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Capítulo 1: Ch. 1

(A.N: Just a little thing i gotta say this story might have omniverse travel in the future I was gonna put that in the description of this story but then I realized that the first Arc of this story is in Harry Potter and I want him to start his journey at 15 so since I might stop writing this book before I even reach that point I decided to just give this one warning to people if you're expecting him to go on an epic adventure in other worlds before this then I'm sorry to disappoint but I have plans for this character and they don't involve him doing this just yet)

Also this is made with the help of chatgpt i made sure to change some things so yeah

Alex POV

As Alex's consciousness flickered into existence, he found himself adrift in a realm of shadow and uncertainty. Panic clawed at his mind as he struggled to grasp even a fragment of memory, his sense of self slipping through his fingers like grains of sand. Just as despair threatened to engulf him, a presence emerged from the darkness, its form a silhouette against the void.

"Alex," a voice echoed, its tone both soothing and commanding. "You stand at the threshold of a new beginning. I offer you the chance to rewrite your story."

Alex's heart pounded in his chest as he regarded the enigmatic figure before him. "Rewrite... how?" he managed to stammer, his voice barely audible amidst the expanse of nothingness.The figure extended a hand, and in its palm materialized three spinning roulettes, each adorned with intricate symbols that seemed to shimmer with arcane energy. "These are the keys to your rebirth," the figure intoned, its gaze piercing through Alex's very soul. "The world you shall inhabit, the power you shall wield, and the path you shall tread."

Alex's eyes widened as he beheld the spinning roulettes, each one a tantalizing glimpse into a realm of infinite possibility. The world roulette whirled with images of fantastical landscapes and ancient civilizations, promising adventure beyond imagination. The power roulette crackled with elemental energy, a kaleidoscope of abilities waiting to be unleashed. And the cheat roulette... Alex's gaze lingered on it, sensing the subtle allure of its forbidden promise.

With a trembling hand, Alex reached out, his fingers hovering over the spinning roulettes. And as he made his choice, a surge of anticipation surged through him, for he knew that whatever destiny awaited him, he would face it with courage and determination.

As Alex's hand hovered over the spinning roulettes, his heart pounded with anticipation. But before he could make a conscious choice, the spinning slowed, and the fate of his rebirth was decided by the whims of the cosmos. The world roulette came to a halt, revealing the realm of magic, with its sprawling wizarding cities and hidden enclaves of power."Magic it is," Alex whispered, a sense of wonderment filling his being.

Next, the power roulette whirred to a stop, and the symbol of Bete Noire's dark power blazed into view, leaving Alex both exhilarated and apprehensive. He knew the potency of such a force, its potential for both destruction and salvation.

"Bete Noire's power," Alex murmured, his voice steady despite the swirling emotions within him.Finally, the cheat roulette spun with a mind of its own, and Alex watched with bated breath as it landed on the symbol of the Gacha system—a twist of fate beyond his control, but one that held the promise of unexpected blessings and challenges.

"The Gacha system," Alex said, his tone tinged with both curiosity and acceptance.With the roulette's choices made, Alex felt a surge of power coursing through him, as if the very fabric of reality itself had shifted to accommodate his newfound destiny. He knew that his path would be fraught with peril and uncertainty, but he also felt a sense of excitement at the prospect of the adventures that lay ahead. With a resolute spirit, Alex embraced his rebirth and stepped forward into the unknown, ready to carve out his own legend in the world of magic.

As Alex stepped forward into the unknown, a surge of energy enveloped him, transporting him from the void into the quaint village of Hogsmeade. The transition was disorienting, and as he tried to steady himself, he realized that something was different. Looking down at his hands, he saw that they were no longer his own—they were slender, ethereal, almost as if they were made of shadows.

Panic gripped Alex as he glanced at his reflection in a nearby window. Instead of his familiar face, he saw the visage of Bete Noire staring back at him, with glowing eyes and an aura of darkness swirling around him. His heart raced as he reached up to touch his face, only to feel the cold, smooth surface of Bete Noire's mask.

