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25% The Eldritch Great One's Multiversal Playground / Chapter 2: Meeting the Demonesses

Capítulo 2: Meeting the Demonesses

GURPS and Helltaker start their journey though hell on the first floor as they look around, the area is hot with intense heat greater than the normal heat on earth but GURPS makes sure to cast a charm that will keep Helltaker cool for 24 hours so he can handle it. 

Helltaker: "Why do i feel like I'm getting more tired every time I move down here?"

GURPS does a check with Insight before using his ability to BEND reality a tad for Helltaker as he starts to feel his energy return. 

GURPS: "Apparently if your a mortal then staying in hell for too long will start to drain your lifeforce, don't worry I just fixed the issue so you won't lose your soul if you stay here for too long" 

Helltaker: "Wow, you really can do a lot with your magic or whatever you use" 

GURPS: "You have no idea" 

The duo make their way though the first floor as they come across some skeletal looking buff demons that seem to be guards, one guard notices them. 

Skele-Guard 1: "HALT! what are you doing here Mortals?"

Skele-Guard 2: "And how did two humans arrive here?" 

GURPS was keeping his Eldritch aura suppressed so they assumed he was human based off looks

Helltaker: "We've come for demon girls"

Skele-Guard 1: "I don't know why you want female demons but leave now mortals! or be slain and have your soul be absorbed by hell!" 

When they don't move the Skele-Guards have enough and charge them, Helltaker deals with one by giving it a few mighty kicks until it breaks against a wall. Meanwhile GURPS deals with his opponent by pulling out a fancy gun and firing a quicksilver bullet headshot taking out the Skele-Guard very fast. 

GURPS: "You have a surprisingly strong kick i must say"

Helltaker: "I've trained for a journey like this for a long time, Nice gun by the way"

 GURPS: "Thanks, it's named Evelyn" 

He places Evelyn back into his shadow as they both continue onwards and after kicking some rocks out of the way they finally come across a demon woman. She had white hair and red eyes and was dressed like an office worker wearing glasses and holding a clipboard, she also seemed tired, the demoness greats them with a tired indifferent look before responding. 

Pandemonica: "Name's Pandemonica, Hell's costumer service... how may I serve you?" 

GURPS lets Helltaker take the lead on this one since he already called dibs on talking to the first demon girl they found. Helltaker turns on his charisma as he speaks to her. 

Helltaker: "Maybe we could serve you instead?"

She seems to give a look to him and then looks at GURPS and then back to him before sighing and slouching her shoulders a bit as she responds 

Pandemonica: "Sweet of you to offer. I could really use some coffee, I'm not myself without it" 

Not exactly what he meant but he rolls with it as Pandemonica joins Helltaker and GURPS as the first demoness they got to join them. 


They move on to the second floor of hell with Pandemonica just observing them for the time being, they dispatched more Skele-Guards that got in the way which did impress the demoness somewhat as she noted Helltaker's raw strength and GURPS talent for gun slinging as well as some magic he used when he casted a fire ball on one guard only for it to fail since normal fire doesn't harm demons so then he used a Saw looking Cleaver instead to cut the Guard in half. 

GURPS: "By the way, how come you aren't mad at us killing the guards?" 

Pandemonica: "Eh their expendable, these guards aren't true demons but more like golems that were put together to be some extra security, they don't even have souls and are meant to be cannon fodder" 

Once they get to the end of a room GURPS is suddenly tackled by someone and rolls on the ground a bit until he's on his back to see another demon woman currently sitting on him. This one seemed to be breathing a bit heavy and she had literal hearts in her eyes... her pupils were shaped like hearts. 

Modeus: "You and Me. Now"

He looked over to see Pandemonica simply observing as Helltaker just gave a thumbs up to him, he looked back at the lustful demon after. 

GURPS: "No time, I'm busy gathering demon girls with my friend" 

She seems to breath heavier 

Modeus: "Demon Harem? you poor fools... they will rip you to shreds and I HAVE to see this"

Pandemonica: "Already Modeus that's enough, you can come with but he'll need his kneecaps and I know how you can get" 

Modeus gets off GURPS as Helltaker helps him up before giving him a pat on his back. They make their way into the 3rd floor next and deal with more fodder guards as Modeus seems kind of turned on by GURPS use of his Saw Cleaver... then again she always seemed like that around them. 

They next come across three identical demon girls who also got dog ears on their heads, the demon triplets look exited as they see them approach and even wag their tails like dogs. 

Cerberus: "Are you humans? real humans?! Please take us with you!"

Helltaker: "Deal. No questions asked."

Cerberus: "Yes! at last! it's time to corrupt the mortal realm!" 

GURPS: "...I'll need to keep them on a leash" 

The secret Great One whispered that last part to himself. The group goes through the fourth floor next with Cerberus demanding some pets from Helltaker which left GURPS to take the lead for this next one, after dealing with some more, quite frankly, useless guards they find a demoness with a sour expression as she approaches them. 

Malina: "Great, more braindead idiots... never seen your ugly face before. What are you playing at?" 

GURPS: "I can play some mean video games, you ever done a Pokemon nuzlock?" 

Malina: "HA! those are easy, ever done a nuzlock with only 3 mon's?"

GURPS: "WEAK! I've done one with only 1 mon!" 

Malina: "Really now? this I'd have to see, how about you and me, nuzlock and then battle with only what we have left after our nuzlocks?" 

GURPS: "I'm game"

Malina: "Game on" 



Helltaker and the other girls were just watching this exchange quietly 

Pandemonica: "...what is happening right now?"

