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66.66% Danmachi |Latin Origin Protector| ENG / Chapter 2: Chapter 1 | The Arrival | 

Capítulo 2: Chapter 1 | The Arrival | 


Before we begin the story, although as Vegetta says, technically we've already begun. "Latin Origin Protector" is a story created by me. I apologize in advance for any errors in my English, as it is not my native language. However, I hope you can give it a chance and enjoy the story. 


I wanted to say that this is my first story and as such, it's open to constant revisions and changes. If you have any suggestions or ideas, feel free to share them, as I'll use them as inspiration for the story. I must emphasize again, I'm a novice at this, and I'm doing it just for fun, so I might not be consistent with the content. 


I want to make it clear that I won't create an overpowered protagonist with exaggerated powers. I want every skill to have its pros and cons. Also, I'm rewatching the series to refresh my memory, and this will help me create a more coherent story within the world of Danmachi. 


If you're familiar with the anime, manga, or novel and spot any major errors, I'd appreciate your feedback so I can fix them. 


**Synopsis:** Our protagonist is Joel Gómez, a 23-year-old Argentine, charismatic, and extravagant. A fan of parkour and martial arts, he's an airport police officer caught in a terrorist attack. He manages to stop it but dies in the process, only to awaken in a fantasy world. Now, Joel must adapt to this new world. 




| The Arrival | 


With Joel's arrival, a strange and unexpected phenomenon resonated through the vast magical network that connected the various realms and dimensions. Only a few keen observers managed to briefly perceive this change. 


The phenomenon manifested as a subtle yet perceptible vibration in the air, like a distant hum that made the skin tingle and the senses sharpen. Those sensitive to magic might experience sudden headaches or fleeting visions, like flashes of light in the corner of the eye. 

|Aphrodite: Goddess of love, beauty, and sensuality|

Aphrodite approaches her Divine Mirror, a celestial relic that allows her to see any place in the Lower World. Her delicate fingers gently trace the contours of the mirror, triggering a soft luminescence on its polished surface. The goddess gracefully tilts her head, closing her eyes as she focuses on the magical reflection that forms. 


However, before the mirror can show any image, Aphrodite feels an unexpected vibration in the magic network that weaves throughout Orario and beyond. She raises an eyebrow with intrigue, sensing a peculiar energy that shines with intensity. 


"What is this?" murmurs the goddess, her soft voice echoing in the celestial chamber. The sensation is ephemeral, barely a flash in the vast magic network that connects the divine world with the mortal world. But it's enough to catch her attention. 


Aphrodite tries to tune in further, but the vibration disappears as quickly as it came, leaving her with more questions than answers. She furrows her brow, perplexed by the brevity of the encounter. 


"I can't see anything," she murmurs to herself, her beautiful lips forming an expression of puzzlement. "Just a vibration in the magic network... and then it vanished." 


A soft sigh escapes the goddess's lips as a fragrant breeze rustles her golden hair. She steps away from the mirror, gracefully pacing the room, her thoughts swirling around the recent enigma. 


"Though brief, this sensation doesn't leave me indifferent," she muses, her green eyes shining with curiosity. "It's like a fleeting melody in the air, a hint of something greater to come." Despite the lack of information, a spark of intrigue gleams in Aphrodite's eyes. 


A playful smile curves her lips as she gazes out at the city. "It seems life in Orario never ceases to surprise me," she murmurs with satisfaction, her emerald green gaze shining with anticipation. "A new player has entered the stage, and I'm eager to see what fate awaits him." 


|Library of the Tower of Babel|

In a library within the majestic Tower of Babel, where magic and mysteries intertwine in an eternal dance, Riveria Ljos Alf, the vice-captain of the Loki Familia, is immersed in her arcane studies. As a renowned sorceress, her knowledge of magic is unparalleled. 


The library is a vast labyrinth of shelves filled with ancient tomes bound in leather, rolled scrolls, and magical relics that ignite the imagination. The dim light of magical lamps filters through the shelves, creating an intimate and mysterious atmosphere. The air is imbued with the scent of book dust and the subtle aroma of incense that wafts through the air. 


As she studies ancient grimoires and unravels the secrets of the elements, Riveria feels a strange fluctuation in the magic around her. Her elven ears prick up, catching the soft hum of energy that seems to dance in the air. 