"What... what's happened to me?" Alex whispered, his voice barely audible over the pounding of his heart.

But then, amidst the confusion and fear, he felt a presence within him, a gentle warmth that calmed his racing thoughts. It was Kumu, a companion he had not expected but welcomed nonetheless. The little creature nestled within his consciousness, its soothing presence a balm to Alex's troubled mind.

Taking a deep breath, Alex tried to steady himself, to make sense of this sudden transformation. But then, another thought struck him—a thought that filled him with a different kind of apprehension.

"Am... am I still... a guy?" he wondered aloud, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

With hesitant fingers, Alex checked himself, relieved to find that despite his altered appearance, he was still himself. His body had changed, taking on the form that Bete Noire had once inhabited—a form both beautiful and fearsome, with flowing hair and delicate features.Determined to make sense of this new reality, Alex set out into the village, his mind buzzing with questions and possibilities. He knew that he would have to navigate this world carefully, to learn to control Bete Noire's powers and harness the strength of Kumu. But as he walked the familiar streets of Hogsmeade, he also felt a sense of excitement stirring within him—a sense of adventure waiting to be embraced, even in the face of uncertainty.

As Alex wandered the cobblestone streets of Hogsmeade, his mind swirling with confusion over his sudden transformation into the form of Bete Noire, the Gacha system within him activated. Amidst the chaos of his thoughts, a stream of memories flooded his consciousness—memories of a childhood spent in this magical world, of family and friends, of joyous moments and daring adventures.

"What... what's happening to me?" Alex muttered, his voice trembling as he struggled to make sense of the memories flooding his mind.

But before panic could fully engulf him, a neutral voice echoed within his consciousness, emanating from the depths of the Gacha system.

"Fear not, designated user," the voice intoned, devoid of emotion or inflection. "You have been designated as the recipient of a predefined background in this world."

As Alex listened, the voice explained that the Gacha system had provided him with a background—a past that he had never truly lived, yet one that felt strangely familiar. He learned of his upbringing in the wizarding world, of his acceptance into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and of the adventures that awaited him within its hallowed halls.

With a sense of awe and trepidation, Alex realized that he was on the cusp of a new chapter in his life. He had just received his letter to Hogwarts, a testament to his magical heritage and the potential that lay dormant within him. And as he gazed upon the towering spires of the castle in the distance, he knew that his journey was only just beginning.

Armed with the information provided by the Gacha system, Alex set forth with renewed determination. With each step he took, he embraced his newfound identity and the destiny that awaited him at Hogwarts. And as he crossed the threshold into the world of magic, he felt a sense of excitement bubbling within him—a sense of wonder at the adventures that lay ahead, and the opportunity to carve out a legacy of his own in the annals of wizarding history.

As Alex's mind continued to grapple with the sudden influx of memories and the enigmatic presence of the Gacha system, he couldn't help but feel a need for clarity amidst the confusion."Um, System," he began tentatively, his voice echoing within the recesses of his mind, "can you... explain more about these memories? Are they really mine, or...?"The response came swiftly, the voice of the System calm and reassuring. "The memories provided are synthesized constructs designed to facilitate integration into the designated environment. While they may feel familiar, they are not derived from your personal experiences."

Alex nodded slowly, absorbing the information. "I see... And what about my current form? Why am I... like this?"

"The transformation into the form of Bete Noire is a result of the System's allocation of assets for optimal integration within the designated world," the voice replied.Though the explanations were logical, Alex couldn't shake the lingering sense of unease. "And Kumu... What exactly is it? Why is it with me?"

"Kumu serves as a supplemental entity created specifically to assist with the utilization and control of Bete Noire's powers," came the response, the voice of the System calm and reassuring.

With each exchange, Alex felt a mixture of relief and trepidation. While the System provided him with answers, its presence was a reassuring one, offering guidance and support as he embarked on this new journey. And with its assistance, he knew that he would navigate this world with determination and resolve.

