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100% Danmachi |Latin Origin Protector| ENG / Chapter 3: Chapter 2 |City of Orario|

Capítulo 3: Chapter 2 |City of Orario|


Before we begin the story, although as Vegetta says, technically we've already begun. "Latin Origin Protector" is a story created by me. I apologize in advance for any errors in my English, as it is not my native language. However, I hope you can give it a chance and enjoy the story. 


I wanted to say that this is my first story and as such, it's open to constant revisions and changes. If you have any suggestions or ideas, feel free to share them, as I'll use them as inspiration for the story. I must emphasize again, I'm a novice at this, and I'm doing it just for fun, so I might not be consistent with the content. 


I want to make it clear that I won't create an overpowered protagonist with exaggerated powers. I want every skill to have its pros and cons. Also, I'm rewatching the series to refresh my memory, and this will help me create a more coherent story within the world of Danmachi. 


If you're familiar with the anime, manga, or novel and spot any major errors, I'd appreciate your feedback so I can fix them. 


**Synopsis:** Our protagonist is Joel Gómez, a 23-year-old Argentine, charismatic, and extravagant. A fan of parkour and martial arts, he's an airport police officer caught in a terrorist attack. He manages to stop it but dies in the process, only to awaken in a fantasy world. Now, Joel must adapt to this new world. 




|City of Orario| 


Recapping, Joel Gómez wakes up in an unfamiliar world, surrounded by ruins and ancient weapons. He finds a note from "|A Friend|" mocking his confusion, leading him to question his situation. As he advances toward a distant city, he overcomes natural obstacles and finally reaches the city's entrance. 


----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 


As Joel approaches the towering walls of the city of Orario, his heart pounds with anticipation and excitement. Finally, after a long hike, I see a somewhat long line starting at the entrance. Letting out a sigh, I join the line and wait to enter and gather information. 


After waiting for a few minutes, the line moves quickly. I imagine I'll be here for a few hours. Merchants are plentiful around here, and several of them present their products to me, which I politely decline. 




Upon reaching the entrance, he is stopped by one of the guards managing access to the city. Responding to the guard's call, I approach his position while he holds a notepad in his hand, his colleagues surrounding him, ensuring no one sneaks through the entrance. 


The person checking people is the typical tough-looking fellow in armor, and his presence indicates one should be careful around here. Jah reminds me a bit of my colleague Luis. 


"Good morning, I'm Hashana Dorlia. May I have your name and know what are your intentions for visiting Orario?" 


"Orario, huh? I've heard that name before... *Cough* Yeah, Joel Gómez, that's my name. Right now, I'm just looking for work and settlement around here." 


Joel, with a friendly smile on his face, politely explains to the guard that he's a bit lost and has heard about the city from some merchants he encountered on the way. He assures him that he's only here to explore and get to know the city for himself. 


The guard proceeds with the superficial inspection of the things he was wearing while taking notes. Joel takes the opportunity to admire the magnificent architecture of the walls surrounding the city. The enormous stone structures seem to have come straight out of a fantasy series he once watched on television. The tall towers, intricate designs, and elaborate decorations make him feel like he's about to enter a magical world. 


Hashana Dorlia - "Oh, so you have a profession," the guard asks casually. 


Joel - "Back in my homeland, I worked in a profession similar to yours as a public safety officer." 


With a friendly smile, I tell him my intentions. After all, I know it's best to be honest and clear to facilitate the process. I also performed these types of tasks in my police job. 


Hashana Dorlia - "Hm..." 


Joel - "Is there a problem?" 


Hashana Dorlia - "No, it's nothing," he shook his head. "Based on your appearance and the gear you're wearing, you seem more like an adventurer than a civilian." 


Joel - "Well... it was an unexpected gift I received a few days ago." 


Hashana Dorlia - "I see," he nodded, shrugging off my appearance. After finishing jotting down the information, he gestures for me to proceed. 


Joel - I nod. "Thank you very much, Hashana, for your service." 


Hashana Dorlia - "No problem. Enjoy your stay in Orario, the Dungeon City." 


I bid farewell with a wave of my hand. As I walk carefully into the city, I notice the abrupt change in atmosphere. Everything is more vibrant, and memories of different video games flood my mind due to the things I'm seeing. 


As I entered the city, I was hit by a strange sensation, quite different from what I was used to. The appearance of the city leaned more towards the Middle Ages, with its stone and wooden buildings, and people dressed in tunics and clothes reminiscent of the history books I had read in school. 


But I also noticed that as I moved forward, touches of modernity appeared here and there. In some stalls and establishments, I saw cast iron stoves and peculiar-looking coffee makers. It was as if the city merged the old with the modern in some strange way. 