Intrigued by this sensation, Riveria focuses on her connection to magic and feels a distant echo resonating in her soul. The magical energy seems to vibrate in an unfamiliar way, as if it's responding to a distant call. Her green eyes shine with curiosity as she seeks to understand the origin of this magical disturbance. 


|Prayer Hall|

On the other hand, Ouranos, the venerable god of the sky, is in the Chamber of Prayers, a sacred chamber located beneath the Guild, where he uses his divinity to keep the monsters emerging from the dungeon at bay. His eyes scan the space with a vigilant and determined gaze. 


Intrigued by this disturbance, the god directed his attention to the place from where this anomaly originated. However, his divine power couldn't discern the exact source of this unusual vibration. 


In the Chamber of Prayers, immersed in his meditations, Ouranos wondered what new element was being introduced into the world he had watched over for so long. Although he couldn't identify the exact cause of this disturbance, Ouranos remained calm and vigilant, ready for any eventuality that might arise. 


Instead, Freya, the goddess of beauty and love, is in her majestic hall. Seated on a throne adorned with golden filigree, her elegant figure rises with a regal posture as she attentively gazes at the landscape beyond the tall arched windows. 


The hall is adorned with opulence and refinement. The walls are lined with panels of white and gold marble, adorned with intricate reliefs depicting scenes of love and beauty. Plush, soft carpets cover the marble floor, cushioning each step with every stride. 


Suddenly, a vibration in the magic network that interlaces Orario and its surroundings catches her attention. Intrigued, she stands up with elegance, her silk dress floating around her as she approaches the window. The city of Orario, with its tall towers and bustling streets, stretches before her eyes. 


"What is this?" Freya murmurs to herself, her soft and melodious voice filling the room. "An unknown energy... an essence that doesn't match that of my adventurer children in the labyrinth." A playful smile curves her crimson lips as she contemplates the city she rules with grace. 


Even absent gods, such as Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, felt the unusual fluctuation in Orario's magic. In the confines of their respective divine realms, these deities perceived the shift in the city's energy and wondered what new event was taking place in that remote corner of the world. 


Meanwhile, our protagonist, unaware of these events, embarks on a journey into the unknown. 


| Day 1 | 


The landscape begins to open up, and I can see the tree line up ahead. I've been walking almost all day across a mountainous stretch where the ruins were, but I'm finally reaching the entrance to the forest. 


"It's good news; I see the clouds clearing up. I can see a dense forest below, but I also see a large gorge. So, there might be a river down there, and that's where I'll head," I told myself. 


According to the old map I found in my backpack, I'll have to navigate through the forest and find the river, which will stretch for most of the journey. Then, after passing through some quarries or slopes, I'll enter the trade route, which should be a clearer path. I look at the map again, trying to memorize every detail. I'm not sure if this map is very accurate, considering how old it looks, but it's what I have for now. 


"I know most villages are near rivers, and if I can find one, I'll be able to reach civilization, but first, I have to cross the dense forest below." 


As Joel walks through the lush forest, it's teeming with life and mystery. Tall trees stand majestically towards the sky, while vines snake along the ground, creating a tapestry of lush greenery. Joel stops occasionally to admire the beauty of the place but also remains alert to any signs of danger. 


I can only see a few meters ahead, and it's strangely claustrophobic. This could also be the territory of dangerous animals, like bears or snakes. With each step, I try to remember the survival lessons I learned from my grandfather and from my police training. 


I need to get out of here, but it won't be easy. This underbrush is ruthless, surrounded by a kind of plant covered in sharp, hook-like thorns. After pushing through it and reaching a small clearing within the forest, I realize I have only a few hours of daylight left. I decide to improvise a shelter and spend the night here. 


Using branches and dry leaves I find on the ground, I skillfully construct a rudimentary but sturdy structure, ensuring it's high enough to keep me off the ground and protected from any nocturnal predators that might be lurking in the area. 


As I work on my shelter, I recall the survival shows I used to watch. They often said that nature is unpredictable and that we should always be prepared for any eventuality. Once my shelter is finished, I gather a few more branches to make a fire with the flint that was in my backpack. I know a fire will not only provide me with warmth and light during the night but also deter any wild animals that may be lurking in the darkness. 

After lighting the fire, I sit in front of it, watching the flames dance under the starry sky. I feel exhausted but relieved to have a safe place to spend the night. As I settle near the fire, I feel a sense of peace and connection with the surrounding nature. 


As he sits by the fire, Joel can't help but grumble a little to himself. His job was supposed to end smoothly, and nothing bad was supposed to happen, but now he finds himself in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by dangers, and not entirely understanding how he got there. 