"System, can you explain how this Gacha system works?" Alex inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"Certainly," replied the System promptly. "In addition to its standard functions, the Gacha system also has a mission feature. By completing certain tasks or challenges, you can earn Gacha tickets. These tickets allow you to roll for new abilities, items, and knowledge within the Gacha system."

Alex's interest was piqued. "So, the missions give me a chance to access even more resources?""Indeed," affirmed the System. "It's an opportunity to expand your arsenal and capabilities, granting you access to a wider range of options as you progress on your journey. Keep an eye out for mission opportunities, as they can be invaluable in your quest."

"System, do I currently have any missions?" Alex inquired, hoping to gain further insight into his current objectives.

The System responded promptly, "Yes, you currently have a mission available. Your mission is to enroll and begin your studies at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Alex nodded, understanding. "And will the missions only involve the main storyline of Harry Potter?"

The System's response came swiftly, "While your initial missions will align with the main storyline, additional missions may diverge and offer opportunities for exploration and personal growth within the wizarding world. Your journey will encompass more than just the events of the main storyline, providing you with a chance to carve your own path and shape your own destiny."

"System, can you provide examples of the types of rewards I can obtain through the Gacha system?" Alex inquired, his curiosity piqued.

The System responded with a diverse array of possibilities, "Certainly. Among the rewards available are powerful artifacts such as the legendary Excalibur sword, enchanted armor capable of providing unparalleled protection, and mystical talismans imbued with ancient magic. Additionally, you may acquire unique abilities such as the power to manipulate time, summon elemental familiars, or wield devastating energy blasts."

Alex's eyes widened at the breadth of options. "Are there any other types of rewards?"

The System continued, "Indeed. You may also obtain iconic items from movies and TV shows, such as the lightsaber from Star Wars, the Invisibility Cloak from Harry Potter, or the TARDIS from Doctor Who. Furthermore, you may gain access to powers inspired by various fandoms, including the ability to control determination from the Undertale universe, wield the Force from Star Wars, or summon a Stand from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure."

Alex couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the thought of acquiring such incredible rewards. With each possibility, his determination to embark on his journey grew stronger, eager to unlock the potential that awaited him within the Gacha system.

As Alex continued to stroll through the bustling streets of Hogsmeade, his mind still swirling with the revelations of the Gacha system, he stumbled upon a familiar sight—a cozy cottage nestled amidst a cluster of trees. Memories flooded his mind, memories of laughter and warmth, of a home that he knew wasn't really his.

(A.N: { } is for thought's its kind of obvious but I just wanted to say it just in case someone was wondering)

{Man, it's weird seeing this place.} Alex thought, a wistful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. {Even though these memories aren't mine, they still feel kinda nostalgic.}

Approaching the cottage, he felt a pang of sorrow as he remembered the fate of his parents in this world. {It's tough knowing they're gone, even if it's not real.} Yet, amidst the sadness, there was also a sense of gratitude for the villagers who had taken him in after his parents' tragic demise.

{I owe a lot to the folks around here. They practically raised me from a baby after my parents... well, you know.} Alex reflected, a sense of appreciation welling up within him. {Guess it's not all bad memories.}

With a bittersweet smile, Alex turned away from the cottage, his gaze fixed on the horizon. Though the road ahead was uncertain, he knew he wasn't alone. Guided by the knowledge of the Gacha system and the support of the villagers who had become his family, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, determined to make the most of his newfound journey in this world of magic.

As Alex continued his stroll through the familiar streets of Hogsmeade, he couldn't help but ponder his next moves. With the memories of his past and the guidance of the Gacha system swirling in his mind, he knew that he stood at a crossroads, with countless possibilities stretching out before him like paths diverging in a dense forest.

{Alright, time to figure out what's next,} Alex thought, his brow furrowed in concentration. {First things first, I should probably head home and gather my thoughts.}

Approaching the cozy cottage that had once been his family's home, Alex felt a mix of emotions wash over him. Though the memories he held of the place weren't real, they still held a certain significance, and a part of him felt compelled to pay a visit, just to see how it felt.