The people, dressed in adventurer's attire, carried with them an impressive variety of weapons: axes, swords, spears, crossbows, rapiers—I even thought I saw a mace somewhere! I was truly surprised by the diversity and quantity of weaponry they carried. 


And while I consider myself someone who knows a bit about history, I realized I had no idea about all the types of weapons used in ancient times. For a moment, I felt like a time traveler, mixed into an era I only knew from books. 


I understood that I needed to familiarize myself with the city map to locate important places. After all, if I wanted to understand how this world worked, I needed to know where things were. 


With determined steps, Joel ventured into the lively streets of Orario, exploring his new surroundings with curiosity and enthusiasm. Although outwardly he tried to maintain a relaxed and confident attitude, inside he felt a bit intimidated by the magnitude and bustle of this unfamiliar city. 


----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 


As I walked out through one of the southern entrances of the city, I found myself near the Commercial Area, where shops and markets abound with a variety of products. Vibrant colors and tempting aromas surrounded me as I strolled through the bustling streets, admiring the shop windows and listening to the calls of the vendors. And let me tell you, I couldn't quite believe it myself. 


I carefully observed the people crossing my path. And I swear I couldn't believe what I was seeing! There was a bustling crowd of people wearing clothes that made me feel like I had traveled back in time, for real! Some looked like they came straight from a medieval movie set, with their cloaks and swords at their hips. And there I was, with my 21st-century clothes, feeling more lost than a dog at a cat concert. 


But that's not all, not by a long shot! There were some crazies with animal tails and ears, as if they had just stepped out of a Japanese anime. I had to bite my tongue to keep from asking them where Pikachu and friends were. 


And to add to the circus, there were dwarves laughing their heads off next to me, and there I was, standing at over six feet tall, feeling like a giant. In short, the whole cast of "The Lord of the Rings" was there, but with no cameras or scripts. 


And speaking of beauty, I couldn't forget about the elves. Good Lord, did they look sharp! With those pointed ears and that elegance that can't be explained with words, I swear they looked like they came straight from an elvish fashion show. 


But the spiciest thing of all were the dark-skinned girls. For the love of Gardel, did they have style! Some were dressed lighter than the Pink Panther, showing off those sculptural bodies and that attitude of "here I am, what's up?" And there I was, trying not to bump into a lamppost while sneaking glances at them. 


"How extravagant," I say to myself. 


And on this fantastic journey to the past, there had to be some people of very short stature and slim build. How adorable! But don't be fooled by their size, they had quite the gift of gab! They seemed like they came straight out of a Spielberg movie, with their adult conversations and quick wit. 


In short, a true parade of characters that left me gaping and wondering if I had stumbled onto a movie set or if I had traveled through time without realizing it. And to top it off, I have to memorize the map of this bizarre city so I don't end up lost like a tourist at the Obelisco. 


Joel decides to start his exploration by asking questions to the locals he encounters along the way. With a friendly smile, he approaches them and asks about interesting places to visit, local customs, and any advice they can offer to a newcomer. 


As he chats with the locals, Joel gathers information about the city and its surroundings. He also learns more about the presence of adventurers and the importance of the Dungeon, an underground labyrinth full of dangers and treasures that attracts brave fortune seekers. Although Joel is still unsure of how he fits into this world, he feels intrigued by the opportunities it offers. 


With each step, Joel immerses himself more in the vibrant and diverse atmosphere of Orario. He marvels at the unique architecture of the buildings, the variety of people populating the streets, and the cultural richness that flows around him. 


As he walks among the bustling stalls of the Commercial District, Joel reflects on his situation. He observes the prices of products and the commercial activity around him, remembering that he will need a way to earn money in this new world. The idea of delving into the Dungeon as an adventurer seems exciting, but also dangerous. How could he venture into a job where his life is at risk without prior training or a deep understanding of this world? 


This reflection leads him to think that before making any hasty decisions, he needs to gain a more solid knowledge about this world and its systems. He can't risk venturing into the Dungeon without fully understanding the dangers he will face and the skills he will need to survive. 


He decides that his first priority will be to seek information and educate himself about the place. Perhaps he can find a safer and more stable job in the meantime, one that doesn't involve risking his life on every shift. 


With this idea in mind, Joel begins to look for opportunities to acquire knowledge. He approaches the locals and asks them about the different factions and guilds in the city, as well as the jobs available for someone like him, a newcomer with no experience in the world of Orario. 


Through these conversations, Joel learns about the various jobs available in the city, from administrative tasks in the Guild to jobs in taverns and craft shops. He also hears about the different gods and goddesses that rule Orario and the blessings they grant to their followers. 


Joel - "Hello, beautiful lady. Excuse me for bothering you on such a busy day." 


Young lady - "Oh, it's no bother at all. How can I help you?" 


