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11.11% I am the Weakest Villain: The Regressor Became My Wife? / Chapter 1: Trash of all Trashes
I am the Weakest Villain: The Regressor Became My Wife? I am the Weakest Villain: The Regressor Became My Wife? original

I am the Weakest Villain: The Regressor Became My Wife?

Autor: kingyujin

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Trash of all Trashes


As the school bell resounded throughout the halls, countless students exited their classrooms, clearly excited for their summer break.

"Hey! What are your plans for this summer?"

"I'm definitely going to the beach bro! Just imagine the heavenly sight we will witness."

"You are so right!"

A group of three particularly stood out, with their loud discussion gaining the disgust of the people around them, especially the girls.

"What about you, Eugene? Why are you so silent?"

One of them asked their third member, he had a gloomy aura around him, had an emo-ass haircut, and seemed to be so average that you wouldn't even acknowledge his existence.

"Ah... I don't really know, I want to finish that game I've been playing."

"Here we go again with your games, tsk. Might as well not invite you if you just want to stay home all the time."

The one who asked Eugene frowns in annoyance, disgusted by Eugene's answer who seemingly wasn't fazed by his remark.

"Well, I gotta go now, y'all do your own thing."

"Alright, alright. Have fun in your room, hahaha."

Two of them then left Eugene alone, who then proceeded to head home, but now with an ugly scowl on his face.

"Tsk, those fucking jerks. What's good with going outside anyways, I'd rather relax in my room rather than be cooked under the sun."

Eugene was your usual otaku, pursuing to be a professional NEET. He spent most of his time at home, playing games and watching anime.

Eugene arrived home and went inside, expecting no one home as usual. He has been living alone for quite some time, with his parents only paying his rent, while he has to work a part-time job just to have money for his shenanigans.

Buying anime figures and in-game currency.

After changing his clothes and showering, he did his usual routine of playing games and watching anime.

And of course, bust one right before he falls asleep.

But even though he enjoyed playing and watching, he felt immense boredom.

'Ah, this life really fucking sucks.'

As Eugene was about to fall asleep, he felt something weird, his stomach churning and his hair stood up, feeling immense creeps, which made him rise from his bed.

"Ugh... What the hell is this feeling."



Just like the games he played, a blue screen appears in front of him, making him question his sanity.

[Congratulations Mortal.]

[You have been selected as a player by the system, please stand by.]

"What the hell?"

"Don't tell me... I'm getting a system right now?!"

Eugene became excited, knowing this cliche was happening right in front of him.

[Teleporting you to the main lobby in 3...]

"Wait... What do you mean teleporting to the main lobby?"


"...I'm not getting a system?"




[Teleporting player to Paradise.]

[Have Fun.]

* * * * *

Suddenly, Eugene found himself in an unknown place, a seemingly massive room that resembled a lobby of some sort, and he was not alone.

"Where am I?!"

"Bro, it was getting to the good part! Why interrupt me like this?!"

"...Did I drink too much last night?"

The people in the room panicked, and soon chaos ensued, they were afraid of what was happening right now.

Eugene calmly observed the crowd, keeping his thoughts to himself.

'Shit... Looks like I'm not alone in this predicament. What a shame.'

Eugene thought in disappointment, his excitement of dreaming of being a protagonist flushed down the drain.

Soon, a bright light flashes throughout the room, blinding everyone and somewhat calming the chaos.

A silhouette walks from the light, a beautiful girl that shone so bright, and rocking a pair of wings.

'An Angel?'

The angel observes the crowd in silence who were too busy admiring her entrance. She clears her throat and announces.

"Welcome mortals, to Paradise. You all have been chosen to become players who will be participating in this game."

As her declaration ended, most of the people were still confused, though some dared to confront her.

"Hey! What do you mean chosen to be players? I didn't want to be part of this bullshit game of yours!"

"That's right! Let us out of here right now!"

With their protests, more people gained the courage and joined in the rally, with only a few choosing to be silent, including Eugene who felt sudden creeps.

'These dumbfucks, don't they know just what they are trying to offend right now?'

Of course, they won't know, unlike Eugene who had an adequate experience in gaming, anime, and novels, most of the people were common folk.

"Stop spouting bullshit!"

"This prank isn't even funny! You think you will go viral with this?"

"Who gave you the right to do this, huh?! Get us all out of here now!"

The angel remained unfazed by their insults and simply asked them.

"Okay, and?"

The crowd ensues in silence, bewildered by her nonchalant reply.

"Why would I do that?"

The crowd fumed in anger, offended by her reply, a man started marching towards her, raising his fist in a threatening manner.

"You think this is funny? You bit-"



The man's body exploded into pieces, and blood splattered on those around him.


"W-W-What the fuck?!"

The crowd quickly backed off in fear, with some staying in place as they vomited upon seeing the man's state.

Eugene too, was one of them. He felt his stomach churned up at the horrible sight.