"Why do I always get myself into trouble?" he asks aloud, with a mix of frustration and resignation. 


He imagines himself at home in Buenos Aires, sharing mate with his friends and family. That warmth and familiarity seem so distant right now. He longs for the comfort of home, the lively conversation, and the shared laughter around the table. 


"Yeah, some mate right now would be great," he murmurs to himself, remembering the comforting aroma and taste of the typical Argentine infusion. "And some empanadas... or a good asado," he adds nostalgically. 


The crackling of the fire seems to comfort him a little, and for a moment, he feels a bit closer to home. But he knows he has to stay focused on his goal: to reach the city and find answers. 


However, my thoughts are interrupted by a noise in the distance. I look up and listen carefully, trying to identify where the sound is coming from. It's then that I hear the sound of running water nearby, giving me hope that I might find a river and follow its course towards civilization. 


| Day 2 | 


At dawn, Joel rises with his body still fatigued from the previous night. Although he doesn't feel completely rested, he feels renewed by the rest and the hope that everything he's experiencing is just a dream. However, the presence of the weapons he found among his belongings reminds him of the strange reality he's in as he looks at the weapons and wonders if the revolver will truly work with magic. 

A note old that is found next to him, carefully folded, was placed alongside the weapons that Joel had found in the ruins, as if it had been left there specifically for him. The strange combination of ancient weapons and the intriguing note created a surreal atmosphere. 


"'A dream?' Clearly, you're in a very strange place, my friend. Although I wonder if you're starting to doubt. I hope you've gotten used to the idea! After all, I brought you here because, well, we resemble each other a bit, don't you think? Maybe it was just a selfish wish on my part, but here you are, in this intriguing world. I hope you don't die soon! Regards, |A Friend|." 


The note, written with an elegant but unfamiliar handwriting to Joel, leaves a taste of uncertainty in his mind. Who was this mysterious " Friend " who had brought him to this world? And why? Joel feels as if he's trapped in some sort of cosmic game, where the rules are still unclear, and the answers are elusive. 


"'What does all this mean?" he murmurs to himself, with a mixture of wonder and bewilderment. The note seems to have a casual and familiar tone, as if "A Friend" and he had conversations in the past. But Joel doesn't remember having such mysterious friends, much less from a place as extraordinary as this. 


With a sigh, he decides to postpone that question for later and focus on the present. He gathers his things and prepares to face whatever this new day holds. He knows he can't let his guard down, especially in an unknown world like this. As he ventures into the forest in search of the stream he heard the night before, he mentally prepares himself for whatever may come, determined to face any challenges that may cross his path. 


After a quick breakfast with some provisions I kept in my backpack, I venture back into the forest. This time, I'm hopeful to find the stream and, hopefully, some food I can gather along the way. As I move among the trees, my senses are alert. I watch the movements and sounds of the forest, trying to detect any signs of danger or the presence of nearby water. 


After walking, I hear the gentle murmur of water. I follow the sound and soon find myself in a small clearing where a stream winds its way through the rocks and vegetation. The crystal-clear water glimmers under the morning sun, and I can't help but feel relieved to find this source of life in the middle of the forest. 


I crouch down near the stream and dip my hands into the cold water. I drink eagerly, feeling the cool liquid revitalizing my tired body, and also take the opportunity to refill my canteen. As I lean over the calm water, I see my reflection on the crystal-clear surface. 


At first, my eyes widen with amazement at the image reflected in the water. My face no longer shows the signs of age; the lines and wrinkles have disappeared. Instead, I see the image of an 18-year-old young man, with smooth and flawless skin, toned muscles, and eyes full of vitality. 


"What's happening?" I ask, bringing my hands to my face to confirm what I see. "I'm... rejuvenating!" 


Incredulity mixes with excitement as I marvel at how my body seems to be reversing in time. Every detail, from the firmness of my skin to the sparkle in my eyes, reminds me of the days of my youth. 


"It's... incredible," I murmur, unable to look away from my reflection. "I'm turning 18 again!" 


I remember those days of youth, when I was in my best physical shape, pushing the limits of my body with acrobatics and parkour training. Back then, the world was full of possibilities, and I felt invincible. But at 23, time is passing by. The work in the police force has worn me out, and the daily routine has left its mark on me. 