Joel - "Speaking of which, I'm looking for a place with exciting information in this city. Do you have any recommendations?" 


Young lady - "Of course! If you're looking for thrills and adventures, you should head to the Babel Tower Library. There you'll find incredible and valuable stories." 


Joel - "Interesting, could you tell me how to get there?" 


Young lady - "Sure, just continue down this street and you'll reach the Love Square, where you'll get a better view of the giant Babel Tower. Then, turn right onto the main street heading north, you can't miss it." 


Joel - "Well, thank you for the recommendation. But I must say, it was a pleasure to meet someone as charming as you in this city. May your day be as bright as your smile." 


Young lady - "Oh, thank you! It was a pleasure to meet you too. Good luck!" 


----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 


As Joel approaches Love Square, the vibrant streets of Orario surround him with a mixture of aromas, sounds, and colors. Looking around, the picturesque buildings and colorful shops evoke flashes of memories in his mind, as if they were connected to a past experience he can barely recall. 


Among the crowd, Joel spots a young couple walking hand in hand, and suddenly, a blurry image of a similar scene from an anime appears in his mind. A group of children playing in a square reminds him of a similar scene in the series he watched long ago. 


The fragments of memories and flashbacks keep coming, each one becoming more vivid as he progresses. Scenes of thrilling battles, conversations with memorable characters, and familiar places intertwine in his mind, stirring up a sense of nostalgia and curiosity. 


Joel pauses for a moment, watching the people go by as he reflects on these memories. He realizes that these flashbacks could be more than just memories from an anime series. They could be important clues about his purpose in this world, and why he was brought here by "|A Friend|"


Joel continued walking along the main street, his mind still filled with the fragmented memories and flashes of the anime. However, his attention is diverted to a café called "Café Wishe", not because of the place itself, but because of what was happening outside. 


A group of bullies was harassing a blonde girl who was sitting at a table outside the café. Joel felt an immediate urge to intervene. He didn't consider himself a hero, nor was he looking for trouble on his first day in the city, but his police instincts and ethical principles compelled him to do something about it. 


He approached the café with determined but cautious steps, assessing the situation as he got closer. The bullies seemed to be intimidating the girl, and Joel could see the discomfort on her face. He wasn't sure how to address the situation without causing a scene, but he knew he couldn't just stand by. 


"Excuse me, gentlemen, is everything alright here?" Joel asked, his voice firm but calm, trying not to sound threatening. The bullies turned to look at him, surprised by his intervention. The blonde girl looked at him with a mix of surprise and gratitude in her eyes. Joel stood his ground, ready to act if things got ugly. 


----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 


|Sea of Roses| Aphrodite Family Residence 


Aphrodite woke up to the sunlight filtering through the curtains of her room, painting the space with golden and warm tones. The birdsong filled the air, mingling with the gentle rustle of leaves moved by a morning breeze. 


She stretched lazily in bed, feeling the soft touch of silk sheets against her skin. The room was flooded with a sense of tranquility and serenity, as if the whole world were in harmony. 


The gentle scent of garden flowers wafted in the air, permeating the room with their intoxicating fragrance. Aphrodite rose gracefully, letting her feet touch the polished wooden floor delicately. 


Sunbeams danced cheerfully through the branches of the trees outside the window, creating a spectacle of light and shadow in the room. She approached the window and opened the curtains, letting the daylight flood the room completely. 


The daylight illuminated the surroundings as some rays filtered through the tree leaves. The trees cast plenty of shadows, turning the place into a cozy and peaceful space. 


Aphrodite rose gracefully in her splendid mansion, an imposing building that reflected her status as a deity. The interior was adorned with luxurious tapestries, finely crafted furniture, and exquisite artwork, all bathed in the sunlight streaming through the windows. 


The birdsong intensified, filling the air with a soft and harmonious melody. Aphrodite delighted in the sound, feeling completely at peace in that quiet corner of her mansion. 


She headed to the bathroom, where the gentle sound of water running in the shower greeted her. The water temperature was perfectly adjusted, enveloping her body in comforting warmth as she enjoyed a relaxing bath. 


Exiting the shower, wrapped in a soft white towel, she paused for a moment in front of the mirror. Her reflection showed the serenity on her face, the same calm she felt inside. She decided to dress in a light and elegant outfit, suitable for the warm morning. She slipped into a white silk dress, adorned with delicate golden details that accentuated her natural beauty. 


With her hair loose and slightly wavy, and just a touch of makeup to enhance her radiant skin, Aphrodite felt ready to face the day. She descended the stairs to the ground floor of the mansion, where she found some of her family already gathered in the main hall. 


As she made her way to the main hall, she was greeted by the members of her family, each as beautiful as the next. The Aphrodite Family was composed of a variety of men and women of divine appearance, all brought together by Aphrodite's charm. Despite having united them with her power, she treated them with kindness and respect, as befitting a goddess. 