Entering the cottage, Alex took a moment to look around, his gaze lingering on familiar objects and furnishings. Even though the memories weren't his own, there was a strange sense of comfort in being surrounded by the echoes of a life he had never lived.

{It's strange how familiar this place feels,} Alex mused, a wistful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. {Even though these memories aren't mine, there's something about this place that still draws me in.}

After a few moments of reflection, Alex turned to leave, his mind already shifting to the tasks that lay ahead. With just two weeks until his enrollment at Hogwarts, he knew that he needed to gather his supplies and prepare for the adventures that awaited him.

{Diagon Alley it is,} Alex thought with a grin, excitement bubbling in his chest. {But first, let's see what else this quaint little cottage has to offer.} And with that, he set about exploring every nook and cranny, eager to uncover any hidden secrets the place might hold.

The living room greeted him with its comfortable furniture and sunlit ambiance, while the kitchen exuded the comforting aroma of home-cooked meals.

Moving through the house, Alex ascended the staircase to the upper floor. Passing by closed doors, he eventually arrived at his bedroom—the space that had once been his sanctuary. Pushing open the door, he entered and glanced around the room, taking in the simple furnishings and decorations.

However, something caught his attention as he glanced at the mirror hanging on the wall. Reflected back at him was an unexpected sight—he was wearing girl's clothes, despite being a guy. Alex blinked in surprise, but as he looked down at himself, he realized that he didn't mind the attire at all. In fact, he quite liked it.

Curious, he made his way to the wardrobe and opened it, revealing a mix of female and male clothing neatly arranged inside. Memories flooded back as he recalled how some of the girls in the village had enjoyed dressing him up in these clothes, which explained why he had them.

With a shrug and a smile, Alex decided that the clothes suited him just fine. After all, they were a part of who he was—a reflection of the diverse experiences and friendships he had formed in this magical world. Closing the wardrobe, he turned back to the mirror, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him as he admired his reflection.

As Alex stood in his bedroom, admiring his reflection in the mirror, he was startled by a sudden knock at the door. {Who could be at the door?} he wondered, turning towards the sound with curiosity.

Opening the door, he was met with a heartwarming sight—several adult villagers stood on the doorstep, each holding a bundle of old school supplies. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins, who had taught him how to tend to the garden, and Mr. Patel, who had shared his passion for Quidditch.

"Hey, Alex!" Mr. Jenkins greeted him with a warm smile. "We heard you're off to Hogwarts soon, so we thought we'd bring over some of our old school supplies for you. Figured you could put them to good use."

Alex's heart swelled with gratitude as he accepted the bundles from each of them, thanking them profusely for their generosity. Among the supplies were textbooks, parchment, quills, and even a wand holster, all lovingly cared for despite their age.

"Thank you so much, everyone," Alex said, feeling a lump form in his throat. "I really appreciate this."

The villagers smiled warmly at him, their eyes filled with pride and fondness. "You're like family to us, Alex," Mr. Patel said, clapping him on the shoulder. "We're just happy to help you on your way."

With a final round of thanks and well-wishes, the villagers bid Alex farewell and went on their way, leaving him feeling overwhelmed with gratitude. Before he closed the door behind them, he let Mr. Patel in.

Turning back to his room, Alex noticed Mr. Patel lingering in the hallway. With a warm smile, Mr. Patel entered the room, offering to help Alex organize his new supplies. As they worked together, Alex couldn't help but feel grateful for Mr. Patel's constant presence in his life. As a close friend of his parents, Mr. Patel had taken on the role of guardian, often coming over to cook, clean, and offer guidance to Alex, especially since he was only 11 and couldn't take care of himself completely. Knowing that Mr. Patel had a room in their house for when he needed to stay longer, Alex felt a sense of comfort knowing that he wasn't alone on this journey.

As they organized the school supplies together, Alex couldn't contain his excitement, eagerly chatting with Mr. Patel about the upcoming trip to Diagon Alley.

"So, Alex, have you thought about what kind of wand you'll get?" Mr. Patel asked with a smile, happy to see Alex so enthusiastic.