The angel then snapped her fingers, which resounded throughout the room and magically silenced everyone.

"Hmph. Know your place, mortals. You're all lucky I'm being this patient, as everyone would have been dead by now."

Her remark made the crowd shudder in fear, imagining themselves in the man's place just a while ago.

"Anyway, as you all are now players. You are given access to the system, and I'm sure all of you have a basic understanding of this right?"

The crowd listened attentively, fearful of the consequences if they didn't follow her words.

"Simply think of [Status], and a status screen will appear in front of you."

"It shows your basic attributes and skills, just like those games you mortals have been wasting your time on, only you can see your own status screen. As pitiful as you mortals are, we will be granting you a bonus skill."

'You're the one who's pitiful!'

Eugene felt that attack too personally and retorted in his mind, but his rational mind made him retract his intrusive thoughts of going up to her and assaulting her.

"Woah... This status screen is similar to the MMORPG game I played recently!"

"Look! My strength is Epic rank, I guess those years of grinding in the gym were worth it!"

"My charisma is also Epic rank, my rizz truly knows no bounds, even in another world."

"N-No way... Why is my intelligence this low?!"

The crowd went to a fuzz, with varying reactions upon seeing their status screens. Eugene, who has yet to check his status screen, started laughing in his mind.

'Hahahaha! These foolish mob characters, the protagonist is always the one who checks his status last.'

'What kind of overpowered skill am I getting?'

'The ability to devour and take the skills of others?'

'Maybe the ability to reverse time when I die? Just like that dude, although I'm clearly better than him.'

'Or maybe... Have a demonic incubus physique that makes me destined to have a harem?!'

'Hahahaha! It doesn't matter, because I will become the protagonist!'


But Eugene's expectations and delusions were destroyed upon seeing his status.



[Name: Eugene Moore]

[Class: None]


[Strength: 5] [Fodder]

[Stamina: 6] [Common]

[Endurance: 8] [Common]

[Dexterity: 4] [Fodder]

[Intelligence: 13] [Rare]

[Magic Power: 0] [Fodder]


[Insight: Lv.1] [Epic]

-[Overall Rating]-


'What the hell is wrong with my stats?!'

Eugene observed his status screen in despair, still not being able to accept the reality in front of him.

'There's no way my status is this trash!'

'Fodder?! Your entire family is fodder!'

'That's right! I have an Epic skill! Even if my stats are trash, I will definitely get an overpowered ability just like a protagonist!'

Eugene clicks on the status screen, specifically his skill [Insight]. Which then gave him a broader detail about his skill. But his last hope was crushed like an ant.

'No... No, no, no, no, NO! Why give me such a useless ability?!'

[Insight: Lv.1] [Epic]

[You can see through the status screen of others, their hidden talent and overall rating.]

Suddenly countless status screens appeared around Eugene, they were the status screens of others. Eugene then read the status screen closest to him.


[Name: Mark Rocel]

[Class: None]


[Strength: 16] Rare

[Stamina: 12] [Rare]

[Endurance: 15] [Rare]

[Dexterity: 9] [Common]

[Intelligence: 6] [Common]

[Magic Power: 4] [Fodder]


[Taunt Lv.1] [Rare]

-[Overall Rating]-


Seeing his status screen made Eugene despair even more, why did someone as random as him have such good stats? But upon reading the status screen, he noticed [Overall Rating].

'That's right, the Overall Rating!'

-[Overall Rating]-

[You possess above-average talent, however, at least it's higher than Eugene Moore's. Congratulations!]

'What the hell do you mean by that huh?!'

Eugene was bewildered reading Mark Rocel's overall rating, seeing his own skill mock him.

'I still haven't checked my overall rating, I don't believe this nobody has better talent than me!'


'[Overall Rating]!'

-[Overall Rating]-

[You possess talent that has never been witnessed before...]

'Don't tell me...'

[...having a talent of being trash of all trashes...]


[...trash of all trashes...]

Eugene's rational thinking stopped, as he continued reading his overall rating.

[You possess talent that has never been witnessed before, having a talent of being trash of all trashes. It doesn't matter how hard you try, you will always fail. You are useless.]

[ will always fail...]

[You are useless.]

"...Don't fuck with me."

While Eugene despaired, the angel suddenly flapped her wings and flew above as light started shining through her again.

"With this, I leave the rest to you players. Good luck, and lastly..."

"Entertain us well, mortals."

The angel grinned at them and disappeared from sight. The crowd started panicking once again, not knowing what to do next.

'Entertain us well.'

'Entertain us well.'

'Entertain us well.'


The angel's words echoed throughout Eugene's mind, bringing back awful memories, which didn't help with his current situation at all.

'Hey, look! It's the loser!'

'Hahaha! Drag his ass over here and let me beat that shit up, I've been stressing lately.'

'Yes Boss! Can we join too?'

'Of course, that's his only use anyway.'


Eugene trembled, one might think that it was because of his trauma, especially with what was happening to him right now, added to the despair he felt just now, but that wasn't it.