The enticing aroma of freshly prepared breakfast floated in the air, further awakening her appetite. She sat down at the table, ready to enjoy a delicious meal and the company of her beloved family. 


After exchanging greetings and chatting briefly with some of her family members, Aphrodite decided it would be a good day to enjoy a coffee at one of the cafes in the city. However, she didn't want to attract too much attention, so she opted for a quick change of outfit to blend in. She wore a simple yet elegant dress and covered her radiant blonde hair with a discreet hat. 


With her appearance modified, she left her mansion and headed towards the café, enjoying the fresh morning air. The path led her through the bustling streets of the city, where merchants set up their stalls and citizens hurried about their daily tasks. 


Aphrodite was already seated at a table outside the café, enjoying the warm morning sun as she held a cup of coffee in her hands. The gentle breeze played with her blonde hair as she watched the hustle and bustle of the street. 


She decided it was a good day to enjoy a quiet and relaxing coffee, away from divine responsibilities and the worries of daily life. She had left behind her divine appearance, opting for a more discreet yet elegant outfit that allowed her to blend in among mortals. 


However, her peace was interrupted when a group of thugs approached her with clearly unfriendly intentions. Aphrodite frowned, preparing to use her charm to get rid of them, when an unfamiliar voice snapped her out of her concentration. 


"Excuse me, gentlemen, is everything alright here?" asked a young man whom Aphrodite had never seen before, with a relaxed expression on his face. 


Aphrodite turned towards him, surprised by his intervention. His appearance was that of a handsome but common young man, which intrigued her even more. With a charming smile, she replied, "Oh, yes, everything is fine, thank you." 


The young man seemed relieved by her response, and he noticed how the thugs became less threatening. He also felt a strange sensation running through his body, exhilarating him. But on the outside, he showed no change in his demeanor, remaining calm. 


Joel observed the scene with curiosity, noticing how the thugs, who had seemed like a threat before, were now backing off, apparently under the spell of Aphrodite's smile. He thought it had all been rather strange, but decided not to dwell on it too much. 


Turning his attention back to the young woman, Joel asked, "Are you alright?" 


Aphrodite, still surprised that her charm had not worked, smiled sweetly. "Yes, thank you. Everything is fine." 


The young man nodded, seeming satisfied with the response. "I'm glad to hear that. I just wanted to make sure," he said in a calm voice. 


Aphrodite realized that the young man had not only intervened to help, but was also trying to calm the situation. She was impressed by his brave and kind attitude. 


With a sparkle in her eyes, Aphrodite thanked him again, "Thank you once more. You are very kind to have stopped." 


Aphrodite tried to charm him again as she smiled, but Joel noticed a strange sensation, as if euphoria and love were trying to take over his consciousness and cloud his judgment. However, due to his strong will and mind, it didn't fully affect him, at least not outwardly; he showed no signs of weakness. 


Aphrodite was once again stupefied, perplexed to see that her charm was not affecting Joel. She wondered how it was possible for someone to resist her power, something that rarely happened in her experience. 


Joel, on his part, noticed the enchantment attempt and felt momentarily puzzled. However, recalling his police training and mental resilience, he managed to stand firm. Although he felt somewhat disturbed inside, outwardly he maintained his composure, looking at Aphrodite with a mixture of curiosity and caution. 


Joel nodded, accepting the gratitude. "You're welcome, lovely lady. I'd love to keep chatting with you, but it's time for me to go. By the way, my name is Joel Gómez," he said, giving her a smile. 


"Aphrodite, that's my name, make sure not to forget it," she replied with a smile of her own as she extended her hand in a gesture of courtesy. "A pleasure to meet you, Joel." 


Joel took Aphrodite's hand and shook it gently, feeling a slight electricity in the contact. "The pleasure is mine, Aphrodite," he responded, keeping his gaze warm and friendly. 


Aphrodite noticed something different about Joel, something she hadn't experienced with others before. Her charm had failed on him, and that intrigued her immensely. However, instead of feeling frustrated, she felt even more drawn to his mysterious resistance. 


"Will we meet again?" Aphrodite asked, her eyes hinting at a curious sparkle. 


"I hope so," Joel replied with a smile full of promises. "See you later, Aphrodite." 


With one last courteous gesture, Joel turned and walked away, leaving Aphrodite watching his departure with a smile on her lips and a spark of intrigue in her heart. 


----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 


Joel hurried to get out of Aphrodite's sight and headed towards the nearest alley. Although he had acted calmly in front of her, inside he felt a bit confused by the strange sensation he experienced when he was near her. He couldn't deny that Aphrodite had a special charm, but something inside warned him to stay alert. 