I stand there for a moment, absorbed in the revelation of my transformation, until I finally straighten up and step away from the stream, a smile of astonishment on my face. Now I understand that something extraordinary is happening, and I'm ready to face whatever this new chapter of my life brings. 


Then, I decide to explore a bit more to see if I can find some food. Among the bushes, I find some wild berries and nuts that I carefully gather. They're not much, but they'll be enough to satisfy my hunger for the moment. 


Some of the plants I come across seem somewhat familiar from my days at the police academy, where I studied the origin and properties of substances like cocaine, marijuana, and other illegal drugs. Although the forest plants are different, Joel trusts in his ability to discern between what's safe and what's dangerous. However, he wishes he had a small first aid kit with antidotes and treatments for possible poisonings. 


The stream brought me to this big river, "This is good news for me, rivers are the way to get away from trouble because sooner or later they will pass near a town or a road, so from here, I'll travel downstream." 


As I continue moving forward, I hear the sound of something moving in the bushes. I tense instinctively, prepared for the worst, but soon discover it's just a small rabbit hopping among the shrubs. I relax a bit upon seeing it, knowing that a rabbit would be an excellent addition to my diet if I could catch it. 


I approach the rabbit stealthily, trying not to startle it. But just as I'm about to pounce on it, the rabbit makes an agile leap and disappears into the bushes, mocking my attempts. I stare at where it went, feeling a bit disappointed. 


Suddenly, I see an animal lunging at me from the undergrowth, showing its sharp fangs and emitting a threatening growl. Instinctively, I take a step back, but my training and experience kick in immediately. 


In a swift motion, I step aside from the animal's path and draw my karambit. The beast comes at me with ferocity, but with a quick hip twist, I manage to dodge its attack. However, the forest is a tight place, and the dense foliage causes me to slip. I take advantage of the moment to roll towards some bushes, but the unexpected movement makes the beast charge towards me. 


With the limited visibility of the bushes, I roll to the side, narrowly avoiding the beast's attack. With a swift movement, the beast tries to bite my right shoulder, but I'm already on my feet. With the karambit in hand, I leap over it, landing on its back and delivering another slash. 


As I attempt to slit its throat at the back of its neck, the beast turns its head just in time to try to stop my weapon with its sharp, huge fangs. 


I watch in amazement as one of the beast's sharp fangs breaks upon impact with my karambit, revealing the weapon's resilience and sharpness. The beast growls and recoils, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected counterattack. I seize the opportunity to regain control of the situation. 


With quick and calculated movements, Joel attacks again, aiming for the animal's vulnerable spots. His training in martial arts and his agility allow him to dodge the animal's attacks while delivering precise strikes with his karambit. Without losing momentum, I continue my assault, capitalizing on the opening I've created. With swift and accurate movements, I manage to inflict several deep cuts on the animal, weakening it with each blow. 


The beast staggers back, wounded and disoriented by the fight, but it's not yet defeated. It lunges at me once more, but this time I'm prepared. With a precise movement, I drive my karambit into the weak spot I've identified in its neck. 


The animal lets out a final groan of pain before collapsing to the ground. Quickly, I deliver a stab to its spine with the edge of the karambit, killing it swiftly and painlessly. I breathe deeply, feeling the adrenaline rushing through my veins, but also a profound sense of relief knowing that I have emerged victorious from this battle. 


Examining the fallen animal, I can see that it resembles a wild boar, but with a more aggressive and robust appearance. I pick up my karambit, impressed by its resilience and effectiveness in combat. I'm grateful to have had this weapon at my disposal in this time of need. 


"It seems I have some sort of wild boar here, in good condition, well except for the cuts I inflicted," I remark to myself. 


While ensuring the animal is truly dead, I examine its body and decide to make use of the meat for sustenance. I place some edible herbs in its mouth and thank the animal. 


"It's common to put food in the mouth of animals, so that when they pass into the afterlife, they have something to eat. It's a sign of respect for the animal," I reflect aloud as I place the edible herbs in the boar's mouth. 


"It's sad to kill an animal, it always makes me tear up a bit. They're precious creatures," I add with a sigh, feeling the emotion of the moment. 


I'm excited right now, it's been long days with an unexpected battle, leaving me exhausted and hungry. I really want to eat. With the accumulated fatigue of walking and the recent fight, I know I have to build a shelter and spend another night in the forest. 


But first, I need to quickly gut the boar to prevent bacteria from growing in the still warm carcass. With the skill acquired over the years, I approach the stream water to start carefully disassembling the beast, cutting pieces of lean meat. I leave the entrails near a tree, allowing the animal's spirit to return to the forest. 