'...that's his only use anyway.'

'...his only use...'

'Trash of all trashes.'

'It doesn't matter how hard you try.'

'You will always fail.'

'You are useless.'

Eugene was simply at his breaking point.


A large screen similar to the status screen appeared in the lobby, which captured the crowd's attention.

But upon reading the text on the screen, their faces paled in fear.

[Scenario 0]

[Quest: Get out of the main lobby.]

[You cannot get out of the main lobby if you haven't completed the following requirements.]

[1. Kill a living being. 0/1]

[That is all, we wish you all the best of luck.]

As the large screen disappeared, monsters that resembled goblins and orcs appeared in the main lobby, and the crowd was in chaos.


"S-S-Save me!"

"Get out of my way!"

The crowd pushed off Eugene as he stumbled on the ground, but no one paid heed to him, as now everyone focused on their own survival.

But Eugene still stayed motionless and trembling.

'That bitch...'

'Entertain them... Me, being a mere clown for them?'

'Are you fucking kidding me?'

Soon the goblins and orcs finally started nearing them, and those who were unlucky enough not to run in time died by their hands.

Eugene who saw their unfortunate deaths and a goblin running towards him, trembled even more in fear.

Or is it?

'You think I will just die like this?!'


Eugene stood up, fueled by adrenaline, and kicked the goblin away, which toppled it over.

However, Eugene knew that the goblin would stand up soon, knowing how horrible his strength stat was.

Eugene then ran around the main lobby, carefully dodging his way through the panicked crowd, with some of them having the courage to confront the goblins.

A man managed to kill a goblin by stealing its knife and stabbing its throat, which completed the prerequisite.

"Yes! Finally, I can go hom-"


But his dreams of going home ended right there, as an orc carrying a massive mace discombobulated his body into pieces.

'Although the goblin is manageable when it's alone. When a group of them or this big one shows up, it's over for me.'

Eugene continued to maneuver through the crowd until he saw a passage that was blocked by a barrier of sorts, it seemed to be the exit of the main lobby.

But a girl was fighting off three goblins alone near the passage.

Seeing her visible prowess in fighting the goblins, Eugene activated his skill.



[Name: Jane Garcia]

[Class: None]


[Strength: 7] Common

[Stamina: 14] [Rare]

[Endurance: 17] [Rare]

[Dexterity: 21] [Epic]

[Intelligence: 9] [Common]

[Magic Power: 8] [Common]


[Haste: Lv.1] [Rare]

-[Overall Rating]-

[You have high talent, especially when it comes to stealth and speed. Eugene Moore can never reach your level of talent.]

'Tsk, this fucking skill of mine.'

'Although she has an Epic in dexterity, she doesn't possess enough strength to take down the goblins yet.'

'And her endurance stat...'

Eugene grinned, seeing a light of hope in front of him, and he rushed towards the girl.

"Hey! Please save me!"

Jane upon seeing Eugene rush towards her shouted, but thought of the situation differently.

'Heh, men are simple creatures as always. Pretending to be a damsel in distress works wonders.'

'Now, save me from these goblins! If he could manage to distract the goblins, then I can take one of their knives and kill them.'

'If not, then I'll just kill this man in front of me when he's about to die from the goblins.'

'After all, it said to kill any living being right?'

Eugene arrived in front of the goblins, but instead of confronting them he dodged their attacks and arrived in front of Jane.

"Huh? What are you doi-"

But Jane was cut off as Eugene sent a knee kick to her solar plexus, which stunned her for a moment.

Knowing Jane's stats, Eugene didn't dawdle too much and pushed her towards the goblins, who started stabbing her.

And knowing her stamina and endurance stat...

"Be a good meat shield for me!"

*Stab* *Stab*

"Noooo! You fucki-aaghk!"

The average person would have taken just a second to die from Eugene's observation of the goblins, but as expected Jane persevered but in the end died after some moments, giving Eugene enough time to reach the exit.

He felt his stomach churn up on what he had just done, but he resisted the urge and ran towards the passage.

He has to adapt to his current circumstances.

Even if he has to kill someone for the sake of his survival.

[Scenario 0]

[Kill Detected.]

[Indirectly killed Jane Garcia.]

[1. Kill a living being. 1/1]

The barrier around the passage dwindled and Eugene was able to pass through the passage now.

[Scenario 0]

[Quest Completed]

[Please wait for the next Quest]



Eugene collapsed as his adrenaline faded away, he looked at the ceiling above and laughed, directing it to someone.

"Hahahaha! You see that, you fucking sons of bitches?"

People who would look at his state right now would think he went insane, but Eugene had a hunch that someone was watching him.

Watching all of them suffer, for the sake of their entertainment.

'You think I'm just gonna go down like this?'

'No, I won't...'

'So what if I don't have a talent?'

'So what if I'm useless?'

'Then, I'll just use someone who's useful for my sake.'

"I will survive."

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