Leaning against one of the walls of the empty alley, his face completely flushed from the experience, Joel sighed deeply and told himself, "Aaahh, how erotic, mate. I don't know what happened with that woman." He brought his hand to his chest, trying to calm himself while his heart still raced. 


"Thank goodness I'm a good actor and could control myself," he murmured to himself with relief. He recognized the need to maintain composure in situations like that, especially when it involved an unexpected encounter with such an attractive woman. 


At that moment, he noticed a stray cat staring at him from a dark corner. "Hey, look at that, a nosy cat," he thought with an ironic smile, not expecting a response from the cat. "I think I need some fresh air." 


With exaggerated gestures, Joel began to move as if he were fanning himself, trying to clear his mind. "Ah, yes! That's it, fresh air!" he exclaimed comically, swaying a little back and forth. 


Finally, he stopped and brought his hand to his chest, trying to calm down while his heart still raced. Although he had maintained his composure outwardly, inside he was filled with confusion and questions about what he had experienced with Aphrodite. 


"What was that?" he whispered to himself. "I've never felt like this before. Could it be some kind of charm? Does she really have that effect?" 


He pondered for a moment, trying to understand what had happened. "Alright, I understand now that I need to learn more about my own power and the world around me if I want to survive in it," he said to himself with determination. "I can't afford to be swept away by something I don't understand. I must learn to control my own will and not be influenced by the charm of others." 


With that resolution in mind, Joel straightened up and left the alley with determined steps, resolved to find answers in the Tower of Babel's library as he was told. 


"But look at that, what a view, mate! I have to get a close look at that tower. This construction could be considered a wonder of this world. Literally, the tower pierces the clouds and even a little beyond." 


As Joel finally got close enough to appreciate the immense and majestic Tower of Babel, a bitter taste of surprise consumed him completely. He finally realized where he was, in the world of the anime he had seen in his adolescence. Indeed, it was the same world he had seen in "Danmachi"


His mind spun trying to assimilate the reality of being inside an anime series. He felt like he had entered a lucid dream, but he knew it was real. He vaguely remembered the features of the "Danmachi" world, he remembered the characters and some of the places, but his knowledge was blurry and fragmented, as if he were remembering a distant dream. 


As he observed the Tower of Babel, he tried to recall the details of the anime. He remembered it was a fantasy world, full of gods, adventurers, and dangerous dungeons. But beyond that, his memory was hazy. He didn't exactly remember how things worked in this world, nor did he remember the names of the main characters. 


Joel delved into his mind, trying to process the situation. Everything around him seemed to disappear, leaving him alone with the constant buzzing and white noise ringing in his ears. Then, when everything seemed to come to a halt, a robotic voice resonated in his head, filling his consciousness with a mocking and haughty tone. 


"So, you finally know where you are, don't you? Don't you?" whispered the voice with a sinister echo. "Hahaha, show me something interesting, will you? Don't worry, I'll be rooting for you from the bottom of my heart. Good luck on this new adventure, pal. |A Friend|." 


Joel shivered at the words of the mysterious voice. Who was this "|A Friend|" that had brought him to this world? The words echoed in his mind as he tried to grasp their meaning. 


For a moment, he felt overwhelmed by the presence of this mysterious entity, but then he filled with determination. If "|A Friend|" had brought him here, there must be a reason. These questions circled in his mind as he tried to find answers. 


He realized he needed to learn more and become stronger if he didn't want to die. The Tower of Babel's library seemed to be the perfect place to start. With determined steps, Joel advanced toward the tower, feeling the urgency to understand his situation and discover what role he had in this fantasy world. 


----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 


Arriving at the entrance of the tower, he paused for a moment to admire its imposing structure. The magnitude of the tower left him breathless, and he wondered what secrets and knowledge lay hidden within. With a new sense of purpose, he pushed open the enormous doors and ventured inside, ready to begin his quest for answers. 


Amazed, Joel observed as he climbed through the different floors of that enormous tower. He passed by commercial stalls offering gleaming armor, ancient books, exotic cosmetics, and other assorted goods. Occasionally, he stopped to ask some people about the location of the Tower of Babel's Library. 


As Joel ascended through the tower's floors, he stopped a passerby to ask a question. 


Joel: "Excuse me, do you know where the Tower of Babel's Library is?" Joel asked curiously. 


The passerby, a middle-aged man with a friendly expression, pointed upwards. "Yes, it's on the upper floors, around floor 30." 


Joel nodded, thankful for the information. "And is it easy to access?" 


"Well, yes and no," the man replied with a smile. "The entrance costs a bit of money, so you need to be prepared for that." 


Joel frowned, feeling concern growing inside him. "How much is the entrance?" 