Alex's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "Not really. I can't wait to see all the different wands at Ollivanders and find the perfect one!"

Mr. Patel chuckled. "Well, I'm sure you'll find the right one for you. Ollivanders is known for their excellent selection."

Alex nodded eagerly. "I hope so! And I can't wait to explore Diagon Alley and see everything for myself."

Mr. Patel's smile widened. "It's going to be quite the adventure, Alex. I'm happy for you."

Feeling a rush of excitement, Alex and Mr. Patel finished organizing the school supplies, ready to embark on their journey to Diagon Alley and experience the magic that awaited them there.

Before they left, Alex glanced at the mirror in his room, where Kumu, his trusty companion, had transformed into a hairpin, ready to conceal itself for the journey.

"Ready to go, Kumu?" Alex whispered, gently securing the hairpin in place.

With everything in order, Alex and Mr. Patel locked up the cottage and set off down the path towards Hogsmeade. As they walked, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within him. He was finally going to enter the wizarding world in earnest, and he couldn't wait to see what adventures awaited him in Diagon Alley. With Mr. Patel by his side and Kumu hidden away, he knew that he was ready to take on whatever challenges came his way.

As they walked through the picturesque streets of Hogsmeade, Alex's excitement continued to bubble beneath the surface, evident in the spring in his step and the sparkle in his eyes. Mr. Patel watched with amusement, his own expression a mix of fondness and amusement at Alex's enthusiasm.

"Slow down a bit, Alex," Mr. Patel chuckled, his tone gentle but amused. "We'll get there soon enough. But remember, it's not just about the destination; it's about enjoying the journey too."

Alex grinned sheepishly, nodding in agreement. "You're right, Mr. Patel. Sorry, I just can't help but feel so excited!"

Mr. Patel chuckled again, giving Alex's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "No need to apologize, Alex. It's good to see you so eager. Just remember to take it all in, okay?"

"Got it," Alex replied with a smile, feeling grateful for Mr. Patel's calming presence. With his excitement tempered but still burning brightly, Alex continued on, eagerly anticipating the adventures that lay ahead in Diagon Alley. And as they walked, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the guidance and support of his friend, Mr. Patel, who had been there for him every step of the way.

As they made their way through the winding streets of Hogsmeade, Mr. Patel led Alex to a nearby fireplace, where a faint blue flame danced in the hearth. With a knowing glance, Mr. Patel gestured for Alex to follow him, and together they stepped into the flames.

As they stepped out of the fireplace, Alex's eyes widened in wonder at the bustling sights of Diagon Alley. The air was alive with the chatter of witches and wizards, the scent of magical wares, and the vibrant colors of shop signs.

"Wow, this place is incredible!" Alex exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement.

Mr. Patel chuckled at Alex's enthusiasm. "It never fails to impress, does it? Diagon Alley is truly a magical place."

Alex nodded eagerly, his gaze darting from one shop to another. "Where should we start?"

Mr. Patel smiled, scanning the street before pointing towards a familiar storefront. "How about we head to Ollivanders first? Finding your wand is the most important task on our list."

Alex's eyes lit up at the mention of Ollivanders. "Yes, let's go!" he said eagerly, already moving in the direction of the wand shop.

As they made their way through the crowded street, Mr. Patel kept a steady pace, occasionally pointing out interesting shops and landmarks along the way. Alex listened intently, absorbing every detail with wide-eyed fascination.

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at Ollivanders. The quaint shopfront with its weathered sign stood out among the others, beckoning them inside with the promise of magic.

"Here we are, Alex," Mr. Patel said, gesturing towards the door. "Are you ready to find your wand?"

Alex nodded eagerly, a smile spreading across his face. "Absolutely! Let's go!"


That's the end of this chapter let me know what you think also if there is any fixing to be made tell me ill probably edit the chapter the best I can.

Criticism is accepted but as stated in the warnings don't be annoying about it this chapter was made with almost falling asleep at 3 A.M. so if the order of the dialog or some things don't make sense I wont know till tomorrow.

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