Although the situation is a bit unpleasant, I know I need the energy that this food provides to stay strong and continue my journey. I light a small fire near the river and place the meat pieces on improvised branches. 


While the meat cooks slowly over the flames, I take the opportunity to gather some edible herbs I find nearby, as well as green branches to make jerky with the smoke they produce, which will be my backup food. Once the meat is ready, I sit down and enjoy my makeshift meal. Although the flavor is a bit wild and the texture somewhat fibrous, I feel the energy and warmth spreading through my body, giving me the strength I need to keep going. 


| Day 3 | 


The next day after eating, I pack up my things and put out the fire, leaving the place as I found it. I thank the animal for its sacrifice, knowing it has given me the chance to stay alive in this unfamiliar world. With a full stomach and a renewed spirit, I continue my journey. 


Joel arrives at the banks of the serene river. This place, more open and clear than the forest, gives him a welcome respite. He sits on a rock by the river, letting out a sigh of relief as he watches the clear water flowing gently. 


The soothing sound of the river and the cool breeze allow him to relax a little and take a short break. After all, he has been walking for many hours along the river in the forest, and the sun is starting to descend on the horizon, indicating that night is quickly approaching. 


Joel knows he can't stop for long, but sitting on the riverbank, with the gentle murmur of the water in his ears, he allows himself a moment of reflection. He remembers his grandfather's teachings in the countryside, when he taught him to recognize the signs of the weather and the secrets of nature. His wisdom had always been useful, even in his life in the bustling city of Buenos Aires. Now, in this new world, that knowledge becomes even more important. 


As he watches the river, Joel recalls the warm memories of his childhood in the Pampas fields. The nights he spent camping with his grandfather and childhood friends from the village, cooking under the stars and telling stories around the fire. Those moments gave him a sense of connection to the land and prepared him to face life's challenges. 


Grandfather: (sitting around the fire with the children, watching the sky darken) "Do you see how the sun starts to hide behind the hills?" 


Joel and the children nod with curiosity. 


Grandfather: "That means night is coming. And when night comes to the countryside, it's important to be prepared." 


Joel: "Prepared for what, Grandpa?" 


Grandfather: "For many things, Joel. Darkness brings its own challenges. But if you know how to face them, you'll be fine. For example, what should you do when daylight starts to fade?" 


Pedro, one of Joel's friends, raises his hand. 


Pedro: "I know! We should light more wood in the fire to have more light!" 


Grandfather: "Exactly, Pedro. Lighting more wood will give us light and warmth, but we also need to think about other things. What if we need to find our way back home and it's already dark?" 


Juan, another friend of Joel, responds excitedly. 


Juan: "We use our flashlights!" 


Grandfather: "Good thinking, Juan. Flashlights are very useful, but what if we don't have flashlights?" 


The children look at each other, pensive. 


Joel: "Could we use the stars to guide us?" 


Grandfather: "Exactly, Joel! The stars are like little lights in the sky that can show us the way. But we must learn to recognize them and understand how they guide us." 


Pedro: "How do we do that, Grandpa?" 


Grandfather: "Let's see." (He stands up and walks to a place where they can clearly see the starry sky) "Look up. Do you see those three bright stars in a straight line?" 


The children nod. 


Grandfather: "That's called Orion's Belt. Point towards it and walk in that direction. The stars always point us east, where the sun rises in the morning." 


The children listen attentively, absorbing every word from their wise grandfather. 


Grandfather: "Now, how about we practice a bit before it gets completely dark?" 


Joel and the other children stand up excitedly, ready to learn and practice what their grandfather has taught them. Together, under the starry sky of the Pampas, they prepare to face the challenges of the night with bravery and knowledge. 


The image of his grandfather, with his wise gaze and contagious laughter, sneaks into his mind, reminding him of the importance of perseverance and courage. Joel smiles nostalgically as he remembers the mischief they used to get into with his friends, exploring the remotest corners of the Pampas and sharing adventures that seemed straight out of a storybook. 


He shakes his head to push the memories away and focuses on the present. Rifling through his backpack, he pulls out his water canteen, gratefully drinking the cool liquid that quenches his thirst. Then, he takes some food from his reserve and enjoys a bite while contemplating the landscape. 


