to bring in the survivors to the camp.'

'Then that means there's a hierarchy in the camp, and someone is currently controlling the people.'

'How annoying.'

If the survivor camp has a leader then it would be quite a problem to try and influence them to follow his bidding, after all the more people he could leverage and use the better.

Soon they arrived at the survivor's camp, It was surrounded well by barricades and wooden spikes, and watchtowers were built in every corner to have a vision around the camp.

A hut that seemed to house actual weapons was present, and large tents were distributed throughout the vicinity of the camp.

Many survivors were also present in the camp, but there was something strange in the atmosphere.

Some survivors were relaxed and happy, others were clearly belittling other survivors, and they were people who had a depressed atmosphere around them.

'Perhaps, there's really some kind of hierarchy within this camp.'

"Ah, you're here Patrick. Are these the only survivors in sector four?"

A man approaches them, and Patrick proceeds to bow his head to him which raises an eyebrow from Eugene.

'Is he the leader?'

"Yes sir. Unfortunately so, they were the only ones who got out of their main lobby."

"That truly is something tragic, I'm sorry for your circumstances."

The man bowed his head towards them which flustered Mark.

"N-No really we are fine."

"I insist, it's my duty as the leader of the camp to make sure you are comfortable."

"You're the leader?!"

"Hahaha, I am, sorry for announcing so late."

"I'm Agnus Grey, I hope we will work together well."

"O-Of course! I'm Mark Rocel, it's my honor to be able to work with the leader of this camp!"

Mark shook hands with Agnus, seemingly charmed by his charismatic appeal, as Agnus then moved his attention towards Eugene.

"And you, sir?"


"I hope we both work together as well."

As Eugene shook hands with Agnus, he felt a prickling sensation and suddenly felt a positive impression from Agnus.




[Name: Agnus Grey]

[Class: None]


[Strength: 7] [Common]

[Stamina: 9] [Common]

[Endurance: 6] [Common]

[Dexterity: 11] [Rare]

[Intelligence: 16] [Rare]

[Magic Power: 9] [Common]


[Charm: Lv.1] [Epic]

-[Overall Rating]-

[You have average talent, but your ability to influence other people is an outstanding feat! Your rizz truly knows no bounds, unlike Eugene Moore's.]

'I see. So that's how it is.'

"Yeah, I hope so too!"

Eugene 'enthusiastically' answered but sneered to Agnus on the inside, who seemed to be satisfied with his response.

'I need to lay low for now, considering how he's the leader he must have charmed most of the people here already.'

"Thank you! Follow me Eugene, Mark. I will be showing you arou-"


Suddenly, a person frantically runs towards Agnus, and seeing his panicked state makes Agnus ask in worry.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Yes sir! Sector One is currently in danger, countless goblins are stampeding towards the camp as we speak, a-a-and..."

"What is it?!"

"There is an orc leading them!"

Hearing his words spread panic throughout the camp as Agnus' face pales upon hearing his revelation.

"S-Shit! Quick, command the guard and hunting team to head to Sector One immediately!"

"Yes sir!"

Agnus then looked towards Eugene and Mark in an apologizing manner.

"I'm sorry that you arrived at the camp at such a time, I won't be able to show you around the camp!"

"It's okay! We are already survivors of this camp, therefore both of us will help you with this."

"Eugene is right, we definitely will!"

Eugene and Mark said to Agnus, while Eugene made sure his current image of being charmed was maintained, which Agnus 'smiled' in glee.

"Thank you very much you two! Come, let's go!"

They both followed Agnus as they headed towards Sector One.

'Heh. I already know what you are thinking, Agnus Grey.'

'It will be a matter of time before I take your throne and replace you as the king of this camp.'

'So don't blame me if you somehow die in the process, I just want to survive after all.'


In Sector One, a large group of people armed with weapons ranging from swords, spears, bows, and shields were positioned near the gate, preparing for the worst outcome.

Eugene and Mark were one of them, although Eugene purposely positioned themselves in the backline, with him using a spear and Mark, of course using a shield.

"Are you prepared, Mark?"

"Of course! Even if they have an orc, we win against them in numbers alone."

Eugene just sneered at his naive response, he also hasn't checked the status screen of an orc, so fighting something unknown right now is the most dangerous thing to do.

'Though I bet they won't even listen to me.'

Just then, goblins started appearing, they were in a large group but the survivors had the number advantage, with the addition of weapons.

"Prepare the formation!"

Agnus who was standing on the watchtower, commanded the survivors who then formed a phalanx formation, surprisingly Agnus knew some basic strategies.

'I guess his intelligence isn't high for nothing.'


"Shit... That's an orc?"

"Ah... We might be cooked in this one."

Behind the goblins was a large monster, standing at a whopping five meters tall, with a fat stature and a face resembling that of a pig.

It was the orc.




[Class: None]


[Strength: 22] [Rare]

[Stamina: 17] [Rare]

[Endurance: 26] [Epic]

[Dexterity: 7] [Common]

[Intelligence: 9] [Common]

[Magic Power: 0] [Fodder]


[Smash: Lv.1] [Rare]

[Tribal Call: Lv.1] [Rare]

-[Overall Rating]-

[...Y'all are cooked.]

'What the hell is this thing?!'

Seeing the stats of the orc made Eugene tremble in fear, even more than the people around him.

Because he thoroughly knew just how strong this thing was.

"Don't be scared everyone, when we unite as one, we will be able to face this adversary!"

Agnus who saw everyone's morale drop started his speech and simultaneously used his skill [Charm] on everyone once more.

'Heh, I guess you have some use in you, Agnus Grey.'

'At least there will be order in this fight, and everyone won't be running around like headless ducks.'

Everyone regained their morale and shouted in unison, fueled by the desire to survive and gain the courage to face the orc.

The orc sneered at the prey in front of it, and as it was about to command the goblins to charge...



The goblins behind the orc were suddenly beheaded, their numbers quickly dwindling as the orc looked back in confusion.

Only to meet its demise just like the goblins.


Countless sparks and beams of light appeared at the monsters, confusing everyone as they saw the goblins being massacred like insects.

And the giant orc they feared being sliced into mere pieces.



"I-It died just like that?"

The crowd gasps in astonishment, still confused by the spectacle happening in front of them, especially Eugene.


As the orc's deceased body falls to the ground, it revealed a figure behind it, the one who's responsible for the deaths of the orc and the goblins.

It was a girl, she emanated an ethereal grace as her platinum white hair cascaded like moonlight, and her captivating grey eyes that could charm any man who stared at it.

"So beautiful..."

"How is she so strong..."

Seeing the girl captivated Eugene, just like the other men around him, but it was for another reason.



'What the...'


[Name: Mari Elysia]

[Class: None]


[Strength: 32] [Legendary]

[Stamina: 27] [Epic]

[Endurance: 30] [Epic]

[Dexterity: 31] [Legendary]

[Intelligence: 41] [Mythical]

[Magic Power: 48] [Mythical]


[Light Maker: Lv.2] [Epic]

[Hourglass of the Genius: Lv.1] [Mythical]

[Lumina Sword Style: Lv.2] [Partially Sealed] [Legendary]

-[Overall Rating]-

[You who was once the brightest star, the one who has witnessed the end, now fallen and at the beginning once more. For you shall shine brighter than ever, and resolve all of your regrets in the past. Welcome back, Mari Elysia, The Regressor of Paradise.]

[...brightest star...]

[...the one who has witnessed the end...]

[...The Regressor of Paradise.]

'She's a regressor?!'

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