Helltaker: "It's a gamer thing, don't worry"

Modeus: "It's kinda hot ngl, I feel some sexual tension going on right now with them" 



Malina: "BET?!"



The group has once again gotten bigger as they make their way to the 5th floor with GURPS and Malina talking about what is the best turn based strategy game as they come upon the next demoness. This one is smoking and she actually approaches them first while taking a puff. 

Zdrada: "Yo. I've heard about your harem. I'm in"

GURPS: "Wow word travels fast down here"

Pandemonica: "we try to have efficient information and news systems" 

Helltaker: "Wait I have a feeling I'll regret this one-"

Zdrada: "Too bad, I'm coming anyways. Go ahead and try to stop me" 

She chuckles as Helltaker seems nervous now. They make their way to the sixth floor as GURPS notices a Cross Zdrada is wearing. 

GURPS: "Doesn't that hurt? Crosses hurt demons right?"

Zdrada: "Oh sure it does, why do you ask?"

GURPS: "Wait then why do you wear-"

Malina: "She's a bloody masochist that's why" 

Zdrada: "I'm surprised to see you here Malinka, did you and this one make out over nerd talk?"

Malina: "Shut Up!"

Helltaker: "They feel like siblings"

Zdrada: "We are siblings, haha"

GURPS: "...I am so sorry"

He pats Malina's shoulder as she grumbles and they continue moving. eventually they come across someone new looking considering she has black hair and is wearing white and has a halo and most definitely doesn't belong in hell. 

Azazel: "Oh heavens! what would living humans be doing in hell? Most unusual" 

GURPS: "Looking for demons, wanna join?"

She seems exited and gets stars in her eyes 

Azazel: "Oh you too?! Let me guess, thesis on modern sin? Or is it demonology? we should join forces!" 

GURPS: "Quite the curious angel aren't you?"

Azazel: "I suppose I am, demons are just so fascinating!" 

Truth is GURPS was a bit of a nerd on the supernatural back when he was human so as he began talking with Azazel it was like re-igniting an old candle stick with flames anew thanks to the right spark. 


The group arrives in the 7th floor and once again GURPS and Helltaker deal with more Skele-Guards before they come across a demoness wearing shades as she has a very cool aura about her. 

Justice: "Yo, did you both just solve that puzzle? That's Awesome!" 

GURPS: "Ehhh tbh I just used my Insight to cheat... it's a thing I can do."

Helltaker: "Wanna join our Harem?" 

Justice: "That totally sounds like something I would've done. Also sure lets go! the more the merrier right?" 

She turned out to be a very awesome person indeed and was fun to hang around, GURPS felt like one of the cool kids around her. The group gets to the 8th floor as they enter a hallway leading to a large desk that almost looks like a throne as they see a demon woman with a strong aura sitting there. 

GURPS: "So who's she?"

Justice: "That's my bestie, Lucifer"

GURPS/Azazel: "Lucifer?! as in the fallen angel Lucifer?"

Azazel and GURPS look at each other as Justice chuckles at the interaction 

Justice: "Yep the very same"

Azazel: "I thought Lucifer was a man?"

Justice: "Ahh don't trust everything you read" 

Helltaker takes lead on this one as he approaches the desk, two Skele-Guards show up but these one's look bigger and stronger than all the previous ones. 

GURPS: "Guess the ruler of Hell would have the better security" 

Lucifer shakes the glass of wine she's holding a bit before turning her gaze to Helltaker and GURPS. 

Lucifer: "We meet at last. you've proven yourselves worthy by passing all my trails. Pledge your souls to me and I'll make you my most treasured slaves."

Helltaker: "Eh no thanks, but you can join our harem" 

Lucifer: "...What are you trying to accomplish? you think you can enslave demons to your will?"

GURPS: "I mean I'm pretty sure I could if I wanted..."

Helltaker: "We can offer coffee, turn based strategies and chocolate pancakes" 

Lucifer: "Really? is that it? you come here to try and buy me over with pancakes?"

GURPS: "He does make some amazing Pancakes. trust me, I've had them"

Lucifer: "'re both lucky I have a thing for Pancakes" 

Helltaker and GURPS both high five. 

Lucifer: "I think you've convinced me. This harem of yours may prove to be entertaining after all" 

Now with the CEO of Hell herself joining, the group makes their way to the exit back to the mortal realm. GURPS made small talk with Lucifer on certain aspects of hell he was curious about during their stay here. 

Once they get to the exit gate GURPS and Helltaker pause. 

Helltaker: " ever get a feeling that something bad is about to happen?"

Before GURPS could respond they hear a voice. 

???: "You thought you could both truly walk away? after all you've done?"

Suddenly some glowing chains appear as GURPS sinks into the shadows to dodge them but Helltaker gets grabbed by some and winces in pain as he's dragged into a big room. 

???: "I only just found you trespassers so don't die on me yet, we will spend a lot of time together you both and I!"

GURPS shadow steps into the room and cuts the chains off Helltaker before throwing him back through a portal to the other girls. GURPS then stays where he is as he see's a strong looking grey skinned demon woman appear as more chains appear and a machine is heard starting up. 


GURPS: "Well this should be fun"

He smirks and cracks his knuckles and gets ready 


*To be continued* 

RealityEldritch101 RealityEldritch101

Second chapter we now have the main Helltaker girls indroduced, actual Helltaker game is short so it won't take long till that's done and I can get into other stuff. I got some ideas for possible things to happen that should be funny or enrertianing or etc lol.

If you have any ideas too or even just wanna meme something related to the chapter then feel free to comment please.

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