Joel found a suitable spot near the river to camp. He discovered a small clearing among the trees, spacious enough to make an improvised shelter. First, he gathered some thick, flexible branches to build the basic structure of the shelter, collected large leaves and smaller branches to cover the roof and walls, creating a barrier against the wind and rain. 


With the shelter ready, Joel lit a small fire nearby to keep warm, watching the river flow gently and the sky darken slowly, reflecting on everything that had happened since he woke up in this strange world. Despite feeling stronger than ever, as if he had gained mysterious abilities, Joel knew he wasn't in his best shape. He had been through a lot in these days and needed to rest to fully recover. 


Joel, aware that he was venturing into unfamiliar territory, decided to take additional precautions. He took a thick piece of wood and carved it into the shape of a harpoon, sharpening four points at one end with his karambit knife. This improvised weapon would provide him with greater reach and would be useful for fishing tomorrow under the sunlight. 


He decided he would spend the night in the shelter and set out the next day. He wanted to be prepared in case he encountered other people passing through the area. Besides, he felt he needed time to process everything he had experienced and discover more about this new world he found himself in. 


With that decision made, Joel settled inside the shelter, feeling the warmth of the fire and the comforting sound of the nearby river. He closed his eyes, ready to rest and recharge his energy for whatever the new day held. 


|Day 4| 


At dawn the next day, Joel woke up refreshed and ready to continue his journey. He dismantled his makeshift shelter and, after making sure not to leave a trace, set off along the riverbank. As he walked, Joel recalled survival tips he had seen in numerous series and movies, as well as his own common sense. He kept his attention alert, observing his surroundings and looking for signs of human life. 


After walking a good stretch in the direction of his destination, Joel spotted an interesting scene up ahead. A group of merchants was being guarded by a couple of adventurers who were resting near the river and feeding their animals. He decided to approach cautiously, not wanting to attract too much attention. He watched the interaction between the adventurers and the merchants, trying to discern whether they were friendly or posed any danger. 


Meanwhile, he recalled some basic safety principles he had learned as a policeman. He maintained a relaxed but vigilant posture and made sure to have quick access to his weapons in case the situation turned hostile. 


Carefully, Joel approached the group, keeping a respectful distance. He was ready to introduce himself and ask about the direction to the city, but he was also prepared to react if things took an unexpected turn. He noticed the river flowing into a bend leading to a wider lake. The calm water reflected the early morning sun's rays, creating a serene and beautiful view. 


The lake stretched majestically, seeming to open up to a world of possibilities. However, it also meant that, while he had reached a key point in his journey, he would have to make a decision about which path to take. 


Joel carefully observed the group near the lake. The merchants were unloading supplies from their carts while the adventurers tended to their horses and prepared a small fire to cook breakfast. He decided to approach cautiously, taking advantage of the group's distraction with their morning tasks. The lively conversation between the adventurers and the merchants reminded him of the camping days with his grandfather and childhood friends in the fields of the Pampas. 


Joel approached the adventurers and merchants while holding an improvised spear made of wood, with several sharp points at its end. He left his belongings by the riverbank and waded into a shallow part with the spear, attempting to catch a fish. He hoped the river would provide him with some food for breakfast. 


The adventurers looked at him with curiosity, but seeing his fishing attempt, they didn't seem to suspect him, thinking he was just another traveler trying to feed himself. The adventurers and merchants watched him as he tried to fish, some of them joking amongst themselves about Joel's fishing skills. 


"It seems you have a unique technique for fishing, friend," one of the adventurers said with a smile. "Have you been in the forest for a long time to learn that?" 


Joel chuckled, shaking his head. "Not exactly. But it's better than nothing, right?" 


After a while of patience and perseverance, Joel managed to catch a small fish. It wasn't much, but it would be enough to satisfy his hunger in the morning. 


"Your breakfast will be quite light, friend," one of the adventurers commented with a smile. 


Joel joined in the laughter. "Yes, it seems so. But at least it's something," he replied with a smile. "And what about you, where are you headed?" 


The adventurers, grateful for the distraction, began to talk animatedly about their latest adventures in the Dungeon and the challenges they had faced. The merchants, on the other hand, explained the variety of magical products they had for sale. 


(Joel, in his mind, was puzzled, asking himself, "Dungeon? Am I in a world like Baldur's Gate from Dungeons and Dragons?"


Joel listened attentively, trying to discreetly find out more about the world he was in. He asked some intelligent questions about the Dungeon while maintaining his relaxed and friendly attitude. The adventurers and the merchants seemed willing to talk, as they also enjoyed the opportunity to share their experiences with an interested traveler. 