"It depends," the man explained. "Prices vary, but it can be quite expensive. I'm not sure of the exact price at the moment." 


Joel nodded, somewhat discouraged by the news. "I guess I'll have to think about it then. Thanks for the information." 


"No problem," the man replied kindly. "If you can't afford the entrance, there are always other options. For example, there's a smaller library on the other floors that is free." 


Joel's face lit up at the possibility. "That sounds great! Where can I find it?" 


"It's a few floors down, on the 15th floor," the man replied. "It's smaller than the main library, but you'll still find a good amount of information." 


Joel: "Perfect, I think I'll go there then," said Joel with a grateful smile. "Thanks again for the help." 


"You're welcome," replied the man as he walked away. "Good luck with your search!" 


With this new information in mind, Joel made his way to the more modest library, ready to begin his quest for answers. 


Determined to seek answers, Joel continued ascending the tower. After climbing 15 floors, he finally reached a public library. Although it wasn't very large, at least it was free and would be closer to finding the answers he sought. 


Upon entering, a mixture of scents of old paper and ink filled his nostrils. The atmosphere was quiet, with some adventurers and scholars focused on their readings. Joel felt at home among the shelves filled with books of all kinds of magical and fictional elements from the city of Orario. 


He wandered through the aisles, scanning the titles of the books in search of something that could shed light on his situation. History books, bestiaries, magic treatises, and geography lined the shelves. Each book seemed to contain a piece of the puzzle Joel was trying to solve. 


As he sat at a worn wooden table, he felt a wave of nostalgia. He remembered the days of his childhood when his grandmother would take him to the town library, and together they would explore the shelves in search of literary treasures. The feeling of familiarity comforted him amidst his confusion. 


He pulled out one of the books on the history of the world and began to eagerly flip through it, searching for clues that could help him understand his new reality. 


Joel flipped through the pages of the book with growing interest, but also with a growing sense of confusion. As he progressed, he realized that his previous knowledge about this world was scant, barely a vague impression of history. He remembered some details, like the Tower of Babel, the adventurers, and the guild, but the characters and events seemed blurry and hazy in his mind. 


With every page he turned, Joel felt more confused. He paused occasionally to rub his eyes and try to remember, but all he got was a sense of frustration. How could he have forgotten something so important? He wondered if "|A Friend|" had erased his memory before bringing him to this world, or if it was simply his own mind that had blocked those memories. 


He immersed himself in the reading, focusing on every word, every detail, in a desperate attempt to find answers. But the more he read, the more confused he became. The names of the characters felt familiar, but he couldn't remember who they were or what role they played in the story. The events and plots seemed to blur, as if they had faded with time. 


Time passed quickly as Joel lost himself in the world of books, unaware of the passing hours. The soft murmur of pages turning and the creaking of the wooden shelves became a sort of background music. The hanging lamps cast dancing shadows on the walls, creating an almost magical atmosphere in the library. 


As he finished reading, Joel looked up in surprise to see the last rays of sunlight fading on the horizon. The golden light of the street lamps began to take its place, illuminating the streets and creating a cozy, tranquil atmosphere. He stretched with some stiffness, feeling the weight of the day on his shoulders and his mind full of jumbled thoughts. 


He closed the book carefully, as if he were safeguarding a treasure, and returned it to its place on the shelf with reverence. He promised himself to return the next day, determined to unravel more secrets of that unknown world. 


Though he hadn't found all the answers he was looking for, at least he had gained a slightly clearer understanding of that world and its history. He promised himself to keep investigating, even if it meant facing more confusion and challenges along the way. 


Before leaving the library, Joel paused for a moment, observing the shelves filled with books of fantastic history. He noticed that this type of literature was abundant in this world, where there was no internet and the demand for entertainment was high and varied. People sought to immerse themselves in stories of adventure, magic, and mystery to escape reality. 


He wondered if he could take advantage of this situation to earn income. Why not create his own stories or adapt some of the ones he already knew? His mind began to spin with ideas: tales of brave heroes, journeys to distant lands, magical creatures, and undiscovered worlds. Perhaps he could write about his own experiences in this world and give them a fantasy twist. 


With a mischievous smile, Joel took the idea of becoming a successful author as a simple hobby at first. "Well, why not?" he said to himself with a touch of humor. "After all, I've already proven to be a good actor by pretending I wasn't affected by Aphrodite's charm. How hard could it be to write a couple of stories?" 


He imagined himself sitting in front of an old typewriter, with a stack of blank pages in front of him, ready to bring his ideas to life. "Joel Gómez, the famous fantasy best-selling writer!" he exclaimed, imitating the voice of a radio announcer. "I can see it now! I would be the Borges of this city!" 


He laughed at his own joke, but deep down, the idea didn't seem so far-fetched to him. Why not give it a try? After all, what did he have to lose? Plus, writing would be a perfect way to pass the time while searching for answers in this strange and exciting world. 