As they chatted, Joel realized he was gaining valuable information about the world he was in and the opportunities it offered. Although his situation was unexpected and bewildering, he was determined to make the most of this new adventure. Joel nodded as he listened carefully to the stories of the adventurers and the merchants. However, his mind was elsewhere, thinking about his current situation and how he could find a stable place in this new world. 


"All this about the Dungeon sounds exciting, but are there any other types of work here?" Joel asked, genuinely interested. "I'd like to find something stable. Do you know if there are opportunities in the city?" 


The adventurers exchanged glances before responding. "Well, the city of Orario is the only city in the world that has a Dungeon. Most of the Gods and Goddesses live there, and it's always in need of labor," one of them said. "From jobs in taverns to administrative tasks in the Guild, there's something for everyone. And if you have useful skills, you could find a good job in the market or in one of the craft shops." 


Joel, unsure why the name Orario sounded familiar, nodded in appreciation for the information. "That sounds promising. What's life like in the city? And what about these Dungeons? Why do people challenge them?" 


The adventurers and merchants exchanged glances before one of them, an older man with a long beard, spoke up. 


"Life in the city can be quite bustling, but it also offers many opportunities," he remarked. "Most people live under the protection of the gods, who descended and bestowed their blessings upon humanity. Those blessings allow people to become stronger and capable of challenging the Dungeon." 


"The Dungeon has different levels of floors that are dangerous places full of monsters and treasures," another adventurer continued. "Many come here in search of wealth and glory, challenging monsters and collecting the magic crystals found within. But keep in mind, each floor of the Dungeon has its own level of difficulty, and not everyone returns alive." 


Joel nodded, processing the information, feeling like his brain was short-circuiting as he tried to figure out why all this sounded so familiar. "So, the city is like a starting point for adventures in the Dungeon. Maybe I should head there and see what I can find." 


The adventurers and merchants agreed with the idea, encouraging him to explore the city and discover its possibilities. They mentioned that the route they came from went around a gorge and that it would take him about two days to reach the main road and another two days to walk to the city, or if he was crazy and confident enough, he could cross the gorge and reach the main road. 


With this new information in mind, Joel bid farewell to the group, grateful for their help and advice. Now, with a clear destination in mind, he set out to see if it was possible to cross the mountain gorge, heading toward the city with renewed purpose and determination. 


Determined to reach the city, Joel chose the path through the gorge because it was the shortest route to the main road. Despite the challenges ahead, Joel felt confident in his abilities to overcome them. 


As Joel made his way through the narrow mountain gorge, each step was a mix of excitement and challenge. The sight of the towering rocky walls on either side left him in awe of their imposing majesty. The wind blew strongly, causing tree branches to sway and the sounds of nature to fill the air. 


As he ventured further into the gorge, he encountered new obstacles that tested his wit and skills. The narrow, slippery trails required careful balance, while loose rocks underfoot added to the challenge of moving forward. 


The echo of his footsteps resonated off the walls of the gorge, reminding him of the solitude of his journey. However, he also felt a sense of freedom and adventure that pushed him onward. Each step brought him closer to the city, a place full of mysteries and opportunities. 


Despite the challenges he faced, Joel felt alive and determined. Every obstacle overcome was a victory, and every panoramic view that opened up before him was a reward for his courage. With each step, he drew nearer to his destination, ready to face whatever the future held. 


His experience in parkour allowed him to move with agility even on difficult terrain, and his body, after a restful night's sleep, felt renewed and stronger than ever. Somehow, Joel noticed a supernatural improvement in his agility and endurance. Even when he reached an improvised bridge, Joel didn't hesitate to cross it. 


With precise movements, he balanced his weight on the taut ropes and sturdy logs. Although the structure wavered under his weight, Joel remained calm and focused, trusting in his skills and that strange improvement in his body. 


With determination in his gaze, Joel ventured into the gorge, proceeding cautiously. As he progressed, he encountered a series of natural obstacles that tested his abilities. Broken bridges hung over deep chasms, forcing him to find alternative routes to cross. Slippery rocks blocked his path, demanding precise balance and absolute concentration. 


However, Joel moved with impressive grace and agility. He leaped from rock to rock with the grace of a cat, finding handholds where others would only see danger. Each challenge he faced only seemed to increase his determination with every step, every jump calculated with precision. His parkour training had taught him to adapt to any terrain, and his keen survival instinct kept him alert to any danger. 