"Sure, I could write about the adventures of an Argentine hero in a fantasy world," he murmured to himself as he imagined the possibilities. "It could be like Martín Fierro, but with dragons and swords. It would be awesome!" 


With a growing sense of excitement, Joel began to consider different ideas for his first novel. He recalled some of the stories he had read by Argentine authors like Cortázar, Sabato, and Arlt, and wondered how he could incorporate that unique style into his own works. 


He felt excited at the prospect of embarking on this new adventure as a writer. Although he wasn't sure how his work would be received in this world, he decided it was worth a try. And who knows, maybe one day he would become a literary legend, as famous as Messi in the world of football. 


With determined steps, Joel left the library and ventured into the city streets, ready for whatever destiny had in store for him. The night stretched out before him, full of mystery and possibilities, and he was determined to uncover each of its secrets. 


As he walked through the lantern-lit alleys, the nighttime breeze played with his hair, giving him a sense of freedom. He felt like an adventurer in a new and exciting world, ready to explore every corner and unearth its hidden treasures. 


In his mind, ideas for his first novel continued to bubble, like a cauldron at a rolling boil. He pictured himself writing frantically, letting his creativity flow into every word, as the stories came to life on paper. 


He paused for a moment to look around, absorbing the city's unique atmosphere. In the distance, he could hear the bustle of taverns and the tinkling of laughter from passersby. Every alley seemed to hide a new secret, and Joel was eager to uncover them all. 


"Come on, Joel," he encouraged himself, taking a more determined step. "The world is out there, waiting for you! There's no time to waste. Let's make history!" 


But his stomach audibly growled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten anything since his arrival. With a playful gesture, Joel rummaged in his backpack until he found a couple of snacks he had brought with him. As he nibbled on a piece of cheese, his mind buzzed with ideas and possibilities about his future in this unknown world. 


Between bites, Joel reflected on the possibilities this new world offered him. He was excited about the idea of exploring every corner of the city and discovering its hidden secrets. He imagined writing epic tales about heroes and villains, drawing inspiration from local legends and stories that had not yet been told. 


"How exciting all this is!" he thought to himself as he savored a piece of bread. "This world is full of mysteries and adventures, and I'm here, ready to be a part of it." 


With each bite, Joel felt more enthusiastic about the possibilities his new life in this place offered. He was no longer just a passive observer of stories, but now had the opportunity to be the narrator of his own adventure. 


"This place is full of stories to tell," he murmured as he chewed on a piece of dried meat. "I could write novels based on local legends, or perhaps create my own stories set in this fantastic universe. Yes, it would be great to be a successful author here!" 


However, as he took a sip of water from his canteen, he noticed that there was very little left. He realized he would need to refill it soon if he wanted to continue exploring the city. 


Determined to make the most of this opportunity, Joel finished his small snack and stood up from the bench with renewed energy. He packed the leftovers in his backpack and prepared to continue his exploration of the city. With a smile on his lips and a gleam of anticipation in his eyes, he once again ventured into the lantern-lit streets, determined to find a place to refill his water canteen and continue his adventure. 


With determined steps, Joel headed northwest in the city, near where the guild was located. As he ventured into that area, the streets began to fill with life. Passersby came and went, some laden with adventurer gear and others simply enjoying the bustling atmosphere. 


As he walked, Joel observed the buildings around him. Some seemed to house shops and taverns, while others had a more institutional look, likely offices or meeting places. 


Suddenly, he spotted a small square adorned with a beautiful fountain. The park, though modest, had a welcoming atmosphere, and Joel was drawn to the tranquility of the place. He approached the fountain and noticed several adventurers stopping there to refill their canteens before heading home. 


"Perfect," Joel thought, taking his empty canteen out of his backpack. "Looks like I found the perfect place to refill water." 


As he waited for his turn, he watched adventurers chatting animatedly among themselves, exchanging stories of the day and sharing tips for their next missions. The atmosphere was warm and friendly, and Joel felt part of something bigger than himself. 


After filling his canteen and thanking the adventurers, Joel decided to head to the guild, which he could see in the distance. Although he knew it was already late and the guild would be closed, he wanted to at least see the area. 


"Tomorrow is another day," he told himself as he watched the lights of the guild in the distance. "For now, I'd better find a place to spend the night." 


With a lack of money, Joel would have to be creative to find a place to sleep that night. 


Perhaps he could seek shelter in a public place, like a square or a park, where he could spend the night on a bench or in a quiet area. 


Another option would be to seek the generosity of a kind adventurer who might be willing to offer him a place to sleep for a night in exchange for some favor or service, such as helping with household chores or running an errand. 


He could also try to find a hostel or inn that accepted work for accommodation, offering his help with cleaning or maintenance in exchange for a bed for the night. With these options in mind, Joel set out to explore the city in search of a place where he could rest without spending money. 


After wandering and exploring the area for a while, he stopped in a commercial area to browse some shops. 


While browsing in a hat shop, a cowboy-style hat with a striking feather caught his attention. He approached to examine it closer, but just then, another hand grabbed it before him. 


"Hey, wait a moment," Joel exclaimed, surprised by how quickly someone else had beaten him to it. The owner of the hand that had reached for the hat turned around, revealing a familiar figure with a friendly smile. 


He had a slim build and was of average height, with blond hair and orange eyes. He wore a hat with a feather, Joel didn't know who he was, but he seemed familiar. 


"Sorry, buddy. I didn't know you were planning to buy it," said the unknown man. 


Joel shook his head quickly. "No, no, no, I was just looking," he replied. 


The stranger smiled. "Ah, I see. But you seemed quite interested in it," he remarked. 


Joel returned the smile. "Well, to be honest, I thought it looked really good," he admitted. 


The stranger laughed. "Haha, it sure does! You've got great taste, colleague," he said, giving Joel a friendly tap on the shoulder before walking away to the counter to pay for the hat. 


Joel never expected the stranger to turn back to him and place the hat on his head. He was bewildered as the man smiled at him and pointed to himself, saying, "Now we're style buddies." Joel didn't know what to say, surprised by the unexpected gesture. All he could manage was to ask if he was sure about giving it to him. 


The stranger responded with an enigmatic smile, "You have an aura of someone who seems promising, consider it an investment for the future," as he walked away. Joel thanked him and asked for his name, but the stranger simply waved his hand in a farewell gesture, revealing that his name was Hermes. 


Afterwards, Joel watched where Hermes was heading and caught a glimpse of his companion. Although she was too far away to be clearly distinguished, the sight of her beautiful sky-blue and white hair captivated him, reminding him of the colors of his homeland's flag. 


For a moment, Joel stood there, lost in thought, wondering if the gaze was directed at him or if it was just a coincidence. He felt a strange sense of familiarity as he observed her, as if he had seen her face before, although he couldn't remember where. 


He decided to move on, but the woman's gaze left him with a sense of unease in his heart. Who was she and why did she seem so familiar? That question lingered with him as he continued to explore the streets of the city, searching for a place to spend the night. 


----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 


On the other hand, Asfi Al Andromeda turned to the God Hermes and asked him with a note of incredulity in her voice why he had decided to give a hat to a complete stranger. 


Hermes - With his characteristic tone of mockery, he replied, "Are you jealous, Asfi? Or perhaps has he captivated your maiden heart and you want to know more about him?" 


Slightly flushed by Hermes' words, Asfi decided to continue the conversation, albeit trying to maintain her composure. 


Asfi - "Stop teasing, Hermes," she said with a slight smile. "I just find it curious that you gave a hat to a stranger." 


Hermes - With his characteristic mischievous smile, he shrugged. "Oh, don't worry, Asfi. I was just being friendly. Besides, he has an interesting energy, don't you think?" 


Asfi - She frowned slightly, still intrigued. "Interesting energy?" 


Hermes - "Yes, yes," he responded, nodding knowingly. "A kind of aura of promise, you know? It reminds me of you when you're investigating something exciting." 


Asfi - She raised an eyebrow, surprised by the comparison. "Me? I'm not sure if that's a compliment or a tease, Hermes." 


Hermes - He chuckled. "Oh, take it as you will, dear! But you'll admit the boy seems intriguing." 


Asfi - She sighed, resigned to Hermes' playful attitude. "Well, I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens. He doesn't seem like he's going to cause trouble." 


Hermes - He nodded in agreement. "Exactly, Asfi. And if he does, we can always intervene. But for now, let him write his own story." 


Asfi - She smiled, recognizing the wisdom in Hermes' words. "You're right." 


With a mischievous smile, Hermes nodded, and they began to walk back. 


----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 


Returning to our protagonist, with his new cowboy hat on, Joel observed the imposing walls surrounding the city. A sense of peace and security washed over him as he beheld the majesty of the structure. 


Suddenly, a blurry memory seeped into his mind: a blonde girl with a white-haired boy training near the walls. He couldn't remember their names or the details of their faces, but the image was there, like a stroke on a canvas. He wondered if the walls would be a good place to rest, with a panoramic view of the city and away from troubles. 


"Perhaps I could find a quiet spot atop the walls," he thought to himself. "It would be a good place to reflect and plan my next move." Determined, Joel made his way toward the walls, excited by the idea of finding refuge in that imposing and historically rich place. 




End of Chapter 2 |City of Orario| 

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