Despite the challenges, Joel advanced with confidence. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, fueling his determination to reach his destination. As the sun rose in the sky, casting the gorge in a golden light, Joel felt a sense of victory as he caught sight of the road leading to the city. 


With one final effort, Joel overcame the last obstacle and reached the end of the gorge. He paused for a moment to catch his breath, admiring the view that stretched before him. From his elevated position, he could see the road winding through the countryside, leading him directly toward the city he so eagerly sought to reach. 


With a satisfied smile, Joel surged forward, ready to face whatever lay ahead in the next leg of his journey. With sure and determined steps, he advanced through the gorge until he finally caught sight of the road the merchants had mentioned. 


Joel paused for a moment to catch his breath and admire the landscape. As the night was approaching and he had made considerable progress along the road, he decided to find a place to camp and rest. With a bit of luck, he might come across a cart heading toward the city tomorrow. 


|Day 5| 


On the morning of the following day, feeling refreshed, he set off since he had a few more hours to go, but he could already see the city in the distance. But suddenly, an idea crossed his mind. With a curious expression, he looked at his hands and flexed his muscles, noticing a strange sensation of strength in his body. 


"What if I try this?" he thought to himself with a mischievous smile. 


Joel scanned his surroundings for something to hit and test his newfound strength. His eyes landed on a large tree nearby. Without a second thought, he approached and threw a punch. 


As he struck the tree with considerable force, Joel hoped it would give way a little. However, instead of moving, the tree seemed to defy his strength, unmoved by the blow. 


"Come on, a little more..." Joel murmured, frowning as he concentrated all his strength on the punch. 


Suddenly, he felt something hitting his head, followed by the sound of a *plop*. Joel brought his hands to his head, surprised and a bit dazed, as he looked up. A fruit had fallen from the tree and had hit him directly on the head, leaving him somewhat disoriented. 


"Ouch! That was quite an unexpected hit!" he exclaimed, shaking his head and picking up the fruit from the ground. 


He looked at the tree and noticed a crack that had formed right where he had hit. 


"What? Could it be...? No way!" Joel was surprised, running his hand over the crack. 


Absorbed in the surprise of having cracked the tree, Joel completely forgot about the pain in his hand. However, when he snapped back to reality and felt the pain, he let out a humorous yelp that echoed around. 


"Ow, ow, ow!" he exclaimed, shaking the affected hand as if that could alleviate the pain. "What a silly distraction! I'll have to be more careful with my new strength..." 


He chuckled at his own clumsiness as he massaged his sore hand, aware that although he had gained strength, he still needed to learn to control it properly. He looked around and saw a small animal watching him with curiosity from a nearby bush. 


"I guess this fruit has given me a farewell from the forest," Joel joked, addressing the animal. "But I think you would enjoy it more than me." 


With a smile, Joel tossed the fruit towards the animal, which caught it deftly in the air. It seemed to savor it with delight before darting away into the bushes, leaving Joel laughing at the peculiar situation. 


As he approached the towering walls of the city, Joel felt a tingle of excitement run down his spine. The magnitude of the city impressed him; it was much larger than he had imagined. 


In the distance, he could make out the majestic gates of the city, decorated with elaborate designs that seemed to tell ancient stories. As he got closer, the sound of the city's activity became more evident: voices speaking in different languages, the creaking of carts and wagons, and the constant coming and going of people. 


The sight before Joel was simply spectacular. The huge walls surrounding the city rose imposingly, like protective guardians against the dangers that might lurk outside. Its tall walls were adorned with banners of vivid colors, waving gracefully in the wind and filling the air with an aura of celebration and vitality. 


As Joel approached the majestic gates of the city, he found himself immersed in a scene of bustling activity. Merchants and traders hurried back and forth, transporting their goods from one place to another. Adventurers and warriors prepared to enter the Dungeon, seeking fortune and glory in the depths of its labyrinthine corridors. Citizens of all races and social classes mingled in the streets, each with their own purpose and destination. 


Joel paused for a moment, marveling at the bustling activity around him. The vibrant energy and pulsating life of the city filled him with excitement and anticipation. Taking a deep breath, he mentally prepared himself for what awaited him within those walls. He was determined to immerse himself in this new world and find his place in it. With determination, he took a step forward and crossed the city gates. 




End of Chapter 1 | The Arrival | 

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